Life at Sato Manor {Sweetnothings}

"I know dear, I know. It's just not a rather traditional man in that regard..." the older male replied. Zhao gave a small moan as her lips eagerly kissed at her neck, sending electric pleasure racing down his neck each time. His hands kept firm on her hips and he continued thrusting in and out of Asami's asshole, each thrust quicker and smoother than the last. Zhao leaned in and kissed her again, his cock gradually thickening as he felt the pressure building in his crotch.
Asami just smiled at him. Even if he didn't see eye to eye with some things, he still was the perfect man. She sucked softly on his skin, leaving small love bites. If someone was really was looking for them, they could easily see it. She always appreciated how he still found her beautiful through the months. As he pulled her into another kiss, she lightly tugged on his bottom lip with her teeth. She felt his shaft pulsing, signalling he was close to releasing his seed within her. She groaned softly and closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of his cock deep inside of her.
Ever since their relationship became public knowledge, it seemed Asami had been fairly more open when it came to giving him love bites or the like. Well, it was certainly endearing. Zhao continued jerking and thrusting his hips, breathing hotly into the crook of his lovers neck until finally his cock pulsed and he started spurting thick globs of his spunk into Asami's loosened backside. He held her tight, panting loudly and putting his hand on her pregnant belly "Wow... what a wedding gift..."
It was quite clear Asami was a more open person with their relationship being exclusive now. Every so often she would give him marks that meant he was hers. Anyone who tried to take him would see them. She felt his cock pulsing in her ass until he finally came. She groaned and nuzzled him slightly as his hand rested on her swollen abdomen. She smiled and kissed him softly. "It certainly is."

Five months passed by quickly. They were filled with happiness and joy, welcoming their son, Enlai, in the third month since their marriage. He was a bundle of joy, always smiling and giggling. Asami had been worked over the past two months getting her body back in shape. Today was a day to be by herself. Zhao was with the baby. It was around evening time, and the streets were fairly vacant in the city. She hummed softly as she walked down the sidewalks, holding about three bags on her arms. She smiled at the people who passed by her. It was when she walked past an alley did she get a feeling of being watched. Brushing it off as her nerves, she continued walking while being on edge.
"Ho boy..." Zhao remarked, leaning over Enlai's crib to watch their baby boys cooes and gurgles of delight, those innocent eyes watching his mobile of Earth Kingdom animals rotate above his head "You really are excited about damn near everything aren't you?" He paused when he heard scurrying behind him, one butler bursting into the nursery "Ah, Sir! Master Zhao, a-a package was found at the front gate. You need to see this." Zhao turned, frowning and opening the envelope... and his eyes widened when he read the contents of the letter.

Asami had been kidnapped, taken by vengeful Equalist thugs... he'd need to call in Avatar Korra.
Asami soon felt a hand over her mouth, silencing any noises that started to come out. She inhaled a strong scent and soon found her body slumping against the kidnapper. It didn't take long for her to wake up considering he used a small amount. She groaned as she opened her eyes slowly, squinting at the harsh light. "Oh my God. Where am I?!" She screamed as she pulled at the ropes on her hands. She whimpered, thinking they had Zhao and Enlai. They couldn't. What would they want with them anyway?

"Shh. No need to worry. We sent your husband a letter telling him what we want. After all, you did take out our leader. We want your money. Everything. We want you to waste the rest of your life on the streets like the rest of us. The only person who helped us was your father, and now he's gone because of you. You don't deserve to live, but we're taking measures so we get our money first before killing you," the masked man told her. He grinned and ran a hand over her cheek. "Such a pretty thing..."
Zhao had wasted no time in sending telegrams out to both Air Temple Island and the police Heaquarters, asking for the personal help of both Avatar Korra and Chief Beifong. They even managed to rope in those other two Fire Ferrets to help out in the search. Zhao had insisted on searching with them, leaving a small group of Lin's metalbenders to keep the house safe while the maids and butlers tended to Enlai.

"So they're expecting you to turn over the Sato fortune?" Korra asked, surveying the obvious signs of Satomobile tracks stretchig out of the alley. "Can't do that for obvious reasons," Lin said as she led the other benders down one isolated road in the city, trying to pick up a trail of burnt rubber left lingering in the tar "Never give in to a kidnappers demands." "I'm well aware of that," Zhao grumbled in response "But if it comes to it, I'll give anything to ensure her safety... come on, these tracks have to lead somewhere."
Asami shuddered at the man's hand, yanking her head away from him. "Let go of me, and I'll give you the money. Just don't hurt me okay?" She bargained with him. She saw the contemplating on his face, but then it changed to anger. He raised his hand and slapped her straight across the face. "You shouldn't be trying to talk out of these situations, Mrs. Xu," he sneered. He then reached back and grabbed a rod. It was very familiar to Asami. "Now, I want you to tell me some things..." he started off before jabbing it into her side. Asami let out a scream as the electricity ran through her body. He started asking questions, but she had no answers for them. Each time he jabbed her with the electric rod.

After a while, she whimpered and slumped against the chair she was tied too. She could feel where the ends were. She knew she would end up with some scars. "Please...let me go," she whispered. She started to struggle against the bonds, the ropes digging into her skin, but she didn't care. This time instead of a slap to reprimand her, it was a punch to the jaw. She cried out and threw her head back instinctively, causing the chair to fall over. He untied her and held her up. A hook came down from the ceiling and he slipped her wrists tied together by the rope onto it. Then it started to lift her. She struggled against it while fearful whimpers left her. "Help!" She yelled out, hoping maybe someone would hear her.
Had it not been for Lin Beifong, they likely never would have found out where Asami was being held. She was the pro at this sort of thing, the woman who knew all about kidnappings and could easily follow the trail. Amateurs, obviously. "Here," Lin said, gesturing to the doors of the abandoned structure. Zhao was about to question her, before freezing up when he heard a muffled scream from inside.

He and Korra rushed forward in unison, the Avatar jamming her fist out and launching a gust of wind that smashed the doors clean off their hinges, bowling over a few of the guards. A burst of hellfire burst from Zhao's fist, an explosion that scattered more of the former Equalists. "Give me back my wife!"
Asami was ready to start shrieking if this man did not let her go. She would do anything now. One side of her face was hurting like hell and both of her sides were aching from the shocks. Now she was worried what Zhao would think. She would no longer have the flawless skin he liked. Then again, he married her, so he really couldn't back out over scars. That was one thing she loved about him. He didn't care about her flaws. He was perfect.

Almost right after she had screamed, she saw the door open from a gust of wind from Korra. Never in her life was she so happy to see the Avatar. She closed her eyes and turned her head away when she felt the heat from Zhao. She was still always a little queasy from fire, but she could easily get over it. "Zhao!" She yelled out, managing to slip from the hook. She landed with a thud, but that didn't matter. One of the metal benders came over and helped her out of her ropes. She ran to her husband and threw her arms around him, wincing slightly as she hugged him like her life depended on it.
"Asami..." he whispered, holding her tight while small tears began to fill his eyes. "I'm sorry... I... I let you down. If I... I should have been with you and done my job to keep you safe, and instead..." Zhao breathed out a small sigh, clearly frustrated with himself. Lin was quick to round up the downed group of kidnappers, while Korra placed a hand on her friends shoulder. "You okay? These guys didn't um.... you know?" Her clothes seemed in tact, but those bruises were a worrying sign.
The young woman buried her head in his chest, letting some tears run down her cheeks. Never in her life was she so scared. She listened to Zhao tell her about his mistakes. "Calm down. It's not your fault. I shouldn't have been walking by myself," she murmured, kissing his cheek softly. Despite how short the kidnapping was, it felt like she was held for months without him here. She flinched slightly as Korra walked up to her. She blushed slightly and shook her head. "They didn't do anything. Just a punch and a few shocks to the side," she lifted her shirt up and cringed at the sight of the deep wounds.
Zhao grimaced as he glimpsed his wife's injuries, and inwardly it just made him feel worse. He should've been quicker, should've been there to keep her from being taken. "Come on... you're safe. We just gotta get you to the hospital and get you checked out," he said, slowly leading her from the ruined factory. "You feel free to go on ahead,we'll clean up here," Lin said, her officers moving around to gather up the unconscious criminals.

"Asami... from now on I'll do my best to be both your husband and your bodyguard... ad I swear I won't let anything like this happen to you again."
Asami already felt the pain running through her body. She just hoped he wouldn't let it get in the way of his love. Then again, he did marry her for a reason. She gripped his shirt between her fingers. She never wanted to let him go. Not even again. She nodded meekly before following him out of the run down building. When she was outside, she turned to look at the place where she was held. She shuddered slightly and walked to the awaiting ambulances.

"Zhao...I love you so much. I never want you to go," she turned towards him and hugged him tightly. She heard a baby cooing and turned to see her maid holding Enlai. She gasped and ran to them. She took him into her arms and cradled him, kissing his face affectionately. She smiled softly and walked to Zhao. "I'm just happy I have my family. That's all I could ever wish for, Zhao."

-------------------------End of Roleplay---------------------------​
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