Peace Never Lasts Forever [An AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Even before turning around, Suikoto could hear the hesitation in his voice on her question. And she realized perhaps that may have been just a bit too selfish. So, she would heed his reply. 'Must', in her mind, would tend to refer to if she were around other Hyuugas whom would likely snap at her for forgetting the suffix. After all, she was supposed to be a servant here. Hell, the last thing she should be doing was ... well ... getting so intimate. Even if Neji wasn't from the Main Branch, he had clearly been a vital role to the clan all the same. That had been easy to notice during her talk with Hiashi and the Elder.

When Neji helped her turn and face him, poor Suikoto was still panting slightly. But there was a seemingly out-of-place smile even despite how lewd of an act she had just performed. The gentle guidance from Neji of being placed against the wall, however, said he was far from done. Her heart raced as she stared long and hard into his eyes. She still felt unworthy, as if she were somehow using him. But he had seemed to want this. If nothing else, Suikoto would take his word, trust he wasn't just saying such a thing to please her.

Leaning in, she deepened the kiss while it last, groaning as slight traces of her juices were tasted in his mouth. More and more distance that had been between the two continued to get closed. And finally, he entered inside her sex, removing her barrier.

Her arms grabbed his shoulders as Suikoto clung to him, as if holding onto her life. A muffled cry passed her lips as she gripped her lower lip, a few stray tears mingling in with the water still falling upon the two. But soon, she felt all the agony vanish, replaced by nothing less of bliss. Her eyes closed and head fell against the wall, her grip upon his shoulders loosening.

"Oh fuck.... mmmm ..... " Moving some raven strands of hair away from Neji's face, she leaned down and began lightly teasing, kissing, and nipping at the side of his neck. Every moan and groan that would leave her lips would now echo softly in his ear; something she'd intentionally done. It might be pushing her luck, but she wanted to see if this fueled him on, how he'd react, what he'd do. It only seemed fair to her. Neji had started this so ... it should be him who finished this. She'd help along the way, of course, but it finishing move wouldn't be from her, per se.

Neji lifted up Suikoto's legs. Lifting her hips and spreading her ass slightly as he held her between the tiled walls and his heated body. His cock pounded into Suikoto as he held her suspending her over the shower, as she teased him. Every sensual touch that Suikoto gave him drove him a little more mad, and increased the pressure and heat his body felt like it was under. All the while increasing how viscous his every movement was as his body pushed against hers. His cock going in deeper with each thrust of his hips.

Neji was loving the contact of Suikoto's skin, the feeling of her breasts against his chest, as she fuled him, and teased him with her body. His nails dug into her ass cheeks as he kept her held up above the ground. He enjoyed her every touch the smoothness of her skin, and everything he did with her.

Neji felt better then he had in a long time, there was lustful enjoyment, and something sensual too all of this, and in truth he couldn't really think of a better woman for which to do something like this with. Suikoto had matched him well, and she looked great with her hair and body wet. It didn't even cross his mind that she was a look alike of his clan, rather everything about these moments just felt right.

Neji bit his lip suppressing his panting moans for a moment before he let out his own low moan of pleasure, taking enjoyment in this as Suikoto drove him forward and he tried his best to return every second of it, lifting and spreading her legs apart so that she was compleatly supported by just his strength and the wall. Her feet suspended as it gave him a good view of her body, and allowed him to grind his member against her inner walls. Making sure that his cock, slapped wetly against her with each thrust, thanks to not only her own juices but the water of the shower. Each thrust making a sound somehow more lewd then the next.

"Mmm Suikoto." His voice was almost half dazed as he honestly couldn't believe what he was getting away with at this moment, his eyes watched her face trying too see what she was enjoying, and what she wasn't, but her face, and his for that matter seemed to be locked in pure pleasure. Leaning back slightly his hands clawed her backside.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Gods sakes, what are you doing? Hell, what is he doing? Why?

If this was a dream, she didn't wish to wake up. Worse than that, if this was only out of lust .... she'd cheat and make her hymen regrow after this. But if this was genuine, as long as this wasn't the last time they'd be like this, Suikoto was otherwise more than content. So it was selfish, very much so. But few people she'd known liked the concept of sharing lovers. And while they hadn't made themselves official verbally .. actions did speak louder than words as the old saying went. So she was assuming this to be a very unorthodox way of saying he wanted to court her; albeit they had skipped most of those steps. Ah well. He was still showing .. some sort of emotion behind this all.

Hopefully it was something along the right lines going through her mind.

"Ah .. hah ... ohhhh .... "

As her body got moved and held firmly against the wall of the shower, Suikoto shook slightly. She'd assumed Neji to be strong but to this degree? She'd never known. Well, he probably was one of the last people to worry about. But still, she wouldn't completely avoid fretting for his life and eyes. His was the one with the bloodline Kumo was technically seeking out. Suikoto was just a victim of mistaken identity.

Each beat of his heart that she could feel with her lips against his neck signaled that with each passing moment, Neji was getting more and more into the acts. Thus, it meant her stimulation and teasing was paying off and working.

"Mmmm ... "

Her moans began to increase in frequency and volume, her nips getting slightly harsher and more constant. At most, they teased to break skin but never actually did so.

Neji would note that aside from being slightly taken aback via the bold actions, her body had never otherwise reacted in a negative way. Every touch he gave her, every time he thrust up into her, it made her groan or moan, sometimes both. Even his hands that teased her backside was getting her more drenched, coating every inch of his shaft as anticipation increased within the former Iwagakure ninja.

He'd also be able to feel her close to yet another orgasm, signaled by the tremors her body would give from everything she was getting and giving.

"So good ... " She finally whispered after hearing her name getting moaned out. "Please ... don't stop. Not yet." It was another selfish desire, she knew. But this was likely one that Neji would more than eagerly comply and obey with listening to.

Neji had no intentions of stopping even as Suikoto spoke out for him to not stop he was all too ready to continue. Maybe it was selfish of him to have started this without ever really thinking as to Suikoto's wanting or desires. Her body had never struggled against him, but there had been plenty of hesitation to her. Neji had never even given thought to what this would have meant for the future, he had been so caught up in the moment, and he was still very much stuck in that feeling of time being endless.

Neji's movements only seemed to become more agressive, as he felt just how wet she was. It was amazing how good Suikoto felt against his skin, and as he thrusted against her body, his knee clipped the shower, turning off the flow of water leaving the room filled with steam, and heat, but no longer was there a steady flow of hot rain, and that only seemed to help Neji as he moaned loudly into Suikoto's ear. He was panting heavily both from holding up suikoto, and the general feeling he got every time his cock press against her inner walls.

Neji was getting close, his body felt like it was on fire, and there was a heavy sensation of pressure running through him. "Oh, Suikoto, mmmm." Neji's mind was too clustered to even really string together his sentences. He was very clearly lost in the actions as he moved trying his hardest to increase every sensation running through them both. As his cock pounded her, he let out hard panting moans. He was enjoying this moment, and at the same time he wanted Suikoto to enjoy it more, he was addicted to the panting moans she made, along with her screams.

Neji licked Suikoto's neck, biting down on her skin and tasting her flesh he didn't do it hard enough to break the skin but rather return the pressure she had been applying to his body, all in the hopes of making her scream again, he wanted too see how many times he could make her orgasim, but at the same time could feel his own on fast approach. The more he did this, the more time he spent inside Suikoto the more he felt like this wasn't going to be a one time thing. Maybe it was just optimistic thinking, but he was enjoying her far too much to let her slip from his grasp.

"I'm close." Neji said in a low burst of adrenaline suddenly realizing how close he was to cumming himself. Part of him wanted to ask what he should do with it, should he just cum inside Suikoto? Or was she unsafe? He honestly didn't know what he was about to do, but he wasn't sure how to ask. "I'm gonna cum."
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Poor Suikoto was still a tad amazed, astonished on what was happening. But most of those feelings had been far replaced with bliss and desire. The change in temperature made a loud gasp and cry leave as some of her own body got hit with the new water. "Ahhhh!" Her head tossed back as far as it could, her tremors increasing even more in power. Did he even have his eyes activated? Regardless .. oh dear gods this was incredible. Her legs wrapped around Neji's waist as she held onto his shoulders for support. The mix of him keeping her hips mostly steady plus the new up and down movements as she began to ride him made her groan in his ear.

"Oh ... oh yes ... ahhhh .... "

She could feel herself helping Neji bury his shaft deeper, further into her now very wanting pussy. Her muscles wrapped and gently caressed around his cock, the feeling of him continuing to try to embed himself up to the hilt even making her whine every now and again. "So good.... oooohhh .... " Her eyes closed as she enjoyed the acts, the last slither of caring on what they were doing finally vanishing. "Yes, yes ... ngh ... "

A loud gasp left as he copied her and began nipping along her neck. "Oh... oh gods ...!!" Her body tensed up and before she could prepare herself, Suikoto came hard, panting into his ear. Her grip on his shoulders tightened slightly as she feared falling from him. Her eyes slowly opened as she heard him speak, the last set of words especially grabbing her attention.

"I'm gonna cum."

She should have spoken up and protested for him not to. But ... there was some part of the former Iwa kunoichi that was far too curious for her own good. Giving his ear a gentle tug, she then whispered in it.

"Go on. I want you ... I have since we met. Don't hold back ... "

Her cheeks darkened more, the heat from the shower assisting out at her own confession. So it was shameless .. but it was the truth. She'd found him to be incredibly attractive. And while the living arrangement would provide an array of challenges on how they were going to keep this hush-hush from the others, it clearly wasn't impossible.

"Ahh ... goddamn ... again .... ahhhhhh!"

Her body tensed up as another orgasm joined her second one which hadn't even ceased yet. The power of the two mixing together made her scream in delight as her body convulsed wildly. She'd never thought such a sensation existed. But now that she knew of it .. she didn't want it to end so easily.

Neji took no more convincing then Suikoto's words that she had wanted this from the moment the two had met. In truth Neji had also wondered about putting her in this kind of situation, but feeling not one, but two additional orgasms rip through the woman was more then enough proof to show that she wanted it, and with her body shivering and wrapped around him, he could hardly do anything more but to ravage her as she wanted. His hands practically clawed into her back side, his nails digging into her ass while he held her up against the wall. His member the deepest inside her he had been all night when he finally felt the pressure build up and his member release his hot cum into her trembling pussy.

Neji's breath was little more then panting trying to catch up with himself as he leaned down and turned off the water, his cock still deep inside her as her body tightened around him and squeezed out every last drop of cum of inside her. His shaft was covered in juices both hers and his, and he felt more content then he had in months. Breathing heavily he looked up at the ceiling at the same time as he lowered her and withdrew from her body. He felt a heavy sense of release, his body relaxed as he leaned against the tiles of the shower. With how loud her screams were he had to wonder if the two had awoken anyone else? It seemed very unlikely considering they actually had an apartment with rather thick walls now instead of the hyuuga estate which had mostly had rice paper for walling on the interior, and old wood for the exterior.

Breathing he looked at Suikoto for a moment his legs felt kind of weak both from his violent release of cum and sexual energy, and the fact that he had been carrying her weight. "mmm that was amazing." He said seeing how drenched he was with her juices, and smiled getting one last idea. He paused for a moment wondering if he should just order her after all that had happened in the last few moments it seemed proper. Looking at Suikoto for a moment he smiled, "lick it off." His tone was rather playful even as he gave his order it was clear that he wasn't really comfortable with being in charge of Suikoto. He hated that she wanted to call him Sama, even after all of this he didn't see her as his personal servant so when the order left his lips it was accompanied with a small blush across his face.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Her own heavy pants had strengthened and by the time Neji finally withdrew, she was struggling to regain both oxygen and composure. "Oh fuck ... mmm ...." Her head bowed as she let her own eyes close, afterglow covering the young girl. So many things that Suikoto never dared to think would ever happen to her had done so; and all in a matter of days. Some had been great, others not so much. Tonight, however, was definitely one of the best nights of her life. It had all been a bit faster than she'd thought but ... the hell with it. It had been consensual at least. And given most of the Kumo nin had threatened to just ... do the exact opposite, she wouldn't complain.

While her own mind had worried of anyone hearing Neji, she'd come to the conclusion that the answer was no. Why? Simple. Even if the members of this clan did have the ability to see through walls, she personally would have had to view the act for herself. It was like the old saying went, after all. Seeing is believing. And with how obedient and stoic Neji had seemed, even she would have had a difficult time believing he'd just done that if had been a member of the Hyuuga clan. By blood, of course. She was one and yet not.

Her head gave a weak nod and slowly, her own eyes opened up. "Gods yes, it was." Her own blush painted her cheeks upon hearing the order. Suikoto was curious if it had just been done out of instinct or whether he'd taken the role up, even if only slightly. But .. she didn't care nor would push for him to choose one route over the other. Moving her hair out of the way first, she crawled in front of Neji and opened her mouth. Her tongue began slowly licking and cleaning his shaft off, sighing softly as she tasted a mix of her own and Neji's juices. When the last bit was cleaned off, she stood up and got to her feet.

"... Neji? That ... isn't the last time ... " Her head shook, realizing the words were coming out incorrectly. "I know it's selfish; but I don't want that to be the last time we do this." That was .. better. Not perfect, but much better than how it'd nearly turned out. Her own white orbs glanced back at the ones across from her as she waited for his reply, restraining from trembling in front of him.

Neji let out a soft moan as he felt Suikoto's tongue slowly cleaning his member, and watched the faces she made as she cleaned him. There was an odd pleasure to the amount of control he had over the situation. He enjoyed watching her, it was slightly like she was spell bound to obey him. He shook that thought away fairly quickly, but when she stood up what caught his eyes the most was her natural after glow, and the beauty of her. He took her in for a moment almost passing over what she said at first, before he noticed that she was trembling. And realized that she was actually asking if this would be regular or just some sort of lust filled one time thing.

Neji let out a slow sigh as he released some of the hidden tension that he had been holding inside of him. He had been struggling with his actions tonight trying to figure out if he had made the correct choice or not, but seeing Suikoto like this, in all her glory, as soaked, and basking in the afterglow as she was. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close into a warm, gentle embrace before kissing her lightly on the lips. He held her for a moment as he tried to find his own voice seeing her as he did now.

"It won't be the last Sui-chan." He said creating a small pet name for her on the spot, not really sure if he was going to keep it or not. Maybe he would keep it but just between the two of them, in places no one else would ever hear about them or find them using it. Tonight had been wonderful, and part of him knew that if he stayed with Suikoto he would have more encounters like these. "I need you with me, Now perhaps more then before." His voice trembled slightly as he rested hiss head against her for head, his eyes looking into hers and basking in her after glow. His own skin glowing slightly from all that had happened.

"If you wouldn't mind, maybe you would consider... Sharing my bed?" Neji's voice seemed embarrassed to even ask. He had taken her so easily because he hadn't asked, and yet everything had been so consensual. Few things ever worked out like that, and he had enjoyed every second of all they had shared together. Neji caressed Suikoto's back for a moment his fingers drawing lines up and down her spine as he stood in front of her. Love or not, he felt connected after all that they had been through together in that short time.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

For a few brief moments, Suikoto feared she had said something to upset him. That had been the original meaning of her wrist being taken. But thankfully, she was given an embrace and then kiss, signaling that if anything, Neji was trying to reassure her. A soft sigh of relief left as the kiss broke. Her head gently fell upon his shoulder as she returned the hug, not wanting to move away just yet. Remaining silent, she paid careful attention to each and every word he said. They all made her smile, even the nickname he had designated to use for her. Even if it did wind up just being temporary, that was fine with her.

"Thank you." She replied softly, her hands beginning to get stable once again. "I ... I'm truly honored to hear that. It means so much." Her head slowly glanced around, the slight fear of them having somehow been heard or seen flooding through her head. "But .. when do we tell at least your uncle? I mean ... it shouldn't - nor can't, I doubt - be hidden forever. So ... what do we do in that regard?"

It was a bit shocking to hear Neji tremble. He seemed so much stronger than herself; physically and emotionally. But the events must have really taken him more aback then he wanted to admit if he was sounding like that. Her right hand raised and began slowly moving through his long raven locks, hoping to reassure him she didn't intend on going anywhere.

A proud and content nod left upon hearing the last question. "I'd love to." She replied, not even hesitating on her reply. "I can't imagine many other places I'd rather be than beside you, honestly." She added. He was being honest with her. So it only seemed fair that Suikoto return that generosity back. Now more from the cold than anything, she shivered slightly once again. "Maybe ... we should get dried up though so we can work on that?" She teased. The physical exhaustion had finally given her enough incentive to at least attempt sleep, as did the thought of being able to be beside Neji. And the knowledge it wouldn't be just for tonight made the images and thoughts all the more sweeter to the look alike.

Neji gave a small smile, as he shook his head. "My uncle holds much power over this clan, However it is not the place of the main branch to decide who the branch family sleeps with. If I were someone who had the chance to inherit the clan, or someone who wasn't already branded and sorted then maybe our relationship would matter, but as it is as long as I can perform my duties as the clans guardian then I have the full right to do what ever, and who ever I please." Neji said regaining some of his strength.

It had taken a while to realize that she was just as okay with his confession as he was, but now that everything was out in the open air he felt much better. Neji was glad to have Suikoto by his side, and for a moment everything seemed as simple as he was willing to make it out to be. He was happy to just be with Suikoto and hold her in his arms, nothing else was better or more simple than that. Even as he eventually did break off the hug it was only so that he could pass her a towel and take one for his own. Drying his long hair and giving a loud yawn.

"For now it doesn't matter. Hiashi will be much more focused on the inheritance of the clan. With the elder dead, Hiashi just became the new elder, which means his time as the front man of the clan is over. He will have to go into retirement, but that means that the matter of succession will be spoken of a lot in the coming days. His mind will be to focused on Hanabi, and Hinata to give any real indications or thought to us. He could delay it for a year or two, but in the end tradition will force his hand, and if it doesn't." He shuddered to think at what would happen next if Hiashi were to die without properly naming or choosing a successor. It would become an internal struggle, and the people who would take the matter out on each other would be his two cousins. If Hanabi became the leader of the clan than Hinata would be dropped down to his status, and Neji wasn't at all sure how Hanabi would use the power she would be given. If they weren't careful now it would be the end of the Hyuuga legacy.

Once they were both dry he smiled leaning in to kiss her again as he walked towards the bedroom not bothering with his clothing. "Coming to sleep then?" He said lightly. If Hiashi were to die without the matter being officially settled it would cause a lot of chaos, but at the same time the matter of succession would be handled internally. The clan would have to hold a vote as to who their leader would be between Hinata and Hanabi... it was a dark thought but it would give them a slight advantage. Neji shook such thoughts out of his mind for now he just enjoyed the after glow as he walked towards their new bedroom and opened the door as he crawled into bed he waited for Suikoto to join him.

Hissori awoke his skin was on fire the world around was blurred, though not completely black jumping out of his bed he ran as he fast as his body could carry him and hit the toilet crutching over it he released the contents of his stomach as he upchucked hard several times. The poison had worked it's way through the system, for the most part. His head hurt, and he needed water, getting up he walked to the mirror looking at himself for a moment. His eyes hurt, and he had to focus hard to see anything that wasn't distorted, even when he could see the world around him was contorted and wrong. Images both nightmarish and helish swam through his vision as his body tried to reconstruct his vision, and purge himself of the infection. The rifts played tricks on his eyes however making long and short near and far seem constantly distorted. Even as he drew water from the tap he had to use one hand to keep himself steady. Part of him was hoping he hadn't woken hinata up, the other part of him couldn't even start to focus his eyes.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

There did seem to be one good thing of the recent chaos. It'd keep Hiashi busy long enough, or so Neji thought. She'd trust his word. He knew the clan and how it functioned far better than herself. A slow nod left her head as she enjoyed being close for a bit longer before finally, he stepped out and began drying himself off. Her hands unwrapped from around him to better accept the towel and while she was getting her skin and hair dry, Suikoto took the opportunity to admire Neji. Her smile widened and cheeks darkened at the same time. "I .. don't see many guys with longer hair. But it suits you really well, truthfully." She added, stretching back slightly after hanging the towel back up.

Her hand had contemplated grabbing the robe .. but decided against it. She'd just let Neji see her nude and soon fuck her. She could afford to sleep without clothing for tonight, at least. As long as ... that made her frown slightly. Did this place even have a spare wardrobe? She had to at least have something on during her meeting with the Hokage, even if only a robe. Though it'd be highly preferable to have an actual outfit. Her mind mentally pushed the thoughts aside, deciding to worry more on it when the morning actually arrived.

"Mhm, I am." She finally replied, realizing she'd gotten lost in her thoughts while still in the bathroom. As she re-entered the bedroom, she found Neji had copied her thoughts and ignored his own clothing also. Her cheeks burned just a bit more as she joined him, letting the only easy hint give away on what they'd just done be the sight of a bare shoulder over the covers. A more calm breath left Suikoto's lips as her eyes closed again, her body steadily relaxing against Neji's. "Sleep well ... " She murmured softly, her arms wrapping gently around him once again.

It hadn't been from Hissori. But alas, poor Hinata had woken up all the same. It felt like a crime to sleep when her house and grandfather had been taken away from her. Even though she hadn't actually seen the devastation happen, it had haunted her in the form of a nightmare, which made her wake up with a start. Soft pants left her lips before her head found the pillow again. When her head turned and she didn't immediately see Hissori lying down, a bit of panic overtook her .. before she heard the cues on where he was and why.

It made her cringe then sigh softly. "... Sorry ... " She murmured, glancing back to the syringe before toward the bathroom. "Do ... you want me to just try to see if it's the correct thing or not anyways? Or do you still want to wait?"

While waiting for his answer, her mind let her recall everything which had happened. And that steadily included her own cousin's confession. Her head lowered .. and she felt the same sensation of being emotionally torn dominate her once again. The addition of needing to figure out her stance on how she'd felt of hurting Hanabi did little - no, nothing at all - to help out. Another sigh left her lips.

Hopefully the others were doing ... well enough, considering the circumstances.

Neji's arms wrapped around Suikoto. Enjoying the sensation of holding her nude form against his. It was something he could grow to enjoy and definatly would come to appreciate in the going days. Closing his eyes as he laid on his back his arm went under Suikoto's neck allowing her to easily use him as pillow if she so wanted, closing his eyes he felt tired now. Everything that had happened, and the addition of ravaging Suikoto's body had made his body and mind rather content. Drifting off slowly into the world of sleep and dreams he mumbled a fond good night to suikoto.

Hissori's head pounded as he drank water. The clean fluids helped restore some balance to his mind, and body, but it was clear that even now damage was being done to him. His eyes were constantly trying to adjust as his body attacked and reacted to to the poison flowing through him, and he paused when he saw Hinata' her features scrambling, elongating and shortening as he looked at her before slowly closing his eyes, and wishing he was blind, as a wave of nausea passed him over.

Holding out his hands he almost collapsed ontop of Hinata using her shoulders to steady himself. Realizing that she still hadn't really gotten dressed. If he were feeling better he might have had some kind of answer to that, however as it was he was just feeling ill. "Hinata..." He paused for a moment thinking of a way to deal with this problem. She offered the anti venom but it was already too late for that. His body was working through the poison slowly but surely, an anti venom would have a chance at worsening his condition right now.

"I have a request...." He said lightly, steadying himself and getting to his feet. Breathing slowly he thought of a way to best phrase his request. "First off if you could check my back to see if I have stopped bleeding that would be great, and if I have stopped bleading, then I need you too hit the points closest too the wound. Restrict blood and chakra in and out of the wound. My body can burn the poison, but it will be able to do it that much faster if you thin my blood using your byakugan. Oh..." He paused for a moment. "It is kind of close to my heart so if you could just kind of avoid the chakra and blood veins that connect to that part... that would probably kill me."

Sure enough his back shoulder had stopped bleeding, but it would be up to Hinata to do the rest of his request. It wasn't easy, the wound ran close too one or two important veins, her eye sight would need to be at it's best for her to not end up crippling him, if she even could.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Since Neji had offered, she more than eagerly accepted to use his chest as a pillow. Her head nuzzled lightly against him as her eyes closed. Her mind did a brief rewind, thinking of all that had happened today. It felt almost .. surreal. Sure, there were some more horrid events. But the ones that had occurred and were more positive .. those were the ones that had gone through Suikoto's mind the most. And it made her smile subconsciously widen. Her own weak "Good night" passed her lips before she joined her new lover in a peaceful slumber. For one of the few times since escaping Kumo, said nation didn't haunt her sleep with nightmares. It was a very nice and needed change of pace.

The feeling of a bare shoulder - to both Hinata and Hissori - would indicate that she had wound up going to sleep in just the towel. In the midst of the tragic news, she'd completely forgotten to bother grabbing a new outfit. And even now with him so close and remembering his confession, Hinata didn't feel as much shame as she should have. Why not? It was an intriguing thought. But even still, there was a request given to her. She bit on her lower lip, already unsure of it. If he was pretty certain it was near his heart .. why? Why was he asking such a favor?

".. I'll see... " She murmured as she activated her eyes, glancing at Hissori's body as she quietly began to study. "It .. it has stopped, yes. But ... it's like you said. It's really close." Her head shook no. "That's .... that's not fair. I can't just ... no. I'm not that cold-hearted. I can't take that risk."

And finally, she had kinda figured out how to respond to her father. In Hanabi's case, it really was a mix of yes and no. That may seem like cheating .. but she stood by her logic. The fact it had nearly been her own sister did make Hinata cringe and sick with herself. On the other hand, she had been trained for such scenarios. She should have known better. So it was a conflicted reply, with Hinata being adamant on both sides of the coin as it were.

"I'm sorry ... " She repeated, knowing this sounded incredibly selfish. And especially if it did work ... she would only prolong his suffering. But her mind was thinking more on the if it failed to work .. and what was sending shivers down her spine.

Hissori let out a low sigh as Hinata said no to his idea. she was right to, there was a risk to it, but at the same time with the pain he was in, and the world as messed up as it was, he was pretty sure that the request made sense in his own mind. Still he nodded knowing that his idea was selfish, as it probably would have hurt him one way or the other. Leaning back against the wall for support as the world continued to feel like it was spinning around him he slowly managed to open his eyes. The world was still messed up to his eyes, with the constant sense of virtigo poisoning his vision.

Still he tried his best to focus on just Hinata. and block out the rest of the world, and after a few minutes this actually seemed to pay off as the world started to become significantly less blurry as he looked at her standing in front of him with just a towel on. If he didn't feel like his head was about to roll of his head then he would probably have been blushing just seeing her like this, as it was however honestly he didn't even care if she had taken off the towel. The pain was too much to focus on anything else.

"Okay new idea then." Hissori tried to walk his foot however slipped as he fell forward his hand reaching out to grab something anything to try and steady himself instead only managed to grab the towel as he fell down he not only fell ontop of Hinata but also managed to remove the towel as his legs gave out and he was suddenly on top of her. "... That was not... the plan."
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

The more Hissori moved around, the more Hinata knew she had made the right choice. He could barely move around as it was. If she had tried to go through with his idea .. it'd only get worse from there. Even if he lived ... no. She didn't want to begin to contemplate on that. She wasn't sorry for finally standing up to Hanabi despite how violent her outburst had indeed been. But she would never - intentionally - go as far as wishing to take anyone's life. Not unless it was needed, like in the case of their assailant. And even then, that was like a major coin toss. Sure, she had the bloodline to take a life. But the mindset? Again, not lest it was a very major and last resort.

"Here let me help -- " That was as far as she got before Hissori began to move and find something for support. She'd moved and closed the gaps between them; or tried to. It kinda worked but definitely not in the way Hinata would have preferred. For a while, she stayed on her back. She'd never felt another body on hers before. There had been quite a few new things as of late, in fact, that she was being introduced to. And the warmth was a nice feeling. In fact, it was welcomed. But .. with her not having begun to figure that verdict out - how to take his confession or not - it was enough to make her gently help him onto his back and off of her.

"What .. did you have in mind?" She inquired, standing up and beginning to get dressed in actual clothes now. If he was going to walk around half-blind, she wouldn't lash at him for an accident. That had been one, right? As far as she could tell, the answer was yes. But she needed to be decent. And now that she was done with the shocked reaction from the news, she tried to go back to her more usually calm and thinking mindset. It wasn't as good as Neji's or even Shikamaru's - a person she only thought of due to him having the highest IQ in Konoha - but it was something. And she had been able to prove herself time and time again in the logic department.

While waiting for Hissori's answer, her own head began racing and trying to think. The only option almost seemed like trying to see if Tsunade was indeed here. She didn't like the thought knowing that their assailants had traced them here. But then .. Neji and everyone else had gotten ambushed too, with the former Elder dying actually. It disheartened Hinata to think that maybe .. nowhere was safe. Alas, though, it did indeed seem to be the case.

Hissori blushed lightly when he felt Hinata under him. It had been an accident but that didn't mean he really regretted it. With her help he got up slowly working on his balance. Before finally giving up on using his eyes at all. going back to his bag as Hinata got dressed he tossed a blineaddfold over his eyes. For now it would help just keep him steady as he no longer had the conflicting light. "We find a doctor, either the Tsunade is here, or they have their own people who practice medicine, either one would be able to help us." He said lightly giving her the plan he was trying to say earlier.

He waited until he knew Hinata was dressed, using her like a guide so that he didn't get lost. It was the first breaking lights of early morning. The storm that had raged through most of the night was over, and the above light was a strange mix of the dawn's early golden hue, and the night's retreating dark blue. It was peaceful, and kind of tranquil even in this robust town. As the two of them walked Hissori could feel the cold due of morning, just because it was early summer didn't mean everything was warm.

He was blind for now, but that didn't mean he had to be senseless. Hissori kept his ears alert. He didn't think that the world was a safe place, but if there had been more then one assassin they would have taken them both when Hissori and Hinata had been sleeping. Hinata because she had only been in a towel, and Hissori because he was blind and in pain for most of the night. As it was now they were more capable of defending themselves, and far less vulnerable so for an assassin to choose now to strike would be odd to say the least. Besides he was awake now, and though he was blind he would still do his best to die for Hinata if he needed too... it would honestly be far less awkward then her continued silence.

Hissori had tried not to let it affect him, to push the personal aside and remain professional. Even as they looked for a woman who honestly no one had seen had since Naruto had became the sixth Hokage, and she had finally been allowed to retire in peace. This had been the town she had gone to the first time she had retired, and there were rumors that she had set up some kind of doctors practice in the area, but he relied on Hinata for finding it. Hinata bugged him, but he didn't want to bring it up. Hissori had said that he would give her time to figgure everything out, and besides did he really want an answer while he couldn't see anything?
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Waiting for Hissori to get everything ready and hold on her shoulder, Hinata began leading him out the door and into the town. She'd speak up every now and again to warn of things like incoming steps or if he needed to move a certain direction to avoid an obstacle. None were anything major, of course, but she still didn't want him getting hurt anymore. Needless to say, the walk was so very awkward. She could hear whispers around them all and even without hearing the words, it was easy to assume why. No other clan had natural light violet eyes like the Hyuugas. So the sight of one leading a blindfolded individual? Yeah, it seemed to be a big deal to these people, not caring whether Hissori was from her own clan or not.

It made her want to break into a run but she didn't. She'd see this the entire walk through. Besides, it wasn't really as taboo as people made it sound like. No, they were just making stupid assumptions .. right? What was the true taboo was knowing the man behind her had confessed to her and viewed the Hyuuga as more than his cousin. Her head bowed as she felt incredibly slow and horrible for not having made up her mind.

And while many would comfort her with something along the lines of 'It takes time' .... she hadn't needed any to know of her feelings for Naruto. No, she'd used pure desire and instincts. Now though those were gone and shattered like a broken mirror. She felt like Hissori at least deserved an answer before they left tomorrow. But she had no idea if one could be figured out. More guilt swam through Hinata but she tried desperately to shove it away and not think of it for now.

It faded, thankfully, but only as a dawning hit her. She was lost and getting nowhere. Sighing softly, she swallowed her pride and began asking people on if Tsunade resided here or not. It began to seem as if it were a lost cause. Most people looked at her odd, not recognizing the name or told her to go away. Her shame and guilt had began to increase before finally, a tap on her shoulder made Hinata stop and turn.

"It's been a while ... "

It had indeed been a number of years but sure enough, behind her, was the former Fifth Hokage. She offered a small smile to Hinata before walking in front of them and beginning to lead the two away. "My apologies. The people here can be a bit ... harsh. We can discuss medical details when we arrive."

After another few moments of walking, Hissori would hear a door open and then feel Hinata guide him inside. Once the two were inside, she knelt before Hissori and sighed softly at the sight. "So .. what happened?" She inquired.

After they were lead inside a building Hissori could hear the fifth hokage's voice. So they had called it correctly. Hissori let out a sigh that he didn't even realize he had been holding in, as suddenly his body relaxed feeling far less tense then usual. Taking off the blind fold he opened his eyes feeling the sensation of sickness and virtigo, but his normally violet eyes were discolored, and there was very clearly damage left by the poison in his system. His vision was blurred to blackness near the edges, almost like a fire thick fire of darkness was upon his eyes.

"We were attacked while at the hot springs, his arrow was laced with a poison, and I got hit in the shoulder. We patched me up to the best of our ability, but my eyes hardly work, and when they are open every part of me just feels sick." He said lightly Taking a seat where ever he could, and letting Tsunade do what ever she needed too in order to survey the damage. Even going so far as to take off his shirt and show her where the arrow had hit him.

His shoulder had survived, though the muscle and arrea around the hole was inflamed. his body was still working through the poison, and though the wound wasn't infected yet there little patch job had only delayed infection and other problems. If anything he was lucky to have found her when they did. Though in truth Hissori hardly felt lucky, just relieved that they had finally found a healer capable of dealing with this. It was enough to hug the old woman, and he did mean old, dispite her looks she must have been pushing up around 50, of course he didn't say anything to that matter, but he always wondered how she managed it.

"In truth it feels like my body has been killing me." Hissori said joking however to Tsunade's eyes this poison most certainly had been eating away at his body and eyes. The temporary blindness had damaged him, and there was still plenty of the poison still in him that while not a leathal dose, it was close. His body was handling the infection well, but the sickness wasn't purging, rather his body slowly loosing to it.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

An eyebrow couldn't help but raise from Tsunade. "Attacked? Here? Slightly odd choice. This location isn't known for many ambushes usually. Did you figure the culprit out or at least where they were from?" She inquired, studying Hissori's eyes from every possible angle. Her fists clenched as Hinata spoke up.

"Kumogakure ... "

"... What in the hell are they thinking?! Damnit ... " She sighed, clearly infuriated. "This was supposed to have been taken care of years ago. They're ... " She then halted, realizing what was making her angry. It wasn't just the news of the attack. No, her mindset had temporarily gone back as if she were Hokage. But then it dawned on her. She hadn't been anymore. And slowly, she began to regret more and more having handed it over so quickly to Naruto. Many had tried to insist she could still lead, still continue to be Hokage after the last major war. But she'd feared her lifespan, having had a close call with Death herself. So for her own health reasons, she left.

"... Do either of you know if Naruto is doing anything of this?" She asked, beginning to concentrate and extract what remained of the venom out of Hissori's eyes and systems. Over the years, she'd developed quite the immunity to poisons. After all, one of her former best friends had specialized in them. So she got used to them after a while.

"I'm ... assuming so, yes. In fact, I'm pretty certain. The same set of attacks happened back in Konoha against Neji and the others." And if he wasn't, especially after their manor and Elder had been lost... it made her shake in anger to think of. For now, though, she had kept Suikoto out of the talk. If it was necessary to bring it up, she would. But until then, she knew the poor girl was being desperately sought out much like herself. She didn't doubt Tsunade .. but she didn't wish for the wrong set of ears to overhear of her presence in the clan.

A weary sigh left Tsunade's lips as her head shook. ".... I'm sorry to hear that." She replied, her hands staying gently but securely over the eyes as she continued to work on aiding Hissori out.

"No offense to Naruto but he hasn't exactly been the best leader." Hissori spoke bluntly, but this time it wasn't out of the jealiousy he felt towards the man that had Hinata's affections. Naruto had not made the best Hokage, and in truth he probably never would have. He had been far to neive as to the actual details of the job, and when he finally had the position he had been left alone. The naruto of this world had become paranoid, and Hissori could see why. The job had gotten to him spooked him in some way.

Hissori closed his eyes as Tsunade worked on him, Trying his best to relax and allow the experienced medical ninja to take control over his body and immune system it was hard to trust her, but at the same time she was a talented surgeon and the best person for this job. Hissori couldn't have been in better hands when it came to dealing with poisons they were practically her bread and butter but at the same time he did still feel nervous about it.

"Naruto shut down, he's not his young optimistic self anymore. Something... affected him, and nowadays he doesn't even deal with people face to face. From what I know he uses four or five ANBU he can trust and locks out everyone but Sakura." There was no secret as to what affected him, nearing the end of the war all of the konoha nine had spoken out against the other factor in the war, the last Uchiha, Hissori had not been privy to the conversation it had been before his time really, and yet everyone knew that the village couldn't have found a way to save someone like Sasuke.

He had chosen a fate not unlike that of Orochimaru's and Naruto had been the one person to stand out from the crowed, and try to save a friend. In the end though the war had claimed many more lives then just that one, and Naruto was slapped hard with a reality he hated. Hissori could understand the paranoia, but a good Hokage Naruto did not make. "I'm sure that he will deal with this, he has never been one to allow his friends to be hurt, I'm just not sure how he can, Honestly at this point it feels less like a Konoha matter, and more like a family matter."

If not reason to start another war, and maybe that was what Kumo wanted. They and Kiri both had receded from the world, and after all was said and done, the age of the tailed beasts was over, the beasts were gone, the only one left was the Kyubii which was inside Naruto, that combined with the fact that some how Konoha had come back quickly after the war and became the largest powerhouse in the world, kind of put the target on their heads. It was a new age, maybe there was some kind of plot, Or maybe Hissori had a healthy dose of paranoia as well who knew.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

It pained Hinata to hear Hissori's words. But the more she thought on them, the more they began to show just how accurate they were. His attitude had changed and not in the more better way. In fact, things had gone for the worse since the war ended. Everything had just seemed to be too much for him to handle. But he never dared admit it to anyone and tried to swallow his pride. Naruto had wanted the role of Hokage for years but it seemed he truly began to understand it's true main purpose. It wasn't only paperwork, mind you, but that was a good majority of it. Her head bowed slightly as she let Tsunade continue to work.

"..." Tsunade's head shook as a clearly irked sigh left her lips. "I thought I taught him better than that." She muttered. "Well ... of all the things I can or can't do, reversing time, unfortunately, is one. I thought he'd be ready; gods knew he continued to pester for it. But ... damnit. Try to keep yourself relaxed. It'll make this go smoother." She could do it regardless but if he began to make an attempt, he'd feel what Tsunade meant. The venom would be leaving much quicker, as if water exiting a faucet. But much like the situation with Konoha, it was something she couldn't completely control. The medical woman could encourage ... but that was about it.

Hinata glanced quietly at Hissori as his eyes continued to get worked on. His thoughts had repeated in her own head a few more times over as she went back to her own. She remembered inwardly lecturing herself that maybe she should make a change. But what this the right one? To allow her cousin to be more than a relative? It wasn't the worst and technically, it had been a tradition within the Hyuuga and Uchiha clan for years. She'd just be re-introducing something which not everyone followed nowadays. Would that honestly be so bad? Part of her said yes, the other no.

Regardless, she went on and gently took a hold of Hissori's hand. If nothing else, she could at least offer him morale support and remind him he wasn't alone. Hell, it'd probably make everything go smoother for him and help him relax further. And with the last bits of luck, he'd have his sight back once Tsunade finished up.

The process of withdrawing the venom hurt Hissori's eyes. In truth it felt like they were slowly being dried out In truth the process wasn't completely unlike that, and as much as he wanted to relax he felt the burn as the poison was drawn from his system. It stung, and caused his eyes to water, which in truth only helped to draw out more of the poison, but that didn't really make it anymore pleasent, at this point the only thing that did make it pleasant was the fact that after a few moments he felt Hinata's hand take his own.

It was probably meant as a small gesture to show her support but it meant the world to Hissori, and in truth it did help him relax as it had been intended too. His shoulders physically dropped, and a lot of his body became less tense, the only acceptation being the hand that held Hinata's which only seemed to tighten after a while, the bowman's grip slowly crushing her hand. Both fear and pain played into Hissori's death grip, as currently as long as Tsunade was working on his eyes he couldn't see, and with his eyes feeling the pain of both being repaired, and having the poison extracted his entire head was feeling the throbbing and pain of Tsunade's healing.

Hissori did his best to not make anymore comments on the state of Konoha. The city as with the rest of the world was entering into a new age, and Tsunade for as great as she was, and she was there was never a doubt about that in his mind, didn't need to know about things she could not affect. It would only dishearten one of the greats, and in truth Tsunade deserved her retirement as much as Hissori would have rather that she came back and stayed as a Hokage, her extended youth was fading, and it would have been a problem for anyone.

"Thank you for the help." His voice was light after realizing he hadn't actually extended any kind of thanks to her earlier.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

An eyebrow from Tsunade raised slightly as she felt Hissori relax after Hinata took a hold of one of his hand. But she didn't ask anything of it, figuring the reminder that the boy wasn't alone was indeed nice for him to feel. She gave him a light nod and simply replied, "It's no trouble. And .... " After a bit of a pause to double check herself, Tsunade gave a nod and moved her hand off Hissori's eyes. "That should be the last of it. Try to take it easy though. Your sight will need a bit to return completely. Your nerves and mind have been used to the blindness so it's gonna be a hell of an adjustment. But it will happen all the same. Just don't strain yourself .... "

After remaining silent for a bit longer, Tsunade nodded before speaking up once again. "Since you two brought up you were both attacked here, I can offer my place to you both if you desire. Few know where I reside and even less are stupid to pester me in such a manner."

"....Thank you." Hinata was astounded at the offer. The treatment, not so much. She'd proven herself as a medical kunoichi time and time again. If anything Hinata envied her slightly. She knew almost nothing besides basics. Her head turned to Hissori as she looked to him silently, curious on what he thought of the offer. She wouldn't mind but ... she wouldn't push for him to just up and agree. Especially when they were trying to take a vacation. But Tsunade had a point. It'd be safe and right now, she hardly felt even that.

"Thank you Lady Tsunade that would be most generous of you." Hissori said as his treatment finished, he spent a few extra moments with his eyes closed, his head screamed thanks to being dehydrated after all was said done he felt like he had cried out most of the venom. He relinquished his vice grip on Hinata's hand and stretched for a moment blinking as the world came into view. With everything healed the world didn't seem as on fire as it had once been. Getting up slowly, he took Tsunade's advice, and didn't push himself rather he went to the nearest place he could get a glass of water, and returned sitting down and slowly sipping as he let his vision return to him over time rather then forcing himself.

"It means we will need to get our bags, but we packed light." Hissori said finally. Adjusting himself to the idea of hiding with Tsunade at least for a little bit, it would add safety, and right now Hinata needed some form of peace of mind. He could tell by the way she was pausing that she didn't feel all that safe. He rubbed his head figuring out everything slowly in his mind letting it turn over once or twice.

"We won't be in your way much, really we just need one or two more days to lay low, and allow things to pass over. Once Konoha has a plan we will be out of your hair." He said lightly. Tsunade may have been the fifth hokage, but she was retired, and the last thing she probably wanted was a bunch of young adults hanging around her new home. Even if she was ever youthful, and... Hissori tried not to focus on the fact that she was ridiculously well endowed. He sighed lightly looking up at her and gave a very deep and respectful bow. "Thank you again for helping us."

He sighed and turned towards Hinata, looking at her both hurt, and didn't at the same time. Though his vision was still only slowly recovering he could once again see most of her features, and it oddly enough did brighten his spirits. Though there was still a debate clawing through his mind. "Hinata... I... Thank you." He said to her, he had wanted to say something deeper towards her, wanted to try and apply pressure, to an already damaging situation between them, but at the same time lost his voice. Still she had cared enough to help him in need, though that was in truth just Hinata's own nature.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

"I can get the bags if you would prefer." Even in her age - especially if anything - Tsunade was no fool. She could practically sense the tension and mood between Hinata and Hissori. If anything, this would give them the perfect chance to ... settle whatever they needed to. "I don't need much space so this is an easy enough house to navigate in. Take your time and help yourselves." With that, she stood up and walked out the front door. The sound of it closing would hint she had kept to her vow and went to retrieve their belongings.

"You're welcome. But please ... just say exactly what's on your mind. There was a clear pause. What was it you wanted to really say?" She inquired. It was a guess in her mind but she didn't want to assume and then be wrong. So she wanted to hear it from Hissori. She still felt horrid and it only worsened if it was about his confession to her. Hinata was torn between the still lingering albeit pointless emotions for Naruto and trying to wonder if she could begin to transfer those to Hissori. She'd never begun to see him as more than a cousin. So needless to say, the revelation had definitely shocked and taken her aback. But he still did deserve some sort of answer, regardless of what it may or may not be and lead to.

A low groan left Suikoto's lips as a few rays of the sun hit her face. "....Time flies indeed.... " She mused softly, beginning to rub her eyes. She'd give anything to continue lying beside Neji. But the new Hokage had made it clear that he wished to speak to her and make her do paperwork. And even if only to establish being a permanent resident in Konoha, that was more than enough incentive for her to begin to wake up and get dressed. It shouldn't take that long and she had given him a detailed but brief summary of herself. That would be all he'd need, right?

Still, it did annoy her to have to leave Neji's side. It was so very warm and goddamn did it feel good. As much as the selfish part of her wanted to wake him and ask he go with her, that didn't seem fair. So she'd let him sleep in ... for now. If he wanted to go with her, fine. But it wouldn't be due to her waking him and sounding like a spoiled child.

Slipping over towards the drawers, she began pulling out an appropriate outfit to wear, re-using only her bra for now. The rest would be clean and fresh. But she doubted this place would have bras in her size and it was the only reason she bothered with putting it back on.
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