Peace Never Lasts Forever [An AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

Hiashi seemed more then pleased with Hinata's answer leaning back for a moment as he took a sip of his tea. His eyes never really left Hinata's as they were in a match. Hiashi even sitting was still taller then his daughter, and it was easy for him to broaden his chest and become all the more imposing of a figure. His white eyes didn't reflect many emotions and right now they were somewhat cold just staring down at Hinata.

"To think you would show up today and show that level of strength. To willingly cripple your own sister, maybe I was wrong about you." As he spoke he put down his tea. "Time and time again I have put you and Hanabi at odds for one another trying to show others that I made the correct choice, and now you show as much strength as Neji." If it were strength alone that could have dictated the clans future he would have chosen Neji Hyuuga to run the clan but strength and birth right, were two very different things. It had taken years to try and convince the elders to skip even a single generation, and now Hinata's actions tossed that into jeopardy.

The question remained now did he somehow convince Hanabi that this was some kind of fluke? and continue with his plans for the future, or does this new information change anything? Clearly Hinata had acted out of anger, but it still put everything he had trained Hanabi for in jeopardy "I want you to think on what you did today, In three days time I want you to tell me if you would have regretted crippling Hanabi, and until then you are free, no training aside from the meditation, and when you return to me with a proper answer then we will talk about the subject that is really on your mind. Until then you are dismissed."
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Finishing off the tea first, Hinata bowed her head. Three days would probably pass by quickly, thus her mind would have to think as fast. "I will. Good night, father." Standing up to her feet, Hinata headed wearily back to her room. If nothing else, the day had been very eventful between Neji's return and doing so with a girl that looked so much like them. It truly was eerie ... to look that alike and not be a Hyuuga. But worse than that, she couldn't begin to imagine all that Suikoto had gone through, to have actually endured all the torture and torment from Kumogakure. It pained her heart to know they would dare still seek out the Byakugan. Had they really not learned the last time? Were too stubborn? Perhaps a bit of both?

Regardless, it didn't suit well at all with the young Hyuuga. A soft sigh left her lips as she fell upon her bed. No sooner than her head found the pillow did Hinata fall into a deep sleep, deciding she'd begin thinking on the proper answer to the question tomorrow.

~~~ The next morning ~~~​

Poor Suikoto was so very anxious upon waking up. True, this had been her idea and Neji was supposed to be with her. But it didn't take away the feelings from everything. Even while the nurses were giving her the dismissal papers and removing all the IVs from her arms, she still tried to figure out how to explain herself. Just use the outright truth I guess .. She mused, her head lowering slightly. Now came the best question; would they believe her?

There had been concern of her being seen as a spy. What if that wound up being how they saw her? What would happen to her? Neji had found her near death and even that could have been a set up were she a different person. She knew that wasn't true but .... how would they be able to confirm she was being completely honest? What would they use? All the possibilities made her shudder.

Giving a polite bow of her head to the nurse, she noted Neji had left sometime during the night. Ah well, she didn't blame him. Carefully slipping out of the bed after changing back into her normal clothes - which the hospital had apparently taken the liberty of cleaning, thankfully - she walked outside and began seeking Neji. She hadn't quite expected, however, the sun to greet her first as she raised a hand in front of her eyes to shield them, slowly blinking a few times to let her vision adjust.

There had been practically no sunlight during her captivity thus prior till now, she'd almost forgotten how bright the yellow orb could be.

The second Hinata woke up, she made her bed and then got into her own meditative posture. Her eyes closed as she took a long, deep breath, her father's question echoing through her mind.

"In three days time, I want you to tell me if you would have regretted crippling Hanabi ... "

The obvious and first answer had been 'Yes'. But the more she thought on it .. was this not what Hanabi had been trained for? She was a Chuunin, the same as herself still for now. While Hinata had the potential for a Jounin, she didn't know about accepting the promotion and had asked Naruto to put it on hold, per se.

That being said, Hanabi should have expected all that had happened yesterday, shouldn't she?

That answer was also a very positive 'Yes'. She'd been her rank when Pein arrived .. and nearly died. The same applied for the war and her second near death experience. So maybe ... her answer on her father's question should be no?

It almost sounded cruel to many, many degrees. But her head shook no. Why was this Hinata's fault? Simple, it wasn't. Besides, no one had halted or told Hanabi to avoid using Gentle Fist. She had the ability to activate it as easily and do an equal amount of damage with it.

"I need to think more on it ... " She murmured, sighing softly as she got off her bed and headed into the kitchen to make herself a quick breakfast. Suikoto was supposed to speak today .. and she didn't want Neji to be her only support, if possible. Why was beyond Hinata, but she felt obligated to try to help her out as much as possible. It wasn't only because of her appearance though that was a contribution. When all was said and done, poor Hinata was just too kind for her own good, usually anyways.

Clearly, Hanabi had been an exception to this rule.

Neji was waiting outside of the hospital at some point through the night he had been kicked out of the hospital since he was not the one who had the injuries, and he had left only for a few moments to report and exact payment from his bosses in the village. Now however he was waiting for Suikoto, and as she walked out into the daylight he walked up along side her. "Sorry, I meant to stay, but I had errands that needed to be ran." He said lightly, he didn't want to worry her for the moment she had enough on her mind to deal with.

Walking with her back towards the estate he had to wonder about this meeting, it would be difficult to talk about for the moment. Honestly he didn't know how the elder would react, and her story... was honestly chilling. So much so torture that she had to endure, and pain it was lucky for her that she had survived, and all because someone had incorrectly believed that she was one of them. It really didn't seem like a story anyone would willingly make up, and she had the scars to prove her psat. Kumo needed to pay for it's crimes, but such an action would only start another war, and no one had the resources to defend against or combat those thoughts.

As they arrived at the estate he sighed opening the door for her and giving her a light bow as he motioned her inside. "My best advice to you is don't feel intimidated. The Elders will not respect you if they sense fear, and they will do all they can to try and make you show weakness." It was the one thing that was unsettling about the Hyuuga clan, long ago the Uchiha clan was considered the strongest in Konoha, now however the Hyuuga's had that tittle as there were no longer any Uchiha's left to remake that clan. The last had died at the apex of the war, and his body had burned. Neji still couldn't figure out if it was to commemorate the death of a hero, or a villain, but that was a story for another day.

For now the only thing that mattered was this meeting, and as they entered the chamber where family meetings were held, the elder was already waiting for them along side Hiashi. Neji bowed lightly as they were ordered to take their seats.

Hissori was waiting outside Hinata's room. He sighed lightly as the door opened, He halted her knowing full well where she wanted to go, hell he wanted to go with her, but sadly orders were orders. "Your not allowed at the meeting, neither of us are." In full honest disclosure Hissori was still amazed that his position as Hinata's guard hadn't been revoked after last night. He had openly struck Hinata, and yet no one had really given him any kind of backlash or back hand. It felt wrong, he had intervened in the one place he really shouldn't have, and yet aside from a lot of bruises and a few minor cuts he had received nothing.

"Hiashi said you have other things you need to worry about Suikoto's fate. What ever it is, that will be handled by them and Neji." He was paraphrasing Hiashi's words of course, the real talk had been much more passive aggressive. "For now you have been given the day to do as you please, I am merely to accompany you, but...."

Hissori bit his lip he wanted so desperately to ask why he was still allowed to be around, why Hinata hadn't asked for someone else to come in and take his place, or why hiashi hadn't given such an order himself. At the time when he had shot that arrow everything had seemed so clear to him, he had been preventing Hinata from making a mistake that he was sure would have haunted her for the rest of her life, but now after receiving no indication that he had made the right or wrong choice he was just unsure of what to expect from Hinata. The way she had been during the fight, that wasn't the Hinata he had been used to, he had never felt that rage and aggression from Hinata before, and the way Hiashi had brushed it off.

Needless to say everything was confusing right now.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

By the time Suikoto's eyes had finished completely adjusting, she managed to catch sight and sound of Neji whom, thankfully, had indeed been outside. "It's fine." She replied, her head shaking quickly as if to dismiss the matter. A small smile managed to cross her face and suddenly, as she recalled why she was even meeting him to begin with, everything hit her like an array of weapons being tossed at and connecting into her. Was she really about to do this? Her feet seemed to move on instinct and soon, the two arrived in front of the Hyuuga Manor. Just the mere building was making her heart race even faster; how in the hell was she supposed to meet the Elders?

And to think this was just to relay what had happened to her. An amused chuckle echoed in her head - refusing to do so aloud - upon wondering how much more intimidating it would have been were she asking for consent to date Neji. Somehow, that would probably be far worse ... and it was easy to believe yet not at the same time.

"Thank you, Neji... " She replied softly, finally mustering enough courage to speak up. Taking a deep breath, she stared at the open door for a few more moments before walking inside. At the rate everything was going, she'd just let all that would happen do so, not forcing anything except maybe herself to speak up when needed. When the face of the Hyuugas caught her own white eyes, she gave a respectful bow first taking her seat, Suikoto's hands resting upon her lap.

An annoyed sigh left Hinata's lips. Something told her to make up for avoiding any physical punishment, this had been ordered instead. It was merciful and not. "Fine. At least .. follow me into the kitchen then. I was about to get some breakfast so I'll get us both something." Gently moving past Hissori, he'd see her stay true to her word and not try to dart past him or anything similar of the like.

A good part of the reason she hadn't made her mind up was she was as bewildered as much as her bodyguard was. If she didn't know better, the clan had a meeting not long after the war, one regarding changes to make within it. And if she was being asked about how Hinata had felt nearly crippling her sister --- would it be a good or bad thing if she said no? Even if it allowed her to become the true Heiress once again .. it was almost heartbreaking to know what it had nearly taken.

Was this clan suddenly adapting to the thought of relying on little more than power? It honestly made her cringe. That had been the downfall of most of the Uchihas years ago. They wouldn't really dare make such a foolish mistake, would they? Her heart sank and most of her appetite had faded upon arriving in the kitchen; but she'd need the food for energy if nothing else. Grabbing two bowels and some cereal, she spoke up as Hinata began to fill them each.

"... Hissori? Do you hate me after what you saw from yesterday? You ... don't have to remain around me anymore and especially because ... I don't think I do regret it. I'm ... still contemplating on that but ... " Her head shook as she sighed at herself. "I wouldn't blame you if the last thing you wanted to see was me ever again." There were few things keeping her sane and alive even now. Suikoto, Neji, and Hissori were easily three things she could list off the top of her head.

Neji let out a slow sigh as he sat down, the air in the room was oppressive, with the old hag, and Hiashi just sitting in silence. Their eyes were locked on Suikoto, which in it's self was understandable. Everyone had the same reaction as they had seen her thus far, but this felt different. Their was clear intimidation in the air today. Neji felt just the heat of the room, as the two sat in meditative positions. He swallowed slightly as he looked between Hiashi, and Suikoto, feeling sligtly annoyed that there was no real way to protect Suikoto without these two politicians.

Hiashi was disturbed, it was clearly written out on his face. Suikoto looked like another one of his daughters, and was even the same age as Hinata. There was a small sigh from him as he watched her. ~When did this clan become so lively?~ He thought a little bitterly. Between his daughter's sudden transformation, and now his nephews find of this girl there was a certain liveliness next to the clan. He knew some of the story so far, but wanted to hear her version of the story not just a second count given off by someone else.

"Suikoto was it? could you come a little closer, my eyes are not what they used to be." The old crones voice was cracking as she spoke, dry it was considerably dry when she spoke, and her wrinkled hands beckoned Suikoto towards her. "What were your parents names?" Her voice was questioning, not accusatory, not an odd question considering the looks of her, but there was a deeper question. The questions would only get harder from them at this moment, but it was rare for anyone to hear the elder speak especially at her old age.

Hissori walked with Hinata, and he knew long before they even started that she wouldn't try to pass him on this matter. After all he was just the messenger, a constant messenger of bad news, and he constantly felt conflicted about it. He hated his job some times, but as she offered to make him breakfast he didn't really object. At the same time her question hit something odd inside of him. "N-no." He said quickly almost as soon as she asked if he hated her.

"Honestly I thought I would be asking that question. I thought you would have hated me." Hissori rubbed the back of his head as they reached the question. The archer simply leaned towards the wall waiting, giving Hinata full run of the kitchen. He didn't pretend to understand what Hinata did that day. In truth given the same situation he might have done the same thing to Hanabi. She is wrong for the future of the clan, but at the same time... There was something to Hiashi's ideas of power that he didn't see Hinata ever managing to fit into.

"What kind of body guard strikes the person he is supposed to protect?" Hissori was still rather ashamed by the fact that he had done just that. He felt unworthy, and yet at the same time something in the back of his mind was nagging him. He knew that if he hadn't fired that arrow something would have happened that couldn't have been taken back, and Hinata... usually wasn't the kind of person who could do such a thing. It didn't matter if she didn't regret it now or not, to Hissori it felt wrong that she had been willing to dirty her hands like that at all.

There were many things Hissori was willing to do for Hinata, but watching idly by while someone he respected, and admired did that to their own sister was difficult. If put in that position again Hissori wasn't sure if he would shoot the arrow again as he had, or if he would have simply left the room, and whats more he didn't know which would would have been worse. "I don't want to be sent away. I like that I can be beside you." It was a privilege few of the family actually got, for how large their clan was working along side Hinata was an honor, and few people in service of the hyuuga clan actually got to be as close to her as he was. Even though in all truth this job would have been Neji's if it weren't for their rather ambiguous past, and the fact that Neji was unique inside and outside this clan.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

"Yes, sir." She replied in a gentle yet firm and confident tone. Standing up from her seat, she moved in front of the Elder, giving him a better view as instructed. "Jun and Shinjiro Ashigawa. I .. don't know if they're still alive and well or not." It would all honestly depend what Iwagakure had wound up doing; giving in and going into a civil war or not. She wouldn't wish for it, of course, but it had seemed so very inevitable. Though her heart raced from all the sets of eyes upon her, Suikoto was keeping her anxieties and fears tucked away for now, trying desperately to heed Neji's advice.

Her head shook no quickly. "I don't, no. If anything, you did me a favor .. really." After grabbing two spoons and filling each bowl with milk, she set them upon the table and motioned for Hissori to take a seat. "I admit, an unorthodox one. But there are rare cases in which bodyguards can go against the norm, as it were. I'd have to agree that yesterday had been a fair one."

Taking her spoon, a weary sigh passed her lips as she slowly began to eat. A reassuring smile managed to cross her face as her head shook no again. "I don't have it in me to send you away. I never could ... even after yesterday. For one, it was the first time. Two, I can't always rely on Neji to help me out." Prior to Hissori being appointed her bodyguard, Hinata had more or less had Neji as one.

But after all the recent events, it was becoming more and more clear she'd have to grow up - and quickly - in order to better herself; not just as an individual but overall Hyuuga. Still though, a part of her wouldn't lie. She was equally as amazed her father hadn't made him give up his position as bodyguard for daring to shoot at her.

Between that and the rhetorical question which she was to think on the answer for, it only made Hinata further question if something was happening to the clan ... and if it was a good or bad thing.

Neji stayed silent for the most part knowing that it was best to not speak unless spoken too in this situation. It was one of those rare times when he had no power what so ever, and suddenly he was reminded of the days long before now when he was younger and more brash. He hated these kinds of meetings then, and he hated them now, as they put all of the power in the hands of someone else, and while he no longer believed in the overwhelming power of fate and destiny, this was still an example of someone else having full control over his will and destiny.

The elder touched Suikoto's face for a moment looking her over long and hard and hearing the names of her parents before nodding lightly. They were names he was unfamiliar with, and so the elder simply let that conversation lay where it was. Hiashi nodded lightly towards the elder, and then looked down at Suikoto. Still it was the elder of the hyuuga's who spoke first again.

"The resemblance to our clan is uncanny." He said in that old dry voice, before nodding that she could go back to her seat. Hiashi spoke up next with his own words, as unkind as they would be. "It's impressive, truly almost anyone would be deceived with her features. Still I wish to know, how long were you in Kumogakure's captivity? And what if she has been turned either consciously or subconsciously to work for Kumogakure? Do we really take in what could be such an obvious trap?"

Hissori let out a long breath, as he was told he had made the right choice. He honestly didn't know why Hiashi had allowed him to stay in his position, and perhapse that was a question he would get an answer to one day. It was not however a question he could ask, as doing so would reflect badly on him and his future in this position. Maybe it was because he had protected Hanabi as well as Hinata, or because he had helped to defuse a situation that was already out of control, but for now he was just glad that he was able to continue his job.

Taking the seat that was offered and slowly taking some of the food and eating he looked to Hinata for a moment. "Thank you it means a lot." He said lightly. He had been struggling with those questions ever since last night, but the air was oddly tense even now. Part of him wanted to know what they were grilling Suikoto about, but he had other things he needed to worry about. Lately it seemed like there was a shift in the clan, and he wasn't sure what it was about.

Taking more of the food he felt a little better with each bite, and enjoying his time as he did. His eyes seemed locked on hinata, looking at her. He lost any of the additional thoughts he really wanted to say for a moment. Was it wrong that he enjoyed looking towards Hinata? She was his cousin, and her superior. Though she would probably never use that against him, he couldn't help but notice it ever now and then. He turned away feeling his face blush slightly just because of the proximity.

"Any ideas how you will be using your days off? I don't really think it's healthy to stay in the estate for all this time." He asked if only to start some kind conversation that didn't feel as awkward or painful as the topic his mind had just jumped too.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

It was so very tempting to want to glance back towards Neji. But that would likely be a subtle sign of her fear .. so she kept eye contact with the Hyuuga elder. She gave a soft nod of agreement, unable to help but admit she was also amazed upon how similar she looked to any of the Hyuugas. As Kumogakure got brought it, an inward sigh of relief echoed in Suikoto's head. If it could be helped, she did not want to go into full details on what she'd endured. It made the inquiry of how many days she'd been there far more simpler than the 'what' questions which could have been asked.

"Five days." She replied without missing a beat, her head shaking no upon the second question. "Even though I'm not one of you, no sane person would want to join ranks of people who nearly ... removed my eyes." Even now, she tried desperately to remember .. what had saved her? Luck seemed to be all she could think of, that plus her constant arguing and insisting she hadn't been a Hyuuga. They'd tried some blood tests on her near the last few days but without many medical shinobi, they hadn't been able to properly read them. Or at least that'd been what they'd said.

"I was honestly trying to head here - or to Suna - before they found me. But with the rumors of a civil uprising trying to happen in Iwagakure ... I knew staying there wasn't a safe option anymore." Her heart raced even more slightly as she kept her eyes upon the white ones across from her. Now the moment of truth would be revealed soon enough.

Would they believe her or not? This was the thing she'd genuinely been the most worried about. And while Suikoto could understand how hard it was to believe her given the lack of reliable witnesses to back her up, she still didn't want to be mistaken for a spy of all things. It just wasn't her forte nor could it ever be .. but if they really thought that ... it almost made her shudder, terrified as things which could happen began to go through her mind.

Hinata's head tilted slightly as she tried to catch sight of Hissori when he turned away. "You feeling ill?" She inquired, not realizing the irony of what she was failing to see. That was how she used to react so often to Naruto .. and yet it wasn't dawning on her that Hissori was doing almost exactly the same thing.

Her head quickly lowered, however, as the question on how to spend the last few days was brought up. "Hm ... besides thinking on how to reply to the question I need to give an answer to, not yet. But you're likely right. Getting out will probably be for the best. I'll ... think more on it though." She promised, keeping her gaze lowered while eating her breakfast.

Neji tried his best to not act out of any thing brash or be as invisible as possible, he was here to support her, but for the most part he wasn't able too. Both the elder and Hiashi knew that he wanted to protect her, and so they were quick to remove him from any chance of the conversation. For now it was just frustrating him. It didn't matter how long or hard fought, he was always to be at the command of others, and while some of the people who held his fate in their hands were okay, Hiashi and the elder were the two he disliked the most.

Hiashi nodded at the question five days didn't seem long at all by comparason, and the news of such civial tension so soon after the great war. What was happening in Iwa? That seemed like a confusing mess to be sure, and one that the Hokage's were probably already looking into, with all of the anbu's and networks they had at their disposal there was bound to be some information they didn't want floating around. He could guess that having one of their allies go rouge on them was something that most people didn't want leaking to friends or foe. Life in a ninja village, was a life where information was highly praised.

The elder nodded as she said that they tried to remove her eyes. "It is lucky then that you retain both of them, some children of our clan are not as lucky." There was a man in Mizugakure whom the Hyuuga's owed a great amount of greif too, as he was the last and thankfully only person to be walking around with one of they Hyuuga clans prized eyes. "So, you have no training, and you have powerful enemies." The old man let out a low sighing noise looking over Suikoto. "You of course realize that you would be allowed to stay here... for free. We have lost a number of our people, our clan is not as strong as it once was, and yet we have the honor of being the strongest in konoha."

Hiashi nodded lightly to the words. "In short you would be joining the side branch of our family, and due to having no training and not being a true Hyuuga, you would be little more then a servant to the house hold. It's not an easy life you would be taking, and it's one we do not hand to you lightly."

Hissori coughed, he was caught almost completely off guard by the question, and for some reason he just felt a little more then astonished. Yet partly thankful that Hinata never caught what he was actually doing. It was odd that he had watched her faun over a boy who hardly acknowledged his existence, and yet when she caught him red handed, he let out a sigh just happy that Irony existed. "It's nothing just a little warm." He said fanning himself lightly as he finished his meal. "Thank you for the food."

Leaning back he made sure to avert his eyes for the moment, not wanting to feel any more embarrassed then he already was. Part of him wanted to go dig a hole and hide in it for the rest of his life, and pretend that this never happened, and yet he couldn't. "Well if nothing else a trip into Konoha could help clear your mind, I have some errands I need to run and though they aren't all pretty, I would be happy if you accompanied me."
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

It took every ounce of willpower to keep silent from protesting in regards to the training part. She did have some though admittedly, it wasn't nearly as much as she could have. Still though, she did take pride in a few things and that was definitely one. Unbeknownst to her, even Suikoto's forte was taijutsu - just without the addition of the Gentle Fist and other techniques which could be activated from the Byakugan. Even without the bloodline though, she was a decent fighter. But it was easier to demonstrate without being ambushed. Her eyes moved from the Elder to Hiashi, the final verdict having been given.

And honestly ... she was somewhat torn. There was a very grateful part that she would be allowed to stay. But as a servant? Her heart absolutely sank. Given, however, all the other ways this could have gone .. this was no doubt one of the most merciful results that could have been allowed to happen. Swallowing softly, her head looked back again to the Elder, bowing politely.

"I can only begin to guess as much, with the recent war having just ended and all. I understand and accept your verdict, along with comprehending it won't be an easy life. Thank you .. for allowing me the honor to remain here and in safety." And with those words, she knew there was officially no turning back, having literally sealed her fate then and there. Still ... did they mean to the entire clan? Just certain people? She almost wanted to ask ... and yet feared sounding like an ignorant fool.

Hiashi had said household so ... she assumed Neji and whomever else resided here. Until that was otherwise proven wrong, though, she would keep her mental guess in mind.

The cough made Hinata worry slightly, not realizing it was more from the question than actually being ill. But .. he'd at least been honest, if absolutely nothing else. So when Hissori insisted he was just a bit warm, she would accept that for now. If he seemed to act sick later on, though, she would drag him to his bed and make him lie down. There was no use - not in her mind especially - of him working himself to death.

A small smile crossed Hinata's lips, a nod soon following. "Something's better than nothing. Besides, the talk will likely be done when we return." It was clear that even though she - no, they - had been forbidden to attend the talk, it hadn't at all left her head. "Of course .. I'll gladly join you. Where did you need to head to?" She asked, taking both bowls and washing all the dishes when each were done.

Neji sighed as it was becoming more and more apparent to him that he wasn't really able to help much of this situation. Still he was thankful that they were willing to extend this much of a hand, to someone they didn't even really know. The elder wasn't exactly known for his kindness, and more then that Hiashi himself was little more then unkind. Still they seemed to have the collective ability to at least try and extend some kind of hand even if it was the lowest position they could offer her. Being the branch family wasn't as bad as most would have seen it, when he was a child he had hated the division of power, but now he had grown to accept and even work with it.

Hiashi however cleared his throat this meeting was not over just yet, and as he looked at Suikoto he understood that she was willing to take this new position, but could see that there were more then a few questions in her head. "However, since you are a new comer to our family, and a stranger to our customs, it is only proper that you be assigned someone to watch you. So that we may take from this your intentions." His eyes grew slightly colder as they looked down at her. Between the three people in the room it was clear what was about to be said.

"Neji will take responsibility for you, and any and all actions you take will reflect on him, and of course we will be watching." The elder was clear in her threat, and it made Neji a target for even more of the families problems, but honestly he didn't mind it as much as he thought he would have. He had already been responcible for her, and it made sense, at least this way he had a way of protecting her from her enemies as well.

Hissori tried to stay out of the spot light of interrogation. The last thing he wanted was for the air between him and Hinata to become anymore awkward then it already was, however when she said that she would be happy to join him he felt a little more then happy. Part of him was very thankful to have Hinata around. The other part of him was however focused on the fact that if it were anyone else he would have been sending out obvious flags and if those were ever noticed well so far he had already done enough things that could have made him loose his job.

"Nothing special really just some shopping in town. Our food is becoming a little more scarce so it is about time that someone deals with that fact, and there are a few other supplies I need. Nothing too hard to find." He said as he started to walk towards the exit of the estate, happy to be out in sunlight and fresh air. However the sunlight didn't really look like it was going to last through the day. the skies were graying and he could feel the shifts in the wind. "It's gonna rain tonight, So it's probably best if we go now."

As they walked onto the street, he turned to Hinata one question remaining in his mind. "Is there anything you want from town? Were going into the market, and I'm sure I can get you some kind of treat if you want it... without anyone knowing of course." He wasn't sure if Hinata was on a diet or not, but it was always best to keep stuff like that off the record.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Customs? Suddenly, she felt even more anxious on having just accepted this deal. But at least it would be Neji whom would be in charge of her. She could feel better asking him for clarification on what they were talking about .. lest they were about to explain all of that soon also. Her fists wanted to clench, unable to help but feel a bit insulted.

Intentions? What the hell do they think they are? I don't even have any! So many frustrated thoughts continued to race through poor Suikoto's mind but she didn't dare let any actually leave her lips. Her eyes and facial expression kept a calm look about them ... but deep down, she was steadily becoming rather infuriated and even a tad degraded. Servants were something that she honestly hadn't thought remained much if at all nowadays; so to have agreed to be turned into one had been bad enough. Now her motives - let alone for what was beyond her - were being tested?

But the worst part had been some of the words that had been the last to leave their own lips.

"And of course, we will be watching .."

Great .. because gods know I'm not nervous enough as it is ..

But would there be anything to end up watching? She highly doubted it, unless there were actual traditions or lessons of sorts she'd have to learn now that she was a servant.

Still, Suikoto managed to bow her head respectfully, her voice keeping the calm tone about it. "I understand. Thank you." She knew how redundant that likely sounded .. but there were only so many synonyms to be able to use. Her hands prepared to slide off of her lap and aid in pushing herself up to her feet should either the Elder or Hiashi dismiss her soon enough.

Hinata sort of was but not because anyone made her. Well, no one like he would guess like her father. No, it'd been a decision Hinata had made for herself a long while ago. However, she had wondered on a few foods that she'd never allowed herself to try, having been too afraid of being caught with said sweets. "Well ... " She replied hesitantly after a while, nodding slowly. "I keep hearing dango is especially good." She replied, keeping herself relatively close behind Hissori to avoid getting lost.

Neji felt somewhat relieved as the two of them were finally dismissed. Sure they didn't exactly have the position that they wanted to have, and the life that was being handed to Suikoto was less then glamorous, but at least they were allowing everything to stand. Sure the restrictions were rather harsh, and he couldn't always be here to defend her, but he had the chance to stay in town for a little while, and he could talk to the Hokage and explain the situation if he really needed time and money. One of the two would be understanding to the situation, he just wasn't sure which one Tsunade could be a pain, and Naruto was always a wild card.

For now Neji was just thankful that it was over, and that for the moment he could get up and walk away from the elders, and he was thankful to do so. Bowing respectfully he exited the meeting room with Suikoto in tow. "I'll give you a tour of the manor now, and extend a room to you." He said lightly. His tone suggested they shouldn't speak directly right now, as he walked with her passing several rooms as he lead her away from the main part of the estate and across the way. These halls were smaller, the rooms more cramped, and more spread apart then the front part of the estate. "This is the side branch's wing of the house, and this will be your room." He said pointing to an empty room across the very small hall was his own room.

"Here it is safer for us to talk." Neji said taking a seat in Suikoto's new but still rather empty room. He relaxed rubbing his legs for a moment he had been sitting in meditative posture for too long, his legs felt numb. which was both a good and bad thing.

Hissori smiled as he turned and walked to the market with Hinata. it seemed for the most part the town was rather alive. Businesses seemed to be recovering from the events of the war, and the streets were populated with people both foreign and local, as they reached the market. The side branch handled many of the chores for the main branch, and thank fully their was a pot of money that house food and supplies came from. That said Hissori was still well known in these parts thanks too his hunting.

Even as he got cuts of meat he was greeted by people, and given a few discounts on meat cuts, thanks to being one of the shops suppliers. "You join a few hunting missions, and suddenly every single shop knows your face and name." He said lightly. When they got enough food that his arms were hurting slightly by carrying the bags, He walked with Hinata to a small stand that sold dango. ordering a set of Bocchan dango, the three colored mochi arrived on sticks, and he handed one to hinata while enjoying one for himself.

"You know, i'm really glad I had some help with this stuff." Hissori said with a small laugh. as he took a bite of the red bean paste mochi waiting for Hinata to try some of hers. He was partly interested in her reaction to the treat. Being out in the open it was odd to not see as many familiar faces as he first thought there would have been.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Only when Neji stood and got to his feet did Suikoto do so, not wanting to walk in front of him. To some nations, that would have easily come off as being superior and given her new position, she was doing any and everything that came to her mind to avoid screwing this up. Her heart began to go to a more normal pace when they walked out. As Neji guided her down the halls, Suikoto let her eyes glance around to take careful note of each door she passed. It'd be helpful to take note of which exact door and hall to remember. After all, she wouldn't want to go into the wrong room. That'd be almost as bad as messing up as a servant.

Watching Neji enter what was to be her room, she followed behind him and sat cross-legged on the floor. "So ... " She paused, clearly hesitant on an issue, one in her head. Suikoto had taken all of the words to heart, especially regarding that she would be watched carefully. Besides, if she had to say what was going through her mind, it'd be easiest to do so with Neji. She did owe him a lot as it was anyways so ... yes. It'd be the best way to go about things she decided.

"What did they mean by traditions exactly, Neji-sama?" She finally inquired, knowing the suffix was a double edged blade. Even if it was the correct term, she could imagine - no see - in his own eyes that he was uncertain on the verdict like herself. But her own decision had hinted to all of the Hyuugas she'd stay honest to herself and them. And if that meant referring to Neji in such a formal manner, so be it. Better him than someone who was not-so-merciful or generous.

"Well ... I wouldn't think it's too horrible. Better to have a good reputation than a bad one." Hinata replied, offering a small smile to Hissori. And then, her own words made her think more. If she did wind up saying that she didn't regret almost crippling Hanabi .. what would that do for herself? Even if she became in charge of the clan, would others hate her for having almost done such an unorthodox move against her own sibling no less? Her head lowered slightly, raising up as the dango was handed to her.

"Thank you ... " She murmured softly, taking it and beginning to indulge herself with the sweet. It was helping to some degrees but honestly, not as much as it probably could be doing. "I'm sorry ... I'm not trying to seem as if ignoring you. But I'm trying to figure myself out. Even with the two days that are still existing, you know what they say about time flying ... and I want to try to get ahead if possible."

Neji let out a long sigh. "There is a lot about this family you should know, and there is no need to call me sama, we are technically the same side of the family now." he said with a small sigh as he shut the door so that the two could truly be alone. Right now with the power struggle that was going on inside, and outside the clan he wasn't sure what traditions would be upheld. "Right now the Hyuuga's are about to become the most powerful clan inside Konoha, thanks in part to me, and the fact that we fared better in the war than most."

Neji closed his eyes feeling the weight of his words. There really was a power struggle of some kind, and honestly he wasn't sure what was really going on. It would take people on all fronts to figgure it out, but suddenly there was a person here that wasn't supposed to be. There was no doubt that people inside the clan would be just as eager to use Suikoto as much as the poeple outside the clan, and for a moment it all seemed like he should regret taking Suikoto in as he had, but what other choice was there at this moment.

"The clan has always been divided, into the main house which should consist of Hiashi, the elder, and Hinata, and the secondary branch. Me and Hissori are examples of that." Neji undid his head band letting the seal show. "As we all have a kekkei genkai, that would be valuable if it fell into the wrong hands, the side branch became protectors each with a seal that if we should die, destroys our eyes so that it can't be extracted. Both me and Hissori have them, though he hides with his hair. The problem is that the branch family now outnumbers the strength of the main line, because both sides lost a lot of people during the war... For the moment however none of that really matters. what matters to you, and to the immediate future is the estate. Your likely to be taking over as groundskeeper for the family... It is a paid position, just not as much as you would probably like." He said partly to reassure her.

It was kind of odd to see Hinata so unsure. Hissori didn't really like it, but he understood why she was like that. She was thinking over a large event, and no one really knew what was going through Hiashi's mind except of course for Hiashi, Sighing he nodded. "It's okay your going through a lot in your mind it's alright to be a little distracted." He said lightly as he walked with her, the Bags felt a little heavy as he walked with her, and his eyes drifted to the faces of the Hokage's off in the distance, they had finished Tsunade's face, but they had only recently started work on the sixths face.

"That mountain is getting to be an eyesore." Hissori muttered under his breath, a low hiss that practically reeked of envy, before realizing who's company he was in again trying to shrug off what he had just said he shoved the remander of the dango into his mouth and spent a moment chewing on it to help clear his mind of the negative. Swallowing he let out a small sigh. "Listen Hinata, I can't really tell you not to worry because that is exactly what you should be doing, but... When it comes down to it maybe the answer is closer then you think, and really if your so worried about it maybe you should talk to Neji?"

Hissori rotated his neck a little trying to work out what he was about to say in a way that wouldn't offend Hinata. "I don't know much about it, after all my team lost out on the first part of the exam that stupid quiz stuff, but everyone in the family knows the rumors of back then. Neji Hyuga vs Hinata Hyuga, and well back then he was the branch family member taking on the main family. I know a lot has gone on, and you two get along better now, but haven't you ever considered how Neji would have been perfectly fine with your blood on his hands. I mean I know professionally you have to work with him, but in all honesty I don't know how he doesn't give you the creeps. "
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Sure enough, Neji had reacted the way she'd expected. And while she knew he didn't want it, a lot of Suikoto feared what may happen if anyone heard her refuse to use the term. Still, she managed a slow nod, going silent to take her turn and listen yet again. Somehow, it didn't overly astound her that the Hyuuga clan was soon to be the strongest in Konoha. Even without testing her combat abilities, she could practically sense how strong they had all been thus far. It made her feel weaker and more pathetic than she already was. She couldn't begin to relate on how he or his family had dealt with the war and was somewhat grateful. Her parents had insisted she stay out of it ... and given the losses Iwagakure had endured, it had been a wise move it seemed.

But there had been a real reason and incentive that helped her decide in the end to leave, something worse than the possibility of a civil coup. And when Neji was done talking, she took her turn.

"With all due respect, I wouldn't care about getting paid or not. The safety is more than enough. However ... I do think I owe you some knowledge about myself. I never got to this .. because of the lack of being able to speak up. But I have my own Kekkei Genkai. It's called the Saisei, literally translating into 'regeneration'. My family was one of the few within Iwa to actually inherit it despite most of the people having Earth chakra. I've never really had to use it much ... but I have been hinted it works with the healing to certain degrees. I'd assume things that can't regrow mainly ... most organs, the head if it got decapitated .. things like that it can't work on. But most of everything else .. it likely does. And honestly, that's one of the few ways I survived the torture back in Kumo."

She swallowed nervously, going silent once Suikoto was done speaking. It was a lot to reveal, she knew. But even more than that, she was praying like hell he wouldn't think she'd tried to hide this on purpose. There just hadn't been enough time or opportunities between her having to recover in the hospital and heading to the talk she just finished with.

A light cringe rushed through Hinata. She did see and understand Hissori's point .. but a very selfish part of her wished he hadn't said that anyways. But of course, the actual thoughts remained in her mind, her courage failing to reveal itself. Her head looked up slightly, seeming to consider the idea of speaking with Neji. It wouldn't be a horrible idea by any means ... but he was usually occupied in some form or fashion and something hinted to her gut it had only increased from the talk including Suikoto. "I'll ... I'll see if I can find him when he's not too busy I suppose."

After doing a mental count of all the bags in Hissori's hand, Hinata frowned at herself. "I'm so sorry. Do you want help with some of those?" She offered, her heart sinking slightly as the memory of her fight against Neji was mentioned.

"I .... don't really think on that so much anymore, simply because it's as you said. We're much closer now. And ... I suppose he doesn't because he's never once tried to go back to that old side of himself." She felt her teeth grip her lower lip slightly, knowing he wouldn't like the next set of words .. but it was the honest truth. "Really ... that is one of the best things Naruto did. He was a major inspiration to Neji's change, especially after their own fight. But ... I do appreciate the concern, truly." She added, ready to take any of the bags should he agree to wanting her help.

Neji was taken aback slightly by the fact that Suikoto had her own blood line. It was interesting to find out, but for right now he understood why she hadn't said anything. If people realized that she actually did have some kind of formal training then the assumptions around her would only increase, and there would be an all new danger to her. "I am thankful that you told me this information, but for now keep it between us." He said lightly, the longer she could keep that fact a secret the longer she would be safe.

"For now it's safest if you live as the grounds keeper, and keep any training your village gave you hidden away." Neji had been assuming incorrectly that she had been a non combative. Just a random civilian placed into an extraordinary situation, but there was a much darker message around it, and he really felt like he shouldn't have been surprised. It wasn't like she had lied to anyone, they just never managed to ask the correct question, and for now keeping the main branch ignorant of this fact was perhaps the best thing that they could do.

Neji let out a low sigh, no he didn't feel lied to, he felt a little foolish that he hadn't seen it coming, and for all his own years of training, and with his ability for eyesight being what it was. It was very apparent that the irony was not lost on him for what it was worth. It wasn't that bad part of her being in his care was so that he could make sure about things like this, but they would have to work together if she was going to last.

Hissori's arms were getting a little tired, but he wanted to make it back to the estate. He didn't think he needed Hinata's help for that distance, but at the same time he chose two of the lighter bags, just to make the rest of it less awkward, and handed them to her. "Thank you." It almost seemed unreal, letting Hinata handle something like this. She was supposed to be the next in line to be the main branch, but for some reason she was helping him with jobs that would have been the branch families job.

Hissori cringed at the mention of Naruto, again a slight fang of envy streaked through him, it was perhaps Hissori's ugliest side, but he really hated the orange haired Hokage, and for a reason that was completely juvenile. After all even if he didn't exist it wasn't like Hinata would ever notice him, for now it was just the worst side of him.

"Understandable, but since it does kind of run parallel you should find a way to talk to him about it." It just made sense honestly. Neji probably went through a similar dilemma, and maybe it could help her now to learn from her past. "Honestly though... we should find a way to get you a little more relaxed, maybe a trip to the hotsprings? Silent meditation is okay, but if you really want to cut loose you gotta get out of Konoha, down the way Tanzaku Quarters hot springs, the minnerals in the water are said to be legendary." There of course was also the gambling scene, and the food, the entire town was like a giant tourist trap, and while Hissori was familiar with such places, he could only imagine what Hinata would think of such a town.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Suikoto's head bowed after nodding lightly. "I ... I will. I'm so sorry. This is your family, your clan ..." Her head shook as disgust with herself mixed in with guilt, the new emotions trying to overwhelm the new servant girl. "I hate feeling like I've forced you to lie to them ... " The old saying 'life wasn't fair' was a hell of an understatement. It'd hit her roughly during her captivity in Kumogakure on just how accurate the proverb truly was. But that didn't begin to alter how she felt on this, not one bit. Her mind tried desperately to keep itself from falling into a depression and that would likely require speaking of another topic.

Only one came instantly to her head. Glacing up back into Neji's eyes, she added softly, "So ... do I need to know of or be taught anything else? Or was all you mentioned earlier basically it?" She inwardly cringed as Neji sighed, fearing that already she'd pretty much fucked up. And if any of them found out ... it made a shiver trail down her spine.

"It's no problem." Taking the two bags, she continued walking side by side with Hissori towards the manor. An apologetic look instantly crossed her face as she noted Hissori cringe. He had admitted one fair reason his dislike for the new Hokage; and it regarded the lack of acknowledgment with her confession while Pein had invaded Konoha. And to many degrees, she couldn't blame him; yet Hinata couldn't get mad enough like she'd done with Hanabi. It was incredibly hypocritical, she knew ... but it wasn't in her for some reason.

When the idea of hotsprings was mentioned, however, it made Hinata seriously contemplate on it. They were supposed to be really good for relaxing ... and she had wondered about those also. "I ... I suppose in order to pass the next two days, we could probably do that." It wouldn't go against her father's orders; if anything, it would ensure she followed them. "It'd be a way to get out ... and they do incredible miracles from what I hear so much. Sure.... I can get ready when we return if you truly want to."

Neji waved off Suikoto's harsh reactions to his statement he hadn't meant it like that, and he didn't really have to lie, at least no more then he already did when it came to the main branch of the family. He was happy to deal with them in his own way, but for the most part there was really only one other person inside the estate that he had come to trust, and that was Hinata. Hanabi and Hiashi were both too far away to truly trust, and Hissori was Hiashi's eyes in the dark. Everything he did some how always got back to Hiashi. How could he trust anyone with that kind of job.

"It's okay, it's not a lie, not really. Just keep everything between you and me. Really Hinata, and me are the people you should come too if you have a problem." He said lightly. Neji wasn't one to over share with the people he deemed important, and this house was something where secrets had practically built this house. From the day Neji's father had died there had been little more then secrets left between the hyuugas, and clan in fighting got dirty, and harsh. still for now he was more worried about Suikoto at the moment, for now she was safe. "For now your safe, our home is yours, and you will be fine as long as play by their rules."

Hissori smiled lightly at the chance for a vacation. He was also dying to get out of the village, and for the most part he was more then happy to get out of the village for a little while. Honestly being gone for any amount of time was a good thing. he relisehd the chance to get away from his obligations and in all honesty he was all to willing to thrust the normally shy hinata into a position where she would be uncomfortable. He knew she had made strides to correct the stutter shse used to have, but her fainting fits were still legendary if things got too awkward around her.

Hissori smiled taking a small advantagous step forward before they reached the estate. "I would love to, and honestly it would be great for you, who knows you might even find something to get you over the other boy. The Tanzaku Hotsprings are co-ed after all." He felt like he had just cleaverly ensnared hinata into some kind of trap. And now that there was no chance of her backing out he was all to ready to spring it. "So how long do you need to pack... actually do you even own a suite? or do you go in with just the towel?"
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

A small smile crossed Suikoto's face, a sigh of relief passing her lips. It'd seemed that she had no doubt been given the most merciful member within this clan. And even if she was nothing but a servant, dear gods was she grateful that the one man in charge of her wasn't some tyrant. Hinata, however, appeared to be as kind as himself. The name sounded like a female's, which made Suikoto think back. "... Was she the young lady whom I saw in the hospital?" She inquired, figuring it'd be smart to start labeling names and faces together. It'd look horrid on her behalf if she addressed someone as the wrong name, after all.

Hinata's head bowed lightly as the not-so-subtle reference to Naruto was made. Her mouth had opened as she was ready to reply with something along the lines of not knowing whether she'd immediately do that or not. And it was dumb, she knew. It'd been months now since Naruto earned his spot as Hokage and accepted Sakura into his heart. But her nindo had never yet left her mind regarding never giving up, regardless of the odds. But soon, the incredibly awkward questions left Hissori's lips. In fact, she had to glance over just to see that it'd actually been him who asked such bold questions.

It was ... not at all something he usually did. But now that she saw and heard for herself it'd been the case, it made Hinata unable to wonder what had triggered this. "Um ... not long to pack. I.. am not sure. Like I said, I've never gone to a hot springs before so... I don't exactly know how I should even go in them or ... much of anything."

Part of her said she should bring this up to Neji. It was sending signals off of some sort. But what if she was just over-reacting and stressing from the question that would need a reply in two days? That was likely it, or at least she wanted to convince herself it was. For now, she'd avoid bringing this up to anyone, unsure how to even word it let alone have someone believe this had really happened.

Neji nodded slightly at her question confirming that she had already met Hinata. "That she was, and the other boy was Hissori. Hinata is kind enough that she will help you. Hissori is... odd. I don't know enough about him to let him into many conversations." He said quickly enough. Neji stretched out in the small room, and let out a low yawn. For now everything was a little wary. Perhaps they would benifit from being away from the manor while things with Hiashi and Hanabi settled down. He breathed out a low sigh not sure where to go. For the moment he felt trapped, and that was painful enough. He didn't even know what would happen if Neji suddenly needed to go on another mission.

Hissori suddenly recoiled from his own comments. He clearly hadn't really thought out his plan at all that clearly, and he was suddenly surprised at himself. He had clearly offended Hinata, and he felt an immediate pang of regret for his harsh words. A quick shadow crossed over his face as he thought about what he had said. It was far too harsh, and he bowed his head as he thought about it. "Sorry young mistress, I overstepped my boundaries. I will pack and await your leave." His face burned with a unique embarrassment at the thought about what he had just said. He regretted being so openly vulger with someone he held so much respect for.

As he spoke he also took back the bags from Hinata, as they walked back into the estate. Outside he could show a part of himself he didn't normally have, a confidence he didn't really have when addressing Hinata. For how much he admired her, he still had to remember that he was a servant, both to Hiashi and to hinata herself. He let out a low sigh as he started to put stuff away. Honestly he was now unsure if Hinata was even still going to take this vacation for herself.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

The look in Neji's eyes suggested he seemed to be contemplating.... something. Taking the opportunity to stretch out a bit herself, Suikoto's hands tensed slightly as she pushed herself up to a standing position. "Well ... I'm not sure if you already had something. But since last night, I haven't. I can make you something if you want?" She offered, feeling like she had to prove herself more to the others than him. Neji really was one of the more calmer Hyuugas and less judgmental ones that she'd seen and spoken to thus far.

"I ... you don't need to be so formal with me. Truly. It's fine, though. I ... kind of do need to stop letting small things overwhelm me." Offering him a small smile, she turned on her feet and walked in the manor, her feet guiding her to her room. A small sigh of relief left. While walking by, she did manage to hear Suikoto's voice from Neji's room. The meeting, it suggested, had gone well enough that at least some agreement had been made. Otherwise, the girl wouldn't be here.

Hinata felt slightly guilty, though. She really had wanted to speak more with her. But the idea of hotsprings did sound nice .. and it wouldn't be fair of her to just go back on her word to Hissori. Opening the door softly to her room, she began gathering clothes for the next several days. Her mind had already forgotten on the awkward words that had come recently from Hissori's lips, figuring he'd just spoken up before thinking at the worst.

Neji got up from his seat as well. For now he was stuck in Konoha for the foreseeable future. It would be hard to move around the city or go out anywhere for that fact while he had to train a new comer to the family. The hard part of the game would be figuring out how to fully introduce her to the new life. However for the moment a lot had to happen. Neji walked out of the room. more then happy for the offer of food. However he paused as he walked past the room where Hiashi was gathering his things.

"Suikoto, You don't actually have to make me food, but I thank you. However, I need to ask one quick question with my cousin." Neji said as he paused to look at Hissori, a minor thought passing him off. Turning around and walking past their rooms and too the kitchen he stopped off at Hinata's room. Stepping into the room without knocking he blinked looking at her as she packed up her things. "Going somewhere?" He asked lightly.

Hissori packed up his things, it wasn't like he owned many things, and while Hinata may have insisted that he didn't need to be formal, but when he let that slip he always managed to shove his foot in his mouth. Walking back to the kitchen he had his travelers bag strapped over his shoulder. He gave an odd glance as he looked at Suikoto. It striking how much she looked like a hyuuga, and in truth it was kind of awkward to be in the same room with her. "So they let you stay?"

He had never known the elder and Hiashi to be kind to anyone, but apparently both of them had enough soul to not turn away someone in need. However there was a small stark reminder, that the walls outside of Konoha were not exactly the safest, and actually for a moment he had questions for her. "Uhm I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you, but can I ask a question? We know the people who were after you were from Kumo, but... do you think that they would still be after you? even as far as to come into Konoha, or the surrounding villages?"
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

"It's no trouble. Very well, though. I'm going to get something for myself." Walking out from her new room and into the kitchen, she'd just began to glance around at what was available before a voice spoke from behind her. As Suikoto turned, she recognized the face to be the same Neji had brought up before, Hissori. The words seemed ... almost painful, as if he were annoyed that she had been allowed to remain. Then again, maybe she was just overthinking on things. Nodding to convince herself - and simultaneously reply to the young male - she turned to resume looking for something to eat while still paying heed to his questions.

"As a servant girl to the Hyuugas but yes all the same. I ... am a bit astounded and even more irked to have resorted to this. But I am grateful all the same, knowing they didn't have to let me remain here at all." Grabbing a bowl, she began unknowingly copying the same moves Hinata had done earlier, even getting the exact same cereal she'd offered to Hissori. Her grip nearly let go of the bowl as the Kumogakure nin were brought up. Her teeth found her lower lip as a deep exhale left to help her stay calm.

"... I know what I want to say and that is no. As a realist, however, and how they viewed me ... it's very on the fence. They very well may. Even though I'm not one of you, they were hellbent and persistent in thinking I was. But from what rumors I've heard about Konoha, it's typically one of the more capable nations. Even after the war ... you're still one of the strongest despite the losses. Kumo lost their own as well ... and with any luck that alone - plus the fact it was done against the Raikage's jurisdiction - will keep them away."

Maybe not permanently but definitely long enough, if nothing else. But .. after rethinking on her answer, she nodded and heard that it sounded like a fair reply.

"Ah, welcome back. Yes, actually." She paused, wondering whether to elaborate upon the 'where' details or not. If they were brought up, Hinata decided, then yes. But until he otherwise asked, it wasn't overly important. At least she didn't believe so. A smile would be seen on her face as she turned to face Neji. "I'm glad they accepted her. I passed by and saw her in the room. But ... was that even what you came to ask about?"

Hissori sighed this was starting to seem like a bad idea in his head, both this trip, and his sudden conversation with Suikoto, just the way her face paled told him that he had crossed yet another line. Though he did give a small sigh. One servant to another, the life wasn't that bad. It didn't hold you back from finding other forms of entertainment. Or leading a life. "You will get used to it, service isn't as bad as it used to be when my parents were kids. With so few members of the family left, branch duties have been cut down a lot. Still it will be a big help, I mean It's about time I had some help around this house. My job as body guard often overlaps with my various other duties. It's been more then a few days since I have had a proper rest."

Maybe that was why Hissori was so willing to take some kind of vacation, but he was desperate for rest. He didn't however really want to put hinata in any real kind of danger. still he was her body gaurd, and he wouldn't let her down. Sure there was a chance they would be out hunting for Suikoto, but there was also a chance that Neji delt with the search party. For now he wanted to take a chance to actually have some alone time with an idol of his. It was worth the risk if he got Hinata to relax even slightly. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you the way i did. I know you went through some painful times, and I hope you can put everything behind you."

Neji eyed Hinata suspiciously when she said yep. He had no doubt that this was a bad idea, but at the same time, somewhere in this estate Hanabi was lurking burned and angry about her recient treatment. She was bound to take it out on someone, and while Neji could handle himself it was a risk for Hinata to be around that at the moment. So maybe, even with every sign saying Konoha was safer, they should leave. He was sure that Hissori would protect her, and Hinata wasn't one to laugh off... at least not anymore. People could change, and Hinata had taken every step to make sure that she had.

She wasn't the girl that he had crippled so long ago, and he wasn't the same boy from back then either. "I'd watch yourself around that boy. I don't know what his intentions are. I can't tell if he is loyal to Hiashi or not half the time, and it worries me. If he is playing the role of a double agent, then he is playing it well." and with that he sighed and gave his other reservation about this trip. "Watch yourself on the roads. We don't know what is out beyond Konoha right now. The world is changing after the war, and we are not as strong as we used to be."
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