Peace Never Lasts Forever [An AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)


Hissori's eyes were slow to focus, so instead he just sat back for the moment. His gaze avoiding any bright light as he drank the water her had slowly. Looking at Hinata he took a slow and deliberate amount of time to focus what he wanted to say. His head slowly feeling better though mostly wanting to tear it's self apart as he focused on the words he needed to say. He gave Hinata a timid glance, and then finally he decided that he needed to speak out. Resting his head against the wall it wasn't all about his confession, though it was selfish of him to say that it wasn't the first and only thing on his mind.

"I'm an idiot." He said finally. "I can feel my strength returning slowly, my eyes aren't nearly as bad as they were even a minute ago, and they continue to adjust with each passing second. I keep thinking that when i'm finally back at full strength I'll have something I can say to make this not creepy." He said as he jestured between them. "And yet I'm missing the obvious thing, fact is I can't change how I feel, I know that I want to be close to you, and that's it. Sight gone or back it hasn't changed, and sadly i'm not cupid I can't shoot an arrow at your heart and expect you to fall for me, I can however ask you to give me a chance, forget that were cousin's and." He dropped into a deep bow, his hands pressing the floor. His face was a little red he tended to be more formal then most people, but this was ludicrous even for him. "Hinata Hyuuga, we have one full day here, Will you go on a date with me." If nothing else it would be a chance to get her to forget all the insanity around them. His eyes tentatively glanced up to look towards her face. It was actually kind of fun to have a back bone and take a much more direct route.

Neji stirred as he suddenly noticed an absence in the bedroom. His eyes cracking open slightly as he witnessed the light of dawn in a place that wasn't immediately his room. It took a long moment for everything that happened to sink in with last night. From explosion at the mansion, the death of the elder, and finally the Shower, and the fact that Suikoto had already left the bed. He let out a small yawn as he stretched, his lithe body, and strong back flexing as he felt the muscles pop. "Who said you could leave the bed." Neji said with a half playful growl.

Neji felt a long stretch as his black hair fell around his shoulders as it was untied and messy, and he was quick enough to move lightly getting up his feet never made a sound as he set to making the bed. It pained him to leave the comfort and warmth of the bed, but since Suikoto had already gotten up, he had no reason what so ever to stay in the bed. As much as he would have preferred waking up to her next to him so he could have something to hold against him for a bit before he got dressed, they had work that needed to be doing.

"Where would you even start going? You have been in this town for a day and a half, you don't know where anything is without me." He said as he started to go through the selection of clothing that had been left in the apartment there wasn't much here in all honesty, at least not really anything that spoke out to him, finding a shirt pants and underwear that was at least in his side he suddenly felt a great amount of lament at the loss of the mansion.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Hinata's eyes blinked, confused and taken aback to hear Hissori's first words be he was an idiot. She didn't know about that, personally. But that was why she remained quiet and listened to each and every word that left his lips. Her cheeks almost instantly darkened as he sank to his knees and wound up on the floor. "You .. really don't need to be anywhere near that formal with me. Truly, I don't --- " But that was as far as she got before the option, no request, of a date was brought up. It definitely got her to go silent as she thought long and hard.

In concept, it was easy enough to execute. But there was still the very real fact they were cousins. Was this really the right thing to agree on? She shoved that aside, remembering it used to be done so often in her own clan and the Hyuuga clan. So ... now it really was just a matter on whether her heart wanted this or not. Her head lowered, partly to think and also to meet Hissori's gaze. A long sigh left her lips as she finally gave a nod.

"I ... can give it a try, I suppose. I've never really .. been on one though let alone done anything of the like. So .. if you don't mind bearing with me and being patient ... sure." The words took herself aback slightly. But honestly, there was no real point waiting for Naruto anymore. Ignorance was no longer an excuse; everyone in Konoha knew that, including the new Hokage himself. He'd made his choice long ago and she'd spoken up, poured her heart out. She was done waiting.

The growl and tone made a slight shudder trail down her body. Still, Suikoto managed a playful smirk as she turned back to Neji, finishing pulling a new top over her bra and finishing up concealing her breasts. "Unfortunately and indirectly, your Hokage whom - forgive me for saying this - has .... an uneasy feeling coming off from him. Needless to say, I want to get the paperwork done and out of the way and it's the only reason I'm bothering with getting up and dressed. Otherwise, rest assured, I'd much rather have stayed beside you for far longer."

The words made her cheeks flush slightly crimson. But she wouldn't begin to take them back either. If anything, she'd meant each and every single word that passed her lips. A smarter question was brought to her attention and it made her feel about 20 points dumber in her IQ.

"... True enough. I ... guess ... " She had been ready to say something along the lines of asking other people. But after last night? That may be an incredibly foolish move. After all, there was no guarantee there weren't any other Kumogakure nin around, lurking somewhere. And that alone made her frown and then sigh softly. "Okay .. point made. Still, I didn't want to disturb or wake you. Though I see now that the task is clearly easier said than done."

And indeed her head had mentally noted that either Neji had been a really light sleeper or enjoyed her being beside him that just her absence had made him wake up. Either way, it was enough to better help Suikoto learn more of him.

"Alright so ... you lead the way when you're ready then." She finally added, walking beside Neji as she prepared to follow him.

Hissori smiled as he got up, feeling much better as he got to his feet. Even though his eyes hadn't fully recovered at the moment he felt better then he had in the past few days after hearing Hinata say yes. It wasn't anything set into the ground, just a chance where he could prove himself worthy of someone like her. She was right though he really didn't need to be so formal. He felt a lot brighter then he had in the past few days, but in truth something caught him and forced him to pause this wasn't just Hinata's first date, it was also his now that he really thought about it.

He laughed slightly nervously scratching the back of his head as he looked at Hinata, in concept it sounded like a small if not kind of easy thing to set up, a date was really just an activity between two people. This was a town full of activities, and as long as they kept a low profile they would be fine... right? for now he didn't want to address any fears like that, if they weren't safe in this town they really weren't safe anywhere.

"Well truth is this will be my first as well, but it can't be that hard to go on a date." He said slightly embarassed before chuckling at his own tone. He was making a mountain out of a mole hill again. "For now lets just focus on what you want to do, we have a full day to figure this all out, so lets just take this date slow." He said both asking her for how she wanted to spend the day that wasn't just sitting around a dark corner thinking about the danger, cause if she chose that path then they really would have a problem as he wasn't really above dragging Hinata to several locations with him.

Neji got himself dressed up in the clothing he had pulled out, there was some urgency to this meeting, and with Neji's luck they were probably already late. Moving out for the day he left the apartment rather quickly, moving down the stairs and into the streets of Konoha. For one reason or another he stuck close to Suikoto. To his surprise there was a small amount of longing to the way he had woken up, he felt slightly cheated that she had had pulled away from him so early in the morning, even as the sun was rising.

Still he had woken up to her scent, and warmth on her side of the bed, and enjoyed sleeping next to her, it was something that he would have to make a kind of tradition. He walked with Suikoto guiding her through the streets of Konoha. The cities layout had never really changed, some of the buildings were different colors, a lot of them were made completely new after the originals had been buried, and lost. The street design however had remained completely the same by design. Even from the outer edges of town finding the Hokage's office was as simple as finding the place where all roads seemed to lead. The center of the town, and a new building, molded after the old.

Nodding to a few of the anbu they walked inside the building. "I wouldn't worry about the Hokage, he's an old friend. Even if no one recognizes the man he has become, there is still some of the idiot we all loved somewhere inside there." But she was right about the darker side of Naruto that had taken hold of him. There was something there like a parasite, and he was worried about this meeting. Walking her into the door to the office, Naruto was sitting in his desk, surrounded by paperwork his back to them as he was watching the window.

When the door opened he gestured for the two of them to take a seat.
Suikoto Ashigawa &Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

"... True." Hinata hadn't really thought on it until now. But with the daily routines and regiments, she should have expected this to be Hissori's first date also. Because they were all usually kept so busy, almost none of the Hyuugas had a chance to do much, let alone socialize with people they had crushes on. Not to say none of them were desirable; oh no. Quite the opposite if anything. She knew that in terms of herself, Kiba had especially seemed to chase after her. And the most ironic part was it was sometimes as if he were a lost puppy, yet he had one of his own. Though Akamaru was not a puppy, not anymore. The thought made her inwardly chuckle and her smile widen.

"Well ... um. Maybe we can ask Tsunade for other suggestions when she returns? She would know the area better along with directions. But the immediate idea coming to my head is somewhere to eat. We kinda skipped that .... " Even before making the trek over, neither had eaten much if anything. It'd be a nice and very needed necessity. It could have been optional and Hinata was pretty certain that he'd like the idea regardless. Hissori didn't seem nearly as picky as others she knew of.

Suikoto's eyes glanced around, mentally taking note of all the buildings they walked by. It had indeed been akin to her mental guess; the tallest damn building was indeed the Hokage's one. It worked that way in Iwagakure. Different structure, of course, but same concept. She gave a nod and tried to heed Neji's words. But there was ... a very nagging feeling that something was off. Call it paranoia but it was at least justified after the more negative aspects of last night. Her life and eyes had been sought after as had Neji's. And were it not for fast reactions, that likely would have been achieved. There was also the fact they only knew of the nine that had gotten in the manor.

What if there were others still about? Her head shook no. She didn't want to think of that.

And those sure as hell didn't help; the ANBU. She understood a leader needing bodyguards but ... this many? Something felt almost unnatural in regards to the sight and it made her more tense as they walked by the select few other members that were near the building. She'd give anything to turn on her heels and run .. now. But that'd be foolish and make her seem as if she did have something to hide. And she supposed the only thing that could even begin to be counted was her bloodline ... but would he even ask on that?

And if so, what would his reaction be? Would he think her to be some unholy woman? It was a similar and typical mindset most others had. It wouldn't surprise her .. but Suikoto wished, hoped, prayed like hell that wouldn't happen again.

Her head managed a polite bow as she quietly took a seat, resting her hands in her lap.

Hissori nodded, there was a certain privilege in having the first real date with hinata. He did wonder at times why she had turned down people like Kiba, who in truth would have made a good match for her. Then again he had also been her teammate, so asking such a personal question especially when she had just agreed to a date with him, and no one else was not something he intended to do. It just seemed wrong when what he really needed to focus on was taking Hinata's mind off of their surroundings, and the fact that the two of them were in some level of danger as they were away from the town.

Hissori didn't mind the fact that they were cousins as much as he was sure that Hinata did, but then again he was also the affectionate one. Hinata had yet to make up her mind and so it was up to him to win her over. "Yeah I'm sure Tsunade will have a few more ideas... However speaking of food." He said lightly standing up. It was true that neither of them had eaten since they left the manor early yesterday, and there certainly was no way to hide just how hungry he was, but at least there was something he could do for that in the moment. Pulling two candie bars out of his shirt pocket he tossed one to Hinata. "I always keep something on me, can't fire an arrow on low blood sugar." He said with a small smile, it wasn't a full meal but it would tide them over till Tsunade got back.


There was an awkard silence through the room. Naruto's turned between Suikoto, and Neji. For a few moments the only sound was the ticking of a clock in some far off part of the room. Finally Naruto picked up a pen. looking between Suikoto, and Neji towards the door, before finally adjusting his posture, and looking at the paper work in front of him. "Suikoto, I have a few basic questions for you. If you don't mind I kinda want to get through this so I'm just gonna ask these quickly and you can answer in any order you see fit."

Naruto cleared his throat trying to be as official as possible, but his eyes drifted back to the clock counting down the hours till he could run away from the office or do something else. It was very clear that the paperwork that was slowly filling the room, hadn't actually been touched. Rather he had been procrastinating, the fact that he was even willing to do this piece spoke to it's importance. "Age, weight, height, date of birth, place of birth." Naruto started listing off the basics quickly enough then he paused. "Previous employment, and this is probably the most important... the reason you wish to become a citizen of Konoha.... Which village are you defecting from, and what do me and my people have to protect you from, and of course the big question... why should we?"

Neji moved uncomfortably in his seat, suddenly the air wasn't just cold it was down right freezing. He had basically confirmed his worst fears in a matter of seconds. He had to bite down his lip to avoid speaking out of turn, if there was a place where he could help to defend suikoto he would, but right now everything was in her field.
Suikoto Ashigawa &Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

The candy was another thing Hinata didn't usually indulge in. She caught it and glanced at it a bit hesitantly. But honestly, what was the worst that could happen? When all that came to her head was gaining just a few pounds, she opened and began eating it. Her stomach seemed to thank her as she took the first bite and almost instantly felt the knot that had subconsciously form begin to unclench within her. She got about half of it consumed before the door opened once again and sure enough, Tsunade walked back in.

"Sorry about that. Manager tried to give me hell about taking things that weren't technically mine so I had ... " She waved a hand weakly, beginning to set the bags down. "Whatever. People nowadays, I swear." She went silent again and tried to read the mood in her own place. It wasn't quite ... tense, thank gods. But she had sensed like something had been missed while she'd been out. "Anything else you two need?" She added.

What in the hell is he waiting for exactly?

Suikoto couldn't help but feel ... confused. He had been waiting for something, right? Or was he really just trying to forget of her and Neji's presence? What kind of Hokage was he? An infuriating one it seemed. As he listed off all the questions, she had to mentally write them down in her mind to avoid forgetting them.

They were all easy enough ... but the last few made her fists shake. And before she began to answer, she stood up. "Alright, look. It's clear you don't wish to do this. And I understand those emotions perfectly. But you don't have to word those so cruelly either? Defecting village?!" Her head shook no furiously. "Just because you lead this village doesn't give you the right to hurl insults at the others."

Suikoto had almost gone into a rant on how Iwa didn't dare do such things .. but then she'd seem like a hypocrite in her own words. So she left it at that and sat back down, her fists clenching tightly as they continued to tremble.

"Suikoto Ashigawa. Seventeen. 110 pounds. Five feet six inches. Born March 1st in Iwagakure. By the time I got old enough to consider a job, the war had consumed all of the nations so none. And that ... I told you last night and technically just recently."

She took a deep breath. It'd helped her stay somewhat calm but even Neji - hell Naruto, not like she was hiding her emotions - could sense she was still very pissed at the Hokage.

"I'm transferring from Iwagakure due to a threats of a civil uprising. I didn't feel like being caught in the needless bloodshed, thanks. What? Well, the Kumogakure nin would be the most obvious answer. And why? If not for my sake, the for those who actually need it, hm? Unfortunately, they were convinced I am a Hyuuga. And now that I'm living with them, it's going to be more difficult to try to convince them otherwise. You saw the results. The Elder is gone along with their house ... "

Tears of anger had begun to form in Suikoto's eyes and only when the blonde-haired figure became slightly blurry to her did she even notice it.

"Or if that's not a good enough reason - though why is beyond me - how about just because of something even simpler. It's your goddamn obligation! Assuming, that is, you don't want the entire village wiped out. While Kumo is mainly after me and the Hyuugas, what's to stop them from expanding their sights upon others? Can you dare say you'd be able to forgive yourself if you lost even more lives. The last thing any of the nations need are more death tolls. Weren't enough lost in the last war?! With that attitude, how can you call yourself Hokage?!"

Small salty droplets had finally given in and trailed slowly down her face, most landing on herself though a few did fall on the arms of the chair. So what if they'd been harsh. He'd been the same back and it wasn't like she'd made any actual threats against him. It'd been unorthodox but Suikoto had still replied to all the questions. And for that reason alone, she didn't see Naruto going through with any overly drastic actions like imprisonment or something.

While she had almost considered slapping him for his cold-hearted nature, she hadn't actually done so. Thus in Suikoto's mind ... aside from the verbal lashing she gave Naruto, it should still go well enough. Not perfectly, obviously. But enough to make him have a hell of a wake up call, accept the application, or - gods help he needed this - both.

Hissori smiled watching Hinata eat a candy bar. It was an odd sight she usually did view her body as a temple, but in truth a small thing like that wouldn't do anything more then help her restore some of the energy that she would inevitably use up through the day. Most candy bars were harmless in that fashion. As Tsunade came in with their bags, Hissori was quick to take his bag looking through it he found his wallet quickly enough, happy to have it back in the right place. His vision and strength had now fully returned though there was certainly fatigue due to lack of food.

"Uhm yes actually." He had no idea how he was supposed to talk about this, be it with Tsunade or anyone else for that fact. Would Tsunade find the question weird? or would he accidentally end up embarrassing Hinata? He doubted that she was as shy as she used to be, but at the same time he had seen her fainting attacks. Not to mention experienced one of his own fairly recently. "Lady Tsunade, could I ask your advice." His eyes drifted slightly as he spoke looking away from Tsunade as he spoke, and back towards Hinata.

"Do you know what... a couple is supposed to do with a date? are their any locations you would recommend? along with any good places to get food?" Just like that he had filled Tsunade on why exactly their atmosphere was so tense around one another. Though in truth that wasn't the way that Hissori would have described it, rather he would have said that it was completely unbearable. It felt like he was putting his life on the line to even get this far, and yet at the same time Hinata had said yes, which was a great thing in it's own right.


There was a lot of writting as he put down the information he was given to the page. Naruto's hand writting was messy, perhaps the worst for anyone who had ever shared his office, but that said it was still readable... well kind of readable. He paused as he looked up at Suikoto after she exploded in anger. He let out a long sigh.

"I'm just asking the questions the paper tells me too." He said truthfully. Sure maybe there was a polight way to handle all of this, but the paper work clearly asked the questions with the same wording that he had used. It was a bit of a slap to the face however he hadn't been talked back too in so long that he had almost forgotten what it had felt like. In this day and age where he wielded so much power that it set him apart from his friends, and made him more isolated then he had ever thought possible, It was a breath of fresh air to have someone tell him otherwise.

As for her comments about the last war, his eyes glazed over thinking of the losses the friends and the people that he could never really replace in this world. Plenty of lives had been lost because of him, and plenty more lives were lost in the name of this village these were two things that he did not want to happen again, but with the work load they had to take on, and the tasks this village got every day it seemed like an impossible task, and it had become a fuel for nightmares and paranoia.

He wrote down the last part to the paper work and got up from his chair turning away from them both as he looked out the window. "Your transfer to our village is approved Suikoto, but you won't be staying here for very long. I've been talking with our allies since last night. Kumogakure and Kirigakure are forming some form of coalition. I've been told that historically those villages have had a very bad outlook on Kekigenkai. The attack on the manor proves that they are getting serious, and so I'm employing a double set."

Naruto shook his head. "You and the Hyuuga's will be moved in land, your going to Sunagakure where things will be more safe for you both. Gaara has assured me you will have full rights in his village, and while you are their we will lure Kiri and Kumo into a false deal collecting evidence of their attack, and working to identify the bodies we retrieved from the explosion. Once we can prove that those two villages are involved we can force Iwa into joining us, and with a vote of three too two we can have the villages Kages agree to drop the bounties on both your heads." It had taken them all night, and so far this was the best chance they had to actually strike a deal.
Suikoto Ashigawa &Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Tsunade couldn't help but sneak a glance between Hinata and Hissori. They were .. dating? Had that been why the atmosphere seemed to suddenly change? It was only odd just because Tsunade hadn't thought the Hyuugas still carried out such traditions. But that was no longer her affairs anyways. Her head glanced up as she inwardly scolded herself. "Well ... it really does wind up depending on the couple in regards to what happens. Some prefer to take it slow and steady. Others ... don't mind the opposite routes. But most do usually go to some sort of restaurant for the first date. In terms of here ...."

Her fingers lightly tapped against her cheek a few times before Tsunade nodded. "One of their best places, actually, is a buffet as opposed to the typical sitting and eating style. Although .. " Her eyes went back down towards the two Hyuugas. "You look like you could enjoy the rare ability to indulge yourselves for once. No offense or anything. It's ... " She paused and began seeming to do a mental countdown in her head before speaking again. "About seven shops down west of here. It's on the same side of my house. You can't miss it. It has a huge sign in front of it. Takeshi's Buffet. There are also tons of other restaurants nearby if you want to look into them though."

Hinata's head bowed in appreciation as she gave Tsunade a light smile. "Thank you." Her own white eyes turned to meet Hissori's. "What do you think?" She inquired. Personally, Hinata had never usually been a picky eater. But now the ability to eat just a bit more than usual did sound a bit enticing, honestly.

Suikoto had to bite her lip to keep from letting more infuriated words leaving her lips. It'd mostly worked ... up until Naruto explained his plan. There was one major flaw with it. But the hell with it. If he couldn't understand a major reason it could - and would very likely - fail, not her fault. After all, he was supposed to be Hokage. He was supposed to fix these things with his own actions.

But deep down, Suikoto knew that if the revolution had indeed occurred a bit after she had left Iwagakure, Naruto would never get their support. No. Then it would be three against two but not in the way he'd hoped for. The three would all be against Konoha and Suna. And while it may sound impossible for three smaller nations to take down the two strongest ones, anyone with a basic knowledge of politics and military topics knew sometimes it wasn't the size of a nation that mattered but rather how large the ones against it were. And even with Iwagakure, Kirigakure and Kumogakure all being less powerful apart ... together?

It made her shudder to think about, especially since Suikoto had no exact idea on whom may have wound up taking over her former homeland. It was supposed to be someone strict .. unorthodox. But that was as far as the rumors went.

".... Thank you ... " She finally managed to reply. There was still a slightly irked tone lingering about in her voice. But she was trying to play the civil card. Trying, of course, had been the keyword. She could feel her muscles ready. Once they were dismissed ... oh dear gods was she ready to get the hell out of here, lest she actually blow and rip his office apart with a wind jutsu.

"Sounds like a wonderful idea." Hissori smiled, and nodded at the suggestion. Food was certainly a welcome addition to his body at this point. He was still tired, and honestly a little broken. His eyes were fixed, but he had spent the last night burning up with a high temperature, and unable to keep any kind of food inside him. Add to the fact that Hinata and him hadn't eaten since they left the hyuuga estate, and there was certainly a welcomed idea for a date. It was a chance to enjoy themselves away from the family, and take in something they wouldn't normally have managed.

"Thank you Lady Tsunade." Hissori gave a small bow as they turned to leave the former hokage's home. It was a shame that Lady Tsunade was inactive, though she was doing what she could for the people of this town. Most people hadn't wanted her to leave her position, and judging by the way his eyes were now working he could already tell that Tsunade was still far from retirement. What ever she was doing to hold back her aging the woman had an incredible strength to her. It was kind of sad that they couldn't use her as an ally in their current time of need.

Walking with Hinata his arm slowly wrapped around hers. they were on a date after all. It was still morning, and the sun was out now, giving them a better view of just about everything. The sunlight was warm and he was thankful to have it back. His eyes adjusted quickly to the world around them, and for a moment he stopped just to take in the blue sky, and smile lightly. His body relaxed as he let out a long sigh he didn't even realize he had been holding. "You know for a little while I was worried I was never going to see anything again. It's funny my sight was gone for about twelve hours, and yet it felt like an eternity. Still even if I hadn't gotten my eyes back it wouldn't have been so bad, considering the last thing I saw was all of you."

Hissori blushed slightly bringing attention to the fact that he had seen pretty much every part of Hinata, if only to embarrass and tease her a little bit more.


Neji sighed as they finally left the Hokage's office. Naruto had his little plan but it could easily back fire. Considering the two nations that were acting odd, Konoha was likely to become a battle ground, and the last time there had been a battle inside the walls of Konoha it hadn't ended well for anyone. Pain had nearly destroyed all of this, and now Kumo, and Kiri were acting weird. "Figures that we can't have any rest. In our line of work it was only a matter of time till something like this happened." He said lightly.

There were a lot of things that needed to be done still. Just because Suikoto was now a member of their village didn't mean that they were safe. Being deployed futher in land would protect them against Kiri, but Kumo was the bigger threat. "Since were being deployed to Suna, we need to gather what ever supplies we need, and..." He paused slightly looking at Suikoto he placed a worried hand on her shoulder noticing how angered she had been during the meeting.

"I need you by my side. We also need Hinata, and Hissori to return home ahead of schedule. Not to mention inform Hanabi, and Hiashi about our new orders. Thankfully we can pick up the aforementioned away team on our way to Suna." There was a lot of work that needed to be done around here, and it was just bound to get annoying. Still for all the trouble that all of this would cause for them, at least they were going to Suna. Neji had an easier time dealing with Garaa these days then he did Naruto.
Suikoto Ashigawa &Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Hinata bowed her head, smiling softly to Tsunade. "Yes. It does sound great. Thank you very much." A few moments later, the former Hokage returned the favor. Hinata let her eyes glance around for a few moments before turning and leaving beside Hissori. Her heart was pounding in her chest as the dawning continued to hit her. She had agreed to court her own cousin. This .. was going to be so awkward when Hiashi found out. Yes, when and not if. There was no hiding this from her father, not forever. Perhaps worse than that, she still hadn't figured a verdict out to tell him from the incident against Hanabi.

Her own sigh resounded but not aloud. No. Poor Hinata's was heard only in her head. For now, though, she shook all the worries away and refused to think on them. This was her first date she was going on. It wasn't fair to just up and ignore Hissori by letting her anxieties get the better of her.

As Hissori spoke up, she turned to face him, her cheeks flushing slightly as their arms connected with one another. Her own smile managed to cross her face. She stayed silent while he talked, partly out of courtesy and - upon hearing the last words - to remind herself. She'd almost forgotten that sure enough, the last thing he had seen was her nude body. But when her memory helped her remember that fact, Hinata's cheeks did darken.

"I ... um .... did I seem that attractive to you?" Sure it would no doubt sound stupid. Unfortunately, the young woman was completely serious. She'd been viewed as many things before by others within Konoha. But none had hinted anything quite like that. "I'm glad you got your sight back also. How do your eyes feel? Better now?"

Suikoto's feet had been moving on instincts. She walked faster than usual but not so much it would cause her to lose sight of Neji. The poor look-alike was trying her damnedest to calm herself. But a lot of those words had really struck many bad chords with her. But the worst hadn't been in regards to Iwagakure. No, she could tolerate and live with that. When he'd dared to ask why he should help the Hyuugas out though ... that had been what really made her snap the most though. The mere fact he had seriously almost not even tried to help out just ... blew her away.

"That man shouldn't be Hokage .. " She murmured, temporarily forgetting where she was and even who was near her. Only when she felt Neji's hand land gently on her shoulder did Suikoto return to reality.

Her head gently turned as she gazed softly at Neji. Her cheeks couldn't help but flush softly. The concept of actually being needed was ... new to her. But the words sounded so very nice, as if they were an alluring melody. Normally, she would have questioned them but after last night? No. She knew Neji wasn't toying with her emotions. And it made them all the more sweeter to hear.

"I ... alright. I'm .... " She took a long, deep exhale before nodding. "I'm better now. I just ... really needed to get that out of my system. Yes. Let's .. go to your uncle and cousin first then and bring this up. Or did you want to get the supplies first?"

Regardless, she was more than willing to follow and help out in any possible way Neji needed her to do so. The more calm expression in her eyes and tone all but spelled that much out as a smile reappeared on her face.

Hissori let out a long and happy sigh. He was finally with Hinata, and as far as he could see he had a serious shot of staying that way, at least until Hiashi found out, and he was banished forever for touching the heir to the family. Though with the way Hiashi was acting in the past it seemed to him like that wasn't the case, and a selfish part of Hissori wanted to see Hanabi become the heir proper. It wasn't to spite Hiinata far from it, as much as he dispised Hanabi if it were the case then he and Hinata would be on equal footing, and that mean he would be allowed to stay with Hinata.

Of course that also meant giving the family over to Hanabi and who knew what that little fire cracker would do with such a responcibility. It was terrifying to know that she was a supporter of many of the older and harsher traditions that once pit Neji and Hinata against each other. She was clearly the ill fit, ruler. Though with Hinata in charge she would have the power to blaze her own trail and oh no he went cross eyed. Thinking about it all too much was starting to strain his vision and so he returned to the here and now where he was with Hinata, and they were at peace. "They feel fine, don't worry about me too much. You have enough on your plate, My job is to make you forget that fact for now."

When Hinata asked her question he nodded happily. "You are very attractive Hinata-chan. I've known that fact for many years, it's good to finally have it out in the open." He said lightly. As they arrived at the restaraunt that Tsunade had described the were sat down and he looked over the menu rather lightly. In truth his eyes were spent more often turning towards Hinata. He gave her a slight bow. She really had grown up as of late. It was rewarding too see. "Any idea what you want, they seem to enjoy their barbequed meat here."


"You could say that." Neji said. In truth he wasn't sure if anyone would have been ready to take on the role of Hokage after the war. He did not envy the role. He did however have some distaste with how Naruto had so far shown to be handling his responsibilities. It was a shame really too see one of his best friends and an Icon of hope to have fallen so far. "Back in the day he was a great man. A child with the power to inspire others through his sheer force of will, and a powerful warrior. But... great warriors do not always make for great kings. We needed more from him then he had to give, and in truth I think it's the villages fault he is the way he is."

It had taken everything from Naruto and given him a night mare for what should have been his life long dream. The tragedy was not lost on Neji. That said however there was more to life then the losses he had suffered. "No one came out of the last war completely intact, but I doubt that Kumo, and Kiri would want to start another one. Not after all the hell we were put through last time. His plan may not be the best, but I actually do have hope for it."

Walking back the way they came he leaned in towards Suikoto, and pressed a hand against her waist pulling her closer to him. "I think this should be obvious, but you shouldn't tell them what is going on between us. If you have anything left in your system it's best to get it out now before we go to my uncle." He knew that Suikoto was tense, he could still see it, but seeing her smile made it all a little better. Her calm tone helped as well. Leaning over he kissed Suikoto's cheek just to let her know that he was still beside her in more ways then one.
Suikoto Ashigawa &Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Much like Hissori, Hinata had quite a bit on her mind. But in the end, she decided to focus on everything which needed an answer after this date. After all, they had to head back tomorrow. She would at least need ample amounts of time to be able to figure herself and a proper reply out. Until then, though, she would give Hissori her full and undivided attention. Her smile widened as she heard the answers to her questions, especially the one about how his eyes were. Even if it was his obligation, they were both on vacation. It wasn't only Hinata who needed to forget of hectic events and such. Well, not in her mind.

Tinges of crimson appeared on her face as he went on and admitted he had found her appealing to the eyes. It really was new for her to consider.

"T-thank you." She replied softly, allowing her eyes to inspect the restaurant as they walked inside together. It seemed to be incredibly organized and full of life. This appeared to have been the correct choice to have made. "Um .... " Her head shook. "It will probably be easiest to figure out by walking around and seeing what has been set out." Hinata finally decided, heading to grab a plate for herself.

Although Suikoto did hear Neji's explanation, she didn't overly focus upon it. Right now, other things - let alone more vital ones - were going through her head. Eventually, they had to tell Hiashi that the two weren't just friends anymore. It'd likely be worse if he found out himself. The Hyuuga clan seemed to be full of many individuals who had quite a bit of pride. That being said, she could begin to imagine how he may almost instantly disagree with her being so intimate with his own nephew. She was supposed to be the mere servant for the Hyuugas. Nothing more and, thankfully, nothing less.

Still, it was enough to set her role into stone.

An annoyed sigh left her lips as she heard Neji's hopeful views with Kumogakure and Kiri. "I can't speak on behalf of the latter yet. But given how ... you found me, Kumo has all but declared war. And ... the news on what's been happening is likely going to spread. It'll be a real miracle that alone doesn't create enough of a stir to initiate another conflict. But ... I suppose we'll see how everything goes."

A soft laugh left as her smile widened more. "Well .. yeah. It's all but crystal clear in fact." Reaching up, she moved a hand and rested it upon Neji's cheek. Without thinking on much of anything, including whether anyone had their eyes activated, she leaned forward and gave Neji a deep and very passionate kiss on his lips.

Hissori let out a small sigh as he went to grab his plate along side Hinata, and started checking over the buffet for any food he wanted. In truth he was still feeling very awkward, and no matter how he tried to help himself on this situation he doubted that he would become any less. However putting that aside along with the thoughts about their other family members he had to wonder what would happen to them. They weren't in the best position to just pick up and move on, with the estate gone, and the elder dead along with the appearance of the new girl. He shook his head a lot had changed in the past 24 hours that was for sure.

Yes the chaos was plaguing them both, which gave a heavy atmosphere to everything, but at the same time this was a date, and Hissori was feeling far better then he had in the past all things considered. His eye sight was back at full force, and he could move around with relative ease. Taking a small portion of the food on his plate so he could go back for seconds if he needed Hissori found a table for the two. Sitting down he clapped his hands together and bowed. "itadakimasu."

Picking up his chopsticks he smiled and took some of the food. "It's good!" He said lightly. Leaning back he let out a soft sigh of relief finally having something to taste, as well as just something to eat. "Leave it to lady Tsunade to know her food and drink." Sitting down he started to notice just how personal the atmosphere here was. The tables were very small only fitting up too groups of four comfortably. In terms of people, aside from a hand full of other customers there was hardily anyone around, and the place was quiet, though that could have been because it was still early. "Uhm..." His attention turned back to Hinata. "Do you drink?" He said wondering if he should order them some Sake.


Neji was quick to return the passionate kiss his arms slowly embracing her body and pulling her deeper towards him. He was quick to enjoy the pleasure of the kiss, and silently wanted more. However they were expected, and so he eventually did have to let her go, though not without first giving her ass a tender squeeze. Taking a deep breath and holding it back he let go of Suikoto for the moment. Only because he had no other choice.

"I'm glad I have you at my side, regardless of what the fallout of it all is like." Neji said his breath still a little low. He knew that Suikoto was just supposed to be a servant, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel admiration for her after all that she has been through, as well as the affections the two had been through. The last night for as stressful as it had been on them, had at least brought them very close together, and that was worth everything considered the information they had gotten. Somewhere in this village things weren't as they seemed.

"we managed to make them see reason before in the past. I am sure we can make things right again." Maybe it was optimism, or blind ignorance, but either way Neji was happy to repeat his belief that this wouldn't have to come to war. Walking back to the apartments they had been given he knocked on the door to Hiashi's apartment waiting for a response.
Suikoto Ashigawa &Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Hinata's mind subconsciously went back and forth between trying to determine a final verdict and focusing on what to place upon her plate. No matter how many times she had tried to plead internally with herself to temporarily forget of tomorrow, it wasn't working. It'd be one of the most important days of not just her own life but the clan's as well. So much would be decided and there were only guesses on whether it'd be for better or worse in the end. Her father's words continued to echo in her mind.

"Think on whether you truly regretted nearly crippling your sister or not and tell me in three days ... "

The same 'yes' and 'no' verdict had been the best she could come up with. It was her own sibling and for that alone, twinges of guilt had no doubt filled her during the spar. Simultaneously, both herself and Hanabi had been trained to prepare for the worst. And being incapacitated was the next worst thing, one of them anyway. So if Hanabi hadn't been ready for that, was it her fault? Nope. She could see the shock to never expect that from her own sister. But even Hiashi would vouch it wouldn't excuse her ignorance.

An inward sigh echoed in Hinata's head as she finally finished gathering food on her plate and sat across from Hissori. Her own hands clapped together and head bowed politely. "Itadekimasu." She repeated softly, smiling in approval as she too began to eat. "Mhm, this is good." She replied, nodding in agreement. Poor Hinata almost choked. But she definitely stared in what was clearly disbelief upon hearing the offer of having sake.

"W-well ... um ... shouldn't at least one of us be somewhat sober?" She finally managed to inquire. While she was considered an adult after having served in the recent war, she didn't know about doing that.

It was almost physically painful for Suikoto to let go of Neji. But she fairly guessed that they were being waited for. Naruto had spoken in front of Hiashi and Hanabi yesterday when he requested for her to meet up with him, after all. So they knew where she'd been. It hadn't been until they broke the kiss that her mind couldn't help but wonder .. how often did Neji's uncle even use his eyes? Did he already know of them and just how intimate they had been? The mere possibility made butterflies swim in her stomach.

She supposed that if nothing else, she did consider herself lucky to still be relatively sane after the ordeal that Suikoto had endured with Kumogakure. But aside from that, she didn't know if she could admire herself like Neji was doing.

The revelation of Kumogakure having been negotiated with in the past with the Hyuugas made the look-alike return back to reality as she found herself looking, if not staring, at Neji. "... Have they now? It's only intriguing to think of just because of how they acted recently. Then again, this is probably where the saying about people changing over time kicks in. But ... I want you to be right about making this all correct."

Her gaze slowly shifted as it looked to the set of apartments. Taking a deep breath, Suikoto walked forward towards the residence that Hiashi and Hanabi were staying with. She held her hands in front of herself as Neji knocked. While her preference was to hold one of his hands, she hadn't forgotten his advice or words on why it wasn't a wise thing to do. Her head bowed slightly as she found herself beginning to play the waiting game with Neji.
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