Peace Never Lasts Forever [An AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

Neji sighed as Suikoto was forced to once again relay a story, all while they stood around the ruined remains of their home. Naruto on the other hand looked a little more then shocked. The rain was still going down, and though it was helping to distort the fire and smoke around them this was still the former Hyuuga estate. He looked at Neji walking up to him after all was said and done, he wasn't happy about this or any thing that happened here right now. "You should have told me about her, I could have sent extra security, or helped in some way. Now Konoha is in danger thanks to this."

The words cut Neji deep, it was true, and he had brought up the idea, of talking to the Hokage, and yet until now they had done their best to stay away from him. It was something that was true, and slightly painful, and yet he didn't need to hear it from Naruto. Turning the Hokage walked away. "My Anbu will escort you to temporary housing. There's an old set of apartments that are still untouched, they aren't the estate, but they will do you. Suikoto you can stay, but in the morning I will have some paper work for you to sign. Make your stay with us a little more official." With that his body flickered slightly and he was gone in a yellow flash. Back to his office where he would lock himself away from the public eye yet again.

Neji stayed with Suikoto. Helping her stand, and staying by her side, as the other smaller and yet seemingly compassionate girl walked up to Suikoto. "My name is Hanabi Hyuuga." She said with a small formal nod. "I have heard much about you from Hiashi." She said happily before turning and walking in the direction that the ANBU bid to follow.

Neji let out a long sigh, turning back to the home he had spent all his life in. It had survived Pein, and it had survived the war, and yet tonight the people knew exactly how to take it down. Shaking his head he let out a small sigh. "It's only things, most of us survived." He said lightly. Oddly he didn't really morn the loss of the elder, he had not been in the best of health before any of this, but it did scream out something in the back of the head. It made Hiashi the new elder of their clan... so who would be the next head? It was a question no one would voice, not until the dead were buried and the wreckage was dealt with.

The moment Hinata pointed and yelled Hissori fired. Pulling back on the bow an arrow materialized made of his own chakra and energy but channeled through his summon. the arrow struck something and there was a smear of red across the wall. as he impacted the enemy much harder then he had been when hissori had been shot. A moment later a man materialized out of the spot and fell to the ground. He was crippled having landed on the shaft of the arrow and pushing it through clean to the other side.

Hissori walked up pulling back another arrow. "Who sent you?" He was in no real mood to play around, but he got no actual answer his shoulder was burning and for a moment Hissori felt his vision going black from a mixture of pain and exhaustion. His eyes were actually starting to black out.

"Hurts doesn't it?.. The blinding agent has probably gotten to your head by now.." The assassin's voice was ragged as he looked at Hissori. He wasn't going to say anything more then that, drawing out a knife Hissori simply let go and let the last arrow crack the man in the skull.

Turning too Hinata, he did feel light headed, shaking his head, his vision was going darker and darker by the moment. He looked at her a little panic'd. "Some vacation." He said before walking back towards her. He was bleeding, he was slowly going blind, and really the only thing he could care about was seeing her. "It's probably just temporary blindness. They wouldn't really want to destroy the eyes... It's what they are after... But before mine give out." He dropped down towards her, looking at her face, giving her a dry smile thanks in part to the amount of pain he was in. "I'd like to see you smile... we won...and your safe."
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

"Now Konoha is in danger thanks to this."

Even though she knew he wasn't directly referring to her, per se, the words still greatly stung and made Suikoto cringe. The rain helped hide some of the tears, making it difficult to establish which was coming from the girl's eyes or the sky above. Giving a polite bow of her head to the Hokage, her attention briefly went to Hanabi. "Nice to meet you though I do wish the circumstances were better." Hopefully these temporary houses would have some set of clothes. Even a damn robe would be greatly appreciated. But she felt pathetic walking around half-nude in front of the clan who had taken her in, asking almost nothing of her but her loyalty.

Her agenda for the morning had been altered as she reminded herself the tour - assuming Neji would still want that even - would have to wait until she finished up the paperwork. Her head stayed down towards the ground the entire walk, a bit of shame, anger but mostly guilt swimming through her with every step.

This is all your fault. You dragged them here. Maybe you should have just let them believe it, let them take the damn things. At least they'd have what they wanted ...

The thought made her shudder and shake, the cold rain aiding out further. She didn't want to look at anyone, not even Neji. She felt ... like the worst person alive right now. Everything around her, she didn't deserve. And the very truth stung and pained her, causing the tears to fall faster.

As Hinata's head resurfaced from under the water, she saw Hissori make his mark and find the assailant. Walking out with the now wet towel, she made her way towards Hissori. Her body shook as she managed to hear the hint of him having been poisoned with a venom that was ruining his vision. What if it wasn't temporary? What if it was permanent? It made her body tremble more.

".... I'm so sorry ... " She whispered, pulling him in a gentle hug. "Those were for me .. not you. I never heard him ... nothing." Her head shook slowly, finding his request impossible at the moment. It was true that they had won ... but how could she begin to smile? Even if only for him ... the task was easier said than done. Especially when her own set of tears began to fall down her face.

"... Maybe we should go back, especially if this isn't temporary. You .. you need medical treatment, even if not for the venom just from the wound.... " Unless there was a place here. And even then, she didn't know if they were reliable here. Back in Konoha, Hinata knew for damn well sure that Sakura, Shizune, and maybe even Tsunade could do far more than anyone here.

Even as the suggestion to get him aid left her lips, Hinata still didn't feel like smiling. But among her tears, she'd let Hissori see her comply. It wasn't one of the better ones by any means but it was genuine all the same. "For you ... " She managed to reply, keeping him in a hug while waiting for his reply.

Neji kept a close eye on Suikoto. He was worried about her, after all even Hanabi had said that this hadn't been her fault, and while he had plenty of reasons to not trust the usually selfish or arrogant Hanabi, this time it rang true. The problem wasn't that Suikoto required protection, rather it was just that Kumo had attacked them. It was rare to see so many people get past such tight security as a village, and then to see such an isolated attack was even rarer. Going over the details it would have seemed like something was wrong, but no one could have or would have helped such a group. Naruto had become paranoid with his power, at least thats what it looked like. For some reason the boy had finally gotten exactly what he had always wanted, and yet he no longer acted like the kind and excitable naruto they had all known.

It seemed to Neji that buerocracy and age had finally gotten him to be as bitter as jiraiya. Neji shook his head letting the worry pass and instead glanced over the cold and wet Suikoto. His hands moved to her shoulder trying to re assure her. As they arrived the two anbu's handed them sets of keys. Three avaliable apartments. Neji was the first to speak up. "I'll take Suikoto, you and Hanabi can have your own apartments. We have all been through a lot... lets just get some sleep."

He shook his head his long hair whipping slightly as he did walking her up to the room he unlocked the door and opened it up. The rooms were small and hadn't been lived in for a little while, there was a bedroom, and a bath robe hanging off the washroom door. There was a kitchen area and a joined living room room. Neji quickly walked across the room and took up the bath robe tossing it back to Suikoto with a smile. "I'm sorry for this being your first night here. I know you probably envisioned things going differently. If you want I will sleep out here, and you can have the bedroom area."

Neji saw it less that things had been caused by her, and simply that they had enemies. The people that she had to deal with, and the ones who had destroyed their home, had been the same people that had killed his father years prior, and nearly abducted Hinata. It was something that they got used too after a while. The knowledge that no matter what happened they would always be at least a little hunted. This was the most brazen attack in many years, but he understood the why of it. "This would have happened regardless if you were here or not. This isn't the first time this group has attacked our home. It's just the first time they succeed in destroying it." He said making his logic clear to her. Neji turned to Suikoto, "We've known about this threat since I was five years old, it's been long over due, and you are not the cause. It's like Hanabi said, none of what happened tonight was your fault, and really... you just had a long walk of shame. You suffered enough."

Hissori smiled up at Hinata as she embraced him, It wasn't embrassing as he thought it would be to see everything Hinata had. Rather now he just kind of accepted his feelings, and for the first time in actually being aloud to look at her like this Hissori didn't feel the embarrassment about it. Rather when he blushed it was because he liked the view, for however long it lasted.

Hissori's hand reached up raising against her cheek. "I'm sorry Hinata." He said lightly. "I ended up hitting you again." He said in reference to how he had kicked her into the hot water. Looking into her eyes as she embraced him, he felt content if this was the last image he would see for a while, he pulled Hinata a little closer, he was stupid sure but he didn't really have the currage to say his thoughts, rather he just closed his eyes and pressed his lips to Hinata's in a slow embrace.

"Your beautiful, I would watch you from a distance every now and then. Before I was your guard, and after. I'd feel a little stupid, even as I tried my best to stay out of sight. The task never seemed that hard, your eyes were always focused on a different direction, but I'm glad I get to see them now." When he re opened his eyes though his vision did not return. Rather there was a dark haze over everything. Sighing he let his body relax it wasn't the embrace of death, or anything like that, just his eyes. It should have terrified him more, being blind in a world where everyone wanted his eyes, but at the same time he felt content in that moment.

"I don't know about going back to Konoha... doesn't Tsunade frequent this village?" His tone shifting suddenly to something more matter of fact. "Shouldn't be too hard to find one of the old groups willing to make a house call."
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Suikoto remained silent the entire walk back. She still wanted to up and vanish, feeling horrid and mortified on how things had went. But there was nothing she could do to alter what had just occurred. It pained her heart quite a bit to realize and know this. It took all of her willpower to hide an amused smirk as Neji finally suggested they share an apartment together. Few fathers - uncles in this case - would dare allow such a thing. Even with the eyesight, it was still quite a risk under every other circumstance; one that few people would allow to be taken. But honestly, the gesture was nice all the same. After what had nearly happened, the last thing Suikoto wanted was to be alone.

As the robe got tossed to her, she shook her head no and caught it. "I ... no. It's fine. After tonight ... I don't know if being alone is best." Moving into the bathroom, she pulled the drenched shirt off and replaced it with the new garment, finally having something dry to hide her skin with. It made her feel more decent and a bit better. But there were still slithers of guilt swimming through the lookalike. Hanging the wet cloth over the towel rack, she walked out and back towards the bedroom area. After thinking over the offer, it dawned on her that may come off as .... demanding if not worse.

"If that's too awkward, I'll understand. But I'm not going to try to force you to sleep in a different place. If you want to .. just make sure it's because of what you want, not what you think I desire." Mentally noting his words of reassurance that this truly wasn't her fault, she turned and headed onto the bed. It still felt like it was; at least somewhat. But she would be able to forgive herself completely in time. Right now though, no. She couldn't begin to do such a task.

Worse off, she was too scared to go to sleep. A weary sigh left as she waited, curious on whether Neji would accept or not. A very selfish part hoped for it .. but she knew it would likely be awkward for him. And that alone may make him decline. Should that be the case, she'd accept his decision. It was the least Suikoto could do for him.

"I .... " That was as far as Hinata got before their lips locked. Her heart ... raced? Wait, why? This was her cousin? Wasn't this wrong? So why had it felt right in some odd fashion? She was so confused. And as Hissori confessed his feelings to her - let alone about her - a sense of irony struck the young woman roughly. She'd always been looking at Naruto, never realizing someone had been doing the same back to her. Her head slowly bowed as Hinata tried her best to consider everything Hissori had just said.

"... I ... I need to think on this as well. And it's nothing against you, truly. But really, how is this going to be explained to Father? It'd be even harder than the reply he's already expecting from me. I ... I can try to keep this a secret for a bit. But not forever." There was just no damn way they'd be able to do that. None. And even if they did attempt such an act, it'd only earn them both his true wrath; all for the right reasons, unfortunately.

"Um ... if she does, I've never heard of her being here. But ... we can check it out. Here ... " Leading him over towards his towel, she handed it over and waited for him to wrap it around himself. Slowly guiding one of his hands upon her shoulder to avoid getting lost, she began leading them both first to their room. "Before that though, we may as well get dressed in more proper attire. So I'm leading us back up to the room first." There was no telling how long this blindness would remain .. so she'd need to relay a lot to him. Even now, her mind tried to think on what to do if this was indeed permanent.

But .. that bridge could be crossed when it showed up, she supposed. For now, Hinata did her best to think of any and everything else. Hopefully Neji and Suikoto were doing much better than themselves.

Neji coughed when Suikoto invited him back to her room. It felt rather sudden, and he hadn't been expecting it with all that they had gone through it was flattering, and in truth he didn't really want to be alone either. Nodding he agreed too it. Neither of them needed to be alone right now and he knew it would be a while before he wanted to sleep. Even along someone as oddly attractive as Suikoto. It felt a little wrong, since she looked like she could be his cousin, but oddly he never really considered her one. She wasn't a part of the family feud that over took this clan. She didn't fight on the same inter personal level as the Hyuuga family did. She was a new comer to a battle she hardly understood.

"Do you want something to drink? He asked pulling out some cups, and searching through the pantries for anything the last owners would have left. He didn't find much, a few un used tea bags, and some instant coffee that was about it drink wise. But the tea wasn't all that bad, and they had a kettle to boil it with. Either way he started filling the kettle and setting it to boil.

"In truth I don't know how anyone could think of sleep. Hinata's lucky, she's off partying with Hissori right about now, completely oblivious that our grand father just..." Neji let out a long sigh. A lot of things were going to change. "I'm not gonna lie Suikoto, these are some dark times for the family. The estate was a rock in our lives, no one will blame you, but everyone will be at least a little shaken up because of what happened. Not to mention we now have nine dead Kumogakure ninja's on our front door step... Naruto was right to be angry this is pretty close to a nightmare as it gets." Neji breathed out a long sigh sitting down as he waited for the water to boil. "If I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't really want to sleep right now, I don't know what I want... I'm just hoping that the tea can help calm my nerves."

Hissori took the towel and wrapped himself up. He understood what Hinata was saying about Hiashi, and how this would be bad for the both of them if it ever got out. He let out a small sigh as he felt Hinata guiding him through the place, and for the first time the thought hit him if this was permanent then he wasn't really a hyuuga anymore. He wasn't even really a chunin. He was just a person, crippled in the line of duty. It happened every now and then, but it caused him pause, and suddenly he felt his eyes burn not from poison, but from tears. His life actually did have a chance to be over, and that alone was humiliating unless.

It didn't make sense why would they blind him? To stop him from fighting obviously, but if they were after the eyes, then. Hissori practically turned and almost barrelled over Hinata as a sudden epiphany struck him, moving past her he ran back towards the body of the other ninja, and smacked head first into the wall behind her. "Son of a..." He let out a long breath trying to relax himself a moment later.

"Hinata the body, search it." He said pausing to go back. "Why would anyone use a blinding agent on a hyuuga... so we can't fight back right? but what happens after were blind and dead, the arrow was shot at you, not at me, because you don't have the seal. He wasn't aiming for me because if I died my eyes break, but to take you down you would need to be blinded. If he applied poison to his arrows then that means he has the anti-venom. Because he would need to use it before it was extracted."
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

"Y-yes. Tea or water would be preferable." The fact he hadn't left the room hinted to Suikoto that he'd taken up the offer. It made her smile and instantly feel a bit safer. As comfortable as the bed was, she couldn't find it in her to stay lying down. No, she was far too restless and according to how Neji replied, he was the same. It was a new sight, to see and hear the normally calm Neji so .... anxious. In fact, he was close to actually panicking. Though who could blame him? The house he'd been raised in was taken away along with his own grandfather. Any sane person would be upset if not worse.

"... I ... don't know if I can sleep either. Personally, I'd want answers. Mainly on the how. I know for sure I wasn't followed; not immediately after the escape. It did go noticed, no questioning that. But I'd thought it would have taken so much longer." Her head bowed slightly, a small sigh leaving her lips. "... I should have just let them believe I was one of you ... " She muttered, her head shaking slowly. Even with what part of her desired, Suikoto knew it didn't matter. Still though, she hadn't been with the Hyuugas for even a full day. She couldn't help but feel that the young woman had made by far one of the absolute worst impressions.

Even if no one would blame her, that didn't mean anyone would like her. There was quite the difference.

Hinata blinked as Hissori abruptly turned and ran into a wall. "... Hissori?" She asked softly, her eyes blinking a few more times as he gave input and thoughts that had seemed to abruptly hit him. "I ... alright." Kneeling beside the body, she did indeed find a syringe filled with .. some sort of liquid. "I ... think this is it. It's a needle with a clear liquid. My main worry though .. is if this is another poison instead. I'd rather find Tsunade or someone with medical knowledge to figure this out first before doing anything with it."

Soft footsteps would be heard as Hinata let his hand find her shoulder once again. Without a word for now, she resumed leading them back up to the room.

Neji shook his head at Suikoto's words. There was something about them that was just slightly disgusting to him. Mostly that even if she had let them believe that she was one of the Hyuuga clan the only thing that would have come from it was more torture and pain. Getting up as the water boiled he poured two glasses of lemon tea and put them out on the counter taking a seat and offering her one as well. "That wouldn't have done any good." He said truthfully.

"They would have used you for as long as they believed the lie, and then when they discovered the truth they would have hurt you worse then they already did. You are strong if you hadn't stuck to the truth like you had, then I assure you they would have done much worse to your body." He said lightly looking at her, and giving her a small smile. "You were followed actually."

"On the day that we met I had been dispatched to deal with a group of Kumo Nin who were scouring the boarders between the land of clouds, and the land of fire. No one could figgure out why they were out that far away from their homes, but considering my path home was what brought me to your body. They were the search party. Thing is though I defeated that search party, sent them back broken and wounded. These couldn't have been the same people from back then." The injured members of the search party could have gone back and said that they were stopped by a Hyuuga. That alone could have stirred this kind of retalation but something else was wrong with that picture.

"Konoha is one of the most secure places in the land of fire... how the hell did nine people get in through the gates without anyone noticing?" Maybe it was paranoia, but something was wrong with the image he was painting in his head. Everything turned towards a double agent, but the only double agent he knew of was... "I need to call Hinata." He said jumping up almost at an instant. Grabbing a phone he tried desperately to remember his cousins cell phone number.

Hissori nodded as Hinata guided him back towards the room, at least they had the anti venom now. "Don't you have some medicinal training? You were always making that healing ointment before... or did you not pack any of that?" He said his hands went over his shoulder and found the place where the arrow head was still imbedded into him. He let out a small hissing noise as he touched it. Dropping his bow which he had been using to help him walk it transformed back into the red ferret he had summoned earlier.

The summon looked towards Hinata, and then towards Hissori considering they were both in towels, and just gave an approving thumbs up before vanishing not that Hissori could react to it. Letting out a deep sigh he heard Hinata's cellphone go off from her bag. "You might want to get that." He said lightly, trying to ignore the shoulder pains for the moment. Complaining wouldn't get him anywhere for the moment he just needed to deal with it. "And could you toss me some fresh clothing? I'd get it but..." he gestured towards his face passing a hand over his eyes as they stared blankly at the wall ahead of him.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Suikoto's heart sank upon hearing she had indeed been followed. ".. What?" She replied in a voice barely above a whisper, whimpering and trembling. Even if it hadn't been the same team, they were likely a good reason as to how this one knew where to find her. But .. Neji was right. It didn't answer how they got in all the same. It was good to hear that normally, Konoha was indeed secure and difficult to sneak into. The sight of the cups made her look down and finally take one gently. Her hand wrapped around the handle, trembling slightly, as she held it. "Thank you ... " She whispered softly, raising it to her lips as she took a sip.

"W-well .. yes. But that's making basic medicines. Identifying liquids and what their medical purpose is though?" Her head shook no sadly. "That's something else, let alone a topic Tsunade would likely know better. But you're correct also. I didn't pack any of them with me. Just clothes ... and ... " That was when the phone went off, making her jump slightly. She'd almost dropped the damn syringe in the process. Taking a few breaths to calm herself, she set the hopeful anti-venom upon her bed before answering the cell phone, pulling a pair of boxers, shirt, and pants and placing them all into Hissori's hand.

Her cheeks burned slightly at having taken the boxers. In fact, it made her a bit glad Hissori couldn't see at the moment. Walking away, Hinata began grabbing some clothing for herself. "Moshi mosthi?"

Neji smiled towards suikoto. "You don't need to thank me for a mission." He said. It was true that currently he was on the verge of freaking out. He was normally so calm, that it was becoming apparent that Neji was loosing control of this situation, and for someone like him who wasn't at all used to it this was a very bad thing to him. He didn't know what he was doing anymore. He was confused, and for the first time in a long time unsure of himself. He was still faithful in his skills, but at the same time he had no idea what to do aside from that. Seeeing Suikoto's hand tremble he breathed slowly. "I told you no matter what you are safe here, I will make sure of that."

Neji was thankful to hear Hinata's voice at first glance. Somehow he had it in his head that if there was a traitor among them it would have been Hissori, and that their sudden trip on the same night that the estate was attacked was just a distraction for her kidnapping. He paused for a moment thinking of what to say to justify the sudden call. "Mushi.. Mushi." He said slowly both thankful and yet suddenly unsure of what to say. If he told her the truth then there was no doubt they would turn around and march right back to Konoha, which may not be the safest thing for them to do tonight.

"I'm just wondering if your safe, if Hissori is treating you alright, and stayed by your side? Do you need anything from the mansion? Or perhaps you require some extra company away from the village." Neji was clearly rambling trying to both extract information from Hinata and cover his own tracks about the mansion. The last thing he wanted to do was put them in harms way when the roads may not be secure.

Hissori took the clothing, feeling for tags, as he put everything on making sure that everything was on correctly, however he skipped a shirt, at worse he was going to have to ask Hinata to rip out the arrow head, but he knew that the moment he did there would be a lot more blood, and a lot more pain. Right now the wound was manageable, and didn't bleed as much because the nerves still had pressure on it thanks to the arrow head. the moment he removed that there would be a lot more blood, but then again had he removed the arrow head in the first place when it had first hit him he probably wouldn't have been nearly as blind as he was right now. Either way it was going to hurt like a bitch either when it was touched or when it was eventually removed.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

While Neji was on the phone, Suikoto took the chances and opportunities to try to calm her nerves. The tea did help a bit but the very knowledge Kumo had arrived and sought her as one of the people was making it difficult. And the knowledge on the search team did little more to help out. Her hand shook more and the young girl could feel a new set of tears threatening to leave her eyes once again. But she wouldn't ... not if she could help it, damnit. Swallowing softly, she took a long sip of the tea, setting it beside her. Switching to a cross-legged position, Suikoto placed her arms on her knees, closed her eyes and began taking steady breaths. It was one of the few things she could think of which may genuinely help her properly calm down.

A light frown crossed Hinata's lips. Neji had mentioned wondering if she was safe ... but was it really just because of Hissori? Or was there more? The mere thought made a knot twist in her stomach. "Y-yes. Yes, he is. But ... there is another problem. Neji ... we were both just attacked by a foreign archer. The aim ... it'd been for me. But Hissori took the hit. I used my Byakugan to trace him ... helped find him with some of Hissori's suggestions. There was no headband or way to trace where he was from but ... I think I have an idea regardless."

There was a slight pause and it almost pained her to dare ask. But she had to. "... What ... what of you all? Are you safe? Was it just us who got found?" Her head looked up and towards Hissori, ensuring that he was fine for the most part. Aside from the arrowhead remaining, it seemed as much. Hopefully Tsunade was indeed here. Because she truly didn't want to risk using the syringe only to make him worse than he was now.

Neji blinked for a moment hearing that Hinata was also attacked, and more surprisingly that Hissori had been the one hit. He blinked for a moment thinking on what to say. "They got to us as well actually." He said finally. "They attacked the estate, and detonated some bombs. The Elder didn't make it. Listen Hinata I don't want you on the roads tonight, We don't know if they are safe." He wanted to do something, but ended up only feeling weaker for it. Not to mention his suspicions about Hissori being invalid. That alone was irksome, as it meant he wasn't the enemy. Although it did mean that Hinata was safe for now, and that was a good thing at least.

He looked down at the meditating Suikoto. Wishing he could try to relax as she was trying to do. It was irksome that he couldn't. He wanted to know more about this problem, but sadly they were basically forbidden to do anything. With the new information he was starting to freak out a little, and gave a small sigh. "For now, just sit tight and lay low." He said bitterly and hung up on Hinata, perhaps a little louder, and angrier then he would have liked. Sitting next to Suikoto he folded his legs, and tried to calm himself closing his eyes and breathing out.

Hissori got up while Hinata was in the bedroom, he walked over to the small bathroom, using his hands to guide himself he drew hot water into the bath tub. Listining to only about half to what Hinata was saying. He waited till the water was hotter then he cared to touch, and gripped the side of the bath tub. Readying himself, he had done this kind of thing before, reaching back across his shoulder he touched the metal, and winced. Then he shut the door. "At least I can't see the damage." He said taking the shirt Hinata had given him, he took a towel and soaked it with the hot water, then tied the shirt around his mouth forming a make shift gag.

Reaching back he ripped the barb out of his shoulder and screamed the shirt muffling his reaction, before he set to cleaning and dissinfecting the wounds general location with the hot towel. All the while he felt sick because of it. He needed a better disinfectant. But right now he couldn't read the labels. For now it was just the hot water he could use to partly clean himself up. He had extracted arrows from things before, he worked with them enough to know painful it looked, and he had even shot himself before. He could do this blind, which thankfully he did.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Suikoto cringed slightly as she heard Neji hang up. Not that she couldn't blame him being infuriated, mind you. It was more like the man had seemed ... too stoic to get to such a state. But like when he'd blushed earlier, this was another display, albeit much crueler, that he did have more emotions behind him. And it was honestly a good thing. He couldn't rely on only the basics and 'soldier-like' mindset all the time. Swallowing softly, she felt him sit beside her. That alone made her heart race even faster, to have her technical 'Master' so close to her.

Yes, he didn't like being addressed as such. But technically, it'd been the deal she'd made with the former Elder and Hiashi. Just because one was deceased now ... that didn't change things. Or .. did it?

Not unless they say so ... She decided, continuing to take calm breaths from her nose. Words wanted to leave, to somehow comfort Neji. But everything that went to her head sounded so damn useless. It made her head lower as a soft sigh passed her lips.

Goddamnit, Suikoto ... Her hands trembled and finally her eyes shot open, quick breaths and gasps leaving her lips. ".. I .. I can't focus. Fuck ... "

"I ... I will, Neji. Ja ne." She'd noticed Hissori walk off but hadn't been able to ask where he'd gone to. Though thinking on it .. that was a silly question, really. There were few areas and sure enough, when he screamed out, Hinata followed the noise and found him in the bathroom. "Um ... hold on." She murmured, beginning to go through the cabinets and see if any had at least a basic form of medicine in. Thankfully there was .. and soon it was in her hands. "Do you want me to apply the ointment with you still here? Did you want to lie down?" She wasn't sure if he'd only used the tub to assist with removing the part of the weapon or if he had genuinely wanted to soak first.

Her hands shook and steadily, her voice was beginning to do so as well. "... Hissori, we've lost the house and the Elder ... " It was true that she didn't get along with the latter herself. But he was still family when all was said and done. She couldn't just be so disrespectful. "They ... they got attacked too .... I .... damnit." A rare curse left her lips. "I don't understand. How? How did they get past? I can understand before ... years ago. But now? This makes no sense.... "

Neji normally hid his thoughts and feelings from others. They rarely brushed the surface except for times of extremes. It was a defense after all the years of living with so many people who would have taken advantage of a single moment of weakness. He had been the running joke of his family or at least felt like he was. With things being different Neji had lightened up considerably then he was back in those days, but he still played his emotions very close to his sleeve, right now though with everything that had happened, he felt ragged, and though his body was energized he could feel how unhappy his body was with him. He had been through a lot today, but he couldn't relax.

Neji looked at Suikoto as she had her panic attack and put an arm around her pulling her closer to him. "No one can focus right now." He said lightly, it was the honest truth. He had no idea what he was even supposed to be focused on, only that his body would not let him sit still he was tired and restless, and the best he could do was comforting words. Right now Suikoto was really the only thing physical that he could latch onto, and that action alone brought him some comfort.

"I honestly don't know what to do either. My hands are shaking, and for the first time in a long time I feel... weak. I don't like dealing with forces I can't affect." He said bitterly. The last time Kumo had attacked them they had lost Neji's father, however that was another time and another Hokage. Naruto wouldn't allow such a thing to happen to their clan again. This time it would be an attack against Kumo it's self.

Hissori heard Hinata enter the room and turned towards where he heard her voice still holding the barbed arrow head in his fingers. before placing it on the sink counter. Standing up he listened to all Hinata had to say about the elder and the attack on the mansion before turning off the running water. "I'm sorry." He said lightly. His job was to protect Hinata, and while he had accomplished that goal there had been a lot of destruction and death upon them. In one night everything had changed, and what was once so sacred seemed lost. The estate, and the last of the elders. Hiashi was now the elder of the clan, and that meant an early retirement for him.

When Hinata swore he was rather understanding of the situation. They had just lost so much, and for the first moment in a while he was really doubting himself. It was all terrible timing, but at the same time he felt worse about the loss of the estate, then he did the loss of their eldist clan member. Was it selfish to feel that way? disgusting even? probably, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel that way. Hissori breathed out reaching around he gripped Hinata by the shoulders. Feeling her bare skin and slowly realizing that she had never actually gotten dressed, rather just wrapped a towel around herself.

He had already confessed his feelings and now they weren't just alone everything was terrifying and bound to be a little different but even so he pulled Hinata into a soft embrace, resting his chin against her shoulder. "I don't really care about me right now... I'm just worried about you." He had never heard Hinata swear before, and that alone was the prove he needed that Hinata was hurting at this moment. Perhaps more then his shoulder though it was tender, and bleeding still. Letting out a long sigh as he pulled back. "You can apply it here if you feel you need too." He felt more then a little embarassed having his cousin play the part of a nurse, but at the same time he needed help. Until his body either burned out the poison or he got to someone with healing abilities he was blinder then a garden bat.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

As Neji gently pulled Suikoto closer, she instinctively tensed up for a bit. But after a quick mental argument, her body relaxed against his touch. Slowly, she let her head fall upon his shoulder and her arms hesitantly wrapped around his waist. This felt almost wrong, to be doing this. But it was only out of comfort .. wasn't it? She wanted so badly to believe it but .. why was her heart racing if that was all? True, she had seen Neji as a handsome young man but ... hell ... she just met him. She couldn't really be falling this fast, could she? And even if that was true, now was probably one of the worst times to be developing a crush.

Idiot, he just lost his grandfather and house. You can't expect him to return that back. Besides you look like a relative ...

The reminder felt as if she got slapped, by herself or someone else. "... I understand." She finally managed to reply, sighing softly. "Ugh. I know I'm going to need rest for the morning but ... I can't even begin to try for sleep." Sure enough, as Neji went on to speak, Suikoto could feel his arms shaking. "Um ... if I may .... " Gently pulling herself away, she placed her hands upon his shoulders, now behind Neji.

After a slight breath, she began to massage his shoulderblades. In mere seconds, she felt just how tense this had gotten him; though she'd honestly be more amazed if this mess hadn't affected him. Waiting until at least a full minute or two had passed, she finally spoke again. "Is ... this helping at all?" She asked softly.

Hinata stayed silent, unsure how to reply. It was difficult to make her at a complete loss. But this night had done just that. Gently returning the embrace, Hinata gave a slow nod. "If ... for no other reason to at least stop or slow the bleeding. Until we can get someone more professional .. it is needed." Slowly pulling away, she placed some of the cream upon her fingers. "I'm sorry if this stings." She added before gently rubbing the ointment along the wound.

But the loss of the estate and Elder wasn't the only thing on her mind. Oh hell no. She'd also thought to Hissori's confession. How could she even begin to reply to that? It felt rude to just shove his feelings away. But this was her cousin. Wouldn't it be as taboo if she were doing this with Neji? For one of the few times in her life, Hinata was an emotional wreck.

After she finished covering the wound, she washed her hands off to get rid of the spare medicine, sighing softly. "I ... don't know if I can but we may as well attempt for sleep. Unless ... you have another idea?"

Neji was about to question what Suikoto was doing until he felt her hands at his shoulders. He had indeed built up a lot of stress and his back was feeling stiff. Letting out a low sigh as she started her work on him even with out his asking. Suikoto's hands felt comforting against his skin. There was something to it that helped his neck pop and work out the tension in his body. He closed his eyes trying to relax and focus on her touch, and for the first time since the night began he felt himself start to feel okay.

Neji was still far from being his usual loose self, but as Suikoto asked if it was helping he let out a re affirming sigh. "Yes, thank you." He said content to just let her hands work over his shoulders, and help loosen the tension that had built up.He turned his head towards her his eyes crossing Suikoto's for a moment as he smiled visibly more relaxed than he had been moments earlier. He was grateful towards her considering what she was doing, and it really did help. Feeling the tension leave her he had a moment of awkward feelings.

She really did look like a cousin, but then marriage within clans as large as the Hyuga family used to be was not a bad thing. Then again, Suikoto wasn't even a cousin, and she was... He shivered for a moment feeling her hand go over one point in his shoulders that felt especially good. "Your good at this." He said through looser shoulders. Finally brushing her away from his back he felt a lot better then he had. He stretched slightly feeling warmth in his joints. However her body was probably just as tense as he was, and looking at her he was slightly happy that she was trying to take care of him. Looking towards her he got to his feet as he planted a small kiss on her cheek. "Thank you." He paused for a moment, he could return the favor, hell with how much he knew of anatomy and pressure points he could have her body feeling like gel, but something else crossed his mind.

It was a little more unexpected then he thought he would have been capable of, but at the same time he didn't really have one earlier. Letting out a small sigh Neji blushed slightly. "I'm gonna run the water for a hot shower. If you want... you can join me." That was as far an invitation as Neji felt he was allowed to extend. He honestly didn't know how she was going to take it, and maybe it was because he was a wreck and she was there for him, but honestly he didn't think she would take him up on it. He must have looked like a brother to her.

Hissori bit his lip as he felt the sting of the medicine. Disinfecting the wound, and helping to stop the bleeding. Hissori wanted to howl in pain for a moment. But shrugged it off. Without a medical ninja this was the best he could ask for. Well aside from the anti toxin, but Hinata was right they honestly didn't know what the hell that stuff was for. It could have been what they treated the arrow for, the marksman could have been aiming to take Hinata alive where further treatment could have been somewhere else. He bit his lip unsure of himself.

Hissori had already said to much for the night. He had confessed his secrets to the woman he liked who also happened to be the cousin in charge of the family. Actually he paused for a moment. When she asked him if he had another idea, If he could have he would have looked at her, but at the same time they were both a wreck of emotions. "Let's just sleep." He said lightly. The ideas he had that weren't sleep were frankly not the right time for it. He breathed out a long sigh, as much as he wished Hinata would give him an answer of some kind to his feelings for now it was just better that she didn't.

He knew what he wanted, but to ask for it would have been wrong. Even without his eyes he could see that Hinata was emotionally destroyed. "Listen Hinata, I've already said my feelings, I know what I want, but well frankly I'd like to have my vision back before you give me a response to those feelings. For now, id rather you take up the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor, If I slept on the bed there is a good chance that i'd either just get blood on it, or force you into a situation that you don't want to be in." He said lightly. As much as he wanted and pined for Hinata, now was not the time or place. He had to be honest about that to himself.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Suikoto couldn't help but swallow. Each content sigh made her feel proud .. and for some reason she wasn't pinpointing a bit nervous. Probably because of whom she was around; a clan that specialized in seeing through walls. And gods help her, she really wasn't trying to seduce the boy or anything. But it could be easy to assume that would have otherwise been her goal, especially if no one could read lips very well. A small nod left her head as she gave Neji a smile, though whether he saw it or not from her being at her position was a different story. "It's .. no problem. You've already done quite a bit for me and ... I want to return that somehow."

Not that the dinner hadn't been a way to do this. But this seemed like it was on a more personal note than cooking and after what they'd all just endured, this was the best route to go. Or it at least seemed that way in her head.

As he then shivered, Suikoto couldn't help but question if it had been something she'd done or the events replaying in his head. She decided it'd be more likely the latter. After all, the sights they'd just finished witnessing .. it'd be difficult to get out of anyone's head. As her own demons began trying to haunt her from the various torture methods that had been used on her, she grabbed her temple and shook it from side to side. A few pants were leaving by the time she'd forced the flashbacks to hide away in the back of her mind. For now, they'd leave her alone but it always took a bit of a toll to make herself avoid thinking of those days.

Finally, the subject altered from Neji's lips. Needless to say, Suikoto had to pinch herself. Had he really just offered for that? Her head lowered as she thought on the offer. It was just a shower, right? She hadn't heard any other ... demands or innuendo. So would this really be such a bad idea? She couldn't imagine so, even though it wasn't at all typical for people to usually shower together. Not of the opposite gender, anyways.

Her head slowly moved from side to side as Suikoto got up to her feet. "It .. it's fine. I know I technically took one earlier but ... I did kinda rush it. And I really don't feel like being alone, not after tonight." Truth be told, he wasn't a brother. Well, not in personality to Suikoto and that was what she cared about far more than mere appearances. He really was her prince and she was still the peasant, one that was steadily and subconsciously turning into a thief. And while Suikoto felt a bit guilty on seeming to take advantage of his stressed state .. he had offered without her suggesting this.

If Neji had any doubts, they'd be gone the second the robe left her. Her hands didn't even try to conceal her skin; there'd be no point. Not when they were going to shower together. Or she was at least going to get a second one in, regardless. Well .. this would be a way to test out if he'd back out or not. Offering him a small smile, Suikoto then headed into the bathroom and turned the water on.

Hinata nodded as the suggestion of sleep was given. "Yes ... alright. But ... " She stopped and decided her protesting wouldn't do either of the two any good. If he truly wanted to use the floor as opposed to the bed, she understood. Honestly, it was a tad awkward to think of sharing a bed with her cousin, let alone one who had recently admitted he saw her as more than family. Nodding a few more times to reassure herself, Hissori would feel something soft land upon his chest. It wouldn't take long to comprehend it was one of the spare pillows.

"If you're going to use the floor, you should at least be comfortable." She wasn't letting that be debated upon. That alone was easy to detect in her voice. "Um ... " Looking around, a spare blanket would be placed beside him as she got upon the bed. Even as she looked down to her cousin, Hinata still felt horrible. She hadn't been able to warn him of the archer and now he was sleeping on the floor because of her. Her head bowed in annoyance at herself.

"I'm ... going to think on it along with everything else." She finally replied, slipping under the covers. There was, in the end, the very harsh and cold truth. Even with all she'd done for Naruto, he still chose Sakura. And he knew her feelings of her. He had since Pein invaded. So maybe .. maybe it was time to move on. It hurt her somewhat but not nearly as much as it used to. Perhaps that was a subtle hint or sign for her?

With the hopes that tomorrow would be a much better day, Hinata let her eyes close. It was a bit unnerving to try to relax when she knew what had happened. But the mental and physical fatigue all but forced her into a deep slumber soon enough.

Neji took in the sight of her naked body, enjoying the look of her smooth skin, and complexion. Her dark hair helped to brighten her skin slightly, and with her not even covering her form he could for the first time see her as a more sexual creature. It was an image he was sure no one else had really seen, and it was one he certainly liked the view of. He apreciated Suikoto's body, and while he did feel like he was taking advantage of her, she had now said yes to his offer. Neji kept the door open even as he started running the water for the shower. Making sure that it was hot.

Once the water was to his liking he turned to face Suikoto, his eyes taking in more of her body, before he took off the remainder of his clothing. His shirt was all but destroyed after he had given it to Suikoto with the storm outside, and the walk to this new home, but with his pants gone Neji was tall and slender. His body was built for flexibility no muscle too overwhelming rather he was toned.

Removing the head band he normally wore, and the wrappings that had been around his head, and placing them on the counter, he turned back to Suikoto showing the seal that he had upon him. It was the main branches security, shaking his head so that his hair partly hid the seal he smiled. Glad that Suikoto had taken him up on this invitation. He didn't really even think about what he was doing, but walking into the shower he closed his yes for a moment feeling the heat on his skin, he was already rather loose. "Here let me wash your back." He said putting Suikoto in front of him. so that the hot water washed over her front. The steam left the shower. filling the room with hot air.

Neji rubbed some soap on his hands as he moved to Suikoto's shoulders. Rubbing her skin delicately his fingers traced around her shoulder blades and anywhere he could feel her tension. He applied pressure as he rubbed her back, the lotion and heat adding to the ease of his motions. His fingers rubbed along her spine massaging her back, and generally returning the favor she had done for him. Rubbing her along the curves of her shoulder blades he found the spots of her tension all while keeping her close to his body, the warmth from him and the shower radiating onto her. "How does this feel?"

Hissori wrapped the bedding around him trying his best to cuishin himself against the hard wood of the floor. He could feel the ointment burning at his shoulder, and his own skin was heating up. He had noticed it for a while now, and knew what it was, his body had decided medical ninja or not, anti toxin or not that this poison needed to go, and one way or another it was going to fight the infection. Even as he heard Hinata say that she would think on his confession with everything else Hissori felt terrible. Not just because of the physical things that were ailing him at the moment, but because he had added to Hinata's problems.

Sleep didn't come, rather sickness came. His body had decided that in order for him to get better, he was going to sweat out the poison. He curled up inside the blanket, and even as he closed his eyes, he mumbled and shivered through the night. He was in pain, his body switched between freezing cold to burning hot through the night and with each temperature change came a new fresh layer of hell. When he did sleep it was poison induced nightmare fuel. His body writhed and his mumbling got louder.

His words however were not coherant, merely loud. But even those soon passed, as his mind kept him in limbo, not quiet dreaming but still asleep, feeling all the pain and stiffness of his body... "Tomorrow needs to be better." He said lightly the only words that would actually be spoken in his sleep.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

While Neji stripped, Suikoto tried to keep her gaze upon more of his upper body to avoid staring, especially in between his legs. The distraction worked .. for the time being as she found herself returning the favor and studying the Hyuuga back. Long hair was something men almost never did. But with Neji, it actually suited him very well. In fact, that plus his eyes added a very exotic feel to him. Not that she cared or judged by looks. No, those were bonuses to the look alike, though appreciated ones all the same. Her eyes had gotten a peek upon the seal but not before her body was moved.

Her pulse quickened more as anticipation flooded her. She had been ready to ask what he was doing .. before his hands and fingers replied with a slow and intricate dance of sorts upon her skin. A sharp gasp left and before she could restrain herself, moans soon followed. Her eyes slowly closed and head leaned forward slightly. "Oh dear gods ... " She replied, her body almost instantly relaxing from the simple but powerful touches.

"Your clan could make a killing by being masseuses." She replied, somewhat joking and yet very serious. "Mmm ... seriously though that's ... amazing. Thank you." Her cheeks had burned from the moans actually daring to leave her lips. But the reply seemed .. fair. Neji had said she had been good. But this was on a completely different level. If Suikoto didn't know better, she'd swear he'd gone from a prince to a god in a matter of mere touches and seconds.

Neji smiled as he heard Suikoto moan. It was oddly pleasureful to have feedback like that, and hearing her voice in that state of extacy just from something as simple as a back rub. He blushed slightly as she told him that he was amazing at what he was doing, and he liked that she was willing to give such feedback. Neji leaned onto Suikoto for a moment, his chin resting on her shoulder as his arms encircled around her waist and pulled into a small hug. Pressing her body against his. He had only really known her for a day, and yet he had to admit he was enjoying this moment.

"Your welcome." He said lightly his arms were still wrapped around her stomach for a moment. Part of Neji wondered how far she would let him take this. He wanted the feeling of closeness, and comfort. Yet it did feel slightly rushed as she had only been with him for two days now. But what a fresh hell those two days had been. It was like there had been a revolutoin, and he felt himself more dragged out because of it, and even now, as he pressed his body against Suikoto's Neji's lower half pressed against her ass lightly teasing her body with something he was honestly a little hesitant to use. "I suppose we could if we wanted too."

His hands slowly split apart, one tracing up along her side, he didn't ask for permission really as he had gone this far, and really if she protested he would stop, but as it was he wanted to see what she would say or do. As his right hand lightly touched her breast, fondling hers for a moment. His finger rubbed her nipple and flicked her breast, before lightly pulling on her nipple with his index and middle finger. rubbing and rolling her more sensitive pigmented skin. At the same time his left hand went down the other side of her body reaching her thigh, and gently lifting her leg up onto the side of the bath tub. He rubbed the more sensitive areas of her thigh, tracing a finger around her hip, and using his finger nails ever so lightly scratched at her ass enjoying the smooth softness of her flesh.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

As he pulled her into a gentle embrace, Neji would feel her heart racing quickly. There was now officially no way to hide it. His hands were in the right place and there was almost no distance between them. Her mouth opened as words and excuses formed in her mind but never left her lips. She was slightly embarrassed at her body. It shouldn't be reacting like this, not so quickly anyways. And yet .. it was anyways. Her body shook slightly as she felt Neji's lower half gently push against her own.

"... Could what?" She managed to finally ask, a gasp leaving as her nipple got fondled. "I ... ah!" Her hands moved in front of herself as she placed them quickly against the wall, keeping herself from banging her head on the harsh surface. Her body trembled more and for a while, Suikoto was so very confused on what to say or do. It felt good, no doubts about that. But ... would his uncle approve? And perhaps a bit more importantly, what would happen if the Kumo nin ever found out they were intimate?

The latter by itself - plus the new stimulation her body was getting - made her whimper. "I ... I could never forgive myself if something happened to you. Neji ... are you sure you want this? Ohhh ... " Her forehead fell gently upon her hands, low pants and moans leaving as his hands continued to trail along her body. The very foreign and yet sensual touches were waking all of her nerves up. And holy hell did it all feel amazing. Slightly strange .. but not nearly enough in comparison to the pleasure she was experiencing.

Neji understood Suikoto's hesitations, but something was kind of odd when she said that she would never forgive herself if something happened to him. If he wanted too he could cripple anyone at a touch. He had several brushes with death, and frankly he had been affected, but not damaged. He let out a low sigh he was pretty damn sure what he wanted. He held her closer, and he looked at her with kind white eyes. "I'm the last person you would need to worry about." His voice was little more then a whisper as he spoke.

The hand that had been playing with Suikoto's hips moved lightly towards Suikoto's most guarded area, touching her pussy lightly he pressed down on her clit, and lightly spread the pink lips of her pussy. He was loving every second of hearing her moans and whimpers. In truth he needed this it was almost therapeutic, hearing her pine for his touch, and enjoying it so much. His fingers were gentle with her body, touching her lower half with a surgeons percision trying to see where he could touch to get her to make the loudest moans. Even as one of his fingers slid gently inside her and started pressing her inner walls it was clear that his one objective was to make her scream with pleasure.

Neji took his other hand from her breast taking one of her hands off the wall he guided it down towards his lower half. He knew that she hadn't really spent any time trying to look at him, but things were obviously changing in that regard. He placed her hand against his heated lower body and lightly made her grip it. His fingers wrapping around hers so that she took his cock in her hand. He didn't really say anything aside from that, and a moment later his hand was gone back to assaulting her breasts,trying too see if he could succeed in his own goal of making her scream out for more.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

"B...but .... ohhh .... " Several responses had echoed throughout her mind but none had actually left. She could feel and hear that even though they hadn't known one another for very long, he really did want this. It was ... a bit of a shock. But for once in her life, she felt wanted and in the good way. From that sensation alone, she wanted nothing more than to return this. But those same mental replies screamed even louder in her head as each second passed.

"But I'm not even a Hyuuga. My eyes don't matter compared to yours.
"But I don't want to drag you further into this mess and get you hurt or worse
But ... your uncle. Will he even approve of this?!
But I don't deserve you ... "

Each one had tempted her to cry then and there but she held back from the urges, trembling instead, though parts of the action were also from Neji. Her heart skipped a few beats as Neji took one of her hands and lowered it down. Even without looking, she could feel where it was now. And it made her shudder more. Suikoto paused, almost having been ready to use the ignorance excuse .. but no. That wouldn't matter. Besides, wasn't that what experimentation was for?

Unwrapping her fingers, she let the tips of her nails slowly - gently - move up and down every inch it could reach. She'd make sure to pay special attention to the head and underside, continuing the pattern a few times. After the fingernails continued to tease his member for a while, Suikoto rewrapped her entire hand around his length, letting it take over where her fingers had halted.

"Are you even doing this right?" She asked herself, still unsure on what the hell she was doing. But just as she was making her own sounds, she figured Neji would do the same back if she had the right idea. So ... she went silent, mostly, to hear his reactions to her touch. The only noises left were her whimpers and moans.

As much as Suikoto was loving this .. she was still terrified on Hiashi or even Hanabi finding out of this. And it was the only thing making her desperately try to control her volume.

Neji could feel Suikoto's hesitation and he understood it, but just because he knew where it came from didn't mean he liked it. He let out a small sigh as her hand started to move up and down his cock feeling a slight pleasure as to what she was doing with him. He enjoyed having part of her attention as she stroked him, and he turned his head ever so lightly so he could bite down playfully on the side of her neck. He still wanted to hear her scream in pleasure, and he wasn't going to use intercourse to get that, it seemed too easy. Her hesitation was what was holding her back, and Neji focused on her body again trying to fool her mind into thinking that all that mattered was here and now.

An additional finger slipped lightly inside of Suikoto's pussy, Neji was no longer focusing on the gentle touch however, his fingers moved with new found harsheness and speed to them. Pressing up against Suikoto's inner walls as he tried to push her closer and closer to her limits. Taking no mercy as his fingers moved insdie her, and his thumb pressed hard against her Clit, all with enough force to lightly shake the rest of her body as he felt just how wet she was from just the massage and all that had happened. Neji was enjoying this, as his touches went from sensually slow, to sexually violent he wondered which Suikoto would respond better towards.

Neji was cinfident he didn't care about the rest of his family or how they would end up reacting towards him, and what he did care about was his single goal of making Suikoto cry out, and scream like there was no tomorrow. The hand on her breast flicked her nipple harder, and Neji moved up to her ear, blowing some hot air onto the sensitive flesh before chewing on her earlobe lightly. Enjoying how close her body was to his, and the fact that he was pretty much using her like a toy at this point. He had little to no mercy on her body, and he wasn't playing fair. Smiling he whispered to her in a low tone. "I'm glad I have you with me."

It was an honest truth, and he was happy to have Suikoto by his side. Nothing else seemed to matter. Family, politics he had something else he could focus on. someone who honestly enjoyed his company, and someone he could hold to a new standard. Nothing else seemed to matter to him. He had Suikoto now, and nothing was about to change that fact. In truth he was very content so long as he got to hear her screams of pleasure.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

"Ahhh ...." Her whimpers and pants began to increase as Neji's lips found her neck, multiple shivers trailing down her spine. "N-neji ... ohhhh ..." Her eyes closed and hand continued to trail up and down his shaft. Her other hand began to shake quickly, barely keeping herself against the wall. Suikoto was so ... very confused and aroused. What had inspired him to abruptly do this? She was still very terrified and yet a selfish part of her was glad for the change of heart. It made her mind think back to the arrangement which had been made between herself, the former Elder and Hiashi. She was supposed to be the clan's servant but now .. she only wanted to be Neji's.

Sure, it'd be slightly manipulative to take control of that when he was clearly so very worked up; but she wanted to keep her end of the deal. And if possible, she didn't only want to be a slave but ... if needed, last resort type of guardian. After all, her first mental retort had been true. Her eyes didn't matter nearly as much as Neji's. And though she did have a unique bloodline, Kumo wasn't usually known for shinobi who were good at experiments. So she wasn't worried about losing her ability to heal wounds.

A sharp inhale left as a long and loud groan mingled in. "N-neji .... oh fuck ... " Whines began to mingle in along with a few winces. It'd take little to no effort for his fingers to find her barrier and that made her tremors increase in power and frequency. "Please ... ngh ... let me ... let me use the suffix if you're going to be like this. Please ... let me keep my end of the deal, let me address you properly. Onegai, Neji-sama ... ahhh ... "

Her free hand clenched tightly into a fist, the mix of hot and cold adding onto the rough and gentle contrast. Her forehead fell upon her free hand, her right working frantically upon his member. Her pulse only quickened more as he whispered into her ear.

"I'm glad I have you with me."

The heat from the shower plus her body made her cheeks darken even more. Her head bowed slightly but remained close to the wall. "T-thank you." She whimpered, her fingernails digging into her palm as the assault continued. Her teeth gripped her lower lip briefly before letting go. Her hips moved in time with Neji's fingers, helping him toy with her clit and drenched slit.

"Ah .. ah .... ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" The mix of her nipples, clit, still barely virgin slit, and even ear all getting simultaneously stimulated drove her over the edge. Without a second thought, a long elicit scream finally left her lips as Suikoto's body tensed up and she came. Heavy breaths and pants left her lips and even if only for a brief moment, she'd forgotten long enough that Hiashi and Hanabi were nearby and yet far away.

Neji let out a low content sigh even as she worked his member harder and harder he had Suikoto's scream now, and he had enjoyed hearing it. Feeling her climax and how tight her body got around his fingers he smiled lightly taking them out of her pussy for a moment, and letting her stand on her own power for a moment his fingers were wet and thick with her juices, and for a moment he contemplated a light thought before he tempted himself, and end up licking his fingers, tasting her fluids, and smiling it was actually kind of a pleasent taste that he hadn't expected not at all as strong as he thought it would have been. Thinking over her request to use the honorific sama, he sighed lightly shaking his head.

Neji didn't want to be a sama, didn't need the kind of warship that Suikoto was constantly trying to push on him, and yet something about the way she had said it had been kind of enjoyable. She really wanted to call him by the honorific, something which Neji didn't understand but at the same time if she was going to use it while moaning, closing his eyes he was very clearly not comfortable with it. "If you must then you can." He said finally. He didn't like the honorific being attached to his name. It made him think more of the people he had been constantly forced to call sama, and those were all people he disliked in one way or another.

Neji shivered as he returned to the matter at hand, where Suikoto was now a trembling mess, her body had just let a powerful orgasm rip through her, and in truth he couldn't be happier for that single fact. As he ran his hand across the many marks of her back he felt a small burst of pleasure with every movement of her hand, but her hands were rather clumsy. "Turn around." He said helping her turn so that she faced him in the shower, his hands gripped her shoulders as he pushed her lightly against the tile wall, his lips touching hers in a passionate kiss. for a moment as he had so much energy to spare. His member touched against her belly lightly tapping her for a moment as he faced her.

Neji blushed slightly as he leaned back for a moment contemplating on what he wanted to ask of Suikoto. Finally he decided that he really just wasn't going to ask. It seemed rather obvious what he wanted, and so he lifted her leg spreading her, as he pushed his cock down between her legs, the heated tip of his cock pressed against her clit for a moment, rubbing against her and making his cock wet with her juices, before Neji braced himself against the wall pushing Suikoto up a bit more as he slid his hard heated member inside of her. Taking what little remained of Suikoto's virginity after his near constant assault on her body.
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