Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Amaya was about to pull the trigger but as soon as his gaze landed on her she stiffened, completely frozen; he had pinned her with his eyes. Yukimura didn't know what to do, his gut told him to let Masamune slaughter her, but he knew Akihime would never allow it.
"You were the one who tried killing me?" Masamune growled. Akihime winced, trying to move, "Onegai, leave Amaya alone, Masamune-!" "Shut the fuck up." Masamune spat venomously
Amaya blinked, then her eyes widened. Mitsunari stood where Masamune once did, scowling angrily, like he did when she had messed up. Her breath caught in her throat and she dropped her gun, stumbling back. "Y-You aren't real!" Yukimura made a face, this had happened before and he knew exactly what was happening. "Masamune-dono, please understand she isn't in her right mind, we just took her in and she'll need work on getting better!" He pleaded, though he hated himself for doing so.
"You useless whore. You have shamed our lord, Hideyoshi!" Mitsunari spat. "I don't care what's wrong with her! She'll pay!" Masamune hissed. Akihime tried to stand in front of Amaya protectively, "Onegai! Spare her, please!" Akihime begged
Yukimura scowled and pulled Akihime out of the way, then moved in front of Amaya, who had fallen to her knees on the ground, holding her ears. "And how do you suggest she pay?" He asked. "Death isn't an option."
"Yukimura-sama...!" Akihime stumbled a bit, wincing at the pain in her leg. Masamune scowled, "So you think." "WHAT'S GOING ON DOWN HERE?!" Shingen's voice boomed. Masamune faultered and looked away, "Shit."
Amaya was curled up in a ball on the ground, trembling and muttering to herself, having a full blown panic attack. Yukimura winced and looked toward the office, then back at Masamune. "If you were wide you'd leave."
"Kojurou! Jingu!" Masamune called. Kojurou looked up from having Sasuke pinned, fist raised to deliever yet another punch to the ginger's already bruised face. Kojurou scowled and punjeSasuke a final time before getting up and heading off with his lord. Sasue groaned and spat blood on the side, "Son of a bitch."
((Poor Sasuke!!))

Jingu hurried over to the car and got in, not wanting to see what would happen if she made Masamune wait. Yukimura moved over to Sasuke to help him up, frowning. "You okay?"
Yukimura scowled and helped him inside. "Let's get it checked out.." He said, frowning heavily as he helped Sasuke to the doctor.

Amaya stared ahead of her, barely noticing when Akihime held her. "Please forgive me Hideyoshi-sama, I am nothing but a lowly whore, the scum of the earth, filth on the bottom of a beggars foot..! I deserve no less than to be struck dead here and now for failing you, I have failed to get ride of Date Masamune and I've failed to protect Akihime-dono, I've failed you and Mitsunari-sama and I deserve to be beaten within an inch of my life and stripped of my dignity! I'm a dirty, disgusting being not fit to even drag my belly across the mud in the lowest of places, I should not even show my face, I deserve nothing but death and to walk the earth in eternal torment, please forgive me Hideyoshi-sama, please please forgive me! I should never have left Mitsunari-sama, I should have never gone against his word or wishes and for telling him no I should have my tongue cut from my mouth, for looking upon him with hate filled eyes I should have them gouged from their sockets and for even thinking negative thoughts about my lord Mitsunari I should have to take a thousand bullets to the head! I am dirty, low scum! I'm a horrible grotesque being, the lowest slimy scum that ever walked this earth, I deserve nothing but misery and suffering for the rest of my days!" She murmured to herself, praying to Hideyoshi.

((She's just a little crazy~~))
((Not evven!))

"Amaya!" Akihime said firmly, "Yamerou...! Onegai...! Hearing you say such things breaks my heart...! Don't ever think such things about yourself, please...!" Akihime held her tighter, tears falling down her cheeks, "You didn't fail...! You aren't scum...! You aren't any of those things...! You're a beautiful woman with the skills equal to a God's! Please stop begging for forgiveness from a man who never even cared for you!!"
Amaya's muttering continued for another minute and a half before eventually dying down, leaving her staring blankly at the wall, trembling slightly, deathly silent.
After a while Yukimura came up the stairs and moved over. "Go down to the healers... I need to take Amaya to see Lord Shingen." He said quietly, frowning heavily.
"No, no, you can't! He'll send her away! Please, Yukimura-sama, don't do it! Don't make her go!" Akihime began to sob as she held Amaya protectively
Yukimura shook his head. "This is out of my hands, Akihime, she's brought war upon us, she needs to be brought before our lord and punished."
"I won't let you!!" Akihime screamed at him, "What if Sasuke made a similar mistake?! Would you have him punished as well?!" She growled. She wouldn't even let him rebuttle before she started yelling again, "I made the mistake of leaving Amaya alone and letting her suffer through a fate worse than death!! I will not allow such a thing to happen again, Yukimura!! If she leaves, I leave, too!!"
Yukimura didn't even bat an eye. "I'll make sure she can't leave the manor, but that means it opens more doors for more brutal punishments." He said. "Take her to the doctor as well, have her sit in there with you, I'll need to talk to my lord." He said before leaving.
Yukimura approached Shingen, bowing deeply to him. "I'm sorry, my lord, but it seems our newest member has attempted on Date Masamune's life and he found out... It does not appear that he will let the matter go." He frowned.
Shingen motioned for Yukimura to follow him, stepping inside his office and sitting at his desk. "She has brought chaos on this estate and has acted on her own. I will not allow a rogue in my home. She must go." He stated firmly.
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