Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Let's do some war~))

Megohime knocked on the study door before entering, moving over to Kojurou and Masamune. "It didn't hit me until now... But I know who shot at you, Masamune." She said, frowning.
"Her names Otani Akihime, and currently she's with the Takeda, but that's all I know about her." She crossed her arms over her chest, her stomach becoming more noticeable the further she went into her pregnancy. "Didn't know she was a sniper, but I wouldn't be surprised if they trained her to use a hand gun and a rifle."
"When I'm done with her, she won't be able to do anything but breathe through a tube. Let's go, Kojurou." "Hai. I'll inform Jingu." Kojurou bowed and left as Masamune got ready
Megohime shifted her weight, watching them leave. "You sure you can still fight?" She asked, her eyes stern, though her voice held concern. "I don't want you thinking just because you die means you get out of raising your kid."
Megohime kissed back, gripping the back of his head and pulling herself closer, closing her eyes.
"Hai, hai.." She said, waving him off. "I'll be here, as always." She sighed.

Amaya was working on cleaning her rifle, cheeks still flushed faint pink.
"Good, We'll be back. Let's go, ladies." "Hai, Masamune-sama." Kojurou said, standing with Jingu

Akihime was up in her room, making sure her gun was still in working condition
"Hai." Jingu nodded as followed Masamune and Kojurou out to the car.

Yukimura was out in the yard, walking the perimeter and just enjoying the sun.
Masamune got in the driver's seat and drove off to the Takeda estate

Sasuke followed Yukimura in the opposite direction to cover him in case anyone tried to sneak in when he passed
Yukimura was just finishing his patrol, heading toward the front gate to make sure it was secure, but the sound of a car engine a approaching fast made him frown and reach for his guns, jumping back when a car came barreling through the front gate, knocking it off it's hinges and nearly hitting Yukimura.
"Boss!!" Sasuke called. Akihime perked when she heard Sasuke and grabbed her gun, running out to see what was going on. Masamune parked and moved out of the car, "Don't get in my way, kid." He hissed, making his way to the front door
Yukimura drew his gun and followed after Masamune. "You can't just come here and break through the gate expecting me to not stop you!" He snapped back. Amaya was already on the roof, her sights set on Masamune, but she froze when she realized exactly who he was. "No.." Jingu got out, following Kojurou with a small frown.
Akihime ran down the stairs and opened the door, freezing when Masamune stood face-to-face with her. "Just who I wanted to see." He growled. Akihime screamed and dove to the side before Masamune could shoot her. Kojurou looked to Jingu, "Make sure there aren't any others while I deal with Sarutobi. Be careful."
Amaya heard Akihime scream and she tensed, maybe what that masked man had told her was true. She ground her teeth and aimed for Masamune, but he had already moved inside the house after Akihime so instead she fired at Kojurou, but she jerked when a gun shot went off, a bullet whisking past her ear. "They have a sniper on the roof, be careful..!" Jingu called, looking for Amaya, but she had disappeared. As soon as Masamune fired at Akihime, Yukimura lost it and charged Masamune, firing at him with anger blazing in his eyes.

((If Masamune's the reason Aki loses her baby, we're throwing him from a cliff.))
((Hahaha no, it isn't him~~))

Kojurou nodded and ran off to find Sasuke. Masamune turned and brandished his shotgun, "Get crazy!" He smirked. Akihime stood up quickly, "Yukimura-sama!"
Yukimura's eyes widened and he barely had time to drop to the ground to avoid getting his head blasted off. He swept a hard kick for Masamune's ankles and fired at his head. "Akihime! Go to your room! He's not after me!"
"H-Hai!" "Oh, no you don't!" Masamune pulled out his Colt and fired from his spot on the ground after rolling out of the way of Yukimura's gun, hitting Akihime in the leg when she tried to get away. Akihime gasped in pain and tripped, hitting the ground hard
Yukimura kicked Masamune hard in the face and moved over to Akihime, checking on her wound. "Put pressure on it." He ordered, turning and pointing his guns at Masamune, using his body to shield Akihime.
"H-Hai..." Akihime said weakly, tearing her skirt to cover the wound. Masamune groaned and rubbed his jaw, sitting up with a scowl, "I guess I should've killed you the last time I was here."
"That will be the only way you'll be allowed to leave." Yukimura said lowly. Amaya had eventually gotten free from the roof, almost being hit twice and making her way down stairs to help Akihime. She how stood in the hallway with her rifle pointed at Masamune's head, glaring death. "I was right to try and kill you.." She growled. "What?" Yukimura scowled, glancing at Amaya.
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