A Matter of Mind (HP)- Moon/Lounger

"Ah...right..." Nathaniel smiled, then blinked. Wait....boyfriend and boyfriend? How had that suddenly happened? Well...it's not like he was strictly opposed to the idea...just...surprised. Less than 24 hours ago Harry had been a blank slate after all, no real memories to speak of at all, and even now his head was a jumbled mess of fragmented half-memories. Well....maybe this would just help things along as a happy side effect.

When the paper landed on the table infront of him, Nathaniel picked it up, then had to hold back a gasp when he saw the picture and the first part of the article. It was no surprise that Harry being missing had been reported....9 days...so that was how long he had been gone for....but what had been going on in those 9 days? The more Nathaniel read, the whiter his face became, the greater the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach became....how could someone be capable of such...such cruelty? These muggles...they'd have been right at home with the Dark Lord....these kinds of extreme practices were the kind of sick torture he enjoyed right?
Though what made this worse....the fact that these were Harry's family....how could they treat someone related to them like this? How could anyone treat anybody like this? It was sickening....

Still....the Ministry were looking for him...though from the sounds of it not so they could help him recover. No....no informing them of Harry being here was the worst thing right now surely. That most certainly couldn't be allowed to happen. No....Harry needed time to recover, to get a hold of himself.

"Hm? Ah!" Nathaniel quickly lowered the paper when Harry spoke up, tucking it away under the table. "N-no...I'm fine...just...hungry...that's all" He grinned as best he could, then licked his lips. "Breakfast smells really great! How about we eat and then we can get to some more practice hm?"
Harry grinned at Nathaniel's affirmation and agreement to being boyfriends. good. he hummed as he worked, flipping pancakes and cracking eggs. he didn't take any note of the owl, nor of the paper that was suddenly there, focused entirely on his happy thoughts and making breakfast. he was unaware of the sick reporting of the paper that was making Nathaniel so pale, and he wouldn't have cared to read it even if he did. he was very worried when the other went all pale like that though, Harry didn't give a single lick about the random people of the world, or even himself, but he cared a lot for Nathaniel, so Harry would do everything he could to make Nathaniel feel better. "here, you'd better eat then before you pass out or something!" Harry demanded, setting a stack of Pancakes, sausage, and three eggs in front of Nathaniel before making his own food. "Do you want some toast?" Harry asked Nathaniel as he took the whistling teakettle off the stove. despite having no memories, Harry knew that a proper Britain had tea with every meal.

he settled in to eat himself once the toast was done and polished off more food than should have been humanly possible. thankfully, now that his magic was working properly, instead of struggling to heal deadly injuries, he wouldn't have to worry about becoming sick from over eating. in fact now that he was fully healed, the more he ate, the faster he would recover, and not just physically, but magically as well. a Wizard would always eat more than their muggle counterparts, because making Magic took a lot of energy. made a person wonder how Harry could be the powerhouse he was, when he was starved and beaten most of his life. Harry wasn't the first person to be put into such circumstances however, and leading theory was that these special, highly abused witches and wizards, gathered 'loose' magic from their surroundings. it was never proven, or even really looked into, because almost all magical's who underwent such horrible lives, turned out to be as psychotic as Tom Marvlo Riddle did. honestly, the Wizarding world was VERY lucky that Harry had a morality that was as strong as it was. or at least that he hated Voldemort more than he hated the rest of the world. "Nathaniel? i was thinking... if we can't go to that one Wand store... can't we go to another? surely there has to be more stores, otherwise all the Bad Guys wouldn't have Wands, right?" he asked, blinking at the other boy. "after all, criminal's have their wands snapped, right? so that means that they would have to get new wands from somewhere else."
"Toast? Ah...yes please..." Nathaniel smiled slightly, then slowly started to eat. If he ate fast then it would only make him sick after what he had read, but if he didn't eat at all it would just make Harry suspicious...he couldn't allow that, he had to protect the boy from what was in that article, for now at least anyway. As he ate, Nathaniel did begin to feel a little better, especially when he sipped on his tea....tea always had a relaxing effect on him, though even it was struggling with this news. He couldn't stop going over it in his mind....the fact that people were capable of such cruelty...it was inhuman. He wondered what kind of punishment there would be....Muggles hadn't been punished by wizards in centuries...but surely there was going to be an exception made here. What they had done just....simple imprisonment wouldn't be right.

By the time Harry asked about another wand shop, Nathaniel had almost finished his breakfast, glancing up when Harry asked the question, raising a very good point. There had to be a black market for wands out there....though Nathaniel would be rather dubious of their quality. Then again if it was hardened criminals buying these things then maybe the quality was pretty good...after all, if the wand turned out to be useless then they'd have no problem going back to whoever sold it to them and making them suffer. "Well....I suppose you're right, there must be somewhere else to get one....though I really have no idea where. Everyone knows the rumours about black markets but I'd have no idea where to start looking for it. I doubt they'd have a store in Diagon Alley after all...it would need to be somewhere quiet, somewhere not suspicious...."
Harry nodded and made some perfectly nice toast and settled down to eat as well, smiling a little as he ate. he wasn't sure why, but being able to eat his fill was... new. he wasn't sure why he had that thought. though even at Hogwarts, he hadn't really gotten enough to eat, he just couldn't eat fast enough, like Ronald Weasley. it was disgusting really. instead, Harry packed snacks to eat in-between classes that he got from the Elves. he studied Nathaniel for a moment, recognizing the mental strain, though uncertain about what had caused it. he couldn't do anything about it though, except distract the other. "...honestly, Wizards have no common sense." Harry muttered, rolling his eyes. that was usually very true, even the older muggleborns seamed to lose that 'common sense' for 'i'm a sheep'. "tell me Nathaniel. what creature do Wizards deal with every day, they know everything because all our world currency goes through them. they are small, grouchy, and control the world, including the criminals, and the shopkeepers, hmm?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Nathaniel. he himself couldn't remember their names. but he remembered that he was their freind.

he'd connected with the Goblin's during his Third year. he went to the bank every morning, and every afternoon for money lessons. in the end, Harry put about fifteen thousand Gallons into buying stocks, bonds, houses and other such items for prophet. if one really thought about it, Harry was richer, politically more powerful, socially more powerful, and buisness-wise more powerful than Lucius Malfoy was. Harry just didn't know it. he'd been left mostly ignorant all of his life after all. shoved into a Mold and MADE to fit, Harry had never used the side of himself that Nathaniel was now seeing. most people would claim that Harry was going Dark, or turning into a slytherin. but honestly, it had always been there, just hidden. Harry had always been a bit dark, he'd just been afraid of it. now that he couldn't remember the people who had forced him into that Mold, he was himself for the first time in his life.
"Oh that's very true....no common sense at all" Nathaniel chuckled at how quickly Harry had come to that realisation. Even without his memories, it seemed fairly obvious that common sense was one of the furthest things from the minds of most wizards and witches. "Hm? The creatures? Currency? Oh! You mean Goblins, like the ones at Gringotts Bank" He nodded quickly, that was a good idea actually....if anyone would know of the locations of a black market trade in wands it would be a Goblin. Where money was changing hands, there was always a Goblin nearby. Though getting to one would be difficult....and getting one to talk even moreso. Bribery was always an option, it would likely work with the type of Goblin who would point you in the direction of a Wand Black market....but where to find such a Goblin....

"Hm....The bank itself is out....getting there would be problematic...and besides, the Goblins that work there wouldn't have the information we need..." Once again Nathaniel found himself wishing there was some kind of Wizard equivalent of the internet....somewhere he could just search around for a bit and find whatever he wanted, or just mail order a legitimate wand. "Well....let's have a look at some of my textbooks. Maybe if we can find the kinds of places that Goblins like to hang out when they're not working, it'll give us something to go on hm? It's probably as good a place as any to start right?"
Harry smirked a little as he watched Nathaniel. it was fairly obvious that Harry was a lot more street smart than the average person, muggle or wizard. he nodded and snapped his fingers. "Goblin's! yes the Goblins. they are very helpful." he stated with a smile. which was an odd statement, Goblin's usually went out of their way to screw Wizards over. as well as be as annoying and rude as possible. "...oh for goodness sake Nathaniel." Harry complained, sighing a little. "you don't have to GO to the bank, write them a letter!" he stated with a roll of his eyes. "Wizards can write letters, yes? explain the situation to them, and include a sizable tip so they'll keep their traps shut." he stated simply, looking amused. "how do wizards function?" he asked, looking close to laughing. "no wonder the bad guys are winning. they at least have sense." he muttered, shaking his head as he served them both some more tea. "i would like to look at your old textbooks though." he admitted looking excited about learning. "do you have any wizarding books that aren't school related? like Law books, or etiquette, or specialty magics?" he asked curiously. "it will probobly take a few days for our letter to get there, so we will probobly have a bit of a wait." Harry was thinking of Muggle Mail of course. he probobly recognized that his own Owl was dead, and so had repressed the memories of them deeper than others.

"...hey Nathaniel?" Harry asked suddenly, his head tilted. "...can motorcycles fly?" he asked, looking at the other. "it was from one of those strange dreams i had last night... a huge man on a flying motorcycle..." he mumbled. "and kids flying on brooms, being attacked by cannonballs..." he muttered, shaking his head. "which is just... ridiculous of course... who would shoot cannonballs at kids?" he asked, baffled as he perused the bookshelf, pulling out a book on charms and settled down to read while Nathaniel worked on the letter to the Goblins. "you know, it's kind of surprising." Harry commented suddenly. "Wizards have a spell for almost anything. and what they don't have a spell for, they have a potion for... don't they ever do anything for themselves?" he asked, looking up at Nathan. "what do they do if they lose their wand, or it get's broken? just... sit their in filth until they get a new one?"
"Well we can write them a letter I guess....though we need to word it carefully. There are rumours of Owls being intercepted by both the Ministry and the Death Eaters...." Nathaniel shook his head softly. There had been a time when Owls had been the best and most secure way to send any kind of information, but now that ways had been found to alter the memories of even them, mail interception was rumoured to be rife even during times of peace. In some ways it seemed both Wizards and Muggles were more alike than the realised.
"Hm....it's a good question really. I've seen so many wizards and witches totally lost without magic....Muggle borns like me usually aren't so bad, though some just get lost in magical ways and seemingly forget there's another way of doing things. It is rather strange...." He couldn't help but laugh softly, glad to be feeling better after reading that article, then looked back up at Harry. "Well....I'm afraid all I really have are Textbooks, I don't really have any law books or anything like that.....though maybe the History of Magic textbooks will have something relating to that kind of thing. Most of it though is just the kind of stuff you.....pick up along the way so to speak"

Nathaniel was just finishing his tea when Harry asked about motorcycles, though oddly it didn't seem to strike Nathaniel as a strange question, not even slightly. "Well some of them can yes. With the right spells any Muggle vehicle could be made to fly. Motorcycles aren't really a popular choice, they aren't exactly warm when you're up in the air after all, plus they're noisy too, so you might as well just use a broom. Cars are more well known for it really. More comfortable, you can put the heater on, listen to music....though they aren't hugely common. Can't have Muggles seeing cars flying about all over the place now can we?" He smiled, going to get some parchment to sit and begin writing the letter, being very careful to word it, trying to make it seem like he was doing a journalistic report on the problem of the Black Market Wand trade rather than looking to buy one himself.
"Unfortunately a lot of wizards are rather arrogant or lazy....they think magic is there to serve them rather than be something to be used to help make the world a better place. Quite often if they lose their wands....well they just go and get another one, either legally or through.....less legal methods"
Harry blinked, looking startled. "you use owls to deliver your mail?" he asked, stunned before shock fluttered through his eyes. "oh dear..." he muttered, frowning a little. "it's never good to have people intercepting mail..." he muttered softly. "very bad... what's a Death Eater?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "that's a pretty crappy name. are they like, military or something?" he asked, looking entirely too baffled. "maybe we shouldn't send a letter, if it's really intercepted... it could be a lot of trouble." he muttered, worrying his lip a little before he sighed a little. "people are too dependent on wands." he grumbled, looking down at his Willow stick, his head tilted. "when i did magic as a kid, i never needed a wand..." he mumbled. "so why do i need one now?" he wondered, considering that. "i suppose it's like electricity. people are so used to it, that we tend to be completely lost when it goes out." he admitted with a shrug of his shoulder. "and that's a bit stupid. how are Muggleborns supposed to function in the wizarding world, if no one shows us?" he complained. "if wizards where suddenly pulled into the muggle world, i bet we'd have all kinds of books and stuff for them... like when a kid moves to a new country." he shook his head. "and where does the word Muggle come from anyway? it sounds really rude, you know?"

"hmm... so i guess i could have ridden on a flying motorcycle as a child." he mused with a small smile. "a flying car... i've ridden in a flying car before." he admitted with a grin. "twice. they used the car to pull the bars off my window and...." here he caused and scowled a little. "...why did i have bars on my window?" he wondered, his head cocked before his eyes widened in horror and he turned to Nathaniel. "Am i a criminal!?" he demanded, shocked beyond belief before he scoffed. "Magic, is not some sort of... thing!" he complained. "she is a living thing, she helps us because she wants to, not because we own her! stupid Wizards, no wonder their so called 'pureblood' is dying and failing." he scoffed with a sniff. "Magic does, as Magic wants, nothing more, and nothing less, and they are fools to think otherwise." he stated simply before moving over to the other and bending down to kiss the other intently before moving to do the dishes, humming happily. not even doing the dishes could dampen his happy mood after getting to kiss Nathaniel anytime he wanted.
So Harry had forgotten about the use of Owls....he had to wonder if that was down to his own Owl being killed as the newspaper article had said. Harry had seemed to block out many other traumatic memories, so witnessing something like that it was no surprise that he would simply block out all memories related to Hedwig. "Oh I think it should be alright. Even if it gets intercepted, it'll just look like I'm any other student writing up a report for the School Newspaper that we circulate around Ravenclaw" Nathaniel looked up and grinned slightly. He had been very careful with how he worded the letter, giving just enough to tempt a Goblin, but be of little interest to a Witch or Wizard. Moreso he hadn't mentioned Harry at all....no....Harry had to be his secret for the time being, until the boy had fully regained his memory and could decide for himself what he wanted to do.
"Well....it's true that a lot of children can do some magic without a wand, but the problem is that without a wand it's uncontrollable. I'm going to guess you didn't use magic on purpose, it just kind of....happened, right? The wand is the only thing that can focus the magical energy, otherwise your spells would be all over the place, and any direct magic you were trying to target at a single person or object would just be spread out all over the place"

Nathaniel had heard of Harry's little mis-adventure with the flying car, it had made the Daily Prophet after all. "Hm? Bars on your window? I'm not sure...." Ok, that wasn't entirely true. Nathaniel had read that article after all, but giving away that.....it would be too much for Harry to bear right now. His mind was in a very delicate position after all. "A criminal? Oh no, of course not. Sometimes bars are on windows to protect people too rather than just keep them in, maybe that was it?" Ok, so he knew that wasn't the case here, but if it gave Harry some hope....
He was rather surprised when Harry started talking of Magic as a living thing, like some kind of conscious entity. It was a theory Nathaniel had heard before, but only in History of Magic textbooks. It was a very old theory long since dismissed as nonsense by most, though there was no proof one way or another. It had likely just been dismissed in order to make Witches and Wizards feel better about themselves.
When Harry walked over and suddenly kissed him, Nathaniel couldn't help shivering, leaning up into the kiss and trying to return it, suddenly desperate to get a taste of Harry's tongue. He felt a rather noticeable tent forming immediately between his legs, the erection coming on almost painfully fast. When the kiss ended he couldn't help but make an adorable "Nyaa...." noise, then watch as Harry returned to the dishes and hummed, Nathaniel's eyes slowly looking the other boy up and down.
Harry nodded, looking a little hesitant as he examined the parchment before he grabbed the pen and made a single drawing of a Lily on the bottom of the page. he gave no explanation, he didn't even seam to understand it himself. as if it was a habit he hadn't been able to shake, even without a memory. "Ravens claws?" he finally asked, looking a bit baffled. "why do you have raven claws? is it for a potion?" he asked curiously before pondering that. "i did controlled Wandless magic." he admitted suddenly. "i made my wand light up when i couldn't find it. and then i made it fly into my hand." he admitted with a nod. "there must be people who can do magic without wands. what did people do before Wands? maybe we just got fat and lazy?" he wondered as he moved about, entertaining himself. "maybe we're just not trying the right way or something?" he wondered, picking out his Willow stick and giving it a few flicks, looking very, very interested all of a sudden. "hmmm..." he muttered before looking up at the other.

"oh, i was being protected you think?" he asked curiously. "i'm glad i'm not a criminal, i hate being all cooped up." he admitted simply before frowning as he looked at the other. "what do i need protecting from?" sometimes, Harry was just too curious for his own good. he grinned at Nathaniel's baffled look as he talked about Magic. something told him that most people couldn't 'communicate', for lack of a better word, with their inner core. Harry could always feel the magic churning in his body, it had a mind of it's own, of a sort. it had a personality, and it usually had more of an idea on what to do than Harry did when working a spell. Nathaniel did look oh so adorable though, so Harry just HAD to kiss him before leaving him to his fate. raging hormones and a rather nice tent. Harry wondered if he'd always been a tease or if this was a new development? he didn't care, he was going to do what he wanted to. he finished the dishes and flashed the other a smirk and wiggled his rear at the other. "i'm going to go upstairs and masturbate, wanna come with?" well one thing was for sure, Harry had always been a direct, and blunt little bastard.
"Ah, not Ravens Claws, Ravenclaw, it's the name of one of the houses at Hogwarts, like a group of students. There are four altogether....but I wont say what the others are. I think it would be good for you to try and recall them yourself in your own time" Nathaniel smiled, hoping that perhaps just Ravenclaw would be enough to start triggering some memories of Hogwarts and his time there. Sure things had been perilous, but Harry had always looked like he was having fun in the process. "Controlled wandless magic hm? Well....maybe that'll come back to you with your memories" Nathaniel smiled softly, listening to Harry almost ramble through the various thoughts running through his head. Maybe he had forgotten he could think to himself....or maybe he just liked verbalising his thoughts....it was kinda cute actually.

As Harry wriggled his rear, Nathaniel found himself staring, like it was hypnotic. He was so confused....he'd never felt this way about a man before....ok, neither a woman either, but he'd been attracted to women before but never a boy. But Harry.....there was something different. Now that he was up close there was something...alluring. But Harry had never had this effect on anyone before, not that Nathaniel knew of anyway....could it be something to do with what happened? Or maybe this was something Harry had unwittingly held back all this time but now it was....'unleashed' for lack of a better word. Well...it didn't matter either way.
What Harry said next though....Nathaniel very nearly fell from his chair, his glasses certainly falling to an angle when he caught himself. "I...you...." Harry was....blunt....very very blunt. "I uh....that is....I...um..." That offer only made Nathaniel's erection even more painfully hard....and no way it was simply going to 'go away' like last time. "W-well...um....s-sure...why not?" Nathaniel laughed nervously, slowly standing up, the tent in his pants plainly obvious even from across the room. He'd never masturbated with someone else before but....well....it sure sounded....alluring. Without even thinking, Nathaniel found himself moving towards Harry so they could head upstairs to his bedroom, his heart pounding in his chest.
Harry considered that for a moment and then. "Ravenclaw is for the smart... but they really aren't that smart." he commented simply. "answers cannot always be found in books..." he muttered, sounding slightly confused, as if he wasn't sure why he had said that. "most answers can't be found in books..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it would be pretty cool if i could do wandless magic." Harry admitted, looking excited again. honestly, the reason he spoke aloud was simple, as a child he'd had no one else to talk to, so he vocalized his thoughts and talked to himself. had the trend continued, he would probobly have developed severe, and untreatable mental issues. going to Hogwarts had been a severe shock to Harry, but it had been what he needed. the sudden immersion of people paying attention to him, talking to him, looking at him, acknowledging him... it might have given him several new issues, but it saved him from completely losing his mind.

he grinned at the other, his head tilted a little. he knew he was blunt, he liked being blunt, and the massive blush spreading across the others face was just as amusing. "good." Harry stated with a grin as he took Nathaniel's hand and led him up the stairs, sat the other down on the bed and started working on the pants buttons. "i'll masturbate you, and then you can masturbate me after." he decided. Harry had always been decisive too, a natural leader. which had been proven with the DA. Harry always knew what he wanted, and how to get it, but many things he 'wanted' he hid away so that no one would know. conforming to what people wanted of him. now there was no one but himself, and he was about to get something he wanted. he slowly, carefully pulled Nathaniel out of his pants and gave it a few, slow strokes, grinning a little. "it's a bit bigger than i thought it was going to be." he admitted, licking his lips. "i do beleive you're bigger than me." he admitted with a snicker as he leaned forward, brushing his lips along the rigid length. Harry was being a god damn tease again! and from the wicked glittering in the boys eyes, he was loving every single bit of it.

he giggled, the sound entirely too feminine considering the wicked expression on Harry's face as he slowly slipped his tongue out, and stroked the very head of Nathaniel's cock, tasting the little glob of Pre-cum there with a contemplative expression before he began to lick his way down, tasting salty flesh. he nuzzled his nose in-between Nathaniel's balls and smirked, well aware of what he was doing to the boy on the bed. and Harry had no intention of stopping. it was too much fun, to make someone come completely undone with just a few licks and a nuzzle. he stroked and licked and teased for a moment longer before his mouth wrapped around the head of Nathaniel's cock and sucked it in, moving lower and lower until he choked himself, tugging back and taking a breath before trying again. determined to fit every inch of Nathaniel's cock down his throat... now it was a timing game, would Nathaniel cum, or would Harry succeed in his goal? Harry couldn't wait to find out who was more stubborn.
Nathaniel couldn't help feel his pride being wounded ever so slightly when Harry determined that Ravenclaw students weren't all that smart...it was a little matter of house pride more than anything. Still, he'd get over it....and prove to Harry that it wasn't true to every Ravenclaw. After all, Nathaniel certainly considered himself to be rather intelligent....most of the time anyway. Hey, he was only human...he could make mistakes too right?

As they got upstairs, Nathaniel's heart was beating so quickly that he thought it was going to rip out of his chest. He could still hardly believe what they were about to do....what was about to happen to him. He was in a daze as Harry started working on his pants, blinking when the other boy spoke. "Ah...r-right...." He nodded in agreement, shivering as his pants were pulled away, allowing Nathaniel's quite sizeable erection to spring free, long, thick and twitching with anticipation, a set of large, heavy balls hanging at the base. "I um...ok...." Nathaniel wasn't sure how to begin, though he couldn't help feeling rather proud when Harry commented on the size....then again, Harry did make up for size with the fact he had more than just his cock down there....

"AH!" Nathaniel jumped when he felt the first touch against his sensitive cock, falling back onto the bed, shivering. Then he felt something hot and wet against the tip, causing him to cry out loudly, his cock throbbing and dripping out pre-cum that was quickly licked away. "H-Harry..." Nathaniel's voice made it clear how much pleasure he was feeling, the boy neither attempting nor able to hide it. "I...I thought....I thought...." He couldn't finish that sentence when Harry's mouth wrapped around his cock and began to descend down the shaft. He had thought they were simply going to masturbate, use their hands....this...this was so much more than Nathaniel could ever have dreamed of. He gurgled as Harry took more of his cock, then suddenly pulled back, leaving him panting for a moment, then gasping when he felt that heat and wetness moving down again. "O-oh god....oh god Harry! S-so good!" He felt his orgasm approaching rapidly....it took less than a minute of that mouth before Nathaniel just gurgled, his cock throbbing and twitching before erupting with his hot, thick cum.
Harry was highly pleased with himself of course as Nathaniel stuttered and flushed and blushed and stammered. it was so cute! and empowering to have someone under his power. he knew that Nathaniel would probobly be completely loyal to him, and only to him... why that was important, Harry didn't know, but it was, and it filled him with a glee because it meant that Nathaniel was his, and only his. why that mattered he also didn't know... but it did. Nathaniel was his, and he would make sure it stayed that way by any means necessary. he had to chuckle at Nathaniel's shocked cry, and the way he flopped back as if every last muscle had given out, and he grinned as he licked and stroked and teased. "don't think. just feel." Harry ordered softly before going down, sucking and stroking and working the flesh with a delighted expression on his face. Harry was clearly enjoying himself. very much so. he grinned as Nathaniel started to cry out to God and cried his name and twisted and writhed. Nathaniel came before Harry could get in any proper practice, but Harry did manage to swallow every hot spurt of cum that the other offered. it just happened naturally... not that Harry was much of a virgin. sure he'd never been penetrated, but he'd given plenty of blowjobs while at school.

"and how was that?" Harry asked with a grin as he laid his head on the others thigh, looking lazy, and highly smug. "your so cute when you come undone, crying out my name like that." he purred, licking his lips. "your mine now, you know..." he muttered, nuzzling the other. "i made you mine, and i'll be yours." he promised, kissing the others knee before hopping to his feet with a grin. "i highly enjoyed that." he admitted before he sulked at the other. "you came before i could get all of you down my throat, that's just not fair." he complained, sulking. "you'll have to let me practice tons more so i can give you a proper deep-throating!" he demanded, looking almost like a petulant child. harry was entirely too baffling, one second talking like a dark lord in the making, and the next second acting like a spoiled brat. was it just his personality trying to settle without the guide of memories, or was it something else? "my turn!" Harry ordered with a grin as he shed his pants and hopped onto the bed. "you don't have to use your mouth." he promised. "i think it squicks most people out. you can use your hands." he promised with an impish grin.
It took Nathaniel a few moments to come down from the high of his orgasm, panting heavily as he collapsed onto the bed, struggling to catch his breath. He'd never felt something so incredible...never thought he could feel something so incredible....and yet it was also so simple. In the back of his mind he wondered if Harry had done this before....he seemed so practiced...then again maybe it was just a natural talent. Either way, Harry certainly hadn't taken a cock as large as Nathaniel's it seemed, or at least never seriously tried to, not if he needed 'practice' at doing so....and giving Harry the opportunity to practice that skill was something Nathaniel was only all too happy to do.

"H-how was.....it...it was....incredible..." Nathaniel was still somewhat struggling to speak, but he was finding the breath to do it at least. He couldn't help blushing as Harry called him cute and described what he had been doing...then couldn't help but nod as Harry declared him his. In that moment, Nathaniel would have probably agreed to almost anything Harry might have said...and being 'claimed' like that by Harry....well....he strangely found himself having no problem with that...especially when Harry gave the reverse as well, giving himself to Nathaniel....and to think...they'd barely met a day ago.

He smiled when Harry almost threw a tantrum, then blushed as Harry once again spoke rather bluntly and lewdly about what he wanted to practice, though Nathaniel nodded all the same. "S-sure...you can practice that anytime you want Harry...." Nathaniel licked his lips at the thought, then blinked as Harry jumped up, declaring it his turn and stripping his lower half before sitting down. "Ah...right..." Nathaniel slowly moved so he was positioned between Harry's legs, staring up......staring at Harry's erection....and at the unmistakable slit at the base. He wondered....could or would Harry cum? He had no balls after all....but then maybe they were internal or something....Harry's internal layout had felt rather unusual when Nathaniel had been healing him after all.
After hesitating for a few more moments, Nathaniel slowly moved up, reaching out with his hands. One of them gently, carefully, curiously wrapped around the shaft of Harry's cock. He didn't stroke it right away, merely held it, savouring the first feel of another person in his hands like this, letting the heat emanating from it flow into his hand. It was nearly 30 seconds later before the hand began to move, ever so slowly beginning to stroke Harry's hardness, moving all the way to the top of the shaft, thumb flicking out over the tip, before starting to slide back down again, bringing Harry's pre-cum with it.
The other hand moved to Harry's pussy, stroking the outside gently at first, just rubbing up and down, before a single finger began to slowly push against it, attempting to gently penetrate, but ready to pull away if needs be.
he grinned as he watched the other relaxing from the orgasm, he simply loved how wasted the other looked, how helpless and innocently debouched the other looked. how could he not want to claim the adorable little stutter, and the gasping words, and the way Nathaniel's nose wrinkled when he was entirely too focused on something in his books. how could Harry not claim this wonderful man? it was almost Primal, the need to have Nathaniel. as a master, as a slave, as an equal, harry didn't care so long as he had Nathaniel. it seamed Nathaniel didn't mind either. Nathaniel was also right on both counts. Harry was practiced, but he'd never really been bothered about making the other person feel good. it was simply an exchange of sorts. Harry gave a blowjob, the other guy came, and Harry got something in return. not sex though, never sex, no one had ever seen Harry Naked, not even the Weasley's. only Petunia Dursley knew about Harry's... oddity. Sirius had known too of course, he was dead know though. even Remus didn't know.

Nathaniel was also right, like most hermaphrodite, as rare as they where, Harry had internal balls, tucked up inside along with his ovaries and womb. unlike a muggle though, both of Harry's parts functioned perfectly. no muggle would ever have a fully functioning Futa, but Wizards did on occasion. it was one in a thousand or less chance to be born the way Harry was. you had more of a chance of being hit by a plane than you did of being born like Harry. said boy gasped as a hand finally wrapped around his cock and he arched into the warm touch, shuddering and shivering as he bit his lip. "oh my god, it feels so much better when someone else does it." he moaned, thrusting his hips lazily since Nathaniel seamed to be in a bit of shock. that was alright, he'd recover soon enough. "f..fuck! Nathaniel!" he moaned once the other started to stroke and he wriggled on the bed, flopping back and feeling like a puppet whose had all his strings cut off.

"yes! yes..." he moaned as he felt the finger stroking him in that wonderful other place, spreading his legs wider and inviting him in. it was almost surreal how Harry could go from domination, to submission just like a switch had been flicked. "oh god, oh god... oh god don't stop. please. don't stop." Harry mewled, wriggling and wiggling and clenching around the finger inside of him, his cock pulsing. it didn't take long, not long at all before Harry was cumming, and cumming hard, spilling long ropes of cum even as his cunt clenched furiously around the finger. "g...gods... gods... gods... feels... so good!" he gasped, rocking his hips lazily, emptying his balls, internal though they where. "hnn... my muscles are all noodly..." he admitted softly with a very sated grin. "that was the best orgasm i've ever had."
Nathaniel was surprised at how much Harry reacted from just the simple touch. For a second he thought he had done something to harm the boy, but it was quickly made clear that this was only pleasure. He couldn't help but smile, feeling an odd pride in himself for making Harry gasp and moan like that. When Harry started thrusting his hips, Nathaniel felt a slight meanness rise inside of him, raising his body up a little so his arm would rest on Harry's waist, pinning the boy down on the bed so he couldn't thrust. This was revenge for teasing him so much....making Harry get the pleasure he wanted, but only on Nathaniel's terms now.

Nathaniel took his time with his strokes, making each one last as long as he possibly could. Both to maximise Harry's pleasure....and to spend longer holding onto Harry's cock like this. His finger slowly slipped deeper into the others boys pussy, wriggling around slightly, pressing harder against the spots that seemed to get the best reaction. God Harry's moans were like a drug....the more he heard them the more he wanted to hear even more....he was beginning to get addicted to this noise.
As Harry was getting close, Nathaniel couldn't help but start moving his hands a little faster, pumping Harry's cock a little faster and harder, pumping his finger in his pussy a little faster, until he heard that final moan, watching in delight as Harry came all over himself. Nathaniel was too nervous to try and catch it in his mouth, instead just letting Harry make a mess over himself, continuing to pump the boys cock until he was done.
"Wow....you sure came a lot Harry...." Nathaniel grinned slightly, releasing the boys cock and slowly withdrawing his finger from his pussy. "I'm really glad you enjoyed that.....I sure did too" Nathaniel's own cock had become rock hard once again, the excitement of getting the other boy off just too much.
Harry whined as he felt his hips being pinned down and it was like a switch had been flicked, one minute dominant and possessive, and now meek, submissive, and wanton. "please, god please, more." he whimpered, writhing on the bed, wanting to arch and thrust, panting and gasping and begging like the little slut that he was. he panted once he finally came, his eyes closed as he luxuriated in the feeling of pleasure coming to a crux, shivering a little as he opened his eyes and smiled a little at Nathaniel, looking childish and innocent again, licking his lips. "sorry, i must have made a mess. maybe i aught to lick it clean?" he asked, his eyes glimmering with amusement, wondering how the other would take that suggestion. "i don't think i've ever had anything in here before..." he admitted, stroking his own cunt with a shudder. "it felt so good..." he muttered before slowly sitting up and laughing as he realized the other was hard again. "so excited again already? i'm flattered!" he admitted, studying it intently before he pounced on it and resumed his 'practice' from earlier. once he'd made the other cum, again... this time succeeding in getting Nathaniel balls deep into his throat, Harry decided he wanted to take a nap.

so he did, right then and there, naked as the day he was born he sprawled out on Nathaniel's bed and went to sleep, looking cute and adorable as he did it. Harry was a goofy kid really... but that darker personality, that was a bit troubling. how could someone be so sweet and innocent, and yet so dark and possessive? it was like Harry was two different people. Harry was still asleep when a great tawny owl, and a tiny regal owl swooped in and dropped off letters. the one from the great gray was from Gringotts, letting him know that most criminals went to Wand Crafters located around the world. it wasn't illegal for a wand Crafter to make someone a wand, because they where very rare, and most of the British ministry refused to admit that such a thing existed. which was stupid because wand Makers like Ollivander, where not of the same quality as a Wand Crafter. there was even one in London, on the muggle side. the Goblin's had included an address and an assurance that Mister Potter's secrete would be safe and that the letter was charmed to only work for the writer of the previous letter.

the other letter was, astonishingly, from Neville Longbottom to Harry, there was a bag attached, and if Nathaniel was to look inside, he would see well over five hundred Galleons. emergency money no doubt. the Letter itself told Harry to be careful, that Dumbledore was furious, the ministry was mad, the Weasley's where trying to hunt him down, and hermione wouldn't stop crying because she had never noticed how bad his homelike was. Neville went on to explain that all the fires leading into Wizarding London was being watched, as where all of the appiration points. the Leaky was also being watched and a man named Mad-Eye-Moody was stationed in the Leaky as well. just from that one letter, it was obvious that Neville Longbottom, was playing Spy for Harry! which could be very helpful.
When Naruto pounced on him again Nathaniel yelped and tumbled back onto the bed, crying out as Harry took his cock into his mouth once more, that hot wet mouth....that tongue that seemed to seek out all the best places. "O-oh god! S-still sensitive! Really sensitive!!" Nathaniel writhed around, tossing from side to side when Harry took the entirety of his cock, finally deepthroating him and making an incredibly arousing sucking noise. "Nnn...ohhhh....o-oh! Oh fuck!" Nathaniel clutched at the bedsheets, his hips thrusting up into Harry's mouth as he came straight down the other boys throat this time, several spurts of thick cum emptying out of him before he collapsed back to the bed, now totally spent for the time being. "O-oh wow....Harry....you....are amazing..." He grinned slightly, glancing down at the boy and blinking when he just sprawled out on the bed, naked and still covered in his own cum, then just dropped to sleep. "Um....well....alright...."

He slowly pulled away to let Harry sleep, then blinked as the owls swooped in, instinctively covering up his crotch despite the fact they were animals, watching as they dropped the envelopes before relaxing slightly when they left, sitting down in order to start reading through the letters, the largest one first. "Wow....that was fast of them" He read through carefully, then folded the letter away. "So....they knew it was from him....it must've been that flower he drew on there....some kind of signal....at least they knew to enchant it so others wouldn't be able to read it even if they had intercepted it. At least now they had some leads on where to go for a new wand for Harry....so long as they were discreet anyway.
It was the next letter that was more concerning though. For one thing, how had Neville even known Harry was here? If one person had tracked him down then maybe others could too. But this Neville....he seemed different. The way Harry spoke of him....it was like there was some kind of bond there between them. Maybe that was how. Though it also seemed more trouble was brewing....the hunt for Harry was already well underway.....and until Harry had his memories back he wouldn't be safe. Until then, it was down to Nathaniel to take care of him...they couldn't trust anyone else.

Like the newspaper from earlier, Nathaniel carefully folded the letter and tucked it away. Whilst he wanted to let Harry know that someone else was concerned for him, the other contents of the letter were something he wasn't yet ready for, something he needed to get his memories back for before he could be exposed to.
"Well....might as well get some rest too..." He chuckled and stood up, moving over to the bed and laying down beside Harry, closing his eyes to take a short nap alongside the boy.
Harry laughed as the other cursed and gasped about being sensitive. Nathaniel was really too adorable, he really was. he swallowed the cum as effortlessly as before and breathlessly giggled as he licked his lips at the other. "of course i'm amazing." he stated with a roll of his eyes as he snuggled into the bed and pillows. hey, Harry had always been said to be able to sleep anywhere. once, Harry had even slept on the stone floors of the dungeons when he 'got lost' which was his excuse. really he'd just wanted a moment of privacy and decided to sleep down there, but he couldn't just out and say something like that. he'd have gotten so many detentions he'd still be serving them at eighty years old! Harry was unaware of the Owls, and unaware of how it was that Neville always knew how to find him. it wasn't exactly a locating spell, not really, but Neville was always, without fail, able to locate Harry if he had to. not that he often had to, and not that anyone else knew about it. still, the fact that Neville was sending warnings, and not aurors was a good sign. Harry snuggled into Nathaniel once the boy joined him, his arms wrapping tightly around the other as he pressed his entire body against the back of Nathaniel, sighing softly in glee at having a nice warm teddy bear.

he woke three hours later, bleeding because he'd bitten through his lip to keep from screaming, and he darted from the bed, racing down the hall into the bathroom, where he proceeded to be violently ill. puking up the very nice breakfast he had made as he sobbed from the face of some sick nightmare, or memory. "Cedric... Cedric... he killed Cedric..." Harry gasped, trembling violently. "he rose out of the cauldron, red eyes and no nose and he killed Cedric!" he gasped, clinging to Nathaniel as soon as he saw the other. clutching the other with a force strong enough to bruise, but not noticing because he had to tell SOMEONE. "there was a flash of green, tombstones, 'Kill the Spare!'..." Harry babbled the entire story in fragmented sentences that didn't make much sense separately, but when pieced together with all the others, gave Nathaniel a general idea of what Harry had dreamed. Harry simply clung tot he other once the story was done and trembled, muttering now and again that Cedric was staring at him, or that it was his fault Cedric was dead. it took a good long while for Harry to calm down, but finally he pulled away from Nathaniel, looking sheepish. "i...i'm sorry. i don't know what happened..." he muttered, stroking the bruises. "i hurt you..." horrified that he had left such dark marks on Nathaniel's arms and hips in his desperation for human contact.
When Harry darted from the bed so suddenly it woke Nathaniel, the boy sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Harry...?" He slowly stood up, hearing the noises of the boy being ill, then the sobbing, then the gentle cries of Cedric....Nathaniel knew all too well what that was about....he'd been in the audience after all....seen Harry coming back with Cedric's body...then all the commotion afterwards...it was no wonder Harry could remember that. Such a powerful memory....it was bound to be one of the first to return really. He glanced down at his arm, seeing the bruises forming where Harry had been clinging to him, but that didn't matter....he didn't care one bit about those bruises. He just raised his arms when Harry emerged, drawing the boy into a gentle, comforting hug. "It's alright Harry.....cry all you need to...there have been some terrible things, but it's all in the past now...." He stroked the back of Harry's head gently, running his fingers slowly through the boys scruffy hair.

"It's not your fault Harry, not at all. You did everything you could to save him.....you've always done everything you could to save everyone whether they knew it or not" He smiled softly, letting Harry pull away. "You don't need to apologise....this just means you're getting better, that your memory is coming back to you piece by piece. Maybe it's just that the worst is getting out of the way first, so you'll have the happy memories all left to come and make you feel better" He placed a hand on Harry's shoulder gently. "Oh don't worry about it, I want to be a doctor after all right? Just think of it as helping me to practice. If I'm going to heal other people, I have to be able to heal myself first right?"
Harry clung to the other and shuddered ad sobbed as he was told he could cry all he wanted. he shuddered as he felt the hands into his hair, and it seamed like that, more than anything else, soothed Harry into calming down. "it's not my fault?" he whispered, swallowing thickly. "are you sure? it feels like it's my fault... i didn't do anything, i didn't move, i just sat there and he died..." Harry didn't seam to understand what Shock was... or what Acrumantula venom would do to a person, or what portkey's did to him. he probobly never had, he had probobly been running around, thinking he had practically killed Cedric himself for the entire fifth year. "i don't want my memories back, if i have such awful ones..." he whispered, shuddering. "i have a bad feeling, that i have much worse ones." he admitted softly as he looked up at the other. "a doctor?... that's why you could heal me so well..." he muttered, starting to calm down as he snuggled into the other, feeling more than a little shell shocked. blank almost. "i don't think i've ever cried before..." he admitted suddenly as he wiped his face. "i feel like a little baby..." he grumbled softly, but didn't try to pull free of the other, instead he just snuggled closer. touch starved, desperate for comfort and affection, greedy for attention.

"Nathaniel?" he asked softly. "Can wizards turn into animals?" he asked suddenly. "there was a man... he pointed a stick at Cedric. and said funny words. and i remember thinking he was a Rat... literally a Rat..." he muttered. "i remember seeing him turn into one... Scabbers, he was called Scabbers." he muttered softly. "he was a man, but he could turn into a Rat..." he scowled. "there was... something else but i.. i can't remember.." he grumbled with a sigh as he nuzzled the other's chest. "i'm hungry... what do you want for... er, what time is it?" he asked, wondering if he was going to make breakfast, tea, lunch, brunch, dinner, or a midnight snack.
"It's ok Harry....not all your memories are bad, far from it. You can look forward to your happy memories too" Nathaniel grinned softly, trying to lighten the mood a little bit...after all, they desperately needed to lighten things up a little bit. "You're not a baby Harry, not at all. You've been through so much, it's more than understandable that you'd want to cry" He gently rubbed the other boys head, then blinked and smiled, nodding softly. "Well yes, some wizards can turn into animals. A wizard who can do that is called an Animagus. There are several of them, though they're supposed to be registered or something I think....they can turn into all kinds of things really...though from what I hear it's really difficult to do. I haven't really looked into it, it's pretty high level magic that people our age aren't supposed to know, so the books on it are seriously restricted"

He smiled lightly, then nodded. "Hungry? Heh, I guess I kinda am....though before we have any lunch, maybe we should get dressed?" Harry was still naked, and Nathaniel wasn't wearing pants or underwear. "Y'know....just to be decent and everything" He grinned slightly, turning around to bend over and grab his clothes, presenting his ass naked ass and large balls to Harry, wiggling slightly. Harry wasn't the only one who could tease after all....
Harry sniffled and then smiled a little at Nathaniel, wiping his eyes again. "i really like it when you do this." he admitted softly. "hold me, i mean, and run your fingers through my hair. it makes me feel warm and safe." he admitted, snuggling into the other happily, his head tilted. "Animagus.." he muttered. "Neville is an Animagus." Harry commented suddenly, "i can't remember who he is though... but he's an Animagus. he turns into.. uh, into... crap. can't remember." Harry grumbled, shaking his head. "i suppose it doesn't matter anyway." he admitted. "i don't think he's registered, so don't tell anyone." he ordered Nathaniel before sitting up and grinning a little. "why get dressed? i like seeing you naked." he admitted, his eyes scanning Nathaniel's long slender legs with a hungry look in his eyes. now that he was calm again, he could certainly appreciate the others physical attributes. "no ones going to come by anyway, right?" he asked with a smirk as he followed the other with his eyes, licking his lips as he watched Nathaniel bend over.

he was standing in a flash, his hands cupping Nathaniel's ass and rubbing the firm globes with a smirk. "mmm your sexy when you bend over." Harry growled, the sound anything but human as he rubbed his thumb against that tight little hole, teasing right back, but not trying to penetrate. even with amnesia Harry knew that would hurt. he'd need spit, or lube, or lotion or something to make less of a challenge. "i bet you'd look gorgeous, all tied up in silk ribbon, on your knees, just begging me to stop teasing you and to fuck you." Harry purred, his eyes glittering with a sadistic delight. he'd love to tie his lover up and tease him until he was a mushy pile of begging slut. "Tell me Nathaniel, do you have naughty dreams? dirty kinks?" he asked, his eyes narrowed with a viscous grin. "shall i make those wet dreams come true?" gods harry was a horny, sadistic bastard sometimes. honestly it was like he had two different personalities. one was sweet and cute and the other was horny, dominant, and rather bloodthirsty and sadistic. at least Nathaniel would never be bored.
"Well I'll be sure to hold you a lot then" Nathaniel smiled, then raised an eyebrow at the news. So Neville was an Animagus? Interesting....he certainly kept that secret well. "Well I promise I wont tell anyone about Neville. My lips are sealed" He made a little zipping motion before bending over, blushing when Harry exclaimed he liked him naked. "C-come on, I'm not really anything special..." He smiled, trying not to act too embarrassed....though any prospect of that went out the window the second that Harry's hands made contact with his body...

Nathaniel yelped as he felt Harrys hands grasping his ass, finding himself frozen in place, unable to move away even if he wanted to. He even let out a cute mewing noise, shivering and wiggling his ass in Harry's hands. "O-ooooh!" He squeaked as the thumb brushed over his asshole. He was worried for a moment that Harry would try to push the thumb in, but felt rather relieved when he didn't. "E-ehhh? T-tied up? I uh..." Nathaniel swallowed nervously, though felt his cock harden almost painfully fast as he imagined himself being gently tied up in soft silken ribbons. "I...I don't know if I could say things like that....I mean...I...." Nathaniel whimpered again, pressing his ass gently back against Harry. "Naughty dreams...? I...well.....I...sometimes....I do dream....about....being between two people....normally between a boy and a girl....though when we were napping....I....I did kind of dream of being stuck between two Harry's....." The admission was embarrassing, but he could tell Harry about it....he could tell Harry about anything. He was slightly concerned about that growl though.....it almost sounded....inhuman....and certainly unlike any animal Nathaniel had ever heard either. Still....he couldn't get enough of these contrasts for some reason....
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