A Matter of Mind (HP)- Moon/Lounger


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was a calm morning, the air was cold and damp, but the sun was shining brightly and there was no snow on the ground. Granted, that didn't help the young boy sitting on the swing, about three dozen miles away from where he was supposed to be. He was filthy, his clothes where four, even five sizes too large for him, and settled around him in thick lumpy, dirty waves, making him look sort of clownish. There where tears in his clothes, and wet patches where he appeared to have bled on the filthy clothing. His hair, which brushed his shoulders was filthy and matted, tangled and covered in mud and leaves with a bit of dirt and grass thrown in. he almost looked more like a troll than he did a boy. That wasn't what was so... shocking, though... the most shocking part was the injuries that covered the boy's body. He had a severe bruise that ran almost the entire left side of his face, as if he'd been struck hard by something heavy and flat. There was a sharp gash across the side of his forehead that stretched from the middle of his hairline, to just in front of his ear. It had scabbed over, but it was red and inflamed and there was still blood coating the boys hair and face, showing that he hadn't had a shower since it had happened.

There where other injuries as well. It looked as if his left arm was broken, the way it dangled uselessly. And the entire left leg of his pants had been torn off, revealing massive bruising there as well. Not to mention a multitude of scabbing that made it look as if he'd been dragged across something rough that had taken a great deal of the skin off of his leg. He looked like hell, he looked half dead... and the blankness in those brilliant emerald eyes wasn't helping. Granted, with a head wound like that, he probably had a fairly severe concussion. Those brilliant Emerald eyes was the only way to recognize who the boy was, the famous lightning bold scar was hidden underneath blood and mud. His hair didn't stick up at all, it hung in thick scraggly lanks, and even his glasses where missing. Only someone who actually knew Harry would recognize him at this point, but since no one realized he was missing yet, no one was looking for him. He had only been gone for three days after all. The Order wouldn't worry until they hadn't heard from him for four days, leaving the badly injured Harry on his own for at least two more days. If not more. Probably more considering the Order of the Phoenix was useless.
Nathaniel Garrington was a relatively typical Wizard, well, Wizard student anyway, coming up on the beginning of his 6th year at Hogwarts. He was nothing particularly special. His grades were above average, but then again as a Ravenclaw that was simply expected of him rather than any reason for celebration. His family too was nothing special. Father a wizard, mother a muggle, neither of them from a family of any renown or prestige from their respective worlds. To all appearances, Nathaniel was simply another unremarkable head in the vast sea of wizards in the world. And yet, despite all of it, despite all his averageness, fate seemed to have chosen him for something. What that something was it was impossible to tell, but it was something nonetheless.

He was out on a walk, something he often did during the closing months of summer, and normally it was another unremarkable event in his life, but today....today was different. Today, as he walked through the park, he saw someone sitting on the swing. For a brief instant he intended to pay the person no mind and simply carry on, but then he saw....he saw the horror of what had happened. The boy was hardly recognisable as a boy....for a moment Nathaniel thought it might have been some kind of Zombie....but no...this was human. "Oh my god...." He froze for a moment, the shock of what he was seeing too much for him to comprehend in that brief second, but then he leapt into action, darting forwards, hurrying over to the boy. "Wh-what happened? Can you hear me?" He knew better than to ask if the boy was alright, it was completely obvious that he wasn't.
At first, Nathaniel didn't recognise who this was, any distinguishing features buried away beneath dirt, blood, bruises and who knew what else. But then....then there were the eyes....and then from the tip of some of the blood the hints of a scar on the boys forehead. This was not simply any boy....this was... "Harry Potter....? My god...what happened to you?" Clearly he had been attacked in some way, but by what...by who? Death Eaters maybe? Well, the who didn't matter right now.

"Ok....ok think...think...." Nathaniel glanced around, nobody else in the area...good. Slowly he withdrew his wand from his sleeve, then bit his lip. Where to even start? Nathaniel had studied some medicine, one of his potential career paths was to be a Doctor after all, but these injuries....this was beyond him. "Ok....let's.....let's just get you moving a little..." He pointed his wand at Harry's leg, attempting to try and at least patch the wounds up enough that Harry could stand without too much pain. "Just tell me if this feels worse alright? I just need to patch you up a little and then get you back to my house....my parents are away so you'll have some privacy there"
Harry turned as he heard a voice and blinked rather sluggishly at Nathaniel, his head cocked tot he side as if he had no idea who the other was... not unexpected, considering Harry was often sheltered from the other three houses, as if the Gryffindors where afraid that Harry might be stolen away. particularly Hermione and Ron, though that was more them being worried Harry would leave them than anything else. he stared at Nathaniel for a long moment, could he hear? he wasn't sure... well he supposed if he had understood the question, then he must be able to hear, right? of course. "H'ry P'tter?" Harry asked sluggishly, confused and disoriented, the boy didn't even have his wand on him. he blinked stupidly at Nathaniel, clearly the head damage was extensive if he couldn't even say his own name properly. still, he flinched away from the wand when Nathaniel pointed it at him, and then calmed as he watched the redness of his wounds fade a little. from the looks of things, Harry had some fairly bad infection going on. in his leg especially as there was swelling to the extreme, and bits of white pus was leaking out of the areas that Nathaniel was forcefully healing, not to mention bits of rock, dirt and asphalt.

he didn't say a word as Nathaniel made the aches hurt less, though he did stand up when prodded to, and he staggered to his feet and swayed. he nearly collapsed, but even severely injured and possibly brain dead Harry had an iron will and a stubbornness worse than any Hock nosed Gorn. which where known for sitting in doorways and refusing to move out of the way when a Wizard made the mistake of upsetting one. it could take months to get a Gorn out of a doorway, and usually that was only because the Gorn got bored and moved to a more traveled one. needless to say, Harry managed to stay on his feet, and walk by himself to the nearby house despite that fact that his foot turned funny every time he stepped on it. it was probobly broken, but Harry didn't seam to notice at all. in fact he seamed so detached, that he didn't even really realize that he was hurt, and hurt bad. any intelligent person could say that the first thing a person needed to do, is get clean, so Harry followed Nathan to the nearest Bathroom. where there stairs on the way, Harry wouldn't make it up them, and it would be up to Nathaniel to carry, or levitate Harry into the bathroom.

once inside the bathroom, Harry stripped without words and settled into the ceramic tub and stared at the nobs, almost as if confused before he reached out and turned on the water. thankfully he seamed mostly capable of washing himself, save for the fact that his arm was broken. as he scrubbed himself, a new story was being told. most of his body was covered in injuries. heavy bruises, thick cuts and large patches of skin that looked as if he'd been dragged down the road. what wasn't covered in cuts and scrapes, was covered in bruises. though it was mostly centered on the left side of his body, as if he'd fallen from a great height and landed on his side. or been hit by a truck of some sort. that was impossible of course. everyone KNEW that Harry was living in the Wizarding world, under a Fidelious charm. well, that was the leading theory anyway. no matter where he was living, it was very strange that Harry was in the muggle world, alone and unprotected and so badly injured. especially as it had become very obvious that Voldemort WAS in fact, BACK. everyone knew that Harry had stopped Voldemort in the Ministry Atrium. no one knew how, or why Harry had been there, but those where little details that most people didn't care about anyway. soon Harry was clean though, his hair hanging over his face, his sharp emerald eyes clear, but still strangle... blank. as if he had forgotten what emotions where. no doubt Nathaniel would notice something else very... very... odd, about Harry Potter, like a distinct... addition, inbetween the other boy's legs.
Nathaniel couldn't help wincing himself as he worked on the wounds....somehow they were even worse than they looked...the internal injuries...he could feel them back through the healing spells....they were horrific....beyond cruel. This was....even Death Eaters would wince at this level of pain and cruelty. But who else could've done this? Who else would have done this? Still....if Harry was alive...then it meant he had escaped whoever did this to him. After all, why do this and simply leave Harry in a park? Well, all that wasn't important right now, all that was important was treating Harry as best he could, try to patch up these wounds.

It wasn't much of a surprise that Harry couldn't speak right....more than likely there were injuries in his jaw that prevented him from talking correctly. That would come in time....but this wasn't the best place for healing everything. Once Harry was healed enough to stand and walk Nathaniel stood himself, motioning for Harry to follow. "Ok....slow and easy....just...follow me and be nice and careful ok...?" Nathaniel knew there were more injuries, but this wasn't the best place....there was still a chance of someone else coming along, or whoever left Harry here might come back. The two made a slow, steady walk back to Nathaniel's house, then came the stairs. Well....this wasn't going to be done on foot. Now that they were out of sight at least, it was easy enough for Nathaniel to levitate Harry the rest of the way, moving the boy slowly and gently up the stairs, then into the bathroom.

Before Nathaniel could try to help, Harry was on the removal of his clothes by himself, stripping down shamelessly despite Nathaniel's presence. Perhaps he was either always like that, or maybe the injuries to his head had just been severe enough to knock his shame out of him. "Ok....um...right..." Nathaniel waited until Harry was in the bath, then pointed his wand back at the boy to resume the healing process whilst the taps were turned on, the water very slowly coming in. It couldn't be on too quickly after all, the water in the open wounds could only just make things worse. "Alright....making some progress here....I'm sorry if this hurts....but there's no other way...." He slowly moved the wand up Harry's legs, intending to heal him from the bottom up, it made sense since that was where the water would go after all. But as Nathaniel got to the top of Harry's legs there was something.......unusual. Something very odd. "Um...huh?" He could feel back through the healing spell that something was slightly different internally with Harry's body in this area, and he couldn't help but stare. "Harry....? Is....something wrong down here....?" Was this normal? Or had something else been done to Harry? Some kind of spell or curse perhaps?
Harry didn't want to walk, but walk he did. ignoring how every step made his entire body scream in agony. the internal injuries where not as bad as the outer, but even a little internal injury could kill. luckily for both of them, Harry's massive amounts of magic was already at work, healing the internal damages. and probobly had been for some time now, which would explain why Harry was still so hurt on the outside. Harry's magic was all internalized, fighting to fix the damage that would kill him, rather than the damage that hurt. the scans that Nathaniel used would show that Harry had already healed from severe Brain hemorrhaging, as well as a crushed skull. both of which would have killed a muggle in a matter of seconds. Magic was amazing at keeping it's wizard alive. it was now working on Harry's heart 'stutter' and the collapsed lung. both where things that Healers had a hell of a time fixing, so it was no wonder that Harry's magic was struggling. while horrifying, the internal damages where being taken care of, and Harry had never seamed to run out of magic like normal people did. so for now, he was perfectly safe from bleeding to death internally.

Harry himself was very glad to be clean again, scrubbing himself almost raw in an attempt to get ALL of the blood and mud off of him. he never even realized that he aught to be shy about getting naked in front of the funny stick man who had brought him here. the longer that funny stick was aimed at him, the better Harry felt, so he didn't fight it at all. in fact he welcomed it, which would only make the healing process all the easier for Nathaniel. the broken ankle was mended, and the infection in his leg was drawn out before the flesh smoothed over, leaving nothing but old scars. scars that could not have come from Hogwarts, because small ones like that Madam Pomfrey could heal without a mark. as a matter of fact, that group of scars looked almost like he had been bitten, and then shaken by a dog. a viscous dog. then Nathaniel reached the... interesting part. Harry blinked at him a little fuzzily and then looked down, lifting his limp penis out of the way to examine the vagina that was directly beneath it, his head tilted. huh, well it didn't seem unusual to him. had he always had that? he wasn't sure, as a matter of fact he wasn't even sure what his name was. he released his cock and looked over at Nathaniel, looking so confused it was almost cute... and then Harry spoke and nothing was cute anymore.

"am i Harry? is that my name?" that, was NOT good. not unexpected from the level of brain damaged the boy had sustained, but still not good. "anyway i think i'm ok there, nothing hurts." he promised as he finished scrubbing his stomach. "my side hurts though. and my hip..." he had a few hairline fractures in his left hip, and his left ribs where broken, four of them where anyway, the rest where all cracked. "and my arm." broken in three places. thankfully that was the last of the broken things, though his sternum was cracked as well. after that, it was only bruising, bad bruising, but just bruising. it would be uncomfortable, but it wouldn't be unduly painful. "hey... do you think i'm a boy or a girl?" Harry asked suddenly, seaming to realize that it was at least a little strange that he had both parts. "i guess i'd be a boy. girls have boobs right?" he asked, blinking at Nathaniel. "could you make your stick fix my arm? it's hard to wash..."
"Uhhh....." Nathaniel watched as Harry examined himself, and didn't seem to find anything strange with himself. Well....it was possible that Harry had always been like this. Or it was possible Harry had no memory that he wasn't supposed to be like that and something really had been done to him. Well....there was time to worry about that later. Right now there were injuries to heal. Slowly Nathaniel continued to move his wand up, though couldn't help but watch as Harry continued to examine himself, then just dropped 'himself' and went back to washing. "I um....well...we can....worry about that a little later....let's uh...let's just get the rest of you fixed up first huh.....?" Nathaniel found himself looking for a few more moments, then quickly away, up to Harry's arm when he asked about it. No wonder....it was broken in several places after all, so no wonder it was now the worst thing affecting Harry.

Fortunately a broken arm was relatively simply to fix up even with Nathaniel's relatively limited knowledge. Sure it would be relatively obvious that an amateur had fixed it, but it would be fixed nonetheless and not leave any real scarring. "I uh....well.....I think you're a boy....." It was an unusual question, but also a slightly more difficult to answer one than someone might think. Harry had the main parts of both....but then again he was right that he didn't have the other parts. "Um...well...yeah...girls do have those...and since you don't then I suppose that makes you a boy doesn't it....?" Nathaniel smiled slightly, trying to distract himself with working on Harry's remaining injuries, moving on to the hip and ribs once the arm was fixed. "Harry.....your name is Harry Potter.....you don't remember? I....well....do you remember anything? Anything at all? Do you know where you were? Who you were with? What happened...?" These were difficult questions, but he had to get a feel for what Harry did and didn't know. If it seemed the memory was something traumatic he would stop pushing.
Harry paused in his scrubbing to let the other heal his arm and then flexed it with a look of almost wonder. how was that even possible?! one second it hurt no matter what he did, and the next it not only didn't hurt, but he could move it. he was completely oblivious to Nathaniel's embarrassment too... but then Harry had always been a bit thick, he simply didn't have the social skills necessary to understand the more subtle emotions... which was why Ron and Hermione where such good freinds. Hermione could explain what he didn't understand, and Ron had the emotional capabilities of a teaspoon. he was either angry, or happy. that was about it. Harry didn't remember them though, he didn't remember anything. "ah, i'm a boy then, if we both think so, then it must be so." he decided with a nod. "Harry Potter." the boy muttered as he reached out and pulled the plug. the water was black from the filth that Harry had washed off so far, he needed cleaner water. he watched the water drain out, and then put the plug back in and refilled the basin as he started washing what he hadn't managed to reach yet. starting with his filthy hair.

"remember?" Harry asked, pausing in his attempts to soak his hair with his hands, frowning as he considered it before nodding. "i remember running, i was scared. He was going to kill me. shoot me with a gun." Harry muttered. "i was really scared, so i was trying to... get out? yes i was trying to get out... there was... tightness... like i was being forced through a straw, and everything just shifted..." he muttered, his eyes wide as he recalled the utter terror of his last memory. "then there was a bright, bright light, and a loud noise and then pain..." he muttered. "so much pain... i woke up in a ditch and i couldn't move. it hurt so bad, blinking hurt, breathing hurt... EXISTING hurt." he admitted softly. "i woke up again and crawled over to the... to.." here he paused, his face screwed up as he tried to remember. "the swings! yes, i went to the swings, because the ground was cold, and hard, and it hurt. i sat in the swing, because i knew no one would come to find me, or help me. because i'm worthless." he admitted with a nod. "i'm a Freak, so i just sat on the swing because i've nowhere to go." he admitted. "i counted the stars until the sun came up. i got all the way to eight thousand, five hundred, and fifty six before all the stars disappeared." Harry had been sitting on that swing since before dawn! and the way he spoke about himself... something was very wrong about that. and the comment about a gun. Wizards, even muggleborn wizards would never use a Gun.

"Thanks for fixing me by the way, and letting me get clean, and telling me my name... did you tell me yours? i can't remember if you did or not." Harry admitted, frowning as he tried to remember. "hey how do you do that anyway? fix me with that funny stick?" Harry asked, reaching out and gently plucking the Wand from Nathan's fingers, holding it tenderly, as if worried that it might bite him. he studied it intently, turning it this way and that before handing it back tot he other. "am i actually fixed, or did it just make the pain go away?" he asked, curious about the Magic that Nathan had done, even if he didn't know what it was.
Well, Harry seemed to remember something at least....that was a start. Still, it seemed all he was remembering was more recent events just before whatever had happened to him...well....happened. Before Nathaniel could question further however, he felt his wand being gently pulled away, then watched as Harry examined it curiously with seemingly no memory of what it was. "Uhhh...you....don't remember these....? I see..." This was bad. If Harry didn't remember something as fundamental as magic itself then what chance did most of his other memories have? And now he had to explain it somehow....well....maybe that would help trigger some of Harry's other memories as well. Worth a try anyway.

The explanation of what happened was painful just to listen to. From the sounds of things Harry had been through hell....and it wasn't sounding like a wizard had been the cause of these injuries. No wizard would use a gun after all....too messy, too imprecise....hell, Nathaniel suspected most wizards wouldn't even know what a gun was unless they were a muggle born, and even then he doubted many would be capable of aiming one well enough to hit a target that was running away from them, not unless they were incredibly lucky. "Harry, you're not worthless" Nathaniel smiled softly, reaching out to gently touch Harry's shoulder now that it wasn't so injured that a touch would've caused excruciating pain. "Trust me when I say that you are quite an incredible person" That much was true. Not just because of the whole legend surrounding Harry, no, he had more than earned a reputation as an incredible wizard in his own right. He had done things that nobody else would've been capable of.

"Ah...well....my name is Nathaniel. Nathaniel Garrington. Don't worry if you don't remember that name, I wouldn't expect you to, this is the first time we've actually spoke so you wouldn't remember me anyway" He slowly reached out, gently taking back the wand once Harry was done with his examination. "This....is a wand, for performing magic. Do you remember magic Harry? You see....I'm a Wizard, or at least a student Wizard, and so are you. We're about to start our 6th year at Hogwarts, remember? Does that name sound at all familiar to you?" Sure something as important as Hogwarts would trigger something in Harry's mind, after all there was probably no place more important in the boys life. "You're actually fixed, I used magic to heal your injuries. I'm not exactly a qualified Doctor but I've been studying healing magic. Fortunately your body seemed to do enough to keep you alive, then I just needed to finish the job of healing up the injuries that were causing pain"
Harry blinked at him a little. "no, should i?" he asked looking baffled as he held the wand before he laid down in the tub and started washing his hair properly now that it didn't hurt so damn much to move. he still had an ache in almost every part of his body, but that was easy to ignore. the water was black again, but Harry no longer cared, he was CLEAN, even his hair, which hung in soft sheets around his face. somehow it had grown down to his shoulders in the short month since school had left out. it looked nice, he looked nice. Harry had always been on the beautiful side though, even as a child. though the fact that Nathaniel could count his ribs was probobly a sign of worry. Harry blinked at the other, as if startled that he had been touched, and he flinched away from the contact before looking confused, as if he wasn't sure why he had suddenly been so afraid of a silly hand. "...incredible?" Harry asked, sounding as if he thought Nathaniel had been sniffing spray paint. "i'm not incredible at all, i think you have me mistaken with someone else." Harry stated simply as he tugged the drain clear again and watched the messy water drain out of the tub. "i just want to be left alone." Harry admitted as he stood up in that surprisingly graceful way of his.

he had always been rather... balanced. according to some of the Ravenclaw, Harry walked like a dancer. graceful and almost wary, as if he expected to be leaped upon at any moment. "Nathaniel Garrington." Harry repeated, studying Nathaniel intently, as if memorizing him. "we've enver talked before? then how come you know me?" he asked looking baffled. "oh, did we go to school together? i know i must have, because i know how to talk, and count." he muttered. "a... Magic?" Harry asked, scoffing as he shook his head. "there's no such thing. My Uncle and Aunt have always said so. Magic isn't to be mentioned in the house, or i'll get punished. you shouldn't talk about it, you'll get in trouble." Harry stated simply as he grabbed a towel ad started drying himself off. completely uncaring that Nathaniel was there. he had no sense of shame at all. though this did give Nathaniel a chance to see the Scars. there was a circular one on his arm, looking like something sharp and round had entered him. there was a scar across his shoulder from the Dragon in the fourth task, and there was a scar on the inside of his right arm where Wormtail had drawn his blood. there where also worrying scars on the boys back, far too many long straight lines like someone had been hitting him with some sort of rod or belt buckle. something was very wrong in the world of Harry Potter.

"Nathaniel? do you know where i am supposed to live?" Harry asked suddenly, sounding frightened. "i... i don't know where i'm supposed to go..." he admitted softly. "i can't remember..." he bit his lip, looking so lost and frightened in that moment that it was hard not to take him into a hug and try to comfort him. "can i stay here with you maybe? i know how to cook, and clean, i won't be a burden, i promise." Harry pleaded, looking at Nathaniel with emerald eyes that looked almost haunted. "please?"
This was very bad. Harry didn't remember magic at all...and yet...he seemed to remember other things quite clearly, living with his muggle relatives. Nathaniel had heard Harry had been raised totally ignorant of magic...could his mind have perhaps blocked out the last 5 years? Or maybe whatever had happened was so traumatic that it had taken on a personality Harry had during a less traumatic time. Though from what Nathaniel had heard, if Harry's pre-Hogwarts upbringing was the less traumatic experience then whatever the boy had gone through really must have been Hell. Though all the scars were an indication of that...but then some of them seemed to be older...especially the ones on his back. There hadn't been any particularly fresh wounds there....unless whoever had inflicted them had made a half-hearted attempt at healing them but ensured the scars had remained as some kind of reminder.

"Yes Harry....magic. It's real...how else do you think I could levitate you up the stairs or heal your wounds like that?" Nathaniel smiled softly, then blushed as Harry stood naked and just started shamelessly drying himself. In particular, since Nathaniel was still kneeling, Harry's crotch was now at eye level for him....and he could get a better view of the boys rather.....unusual anatomy. A penis, a vagina, but no testicles.....Nathaniel had never heard of anything like this before, but then again this was a world where almost anything was possible with magic. There weren't any signs of a curse, at least none that Nathaniel could pick up on, so he could only assume that this was, for Harry at least, normal. "Um...." Nathaniel was caught staring when Harry asked his next question, then quickly looked up at the other boy before scrambling to his feet as well.

"Ah, well...no...I'm afraid I don't know where you're supposed to live" That was extremely secret information after all. Harry's address was known only to his closest friends and the staff of Hogwarts. "Stay here with me? Ah, well of course you can. It'll be just the two of us, for a while at least, my parents are away and aren't sure when they'll be back, possibly not before term begins again" Nathaniel did his best to give a comforting smile, motioning Harry for the bathroom door. "Come on, you can borrow some of my clothes for now too" The last thing Harry needed was to be putting on his old clothes. They were covered in blood and dirt, and even if they had been clean they were more or less ruined anyway from holes and rips. "And once you're comfortable we can start trying to see if we can figure out what might have happened, or at least get you some of your memories back. I'm sure there must be something rattling around in that head of yours"
Harry stared at Nathaniel for a moment, his head cocked to the side as he considered something rather intently. "Magic is real..." he muttered softly. "...it's so strange. i can remember being punished for strange things, but i can't remember by who..." he muttered, frowning. "i remember my uncle screaming at me, but i can't remember his name or his face..." so he remembered some things, traumatic things, but it was scattered and fractured. still, it was a good sign, Harry's memories would probobly come back. "Levitate, that's how you made me float, right?" he asked, his head cocked to the side. "and you use your stick to make the Magic... do i have a stick?" he asked curiously, seemingly unaware that he was being stared at. "hmm... that's ok, i don't know where i'm supposed to live, but i get this horrible sense of... of TERROR when i think about going back." he admitted, looking worried. "like something there is going to..... hurt." Harry whispered that last part, almost as if confused by the emotion. he shook his head a little and blinked at the boy and offered him a smile. "thank you."

it was easy to get him dressed at least, pulling on the borrowed clothes with ease, and the grace that only Harry Potter seamed to have. as graceful as he was in the air, why wouldn't it carry on to solid ground? he borrowed a hair brush and a hair tie, and pulled his shoulder length hair into a braid with a practiced ease that was rather startling. he followed Nathaniel into the kitchen to consider what he could remember, and Harry finally just took a Pen and Paper and started to write things down. he couldn't stay focused on one memory long enough to verbally dictate it. so he just wrote it down. 'A Flash of green light. "not Harry, please not harry... stand aside silly girl, stand aside now... not Harry!" a Flash of green light. my uncle screaming. i'm worthless, i'm bad. darkness, pain, so hungry, so hungry. my hair grew back, locked in the cupboard. a snake, so big, chasing me, a sword, pain, so much pain.' Harry paused, studying the piece of paper he had randomly scribbled his thoughts on before continuing 'Paranoia, fear, someone is out to get me, lies, he's lying to me. manipulations, He created Him, My Life is a Lie' Harry shoved the paper away so fast that it practically flew across the kitchen, and then he jerked, as if startled by his own actions and he blinked at his hands. "i don't want to remember anything anymore... i don't... i don't like what i feel when i try to remember." he stated, his tone firm, allowing no room for discussion.

"...i'll make food." Harry decided, standing up, looking rather glossy eyed as he simply helped himself to the kitchen, pulling out two pots and whatever he could find to make for dinner. hamburger and spices, tomatoes and pasta, Harry settled on making a simple Spaghetti. leaving Nathaniel to piece together the odd words on the piece of paper by himself. Harry wanted nothing more to do with it. he refused to even look at it.
Nathaniel watched with slight bewilderment as Harry started scribbling things down, though it seemed to be the easiest way for him to express himself right now. After all, Nathaniel was a complete stranger, memories or no memories, and Harry was trying to bear his innermost thoughts here, so to simply let them spill out in a more expressive way than simply talking was probably a good step. It didn't last long though, before the paper was suddenly thrown across the kitchen, the motion making Nathaniel jump slightly, having been almost mesmerised by the way Harry had been writing non-stop, not even pausing to think. "Ah...right...alright, we can stop there then..." It was probably best not to push things too far too fast, that would only cause further trauma after all, possibly make Harry retreat even more mentally and block out further memories. Maybe that was why even the memories of his closest friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Grainger, were blocked out as well. They were related to both magic and Hogwarts after all.

Still, it was strange. Harry seemed to find his way around the kitchen almost immediately, as if it were some kind of instinct. It seemed that certain longer term memories were still intact....memories of things he had grown up with, done for years on end....maybe that was why Harry seemed to consider himself a muggle who was ignorant of magic. Or perhaps whatever had done this was linked to Hogwarts or Magic in some way, so memories associated with either had simply been blocked out completely.
Whilst Harry busied himself with cooking, Nathaniel moved over to the paper, picking it up and smoothing it out before reading it over slowly. The writing was hurried, desperate almost, as if getting the words onto paper might have got them out of his head. Not only that though, they were the writings of a nightmare, a terrifying nightmare that the dreamer had been desperate to wake up from. No wonder Harry seemed so panic if this was what was running through his head when he tried to regain his memories. Nathaniel carefully folded the paper away and tucked it into his pocket, wanting to get it out of Harry's sight in order to help him relax, before moving back to take a seat.

"You're doing very well Harry. Considering how injured you were it's remarkable that you're up and about so much so fast" Nathaniel smiled, trying to lighten the mood a little with some small talk. "I'm sure you're going to get even better over time here with me" Nathaniel was careful to try and avoid mentioning a time frame, he didn't want Harry to think he was only welcome for so long before he would be kicked out. He had also already dismissed his earlier plan, to contact the Ministry once Harry was feeling better. Maybe it was instinct, but Nathaniel just got the distinct impression that involving the Ministry would be the absolute worst thing for Harry right now.
Harry ignored Nathaniel's comment about stopping there. he was mulish, he knew that much at least. he was stubborn, and strong, and no one could make him do anything he didn't want to ever again... he had done what others wanted his entire life, he wasn't going to do that anymore... how he knew this, he didn't know, but it made him feel... good, to set down that 'rule' for himself. "i'm used to working even though i hurt..." Harry commented before he paused, looking baffled by that statement. "...yes, that's right... i'm used to being hurt..." he muttered, shuddering a little before he resumed cooking. "i'll get better." he decided suddenly. "i'll get STRONG, and then no one can hurt me again, no matter who they are." he decided. "i'll get a stick of my own, and learn to do all sorts of powerful things, and then no one can ever make me do anything." he decided as he poured the tomatoes into the hamburger, as well as a half a dozen things from various jars and bottles. he even added butter to the spaghetti sauce while the noodles cooked and he smiled. "i like to cook." he stated suddenly. "this is nice, i like this." he admitted with a nod. "want to taste?" he asked, dipping a spoon into the sauce and holding it out to the other. one thing was for certain, Harry was a good cook, and he'd clearly been cooking for a while, considering the ease in which he was doing it. he hadn't even glanced at the jars of herbs before adding them, he just added them, and it tasted wonderfully.

"Your a wizard, right?" Harry asked suddenly as he started plating the food. "i'm one too right? i have a stick and i can make bones heal and stuff?" he asked as he set the plates on the table ad sat down, hesitating as if he wasn't sure he should be sitting there before he shrugged it off and started mixing the noodles and the sauce together so that everything was evenly distributed. "you can show me how to work the stick, right?" he asked, blinking at Nathaniel as he ate some of his food, humming happily as he started to fill his empty belly. somehow he knew this was the first thing he'd eaten in days. it was wonderfully warm and filling and delicious and he was highly pleased with himself for making it. he himself had no idea about the Ministry, not really, but Nathaniel's 'instinct' was probobly more common sense than anything else. after all, even though the ministry had no choice but to admit that the Dark Lord was back, they had spent all of last year claiming that Harry was a deranged lunatic. in fact, no one had ever apologized for that, nor had they said anything about Harry stopping the Dark Lord in the middle of the Ministry. probobly because they didn't want to admit that a group of six children had managed to break into the Ministries most secure level without any difficulty at all.

"i'm good at cooking." Harry chirped, looking very pleased with himself as he scraped his plate clean. "i'm getting more. i can't beleive how hungry i am." he admitted. granted, with the level of healing that Harry had undergone, that was probobly to be expected, so he made himself a second plate and had that swallowed down as well, humming the Hogwarts School song under his breath, seemingly unaware of what he was singing at all. "Hogwarts Hoggy Warty Hogwarts..." Harry snickered a little as he polished off the last of his meal and then blinked at Nathaniel. "you don't talk much do you Nathaniel?" Harry asked after a moment, feeling awkward about how quiet the other was.
Nathaniel was surprised, but pleased, at Harry's determination. Well, mostly pleased anyway. It was good that he was determined, determined to get better, become stronger and not end up like this again. But the way he was talking....he was toeing a very fine line...Nathaniel would have to be careful to try and keep Harry from crossing it. Now that Harry mentioned it....what had happened to his wand? Presumably it was taken by whoever had done this to him, but then what? Maybe Harry hadn't been able to retrieve it in his escape....maybe he hadn't remembered it....or maybe whoever had done this had simply let Harry go when they were done but had kept the wand as some kind of trophy. Whatever the reason they would need to get Harry a new one....though that was somewhat easier said than done. Taking Harry to Diagon Alley was certain to draw some kind of attention, especially from anyone who might work for the ministry. Well....they'd figure that out in time, for now Nathaniel supposed that Harry could just borrow his wand.

"Sure, I'd love a taste" Nathaniel smiled and stood up, having a taste and licking his lips. It really was good....very good infact. "Well...yes, you'll be able to do almost anything with enough study and practice, though as I understand it you have a particular knack for magic such as Charms" There was also broomstick flying...but maybe it would be better to introduce that later on, in particular when Harry understood the secrecy element of magic a little more. Last thing they needed was Harry zooming into the sky on a broomstick in full view of a muggle town. "I can show you yes, I can teach you as best I can, though I can't promise I'll be the best possible teacher"

It was honestly no surprise that Harry was so hungry....it was rather obvious from looking at him earlier how starved he had been....it must've been days at least since he'd last eaten....possibly even longer. Still, one helping was more than enough for Nathaniel, so he just watched the other boy eating, even singing the Hogwarts school song....it seemed it had drifted through the mental block all by itself....intriguing...maybe other happy memories related to Hogwarts would come too, perhaps as Nathaniel tried to re-teach Harry what he had already learned. "Hm? Ah....no, I guess I don't. I don't usually have someone to talk to in all honesty, so I suppose I just don't really know what to say"
Harry didn't seam to realize at all the way he was speaking, but after all the things that he had been put through, why wouldn't he? Harry was a special kid though, as much as he would laugh as he watched the world burn, he would shelter the masses of innocents behind him as he did it. he would willingly torture some, but would jump in front of a Killing Curse for others. he straddled that line, and with Nathaniel there to talk to, to ground him, then maybe Harry wouldn't fall off that line. fall one way, and Harry would no doubt suicide. fall off the other side, and Harry would simply kill everything and everyone without mercy or reason. "it's good?" Harry asked with a small smile. "Charms..." Harry muttered, considering that for a long moment and then. "shield spells, right? and... levitation, and...." and all the things that had kept Harry alive. protection spells, levitation charms, shields and even disarming spells. everything that made him so good at DADA was thanks to his skill at charms, and his ability to use them in ways no one had ever expected. like the time he'd used a tickling hex and then a disarming to completely wipe the floor with Malfoy. everyone had laughed after that, even the other Slytherin's.

"it's alright, the little bit i can remember... i've never had good teachers." he admitted simply. his muggle teachers had always ignored him, or outright hated him due to the rumors that the Dursley's had made up about him. "hmm..." Harry muttered as he examined Nathaniel before he nodded. "i'm going to do the dishes." Harry decided as he stood up and washed the few dishes. the leftovers where put into Tupperware and stashed in the fridge and Harry wondered why he felt such... disgust as he washed the dishes? it wasn't that bad after all, right? he looked out the window and grinned as he examined the tree out the window. he could get a stick from there easily enough. it was a Willow Tree, the same wood that Lily Evan's had used. it was rare for a male to choose a wand made out of Willow, because it was a wood that was so attuned to feminine energies. Harry wiped his hands try and then slipped outside and scaled the tree with delightful ease. he loved to be up high and he grinned as he searched the branches for a perfect stick to snap off, humming as he examined one, if he broke it off, just there...

with a Snap, the 13' piece of branch was snapped off the tree and Harry grinned as he examined it. this would be a perfect stick for making Magic. and it felt warm in his hand. he hopped out of the tree and strutted back into the house, pleased with himself again. "there, now i have a magic stick too." he stated, showing Nathaniel the piece of wood that he had collected. "now we can practice magic together." he stated happily as he examined the wood with a grin. "i always knew i wasn't like... 'Them', now i know why." he admitted, tapping his stick on the table, wondering how he was going to go about making Magic. part of him knew there where words and motions involved, but he wondered why? what was the point, he could already feel his magic rolling inside of him, eager to be used, to twist physics and change the very nature of things around him. "why are you looking at me like that?" after all, how would Harry realize that a stick pulled from a tree in someone's back yard wouldn't make for a very powerful wand? granted, Harry had been known to pull off the impossible before...
Nathaniel was surprised that there was any food left by the time Harry was done. The way he had been eating it was like he would finish the lot and then stand up to make more. Still, it was good that he wasn't overdoing it....eating too much in that condition could only potentially make things worse after all, and result in Harry being bedridden for a few days. That was the last thing they needed when their focus should be getting him back on his feet. "That's right, shields, levitation, protection spells....all that kind of stuff. You were exceptionally gifted at those kinds of spells, moreso than almost anyone else from what I know" He grinned slightly, glad that Harry seemed to be remembering something...though it seemed that once again he was only really focusing on the negative memories...or perhaps he simply didn't remember any of his teachers from Hogwarts just yet. From what Nathaniel knew, Harry had always been somewhat close with Professor Lupin during his tenure as DADA teacher, and Professor McGonagall, whilst harsh, was fair and widely considered by most, except the Slytherins, to be an excellent teacher.

"Ah, you don't need to do the dishes, really. You cooked after all" Before Nathaniel could get up to do them himself though, Harry was already standing and washing them, though Nathaniel moved in to at least help dry them off and put them away.
As Nathaniel was putting the last dish away, he looked up and blinked as Harry practically rushed outside, like a child who had just seen Santa Claus standing there, and began to climb the tree in the yard. "Hm?" He followed the other boy outside, watching as Harry made his way up and to the branches, seemingly looking for something, until he snapped off the end of one of the branches and came back down.

"A magic stick? Ah...well, there's a little more to it than just the wood" Nathaniel smiled, withdrawing his own wand once more. "See here, there's the handle first of all, so you can grip it more easily and allow your magic to flow through it. Then besides the wood, there's the core. Each wand has a magic material inside of it you see. But still, this is a good start. If nothing else it'll get you used to holding a wand and practicing the motions to use it" He grinned softly. He doubted that any actual magic could be performed with a simple branch....but then Willow was a good magic conductor for wands. It was vaguely possible that something might work, but in all likelihood any spells produced would be somewhat weak due to the lack of a core material. "Well how about we start out with some basics hm? How to hold the wand and how to move it" Nathaniel waved for Harry to follow, heading through to the comfortable living room.

For a good while after, Nathaniel focused on practicing just the motions of handling a wand. Demonstrating to Harry how to move his hand, wrist and arm correctly in order to make a spell work perfectly. If Harry got it wrong he just smiled, trying to point him in the right direction and then letting Harry try again. After all, Harry needed to try and remember this for himself...simply giving him all the answers would achieve nothing. Just giving him enough to get started though....with some luck, his mind could start taking over and filling in the blanks for itself.
Harry nodded a little. "yes... there was..." he paused, frowning, struggling to remember before he sighed. "nope, lost it." he grumbled. "i hate that, when the memories sort of tease me with an almost thought and then vanish when i try to grab them." he complained, sulking a little before he flushed brightly at the praise, looking at Nathan as if he had grown three more heads. clearly Harry had no idea what to do what that kind of praise. then again, Harry had never been very good with honest praise, he always flushed and ducked his head to avoid eye contact when someone said something nice about him. most of the school just thought he was shy. he happily did the dishes now that Nathaniel was helping, the disgusted feeling was swept away as soon as he realized he had help. Harry didn't really understand it, but then, he didn't understand a lot of things anymore.

he blinked as Nathaniel showed him his wand again and he frowned as he examined his stick. he didn't care that his was a little bit uglier than Nathaniel's, his magic stick would work just fine, right? he didn't have a clue what Nathan meant by 'core' so he just ignored it and let the other show him how to properly grip the wand. Harry's hand kept sliding 'out of position' as he tried to mimic Nathaniel's motions. Harry kept trying to hold it like it was a bat, instead of like it was a pen. no wonder he was so awful at transfiguration and potions. those required such a level of precision that Harry simply couldn't mimic. unlike Charms, where you normally just pointed, and willed your magic to make it work. if there was one thing Harry was good at, it was Will. unfortunately Willpower didn't seam to be enough to make the Willow stick work. no matter what Harry did, nothing worked... though he did set the tip of it on fire at one point when he got too frustrated. nearly sixteen and still having bouts of 'accidental' magic. yikes.

Harry finally got tired and tucked the Willow Stick away, deciding that he wanted to go to bed. and the poor boy did look exaughsted now that his excitement had worn off. not unexpected after the day that Harry had. maybe even days. he crawled into the guest room that Nathaniel had offered him, and was asleep in minutes. he was just as beautiful when sleeping, as he was when playing quidditch. his face was smooth and relaxed, and he didn't have that constant worry line in between his eyebrows. he slept rather peacefully until about three in the morning, when he jerked awake, trembling violently from a nightmare. he didn't scream though, if he screamed, he would be punished. he didn't want to be punished, so he had to be quiet. he slipped out of bed and padded on soft toes down to Nathaniel's room and hesitantly peeked inside before creeping across the room and hesitated before shaking Nathaniel's shoulder, wondering if he was going to be struck for interrupting the others sleep. "Nathaniel... i had a nightmare... can i sleep with you? i'm scared..." not many people would know this, but often times Neville Longbottom would let Harry share his dorm bed after a violent nightmare. not even Ron weasley knew about that habit, because both Harry and Neville got up before Ron did.
Despite Harry taking a while to get the hang of things, Nathaniel never once got impatient, never once frowned or looked angry or disappointed. If anything, he was rather enjoying being able to actually pass on knowledge rather than just take it all in for a change. And there was something about the almost childlike innocence Harry was displaying at times, the wonder of discovering magic all over again....it was a feeling that Nathaniel sometimes wished he could experience once more himself, though he certainly wouldn't go so far as to mess around with his memories in order to experience it. Still, perhaps this was an opportunity to help Harry further, to correct some of the mistakes he had made and stuck with over time....more specifically, the way he held his wand. "Almost Harry, but here, try like this" Nathaniel reached out, gently placing his hand on Harry's and carefully moving his fingers just a little. "See....hold it like this. See how it feels more natural? Hold it like this and it feels more like a part of your body than just something you're holding"

As expected, results from simply using the branch were little to none, but the fact he could set the tip on fire showed that there was something happening there. At the very least, Harry's magic wasn't simply trapped within his body, it was getting out which was a very good sign. "Excellent! That little outburst means your body is definitely healed. Your magic is starting to flow naturally again, even overflowing a little it seems. Don't worry though, that just means you're making progress. Maybe we can figure out what happened to your original wand, or figure a way to get you another one" They'd certainly need to do something....but Diagon Alley was out....and it wasn't like Wizards had Internet shopping for wands....Nathaniel had always thought the magic community needed to get more with the times.....their stubbornness and refusal to move on with technology was going to seriously endanger their secrecy someday soon.

When night came, Nathaniel just smiled and led Harry upstairs, helping him settle into the spare room and pointing out where he himself would be incase Harry needed anything. He wasn't surprised at how fast Harry fell asleep, that was probably the first time he'd been in a comfortable bed in days at the very least. Nathaniel watched him for a few moments, before slowly turning and heading to his own room, stripping down to his underwear to sleep as he always did and slipping under the covers, reading a book for a short while before drifting off.
When he was awoken with a shake Nathaniel yawned, turning his head and blinking a few times to clear his eyes. "Mmmm....? Harry?" It wasn't exactly surprising that Harry had experienced a nightmare...it was most likely memories coming to the surface....memories of whatever had inflicted this terrible injuries....the mind was a strange thing when it was asleep. "Of course you can" Nathaniel shuffled closer to the wall in order to make room in the bed for Harry. It would be a bit of a squeeze, but there was at least enough room for both of them to sleep comfortably provided they didn't mind being rather....close. "Make yourself comfortable k?"
Harry nodded, his eyes fixed intently on Nathaniel's fingers. Harry had always been very focused, incredibly so. Severus Snape would even admit that, had admitted that in fact, to Flitwick. Severus thought that Harry might have a learning disability, which was why he did so poorly in certain subjects, it would even explain why Harry was always so antsy in school, hating to sit still for so long. it took a lot of effort, but by the end of it, Harry was in fact, holding the wand properly, though he was still having troubles with most of the finer motions. like the one where you twitched your wand in a very tiny Z before swooping up to transfigure a button into a beetle. honestly Harry wasn't sure why you would want to make a beetle anyway, they weren't very useful things, a Button was much more useful in Harry's opinion. "...so my setting things on fire is a good thing?" Harry asked, looking incredibly baffled, as if he thought Nathaniel was off his rocker. "my Magic is always doing that though." he admitted simply. "i once turned my teachers hair blue, and i made glass vanish. i disappear all the time too, go all invisible like to hide from..." here he paused, looking focused again. "nope... lost that thought too." he admitted with a sigh.

that was a bit of a surprise. most kids had a form of 'Wish' magic as children. things they wanted. like Hermione Granger had levitated books to herself when out of reach. Ron Weasley had summoned cookies from the cookie jar. Draco Malfoy had made glass shatter during a temper tantrum, some kids made hair change color, some kids accidentally transfigured parts of themselves. but no child had ever turned invisible, apparated, or completely banished glass. it was clear that Harry, despite his finesse issues, was a massive powerhouse. but then, that was probobly obvious when Harry was manipulating his magic after the major healing he had undergone. "i'm glad that i'm all better. i still ache a little, but there's no REAL pain." only Harry would view hundreds of slightly stretched, strained, and even torn muscles as a 'little Ache'. those would have to heal on Harry's magic though, he'd probobly be completely pain free by morning. "My Wand..." Harry muttered, frowning as he considered that before he shrugged a little. "haven't a clue." he admitted with a small smile. "can't we go to a store to get me a new one? or make one out of my stick? i really like it... it feels so warm in my hand..." he admitted, stroking the willow branch he had procured.

Harry looked so relieved when Nathaniel said he could share the bed. "thanks Nathaniel." he whispered as he slid into the bed. Harry was dressed in a pair of soft cotton sleep pants, but was wearing no shirt... and from the feel of it, no underwear either.he slid under the covers, snuggled up tight to Nathaniel and sighed as tension eased out of his body. "hmm, Yer warm." Harry mumbled, feeling safe and protected and content now that he wasn't alone in the darkness. "...Nathaniel? can i have a nightlight in my room tomorrow? the Dark scares me..." he admitted softly. under normal instances, Harry would have never, ever have admitted that, ever. in fact, only Neville knew that Harry was frightened of the dark. well, now Nathaniel knew too, not that Harry understood that it was a fear that most children grew out of. soon he was sleeping again, reassured by the warmth of Nathaniel sleeping next to him. in the morning, Harry proved to be a very, very clingy sleeper. he was pressed to Nathaniel, chest to chest, and he had the other boy in a death grip around the chest, as if worried Nathaniel might try to escape.
It was an odd sensation, when Harry got into bed with him. Nathaniel wasn't used to sharing his bed with someone else, this was the first time ever as a matter of fact. Still...it did feel rather warm and comfortable. He shivered slightly from the sensation of Harry's skin against her own as the boy shuffled in close, pressing right up against Nathaniel. Was it for warmth? Comfort? Probably both. Right now Harry was vulnerable...comfort was what he needed more than anything else. "A nightlight? Of course you can. How about a magic nightlight? I can conjure up a nice ball of light that'll float around the room for you, then you can put it wherever you'd like" Nathaniel had visions of Harry playing with the ball of light like an adorable kitten....but then if it made him feel better then it would be great either way.

Nathaniel said nothing of Harry being scared of the dark. With what the boy had been through it was understandable after all. Besides, everyone had their fears, and it took someone brave to admit to them like that. All Nathaniel did was smile softly, giving Harry a gentle hug before closing his eyes to settle back down to sleep.
When he awoke the next morning, Nathaniel yawned softly, then slowly opened his eyes, raising an eyebrow at what he saw....Harry's face, very very close, maybe an inch or two away. It seemed that he had turned in the night as well, now chest to chest with Harry rather than Harry on his back. Nathaniel couldn't help but blush, even their crotches were pressed right up against one another from the way Harry was holding onto him.
Still, Nathaniel didn't dare squirm, or move at all really. He didn't want Harry to wake and think he was trying to get away, even if it was only to go and make breakfast. No, instead Nathaniel just lay there, letting Harry hold him, letting them be close like this, letting Harry sleep for as long as he needed to.
Harry smiled a little. "i'd like that." he whispered softly. "a floating light sounds perfect." he mumbled happily. honestly, Harry probobly WOULD play with the light... just not in the way that Nathaniel was imagining. he stayed asleep for a half an hour longer than Nathaniel, but blinked awake almost exactly at six and he yawned and nuzzled Nathaniel, the tip of his nose wiggling against the hollow in Nathaniel's throat in a very affectionate, almost anamalistic move. "hmmm, morning..." Harry mumbled sluggishly, wriggling against the other, clearly completely unaware of what he was doing before he rolled over, unaware of the fact that he was now sporting a very nice piece of Morning Wood. he paused and blinked down at himself, his head cocked to the side in utter befuddlement before he looked at Nathaniel with a massive flush spreading across his cheeks, making him look adorably shy. "s...sorry." he stuttered before fleeing the room. adorably embarrassed. he took his time in the bathroom, trying to get his hard on to go away without masturbating. he just couldn't bring himself to masturbate where Nathaniel might catch him doing it.

he finally came out of the bathroom, still blushing hard and he glanced at Nathaniel. "i'm really sorry. that's never happened before. i get in bed with Neville all the time and i've NEVER done that before!" then he paused and scowled. "whose Neville?" he asked, looking baffled. "and why have i spent more time in his bed then my own!?" he asked, looking rather shocked before he shook his head hard. "never mind, at least i know my memories will come back." he decided with a sigh. "i'm going to make breakfast." he decided as he headed for the fridge and started to whip together some pancakes, simply because he wanted them. he also made a couple of eggs and some bacon for them to eat as he considered who Neville was. "Nathaniel?" Harry asked suddenly, looking over at the other. "i was wondering... could i kiss you?" he asked suddenly and watched the others reaction intently. "you make my belly feel all tight and tingly." he admitted. "and i would like to make sure it's because your really cute and i like you, and not because i'm coming down with the Flu or something." only Harry could ask something like that, and still be completely unaffected by it.
Nathaniel blushed himself when he suddenly felt something hard, and rather big, prodding into his crotch. It was painfully, probably in more ways than one for Harry, obvious what it was, though Nathaniel didn't say anything at first to try and spare Harry the embarrassment, incase he didn't realise. However it seemed he did, and was even more embarrassed about it than Nathaniel. "Ah...it's alright, really" Nathaniel smiled slightly, but Harry had run anyway, locking himself in the bathroom. With a soft sigh Nathaniel looked down at himself, his own boxes starting to tent after having an erection prodding into them....why on earth was that so arousing to him? No...he couldn't think like that....it was like taking advantage. Nathaniel just shook his head and turned to get changed, keeping his mind focused on other things instead. Fortunately, he had gotten dressed by the time Harry had come out of the bathroom, seemingly a little calmer than before.

"Ah, you don't need to apologise Harry, really" Nathaniel looked over and smiled, though the smile soon turned into a slight grin. "And hey, something good came from it all right? You seemed to get a little more of your memory back without even trying" Nathaniel assumed that Harry was referring to Neville Longbottom, another Gryffindor in their year. It was certainly an unusual way to get the memories back, but hey...whatever worked right? All that mattered was that, aside from some embarrassment, there had been no trauma or bad reactions like when Harry had tried to remember yesterday.
Nathaniel followed Harry downstairs for breakfast, watching the boy cook until he suddenly looked up and asked a rather unusual question. "Uhh....kiss me?" That was certainly unexpected. "Um....I..." Nathaniel wasn't quite sure how to react, but then....it seemed this was going to help Harry. "Well....alright then, if that's what you want" He smiled and stood up. "Though....I've never kissed someone before so....I'm not exactly experienced in this either, heh"
Harry smiled a little, looking so embarrassed he could just die. he never noticed that Nathaniel was in the same boat as him, though he wasn't really looking either. for some reason, Harry never wondered if he was Gay, it seamed to just... be something he knew, even without his memories he knew he was gay. he also knew that he'd never told a single soul. not even that Neville person who Harry seamed to love to crawl into bed with, but didn't have any affectionate feelings for. he was a lot calmer now that he'd gotten his cock to calm down. "...i'm sure i do need to apologize." Harry grumbled. "i probobly poked you with my meat stick...." Nathaniel was probobly not supposed to hear that last comment, considering Harry was mumbling. but hear it Nathaniel would. "i got a brief glimpse i guess. i wish i knew who Neville was though... it's... unnerving to have a name, but nothing else to go with it." he admitted with a sigh as he cooked breakfast before he turned to examine Nathaniel intently, his head tilted a little. "it is what i want." Harry agreed as he set his spatula down and moved over to the other, studying Nathaniel's face intently before swallowing thickly and leaning forward.

he pressed their lips together. Harry's was soft, and warm, and moving against Nathaniel's. Harry's hummed, happy with what he was feeling at the moment and deepened the kiss, bringing his hands up to grip Nathaniel's shirt so he couldn't run away as Harry's tongue stroked the bottom lip, and slipped into Nathaniel's, as if trying to invite Nathaniel to play. he Kissed for a moment longer before he pulled away and licked his lips, considering something before he looked down and went bright red again. "dammit..." Harry had another hard on. "i'd say it's not the Flu at least." Harry muttered after a moment of glaring down at himself before he smiled sheepishly at Nathaniel. "i swear this is a new development. it's like, Chronic now." he complained, glaring at his crotch. at least it was fairly obvious, to both of them, that Harry was honestly attracted to Nathaniel, physically at the very least. "can we do some more kissing sometime?" Harry asked hopefully. "you know, like boyfriends and stuff?" he was flushing again. "that didn't come out right at all..."
Nathaniel was nervous to say the least when he stood up and watched Harry approaching him. Was the other boy really going to kiss him? Was he really about to have his first ever kiss? He knew it wouldn't be Harrys....he knew the boy had been seeing Cho a year or two ago, and boy hadn't Cho been bragging about it at the time, though he wondered if Harry even remembered that. Well...Nathaniel wasn't about to bring it up. A memory as powerful as that was definitely something that should come back to Harry gradually by itself rather than being suddenly sprung on the boy.
Nathaniel took a deep breath as Harry stopped infront of him, studying him. He did his best to relax, not to look nervous....but that was near enough impossible. If anything, Harry was the more calm and relaxed one right now.

When he felt the other boys lips press against his own, Nathaniel couldn't help but shiver slightly, but it was a shiver of excitement, and the way he leaned into the kiss slightly more than made that clear. Then he felt Harry's tongue....pressing against his lip at first, then thrusting into his mouth, rubbing against his own tongue which couldn't help but move in response. Before Harry pulled away Nathaniel had been on the verge of letting out a slight moan....but then Harry did pull away, leaving Nathaniel almost strangely disappointed that the kiss was over so quickly. Well....at least that had meant he enjoyed it....right?
Then it seemed as though Harry had most certainly enjoyed it as well. He followed Harry's glance down, noticing the large tent in the boys crotch area. "Ehehe....well....you're not the only one...." Nathaniel nodded to himself, his own crotch in much the same condition as Harry's, the tips of their tented pants merely an inch apart. "Looks like you uh....did the same to me too....heh"
"More kissing? I...well sure!" Nathaniel blurted out before he could even think about what he had been saying, the words just....came out by themselves, not that he regretted them of course.
Harry grinned a little as he watched the other. he was just as nervous as Nathaniel was, but for some reason the slight fear just spurned him on. made him excited, as if he was about to do something that would save lives by kissing Nathaniel. it sure felt like saving lives, his mouth against Nathaniel's, his tongue inside Nathaniel's... oh god did it feel good, and the other boy tasted divine. Harry didn't want the kiss to ever, ever end... and then he realized he'd forgotten to breath and stepped back so he could take a lungful of air without gasping. "oh good, so it wasn't just me this time." Harry stated, looking highly relieved as he studied Nathaniel's hard on with his head tilted just ever so slightly. you could practically tell Harry was wondering if it was too early in the relationship to offer to help with that. "Good! it's settled then." Harry stated smugly. "we're boyfriend and boyfriend." he stated firmly, taking the others hand in his and beaming. "i'm going to finish making breakfast." Harry chirped with a grin as he headed for the stove to finish pouring out pancakes. thankfully nothing had actually been cooking, or it would have burned to a crisp.

while Harry worked, the morning Post came, the black owl swooping in and setting the paper on the table before swooping back out. unlike all the other days though, this paper had a massive picture of Harry plastered on it.

Boy-Who-Lived is Missing!

it was recently discovered that the Boy-Who-Lived, Britain's own Chosen One, has gone missing from his home in Number Four Private Drive Surrey. Aurors where called in to investigate when neighboring Squib, Mrs. Figg, noticed that she had not seen Harry for over nine days. what the Auror's found will shock, horryfy, and disgust you.

according to the muggles, who where under the effects of Veritaserum, Harry Potter lived the first ten years of his life, in the cupboard under the stairs. the tiny room was covered in blood, and there was only a single, thin, crib mattress on the floor with a filthy blanket. once he received his Hogwarts letter, Harry was moved into a room that was previously used for his Cousin's old and broken toys. you heard me correctly, the Dursley family had four bedrooms. one for the Aunt and Uncle, one for a guest that was used once, maybe twice a year, and two for the overly spoiled, Dudley Dursley.

that's not the worst of it. the Dursley Family barely fed our Boy Hero. Little Harry Potter had to do an enormous list of chores before he was allowed to eat, a list that a full grown magical parent would be hard pressed to complete on time, let alone a child with no magical means. from the age of six, Harry Potter was cooking every meal, cleaning every room in the house, painting the shed, mowing the lawn, and even weeding the garden. even after he started to attend Hogwarts, Harry was expected to 'pull his weight'.

worse than that, the fat muggle, Vernon Dursley, took to beating Harry Potter at the tender age of four years old. starting with a belt, Vernon Dursley would lay bloody strips across the toddlers back. Belt gave way to fire poker, which gave way to fists and anything laying around the house, including soda bottles, brooms, and wooden spoons. according to the reports, the Dursley's have broken almost every single bone in Harry Potter's body at one point or another. our only question is, how did the Hogwarts Healer notice the bone deformations and malnutrition? for that matter, Whose bright idea was it to leave the Savior of the Wizarding world with Magic hating muggles?!

when asked where Harry Potter was, the muggles could give no definite answer. Vernon Dursley apparently snapped after he caught Harry Potter trying to smuggle his Owl Hedwig out of the house so she wouldn't starve to death. Vernon Dursley chased his Nephew out of the house using a Gun, and then proceeded to do the most Vile thing ever imaginable. he piled Mister Potter's things up in the back yard, and began to burn them. Mister Potters Trunk, clothing, school supplies, and even his wand where reduced to nothing but ash. even the Phoenix Feather core was not left unscathed. worse yet, Mister Potters precious owl, was tied up, and tossed into the flames as well. leaving nothing of her behind.

according to Best freinds Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, they where able to collect two things from the house, a special cloak that belonged to James Potter, and an emotionally valuable Photo album of Mister Potters parents and freinds.

The Ministry urges everyone to please be on the lookout for Harry Potter. and if found to alert them immidiatly so they can give him the help he needs to face his destiny and Vanquish He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

well wasn't that just sick and twisted!? no wonder Harry was so small, and frightened of the dark, and so chronically shy in school. and it was pretty obvious that Nathaniel's instincts on not turning Harry in to the ministry where spot on. those bastards clearly wanted to make Harry a pawn and a poster boy.

"Nathaniel, are you alright? you look all pale and sick... i didn't give you the Flu or something did i? Nathaniel? what's wrong?"
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