The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Rido practically tackled Rie in a hug, pulling her close and looking her over. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Nieve blinked, watching Gin. "Scrawny friend..?" She blinked.
Mao hung back, feeling odd at the reunion. "Hi Gin..!" Nieve smiled. "Thank you for taking care of Rie." Rido nodded and took her hand, a soft frown on his face as he stared at Gin.
"Tou-san?" Rido made a face. "Rie... We don't have a dad..." He hissed. Nieve blinked. "Maybe that isn't true completely..."
"Urusai!!" Rido snapped. "I'm an Arrancar! My father isn't some filthly Shinigami!" He growled. "Rido, Nieve thinks that's rude." She frowned.
Gin flared his reiatsu, "Then why is yer reiatsu tha same as mine~?" He asked. Rie giggled, thinking they were both being silly as she waddled over to Nieve, "Rido is silly, huh, Okaa-sama?"
Rido ground his teeth. "Fuck off." He hissed, spinning on his heal and walking back toward Nieve and Rie.
"Don't touch me!" He spat, hurrying toward Nieve. "Let's just go!" "H-Hai.." Nieve nodded, waving to Gin and Mao. "Bye..!"
Mao made a soft noise. "So... How do you know her..?" She asked, eyeing Gin out of the corners of her eyes.
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