The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She picked her up gently and kissed her temple. "I'm starting to like the new name~" She said, laying Bunko down on the bed and laying beside her, pulling her close.
Ryuuichi smiled softly and crawled on top of Bunko. "As long as you're taken care of and safe, you can abuse and neglect me all you want." She said, kissing her sweetly.
Bunko giggled and cuddled with her

The door to the clinic opened and the sound of heavy, tired footfalls hit the wood floor, "Tadaima..." Tesla's voice called out; but he looked different. His hair was longer and his eyepatxh was gone, showing he still had his left eye. He was dirty and bruised but otherwise fine
Kairi turned quickly from treating a scrape on Kohaku's forehead, smiling widely and her eyes sparkling. "Okaeri!" She moved over to him, hugging him and kissing him lovingly, not caring that Kohaku made gagging motions or that Tesla was covered in dirt and dried blood.
Kairi quickly pulled away. "Ah! Gomenasai!" She said, bowing to him. "Why don't you ate a shower? I'll get you your clothes." She said, Kohaku raised his hand in greeting, nodding to Tesla.
Kairi went to fetch Tesla's new clothing, Kohaku nodding and swatting at his trainers hand.
Kairi had already set his clothes and a fresh towel inside. "I like your hair.." Kairi said softly, standing in the hallway.
"Hm?" Tesla looked to her before pulling a bit of his hair forward to look at it, "Yes, I guess its length got away with me while I was gone."
"It suits you." She said with a smile. "Your eye... I've never seen it before." She said, looking at the cloudy eye.
Kairi moved closer and touched beneath the milky eye, smiling softly. "I like it." She said warmly.
Kairi nodded and moved away from him. "Sorry, I'll let you get to it then." She said, heading back down the hall, she was just so happy Tesla was back.
Tesla moved into the shower and washed up, careful of his wounds. When he was done, he dressed and moved out, drying his hair that reached passed his shoulders
Kairi was doodling on a piece of paper, her hair hung a little longer, her bangs reaching nearly down to her shoulders and the rest of her hair pulled back into a very small pony tail.
Kairi set her pen down and smiled. "They've been good, I take supplies to the towns neighboring us and take care of anyone I can... Not many people can pay, but it still brings in decent coin." She said.
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