The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"H-Hai..~" She moaned softly, squirming more.

The rope tightened around her neck and Nieve's eyes widened, panick flashing in her eyes and a scene playing out in her head: Nieve had been around nine in human years and she had been playing where she was told not to, around Szayel's equipment. She had gotten tangled in some of his cords and one had wrapped itself around her neck when she struggled, making it harder for her to breathe. It had been almost a full hour before Szayel had found her and by that time she was weeping and beyond terrified. Nieve snapped back to where she was and she dropped the box, struggling and backing up, tightening the rope around her neck, making her tense up more. "No!!" She screamed so loud it made the horses buck and snort, the caravan creaking, but it seemed more of a roar.
"You'll have to beg really nice for me~" Kasumi purred

The rope suddenly snapped and the slaver fell back, straightenig up and looking at the rope; a clean cut. "Yare~! It was a good thing I was near by~ otherwise this poor li'l thing would be sold off like a cheap toy~" A man in all white robes strode up, hands in his sleeves
"Please Kasumi-chan~?" She whimpered. "Don't tease me..~"

Nieve fell to her knees and ripped the rope off from around her neck, staring wide eyed at the sand, her breath ragged. "N-Nieve wants to go home..."
"You'll have to do much better than that~" Kasumi smirked, "I know you can~"

"Who the hell are you!?" "A Shinigami Owl that don't like coyotes takin' cute li'l birds an' throwin' them in cages~" Gin's eyes open to reveal the red hue of his iris' and the slaver froze in terror
"Kasumi-chan~! Onegai~!" Vee pleaded. "I am but at your mercy..~!"

Nieve looked up at Gin, blinking and looking to the slaver. Was this man really going to save her? But why?
Kasumi smirked and worked her tongue quickly and near expertly over Vee's clit, moaning softly at the taste

"You ok, cutie~?" Gin asked Nieve. The slaver didn't dare argue with him; he was scary
Vee bucked her hips weakly and moaned loudly, cheeks red as she squirmed slightly beneath Kasumi.

Nieve blushed and nodded. "H-Hai... Nieve is fine.."
Vee moaned closing her eyes and arching her back, enjoying the attention Kasumi was giving her; starting to feel her release draw close.

Nieve nodded again, quickly gathering the box in her arms. "N-Nieve wants to go home.." She said, getting to her feet.
Kasumi curved her fingers and hit Vee's special bundle of nerves

Gin nodded and looked to the slaver, "Ya can leave now~" "Uh...right..." The slaver turned his caravan and left
Vee moaned loudly, her toes curling. Her release was so close it made her tremble. "Kasumi-chan~!"

Nieve moved over to Gin slowly, watching the slaver leave and rubbing her neck. "She doesn't like rope... It hurts my neck..." She murmured, nibbling nervously on her scarf.
Kasumi moved as fast as she could, feeling her own womanhood ache with need at how beautiful Vee's sounds were

"Yeah, I don' like 'em much either." Gin said with a smile, though it was bitter - as if he was trying to forget something. "Sa, where do ya live, cutie?"
Vee bit her lip and groaned, sweat forming on her brow before she clenched her fists, tilting her head back and letting out a loud moan, hitting her release.

Nieve scuffed her feet in the sand. "With Otou-sama... I wanted to buy gifts for Nieve's friends... But she got lost.."
Vee panted softly, opening her eyes to look down at Kasumi, a soft smile on her face. "Enjoy yourself..~?"

Nieve looked down at the ground. "I... I don't know..." She murmured. "We got lost.."
"So are you gonna untie me, or are you gonna leave me like this...~?" She asked.

Nieve made a face and looked around, then pointing west. "Nieve came in from there.."
"Only if you want me to hold you, yes~" Vee said, rolling her eyes and smiling softly.

Nieve nodded, holding the box against her chest as they headed out into the desert.
Vee pulled Kasumi down and nuzzled her neck, a soft smile on her lips. "Daisuki desu~"

Nieve looked at his hand, then took it, following just behind him. "Your spiritual pressure feels familiar desu.."
Vee kissed Kasumi, petting her hair. "Why don't you sleep~?"

"This one knows Nieve..?" Nieve looked up at Gin. "But she hasn't met many people..! Are you a friend of Otou-sama's?"
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