The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Maybe, but what does that matter to you?" Her voice was odd, it was still Kairi's but it echoed with a shrill voice. "I thought we could have a nice little chat~" A repulsive cracking sound came from Kairi and long scythes protruded from her hands, bone-like armor covering her before she charged forward at Grimmjow, letting out a wicked cackle.
Kairi hissed at him, jagged teeth like beaks starting to form over her mouth on her face, sclera slowly turning black. She opened her mouth and let out a ear-piercing screech before firing a cero off at Grimmjow, the small bump on her spine growing slowly, roots slowly spreading under her skin.
Kairi ran forward at superhuman speed, bringing her scythes down on Grimmjow actually cutting his hierro and leaving a small gash on his chest.
Kairi dodged his claws and brought her scythes down hard on his head again, letting out a echoing yell of determination. "You damn Espada will all pay!" She screeched and latched onto his back, using her scythes to keep a hold on him, the roots under her skin spreading.

Kairi grabbed his arm and yanked hard, pinning it behind his back and growling in his ear. "I'm going to eat your heart."
"Oh, how cute." Grimmjow growled and reached with his other arm, grabbing her hair and throwing her off him. He used Garra de la Pantera, shooting the barbed bombs at her directing and watching the explode
Kairi howled in pain, a large dust close covering her and for a few moments nothing happened, but suddenly the girl came bursting from the cloud, blood dripping from her stomach on two places, blood running down her thigh from the third hit. She charged forward and slashed Grimmjow across the chest again, hissing. "It isn't my body you're hurting, fool..!"
((What's wrong!?))

Kairi grinned widely, taking the opening and slashing down hard with both scythes. "Die!!"
((That's the point~~))

Kairi stumbled back, scythes missing him by a mere inch, tumbling backwards against the sand, laying there for a moment before struggling to getting to her feet. "No..." She wheezed, blood dripping from Kairi's ears as well as the odd white lump on the back of her neck. "You Espada are weak!" Her voice crackled, like two people trying to say the same thing through an intercom at once.
Kairi collapsed in the sand, nose bleeding heavily and a high pitched hissing coming from her neck, then the small object slowly peeling itself from her neck, making her entire body convulse for a moment before falling still, a pained look on her face, but she remained unconscious. The leech like hollow fell into the sand, leaving six small holes along her spine, the armor on Kairi crumbling and falling to the sand and turning to dust.
Grimmjow reverted back and moved over, picking up the Hollow and crushing it in his hand, "Piece of shit." He growled. He made a noise and picked up Kairi, "Come on." He grumbled as he grabbed her horse and started heading back
Kairi hung limp in his grasp, completely back to her normal human form, but she was still bleeding from her stomach and leg, leaving a trail of blood in the sand as he carried her back to town.
When Grimmjow returned to the clinic, he kicked the door open, making Tesla jump. "Hey, so your girlfriend-" "What did you do to Kairi!?" "If you let me finish, I'll explain."
Kohaku came out from the back room and looked wide eyed at his battered and bloody sister hanging limp over Grimmjow's shoulder. He ground his teeth and clenched his fists, scowling as he held himself back from attacking.
Grimmjow laid her down on a near by couch and raised his hand, "I only beat the hell out of her cuz she attacked first." "Don't attempt to lie, Grimmjow-sama!" "I ain't lyin'."
Kohaku scribbled furiously on his pad, shoving it forward for Grimmjow to read, hating how he couldn't use his voice anymore. "Kairi doesn't just attack people for no reason, she doesn't like fighting." It read.
"Let me fucking explain." Grimmjow was getting annoyed, "She had a Hollow attached to her neck." Grimmjow gestured to the back of his neck, "It was controlling her." "There's no way a Hollow could get in to a Quincy-" "Shut up, Tesla, the damn thing was no bigger than my fucking thumb." Grimmjow growled
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