The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Mao blinked and looked to Gin. "N-No... It was wonderful-" Her cheeks flushed. "But that's not what I meant... Um..." Her cheeks turned a darker red. "Maybe we should do that again.." She said quietly.
She nodded, glancing at him. "H-Hai..." Mao said, her sword sending out a small plume of smoke, which made Mao's cheeks flush, her zanpakutou speaking to her.
"U-Um..." Mao rubbed the back of her head. "It's nothing... She's just... She says if we are going to do anything to put her in the other room.." She said.
Mao's sword steamed, making Mao wince as it heated up, glowing faint orange. "She says.. Oh... Wow, never mind."
Mao packed her groceries onto her horse and mounted it, following Gin off back home.


Kairi sat at her desk, pencil in her hand and her bills in front of her, but she wasn't moving. She sat perfectly still, staring ahead blankly, her eyes clouded.
Kairi blinked when Tesla put his hand on her shoulder, her eyes clearing. "Huh? Oh, sorry.. I've been spacey lately, sorry." She said, giving him a small smile.
Kairi nodded. "I'm okay, just a lot on my mind." She looked down at her book and tapped her pencil on the paper. "Ne... Could you watch the clinic for me? I need to go out for a little while."
"I will." Kairi stood, kissing Tesla on the cheek. "I'll be back soon, don't worry." She said, heading outside. Once outside she saddled a horse and mounted the steed, heading off on a slow trot.
Kohaku came in from doing sprints and practicing his sword swings, looking at Tesla quizzically.

Kairi's eyes were clouded once more, riding east into the desert. Once she spotted a run down looking shack, she stopped and dismounted her horse, she trekked toward the shack. A small white bump stuck out of her collar, seemingly fused the her back.
Kohaku nodded and headed to the back of the clinic to wash up.

Kairi pushed open the door, eyes scanning around before she took a step inside. She flinched when her foot knocked into a bottle, making her look down at the empty sake jug on the ground. He had to be here somewhere. Grimmjow's scent was everywhere in here, her lip twitched an pulled up in a silent snarl.
Kairi turned, but was met by Grimmjow's chest, jumping back with a scowl. "Hello there~" She scowl turned into a grin.
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