The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Tesla made a face, "No, no...broaden your stance." Tesla used his zanpakutou to spread his legs apart a bit more, "Left leg back slightly, arms straight."
Kohaku nodded and fixed his stance like he was instructed, straightening his arms and widening his stance.
Tesla nodded in approval and unsheathed his zanpakutou, showing him some novice moves to begin with and telling him to repeat them until they were done perfectly
Kohaku began practicing, repeating the moves over and over. He did that for hours, eventually getting down a few moves, but they still needed work. By now he was sweating and panting, frowning softly as he practiced.
Kohaku looked like he wanted to protest, but he nodded, wiping sweat from his forehead. "What next?" He mouthed.
Kohaku nodded, resting his blade across his shoulders, panting softly and looking up at the sky.
Kohaku nodded and retrieved his bag, pulling out a canteen and drinking from it, following Tesla back to the clinic.
Kohaku blinked, giving a small nod. Once they got back to the clinic, Kohaku waved to Kairi. "Welcome back!" She called with a smile.
Kairi smiled. "That's good!" She said, Kohaku heading to one of the back rooms and putting away his pack and sword.
Kairi took his hand and shook her head with a frown. "No... And it isn't good for our business."
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