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The Stray Werewolf (open for anyone :) )

"that's close enough, Who are you and why are you following us?" Max called to the woman growing out the claws on his hands and feet and pushed Jo behind him protectively "you smell like a Were"
She stopped moving but a few paces away, close enough that either could strike a blow if it came to that but with a small bounding charge. Her two bare arms were placed back at the sides of her body, cradling themselves one on the other at her waist in a cross-armed pose. She was noticeably shorter than the other two people in the clearing, her eyes tracing up and down both of them in turn to assess their threats.

"So you noticed too" she said simply enough, a heavy french accent accompanying her words in the wind. "You could call it idle curiosity I guess" she simply stated looking at the two.
"okay then, you still haven't answered my first question though. Who are you?" Max made note of how she positioned herself in a way that made it easy to attack or run if need be
"A stray wanderer" She moved a bit to one side, all while keeping her front to him, trying to see the girl behind him. "What about you? You seem to know a lot about were-kin"
He watched her movement but made no move to copy "Travelers and you could say that. Why are you in this part of the forest? people tend to avoid this place when they can"
Joanna stood back watching. She was not sure what to do. Listening to that was being said she just bit on her lip and stayed quiet.
"If people avoid this part of the forest, why do you travelers venture here?" She looked at the girl biting on her lower lip, just listening to what was being said without saying anything in return. Ash needed to know whether or not they posed a real threat to her, but was in turn confronted with people that were just as weary as her. "You know about were-kin, but you do not attack me. Does that mean you two are...?"
"we have nothing to fear here" Max smiled more as a warning than true mirth revealing his double set of canines and scratched his neck surrupticiously showing the black claws on each finger "what are you doing here though?"
Joanna looked at the woman and max. Hearing max saying they had nothing to fear she just nodded but stayed quiet. All she could do was look the woman over and listen as max asked questions. Jo was not one to really open up to strangers so suddenly. It was a surprise she opened up to max as soon as she had.
"Much like you said: people don't pass here too often." she stopped, noticing the traits of the man showing that he either was fully in control of his power or was just nearing it. She let out a long sigh of relief lost under the wind of the passing breeze and the ruffling of leaves.

"Our kind has long since been persecuted by those that do not understand, those that fear the unnatural. It is only logical we seek refuge along the edges of their society. I was passing through the forest, on a journey to the west when I sense your presence, and then, your scent of a werewolf. I was just hoping you were more of my kin than those that would see us ended."

There was a shift in her posture, a sudden easing up of her muscles that were tense and poised to strike at any time, as if a burden was lifted off her shoulders. She stood back up to her full height, fully a head shorter than the man that presented himself before her. She was of a lighter build, thin but feminine, mysterious but graceful. She wore the clothes of a travelling gypsy, almost as a relic to the modern times.

"What is your name?" she drew closer, looking at the girl that continued to stand behind the man between herself and Ashelynne. "And what's her story? Is she your prize?"
"it's rude to ask for a name without first offering your own wanderer. Her story is not mine to tell and as for her being a prize I don't agree. She is my mate" Max remained tense watching the woman closely. She was shorter than him but taller than Jo and dressed in bright silks in many colors and layers. It made his eyes hurt slightly
"prize... Why would I be a prize..." Jo would ask with curiosity. She never heard anyone use the term of prize like the woman had said. She moved back some not really trusting the woman.
She looked to Jo first then back to Max. "I guess we started on the wrong foot. Let's try this again..." she simply stated to the pair.

"I am Ashelynne DuBois" she stats matter of factly, before pulling her arms off her sides. "I too am a werewolf, of the nomadic kind. I travel about, doing what needs to be done to survive. I was making camp up ahead when I could feel you two off in the distance. Curiosity can be such a foul thing, don't you agree?"

She drew closer to max, before gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "So can you stop acting like you will punch me at any time. You make such a big fuss about introductions, but you are deflecting every question just as I have. So, honestly, once more, who are you two?"

She side-stepped Max towards the girl, looking at her curiously.
Baring his teeth at her touch but allowing it "firstly I don't punch, Punching isn't meant to kill. Secondly, it is always a pleasure to meet another stray miss Ashelynne DuBois, I am Max Grin and this is Joanna Rainier. You may call me Mr.Grin. And yes curiosity can be a terrible thing but without it we would have nothing"
"uh.. hello. Jo growled under her breath when the woman touched max shoulder. She was not big on people touching things yhat belonged to her. But she just said nothing and nodded to the woman.
"So what brings you to this neck of the woods. Isn't fair if I have to do all the talking" she moved back away from the girl, she clearly didn't want to interact with her in any capacity.
"what you say is true, but then life often isn't fair. But still we are traveling through the forest looking for some things. And we have been cooped up in a cave about twenty miles west of here all winter and are partly traveling just to travel" max relaxed slightly but was still wary of her
Joanna blinked when max told the woman the almost location of the cave. She finally would speak up to the woman. well maybe if you didn't follow people you wouldn't have to do all the talking.." it was nothing against the woman. It was just Jo was antisocial and surely her tone would be mistaken. She gave a huff then turned and walked over to the path sniffing around for something to do to waste time. She could tell the woman was older then her so she felt kinda odd around max now.
"Can we stop focusing on my screw ups and start talking about yours?" she said a bit flustered from the back-handed comment of the companion of the man. She was dismissed by Joanna as she walked off to do her own business. "What's her problem? You would think were-kin would be happy to see one another. I know I am, it's been much too long"

She turned to face Max once more, a small a pout on her face before it suddenly disappeared under the mask of feigned happiness. "So travelling for the sake of travelling. Are you sure you weren't part of my pack at one time or another?" she smirked.
"she isn't fond of new people no matter who they are. I'm pretty sure I've never been in a pack I've lived in the same area ever since I woke about a hundred years ago. If you mean no harm then you are welcome to travel with us, but know this if I think you will bring harm to her or me I will show you what your intestines look like" turning to Jo he said "come on Jo we are heading off now"
Jo perked up hearing him call for her. She would skip over to him avoiding eye contact with the woman. alright... So where are we going to go..." she asked quietly. She would glance at the woman a few times but just give her a blank stare. It was Jo first time to ever meet another female werewolf and she wasn't all that fond of the idea of her tagging along but Jo wasn'tabout to show any signs of aggression towards anyone. She would grab max's hand with hers while still staring. are you coming with us? she asked Ash.
She kept feeling the eyes of the younger girl looking her over, and Ash kept turning her head only for the girl to look away. The few occasions their eyes did meet, she gave her a blank stare, an unsettling one that unnerved her, made her feel unwelcome despite their offers to travel together. "I guess... I need to go grab my bag, go on ahead I will catch up to you."
"alright then" Max squeezed Jo's hand gently then flipped his arm over her while still holding her hand and started walking back down the path. Looking at Jo he said "well I was thinking the first stop would have to be the next town to restock on supplies"
Joanna nodded to the woman. Turning back to max she smiled. another lesson at stealing huh.. you would think after all the stealing we did or Christmas we wouldn't steal for a while... But are you sure we should even stop in the town..? she stopped and looked around to see if they was going to have a third person with them or was they going to travel alone. She had questions for the woman but was waiting to feel safe to even let the river of questions flow.
She had made it back to the camp site from the night before, back to where she had started her day once more. At her side was a simple courier bag filled to the brim with her own personal effects, the material stretched out from the mass of things inside of it, the strap straining to keep it all contained. She surveyed the site, making sure nothing else was left behind, before taking a canteen from her side and pouring water over the last of the dying embers of the fire, making sure it was put out completely before placing it once more at her side. Grabbing at a back pack, she flung it over one shoulder before back tracking her way to the other two, before finally falling back into step. "Back, hope didn't keep you waiting too long"
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