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The Stray Werewolf (open for anyone :) )

"meat is good for Were's and most of the wild greens and vegetables are already dead but I should have a few potatoes or something in the food room" looking over at her shoes he said "they might get wet over there you should probably keep them further inside" grabbing the pot he filled it with water and set it on the fire to boil, shaking the skin he said " getting low on water, you can go fill it up tomorrow while I cook the food
joanna nodded to him i can do that.. you want me to wait til tomorrow? i can go now.. i know where the little creek is.. it just right out the back kinda.. she got up and moved her shoes to a warmer spot.
"we have enough for tonight but we'll be out by midday tomorrow. so it can wait" when the meat was done he got up and grabbed two wooden plates he carved just like the bowls and sliced off some meat and handed it to Jo before sllicing some for himself
She took the plate from him with a thankful smile. "well alright then.. so uh we should go to bed early tonight so we can get up early to get everything ready..? She was honestly plotting a run to the city in her own head. she wanted to get him something. She thought that he had gotten the journals when they had went together not thinking he had gone alone. "you should take a hot relaxing bath.. i can do some laundry while you do that.. i am not fully helpless you know.."

She would nibble on the meat in thought.
"but then who would keep me company?... also the circumstances of our first encounter beg to differ" he ate slightly slower than usual but still finished before her and got seconds
Joanna looked at him tilting her head. "what do you mean.. I can always come join you when i am done..." eating the last slice of meat from her first plate she sat the plate down. She had a slight idea of what he meant by the circumstances of our first encounter, but was not about to give up on finding a way to sneak out.
"Alright then make sure you wash the clothes well though... I'll keep an ear out for you if you need my help" taking her plate max stood up and scrubbed them with sand before taking them back to the kitchen area. Coming back he helped her up then tilted her head up and gave her a quick kiss before heading down toward the springs
Watching him walk down towards the springs she stood there in awe. she her tail was wagging behind her and her ears had a slight tilt to them. She grabbed all the clothes and some rope, getting her pack and jacket too before heading out the cave to the creek. Reaching the creek she washed the clothes once then roped them all up to hang from tree to tree. She couldn't leave them in the water surely the current would swift them off if she wasn't back in time.

once everything was tied she grabbed the bag and tossed it over her back, Running as fast as she could, trying to not trip over anything she headed back to the city.
Smiling as he heard her run off Max stepped out of his clothes and slipped into the spring up to his neck and allowed the heat to soak into his bones. relaxing to the point he fell asleep on the edge of the spring
Reaching the City about a hour and half later, jo felt like she could collapse but she was worried about getting him something. She ran through alleys avoiding anyone she possibly could til she got to the shopping district. looking around from an alley she spotted a store that had something that seemed rather relevant for them.. making her way to the store she made sure there was no alarm snuck up to the roof using a balcony for entry to the second floor.

Entering the shop she grinned and giggled softly to herself, It was a Adult shop for different styles of sex. But Joanna wasn't there for the sex items, she was there for one thing.. finding the section of collars and leashes she looked through til she found one that was his size in black leather with white gold spikes on them then one her size to match. she grabbed a extendable leash that was made in solid white gold with a fishing like reel on the end. Once getting the items she started to leave but something caught her eye... a very sexy garter set that would fit her perfectly with her tail out. Grabbing the right size she headed out the store. making sure to not get caught going the same way she had came she reached the end of the city and headed back to the Cave.
Max woke sometime later very relaxed and more then a little pruney. heaving himself out he went to the clothing room and grabbed some sweatpants then bagan cutting strips of meat for drying while he waited for Joanna to return
Joanna walked some and ran some. It didn't take her long to get over to the creek. reaching the creek she grabbed the frozen clothes and dipped them into the water to thaw a little, when she could she would give them another wash and ring them all out the best she could before putting them into a pile to carry back.
Hearing Joanna back at the creek finally Max smiled and finally opened his eyes which he had closed ever since she left and went back to cutting the meat and seperating it into two piles. One for smoking and the other for drying
With the damp clothes in tow she walked into the cave. she would set them down on a stool and grab the rope tieing it up like she did in the woods but with two branches in the cave, then started to hang the clothes up to dry a little before moving them to the clothes room to dry the rest of the way. "oh.. your out.. i am sorry these clothes are a pain to wash in that little creek.." She still had her jacket and backpack on.
"its fine sometimes it just takes longer" standing up again he moves close behind her and wraps his arms around her again "did you really need to bring your pack though?"
Joanna sighed, Uh yeah.. I used it to carry the clothes to the creek.. but they are wet and i didn't want the pack ruined more then it is now.. so i carried them by arm.. She hoped her lie was at least believable by him. with him hugging her he would be able to feel the hard reel part from the leash he had grabbed, the rustle of the fabric of the garter and the spikes clicking on the leash chain inside.
"hmm... very well then... would you like me to put it somewhere in particular?" running his hands up her arms gently to her shoulders he gently hooked the straps and made to take it off for her
pulling her arms from the straps she shivered at how he ran his hands up her arms. leaving her jacket on she resumed hanging up the clothes. "oh uh.. just in the corner by my shoes.. we will need it in the morning.." She was not sure where to hide the stuff and was starting to get scared he would be mad about her going to the city alone to steal. watching him to make sure he didn't open the bag she smiled thinking about how he was going to love her in the garter set.. "you know... i should go take a bath.. why don't you finish hanging up the clothes.. I will take my bag.." she turned to grab the bag from him.
Halfway to the corner he stopped sighed and turned around as she changed her mind. handing her the bag he asked "would you like some company?"
hearing him sigh she took the bag from him slowly. she figured he was not believing her. "uh.. sure.. but you must be tired of being in the water.." She would hand him the last few clothes that needed hanging up and then looked at her bag.. I will tell you what.. how about you wait here til i tell you to come join me..

before he could say anything she rushed off down the hall way to the springs so she could change into the garter fit and put on the collar and leash.
"very well my dear" turning to hang up the clothes he heard her run off down the hall then heard the zipper of her back pack and wondered what she was up to

"can I come in yet"
Joanna was barely ready, "no not yet.." she cried out..

about fifteen minutes later she would holler for him. "ok you can come in now.. " she would stand there in the black garter fit that wrapped her tight, her tail wagged a little, the panties wrapped her still showing what she had to offer along with the top. the collar fitted around her neck with the leash hooked to it and hanging to meet the handle at the end where the reel was. the stockings was held up by a pair of hooks that clipped to the panties of the garter set.
When he heard her call he walked down the hall stopping in the doorway in awe of her then both of his heads kicked into action at the same time "you look amazing... were you caught?" finally getting his legs to work he slowly walked around Joanna grabbing her tail gently and letting it slide through his fingers as paced behind her finally stopping in front of her he reached up and took hold of the leash and pulled her in for a kiss
"merry Christmas.. i thought you you would like it...." would be part of her answer before being pulled in for a kiss. she would kiss him tenderly with giggles. giving a chance to pull back she smiled nope. i was not caught and i don't think anyone followed me back." she leaned back in to give him another kiss still in giggles that he seemed to like his Christmas gift.
Noticing the metal on her collar Max turned five for about ten seconds "shiiinnnyyy. shiny shiny shiny shiny" shaking himself he stood up straight and cleared his throat and pulls her back in for another kiss
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