Five Years Later ((Blair&&Lady))

The letter, oddly enough, was from Astoria's mother... claiming that she missed her daughter and had not seen her in quite some time. Her mother was hoping she'd come by in the next few days, or go to dinner. Odd, considering all Astoria has claimed to be doing was spending time with her mother at the opera, or stay at her parents house.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I refused to be degraded in such a way," she said, crossing her arms over her chest stubbornly, "I won't duel back unless you give me something to wear. I'm serious." Her stubborness as quite comical, considering she was supposed to be his slave.
“For a slave, you’re awfully bossy.”Draco said in a vague way that said he wasn’t really paying attention to her as he read the letter, smirking to himself as he waved a hand and used a wandless spell to dress her, raising his head to look at her, dressed in a pair of clinging boy short underwear and a lacy black bra. Looking her over he moved over, “As much as I’d love to duel you like this, it seems I have business to take care of.”he muttered already going through the spells he could use to track down his wife without the bitch knowing. He was going to follow Hermione’s advice and let her get pregnant, but the man was a brilliant strategist , and he knew the more information he had, the better he could plan.
Hermione looked at him worriedly, glancing from the letter to his face. "Business? This is about your wife, isn't it?" She frowned, feeling awful that he was having to deal with an unfaithful wife. There marriage must have been loveless, or at least turned out that way, because she couldn't see why a woman would find another man for sex when she had a man who looked like Draco. It was just common sense. "I'd tread carefully... You might not like finding out who the other person is."

Turning, she sat on the bed and sighed. She had a feeling this would not end well for either of them.
“Of course. Otherwise I’d just put it off to watch you duel mostly naked.”he grinned though it looked a little forced, looking at a loss because he was so hurt as he considered what his wife was up to. Running his fingers through white blond hair he tilted his head, “…I might not like it, but I still need to know.”he said feeling a little sick, jerking his head towards the bedroom.”Stay in here while I’m gone. Father’s probably home and you wont want to run into him. If you need anything, call for a house elf.”he said apparating out as he cast the locating spell, letting it tug him towards his wife’s location, bracing himself to figure out where she was.
Astoria was in a cottage off in the woods - a cottage that was recently built. It was fully furnished with couches, chairs, a large bed. It looked nearly lived in, with a combination of female and male items strewn about. There was a fire going, and Astoria was in the kitchen cooking dinner, which was odd... She rarely cooked dinner, what with Narcissa doing most of the cooking. Her cloak was thrown over the back of the couch, and she was wearing a very revealing black dress and heels. It was clear she was waiting for someone, but who?

With a bit of impatience, Astoria quickly wrote a note and sent it with her owl. The bird flew right past Draco and into the sky.

Meanwhile, Hermione set about reading and waiting. She wondered how long he'd be, and if they still planned to go to Snape's that evening...
Draco frowned as he leaned back into the tree behind him, careful to stay out of sight of the house, but just as well making himself comfortable, seeing as he only sensed Astoria in the house, he knew someone would be arriving soon, watching the owl go, knowing better then to interrupt its flight, having a feeling Astoria would know if he did. Glancing at his watch he felt annoyance as he knew that he had to get going soon to make dinner, and missing dinner at snape’s wasn’t something he was willing to do. He had so very few quiet, totally relaxing moments anymore that he hated to miss it.

Growling in frustration as he silently took the anti-pregnancy spell off of Astoria as he waited, he growled to himself as he apparated home. Knowing he had to leave soon even if he didn’t know who she was meeting, if he wanted to get to snape’s.
Hermione looked up at him when he apparated home, raising her eyebrow at his grow of frustration. She bit her lip and put the book she was reading down, tilting her head to the side. "Well? What happened?"

She stood up, still wearing the boy shorts and bra he put her in, secretly hoping that she would get to wear more clothes around Snape... At least dress or shirt of some kind. Something that would not leave her so exposed in front of her old professor.

"Are we still going to see Snape for dinner? He's not..." She swallowed hard, "He's not going to want me to, you know, do anything to him, right?" Just at the thought, she blushed like mad.
“Well, I found her cabin. And I undid her pregnancy spell, so we’ll see how it goes.”he smirked a little looking him over before nodding. “Yes. And it’s the only reason I’m home right now.”He said before moving to the closet, looking through astoria’s clothes for something appropriate and returning with a soft silver and green dress, the lacing for the corset done up in silver, stark against the emerald green. Pausing at her question before he started to laugh, actually laughing so hard that he nearly feel over as he leaned against one of the posts on the bed.

“Oh hell. Shit. That was funny.”he snickered before shaking his head.”No, he wont. Dress, and we’ll go.”he said wrapping a arm around her after she finished dressing before apparating to snape’s.
When they arrived, Snape was sitting in his armchair by the fire, drinking a glass of aged firewhiskey. In the small kitchen to the left, a spoon was charmed to stir a large pot of stew. If you looked closely, you'd realize that it was his apartment/office at Hogwarts, now that he was Headmaster. However, it looked quite different from when Dumbledore inhabited it. There was potion supplies and books scattered in a clustered mess, which was odd to Hermione. She always thought he would be... beyond neat.

"Draco," Snape said, then raised his eyebrows at the sight of Hermione. "Ah, we have a guest. Good thing I made plenty of food."
Draco smirked as he looked around the room, not really surprised to see his godfather’s place in its usual chaotic disorder. “Don’t look so surprised. You knew I wouldn’t leave her at home with father playing lord of the manor. With my luck I’d have to clean up a murder or something if I did.”he grumbled a little thinking about the one mudblood girl his father had killed for getting mouthy with him, and since draco had befriended her in a vague sense that he hadn’t been cruel to her, Lucius had made sure his 20 year old son had had to clean up the mess.

Smirking as he sat down at the table he reached for the spoon, stealing a bite of the stew, “Almost done.”he said grinning a little, looking a little more childlike. After all no one could cook like a potions master, and snape was better then most. if draco had lived with snape, he'd been beyond fat from eating all the good food.
Snape narrowed his eyes at Draco. "I know when my stew is done, and I'd rather not have you stealing bites straight from the pot," he said, then rolled his eyes. Hermione sat beside Draco on the couch, staying close, and out of respect, Snape relatively ignored her. Well, for now.

"How's the wife?" Snape said, putting down his book. Standing up, he headed over to the kitchen to start spooning out the stew, handing both Draco and Hermione and bowl. She began to dig in immediately, surprised at how amazing it was. The man was truly a great cook.
"Hey I only make sure its done. There's nothing wrong with that."draco said making a face at the other man cooked,smirking a little as hermione stayed close to him. Tilting his head a little he sighed, running his hand through his hair before laughing at the idea of astoria.

"Hopefully getging pregnant."the malfoy heir smirked as he looked at his godfather."shes having a affair. Hopefully she'll do something stupid and I'll get out of this sham."he sighed.
Snape raised his eyebrows, looking a bit surprised at the news. "Really, now? An affair? Only a fool would have an affair when they are married to a Malfoy, especially these days," he said, leaning back in his chair and taking a bit bite of his stew. As expected, it was perfect. He truly made the best stew. "Her getting pregnant is just about the only thing that will get you out of that marriage. Volemort's only real concern is making sure purebloods are with purebloods, and that the muggleborns are phased out." He frowned at that.

Hermione's eyebrows raised. It was clear, just by his tone and choice of words, that Severus was not that man she had thought. And it was clear that he must have trusted Draco enough to speak in such a way, which said a lot about Draco's character.

"You... You didn't say mudblood," Hermione said, stirring her stew. She looked at her old professor with curiosity.

Snape's lips turned up into a smirk. "You might have been an insufferable know-it-all that I could hardly tolerate during your school years, Miss Granger," he said, "But I would never refer to you in such a... demeaning way. Not when I am not in Voldemort's presence."

Hermione grinned a bit, because for the first time in months, she felt safe. There were still good wizards out there....
“Hm, that’s what I was thinking, but my wife has never been one of the more intelligent people that I knew.”Draco said smirking a little as he ate. “I know I know, why do you think I’m not over there yelling at her? It’d get me nowhere. Her getting pregnant gets me out of the woman’s demanding way.”Draco said smirking a little as he watched Hermione and his godfather talk, snorting a little.

“Oh, don’t worry. She’s still a insufferable know it all,godfather.”draco said smirking as he looked at the woman, “And annoyingly a prude. No dueling naked, I was most disappointed.”The youngest Malfoy pouted a little, looking adorable because his godfather usually just gave him a hard time for acting like a child, and he just wanted to think about something else besides his wife.
Hermione rolled her eyes. "I don't know a single sane woman who would do such a thing," she snapped, sipping at her stew.

Snape snorted and shook his head. "Draco, do try to act a bit more like an adult," he said, smirking a bit, "Well, I know you'd like to get out of that horrid marriage. Perhaps this is your ticket. I wish I had some sort of idea as to who she was seeing, but it's a mystery to me. Must be someone out of the Death Eater circle..."

Standing up, he moved to refill his bowl. "How's your mother?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, "Doing well?"
“With me in the room?I know plenty of women who would want to be naked.”Draco grinned at her, enjoying being a ass to much to act like a adult, at least until snape demanded it of him.

“Hm, I wish I did to.”He frowned a little as he thought about it, sighing quietly.”I would hope that a death eater would be more intelligent then to sleep with my wife, but sadly some of them are morons. Hopefully one of them will slip up and I’ll figure it out, because I really would like to know who she is seeing to.”he said thoughtfully wondering about it before looking at snape.

“As well as ever. She finds having Hermione in her home disturbing, but not for the reasons you’d think. Father seems….to be fascinated with her presence. Mother is finding it fairly annoying.”Draco said shrugging a little looking annoyed with the idea, because he knew that his father would hurt and torture Hermione if given the chance, and he knew his soft hearted mother hated to have anyone hurt, even a woman who’d made draco’s teen years hellish.
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