Five Years Later ((Blair&&Lady))

Hermione bit her lip and tried not to talk back to Draco. She gave him years a grief? Bloody hell.

Severus smiled and nodded. "That we do," he said, "I have a couple new ones I want to show you." He studied his godson, realizing that something was off... However, he knew better than to say something. He would ask tomorrow evening, when there was no one there to listen to their conversation.

Lucius looked at his watch and moved to put his cigar out. "I hate to leave early, especially when we have a new mudblood to ravish, but I have a meeting I must attend in London," he said, nodding respectively to Voldemort. He looked like he was in some sort of rush, as if he were running late. However, Severus and Voldemort didn't seem effected by it. It was clear Lucius had warned him about his early departure.

"Very well, " Voldemort muttered, taking a sip of his drink, "We can have our fun with the girl at the next Death Eater's meeting." At that, his eyes flashed with lust.

Lucius chuckled a bit. "I can't wait," he murmured, before quickly throwing some floo powder into the fireplace and disappearing.
Draco smirked a little looking up at his father. “I’ll see you at home.”He said even as his stomach twisted at the idea of what their next meeting would come to. He just had no idea what he was going to do, and this was quickly disturbing the man. Running a hand through his hair he sighed softly glancing at his godfather and Voldemort, shifting his hold on Hermione, drawing her closer into his side as if he couldn’t keep his hands off her.

“Was there anything else my lord, severus?”He asked, curious if there was something else the two wanted from him, but more then anything wanting to get away from the others. It wasn’t so much that he didn’t like spending time with them, but he wanted to get Hermione away from a dark lord who was looking at her like she was a t-bone steak. And he had no idea what to think of the urge to protect her.
Voldemort looked over at Draco, arching an eyebrow. There was suspicion in his eyes, but he didn't address his feelings. Right now, he had Bellatrix waiting for him in his bed room, and he didn't have time to think about Draco's emotions. He favored Draco, of course, but that didn't mean that Voldemort was emotionally attached to anyone but himself and his ambitions.

"Not a thing," he said, nodding to him, "It is getting a bit late, and I have some things to tend to..."

Severus finished the last bit of his drink and stood up, looking at Draco with concern, but letting his face go blank before Voldemort could notice. "I should be heading home myself," he admitted, looking at the clock on the wall, "I do have classes to instruct in the morning..."
Draco bowed his head watching his lord go before nodding as he finished his drink.”Have fun with that. I’m sure the little monsters will love seeing you.”He said snickering a little before wrapping a arm around Hermione and apparating home. Pausing inside his rooms as he undid his tie he glanced at the woman, trying to keep the sneer off his face. Because while the man found her attractive, neither had ever been like that for each other, so it was awkward to consider what he was going to ask. But he also knew that it was better to do it now, rather then leave it up to his father.

“Do you want something to drink?”He asked as he shrugged out of his shirt, looking at ease in just the dress slacks as he walked to the bar to get a glass of whiskey for himself.
Hermione moved to sit on the foot of Draco's bed, watching him with curiosity in her eyes. When he was not looking, she caught herself staring at his well-toned, bare chest... She hated herself for it, but she knew that he was a handsome man, and it was hard to deny it. However, she was confused by his motives. He seemed almost protective at Riddle Manor... Hermione was a clever girl, and she knew when someone was putting on an act. For the first time in all the years she had known Draco Malfoy, she got to witness him do just that - act. His whole mood shifted the moment he entered Riddle Manor, and the moment he left.

Hermione wasn't much of a drinker, never having anything more than two beers at a time, but nodded. "I would," she said, hoping that it would dull the tension and fear she was feeling... She just felt so humiliated, and even if she would never admit it aloud, she felt hopeless.
Draco nodded a little at her words as he poured her a glass of whiskey before walking back to the bed and handing it to her. Sipping his own glass he smirked a little as he caught her glancing at his bare chest, shifting a little. The man knew he was good looking, how could he not when he had not only his wife, but most women he met, throwing themselves at him the moment they realized who he was? Smirking as he moved to lay up on the bed, he leaned back on the headboard as he watched her, the protective and touchy feely death eater from riddle manor gone, once again replaced with the coldly aloof, tempermental, and moody man he’d always been.

Rubbing a hand over his face the man looked tired, not physically, but emotionally. It had been a long two days, with getting Hermione and finding out about Astoria, the man was bouncing through emotions quicker then he was used to being, “You do realize we’re going to have sex tonight right?”He asked bluntly, smirking, because he knew he was going to get a outraged answer, but it amused him to consider her reaction. Because well, sex had always been a stress reliever for him, and it had been nearly 3 years since he’d slept with anyone but Astoria. It was going to be a interesting time, even if he wasn't sure he actually wanted to have sex with her, he also didn't want to leave it up to his father to decide over either. he knew if nothing else, he was preferable to her then Lucius.
Hermione was intelligent enough to know that if she were to refuse Draco, her next bet was Lucius, and it would be far worse. However, it still made her tense to think of sleeping with Malfoy. This was someone whom she deemed an enemy for many years, a man who was involved with the group of people who took the love of her life away from her... A member of the group of people who wished she were never born.

At his (very blunt) statement, Hermione turned to look at him. At the moment, she was not the stubborn, quick-witted witch that she had been during their years at Hogwarts. Right now, she was a woman who was worn down and doubtful. It seemed that Voldemort may have taken the one thing she never thought he could, and that was her belief that everything would be okay. Right now, she was not so sure that things were ever going to get better. This might just be her fate after all.

"I know," she murmured, reaching up to run her fingers through her straightened hair. She took a huge gulp of whiskey, choked it down, then put the glass on the night stand. Before she could convince herself not to, she started to remove what little clothing she was wearing.
Draco choked on the whiskey he was drinking as he watched her, laughter bubbling up in his throat at her reaction to the strong drink. Laughing to because of her reaction, because it wasn’t what he’d expected. He’d expected, and was slightly disappointed really that it wasn’t, outrage. Watching her undress he tilted his head a little, a tinge of anger darkening his eyes.”At least I’m better then father you know. I usually don’t enjoy my bedmates bloody.”he said sounding annoyed with her, because he hadn’t gotten the reaction to being so blunt that he’d wanted, and was feeling out of sorts anyways. Watching her undress the blond haired man looked calm and relaxed, expect for the slight annoyance in his eyes.

Leaning over he set his glass aside,”Come here.”he growled looking up at her. While he wasn’t nearly as abusive as Lucius, or demanding as Voldemort, the man wasn’t submissive either. He was dominate and demanding, and hardened over the years, and no longer was he the teenager harry potter had found crying in the bathroom, the man had been hardened by life, and he was a death eater through and through, with the attitude and arrogance to go with it, even if he knew he’d chosen the wrong side of the war, the man also was a man shaped by his life.
"You think I don't know what?" Hermione snapped, "I remember who your father is, Draco, and if I had to choose between my Malfoys, it wouldn't be him." She narrowed her eyes a little at his command, because quite frankly, she was a stubborn girl. There were very few times in her life that she took orders, and it pissed her off to think she'd be taking quite a few of them from Draco Malfoy in the future.

However, she bit her tongue, drank the rest of her whiskey, and walked back over to the bed. Slowly, she crawled on to the bed and rolled on to her back, looking at him from the opposite side of the insanely large bed.

"What are you waiting for, Malfoy?" she said, arching her eyebrow. Boldly, she opened her legs for him so that he could see the folds of her nether regions. "It's not like there are many choices for the current situation, so you better fuck me now while we are tipsy off the whiskey."
Draco studied her for a long moment, a slow sadistic smirk curling his lips as he realized she wanted to resist the command. The man loved screwing with her head, and it had been really to long since he’d had the chance to do so. And well, he was still angry over the fact that he’d always, always, been excluded in Hogwarts, though he knew over the years it was mostly his fault, he also hated that he’d never been given another choice but to be slytherin’s ice prince, to be the opposite of bloody potter, and constantly made the bad guy.

Watching her he laughed, shaking his head. “There’s always choices, though I do think I like the idea of you under me for the first time.”He mused snickering as he looked her over, just a tad tipsy, and highly amused that she was being this stubborn and bold. Shifting to move on top of her, he settled between her legs, studying her for a long moment, holding himself up on muscled arms, while he did indeed work as a banker, there was no doubt that he’d stayed in shape either.

Shifting he slid a hand over her side, absently stroking a hand over her thigh, before shifting up, sliding his fingers into her. No matter how demanding and rough he was, he didn’t want to hurt her, and he was pretty sure that she probably hadn’t had sex since weasley died, and he didn’t want to hurt her more then she would like. Which meant making sure she was prepared, playing with her body expertly, his thumb absently stroking over her clit even as he thrust his fingers in and out of her. After a few minutes he stopped, smirking down at the woman laying under him, rubbing himself against her, a groan escaping as he closed his eyes, trying to ignore just how good she felt under him.
Hermione was stubborn and angry at the situation, but she knew better to fight him. Instead, she just closed her eyes and tried her hardest to not receive any sort of pleasure from the act. However, that was easier said than done. As he fingers sawed in and out of her, her nether regions started to become wet with arousal. His hard body was beautiful, much more beautiful than she had anticipated, and his member was long and hard against her thigh.

By the time he started to rub against her, he breath had become labored. She swallowed hard and forced her eyes shut, desperate to not submit to the fact that she was having sex with Draco Malfoy. In fact, she forced herself to pretend it was Ron on top of her, but not out of habit or pleasure, but guilt. She felt like that if there was anything she could do to Ron to betray him after he died, it was to be willingly enjoy sex with a Malfoy.
Draco smirked to himself as he listened to the woman's labored breathing as he rubbed against her, shuddering a little. Rhere was few things in life draco malfoy enjoyed more then sex, and it'd been a very long time since he'd had sex with anyone but his wife. Hermione was going to be subject to 3,nearly 4, years worth of repressed delight because when him and adtoria had sex,despite it being good and having multiple orgasms included, could bore him to tears at times.

Shifting his hold on her he slippepd a hand under her thigh tilting her hips up as he thruzt into her hard, shifting as he closed his eyes lowering his head and biting her ndck hard enough to leave a bruize. He might not be able to ztop the others from using her, but he could make sure thdy knew he got there first and hope it would protect her from everyone but his father and voldemort. For the other death eaters would be hesitant to mess with the favorite's mistress. At least he hoped.she might not like him,but he was also the only protection she had.
Hermione groaned as she felt him enter her. He filled her in all the most amazing ways, and it had her feeling confused with arousal. How could sex from a man she despised so much feel so good?

A squeal left her lips as he bit into her neck, and she let her nails rake down his back. "Oh... Oh, bloody hell," she muttered, rolling her hips up into his as he began to move in an out of her. It was an odd feeling, for she was picturing Ron on top of her, trying to remember what he felt like as he made love to her... However, in the deepest corner of her mind, she knew it was Draco Malfoy, and her body enjoyed it. No, it craved it, and she felt awful about it.
Draco shuddered as her nails raked his back, biting down harder as she squealed, smirking as he raised his head, his lips tinged lightly with blood as he looked down at her. Looking pleased with himself as he considered the woman under him. “Hm, I was thinking it would be heaven, you know.”he teased a little watching her face, shifting.thrusting into her slowly, leisurely as he braced his hands on the other side of her head, smirking as he looked down at her.

Thrusting into her harder he lowered his head to kiss her hard and fast, even as his body worked into hers, biting the inside of his lip to keep from ending this to quickly.
Hermione, without any hesitation, began to passionately kiss him back. The taste of blood was obvious on her tongue, and oddly enough, it had her turned on even more. She growled into his mouth and balanced herself on her elbow, allowing herself to buck into his hips hard and faster. It did not take long for her to be groaning aloud, her eyes sealed shut as she focused on approaching her orgasm. "Oh!" she screamed, breathing heavily. The large bed's headboard banged against the wall with their movements, showing how hard they were going at it. The gloves were off.

"Oh... OH!" she moaned, "Oh, Ron!"

She was so far done into her orgasm, so deep into her pleasure, that she had no idea what name slipped from her lips.
Draco stilled at the sound of the man’s name, staring down at her even as he muttered a curse. Spat it out with the vengeance of a man who’d just had his ego brusied, grinning wickedly as he pulled out of her, smirking as he bound her hands to the headboard and rolled away, watching her recover before he swung his feet out over the bed. “Have fun,granger. I’m going to go shower.”He whistled to himself, still hard and aching as he made his way to the shower. Knowing that the spell would keep her on the edge of pleasure, without letting her orgasm. And he had every intention of making sure she had a show she wanted to orgasm to.

Looking amused and pissed as he flipped on the shower, the Malfoy heir set about giving her the show of a lifetime as he soaped and washed off, taking his time jerking off in the shower, glad that the shower was in perfect view of the bed. punishing her for daring saying the name of someone he hated.
Her first instinct was to give him an apology among the moans that were coming from her mouth, however, she knew she did not owe him one. In fact, his own father was the one who put Ron to death (Voldemort received the honors for Harry, of course), and she did not have to apologize for yearning for the man she was in love with for so long...

"God dammit, Draco!" she shrieked in irritation, thrashing against the bonds. Her body had a mind of its own, thrusting into the air in desperate need for release. Her eyes narrowed as she watched him shower, trying hard not to submit to the torture he was giving her. It was no use though. She was in over her head with Draco as a master, and she knew that.

Soon, she was sobbing in frustration. All she wanted was to teeter over the edge of pleasure, and the anticipation was killing her.
Draco smirked as he came, resting his forehead against the glass wall of his shower as he moaned, smiling as he finished washing off. Drying off as he stepped out of the shower he dried off as he walked back into his bedroom, raising his eyebrows as he looked at the woman sobbing in his bed. “Hm, I think I like you like this. Wanting me, I mean.”He said as he studied her before waving a hand, banishing both spells holding her captive before laying down himself, for all appearance looking like he was preparing to go to sleep. His white blond hair slicked back from his face, making him look even younger then 23, looking like the coldly arrogant child he had been, instead of the jaded death eater he’d become.
Hermione screamed with release when he finally took the spells off, pulling at the sheets and allowing her back to arch off the bed. She was clearly an erotic sight to see, all naked and glistening in his bed...

After recovering for several minutes, she rolled over and looked at him. At first, she didn't want to say a word. She hated him, but she was also intrigued by him. Her curious and clever personality did not allow her to simply let things go.

"I remember when your wore your hair like that one purpose," she said, with a snort, rolling her eyes. Shakily, she stood from the bed and headed toward the restroom, sitting down to relieve herself before returning to the bedroom. "So... Do I sleep here?" She tilted her head to the side. "I mean, where does your wife sleep?" She arched an eyebrow, realizing that she had never even heard Astoria come in...
Draco grinned looking at her, amused and pleased with her reaction as he watched her. Raising a eyebrow as he watched her watch him, “I was young, and stupid enough to think it was a good look. My features are to….ferret like….”He said smirking, hiding a wince, remembering the term from school, “to pull off the slicked back look well.”He said for all the world sounding like a diva and obsessed with looks and dress. The man just knew better these days on how to look well. Snorting a little as he glanced at the door. “Astoria’ll sleep in her own rooms, unless she wants to have sex, and hopefully she’d rather stay away from me since I did drug her this morning.”Draco said looking pleased with the idea that Astoria might be pissed enough at him to sleep away from him, like she had been more and more. Though once he realized she was having a affair, he’d be hurt, but at the moment, he was just glad she was away from him.

“You can if you want. Probably safer.”He mused shifting to lay down rubbing a hand over his face before smiling a little. “Sleep,granger. It’ll do you well.”he said shrugging as he stretched out, while staying on his side of the bed, the man was known for spreading out and taking up most of the bed, not to mention all the blankets. He was a true bed hog, and by morning hermione’d not only have to deal with him snuggling her, but with the fact that he’d have all the blankets and leave her none.
Hermione sighed and slipped into the bed, deciding to not comment on how odd it was that his wife was not home at such a time at night.

"Bloody hell, am I not allowed to cover myself?" she snapped, glancing at the clock to notice it was nearly three in the morning. Sighing in frustration, she tried to pull the blanket toward herself, but he didn't budge. And why was it so damn cold? There was no other choice but to move closer to him, getting under the small patch of blanket he left her and using the heat of his body to warm herself.
Draco grumbled a little as he shifted to let her have some of the blanket.”Stop whining.”He grumbled annoyed at being forced to move even as he wrapped a arm around her waist tugging her closer to him as he fell asleep fully, nuzzling his face against her neck as he slept.

In the morning though, the man had stolen the blankets, and despite being snuggled right up against her, the man had all the blankets to himself. Yawning as he woken he absently stroked a hand over her side.”Sleep well?”He muttered snuggly and pleasant first thing in the morning, before he really woke up. It was only when he woke and was thinking clearly that he acted like people expected him to act. When he was sleepy, he was more like the child he’d been.
Hermione's face was pressed into his shoulder, and she did not wake up until she felt him stroke her side. At the touch, she moved closer to him. She was too tired to understand what was going on or who she was laying with... "Not really," she admitted, "I'm cold, and you are a bed hog." She grabbed the blanket and pulled some of it on top of her in an effort to warm up. It was not enough that he hogged the covers, but he also kept the house ridiculously cold...

At that, a house elf walked in.

"Master Draco?" the elf called, "Mistress Astoria would like to see you in the tea room... She seems rather irritated, sir."
“Well, maybe you should get your own bed.”Draco muttered rolling his eyes as he rolled to the side to let her get some of the blanket, muttering a warming charm to make sure she would indeed get warmer, feeling rather guilty about hogging all the covers, and annoyed that he did. Sighing softly as the house elf came in, he gave a annoyed growl, before sitting up.”Tell her I’ll be right down.”He grumbled dismissing the elf as he got up to get dressed.”Stay here. At least until I figure out what she wants.”He said leaning down to kiss Hermione softly, looking amused to see her cuddled up in his bed as he finished doing up his dress shirt before walking out.

“Good morning, Astoria.”Draco said sounding cold and aloof, bracing himself for whatever she wanted from him at the forsaken hour of morning. While he worked, he was not a morning person, hating getting up early.
Astoria was sitting at the breakfast table, and she looked absolutely glowing. Oddly enough, she was not irritated at all. Not at Draco, anyway. She smiled at him, and reached over to grab her cup of coffee. "Good morning, love," she said, sounding more pleasant that usual. Of course, the memory charm within the laced tea that he gave her probably helped. She had no recognition of the other morning, only that she woke up rather late in the day because that stupid house elf didn't wake her up on time... Not that she was thinking about that. No, she was thinking about how wonderful it was that her husband was so distracted with his new "toy" that she could easily get in and out of the house to meet her secret lover.

"How was your night last night? Your mother told me that you had drinks with Voldemort?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.
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