Five Years Later ((Blair&&Lady))

“Yes, she is quite fun to order about.”Draco mused smiling a little frowning slightly as she stumbled. “Yes, the opera.”He said frowning at her harder, wondering what the hell was going on. The opera wasn’t that easy to forget. Shaking his head a little before he shrugged, “Well, it will be good for you. You two don’t spend enough time together.”he said smiling at her grinning when she past out, taking the glass as he got up.

Picking her up he moved her into his bedroom, before moving to the bathroom and unlocking the door, “Good morning. I brought Astoria for you.”he said absently to Hermione as he gestured towards the bed he’d put Astoria in, careless with his words, as if it was normal for someone to drug their wives.

"I'm going to work in my study across the hall. come get me when you're done."he said pausing long enough to make sure she had no questions for him before retreating across the hall to get some work done. but not doing well on actually focusing on the work, to focused on his wife and what she'd stumbled over. something was bothering him about her actions, but he had no idea what it was. throwing himself into work, trying not to dwell on the feelings.
An hour later, still dressed in the button-up he gave her last night, Hermione walked into his office and frowned. "She's not going to have many hopes for getting pregnant," she admitted, "Her fallopian tubes are severly damaged for whatever reason. Honestly, they could always been that way... But it's left her infertile."

She took a good looked at him, wondering what was going on through her head. She still hated him, but something about his actions were off, and they left him feeling curious. There was only one other time that Draco sparked her curiosity, and that was his actions after Dumbledore's death... She'd never forget the look on his face. Even though Harry had told her that Draco was the one who was supposed to do it, not Snape, she remembered how... frightened Draco looked that night.

"I don't think potions would help, either," she admitted, "It's not a hormonal thing. It's a physical mutation that is not allowing her to ovulate correctly."
When she came in, Draco leaned back in his chair sighing tiredly. “Well. Damn.”he said simply staring down at the hardwood top of his desk, not really seeing the paperwork scattered over it. Nodding slightly as he considered what she’d told him he smirked slightly, grabbing ahold of the one good thought of it, even if the emotional gutting she’d delivered gutted him. He’d wanted astoria’s child, wanted this one. The man had his own reasons for wanting a child in his loveless marriage, but faced with this, he could move on from it, and let go of the hope. After all, like Hermione thought, the Malfoy heir was well loved, and not just by Voldemort, most women of all ages swooned over the Malfoy heir whenever he appeared in public.

“Divorcing her will be easier now. I’ll have to speak to father about it.”He said sounding pleased with the idea, knowing Lucius whole idea him marrying into the greenglass family had been for the idea of a good child, the potential for more then one actually. Resting his elbow on the arm chair he rested his chin in his hand as he stared at the desk, thinking before flicking a glance up at her. “Thank you.”He said tilting his head a little though his voice sounded a little choked with emotion, knowing he’d more or less demanded her help him, but she could have lied to him and told him everything was fine. At least he could still count on her to be brutally honest with him.
Hermione looked a bit surprised at his words, raising his eyebrows. "So I was right... You two married for convenience." She frowned a bit, and while it bothered her for some reason, she was not surprised. These days, nearly every pureblood was put in an arranged marriage in order to keep population up and keep bloodlines pure...

The crack in his voice caught her off guard, making her bite her lip. Dammit. Why did he have to do making her feel bad? She was perfectly fine hating him... She liked the idea of believing he was a heartless human being, but now he was complicating things with his unexpected emotions.

"It seems to me that you wanted a child for more than one reason," she said, tilting her head to the side. "Your only hope would be a surrogate, but that's not exactly something that the Ministry approves of these days."
“of course I married for convenience. I wouldn’t have married the bitch unless ordered to.”He scowled a little as he stared at his desk, replying to her words without really being aware of doing it. After pansy had decided to marry blaise, he hadn’t cared who he married, only that he wanted to get married, to stop hurting so much. Only, as the years past, and him and Astoria managed to wound each other more and more, he’d discovered nothing was worth the pain of putting up with her. Though he hadn’t been able to think of a graceful way out, now she’d given him one.

Looking up at her with a tinge of anger in his look, “My reasons for wanting my wife pregnant are my own, mudblood.”He said though his insult lacked the usual venom to the word, the insults hollow, as if he was just following the script she expected him to follow, and didn’t really feel the need to insult her anymore. Which, while he enjoyed pissing her off, he didn’t enjoy insulting her as much as he used to. He’d grown up enough to know he’d been a prat in school, though he equally blamed her, potter, and weasley for his actions just as much as he blamed himself.

“No, a surrogate wont do. I’ll just divorce her, and find someone else. There’s a endless list of pureblood women who want to ride me.”He said crudely, because he was just feeling that messed up that the cold veneer of the ice prince was gone. He just was wondering how seer could have been so wrong. The divination teacher at Hogwarts might be as barmy as a bat most days, he’d known she’d been able to predict true things sometimes. And predicting a child of his blood and passion would offer him a chance at redemption had left him hopeful as she’d predicted it days before his wedding. He should have known it was to good to be true. Sighing softly as he rubbed a hand over his face, he let his hope for forgivness fade away. Hermione was wrong, he was very, very aware of the fact that he was standing on the wrong side of the war, but he was neck deep in it, and drowning, with no hope of salvation.

Never thinking that it might not have been Astoria that had to be the mother after all.
Hermione rolled her at his crude words, biting her tongue as he called him that degrading, awful name... It was ironic that the first person who had ever called her that name would be the one to own her one day because of it. The thought alone made her sick to her stomach. "They are all willing to ride your cock because the don't have brains in their skulls," Hermione fired back, "I, for one, would never bring a child into this world intentionally."

She bit the inside of her cheek, chewing it until it bled a little. Actually, she had wanted children. Badly. She wanted to have Ron's children at one point, but that... Well, that no longer mattered. With the world the way it was, it would be cruel to have a baby. They would suffer simply for being of her bloodline.
Draco stared at her, tilting his head a little. “Brains aren’t required for fucking, only good looks. I prefer them stupid, less likely to try and use me for money. I can actually enjoy sex that way.”he said before he could stop himself, flushing slightly. Having no idea why he’d even said it, even if it was true. For the two years between graduating and his wedding, he’d enjoyed the high life of being able to fuck anything on two feet. Of course, after he got married, all the world knew he was faithful to his wife, even if he hated her. You could accuse draco Malfoy of a lot of things, but not honoring his wedding vows, no matter how much he despised them at times, wasn’t one of them. Studying her for a long moment he snorted slightly.

“You can lie to anyone else, granger, not to me. I know you wanted a houseful of weasley brats, and despite how I feel about them, I am sorry you didn’t get the chance to overrun the world with them.”he said, a apology hidden in a insult, his eyes darkening, whether with pain or annoyance it was hard to tell as he looked away from her. Remembering how ron and harry had died was always crippling to him, to the point that he was blistering drunk always on the day that they died, because it was the only way to dull the guilt of getting them killed. Even if he had hated them, he’d still grown up with them, and being the man who’d directly gotten them killed by Lucius and Voldemort, had left him feeling hollow.

Sighing quietly he stood, "Do you want breakfast?"He asked heading for the door, giving her the option of following or asking a house elf for food. acting, for once, that he wanted company. reacting like a man denied his dearest wish with her news about Astoria, the man was bouncing between emotions quickly and randomly.
Hermione ground her teeth together, looking at the ground and took a few deep breaths. She refused, absolutely refused, to cry in front of Draco because of something he said...

"You don't know me, and you don't know what I want," she snapped, "And don't you ever talk about Ron again." She ran a hand through her hair and followed him back down into the dining room, hating that she even had to sit down at a table with him. However, she was hungry, and she knew she needed to get used to contact him.

Looking across the table, she studied him for a moment. His mood confused her as much as it infuriated her...
"I know you better then you think I do, and far better then you ever bothered to knoe me."draco frowned slightly as he walked thinking it over. While he'd stalked them all in the early years just to get them in trouble, it had been only later as he got drawn further into being voldemort's favorite that he'd followed them because he wanted to be apart of that group. Not that he'd ever admit to it.

Looking at the food the elves had brought his mouth watered at the sight of Belgian waffles. He had a feeling his mother guessed something was wrong because he only ever got waffles when something was wrong. Starting to eat he smirked to himself,because while he dizliked disrupting his day to fight with his wife, it did amuse him somewhat to piss her off, knowing she wpuldnt want to be anywhere near him when she was angry with him. Which meant he'd get some peace after some yelling, and he expected her the moment she woke up.
"Don't make yourself innocent in this situation," Hermione snapped, looking furious with him, "You didn't bother to know me. You don't know my favorite books or movies, you don't know what my parents used to call me, or what flowers I like. All you know is that I am not born to one of your ignorant, close-minded pureblood families. You have judged me from the very beginning, from the time we were eleven."

She stabbed her waffle, hitting the place and making a screeching noise. If only he knew that there were times when Ron and Harry would carry on and on about what an awful person Malfoy was, and it was her who had defended him and gave him the benefit of the doubt. She had a feeling that Draco did not choose his life, and the beliefs on "mudbloods" were beliefs that were fed to him from a young age... Hermione was one of the three friends that managed to notice how troubled Draco looked since sixth year, but by then, she was sure that he was a lost cause.

"Besides, what was I supposed to do? I tried to befriend you on the train the very first year at Hogwarts, and you laughed in my face," she said, "Then I met Harry and Ron."
Draco stared at her, before speaking up, “You enjoy pride and prejudiced, but your favorite is wuthering heights. I don’t know what movies are, or which ones are out there, so you’ll have to forgive me. But I’m going to put money on it being hermy or something else endearingly cute and muggle, and while you like roses your favorite are those small white ones that grow on the lands at Hogwarts and no where else. Though I might be wrong, since I'm sure there's flowers that only grow in the muggle world.”He said shrugging as he started to eat, wincing a little at the screeching noise of her fork. good thing his mother wasn't there, she'd be having a fit over the abuse of plates.

“I laughed in everyone’s face. And to you I was condemned the moment I stepped in slytherin, and don’t bother pretending I wasn’t. Weasley and potter knew it, and I learned it later. Nothing will change that.”he said sipping his coffee before picking up the daily prophet sitting but his plate and starting to read while he ate. Just when she’d written him off, the man had tried to reach out…only to get shoved away. And in return had turned into even more of a selfish, arrogant prick then he had been before, and the arrogance, the deflecting attitude to get everyone focused on something besides how he was feeling, was still evident in his behavior. Deflecting on her, because he didn’t want to talk about things.
Hermione looked startled, and when he looked over the paper, she still took him in. How... How did he know all of that? It took her breath away, because oddly enough, she wasn't sure Harry or Ron would have been able to answer those questions correctly.

"Those white roses... They were always so beautiful," she whispered, remembering their time at Hogwarts. The time periods where they were happy, care-free kids who did not realize what they were getting themselves into. "And you wanted to be in Slytherin, did you not? I'm pretty sure the Sorting Hat takes your wishes into consideration. It did mine. I knew that I would have been put into Ravenclaw if I had not begged to be in Gryffindor... I had done enough research at home before going to Hogwarts to know where I wanted to be. Of course, I guess I didn't have a family to convince me otherwise..."

Just then, Lucius' own flew in and dropped a letter in front of Draco.
“they were. And the only other place I’ve seen them is at riddle manor.”Draco said from behind the paper, missing her startled look, though he could guess that she was staring at him. And he hadn’t even mentioned the thing that would shock her most. He knew she’d sacrificed the most for their search, had erased her parents memory, and that they were hunting horcruxes. Not that he knew what they were, but he knew they had been searching for them.

Snorting a little he laughed, “And become the first Malfoy to never be put in slytherin?You have got to be kidding me. Of course I went to slytherin, I was the perfect ice prince.”he snorted before yelping a little as his father’s letter landed in front of him, frowning at it for a long moment, trying to decide if he wanted to read it or not before sighing, leaning back as he opened it to read.
Hermione snorted a little. "How ironic," she said, rolling her eyes. Of course her favorite flowers bloomed at the house of the monster who was set on ruining and degrading her existence...

The letter Draco received:


I am currently having a meeting with Lord Voldemort and Severus. They have decided drinks tonight are in order and has asked for your attendance at 9 p.m. sharp. He also would like for you to bring the mudblood so that we can celebrate her captivity accordingly... I quite look forward to it.

Hermione raised her eyebrows at him with curiosity.
“Well, it seems you can see the flowers up close and personal, we’ve been invited to drinks at riddle manor tonight.”he said his voice offering no other course but to go. While it said invite, he wasn’t stupid enough to believe he could refuse to go. Sighing slightly he laughed amused. “Well, it seems I’m going to have another night away from his wife, not realizing the woman was just as glad to not have to see him either.

“Well,I probably should find you something to wear. Despite his….activities, I’m sure lord Voldemort, and more likely my father and severus don’t want to see you naked.”He mused looking thoughtful as he finished his food, looked pleased though. No matter how much he complained about being ordered about and to do something like a child at times, he was always eager to see his godfather.
The color drained from Hermione's face. The thought of having to sit and be a part of having drinks with not only Lucius and Serverus, but the Dark Lord himself, had her at a loss for words. Her appetite was lost, making her push her plate away in disgust...

She knew, of course, she wouldn't be attending naked... But she had also spent enough time at Riddle Manor after being captured to know exactly how Voldemort liked his mudblood slaves dressed, and the sight was more degrading than forced nudity.

"Wonderful," she murmured, shaking her head.

Narcissa walked into the room not long after, leaning down to kiss her son's cheek. "Good morning, Sweetheart," she said, talking to him the same way she had always talked to him, even as a child. "I assume you heard from your father? He sent me a package not long ago with an outfit for the girl. Would you like me to prepare her for the night while you get some work done?"

Narcissa paid no attention to the other woman in the room, and Hermione wasn't sure if it was because she was ignoring her out of arrogance or guilt. Oddly enough, the older woman did not seem interested in tormenting her. Not at the moment, anyway.
Draco blushed a little at his mother’s greeting. Feeling somewhat embarrassed to have Hermione there witnessing just how much his mother loved him, enough to still treat him like the child he’d been. “Morning, mother. I did.”he said tilting his head, offering a nod as he stood.”If you would. I have to be going, goblins do not appreciate being kept waiting.”he smiled as he stood, kissing narcissa’s cheek.”I’ll see you this evening.”Draco said offering Hermione a slight nod, before leaving. Trusting his mother to be kind, even if it was to Hermione.

That evening draco stepped into his bedroom,”Hermione?”He called looking around for her, knowing she was in here since his mother had already gotten her ready to go, starting to undo his tie. Already walking to the closet to find something to wear, stripping down as he did so, glancing into the bedroom. Curious to see what his father had sent. He knew what Voldemort normally wanted the mudblood slaves to wear, but he was wondering if there was something else in that box. And nearly kicked himself for wondering about how good looking she’d be. It was Hermione granger after all. Not anyone else.

Draco blushed a little at his mother’s greeting. Feeling somewhat embarrassed to have Hermione there witnessing just how much his mother loved him, enough to still treat him like the child he’d been. “Morning, mother. I did.”he said tilting his head, offering a nod as he stood.”If you would. I have to be going, goblins do not appreciate being kept waiting.”he smiled as he stood, kissing narcissa’s cheek.”I’ll see you this evening.”Draco said offering Hermione a slight nod, before leaving. Trusting his mother to be kind, even if it was to Hermione.

That evening draco stepped into his bedroom,”Hermione?”He called looking around for her, knowing she was in here since his mother had already gotten her ready to go, starting to undo his tie. Already walking to the closet to find something to wear, stripping down as he did so, glancing into the bedroom. Curious to see what his father had sent. He knew what Voldemort normally wanted the mudblood slaves to wear, but he was wondering if there was something else in that box. And nearly kicked himself for wondering about how good looking she’d be. It was Hermione granger after all. Not anyone else.

Hermione came around the corner, her face a deep shade of burgundy. She felt so exposed, so degraded... Swallowing hard, she had a difficult time looking him in the eye. Never had she thought that this man would see her in such a way. Of course, whether she'd like to believe it or not, she had thought about Draco in... compromising positions during their teen years. After all, he's a good looking man, whether he was an asshole or not.

"Don't you dare laugh at me," she snapped, looking down at the floor. Her hair was straightened for the first time in her life, falling down her back with a sleek, smooth finish. And also, for the first time ever, she was wearing a bit of make-up and scented body lotion.
Draco paused in the mid action of doing up his tie, staring at her for a long moment before responding to her. “I wouldn’t dream of laughing at every teenager’s wet dream come true.”He teased the curl of his lips saying that he was trying to cheer her up a little and make her laugh, rather then laughing at her himself.

Looking pretty good himself in black slacks and a snug silk dress shirt, he looked at ease and relaxed as he looked her over. “Lets go then.”he muttered stepping out of the closet, wrapping a arm around his waist, swallowing hard as he refused to lower his head and smell her, feeling a little dizzy slightly as he realized his mother had used his favorite body lotion on her, the spicy scent of cinnamon and coming to him as he apparated them to riddle manor.
Once they made it to Riddle Manor, Hermione went rigid. Never did she think that she would lean into Draco for comfort or support, but she found herself staying very, very close to him.

Severus would not look at Hermione. It was clear that, unlike Voldemort and Lucius (who was practically licking their lips), Severus was not comfortable with looking at his former student in such a way. It made him feel sick to his stomach. However, he was quite happy to see his beloved godson, the one and only Malfoy he could enjoy being around without acting or pretending.

"Draco," Severus said, embracing him warmly before handing him a glass of firewhiskey. If she had not been so distracted with her current humiliation, Hermione would be taken off guard by Snape's kind attitude. Of course, she was not aware that he was as close as he was to Draco.

Lucius looked pleased, looking Hermione up and down. "Cissy did a good job dressing her. Don't you think so, my lord?"

Voldemort nodded graciously, sitting in his arm chair and sipping his drink. "A fantastic job," Voldemort murmured, nodding with a satisfied look, "She is dressed just as any mudblood should be dressed." He smirked at that. "Have you broken her in yet, Draco?"
Draco turned his head a little looking down at the brunette woman, looking slightly startled at the woman leaning into him, shifting and wrapping a arm around her shoulders, holding her in the crook of his body, holding her gently against him, possessive in a way that few people would consider him being, but seeing Voldemort and his own father reacting to someone his age, made him want to protect her.

“Severus, always a pleasure.”Draco grinned at his godfather as he took the glass of firewhiskey, sipping it as he tossed himself down onto the couch, pulling Hermione down to sit next to him, absently stroking her hair, falling easily into treating her like a pet, like how the others would expect him to. Though it was a easy act, severus would know his godson well enough to know it for what it was, a good act. Lucius and Voldemort while knowing draco well, would never guess just how much he pretended in their company.

Smirking a little at Voldemort he shook his head.”Not yet my lord, after getting her home and dealing with some work, I had no desire to break her in. I want to be able to enjoy it, and being stressed with work, and pissed from being forbidden to attend the opera wasn’t a good time to enjoy the mudblood.”he said smoothly, as if it wasn’t the fact that it was the one girl from school he’d refused to fantasize about, because he had known himself well enough to know he’d lose himself to the fantasy if he’d given in. because she’d been so off limits that not even his dreams would allow him to think about her. Saddened a little as he considered it, absently playing with hermione’s hair.
Hermione leaned into him, curling her legs up underneath herself. She knew, in this situation, that she was better off if she kept quiet and close to him. Because for some odd reason, she knew he knew what he was doing, that he wasn't going to let them touch her. He might be a jerk, but she just didn't think of him as a man who stand and let something like that happen... Not yet, anyway. Not now.

"Pity," Voldemort sighed, taking a sip of his drink, "I was hoping to get a try at her pretty little mouth." He grinned and locked eyes with Hermione, licking his lips as he did so. "Make sure to have her tamed by the Death Eater meeting we have coming up. I want to make an example of her... Of course, not too tame. I like a little fight. I get little pleasure from a girl who lays their like a dead fish."

Lucius looked across the room at his son and Hermione, tilting his head to the side. "I'm surprised that Astoria has not had her fun with her yet," he noted, taking a puff of the cigar he had, "I know that she appreciates the female body."

Voldemort nodded, a smirk on his face. "She's been too busy, I assume," he said. He gave Draco a glance, knowing that Astoria was far too concerned with getting pregnant to care about playing with Hermione... Well, as of now.
Draco smiled a little, tilting his head.”I am sorry my lord. I will make sure to break her in before then. There are to few women to make examples of now. I’ll have her ready for the meeting.”He said looking bemused and pleased with the idea of breaking Hermione even if it made him sick to his stomach. Though the emotion didn’t show on his face, before laughing. “Father, Astoria’s to busy thinking about riding my cock to worry about who I’m playing with. She’s more liable to kill me these days for breaking Hermione then to want to play with her.”he snorted looking amused.

“Of course my lord, a little to busy. Seems to think she has the right to order me around like a child.”Draco sulked seriously, because he really did hate being ordered to not attend the opera, not realizing his wife had a very good reason for not wanting him going,since she was having a affair.
Voldemort nodded, looking amused by Draco's words. "Make sure she's broken," he said, "And don't make me send in someone to do it for you." He gave Draco a bit of a warning, looking serious, but not angered. It was clear he favored Draco, but he was not about to let Severus and Lucius think that he let Draco do whatever he wanted... When it came to these matters, Voldemort had to be unbiased, or Hermione was going to have to be gifted to someone else.

Hermione refrained from looking up at Draco with fear in her eyes. She knew that she'd only get in trouble for looking at him as if he cared. Right now, she just needed to be seen and not hurt. If she did that, maybe they would leave her alone.

"I will make sure it's done," Lucius said, grinning from his chair, "After all, we live under the same roof." With that, he took another puff of his cigar. A shiver ran up Hermione's spine...

Severus turned to Draco and sighed. He was desperate to change the subject. "Are you still coming to my house for dinner tomorrow night?" he said, raising his eyebrows. Once a week, Severus had his godson over for a casual dinner. Just the two of them, so that they didn't have anyone to pretend in front of... No need to keep the act up.
Draco nodded smirking a little. "Don't sorry, I look forward to punishing hdr for years of grief."he said absently playing with hermione's hair wrinkling his nose at his fathers eords."don't remind me. It distubs me that you know when I have sex.'he grumbled before smiling a little before looking at severus tilting his head.

"Of course. We have those potions to go over you know."he said looking pleased because despite working as a banker, the man still had a passion for potions and was often found going over things with his godfather. The fact that they were making a potion for infertile couples just amused him and saddened him because he'd started the project as a help for him and astoria but the knowledge that it wouldn't help at all hurt him, but he wouldn't just drop thr project, because he knew there were others who would benefit from it.
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