Five Years Later ((Blair&&Lady))

Draco studied her, his eye twitching a little as he realized that she wasn’t annoyed with him. Despite the memory charm in the tea, he had been sure that the woman would find some kind of offense to be angry about. “Good morning, darling.”He muttered lowering his head to brush a kiss to her forehead as he sat down at the table, starting to eat some of the breakfast the house elves had brought out. “I did indeed have drinks with him, and father and severus.”He said sounding pleased, tilting his head a little. “Would you like to come to dinner tonight, I’m going to severus’?”He asked smirking, because it was very rare that the woman actually joined him for his dinners with his godfather, since they tended to argue, but he still asked her every once in awhile, because he was young enough to want his godfather, the man who’d practically raised him when Lucius wasn’t around, and his wife to get along.
Astoria frowned and waved his question away like she always did. "Draco, you know Severus and I don't get along," she said, sipping her coffee. "Why don't you take your new pet? I'm sure he'd like to have his way with her or something. Snape didn't seem to care for her in school." She smirked a bit at the thought and began to eat her breakfast, her eyes glancing over the paper. She was humming a little tune, and she only did that after having an exceptionally good sex session the night before...
“Hm, I may have to do that. She did make potions difficult.”He said looking interested in the idea, because he hadn’t considered what he was going to do with Hermione while he was away. Nibbling on a piece of fruit he sighed quietly, because the man very rarely ate a lot at a time, usually nibbling on food throughout the day. Eating his breakfast as he read the paper he paused, tilting his head when he heard her humming,frowning a little as he lowered the paper to look at her. He knew what that tune meant, and he was most definitely not the one who had caused it. “….who did you sleep with?”he asked bluntly, because despite his scheming ways sometimes, he preferred being blunt about things, even to the point of cruelty, and he had every intention of being blunt enough that she was startled and actually told him. Hiding just how much the idea of her sleeping with someone else pained him. He might not love her, hell he didn’t like her most days, but it still hurt.
Draco managed to startle Astoria with his blunt question, enough to make her drop her spoon into her coffee cup, making it cling and clang. Her eyes shot up to look at him, but she only hesitated a half a second before glaring at him. She hugged and slammed her cup on to the table, leaning back and crossing her arms over her chest. "Excuse me?" she said, raising her eyebrows, "You are now accusing me of having an affair? Well, isn't that just typical. The moment you are gifted some whore from Voldemort to sleep with whenever you wish, you decide start blaming me of being unfaithful."

She shook her head and stood up. "You know I'd never do something a thing, Draco. I can't believe you'd say such a thing, especially when you know all I've wanted from the day we were married was to have your child," she said, narrowing her eyes.
Draco raised his eyebrows a little as he studied her, looking her over. “I am.”He said simply before starting to laugh. Looking up at her as she stood.”Hm, you’re humming,dear wife. That little tune that you only do when you’ve had sex. And it definitely wasn’t me.”He stood looking down at her, leaning down to kiss her lightly, as if he hadn’t just accused her of having a affair. “I’ll figure it out Astoria, just tell me the truth.”He said not sure if she was telling the truth or not, but prodding to make sure she really wasn’t having a affair. Wanting so badly to believe her, since he’d been faithful before Hermione, it would hurt badly to consider she hadn’t been. But he had to make sure, and he’d never been terribly good at telling when she was lying. So he'd just have to rely on his knowledge of how she was after sex, and just how much she got pissed at him accusing her. willing to be deceived, because he didn't want to believe that she was having a affair. Astoria just had to be convincing.
Astoria stood up from her chair, and without any sort of hesitation, slapped him across the face hard enough to leave a red splotchy mark. "I can't believe you'd say such things, Draco," she said, looking absolutely furious. One would never know that she was feeling as guilty as she was. Instead, she looked offended and ready to cry, her eyes watering with frustration. "You are despicable! Why don't you go back to your bedroom and spend the morning with your whore. I have no interest in have breakfast with a man who accuses me of adultery."

With that, she turned toward the coat rack that was across the room, gathering her things as if she were leaving. Only when she was the angriest did she leave like this. Usually, she didn't leave unless it was for shopping, visiting her parents, or "going to the opera".

"I think I will stay with my parents for a few nights," she snapped, reaching up to wipe her eyes.
Draco flinched as she slapped him, letting his head turn with the slap to take some of the sting out of it before sighing as he leaned back in his chair as he looked up at his wife. “I’m sorry Astoria.”He said sounding contrite as he stared down at his plate winching as she left. Swallowing hard as he sighed softly, realizing just how much he’d screwed up. “okay…I’ll see you in a few days.”He muttered sounding sad as he listened to her, looking fairly upset himself, already planning on how to make it up to her.

Watching her go he sighed a little as he headed back upstairs, looking at Hermione in his bed, his eyes looking annoyed and upset. "I'm going down to the gym to work out. I thought I would invite you to come with me if you would like."he said his voice sounding angry, with himself, for upsetting Astoria so badly. glad that he didn't have to work.
Hermione stirred and turned over to look at him, her eyes adjusting to the light. Sitting up, she tilted her head to the side. "What's wrong?" she asked, not even thinking about it. She couldn't even say why she cared that he looked so sad and irritated, but for some reason (out of instinct) she felt the need to help him with whatever was going on. It was clear on his face that what he was upset with did not have anything to do with her, but his wife.

And, Merlin, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the woman was having an affair. If a woman was really in love with a man, she'd sleep with him every night at least, and she wouldn't be out at odd hours at night for no apparent reason.

For some reason, Hermione felt sorry for Draco. It seemed everything in his life was decided for him from the start, and he was only going through the motions.
Draco paused in the middle of pulling on a t-shirt, before tilting his head at her question. Startled that she’d actually asked. “it seems accusing my wife of having a affair over the breakfast table wasn’t my most brilliant idea.”He grumbled a little as he finished pulling on his shirt before switching into a pair of sweats, looking comfortable and at ease, even if still upset. “Even worse because she’s not having a affair. Now I have to come up with something appropriately romantic to make up for it.”He said sighing softly.
Hermione sat up, pulling the sheet over her bare chest. She wasn't sure why she was trying to be modest, because he saw everything she had, but it was out of habit. "I think it's only natural to assume that a person who insists on sleeping in separate beds and is out at all hours of the night is having an affair," she said, shrugging, "I think your accusation was... fair."

She frowned a bit, because she hated to tell him that, but she had always been an honest person. Hermione was a very smart witch, and she rarely ever said things like that unless she was sure about it.

"You know, it may have to do with her infertility issues," she said, "I know that I said it was a physical mutation, but to be honest, there are a couple wizarding birth control methods that require such a mutation instead of a chemical change... And well, if she's been with another man, it's a good chance he cast that spell on his own without her knowing."
Draco paused tilting her head, frowning slightly. “…My wife didn’t think so. Apparently she’s not having a affair.”She said frowning at the muggleborn because he so wanted to be tricked, but she was right. The woman was intelligent, and had some good points. Swallowing hard as he scowled, he ran his fingers through his hair. “Well…I think I will take her to see Voldemort after dinner tonight.”he said sounding disturbed but thoughtful. Because he was willing to believe Hermione, but he wanted to believe Astoria so badly. There was one person he knew Astoria wouldn’t dare try lying to, and that was Voldemort. So he would ask the man to do him a favor.
Hermione frowned at that. "Or, you could do the reverse spell without her knowing," she said, watching the frustrated man. It was crazy how... sympathetic she felt at the moment. She wasn't even sure why she was telling him things like this; why she was trying to help. "Reverse the spell, then wait... If she ends up with child, you'll know. Once the child is born, you'll have your proof. After all, pure blood divorces are illegal right now. You have to have solid proof to get out of one. Word of mouth is not enough."

It seemed, even while in hiding, Hermione had stayed up to date with laws and current events. She knew that even Draco would not be able to get out of a marriage right now. Voldemort was so bent of populating the wizarding word with pure blood children that he was not taking any chances. A lot of marriages were even being arranged.

"An affair alone is not enough for divorce any more, especially with all the pure bloods with mistresses," she said with a matter-of-fact tone, "But a child out of wed lock? He'd let you move on to another woman, for sure."
“Well…”Draco frowned as he paced, the absently look on his face said that he wasn’t even aware that he was pacing, thinking to hard. Nodding at her words he sighed. “Well, that will be interesting if it happens.”He grumbled before starting, turning his head to look at her as he paused, tilting her head in amusement. “Even staying out of sight, you manage to be more intelligent then some purebloods I know.”he said snickering already thinking about how to do it before running his fingers through his hair.

“Well. Now that that is taken care of. Would you like a duel?I mean, I have a wand. It wont work the best, but it’ll let you duel with me. If you want. Though I will have to remind you that if you manage to injure or actually kill me, you’ll be at father and voldemort’s mercy again.”he teased, looking amused. Because while he knew it was a risk giving her a wand, he also knew that her sense of survival would probably have her staying with him instead of chancing life with the others.
Hermione raised her eyebrows, a bit surprised that he was asking her to duel. Why on earth would he trust her with a wand, when he knew she knew exactly how to use one... He knew she could very well use it to her advantage. After all, she was a talented witch. Dueling was not something she afraid of doing.

However, he made a good point. Would she want to be left to Lucius and Voldemort? Absolutely not. She was smarter than that.

"I suppose," she said, glancing up at him, "Could I shower first?" She nodded to the bathroom, standing up from the bed with his black satin sheets draped around her naked body.
Draco grinned at her surprise. “If you knock me out, you still have to get out of the manor alive, and I wouldn’t count on you being able to find your way out before someone realized I was out.”He said not bothering to mention the wards were set to his well being, along with his father and mother’s, the moment he was seriously hurt while on the grounds, someone would know it. Smirking as he watched her stand, “Hmmm….I think I’ll join you.”he said smirking as he headed for the bathroom with her.

Turning on the water as he undressed and stepped inside, he looked at her as water slid over his muscled skin, slicking blond hair to his head, looking like a wet dream given form.”Are you joining me?”He said giving her a wicked smirk.
Hermione watched him, swallowing hard as she let the sheets fall from her body and pool at her feet. She nodded and bit her lip, walking in to the shower and standing beneath the spray of water. Her eyes moved over his body, trying to figure out why she was so... so attracted to him. She hated him, and she wondered if it was partly because (despite how mean he was in school) she had always been attracted to him. Sure, she was in love with Ron, but even he didn't awaken such raw sexuality within Hermione.

Her hand reached up to barely caress his muscled stomach, letting it move down to his hardened member. "When's the last time you've had sex just because you wanted to? Not to conceive a child, and not because Voldemort said so?" With that, she raised her eyebrow.
Draco groaned softly as she touched him, hanging his head a little as he thrust a little into her hand, sighing softly as he closed his eyes, blond hair falling into his face as she touched him. “Hmmm….”he muttered thinking about about it.”My honeymoon?”He muttered raising his eyebrows a little as he considered it, shifting, wrapping his arms around her as he tugged her closer, lowering his head and kissing her slowly. Not wanting to talk anymore as his hands found her ass, picking her up as he pulled her against him.

“You are to sexy all wet and slick for my good.I just want to touch you.”he muttered smirking at her, looking amused at his reaction to her. Bemused, even if he had always found her attractive, even if she didn’t admit it, he hadn’t ever considered that once he had her, this would be his reaction to her.
Hermione groaned into his mouth, her knees going weak with the intensity of it. She had never, ever been kissed in such a way. Sure, she'd had spontaneous and loving kisses, but nothing like this. Nothing that made her stomach flutter in the best way possible. Pulling back, she bit her lip and reached up to brush the blond strands of hair that hung in his eyes.

A frown formed on her lips. It was just... sad. How could you be involved in such a marriage? She was actually starting to feel sorry for him, and she had never thought that that was possible. It seemed he had not made a lot of his own choices in his lifetime.

She wanted to say something comforting, but she knew that was not what he wanted.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she let her hands caress his back. "If all you want to do is touch me, than why are you doing so much talking?" she whispered, leaning in to kiss his neck. She wasn't sure what she was going and why she was doing it, but it felt right.
Draco laughed at her words, grinning as she wrapped her legs around his waist, shifting to lean her back against the wall as he rubbed himself against her, not thrusting in just yet, teasing them both, unconsciously nuzzling her hand as she brushed his hair out of his face. “hm, I’m not the one who keeps talking. You are.”he pointed out looking amused as he leaned his head to the side as she kissed his neck, his hands tightening on her hips hard enough to leave bruises, shuddering as her lips slid over oversensitive skin. Groaning as he thrust into her hard, but lazily moving in and out of her, taking his time moving in and out, having every intention of teasing them both.
Hermione shuddered in his arms, biting his neck in pleasure as he slid inside of her. "Oh... Oh, Merlin," she mumbled, gripped his shoulders with a bruising force. She was letting her body and instinct take over, and this time, Ron did not enter her mind once. She was fully aware that it was Draco Malfoy between her legs, giving her everything he had. And for some odd reason, she didn't mind at all. Because for the first time since Ron died, she was focusing on her own wants and needs... And in the process, he was focusing on needs that didn't involve Voldemort or getting Astoria pregnant.
Draco laughed softly as she gripped his shoulders, lowering his head, biting her shoulder gently. “I’m not merlin, darling.”He growled as he shifted his hold on her, hands tightening on her thighs as he held her up, thrusting into her harder, done with teasing them both and giving into the need to fuck her into the middle of next year. He was so going to enjoy having her around. It was making his day that much more relaxing. Raising his head he looked down at the woman as the water beat at his back he smirked, the taunting, arrogant teenager in his eyes as he looked down at his longtime nemesis, not that he’d admit to it outloud, but he was glad to be dominating her, and making her enjoy riding his cock.
Hermione let out a scream of pleasure, looking up at him through her wet, dark curls. "You are far from it," she murmured, rolling her hips into his, "More like the devil in green." She smirked at that, then let her orgasm take over her. Her wet arousal washed over his cock, and her womanhood tightened around him with a death grip. She was quivering with pleasure, letting out animalistic groans and moans as he continued to pound into her with a wild abandon. Ron had never taken her in such a way. Hell, no one ever had. It as the most passionate things she had ever experienced, and that worried her. This was Draco Malfoy after all... She was supposed to hate him.
Draco let out a bark of laughter as the woman came, grinning darkly before he thrust into her, burying himself in her as deep as he could as he froze, coming as he panted. Grinning as he looked at her, panting quietly. “Hm, if that’s your way of telling me I’m still a slytherin, did you ever doubt it?”he muttered looking younger at the sudden grin, the ice prince in that look as he pulled out of her, washing them both off before stepping out of the shower, toweling off before giving her a look. “Come on, now that I’ve pounded you into a wall, I have every intention of pounding you into the ground. With my wand of course.”he said his eyebrows raising at the double entendre, before smirking wider. “Come on, I still want to duel. I have a few hours to kill before dinner.”
Hermione exited the shower on weak knees, grabbing a towel and drying off. "You want me to duel after that?" she said, rolling her eyes, "You are impossible..."

All of the sudden, and owl appeared on the window sill of bedroom. Not just any owl, but an owl from Astoria's parents... They only ever sent mail to her, never Draco, so it was odd that it had appeared after she claimed to have went to stay with them.

Hermione managed to glance at the envelope, raising an eyebrow when she saw his wife's name on the envelope. Of course, she wasn't aware of who it was from or how strange it was...

"Are you going to get that?" she asked, nodding to the owl, "And do you have some clothes I can duel in? I refuse to duel naked."
“Oh yes. You beat me in duels in school, I have every intention of showing you I’m not longer that stupid kid who got beat by the bookworm.”he said absently frowning at the owl. That was…weird. Astoria’s parents never wanted to talk to him, so it had to be a letter for Astoria, which made no sense since she was staying with them. taking the envelope he absently ran his fingers over it, looking for a spell or something before smirking at hermione’s words even as he tore the envelope open, wanting to know what the hell was going on as he tore the letter open.

“Well, I want you to duel naked. Just think, you’ll have a chance of winning if I’m to busy staring at your breasts to duel right."
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