Five Years Later ((Blair&&Lady))


Oct 28, 2011

Hermione was sitting in the dungeon of Voldemort's castle, bound and gagged. She was wearing absolutely nothing, not a shred of clothing or dignity in sight. There were tears in her eyes as she laid on the cold cement floor, her ankles tied together and her hands tied behind her back. On her thigh, "mudblood" was burned into her skin...

She was not sure what was going to happen to her. The other members of the Order were murdered right before her eyes, but for some reason or another, he had spared her for further punishment and humiliation. Honestly, she was just hoping that he'd go ahead and kill her. She'd rather be dead than live her life the way he had forced mudbloods to live these days. She didn't want to be a sex slave to some elderly Death Eater... No, she couldn't bear the thought.

Meanwhile, at Malfoy Manor, Astoria had just received an owl from the dark lord himself, and it was addressed to her husband.

"Draco," Astoria snapped, walking into his office without knocking, "I've been calling your name for hours."

She tossed the letter on to the desk in front of him and crossed her arms over his chest. "This came for you."

“As you should. After so many orgasms last night, you should be still screaming from the rooftops.”Draco scowled a little as he glanced up at her rude interruption, before going back to finishing off the paperwork he was going over. While he didn’t have to work, his father continuously told him he didn’t have to, but he enjoyed working at grigotts.

Huffing out a breath when he realized his wife wasn’t going anywhere and expected him to read it with her hovering over him he flicked a glance towards the door.”Don’t you have something else to be doing?”He asked, while in the beginning he and Astoria had been well suited, and he had thought he’d grow to love her, at 23 he was over the fantasy, and so wishing he could get rid of her. But he hadn’t found a way out without ruining his reputation, and despite how sick he felt over how he’d made that reputation, he wasn’t about to throw it away, and render everything he’d ever done, good or bad, meaningless. While the sex was still outstanding, and sometimes the only reason he could stand to be near his wife, he was tired of his life.

Leaning back into his chair as he picked up the letter he made a show of picking it up and sliding his thumb under the seal and pulled out the letter. Reading it quickly he stood, reaching for the dark trench coat laying on the couch.”I’m going out for the evening. Don’t expect me home for dinner.”he said pausing long enough to give her a goodbye kiss and pull his jacket on, looking like everyone would expect for the Malfoy heir.

Dressed in black slacks, a charcoal grey dress shirt, with the wool coat over it. Though his hair was shorter then it had been when he was young, it was still brushing his cheek, hanging loosely in his face, the dark blond five o’clock shadow on his face, making him look dashing rather then scraggly. He looked young, rich and like a man who was used to walking into a room and having everyone stop and look at him, whether in fear or lust, it was always the question.

Apparating to Riddle manor he walked through the halls silently, enjoying the relative silence that greeted his appearance. Like his father, the man was a well loved, well treated death eater. Knocking lightly on the dark lord’s door, he paused long enough to get a answer before stepping inside. “You wished to see me, my lord?”He said tilting his head a little.
Astoria, like always, looked like she wanted to wrap her hands around his neck. The only time they ever got along these days was when he was between her legs... The sex may be good, but here lately, all Astoria wanted was a baby from Draco. She had stopped using her birth control potion nearly a year ago, and she had still yet to become pregnant. It was starting to wear on her, making her edgier than normal.

"Maybe if you'd give me a child, I'd have something to do," she snapped, going in for the low blow. However, she said it a bit too late. By the time the words came out of her mouth, he had apparated.

At Riddle Manor, Voldemort was waiting in sitting room in the west wing, sipping a scotch. He grinned at the sight of Draco, a man who'd always been his favorite. It was no secret that Voldemort favored the youngest Malfoy above most, giving him gifts and treating him significantly better than the other Death Eater's his age.

"I have something for you," he said, standing up and setting his glass down, "I think you will be quite pleased."

He nodded toward the door that led to the dungeons, fishing a key out of his pocket. Once inside, he flicked the lights on and grinned a deadly grin.

"Five years of searching, but we found the little wench," Voldemort murmured, nodding to Hermione's naked and bound form. Hermione had tears in her eyes, but she was thrashing around in anger, screaming through her gag. He had hurt her more than he could ever know, but she was not about to let him or Draco think that she was not going to put up a fight.

"Still quite stubborn... She will be fun to break in, and I want you to do it." He patted Draco on the back. "She's your's to do with as you please, and I hope you use her well. She deserves to pay for the trouble she has caused us all of these years..." At that, his eyes went dark with malice.
“I am always pleased with your gifts.”Draco said tilting his head a little looking amused as they walked downstairs. Bemused because he had no idea what to expect, but confronted with Hermione granger, was the last thing he expected, and quickly he schooled his features into not showing the sick revulsion that threatened to make him throw up.

“I’ll make sure she is well taken care of. You know I’ll enjoy paying her back.”Draco grinned looking at Voldemort.”Thank you my lord, it truly is a gift that no words can express how it makes me feel.”He said, easily falling into the lines of a death eater, even his face shone with the dark malice that reflected on voldemort’s. smirking as he looked down at Hermione. “Well, I guess I better be getting her home. Astoria will be most displeased if I don’t try at least to give her a child tonight.”He said rolling his eyes a little, because despite the weirdness of the relationship, Voldemort was one of the few people who knew just how badly draco’s marriage had gotten. While he knew Voldemort wanted the purebloods to have more children, and that he was disappointed with the status of draco’s childlessness, the two bonded over what a bitch his wife could be at times.

Leaning down he picked Hermione up effortlessly by her bonds, not with magic, but sheer strength.”Thank you my lord, it is truly a gift I will treasure.”he said simply, his face showing the same dark malice, even as revulsion twisted his stomach. Apparating home he deposited his captive on the bed before stepping back, looking her over.”If you promise not to fight me, I’ll untie you. I’ll even heal you, as long as you don’t try to leave.”He said studying her, knowing without a doubt that she was hurt, far worse then what she wanted them to know. he knew Voldemort, knew the girl was harmed in some way.
Voldemort chuckled a bit. "Astoria has gotten even more impatient, hm? Well, you should try again to convince her to take a fertility potion," he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He had talked to Draco quite a bit on the issue, and it seemed that Astoria was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that she may be unable to get pregnant, and it may not be Draco's fault at all.

"No need to thank me, Draco," he said, grinning, "You know that you deserve to have the girl more than any other Death Eater. And trust me, your father had a strong interest in having her."

He nodded to the man, then left the room to take care of some business.

Once back at Malfoy Manor, Hermione looked up at Draco with so much disgust and hate, you would have thought she was looking at Voldemort himself. The gag in her mouth did not allow anything more than grunts and groans of disapproval, for she was as stubborn as a bull. And despite the fact that she wasn't going to admit it, the burn on her leg was getting incredibly nasty, and it needed to be healed fast. The pain it was giving her was unbearable... But the humiliation of being naked and bound in front of her long time enemy hurt much worse.
“Oh for the love of merlin, you are a pain in my ass granger.”He scowled at her, reaching out and jerking her leg straight, already muttering the healing charm, his face intent as he stared at her, not in a sexual way, but making sure he wasn’t missing anything. No matter what he said to others, especially Voldemort, the man wasn’t up to physically torturing people most days, though Hermione granger was one of the few people that moved him to violence.

Stepping back once he was done, he stared at her for a long moment before sitting down in a chair by the bed, his brilliant mind already turning over what he could do with her. While he knew that Voldemort wanted her broken, and he would do that, but he had his own uses for the brilliant witch. “If you shut up long enough, I might tell you what I’m going to do instead of torturing you. I have a use for your brain, granger, not your body.”he said his smirk a leer, that said that he wasn’t above abusing her to get what he wanted, but that he’d try sweet talk his way into something first. There was a reason there were so few female death eaters that said no to draco, no matter what he asked of them. He could be charming, no wonder he was one of the more feared death eaters, despite his reluctance to cause violence, because behind that charming smile, there was a mind as deadly as his father’s.
Hermione sighs in obvious relief as the burn begins to heal, and despite her anger and stubborn behavior, she collapses on the bed. Her tear-filled eyes glanced over at him, curiosity mixed with fear. She hated him so much that she'd rather him beat her than try to pretend to be nice, but maybe... maybe she could out smart him. Maybe she could make him believe she'd obey and help him with whatever fucked up issues he had going on, and in the mean time, she could make her eventual escape.

Because of the gag, she couldn't answer him. However, she made a point to grow silent, looking at him with raised eyebrows.
Draco stared at her with a amused look, raising his eyebrows a little. “You’re in Malfoy manor, granger, I wouldn’t try to escape. You might run into my wife, which is terrifying all on its own.”Draco said watching her as she calmed before reaching out and tugging off the gag. It wasn’t that long ago he’d attended school with her, he wasn’t stupid enough to think that she would be so easily cowed, no matter how brutal ron and harry’s death had hit her, he knew someone who could survive this ,long, wouldn’t bulk at considering killing him in his sleep.

“My wife cant get pregnant. Figure out why.Its a female problem, and you’re brilliant, much to my dismay. You might be able to convince her that this is so not my fault.”Draco said frowning, because it really did bother him that his wife blamed him for their childless state. Smirking as he eyed the mudblood in front of him, because while he knew it was wrong, his mind also spat out the revenge idea of getting Hermione pregnant just to prove that it wasn’t him that was having the problem in his marriage.

Him and Astoria had been at war for so long, that the man was no longer to think like a normal person, or like the scared 16 year old he’d been. His 5 years as a death eater had undoubtedly left their mark, and hemrione was just going to have to figure out just how much the man was twisted. While he wasn’t among the cruelest of the death eaters she could have been given to, he did live with his father, which probably meant Hermione was going to be wishing he’d rather have sex with her then use her for her brains because he had no doubt that Lucius would consider raping a mudblood that had continually beat his son in school, great fun.
Hermione looked a bit stunned at his words. She definitely was not expecting this, and it took her off guard. "There's plenty of reasons why she may not be able to conceive," she said after a few moments, "She needs to go to a doctor and be examined. I can't do much to help you there." She gave him a confused look, wondering why on earth he thought she could figure something like that out without so much as even looking at his wife. "If you want me to be the one to examine her, I suggest you drug her and get me some equipment."

She rolled her eyes a bit, because definitely didn't think he'd actually do it. He was only twenty-three years old. Why did he even care about having children this young?

"I didn't figure having children was at the top of your priority list, Malfoy," she said, arching her eyebrow.
“Good. And none of those reasons have to deal with me. Just figure it out. I’m sure there’s some fucking reason you can find out to get her off my back.”he scowled a little before shrugging. “I could do that.”he said looking pleased with the idea of drugging Astoria. It amused him somewhat to consider drunking the pain in his ass, because it would be one night that he didn’t have to perform like a horse out to stud. While he enjoyed sex, he always had, in the last few months Astoria had started to wear on even his tolerance for enjoying sex.

“My lord wants all of us to have children, and I do my best to follow commands, and my wife wants a son.”he said his voice turning cool, because that wasn’t the real reason, it was just the reason that he would give if anyone ever asked him why he was looking to have a child at 23.
Hermione looked at him with suspicion. She was smart enough to look through his flimsy excuse. Of course he would say that. It was a good reason to want to produce an heir... But his concern on the situation was out of place. If Draco wanted to please Voldemort enough, he'd get another woman pregnant. It's not like Draco couldn't have any witch in the Wizarding World. He had the looks, the charm, the money... And he also had the power of being Voldemort's favorite.

"I'll need some medical supplies," she said, "And some clothes. You can't expect me to constantly be naked, especially if I am supposed to be doing research and examining your wife." She narrowed her eyes at him, not sure what to think of him. He looked older and even more handsome than she remembered, but he was also the same man that was a complete and total ass to her for years - the first person to call her a "mudblood".
“I’ll get the supplies you need tomorrow.You can just rest today, and join me for dinner. My family is going to be away for the evening.”he said sounding pleased at the idea of not only his wife gone, but his parents. It was a rare day that the man had the manor to himself. Snickering as he stood, looking amused at her request for clothes. “I can expect anything I want. Including but not limited to, you being naked all the time, having sex with me, and you helping me with spellwork.”he grinned, that dashingly amusing grin that said he was just riling her up to be a ass, some things had changed, the fact that Draco Malfoy was still the ice prince of slytherin wasn’t one of them.

Nodding towards the door he smirked, looking ready to stand there all day until she gave in and walked around his house naked.”Come on, we’re going to eat, and either you’re going downstairs on your own feet, or over my shoulder. Your choice.”
Hermione frowned and rolled her eyes. The last thing she wanted was to have dinner with this man, especially naked. However, as of now, she needed to comply to his commands. Later, if she got lucky, she'd get a wand and bust out of there... Until then, she needed to try to keep her hatred to herself. "Well, I haven't eaten anything in a few days, so..."

Standing, she slowly walked behind him due to the aches and pains of being bound for so long. As she did, she took in his appearance. She hated herself for it, but he was handsome, and she had known that from the time they were children. Maybe that was why she hated him so much... Because she was attracted to him, and he always looked at her like she was an animal and a thorn in her side. Well, she was a thorn in his side, for he always came in second best behind her at Hogwarts... She was still proud of that.

"Where's the wife?"
Draco smirked as she stood, looking amused as he showed her through the house, taking the shortest way down to the dining room. While it was the shortest, it was still obvious that the manor was no ordinary house, but so big that he probably could have had all of Hogwarts be in the house and not worry about overcrowding. Pushing open the door with his shoulder he walked to the record playing, smirking as he set music playing before getting the house elves to bring them dinner before answering her question. Playing the ‘Tragedy of Tristan and Isolt’ he sighed, making a mental note to go to the opera without his wife. He wanted to see the play dammit, but he wouldn’t demean himself by begging to be allowed to go with Astoria. The opera was one of the few times out of bed that he could stand to be around her.

“Her and mother went to the opera. And as she finds me annoying when I go with her, I was told to stay home.”He said looking bemused, though there was hurt feelings flickering through his eyes for a moment at his wife’s attitude on his love for the opera. She didn’t hate taking him because he disliked operas, no she hated taking him because he’d spend the next week playing it on the piano, or reading the novel version, or doing something else that she deemed to nerdy and geeky for a Malfoy to do.
"I could see where someone would think you are annoying," Hermione chimed, sitting across the dining table from him. As the house elves brought in food and drinks, Hermione crossed her arms over her chest in an effort to hide some of her naked body. It was embarrassing enough to be naked in front of her life long enemy, it was a whole other type of humiliation to have her nipples grow erect due to the extremely cold air in the room... Why was it not surprising to her that Malfoy Manor would be as cold as its owner's heart?

That was something she knew Ron would have said, and the thought alone left her feeling sad. Five years had gone by since she had watched her young boyfriend die, and even though she knew it was not meant to be, it still hurt her heart to think about it.

"I honestly thought you would have ended up with Pansy," she admitted, putting the cloth napkin across her lap. "She was a twit, but I thought you liked her."
“Well, I find her equally annoying, so the less time we spend together, the more peaceful my life is.he said shrugging a little as he watched her for a moment as she covered up sighing softly. While he so wanted to be cruel and heartless to this girl who’d made his teen years living hell, because as much as he harassed the three gryffindors, they’d made his life equally traumatic and gave his father even more reasons to think his son was worthless for not being able to beat a mudblood. He knew his father disliked him most days, and despised that his son was the favorite of Voldemort.

Pausing as he ate his food he rested his elbows on the table before he stood, shrugging out of the dress shirt he was wearing, because even if she found it cold, the house was fairly warm to him,even late in the fall. He’d grown up here, he didn’t feel the cold quite as much as she was. Absently tossing the shirt in her direction he didn’t wait to see if she’d put it on or not before starting to eat again, tensing a little at her next words. It wasn’t much but when she put it on, she’d realize he’d put a silent heating charm on the fabric so that she could warm up.

“…just because she wasn’t as brilliant as you, doesn’t mean she was a twit.”he said simply, annoyance darkening grey eyes as he ate, but didn’t say anything else about his feelings for his friend. There were just some conversations that his sanity wouldn't survive having. And talking about how he felt about pansy zabini these days left him twisted up and helpless.
"Oh, so you are admitting I'm brilliant?" Hermione countered, raising her eyebrows. She reached down and grabbed the shirt, wrapping it around herself and sighing with relief.

"She may not have been the worst student at Hogwarts, but when it comes to personality, she was a twit," she snapped, "But of course, you would have your own opinions. See, your little Slytherin friends were always dousing you with compliments and stroking your ego. I would see how you'd have a different outlook on them." She rolled her eyes a bit. "I remember them as racist fools, and you... You were their leader."

Her eyes connected with his, and there was so much hatred in them... It was clear that the gloves were off. Her life was not going to get any worse than this, so she might as well tell him exactly what she thought of him.

"You made it your mission to make me miserable for years," she said, stabbing her meat with her fork, "Well, you win."
“More intelligent then pansy, yes.”He said watching her before his eyebrows pulling together, his look turning extremely annoyed. “Well, you weren’t any better with potter. Always being praised for being the golden boy, you three couldn’t do anything wrong, even when I wanted to choke you for being just as much of a racist and a judgmental idiots .”He scowled, the gloves coming off to. He had no desire to deal with her now, and wondered if he could pawn her off on his father. At least then he wouldn’t be sitting her listening to her berate him for being a foolish teenager. He’d thought he’d gotten over this foolishness as he’d grown up, but it seems t he girl was still able to drive him to reacting like the ice prince.

“well, you made me miserable for years, so its only fair.”He said looking annoyed before sighing. “Now shut up, I enjoy eating most of the time, and have no desire to have you ruin the perfectness of a Astoria free evening.”He scowled the sound of him stabbing his fork into the meat hard enough to hit the plate through the meat sounded, before eating. While he wanted to enjoy the food, it tasted like ashes now. Looking pissed as each bite became more distasteful then the last he stood after a moment. “I’m going to go down and work out. You’re welcome to join me as long as you don’t talk.”he said simply before leaving the room, trusting that she’d either follow him, or ask a house elf to take her her room.
Hermione looked angrier than every, about ready to come across the table. However, before the words could even come out of her mouth, he was gone... She couldn't bring herself to follow him. After all, she wanted nothing to do with him. It seemed that Malfoy had not changed in the slightest, just as she had expected.

Later that night, she was found on his bed, for that's where the house elf had assumed Draco would want her. She was still dressed in his button down shirt, her smooth legs crossed in front of her. In her lap was a book she had found on his shelf, and even though she had only been there a couple hours, she was already half-way finished with it. See, she loved reading for many reasons... Right now, it was making her forget where she was and why she was there in the first place. It helped her forget that her best friend and boyfriend were dead, that her parents still had no memory of her, and that she was her long time enemies play thing.
Draco looked tired as he walked into the room, rubbing a towel over his hair, looking sweaty and handsome, his chest glistening with sweat as he paused in the doorway. Pausing at the sight of the woman in his bed before smirking a little. It was probably a good thing that Astoria hardly ever slept with him for longer then it took her to have sex with him, because he had a feeling that the woman would have something to say about a beautiful woman in his bed and tonight he didn’t want that fight.

Barely sparing a glance at her as he stripped he walked naked to the bathroom to get a shower before returning a few minutes later tugging on a pair of sweats. “I’m amazed granger. Left alone for three hours, and you haven’t tried to leave. Maybe I underestimated your skills. Maybe it really was potter that got you out of everything.”he mused just because he enjoyed winding her up before laying down on the bed reaching out and taking the book from her, tossing it to the bedside table before flicking out the light. Not about to let the light keep him from sleeping just so she could read. Not even considering the possibility that his wife would come visit him after the opera, after talking to him that morning, he figured Astoria was as tired of his company as he was of hers. He just wished there was some way to figure out how to live together, even if he knew it was his fault he was in a loveless marriage and he shouldn’t blame Astoria, but with each day that he got berated and yelled at, it made him hate her just a little more for not being what, and who, he wanted.
Hermione huffed in frustration, looking over at him in the dark. Using wandless magic (she could do a little), she turned the lamp back on. "Do not under estimate me," she snapped, "You did enough of that for seven years, and look where that got you. I might be your slave, but at least I have a clean conscience and the memory of being better at everything you ever tried to beat me at."

A wicked smirk spread across her lips. "Here you are... Living in this cold, dark manor with a woman whom you clearly don't care for. I can see it in your eyes. But oh, it was I who made you miserable for years? You wanted to 'choke' me for being just as judgmental and racist as you? Hah!"

She jumped from the bed, grabbing the book he took from her. "I am going to finish reading in the bathroom, you insufferable asshole, because I'd rather sleep in the tub than next to you. And while you lay in this obnoxiously large bed -alone- I want you to remember something: That you may own me, and you may be able to do what you please with me, but I know that I fought on the right side of this war. I don't regret a thing, Draco. Not one thing! And I'd rather die than be in your presence."

With that, she turned for the bathroom, walked in, and slammed the door so hard that the portraits shook on the wall.
Draco glared at her as she flipped on the light, “Definitely as racist as me. Don’t think you weren’t. But since your as delusional as potter was on the subject, I wont try to convince you otherwise.”Draco said refusing to be riled again, before shrugging, “You just might get the chance!I’m not the only Malfoy that lives in this house, granger, and my father would gladly see you dead. He has no use for you, I do.”Draco yelled back to make sure he was heard, huffing out a snarl as he angrily flipped the light back out before going to bed. He so wasn’t going to argue with her right now, not when his stomach twisted with both revulsion and anger, knowing she was right, at least somewhat. He was on the wrong side of the war, but he’d never agree with her that she hadn’t been just as judgmental and bias as he had been.

In the morning he smirked a little as he locked the bathroom door after making sure that she was still in there, having every intention of punishing her for lashing out at him the night before, and well, he had to go see Astoria and take care of a few things. Which meant making sure his ‘present’ wasn’t going anywhere. After ordering the house elves to make sure she didn’t apparate out or anything, he went about getting the medical equipment she would need before heading up to astoria’s rooms, smirking a little as he stepped inside, holding a glass of coffee for his wife. “Good morning.”he said dipping his head to kiss her as he sat down on the bed next to her, stretching out on the bed as he leaned back against the headboard.
Astoria leaned into Draco's kiss and took the cup of coffee like she did every morning. It was really the only time a day that they acted like an actually married couple, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper in the master bedroom... However, here lately, it was an act on both of their parts. They didn't love each other the way that they did when they were high off their honeymoon. And, well, she had not exactly been faithful the past year, not that Draco knew that. The times she had claimed she was going to the opera with her mother, she was lying.

"What did Lord Voldemort want last night?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee, "I hope everything is okay."


Hermione woke up in the large bathtub, her long curly hair a mess around her face and her book resting on her chest. When she approached the lock door, she let out a frustrated groan, jiggling the handle hopelessly. Yes, she could use wandless magic, but not a lot. Just a few things here and there.

"That insufferable ass," she snapped, then started to bang on the door.
Draco’s response to her question was a smile wide enough to dimple his cheek, tilting his head a little as he sipped his own coffee. “It was. He gave me a present of Hermione Granger. It pleased him greatly to be able to give the mudblood over.”he said looking amused as he waited for the drugs to take effect. He knew it would knock her out, and while guilt tightened his stomach, he had every intention of making sure Hermione got a chance to look her over. He knew for a fact that it wasn’t his fault they weren’t having a child, having gone to the doctor-without telling anyone of course- to make sure that it wasn’t. So he knew it was her. And the man, despite his loveless marriage, was faithful. People could accuse him of a lot of things, but the man was loyal to his wife, and despite not loving her, would be hurt if he ever found out about her affair.

“How about you?Did you enjoy the opera?”he said, acting like a concerned husband, even if he was hurt that she hadn’t let him go with her. Not knowing about what she was doing besides going to the opera.


“Mistress, you must be quiet, master draco said he would return soon enough, and to be quiet otherwise you will wake mistress narcissia and master lucius. You must be quiet, otherwise master Lucius will be very angry.”A house elf said as it appeared at her side, twisting his ears as he looked up at the witch.
"Hermione Granger?" Astoria exclaimed, looking surprised and pleased. "Wonderful! We could have many uses for her, and after all, it will feel good to be ordering around the little wench." She smirked a bit, already forming a few ideas of her own.

Astoria stumbled a bit on her words, but recovered. "The opera?" she asked, "Oh! The opera. Yes, it was splendid like always. By the way, I'll be out tonight again. My mother wants to go shopping and we decided to make a whole evening of it with dinner and what not." She gave him a smiled and continued to sip her coffee, feeling her eyes get heavier and heavier... Within two minutes, she was out cold, the empty coffee cup still in her hand.


Hermione looked down at the elf, and as irritated as she was, she gave him a smile. House elves were, after all, her absolute weakness... "Oh, well, I wouldn't want to wake them..." She swallowed hard, because as much as she hated to admit it, she feared Lucius since he was a child. Draco was someone she couldn't stand, but she always knew she could hold her own with him. His father, on the other hand, was another story. He was a cruel man who knew no bounds.
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