Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Tony smiled and nodded. "Well perhaps yes." He kissed her gently. Sammy tugged at his father. "Papa, when can I get a phone?" He said softly not liking the feeling of being left out. "When you're a little older, son. When you start junior high in a few years we'll get you one." He said smiling. Sam's tail wagged happily in excitement. Now the little cub had something to look forward to even though it'd be a few years yet. "Is everyone ready to go home?" He smiled warmly. Sammy nodded. "Mommy, will you stay with us tonight?" He asked smiling at his soon-to-be mother. Tonny smirked and thought he'd play on Sammy's cuteness. "Yeah mommy, pleaaaaase?" He teased his soon-to-be wife knowing she wouldn't be able to say no to the little cub.
Lillian looked at he two while they played on the cuteness. "Can't sweetie, I got work in the morning remember?" She alerted Sammy that she was still his teacher. Heading back to Tony's house she noticed another female wolf standing outside Tony's front door.

"Tony! I've been trying to get ahold of you!" To Lillian this wolf looked skinny and sickly looking. By the way the wolf looked at Lillian with a snarl then Lillian knew this was Tony's ex-wife. "Whose she? Dating Sam's babysitter already?"

Lillian sighed as she wasn't going to get mixed up in this. Taking Sam's hand as she walked by the wolf but Lillian was grabbed by her hair. Wincing in pain but noticed the wolf tried to spin Lillian away from Sammy and Tony, out onto the busy street. Lillian dug in her heels and grabbed the woman's wrist and swung her out away from the house. The ex-wife yelled out to be let go but Lillian smirked and slammed her hand into the woman's chest which sent her to the pavement between [parked cars, where she didn't get hit by oncoming traffic. "Touch me again...You'll be lucky that's all I'll do to you."
Tony smiled at the sight of his future wife beating the crap out of his ex wife. "Go home, she's not his babysitter, she's my fiancee, and you have no right being here. Sammy doesn't even know you." Tony spat at the wolf in disgust then picked up his son and walked into the house with Lillian shutting and locking the door behind them. "See what I mean?" He said to Lilly referring to what they talked about before. Sammy looked at his father confused. "Who was she, papa?" Sammy asked curiously. Tony let his son down from his shoulders. "She, is no one you need to concern yourself with pal, she's a very bad woman." He said softly. He hugged his son tightly.
Lillian ruffled her hair as she was still worked up and ready for round two when Tony shut the door behind them. "Sweetie, that's not how a real lady acts. Remember that." She looked to Sammy as he stood in his father's arms. When bedtime came around she did read him a bedtime story. Though she leaned in kissing his forehead goodnight before walking downstairs where Tony was. "I need to get going. I haven't felt so good since this morning." She figured he knew already but she figured he didn't like assuming.

Kissing his cheek goodbye then left for her home. Two weeks later she sported the engagement ring and she was living with Tony. She had told him she was pregnant about two days after he proposed but this Saturday morning she did have bad news. She couldn't sleep at all Friday night so she stayed up watching cartoons to lighten her spirits but by morning she was curled up on his couch.
Tony came downstairs and saw she was curled up on the couch and rather down. "Babe.....what's the matter?" He said softly. He rubbed her thigh gently and kissed her leaning in so he could get her lips but only got her cheek. Sammy came running into the room happy that he was going to be a big brother. "HI Mommy, Hi Daddy." He said happily sporting his "I'm a big brother" shirt with the picture of a wolf cub standing beside a baby wolf cub. She hadn't told Tony the news yet but Tony knew something was wrong by her demeanor.
When Lillian saw Sammy wearing his big brother shirt it pained her. Slowly Lillian sat up as she couldn't bring herself to look at Tony. "I..." her voice was weak and raspy as if she's been silently crying during the night.

"Yesterday at work during the lunch hour...I had a miscarry." She finally broke the news knowing he wanted to hold a child of his own and soon and Sammy was excited about all of this.
"Oh baby....." Tony said softly as he held her in his arms. He kissed her gently and knew she was heartbroken. "What does that mean, Papa?" Sammy asked with a concerned look. Tony looked at Lilly then Sammy "It means, Mommy won't be having a baby.......right now anyway......." He said softly patting Sammy's head gently. "S-so I'm not gonna be a b-big brother?" The cub asked a little disappointed. "You will, just not right now Pal.......not til me and mommy try to have another baby....." He said softly. He kissed Lilly then Sammy and held them both close to him. "O-okay papa.....don't be sad mommy, daddy said we can have another baby, so i'll still get my little brother or sister." He smiled happily trying to lighten the mood.
Lillian nuzzled against Tony knowing Sammy was trying his best to lighten things up. "We can try later on. Jus the timing wasn't right, Sweetie. That's all." Smiling weakly as she ruffled Sammy's hair. "I'm happy we got one child already." She snatched Sammy into her arms and playfully nibbled along his ear to make him laugh.

On the coffee table there was a list of things that could be done if they wanted a ceremony but if they want quick and simple they could go to the court house and get it done.
Tony kissed her neck and held her in his arms while she caddled Sammy. "Mommy, I love you." Sammy said happily and nuzzled into his mother's soft bosom. Tony smiled at the exchange. "Babe, what do you want to do for the ceremony? do you have anything special in mind? Money isn't an issue....." He said softly. He wanted her to feel like a queen, because to him, she was his queen.
Lillian looked at him. "I'm going off basics here. I wasn't one of those little girls who dreamed of her would be wedding or her Prince charming." She smiled softly as she just held the tiny pup to her as holding him made things better. "Though honey I was thinking of a Honeymoon. A short one perhaps 2 days at a 'special' resort spa. Something new....Sammy Why don't you get dressed and go play outside in the snow? I need to talk to daddy about grown up things."

Letting Sammy go as she waited until Sammy was outside playing with the rest of the child. "A nudist resort spa and we can invite Rick along." She winked at Tony as she planned to be pregnant from that day. "I won't be inviting my family to the wedding but some of my friends will be coming or inviting them."
"Ohh babe...." Tony grinned. "That could be quite fun...Rick can come but, I do want some time just you and me if that's okay honey?" He smiled and kissed her lips. He didn't mind though and by the time the honeymoon was over, she would very much be pregnant. He smiled and nodded. "Let's do it then, so what about the wedding?" He asked holding her hands tightly.
Flipping her new laptop open seeing it was her Christmas present from him and her screen saver was of her two boys. Pulling up the venues for them. "Well I don't know where you want to have the ceremony at. But I found areas I like to have at. The gardens, where the flowers are in full bloom, we could have a meadow theme, or if you're traditional we can have it at the church and eat there." She looked at Tony with a weak smile.

"I already figured out the cakes, the cater, and the flowers but haven't gone dress shopping since...I assumed I'd have a balloon belly by that time. Though now I can and I can look sexy as possible for my wolves." She was referring to Rick and Tony of course. "The resort is clothing optional of course and there you don't have to give your real name. Who every arrives are John Doe and Jane Doe. So Rick can arrive after we do and he can use the excuse of wanting a weekend to have an time."
Tony smiled at that. "Mm very good babe." He kissed her gently. "I like the meadow idea." He said smiling. "So let's go with that." He caressed her cheek and kissed her neck lovingly. "And we are going to have quite a lot of fun at that resort babe, what sorta stuff they got there? I mean, do they allow things like oh, I dunno say, threesomes out on the beach in the sand and stuff?" He giggled.
She blushed at his question. "Its a large resort so I imagine we can get away with things." She winked to him. "I never been to a resort like this before so I'd like to try it once." Checking off the venue of the wedding she leaned in kissing him softly. "Why don't you go outside and play with Sammy while I get to calling everyone." She wasn't ready to be mounted by Tony just yet so she would be spending her time on getting things done so later on they won't worry.

Getting off the couch she grabbed the new phone and started making calls. Setting up appointments and called the people who owned the meadow.
"Okay honeybuns." He kissed her gently then went outside to play with his son. "Daddy!" Sammy said happily when he saw his father come out. "Can you teach me how to make a snowman?" He asked smiling wagging his tail that was overed in a tail glove. "Of course buddy." Tony went over to his son and started to roll a big snowball for the base of the snowman. "The trick is to have each snowball smaller than the next..." He explained. After about an hour the snowman was ready. "Now we put the nose, eyes and hat......." He smiled.
Lillian was busy on the phone setting everything up for the wedding as she got the dress shop to schedule her for this week, got the meadow set up as they will with hay bales set up with sheets over them. At the barn nearby will be where they will eat and dance. Though for the wedding cake she knew the design but not the flavor of it.

Getting dressed she stepped outside to see Tony teaching his son how to put together a snow man. Smiling as she snuck up behind Sam and mini pounced as she wrapped her arms around him. "MY CUB!" Laughing as she nuzzled the pup but she couldn't pick him up as he had a large growth spurt and she imagined he'll have another one before the wedding. Standing up as she straighten Sam's coat up. "Ok new item on list...Shop for Sammy's new suit and you need one too Tony! I saw your's already." She commented but smirked as she remembered a picture of a snowman leaning back while he was getting a blow job from a snowwoman.

"I'm heading out for a few hours but I'll bring home the groceries." She alerted Tony as she headed to her car. It seemed he didn't mind the hands off approach when it came to planning things which was fine with her, less stress on her part. Also she didn't tell him she had a doctor's appointment to see what she needed to do to ensure she kept a child. Lillian got into her car and took off to do the day's errands without the boys. So when she came back the back of her car was filled with bags of fresh food. The sun was down as she was brining the groceries inside and got Sammy to help to put them away. The stuff she didn't want him to handle were placed on the counter, the fudge brownie mixes with ice cream and also cake mixes since his birthday was coming up.
Sammy and Tony finished their snowman and spent the day watching movies and cartoons. When Lillian came back with the groceries Tony and Sammy were eager to help Sammy did what he could and Tony took care of the rest. He stole a few kisses from her inbetween. Sammy hugged his mother's waist and smiled at her. He was now at her waist rather than her legs from his growth spurt. "Mommy, can we bake cookies tonight?" He asked cutely. Tony heard that and grinned. "Yeah Mommy, can we?" He joined in. Tony was a kid at heart when it came to sweets. He was a good father to Sam even though he wasn't his biological son, he loved him just the same. Tony and Sam had been out in the snow for most of the day so fresh baked cookies and hot chocolate would be quite the treat after they ate supper.
"Go on!" She smirked at them and when Sammy got to close to her surprise for him she picked the bags up and placed them on top of the fridge. "I'll bake but I don't need you two in here trying to help." She knew Sammy wanted to help and be a grown up like his father but Lillian liked to cook alone so she can think faster and move faster. "Sammy why don't you go pick out a movie for all of us to watch?"

Once he was gone she pulled out a brown bottle showing Tony. "Had a doctor's appointment today. She suggested extra strength vitamins as she suspected which lead to me losing the baby. Winter is the most common season to lose a child." She had felt better knowing it was something she can control the next time. "Also..." She put her fingers over her lips she pulled the bags down showing him the mixes and opened the freezer showing the stacks of ice cream. "I arranged a surprise party for him since next week is his birthday...Snow will be melting and school will be done and the temperature will be rising. Everything for the wedding is ready but the dress and you and your son's suits."
Tony smiled happily at his fiancee and pulled her into his arms giving her a loving kiss. "Mm that is wonderful baby. I'm sure Sammy will love the surprise." He said softly. He was happy that the next time she fell pregnant with his child she knew how to take care of herself so that they won't end up losing it. Tony then grabbed a small piece of cookie dough from the carton of pre-made cookies and ate it quickly before she could scold him about it not that she would. He gave her another kiss. "So are you looking forward to the wedding? or our honeymoon for three afterswards?" He had to tease her just a bit.
She nodded to him but when he cut open the plastic tube to get the dough. "You know you could get sick doing that." She pointed out as she got the oven heated up. "I need your help to keep Sam from these bags and the freezer. I don't want him to get excited thinking its the everyday sweets." She swatted Tony away so she could get the cookie dough parted out on the cookie sheet. After that she slipped the sheet into the oven but she took the large yellow pill with ease because of sucking two cocks.
Tony nodded. "You got it baby." He went to go keep his son busy while the cookies baked and the two of them started to playfully wrestle around on the living room floor. "I got you papa!" Sammy said happily as he pinned Tony down on the floor. Tony smiled at his son. "Oh no you don't!" He teased pretending to not be able to break his son's hold on him. The two wolves played a bit longer until Lily would call them in for dessert.
The weeks were long and stressful. There was a weekend where she and a few of her female friends went to a spa a few days before the wedding day. Lillian's once dark brown hair was lighter from being out in the sun with Sammy and Tony. With the wedding going off without a hitch and the spring days were warming up for a special event, it was time for Lillian to become pregnant.

Once at the resort she felt rather modest about going around butt ass naked but this was a clothing optional resort. There was no cameras, they were miles from a town where they couldn't be spied upon. So she risked it. Walking out of the honeymoon suite with nothing on but her bag, shades and a large umbrella. She had discussed with Tony she would travel to the resort alone and he and his buddy would have to "hunt" her down if they wanted primal sex or lustful love making.

Making her way outside some male anthros who were feeling good had full on erections but none took care of it as if knowing if they rubbed one out then they have to continue until their stay ended. The slight cool air made her breasts tighten as the nipples became erect but she planned on heading to the beach, they had miles of coast line. The walk all the way down there was inviting and easy on bare feet. Sporting on her left hand was the engagement ring and the wedding band she picked out. Men harassed others for being a kept man or having no spine when it came to choices. She liked Tony's response. "I want her to be comfortable and happy. I don't want her to ever feel like she's a kept woman. Besides she works as well."

True, recently since she kept Tony and Rick on tight leashes, long ago, she kept them from jumping her by alerting them she wanted to make sure her body was prepared for such missions. They seemed to respect that but she still serviced them other ways. Since the normal sex with Tony wasn't an option she started writing and taking classes for other things like how to invest wisely or what to look for. So far she sent her first rough draft in to the publisher and got plenty of no thank yous but there was one who was licking their fangs. Reaching the beach she found a quiet section where she tossed the beach blanket out then stabbed the white sand with the large umbrella. Laying on her back as the sun kissed her legs all the up to her breasts. A soft moan left her lips but little did she know other males were further down the beach and rowdy as a horny teenager.
Tony and Rick gave her a head start but once they deemed they waited enough they headed down to the beach, following suit and going there butt naked. They talked along the way about what they were going to do to her once they got their paws on her. There was plenty of fun to be had and Tony was going to make sure everyone knew she belonged to him. Rick hadn't had the chance to thank Tony for letting him come along so he mentioned it on the way down to the beach. When they reached the beach Tony saw a group of men walk towards his wife. He rushed over and made it known he was her husband. One growled at him and attempted to punch him which Tony swiftly dodged and clocked the fox anthro right in the mouth. "Want another? Fuck off or i'll kill you." He growled angrily at the fox. Rick had made his way over and saw the small comotion. "Hey, beat it pal, he isn't joking, he will kill you and it would be justified." After the small mis-hap. Tony sat down beside his wife on the beach towel and put his arms around her giving her a loving kiss on the lips, while his hand ran down her body, over her breasts and hard nipples, down her stomach. Rick on the other side of her began to kiss her neck and do the same, Tony's hand stopped at her pussy and he teased it a bit while Rick teased her tight little asshole with a finger before taking the initiative by slipping it inside. Tony kissed her lips and smiled. "So now that we got you baby, you want to have a little fun with two very horny wolves?" Rick laughed at that. "Mmm well I'd say your ass is ready for a good fucking, wouldn't you, Lilly?" Rick smirked. He was going to let Tony have first dibs on her pussy since he was her husband after all, both men would end up fucking her til she was carrying two sets of wolf cubs, one from each man.
Lillian looked up as she heard chuckling from a distance. Seeing she was spotted she felt like a scared rabbit cornered by hungry wolves. Sitting up she reached for her bag, thanks to Rick she was carrying a concealed pistol. Rick seemed to taken an interest that she was protected even if he or Tony wasn't around. Seeing Tony racing up to keep distance between her and them she eased her hand out of the bag.

After things have settled she wrapped her arms around Tony's strong shoulders, kissing him. Smiling as she felt Rick covering her back then her hips jumped when she felt his finger probing her backdoor. Little did she knew her body was primed to be carrying more then one cub. "The lube is in the bag, Rick." Smiling as she pushed Tony back having her hips presented to Rick. "Though I wouldn't mind some tender loving care back there." She spoke to Rick over her shoulder before she leaned down kissing Tony as she reached down stroking his cock.
Rick smiled at her. "You got it babe...." Rick put the lube off to the side for a few minutes and got into position to start licking and eating out her ass. Tony moaned when she began to stroke is cock. "Mmm babe, that feels's been awhile....." He winked at her. Rick started to circle his tongue around her tight ring before prodding it's way inside of her butt. "Mmmm....." was all he could say as if he was eating something delicious that he hadn't had in a very very long time, licking and sucking on her tight hole like it was candy he knew his tongue would make her feel amazing, it was long, wet and he could be a little rough with it without causing pain. Tony kissed her lips and smiled at his wife. "Damn, Rick's really going to town on your butt huh? Does it feel good baby?" He smiled at her caressing her cheek gently while pushing some of her hair away from her face. Rick just continued to eat out her forbidden hole, showing no signs of stopping, by the time he would finish she wouldn't need the lube to be used on that hole, at least, not much of it at all.
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