Mass Halo (Sirix and Femshep)

"Roger that. ODST is ready to drop should they need assistance. And let your friends know we are here to help no hinder" Lansky replies seeing a number of ships in the distance, and orders the ship toward the planet. A battle already seemed to be waging over the planet, and the massive Reaper wasn't giving anything.

"Ok everyone let's come in with a bang. Coordinate strike here and fire on command." Trent says as they get close to firing range. All the ships receive a vector to fire on the "eye". "Full array in 3, 2, 1, give'm hell." The full power power of the ships fire around the non-reaper looking ship and hit the giant reaper full force.
This was the first time, the Normandy Crew has ever seen non-reaper ships flying so closely with large Reaper ship before. While flying through space, Shepard readied herself for hell as Cortez expertly flew through the enemy ships avoiding the Infinity's fire. The attack on the Reaper ship was little damage due to the Reaper's powerful armor. Even the Alliance's own ships and weapons had trouble piercing through it. With the ships attacking, the Reaper roared a metallic roar as it's powerful legs opened up to grab any ship flying too close and it's center armor opening up to reveal a large red circle charging a devastating laser. Seeing this, Joker immediately messaged them. "There! The center is it's weak point! You can only hit it when it's charging though and still requires a hell of a lot of damage to do anything!"

Meanwhile the small ship carrying Shepard's team managed to avoid any contact with the enemy ships. They luckily landed safely and her team readied themselves as they stepped out of the shuttle. Unfortunately, Cortez had to retreat to a safe location for now until it was time for extraction. "Shepard's team has landed on the planet and beginning on land assault." Cortez informed the fleet as her team already begun shooting both Flood and Reaper forces.
"Sir, we hardly even scratched it." The weapons officer called out to Trenton.
"You have got to be kidding me. We fired everything but the glass and guass cannons." Trenton says, worry evident in his voice, he knew the fleet didn't stand a chance to actually destroy the ship, but he had wanted to at least immobilize it. The ships soon start to fire as they see fit, looking for weak points in the armor for another coordinated strike. The metallic roar shook a few of the men with its unnatural sound but nothing more, these men had been at war for decades now, little scared them anymore.
"Sir, that red thing is charging a strike, and given the power levels its not going to be pretty." Another officer chimes in over the commotion in the bridge. After that the message from Joker comes in.

"They want damage, I'll show them damage. Ready the glass cannons, i want this bastard to be a heap of glass by the end of the day." Trenton orders, hailing the other ships and coordinating another strike against the reaper.
Before anymore attacks could be done to the reaper, the charging attack had unleashed a thick red beam shooting quickly ahead of it, taking down any ship that crossed it instantly. Each Reaper was this powerful and there was plenty more to destroy any living thing they seek to destroy.

On the ground, Shepard's team faced an enemy only Shepard had any experience fighting. She used her unstoppable biotic powers along with Garrus' shocks that temporarily disabled anything technological enemy and James' powerful blasts. There was a overwhelming number of Reapers and Floods all out to attack them. "Shepard, I don't know how much more we can take!" Garrus shouted. "Just a little more! We have to keep this up!" Shepard yelled back then James shouted in excitement. "Man, these guys are loco!"
"Sir, we just lost the Endeavor." Someone yelled out over the noise as reports come in from all the other ships, reporting power ratings from all their sensors. "Sir, the ground team is engaging flood, we overheard on their comms that they are being overwhelmed." Someone else calls out.

Trenton quickly gets to work, making calculations and and comparing the odds. "Tell ODST and the Spartans to launch down and assist the ground team. Hail the Necessity and have then start combining all the sheilds. We might be able to hold off an attack then."

As soon as the order was given the awaiting soldiers launched their drop pods and fell to the planet below, too fast for anything to target and hit them, huge plumes of dust and dirt and rocks shot into the air as the pods land and the doors open. Gun fire immediately starting pouring from the open doors, cutting down Reapers and Flood alike, clearing a way for the the Normandy crew.
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