Mass Halo (Sirix and Femshep)

Trenton chuckles to himself. "We would know if they had left my ship." Trenton steps into the elevator and presses a button for the bridge then scans one of his fingers in for permission access. "Minima, have my alliance contracts and all enemy reports on my waiting room screen for me please, and thank you." Trenton then looks back Shepard. "The contracts are just formalities of course, but I would think you would like to see the enemy reports."
Shepard smiled a little and replied "I'd be surprised if you didn't know if it left, but I almost had it stolen from me before so I'm a little on edge about it." She explained as she followed him into the elevator. She looked at him as he looked at her and replied "I would like to see the enemy reports. It could help me understand the Flood a bit more." She smiled at him as they waited in the elevator.
"Good. Well here is the bridge." Trenton says as the elevator stops and opens to the bridge, the chair he was sitting in earlier dominating the center of the room with all kinds of consoles around it, and the respective navy men stationed at their posts. "Admiral on deck," the closest person announces and everyone on the deck turn and salute then get back to work. "Follow me this way to my waiting room if you will."

Trenton starts towards a door near by and it opens at his presence as he walks at it, his ready room rather plain with only a screen table and 3 chairs around it. "Master Chief, go back to your Spartans and prepare for the next encounter." Master Chief gives a curt nod as he walks off the bridge, now trusting the commander before him.
Shepard was happy to see Trenton was so well respected or at least everyone seemed to respect him. She followed him to the waiting room without a single word seeing it wasn't needed. She was happy to see Trenton and Master Chief were trusting of her that she could be alone with Trenton. When they walked inside Shepard wasn't surprised about the room, it was somewhat familiar to her. She stood at the table, not taking a seat yet, but she looked at him and replied "So should we get right down to business, right?"
"Of course, and please take a seat. Minima present the commander with all the files.......the showy way." Trenton takes his seat and smiles a little as a small hologram of a dragon appeared over the table. Its body was very digital looking on the inside while his outside was very refined, and natural looking.

"Here you are ma'am" the hologram says in a very deep voice as it pushes files on the screen towards Sheppard with his tail.

"This is Minima, my personal AI along side the current acting ship AI." Trenton says and motions towards the AI.
Shepard giggled as Trenton made a hologram of a dragon appear after she took her seat. "Wow, that's impressive!" She smiled at the dragon he claimed was his AI Minima as she used her dragon tail to swipe the files towards her. "Your technology never ceases to amaze me." She complimented toward Trenton as she tried to look through the files.
Chuckling a little as he watches Sheppard try to access the files he tells her, "Tap twice on the screen then swipe left to read the next page and right if you want to get back to a previous page." Trenton pulls up a report he needed to read anyway to show how.

The report that Shepard was reading was a general alliance request guidelines. The files below where about almost every encounter they had had with the Flood, only one even mentioning the Halo System.
Shepard smiled and chuckled "Thank you." As he instructed her on how to open up the file she had trouble with. Doing excatly as he instructed and showed her, Shepard got the flie to opren and started reading from the flies. In great detail she discovered what the Flood were and basically everything she would need to know, but reading something called the 'Halo System' she had no clue as to knowing what it was. "What's the Halo System?" She asked Trenton
"Unless we find evidence of the system here, that is classified." Trenton didn't like to hide things from anyone, but this system was to important and dangerous to be common knowledge. "If you have any other questions, I'll do my best to answer them but this I can not, I'm sorry." Trenton finishes his own report and quickly response to it so he can free up his time for Sheppard.
Shepard didn't like that he was holding back info, but she couldn't blame him for it. There was some information that no one on the outside should know, God did she know that all to well. She looked up from the file and replied "It's alright, I understand. I have no other questions, well...maybe one. You've shown me most of your ship and I believe, if you have the time Admiral, if I show you mine. Would you mind if I shown you my own ship?" She asked with a smile
Smiling back warmly "Yes, I would like to see how your technology varies from our own." Tapping on a watch on his wrist Trenton talks into it. "Johnson, you have the ship. I'm going to take a stroll." Trenton stands, then walks around the table to stand next to Shepard. "Now that the ship is taken care of, to your ship I believe." Trenton offers a hand to help Shepard up, though half expects her to not accept it. She is a Commander after all.
Although she was a Commander, it thought it would be rude if she didn't accept his hand. Besides it could convince him that she trusted him. She accepted his hand and got up from her seat, but it wasn't a little lady like grip, it was a firm and confident grip. For a moment she had her hand in his smiling at him, but she let go of his hand thinking holding it for too long could make things awkward. "Well then, we better get going then. It won't take too long. My ship isn't as big as yours or have as many rooms." She smiled and walked beside him to go to her ship.
Chuckling to himself as his hand drops to his side after Shepard released her grip, Trenton states, "well I would hope not. Your ship is inside mine." Actually you haven't seen much of my ship, only the interesting parts Trenton thinks to himself as he starts toward the bridge and the elevator beyond. "And by the sounds of it I can meet some of your crew, like this Joker you keep talking to." Trenton says as the bridge doors opens.
Shepard chuckled and replied "Joker is my ship's pilot. I rely on him to watch and take care of the ship while I'm away, but I can introduce you to everyone if you like." She smiled as they were about to board the ship. Once the doors opened for them to board the small ship. The inside was busy with humans working in a dim lighted area, but it was clearly a central command area. Right next to the doors they would walk through to the left was the large doorway to the cockpit. "This way is the cockpit where Joker and his co-pilot EDI." The green rectangle with a circle rotating like a puzzle opened the door in parts and retreated into the wall. Joker sat in his chair which turned around on it's own. He wear a casual uniform and a baseball cap saying SR-2 on it. His chair turned and he smiled "Hey, Commander." He looked over to see Trenton and added "So I assume everything's gone well with the new guys?" A robot girl with a holographic scanner covering across her eyes looked and said "Commander, are you sure is it wise to have someone we barely know on the ship?" Shepard smiled and replied "EDI, I trust him. He's showed me his ship I might as well do the same."
Trenton chuckles to himself hearing Jokers comment and EDI's question. "Trust me when I say that an Admiral, like myself, would know better then to anger a new ally in anyway." Trenton looks at the face of EDI, "Does your visor work the same way as Jordies from Star Trek does. They seem to have....similarities." Trenton ventures out to see if they had any past connections, like this old tv show that Trenton watched from time to time.
EDI looked confused and so did Shepard and Joker. "Uh...what the hell is Star Trek?" Joker asked, but Shepard just shrugged. EDI looked at Trenton and replied "I'm sorry, we aren't familiar with this 'Star Trek', but I can search our data bases to see if we know of a such thing." For mere seconds she was quiet, but quickly replied "Ah, here we go. Star Trek was a popular human Sci-Fi TV show that was first aired in 1966, which is over two thousand years ago for us. I can see the similarities, but our visors don't work the same way, but our visors are somewhat different. My visor is part of my design and shows my status as a AI system and my connection to the Normandy." She explained. Shepard smiled a little "Well EDI IS part of the ship, she's everywhere and sees everything. This is just a physical body for her so she could interact with us. She's currently learning human behavior and trying to act more human." Shepard explained hoping to clarify things
"Aaahh so more like Data then." Trenton thinks for a moment then says." Minima come out and play, here is an AI of a different breed." Trenton brings his "watch" and pulls out a chip. Minima's dragon body flashes up and looks around in Trenton's hand. "So we have similar tech at least." Trenton comments and motions to Minima and EDI alike. "Minima is just like....her, in most senses it seems."

Trenton looks at the flight controls. "How fast is your ship?"
EDI saw the AI and smiled, she hasn't met any intelligent AI before, only the less intelligent and weaker VI systems which of course, didn't impress her, but seeing this new AI was fascinating to say the least. "Hello Minima, I'm EDI, the Normandy's AI system." She greeted just how Shepard told her, how most humans greeted each other.

Joker smiled seeing the AI, but acted like he wasn't impressed since he believed EDI was the best AI the galaxy has ever known. "She's impressive, but our EDI can do anything and everything in just a few seconds." EDI looked at Joker and replied "Jeff, you know that' not true. There's still many programs and commands I do not yet know." Joker sighed "Yep, and how to gloat your amazing abilities is one of them.", Joker was quiet and smiled at Trenton's question and answered "This girl is as fast as light. You can see her in one place, but blink and she'll be gone." He smiled.

Shepard rolled her eyes softly and added "But it's easier and better for fuel, if we travel using the Mass Relays, which is how everyone typically travels from each solar system."
Trenton looks over the rest of the cockpit. Hearing Jokers tone towards EDI, Trenton jokes at him, "We can always have an AI-off." Trenton chuckles then looks at Minima, the little dragon looks a little less then amused. "You know I was kidding." Trenton finishes his look over and clarifies, "How long between systems is really more what I was asking. Days, weeks, months?" As he finishes the question, Trenton resumes his parade rest stance.
EDI looked at Trenton not understanding that he was really just joking. "That would not be necessary. Minima and myself have a mutual understanding between each other. We do not need to fight or compete against each other." Joker sighed "One day we need to install you a program that understands when someone's joking or being sarcastic." Answering Trenton Shepard replied "Well if we're using just the ship which doesn't really happen, it really depends on how far the system is. It could take days, maybe weeks, but luckily using the Mass Relays we can be there in a matter of minutes." She explained
"Min....min.....minutes" Trenton stumbles back to a wall then slumps to the ground. Thinking out loud in disbelieve, he breathes out, "The worlds we could have stopped from falling....the lives we could have saved. Harvest......Arcadia.....Reach." Trenton punches the floor in frustration.
Shepard, Joker, and EDI all frowned and looked at each other hearing Trenton's despair. Shepard knew that feeling all too well. Despite their timing, they always seemed to arrive just minutes too late. Shepard walked over and got down on her knees to be at the same level as him. She put her hand on his shoulders, no words were truly needed to be said, her face showed someone who understood his pain. "Trenton. Whatever happened, I'm sorry, but even just minutes can't save them all." Her voice sounded sincere and concerned
I know, I know." Trenton fakes a smile up to Shepard but doubts its a very convicting one. Standing up and resuming his parade rest stance again, he looks to the other 2 people in the room. "I'm sorry I lost my composure, that's not a side I like to show a lot. I'm sure you have all felt that way." Trenton then takes on his more admiral voice. "I just realized I don't know what military you are representing. Like I am here for the UNSC." Trenton gets a face that says, wow I'm stupid, on it.
Shepard knew a fake smile when she saw one. She had to put on quite a few herself, but her friends seemed to find a way to make her grow a real smile from time to time. Joker and EDI were silent, knowing Shepard was the only one who truly understood him. Shepard gave him a soft smile and put a hand on his shoulder saying "That's okay. That's a side that no one wants any one to see, but even the strongest have to let it out every now and again." Shepard smiled and with pride she answered "We here for the Alliance Navy."
"Good to know. Now I would love to chat with Joker and EDI but don't we have a ship to tour." Trenton brings back to Shepard's attention. He didn't want to push this to hard but Trenton wanted to see the rest of the ship, and examine how different the techs were between the 2 universes. He looks at the door expectantly, waiting to leave but not wanting to be rude. "It was very nice to meet you both" He offers a hand shake to Joker and EDI both.
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