EDI saw the AI and smiled, she hasn't met any intelligent AI before, only the less intelligent and weaker VI systems which of course, didn't impress her, but seeing this new AI was fascinating to say the least. "Hello Minima, I'm EDI, the Normandy's AI system." She greeted just how Shepard told her, how most humans greeted each other.
Joker smiled seeing the AI, but acted like he wasn't impressed since he believed EDI was the best AI the galaxy has ever known. "She's impressive, but our EDI can do anything and everything in just a few seconds." EDI looked at Joker and replied "Jeff, you know that' not true. There's still many programs and commands I do not yet know." Joker sighed "Yep, and how to gloat your amazing abilities is one of them.", Joker was quiet and smiled at Trenton's question and answered "This girl is as fast as light. You can see her in one place, but blink and she'll be gone." He smiled.
Shepard rolled her eyes softly and added "But it's easier and better for fuel, if we travel using the Mass Relays, which is how everyone typically travels from each solar system."