Mass Halo (Sirix and Femshep)

Shepard was smiling to see Trenton was trusting her enough to be alone with her. Although she was surprised to hear Master Chief talk especially in such a deep voice, she didn't show much of an reaction. Hearing his suggestions she replied "Tje training room sounds sounds interestimg. Especially since I'm use to learning more about people through hand to hand combat. Not that I'm saying we should." She replied
"That's good, I doubt I could fight really anyway, it has been way to long since I was in armor, I don't even think I could fight that way anymore. To much pencil pushing." Trenton says a little relieved by her last comment. He knew he would get his ass handed to him in a hand to hand fight with just about anyone, but he wouldn't back down from a challenge. "That would be........this floor." The elevator stops and Trenton moves to step out of the elevator.
"Really? You haven't been in your armor lately? I'm in my armor everyday. I think the only place besides my ship that I wear casual clothing is at the Citadel,. And I learned the hatrd way to wear armor there too." She replied to him almost laughing remembering what happened at the Citadel. "I wouldn't want to make you look bad in front of your crew." She playfully teased right before they walked out, following him into the training room
"Well thank you for that." Trenton replies as he leads the way to the Holo training area. He also notes the playful tone she gives him. As they near the door to the room he looks at the console and sees oddly enough no one else is in the room. This basically means he can show her all of this abilities. "Now, this isn't just a training room with dummies and weights and the like of older training rooms. This room can create full battle fields and generate enemies of varying levels of intelligence. Just to start out I'll show you my favorite field, Blood-Gulch." Trenton types out a code and then opens the door to the Holo room.

Trenton takes the lead again and walks into the box canyon. 2 bases are clearly visible, both are just grey concrete buildings but one has blue accents and the other red. The land in-between is very hilly and uneven, with greenery everywhere. "What do you think."
Shepard walked in after him and saw the area around them. "Not bad, I like it. But it's a little more open spaced then I'm use to. Most places I've been to were over half destroyed and covered in rubble. But for scenery it's not bad." She replied looking around and observing the area's designs. "Hmm perhaps this could be a opportunity to see what each other could do." She suggested
"I can set you and Master Chief against a few simulated enemies if you like" Trenton counter suggests as he looks around the canyon, remember the battles he fought here. "Or we can move to somewhere you are a little more used to, we have a few ancient city maps for you to practice with. If you would like."
Shepard shrugged and replied "I better get use to the enemies first so this place umm....Blood Glutch? Will be fine. Besides I'm curious to see what Master Chief can do. I'm.curious to see what you can do too if you wanna join in." She offered seeming more casual then anything. It was almost like spending time with her crew except she didn't know much about these people.
Trenton thinks for a moment on the offer then says, "Well, I'll have some armor made for me then. I'm getting the feeling I will need some with this new war anyway. But it will just be Master Chief for today, sorry. Minima, make some simulation Flood and allies. Even spread on types of Flood, and even spread of Human and Covenant forces. Flood start at red base, Allies at Blue. 50 each." Before their eyes each group materializes in view. An even view of marines, in their standard chest armor and helmets looking very week compared to the armor of Master Chief. The Covenant forces are made of the "grunts" little aliens with a large pyramid shaped tank on their back, the thin and gangly "jeckles" with their personal plasma shields, some Elites also are there, leaving the one monstrous "Hunter" with their huge metal shields and plasma cannons that their worm muscle bodies seem to just wrap around. Trenton asks Shepard, "I can have a few of the Flood shown over here so you can see them before you fight them."
Shepard had a smile after seeing all the allies and enemies materialize before them. After everything was set Shepard commented "This reminds me of the battle area at the Citadel. It's a shame you're not joining us, but maybe next time. Hey I'll talke you to tjhe battle arena and we can fight some of our enemies AND citizens can watch us and she how we're doing. But if that's not your thing that fine." She took a look at the Floods and replied "Are they tougher then they look?" She asked rhetorically then after a few minutes of observing the enemies she replied "Alright I'm ready when Master Chief is."
the Flood types were arranged from smallest to largest, the smallest was just a collection of spores, the next were small oozing bulbs with legs, next was the bulbs "mother" for lack of a better term a large tumor looking thing on legs. The next one was a simple dead body that had been infected, it had a few human looking traits to it but the body was green and protrusions were ripping out of the skin everywhere. The last on was a large Flood, its arms as big round as Shepard's head and its legs looked strong enough to jump over a small building. Its body was almost pure muscle and its mouth was replaced with a a frill of plant like growth.

Trenton looks over the disgusting things and looks at Shepard as she talks about her "battle arena." "Yes that seems like a very good idea, we will need to be guided there of course." Trenton looks at Master Chief as he starts to walk out of the Holo room. "Teach her how to take care of these things." Master Chief merely nods as he takes out his SMG and prepares to fight. His deep voice sounds from the helmet. "Say program start when your ready. If you die, the program shut down around you and can watch me from there."
Shepard smiled at the idea that she and Trenton fighting together in the battle arena. It was very similar to their training program expect it was more of a game really. Fake enemies, famous locations for maps, everything except you play for points and it's broadcasted for all to see, but it could get extremely challenging.

Seeing that Master Chief was ready Shepard pulled out her Lancer M8 assault rifle with extended barrel for power and extra mags. This gun was her most powerful and by far her favorite weapon since no gathering ammo was required, but she did have to worry about overheating it. She gave a nod and followed his instructions. She waits for a few seconds then says "Program."
"Start" Master Chief finishes and fires his SMG at the little bulb Flood before throwing a plasma grenade on to the mother flood destroying it completely. "Go after the little ones and the mothers, always a first priority." Master Chief takes off towards the other base with the half the ally holograms following in toe. "The other half of the allies are tied to you and will support you. Take the left side of the map." Master chief runs off to the right, his SMG opens up again as some of the Flood come into view.
Shepard smiled seeing how quick Master Chief was to kill the mother flood the second the game started. She replied "Right!" And started to move to the left field shooting her assault rifle at the mothers and sent a biotic shockwave to send the smaller ones flying and the mothers to at least a halt from the impact giving her some time to keep moving towards the left feild.
Master Chief hears the boom of the shockwave as Shepard fires it, but he resists the urge to look over and see its effects, inside focusing on the flood before him and killing the waves of dead body Flood and the bigger killer Flood. By the time that the first 20 have been though half of the simulated marines and all of the jeckles and grunts are dead and changed into Flood, so the group has actual fought off more around 30-35. "Hopefully her group is doing better," Master chief says half himself and half to Cortana.
Shepard never counted how many she's killed. She was use to survival so she did care about numbers just results, but if she actually did count it would've been roughly 35 to 40 maybe. When she wasn't using guns she wa using her biotics, powerful energy currents that could be used as an effective power. Of course not everyone has them, humans can get implants that allow this ability and her were the best the alliance could offer. She lifted enemies into the air and slammed them down hard enough to shatter almost every bone in their body. She could freeze her enemies were they stood and create orbs that suck enemies in them to float in a completely defenseless state. The only downside was the cooling down process, but it only took a minute or so. Using these powers and her weapons she made her way through the battlefeild. Since she was so use to having actual team members she forgot her them were all fake and treated them as a living person and doing all she could to make sure none died on her watch.
Peaking over the hill as the he neared the Flood starting base, Master Chief took a second to look over the Commander's groups. She was fairing better then his group that was true, but the back of it, where the slowest and sadly weakest of the allies, the grunts where being killed and taken as Flood. She, of course, couldn't see them because of the forces in-between were blocking her view. "COMMANDER, BEHIND YOU," Master Chief's voice speakers blare out at her, hoping she will catch his meaning. He looks at the base and see not many are left, may be 3 remain at the base. "Halt, Hunter take point, we might as well give the Commander a good show for the end of this fight."
Shepard's concentration was broken by Master Chief's voice blaring at her. Immediately she looked behind her to see her weakest team mates were being killed and taken as Flood. "Damn it!" She shouted and stopped what she was doing. She charged her biotics in her left hand putting her assault rifle away for a moment. She jumped in the air when she was close enough and slammed her charging fist into the ground. The impact cause an eruption of blue energy waves to burst out of the ground all around her, injuring and knocking down the remaining Floods. Using her M8 Suppressor Pistol she finished the job on her end and looked over at Master Chief giving a hand motion, thanking him as she took a minute to breathe
Master Chief waves back an acknowledgment "Finish them off and end this little game." He tells this to the Hunter before the brilliant green shot starts to pour from the gun. The huge body rotates and the shot follows causing a line of solid plasma that kills anything it touches. The last 3 Flood die and the program ends. Everything but the scenery disappears. Master Chief starts to walk towards the Commander to check on her. "Are you okay?"
When the program finally ended Shepard put her weapons away and her hands on her hips to calm herself down. Seeing Master Chief coming she walked toward him to meet him half way to each other. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm use to this and it's just a little tiring at times. How about you?" She asked
"I'm fine," is all the Master Chief mutters then snaps to attention as Trenton comes back into view.

Trenton salutes both of the battle veterans before him. "Very good work both of you. You seem to have adjusted to our basic enemies very well, Commander......You never did tell me your actual name and rank, I just heard you called Commander while we were talking earlier." Trenton points out, and sorta waits for her name before continuing on.
Shepard gave a salute back and answered "Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy. Sorry about not introducing myself earlier it was a bit overwhelming with this new environment for me. I don't believe I ever caught your name or rank." She explained
"Yea, you were a little distracted earlier when I introduced myself. I am Head Admiral Trenton Knight, Leader of the UNSC navy." Trenton says then continues on with, "Your talking to the most powerful man in the UNSC military. Well rank wise really." Trenton starts to exit the holo room and back to the ship corridors, "Now where else would you like to see." Trenton asks as he walks hearing at least the loud foot falls of Master Chief.
Shepard smiled a little at him and walked beside him, hearing the loud footsteps of Master Chief behind them. "Oh the man powerful man huh? I'd love to see you in action then, I apologize Admiral for not being a hundred percent focused when we first met. It's a bit overwhelming with all the strange technology around. Well what rooms are left besides the Mess Hall? Is it just the Waiting Room now?" She asked curiously
"My waiting room, and the bridge of the ship in between, and one of the mess halls is really it." Trenton says as his boots step off the fake grass and on to the metal of the ship corridors. He starts to move back towards the elevator again. "I'm sure you could go see the armor and vehicle depots if you wanted as well, but there isn't much to see in there. A lot of the same really."
Shepard followed him off the fake grass to the metal of the ship and replied "Well we should probably visit the bridge and go to your waiting room. My crew must be getting antsy that I haven't returned. Excuse me for a second." She pulled up her Omni tool from her arm and pulled up a video feed connecting her to Joker. "Commander? How's everything going? The new people having shot at you yet?" He joked. "I'm fine Joker I just called to check to make sure everything's okay and I'll still be awhile." She replied. "Good to now Commander. I'll let the crew know." He replied. "Good. I'll check on you again later." She said getting ready to end the call. "Why? Don't you trust me?" He asked with a fake concerned look. Shepard rolled her eyes and said "Goodbye Joker." then ended her call. "Sorry about that I have to make sure my ship is still there."
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