Mass Halo (Sirix and Femshep)

Shepard gave Trenton a nod and replied "Of course, we still have a bit to see and more people you might find interesting." She smiled at him. Joker and EDI reached out to shake his hand while EDI replied "It was interesting meeting you as well Admiral." Before Trenton shook Joker's hand Joker quickly added "Oh be careful shaking my hand. I'm pretty sure your grip alone will break every bone in my hand." Shepard knew he wasn't kidding and explained "Seriously, he's not kidding. He has brittle bones disease. Your grip really will break every bone in his hand."
"Oh well" Trenton barely grips Joker's hand, not wanting to hurt him. "If you can find the time, head up to the Infinity. Tell the doctor there I sent you there and I think that they have something up there to strengthen those if you want." Trenton hoped that he wasn't stepping out of line offering this. Some people don't like to make there weaknesses known at all. "Thank you for letting me see your cabin." Trenton then steps next to Shepard, and signals toward the door in a 'lead on' fashion.
Joker smiled at the offer, but replied "That's a great offer, but my 'condition' prevents me from getting shot. Instead I get to do what I love, flying my ship." Shepard smiled, she always let him call the Normandy 'his' ship even though it wasn't theirs at all. She gave Trenton a smile and replied "Of course. You showed me what you could on your ship. Since this is a stealth ship there aren't many places worth hiding. If you'll like to see my cabin I can show you, there we can focus on our work, but if you want to explore a bit we can do that too." She smiled at him leading him out of the cockpit to lead him to the CIC room filled with humans busy at work using darkly lit tech with a large circular work space with a inclining platform with a metal railing around it, oboviously where she's suppose to stand. Behind that was an elevator.
"Control center for the ship I'm guessing." Lance says as he steps into and looks around the largish room. The center looked like a command platform, although a little plain with no controls heading to it seemed a little strange to Lance, who was used to having control of his entire ship from his command seat. "Lets just head to your cabin, we do have work to do and lines to sign. Lansky can handle the ship just fine in my absence if we deicide to wonder later." Trenton again waits for Shepard to lead the way, although he had an idea of the ship lay out already.
"Alright fair enough, oh and by the way. This is central command basically, but just follow me and you'll be in my cabin soon enough." She led him through the busily working humans to lead him into the elevator. She walked inside waiting for him to join her inside before pressing the top button reading "Captain's Cabin". Once on the top floor the elevator doors opened to a very short walkway. One pair of doors finally opened in all directions and inside was a lightly dimmed room with a huge aquarium's blue light lightly brighting up part of the room. The aquarium took up almost the entire wall and was filled with eels, jellyfish, and fish of different colors and shapes. The first thing since was a small office area with a clear wall filled with ship models. A large desk with two terminals, next to it a medal of honor. Nearby was a shelf that had a small hamster in it's cage and by that a personal bathroom. From the office, down a small set of stairs was a large bed. Not too far from it was a smaller desk with her old broken helmet and electronic notebooks on it. Next to that was a large comfortable couch and square table in front of it. It wasn't that big of a room to be honest, but it was good enough for her and at least another person. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll find the flies you'll need." She instructed then walked to one of her terminals
Oddly enough, Trenton sat at one of the desk chairs, finding that it was a more professional situation and he found that they were more comfortable for him then couches. "Your room is rather....exquisite. Since my captain's cabin isn't used very often I don't really have much in it, just a bed and a wall of books." Lance took a bit of interest in the broken helmet sitting on the table near by then the medal next to it. "Medal of Honor, wow. These are rarities in my time. Not one has been given out in almost 100 years, although I think that Master Chief has earned one 100 times over." The medal looks well cared for, and in great condition. "How did you get it, if you don't mind my asking that is."
Shepard smiled a little when he mentioned his cabin and her Medal of Honor. "I rarely get to enjoy my cabin, but it's nice to have a little sanity check every once in awhile, but thank you, it's designed to be relaxing." When he mentioned her medal she sighed softly and looked at it. "They gave that to me for saving the Citadel. I...I took down the Reaper trying to kill everyone there, Sovereign. Of course I couldn't do it without my team. I also killed Saren, a rouge officer who was indoctrinated by the Reapers to do their work. The Citadel was nearly destroyed that day and taking down a Reaper is a big deal here. I think I'm the only one whose done it." She explained
"Wow they are that tough. We might need to just jump the gun and glass the damn things then." Trenton says a little quiet as he takes in the new information. "How did you do?" He asks, he needed to know if the weapons that the Infinity and friends had would even scratch the things. "I don't mean to be pushy but I would like to know if my crews will be any more effective then what you already have." The image of how large these things flashes back into his mind and Trenton remembers that the Infinity still has a size advantage on the....monsters seemed like a good term for them.
Shepard was silent. Her eyes grew saddened. "No matter what we did....we couldn't stop just one....their armor is far too thick and powerful for our weapons to even scratch them. It was a miracle that we killed one.....but there's hundreds....thousands of them....everyday....millions are either dying or being taking to turn...into those MONSTERS!" She punched her desk hard trying to fight back her tears. "My family...gone....and if I don't do something....I'll be known as the Commander that caused the extinction of all the races....I can't let everyone else die."
"Hey" Trenton tries to get her attention, standing as well but not moving closer to her just yet. "Don't worry, if one can die, they all can. It might take us a while, but we will find a way to kill them." Trenton of course knew of a sure fire way to kill all of the reapers, but that didn't matter the Halo system didn't exist in this universe. "We have a few things we can try, and we can always glass the things if we have to." Trenton hoped this would calm her down a little. He had the same pressure with the Flood on his side of the coin.
Shepard sighed softly and gave a little nod to him after he caught her attention. "Yeah, you're right. I have to remember that, but doing this for three years, with the expection of being dead for almost two just kind of difficult." She sighed softly. Shepard has the pressure of the entire universe on her shoulders and it felt like she was the only one doing any work, but she knew the Alliance worked just as hard as she did. She didn't even remember the last time she's had a full 8 hour rest
"I know what you mean. I have lost more friends and family to the Flood virus then I did to the Covenant." Trenton sits back down once he was sure that he wasn't needed to actually walk over to her. "Do you have the ability the glass?" Trenton asks, not sure if she was understanding what he meant by that phrase. If not then they may have a trump card, though a very costly one.
Shepard decided to sit down in a chair next to him replying "We all lost something fighting. I guess that's what makes us want to fight harder." Honestly Shepard didn't know what he meant by 'the glass' but by the sounds of it, it sounded like something useful. "I'm afraid that's something from your world. I don't know what that is."
"Well, to put it simply, it turns to ground to glass." Trenton knew that it would likely make her more confused so he continues on to say. "It's a Covenant weapon mostly, Humans having discovered that it was possible with our ships only recently. We send down a beam of either high energy laser or super heated plasma to heat anything it touches until it breaks down to its basic components. It heats the sand in the ground to glass making it basically useless for anything. Its a last ditch effort to kill anything. Anything alive within a Kilometer of the beam wont be alive every much longer. Its that hot." Trenton settles into his seat a little more, loving this exchange of information, but careful to not give a way to much.
Shepard laid back in her chair listening curiously listening to Trenton's explanation which actually made since to her. She sighed softly and replied "Wow, sounds like a weapon we would need right now, but there's too much risk. Too many people could get hurt and we don't have enough room to evacuate civilians or our own troops. But I wish it was an option." She explained rubbing her forehead in frustration and sighed
"Yea, its not to be used lightly, thats for sure." Trenton looks over at the files on the other desk. "So what files do i need to look at, I'm sort of lost in your little world here." He absent mindedly swipes across an empty part of the desk, thinking it would bring the screen on and work could begin. Of course the wood does no such thing and remains its lifeless self. After a moment Trenton realizes the stupidity of the movement and comments, "Its strange to me not having everything at a voice command away or a desk swipe." He takes another little look around the room as he waits for Shepard. The room was a little much for his taste, but it was nice. He could live in this room for a while before he would have to simplify it down to something more bare.
Shepard couldn't help, but smile and chuckle at Trenton's attempt to pull up the files they needed to look at. It wasn't uncommon, just less then an hour ago she couldn't figure out his technology either. On her terminal she typed up a few keys and the glass wall with all her ship models inside of it popped up a orange projection of the flies. Then she handed him a digital notepad and instructed. "Just swipe across the screen when you want to read the next page. It held information full of information about the alien races and the Reapers that plagued their universe. She laid back in her chair and closed her eyes to rest them while he read the files. It's been so long since she's had a full night's rest.
As Trent read, he remained quiet. He saw that Shepard was tired and left her to rest as she could. He knew what she was going through, having gone weeks without proper sleep before. The biggest "Oh fuck" moment he had was reading that the Reapers were machines. If that was true, then even the Flood would have problems taking them over. It would happen eventually, but not quickly. He got all caught up on all the different races, the Mass Relays, and all the different technologies in this universe. After reading all the files, he sets down the tablet like thing and closes his own eyes. He was going on a few days with zero sleep right now.

After a few minutes Trent reopens his eyes and sets to work mode again. "Ok, where are we needed first. I can have all of my fleets mobilized and ready for combat in a few minutes. We might even be able to prepare for the fight on the way to the battle, using your Mass relays." Trenton stays sitting, just incase Shepard needs to talk about something else.
Shepard had lost count of how many days she's gone without sleep. She couldn't let everyone down. The fate of the galaxy was riding on her shoulders and she had to figure out what they need to do with as little casualties as possible. Faintly she heard Trenton's soft reaction to the info he was reading, but her mind wasn't in the right place in the moment. She forced her eyes to open when she caught herself trying to fall asleep. "Oh well, we are about to embark on a very sensitive mission, but your help would be needed. We found a cure for the Genophage, a Krogan deaise that prevents them from reproducing, every Krogan was infected by it from the Salanerians so to get Krogan support we need to deliver the cure. That and personally I think the Genophage had gone on long enough. We need to go to their home planet and release the cure, but the problem is...Reaper forces are waiting and lucky us one of their giant battle ships is guarding where we need to go. We could use your forces to help us." She explained rubbing her eye to wake up.
"No problem. We will can distract and hopefully destroy." Trent stands and gets on his comms watch. "Lasky, spin up the engines and start release procedures on the Normandy hold."
"Yes Sir, coming back aboard sir." Lasky's voice comes over the comms.
"Yes, sorry Lasky, I want my ship back." Trent turns the comms off. "We'll follow you and the Normandy once your out of the Infinity." Trent says more of a question then a statement, just incase Shepard had a different plan.
Shepard smiled at Trenton and gave a nod. "Thank you for the support. All you'll have to do is follow us into the Mass Relay. Since our ships have full commutation we'll just link our ships coordinates together so you won't get sent some where else by accident. This will be a hell of a fight, but with your help it should be easier to handle. It won't take but a few minutes to get there so I suggest having your men armed and ready to go." She gave him a serious look, this was the Commander when she had a mission to handle. This was a serious mission too they couldn't afford to loose this one.
"Just get on the planet, We'll handle everything else. Now if you will excuse me, I have my own ship to command." Trent smiles back as he turns to leave the room and ultimately the ship. It doesn't take him long to find his way back. Shepard's ship seemed to be made with straight forward elegance, while the Infinity had been built with more of a floating city in mind.

Arriving back onto the Infinity proper, he gives the signal to release the Normandy back into space with proper warning. He watches for a moment as the ship drops back into space through the force field. After making sure the Normandy got out safely, Trent heads for the bridge. Once there he hails the super fleet, and gets all the ships coordinated and ready to go. He then hails the Normandy and tells who ever that answers that the Infinity super fleet is ready to go.
As Trent finally left her cabin, Shepard sighed softly. She knew the upcoming battle was going to be interesting, both Reapers and Floods were in their universe now. Failure wouldn't be a option with these two deadly forces threatening the universe, but at least Trent and his men were willing to work with them. If they would have been refusing to negotiate then it would be even more difficult; Shepard was thankful for it.

With the warning of their release, the Normandy crew braced themselves and had a easy release from the Infinity and back into familiar space. Shepard made her way to the cockpit where Joker sat waiting for her orders. Once they received the Infinity's message, Joker opened the video message. When she was informed that the Infinity was ready to go, Shepard gave a nod and told Joker to link their ships with the coordinates to the planet. Then with everything secured, Joker flew the Normandy to the Mass Relay and once close enough the ship was shot through space in a beaming flash of light and straight into the galaxy where the planet was located. After checking to see the Infinity had made it through the transportation, Joker flew the Normandy to the planet while Shepard left to prepare for the battle.
Trent sighed himself as they took off for the mass relay. The Infinity wasn't quite as fast as the Normandy, but was able to keep up until they got to the relay. Going through the relay was experience to say the least. Due to the much larger bulk and general non-aerodynamic shape of all of the UNSC ships, it took a few minutes longer for the super fleet to make it through space. "Made it through safely" all the ships broadcast out to each other and the Normandy, as they all settle.

Soon the ships had weapons prepared and ships fueled and ready to launch.

"Infinity super fleet ready to engage on command." Lansky sends at the Normandy, since they would be running distraction as apposed to full combat.
The Normandy was much smaller then the Infinity and since it was designed as a stealth ship, it was designed to be faster and swifter then most ships in the galaxies. So, it was expected that the Infinity would take more time to reach their destination and a relief to hear that everything was fine. As soon as Joker heard news that the Infinity's fleet was ready to go, Joker messaged them back. "Roger that, The Commander is gathering two of our squadmates to head down to the planet with her. The Normandy will release a small ship to sent them down. Once they're down safely, the Normandy will aid in any fleet combat until the mission is complete."

Shepard gather Garrus, the Turrain marksman, and James, the human soilder, to join her. They suit up in their armors and placed on their helmets, attaching their guns. For Garrus, a sniper rifle, assault rifle, and pistol. For James, a assault rifle, a shotgun, and pistol. Finally, for Shepard, she had a sniper rifle, shotgun, assault rifle, pistol, and TMP. Luckily their weapons had ways of folding up so they could be carried on their armors without much trouble for the user.

Once they were ready, Cortez, their human ship expert, took control of a small carrier ship to transport Shepard's team to the planet. The Normandy opened it's dock and sent the ship out into space then Cortex set up a message to the Infinity. "Shepard's team is a go. We're heading to the planet now." Though on the inside of the ship, Shepard's teammates weren't too happy with working with strangers. "Are you sure we can trust them Shepard? Sure, they seem friendly, but we don't know much about them." James nodded in agreement and said. "It's risky don't ya think?" Shepard turned to them and answered. "I met one of them, he told me everything he could about their world and trust me, we're going to need their help if we want to win this war."
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