Mass Halo (Sirix and Femshep)


Aug 24, 2013
Trenton Knight, the newly appointed admiral of the UNSC fleets and given direct command of it's flag ship, the Infinity, sent check in messages to the other 3 mega fleets as they searched for the remaining Flood. His own mega fleet was comprised of the regular Infinity fleet, the Mother of Invention's fleet and the Covenant Flagship fleet as well the Arbiters personal guard ships, While the other 3 held the rest of the Human and Covenant fleets together in some mix. This was the first major offensive that the allies had started and planned to end together.

"Admiral, the messages have been sent and replies are waiting your verification," Trenton's personal AI, Minia, tells him as Trenton sits in his waiting room.

"Thank you Minia, just send them through the sub program for verification from now on, please and thank you." The AI complies and Trenton waits for the seconds as they are proven to be real and then reads the messages, all clear of flood on all fronts. Slamming his hand on the table in anger he breathes out, "Where are you."

At that moment the ships Space Anomaly alarm goes off and a voice over head comes on "Warning, this is not a drill, prepare for wormhole jump, i repeat, prepare........." This is the last few words the Infinity mega fleet hears before being pulled through the hole.
Travelling through the well known space was the Normandy SR-2, the recently reinstated Commander Shepard was in a hell of a fight against the Reaper forces that were quickly killing every advanced race. More people die everyday and it's up to her and the Normandy crew to find a way to stop them.

Although the Normandy was a lone stealth ship it was still an amazing ship due to it's Theraix cannons and extra armor and biotic armor. It was fast and quiet, a deadly combination. With it's crew full of individuals of every race with their own special talents and powers and with entire fleets ready to aid them when needed, only a fool would attack the Normandy. Unless the Reapers do with their seemingly and inpenetrable forces.

Shepard stood at the galaxy map watching as worlds were being taken over by the reapers. They were losing badly. She's lost so much that losing more only made her more stressed then she already was.

Traynor her assistant and ship flie organizer looked at her and said "Commander you have a message in your private terminal." Shepard sighed and walked down from the galaxy map to the desk right next to it with her terminal on it. It was a message from Admiral Hackett telling her a worm hole opened up and has been having suspicious activity. Shepard decided to investigate and said "Joker set a course for the worm hole immediately." He replied "Aye Aye Commander"
Once everyone comes too after the random jump Trenton calls out for damage reports and to start proximity scans of the surrounding space and nearby planet. "Nothing so far on the scanners although the planet is a little far for our effective scanners." The radar crew calls out. "No damage sir beyond a few dents in the walls from people being thrown into them."

"Send out check up messages to the other fleets. Include our new coordinates if we have them yet and then cut all power from them and throw up shields and ready weapons. Proto call you all know." Trenton sets his orders then goes back to his ready room and begins to write up the huge report.

No one detects the stealth ship approaching the mega fleet even though everyone has their scanners running non-stop to try and gather as much information as they can.
As the Normandy approached the black hole, Joker's eyes widened to see the large fleet that wasn't like anything they've seen before. EDI gave Joker a worried look and replied "Jeff, my interface doesn't recognize these ships. They aren't known nor ever been reported seen." Hearing that worried Joker, this meant there's a fifty fifty chance that the people on those ships are friend or foe. He prayed they were friendly, the last thing they needed was a new enemy to fight against.

Shepard walked into the cockpit saying "You needed me to see something Joker? Is it about the worm hole?" She asked. Joker turned and replied "Well yes, we may have a problem Commander." Shepard looked out to see the fleet of unknown ships and immediately Shepard whispered "Damn it. Let's hope those are friendlies and not a new enemy. We're defenseless out here on our own against them." She spoke with hope.
"Admiral, I think we have something." Specialist Wilson calls out. "It was a spec only on for one rotation but I'm sure there is a ship out here near us." The Specialist tells his higher-up over his shoulder.

Trenton then calls over to his Comms man. "Hail this ship in all directions on all frequencies, if anything is out there i want to have the chance to talk." Trenton takes a seat in his big chair right in front of the communication screen, trying to look as important as possible.
Joker's screen beeped alerting him of a incoming message. "Uh Commander? I think our new friends want to communicate with us." He said as a joke, but as usual no one laughed. EDI added "It's a video feed. Commander I think we should take this call, it could be our key to gaining a ally." Shepard gave a nod and replied "Right. Send it to the Comm room and I'll answer it as soon as possible." she ordered started to walk out to head to the Comm room. "Already working on it Commander." Joker told her as she walked away.

The Comm room's table merged into the ground leaving a circle platform she stood in the middle of that normally sent a full body hologram for almost face to face conversations. She accepted the call and next then she saw was a manly figure wearing strange armor sitting in a chair in front of her. Since he called her, she let him speak first.
(oh sorry he isn't in the Mjolnir armor but something more akin to Navy dress blues)
seeing the a very beautiful human woman come onto the screen, Trenton visibly relaxes a little. "Guns down. Hello, I am Admiral Trenton of the UNSC. Do you have any idea where we are, we have no record of the space around us and according to our space maps, that planet shouldn't be here." Trenton starts out sounding official then lapses into a more common term. Off to the left the a voice tells the Admiral that the guns have been powered down.
Shepard saw the man before her relieved he was human instead a unknown alien race or horrific creature like she was use to seeing. She activated her Omni-tool and said: "Joker, it's safe to power down the weapon systems. The fleet powered down their weapons so we'll be safe." Joker's voice came from her Omni-tool replying "Yes Commander." The Normandy's weapon systems were powered down so they wouldn't seem like they planned to attack, which they hoped it wouldn't come to that.

She returned her attention to the man and replied "Strange, that planet has always been in this system. This is the Horsehead Nebula, one of the many solar systems in the galaxy. Did you come from that wormhole by chance?"
"Yes we did, we were on our way to the Rim when it just popped in front of us." All of a sudden, all the senors go off again as the wormhole starts to close up, but just before it does a ship flies through the hole and starts jumps in a random direction, a light gate starting to open before it. "Check that ship before it jumps. Now!" the Admiral yells, then a new light and warning goes off.

"warning, Flood signature detected, warning, Flood signature detected"

"FIRE ON IT NOW" Trenton yells hoping to catch it before it can get a way but the guns are to slow to power up and the ship is long gone for the guns can fire. "Damn it, Mother of Invention, follow that ship as best you can, I think i have some explaining to do."
Seeing the commotion playing out in front of her, Shepard didn't understand what was happening at the moment. Her Omni-tool came on with Joker's voice saying "Commander the worm hole is closing!" She already knew this from what she could see was happening on their ship. "Admiral what's happening? Is there something we can do?" She asked seriously unsure rather to act or not
"What lives in that direction?" Trenton points in a direction behind him, toward seemingly empty space but unknowingly pointing in the direction of a reaper planet. "We need to know, the Flood will decimate what ever lives that way." Trenton's body has returned to its nervous state from earlier, but more scared then anxious.
Shepard looked at the planet and replied "It's an old Batarian planet, but that planet got taken over by the Reapers. If anyone is alive there they're lucky or dying. But what's a Flood? The last thing we need is another enemy indangering the galaxy. The Reapers are already tearing us a part." She asked seeming just as anxious, but more serious looking, deep inside, she was horrified.
"The most correct term for The Flood is a.....bacteria based virus." Trenton presses a few buttons on the console next to him and a few pictures of flood from a small spore to the ship eating super flood start to appear on the screen. "It is the perfect enemy, feeds off sentient life and their dead. The Forerunners, the race before anything tried to fight them in normal ways but failed. The Halo System is the only truly effective means of combating them." He presses another button and a picture of a huge ring near a planet appears on the screen. "You say that these Reapers have claimed that planet then I feel sorry for them, that planet wont last long." Trenton shifts in his seat a little as he starts to slowly calm down on the outside.
Shepard listened to the man carefully and tried to understand what the Flood were. They were definitely something she hasn't seen before, but when he mentioned the Reapers not lasting long Shepard replied "If they can take out the Reapers my guest." She used her Omni tool to pull up large pictures showing creatures larger then ships, some ready to fire lazers as well as some husk and other alien turned Reaper creatures. "The Reapers ecanare trying to wipe out our existance. So far...they're succeedimg. I doubt just the Flood alone can take out their forces." She explained then taking the pictures off.
"Seems our enemies are very similar then, both are aiming for total galactic life destruction. Lets just hope that your wrong about the Reapers, if the Flood can't stop them, nothing can. A race far more numerous and advanced then either of our....variations, lost to them and sacrificed themselves with the ring to save the Universe. Didn't work as well as they hoped obliviously." Seeing the Reapers, Trenton starts to look for weak points in the bodies should they need to fight them. Their size didn't really scare him to much, the Infinity was larger then cities and if weapons couldn't stop them, ramming them would be more then enough.
"I hope so. Perhaps it'll be best if we join forces. You seemed to be from a different place, perhaps a different universe. Your ships and enemies are strange and unknown to us. We won't know how to fight them back. And you, you are in a different place and therefore may have trouble adapting or navigating throughout our space. Besides without an notice they you aren't the enemy all of our galactic forces with attack. We could help each other out until we can return you back home." She tries to negotiate. If they could get these people to help, they can be a great asset to the Alliance and they can kill two birds woith one stone with using each others forces to fight aid in battles with each others enemies
Trenton thinks for second, he has been contemplating the same idea. "That seems like a good idea, mutual benefit for both. If you want to come aboard the Infinity we can share information. Minima, have the Phantoms moved to the fore locker so that...Uuummm, this ship can be but in the main locker." Trenton says this to his AI that materializes off screen. "Yes sir" is all that that is heard."

"Now I believe I heard you called Commander. So Commander if you will follow these vectors to our main locker we can more or less get started with the proceedings." Pressing one last button, a ship vector appears giving the location for Shepard to have her ship move to.
Shepard smiled seeing that this man was willing to see her and fight along side her. Without a question she gave a nod and replied "We'll land immediately and I'll be on board shortly. I'm happy to hear we gained an ally in this fight." She gave a friendly salute then ended the transmission.

Joker had the Normandy sit where the Vector told them to. The crew were unsure about allying with this force they knew nothing about, but Shepard saw it as a opportunity for not only to end the Reapers, but the Floods as well. It was a win/wim situation. When she boarded the ship she was obviously not from the same world since she had different armor and weapons. She was impressed with the ship they had seeing all the unknown technology fascinated her.
The inside of the ship is mostly just bare metal with panels and consuls everywhere, most dress and weapons you see on the majority human crew are wearing something akin to dress blues and have magnum 40's at their hips and what look like more advanced M16's on the more security looking navy men. She also see's an "Elite" pass by, a massive 7" alien with far forward facing knees and a weird looking metal thing at their hips, looking the outer part of the ship as he moves along. Trenton is sitting at the door to the hold with a Spartan wearing his Mjolnir armor, and seeing the commander they walk up to her and salute. "Welcome to the UNSC Infinity, Commander. This is Master Chief, leader of our Spartan forces here and just about everywhere else in the universe." Master Chiefs helmet reflects the light from the bulbs back at Shepard as he nods at her. "Now, I will show you to my waiting room if you don't want to explore the open access parts of the ship first."
Shepard gave a nod back to the man known as Master Chief seeing he was a respectable soldier. She returned her attention to Trenton and listened to what he had to say to her. She smiled softly and replied "Perhaps I can see your open access areas. I'm very fascinated with this ship's design. That and I was never one for waiting." Her N7 armor was much different from their Mjolnir armor. While her armor seemed to be just as protective, but had a slimmer look to it while their's looked a bit thicker. She carried two weapons, a folded up Black Widow sniper rifle and Lance M8 assault rifle ion her back with a Lotis submachine gun and M8 surpresser pistol on her hips. Finally she had a Claymore M8 shotgun on her lower back. She wasn't wearing her helmet so her face was clear to them.
"Looks like your ready for a fight" Trenton comments as he starts to walk down a ship hallway. "This is the bottom most level of the Infinity the armory, war responce Cryo tanks, and ground armor and vehicles take up the majority of the space here along with our aft, central and fore space lockers, each with force fields to let ships and people in and out, but holds air and air pressure in." Trenton says as he walks along a corridor an elevator coming into view.

(how extensive should I get with the ship design and interworking's and what not.)
Shepard laughed as he commented on her look and replied "Well if you knew what I've been through I would carry weapons every where. Just gonna be ready for anything. That and my biotics are a big help." She replied walking with him and observing tjhe room. "Nice. The Normandy is just a stealth ship so it's little therefore doesn't need this, but I am impressed by it." She replied as they walked to the elevator. "This is huge ship and fleet. You must be one of the main forces if not the central force. Am I right?"
"Yes, mostly. The Infinity and her fleet are the Flagship fleet correct, be she is only about 100 meters larger in all directions then most of the other ships, so Mother of Invention, and her sisters aren't much smaller. The only ships that out size the Infinity are the Pillar class ships, more or less colonization ships turned war machines, but the Pillar of Spring is the last of these ships from the original fleet of them, and in a different mega fleet at the time. This forces seems so big because we are also a mega fleet as well, about fourth of the human forces are here, with Infinity, and Mother of Invention taking the leads." Trenton is obliviously in his element and comfort zone as he talks about the ships and fleets as navy men, file into the elevator, Master Chief having walked up quietly as they had walked.
Shepard was intrigued by the way the Infinity and the rest of the ships were designed in size, obviously impressive and made the Normandy look puny, but nonetheless the Normandy was one, if not, the greatest stealth ship there is. She had almost forgotten Master Chief was there since he was so silent, but she made sure she knew where he was so he didn't look forgotten. It did make her wonder why he was so quiet, but she figured he wasn't one for talking. "Interesting.." she simply said without anything else to say as they stepped into the elevator
As the elevator starts to lift Trenton looks at Master Chief, "I think I can handle her Chief if you want to get back to training the other Spartan's. I don't think she is going to cause trouble."

In a deep and very iconic seeming voice, The Chief finally talks "Better to not take chances sir." He then resumes his usual quiet nature, his posture even though at parade rest screams relaxed for him.

"Ok then Master Chief" Trenton confirms before looking back at the Commander before him. "So where first. Training area, mess hall, if your hungry that is, my waiting room through the bridge, or to see Minima may be," He asks as her calmly.
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