Light at The End of A Dark Tunnel(Retsu & JassyJasB)

Hades chuckled as meg commented about how their demigods could drive her off a cliff, and he knew exactly how she felt. Meg couldn't do it as much as he could with her usually being pregnant, but he would sometimes have punish his four little monsters. He never liked having to do it, but knew that was just part of being a father. Suddenly, the puppy they had bought when she was pregnant with Caiden jumped up on the bed with them, but he was a full grown Great Dane now "Going to lay down with mom and pop, Sarge?" he chuckled, and scratched behind the dog's ears. Hades had trained him to be somewhat of a guard dog for his family. It wasn't that he would attack anyone he didn't recognize, but Sarge was trained to growl and be weary of anyone, and would only attack if Hades gave him the okay. His attention was turned back to Meg though as she asked about going to the park, so they could have some fun, and maybe even invite Hercules and his wife. While her thinking wasn't exactly wrong, he just tolerated Hercules now. Not really counting him as a friend, but he would talk and joke around with him if they were together "The park does sound lovely, and it is a nice day outside. Plus, Micah has been asking me if we could go to the park today anyway, and I told him that I would confirm it with you first."

The question of a bigger house was an odd one, but it made Hades chuckle "Now that you mention it, our boys are going to want friends over soon enough," he chuckled again, and moved up to softly kiss Meg again while snapping his fingers. Nothing visible happened, but Hades hated moving, so he just used his own godly powers to expand their house, and make three and a half rooms. The half being that one of the rooms he built had a bathroom inside "I don't have anything that I want to add. Just being with you, our little demigods, and Sarge is more than enough for me," he moved back up, so he was cuddling with Meg now, and scratched Sarge's ear again "So, do you want to call Hercules and ask if they want to come to the park with us, or shall I?" he asked, pulling out his cell phone.
"I'll do it, you go get the boys ready." She took Hades phone and made the call to Hercules. He agreed to meet them at the park and he would bring his wife along with him. Meg was going tort out of bed, any minute now but the bed was so comfortable she just laid in bed a little while longer. She heard little feet running down the hall and smiled when she saw her two youngest boys Andrew and Alyx, one three almost four and the other just turned two. Alyx was in his diaper and nothing else and Andrew just had his shirt on. Meg patted the bed and held her boys, "You're daddy is going to be upset." She said with a smile and held them closer. She told them to hide in her closet and she got up out of bed and started getting ready.

She didn't want to wear pants most days, now that her stomach was so big she stuck with pretty dresses that were easy on and easy off. She grabbed what she needed and let the his hide in her clothes while she went to the bathroom to get ready. She slid on her dress and smiled when she heard her husband walk into the room. Her eyes darted to her closet to give him a hint as to where the boys were. She leaned against the door frame and watched Hades.
Hades nodded, and got off the bed to go and tell Caiden and Micah to get ready. Caiden was their oldest child at seven years old, and Micah was two years behind him being five. They were the easiest, and he just had to tell them that they were going to the park with cousins Herc and Katie as they knew Hercules and his wife. With them taken care of, he headed towards Andrew's and Alyx's room to tell them to get ready, but couldn't find them. He searched their entire room as they both liked to play around with him the most, but still couldn't find him. He wasn't worried that they were lost, and were probably just hiding somewhere in the house; however, he thought that Meg might know where they are.

As he walked into the room, Meg looked towards their closet, and he smirked as he realized what she said. Hades loved his boys to death, and always had more than enough energy to play with him "Hey, Meg, have you seen Alyx and Andrew?" he asked, in a loud enough voice so they could hear him "I can't seem to find them anywhere," he shrugged his shoulders, and started walking towards the closet "Oh well, guess I better change and find them later," he stopped at the closet door, and chuckled before pulling the door open, and grabbing both boys. He bear hugged them both, but was careful not to hurt them "Oh my god! We have two little monsters in our closet, Meg!" he "let" them push him back on the bed, and crawl all over him while the three of them laughed together.

Hades played with his two youngest for a little before lifting them off him, and getting out the rest of his laughs "Alright boys, save some energy for the park. We are going to meet cousins Herc and Katie there," he patted them both on the back as the two ran off towards their rooms to get ready. Hades sat up on the bed, and flashed a bright smile towards Meg "I am going to miss them when they eventually move out, Meg. I knew that I always wanted to be a father, but I didn't realize that it could be this fun," he chuckled, and got off the bed to walk closer to Meg, and put his arms around her waist as he pulled her close. He felt another kick from Eliza "I love you, Meg," he told her, intertwining their fingers together, and bringing up the hand which her wedding ring was on "And this means that will always be true."
"I know you won't cheat on me. We have too much history for that. But this does mean that you will choose me and the kids before power. You have done a very good job so far. And hellfire Records is still the leading recording company, so all your power is there." Meg got up on her tip toes and kissed him softly. "I promise we will have a break after our little girl. Caiden and Micah will be in school and Andrew and Alyx will be in preschool. I can take this one to work with me and just keep her in your office while we work. Things will be somewhat normal again. I know I can't sit around the house. I'd go insane." The baby kicked really hard that they both looked down at Meg's stomach. "I think that means she wants you to get ready." She kissed Hades softly and went to go check on Alyx and help him get dressed.

He could do it himself, he just needed help most of the time. She changed his pull up and helped him put his pants and shirt on. He went out front to put on his shoes. Micah and Caiden were dressed and ready to go. She went into the kitchen and started making sandwiches. She asked Micah to make sure the blanket was in the car. She made ten sandwiches in all, one for each of the boys, one for her and the rest for Hades because he could have the appetite of a horse sometimes. She got a whole bag of chips, juice and water for the kids and snacks for when they didn't want to sit around and eat.

She packed Andrew and Alyx in the car and then had Micah and Caiden get in. It didn't feel right leaving Sarge at home so she had him get in the car as well. She went back inside for the food and put in the back. Finally she and hades got in the car, after she made sure she had everything she needed. They got to the park and let their monsters roam free. They all ran straight to Hercules and attacked him. He fell to the ground and then playfully tackled them back. Meg and hades walked over to them and gave Katie a hug. When Hercules got off the ground, she gave him a hug as well. Alyx wanted to go to the park so set the blanket down and followed him over and pushed him on the swing. Sarge was running all around and keeping his eye on all the kids and everything around them.
Hades had done a good job in making sure his family came first, and was going to continue doing so. He did used to think that he would probably slip up, and accidentally go for power first, but after living with his amazing wife and their four boys for years. He realized that he couldn't let them down. The kick from Eliza made them both look down, and he chuckled as he followed his little girl's order and went to go get changed. That didn't take him long to do, and he simply got started on helping Meg and the boys with whatever they needed. He made sure that Alyx and Andrew were secure inside their child seats, and made sure that Caiden and Micah had their seatbelts on as well. He helped Meg load everything into the van that they had bought after Andrew was born. Their previous cars had worked well enough for the four of them, but they were going to need something a whole lot bigger. So Hades bought them a nice minivan that easily suited their needs for their ever growing family. Even Sarge was brought along with them, and he sat in between Caiden and Micah.

With everything inside the van, Hades helped Meg get inside before getting into the driver's side himself. He drove them to the park, and they let all the kids run free once they stopped, and Sarge wasn't far behind them. He loved those kids almost as much as Hades and Meg did, and was their second protector; Hades being their first. All the kids ran to Hercules first, and instantly attacked him. He loved playing with them, as it was a nice preview for when he had his own kids. Just like Hades, he always wanted to be a father, and had more than enough energy to keep up with the little ones.

And it seemed that was going to come true soon. Hades wasn't quite sure, but it looked like Katie was pregnant, and he just had to ask "Is that a little baby bump you got there, Katie?" she nodded her head, and told them that she was about a month pregnant already. She was both scared and excited since it was her first pregnancy "Speaking of which, do you have any helpful tips for a first time expecting mother, Meg?" she asked since she knew Meg had already gone through four pregnancies, and was about to go through a fifth.

Since Meg couldn't really play due to her size, and because she had a question to answer. Hades went off to join his sons, and Hercules in playing at the park. He even brought a Frisbee with them, so Sarge in could join in the fun as well, and the Frisbee was his favorite toy.
"Enjoy it. The little kicks, the big kicks. Even the morning sickness. It will all be worth it once you have the little guy in your arms. And I personally hope you have. A girl to play with my little girl. I don't think Hades and I will be having any more any time soon. Maybe in a hundred years." Meg's says laughing. She wouldn't mind having another but she would rare wait and enjoy the ones she has now. "And take breaks between pregnancies. I was so excited to be a mom I popped them all out back to back. I am happy to have them all, but I barely gave my body time to adjust. I'm going to need a personal trainer." She knew she could have Hades zap her body back to normal, she already knew he did that with her nether region but she asked for that. But she wanted to earn her body back. She wanted to become the milf on her own, not through magic. She smiled at Katie and watched the boys run around.

She kept pushing Alyx on the swing while she talked to Katie. He wanted to get down and play with the other kids at the park so she let him go. She and Katie went to a bench and talked for a while. Hercules seemed happy and that made Meg happy. He deserved to be happy after everything that happened in his life. She played frisbee with Sarge but it didn't last very long because he was paying more attention to the kids.

"He's going to be a good dad." Meg said and pointed at Hercules who was tossing Alyx up in the air. "You won't have to worry about him. He's probably nervous as hell but Hades was too. He tried to hide it but I saw his fear the first time he held Caiden. He has messed up a couple times but it was expected and he learned from his mistakes. I think it'll be natural for Hercules. Especially after practicing with my boys."
"Well, Hercules and I are only planning on having this one kid for now, but thanks for the tips," both women talked about various things after that, and it wasn't until Alyx wanted to go play with the others that they moved over to a bench, and resumed talking there "Oh I know that Hercules is afraid. We both are considering this is our first pregnancy, but I also know that we want this more than anything. When I met him at the bar, I knew right there that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I was rather surprised to find that he was a full blown god, but had rejected his powers and immortality when Zeus offered them to him. I mean, my father, Poseidon didn't know I existed until my mother called to him, and told him about me. Even then, the only power I have is the ability to slightly command water," Katie sighed, and looked down as she rubbed her small little bump "Anyway, have you decided on a name for your little girl, yet? We want to keep the gender a surprise until they are born, but we already have names for either gender. If it is a boy, then we want to name him Zander, and a girl we are going to name her Haleigh."

They stayed at the park for quite sometime as their children had a lot more energy than normal children since they were demigods. It did get kinda harder at days when they were really excited, or hopped up on sugar, but it was usually Hades's job to calm them down, or burn their energy off. It was nearly sunset when the boys started getting tired, and even Hades and Hercules were starting to show signs of getting tired. For one of the rare moments in their lives together, the two former rivals had fun while playing with Hades's kids. Something which didn't happen very often with Hades still not quite liking Hercules. They returned to their wive's sides, and said their goodbyes to each other. Hades and Meg both rallied everyone inside the van, and got them all buckled in before getting in themselves, and heading back home. Andrew and Alyx fell asleep in the car, so Hades carried them into their bedroom, and tucked them in.

Soon enough, all their boys were asleep, and Sarge had crawled into his bed out in the den, so he could guard the house easier. Now it was just Hades and Meg still awake, and he had just gotten out of the shower, and changed into sleepwear "I enjoyed today, hun," he said as he crawled into bed with Meg "And I actually had one of those rare moments where I had fun with Hercules as well," he chuckled, and snuggled up with Meg. He made a circle in the air with his finger, and a hole appeared in the air that showed their four children sleeping peacefully "We have some great kids, don't we?" he kissed her cheek, and laid back to watch his sons sleep for a while before making the hole disappear, and put an arm around Meg "I hope your understand that having a girl is going to be a lot different than our boys, and that you will have to be the one taking the most care of her. Not only that, but I don't want my little girl to grow up wrong, so let's try to keep her away from boys until she is at least sixteen...maybe seventeen."
"Eliza possibly." Meg said to her belly. They continued to talk about names until it was time to go. Meg cuddled with Hades and hit his hand, "he is married with a baby on the way. Why do to hate him so much? Did fate ever tell you how he would steal your power away? I think he technically already has stolen your power. Since the fight, you haven't done anything to gain power. To have been by my side, strengthening our bond and creating a family. Your power isn't gone but you aren't gaining any either." She looked into Hades eyes, "What power could he possibly take away? He isn't taking me or the kids. What's the point of hating him?" She asked laughing. She rubbed his cheek and pinched it, "Are you still jealous?"

She closed her eyes and relaxed against him. Her eyes snapped open when he said no boys until she was seventeen. "you're insane. Will the boys be able to have girlfriends whenever they want? That's no fair to make her wait. She will have a boyfriend when she is ready and knowing you, you're going to scare all the boys away. Just like you did that week before we started dating. I feel bad for her already, she's not out of my womb yet and you're already planning torture for her future boyfriends." She grabbed Hades hand and placed it on her stomach. She used his hand to rub her stomach and closed her eyes again.

"She has four brothers and they are all going to be bring boys over to the house. She is going to have crushes and dates and there's nothing you can do to stop her. And I am not going to let you stop her from being a young girl. But I will but her in a chastity belt if I find out she is having sex in middle school, junior high, or the first two years of high school. And then you can melt the key with your laser vision." She giggled and rubbed his cheek.
Hades joined her in laughter as she finished explaining everything "Come on, Meg. I'm trying to play the role of the overprotective father when he has a little princess. I mean, I don't want her to have a boyfriend when she is only ten, but I guess she can be thirteen before I allow her to have a boyfriend. Even then, I am going to get inside those boy's heads, and make sure they are going to treat my daughter right. I will not allow her to date someone who solely wants to have sex with her, and that is it. If possible, I would like for her to remain a virgin until she gets married to the right man," perhaps he was playing into the role of the overprotective father a little too much, but that was something Meg wasn't going to talk him out of. Hades was going to make sure all of the boys she dates are good boys, and date her for her, and not for what is inside her pants. That was another trait about men in the modern world that he hated, and his daughter was not going to have it happen to her.

He smiled at his wife, and nuzzled into Meg as he clapped his hands, and all the lights in their room went out "Good night, Meg," just before he pulled the covers over them, Hades looked down at her stomach "And good night to you as well, Eliza. Daddy's little princess," he chuckled, and closed his eyes as he let sleep take over his body.
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