Light at The End of A Dark Tunnel(Retsu & JassyJasB)

"You think I will just run into your arms because you promise to change? How many times have you promised me you would change and how many time have I seen it fly out the window? I'm not the stupid little girl I was when we first met. You aren't going to slide something shiny in my face and I'm not just going to completely forget about this." She wiped her face again and took her hands from his. She went over to Hercules and knelt beside him. "Heal him. Now." She told Hades and rubbed Hercules bloody cheek. She leaned over and kissed his forehead. She moved her head by his ear and whispered, "I'm sorry this happened to you." She sat up straight and put her hand above Hercules's heart. She looked up at Hades, "I want the truth about him. The second you lie to me, I am out of here. That's a promise."

Before they did all that and told Hercules the truth, she would have to tell Hercules about what he really is. She doubted he would believe her because the truth so fantastical it couldn't be real. He was mostly likely confused by her choice of words with Hades saying they have been together centuries. And there was Hades popping up out of no where, an insane a mouth of strength and the fire that crackled around him. She helped Hercules off the ground and took him to the couch in the living room. She spoke slowly and softly, and filled him in on what he knew. He didn't seem to believe or want to believe it but after what he saw with Hades, he really didn't have a choice.

"I think you should go digest everything I just told you. And if you are feeling up to it, you can come back tomorrow, or i can come to you, and we can talk some more. Maybe even call on Zeus, I'm sure he has been watching out for you, waiting for the day until he could talk to you again." She rubbed his cheek again and leaned forward and kissed both of his cheeks. "This has been a very crappy day, now hasn't it?" She asked softly. She walked Hercules to the door and gave him a final hug. "Call me. Okay?" She rubbed his back and watched him get in his car.

She turned to hades and crossed her arms over the chest. "I only made him leave because I know whatever you are going to say, would make him go bonkers. You tell me and I will tell him the truth tomorrow."
Hades cursed silently under his breath as he was going to be forced to heal Hercules. The one man who can single-handedly ruin his entire life, and destroy everything he worked for. It wasn't like he had a choice though. He was walking on extremely thin ice with Meg, and had to be careful of every single word. With some hesitation, Hades put his hand on Hercule's stomach, and healed his wounds. He felt disgusted at himself for having to do that, but Meg would leave him otherwise. He watched as she led Hercules out of the house, and told him to call her tomorrow, or to come over. That meant he would have to hear his voice, and see him once again. This was going to drive him insane, and he just hoped that he could fix things between him and Meg before that day came.

When Hercules was finally gone, Meg demanded the truth once again from Hades, and the god just sighed "Yes, I did try to kill him twenty five years ago, and he is indeed the son of Zeus and Hera. They held a party for him on his first birthday, and the Fates told me that he could ruin my quest for power should he stay alive. So I had Pain and Panic kidnap him, and make him drink a special serum which would turn him into a mortal, and they could kill him. At first, I thought they had succeeded, but now I see that they were wrong. Meg, seeing you with him hurt me more than anything in the world because I thought I had done you wrong somehow. I couldn't control my anger, and let my rage cloud my judgement. I still do want to kill Hercules, but..." he couldn't believe that he was about to say this, and shuddered before doing so "I'll let him be your....friend."

He growled in anger at the word friend, and looked away from her as he shuddered once more "But only as a friend! If I see him touching you in a way that I don't like, kiss you in any way, or anything else like that. Then I will attack him just like I did today," he snapped his fingers, and fixed the wall he had just broken in the kitchen, and even fixed the wall that was between her private getaway, and their bedroom "Now can we please just try to forget about this day? I won't blame you if you make me sleep on the couch, but just don't leave me."
"You are so power hungry that you tried to kill a baby? Are all gods that sick that they would kill an innocents child for power, or just you? After everything we have been through you tried to kill a baby?" She rubbed her forehead feeling a massive headache coming. "Thank you for allowing me a friend." She rolled her eyes and left him in the kitchen. She went to her get away spot and locked the door so he couldn't get in. She didn't come out for the rest of the day. She didn't eat, she just laid on the couch and stared out of the window. The next day was Monday so she did what she normally did. She made Hades a cup of coffee and pulled out his suit. She told him what his meetings were for the day and then she left him to his own devices.

She didn't go to work, she wasn't feel up to it. Instead she sent a text to Hercules asking for his address. She drove to his place and they sat in silence for a little bit. She filled him in on what she learned after he left and looked down at her feet. "I know he sounds horrible to you but I have seen him at his worst and I know his best is so much better than this. He is a good guy, I know he is. He just needs some help sometimes. You have to understand, I've been with him all my life. He is better than this. I know he is and I don't want to throw everything that we have together away." She put her head in his hands and rubbed her forehead again, "I don't know how he is going to fix this one though. Not just to me but to you and Zeus as well. When they find out they are going to maim him. Literally."

"He knows how to make it up to me. He knows what I want, I just want him to prove that I mean more to him than power. If we were to have family, I want the family to come before everything else."
Hades couldn't concentrate on his work at all. He felt so terrible about what he had done yesterday, and told the secretary that worked for him when Meg didn't to just cancel all his meetings, and tell them that he was really sick if they ever asked why. In a sense, he was sick. He wasn't growing a heart, and would just forget about killing Hercules. More than anything he wanted to murder the guy in cold-blood, but he had betrayed Meg. They have been together for nearly millions of years now, and both of them had put so much trust in the other, and he just threw away his own trust for her because of his own jealously. He knew full well what he had to do to make it up to Meg, and he would be dammed if he wasn't going to give it to her.


Hercules had one hell of a day yesterday. When he got home, all he did was just find himself a bottle of vodka, and have a couple shots to digest everything that happened, and everything that he was told. The next morning, when Meg texted him, he was glad to have a friend that could help him with everything, and told her his address. They did sit in silence for a bit, but it didn't last too long as she started to tell him what Hades had told her when he left. If he had experienced what happened last night, then he would think that Meg was just some crazy idiot who babbled nonsense "Meg, I still love you, and want nothing more than to make you into my wife, but I understand. I may of saw the worst of him today, but even after that you are standing next to him. Love like that isn't seen much in the world we live in, and even though he tried to kill me both as a baby, and yesterday. I'll try to convince Zeus not to hurt him too much," he sighed, and just closed his eyes as he rested for a bit "If you want, we can contact my father now."
She gave Hercules a hug and thanked him for understanding. She ended up crying into his chest. She was so confused. She had this god that was willing to love her and give her everything she wanted. He has been nothing but nice since the moment they met. And even after her boyfriend tried to kill him, he still said he loved her. He was willing to challenge the god of the underworld for her. "Why do you have to be so perfect?!" She asked and cried even harder. She didn't know if she was making the worst choice of her life or the best. Hercules could be her second chance at a real life but she couldn't give up on Hades. After a while she calmed down and sat up straight. She wiped her eyes and tried to compose her self. She would stick to her decision, she had too.

"You know how to call your dad? I don't think I should be here for that. He is going to try to get to Hades any way he can and I don't know if its smart for me to be here while you're doing that." She was afraid of Zeus, he was the mot powerful thing out there. Hades tried to kill his son, she really doubted Zeus would want anything to do with anything that had a relation hades. She really didn't want to die by a lightning bolt either. If Hercules wanted her to stay then she would because she owed him that much but if he could do it on his own while she was a safe distance away then she would do that as well. She squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek again, "You're going to find the right girl. And she is going to be everything you want and she will be as perfect as you are. And I'm sorry about your shirt. I'll get you a new one." She looked at the tear stains on his shirt and wiped her face again. She went into the bathroom to wash her face off. She had to stay, after ever hing Hercules has done for her, she had to stay for this one thing and be his support. Even if it meant her death. She walked back out and sat on the couch, "Call him. I'll stay here with you."
Hercules wanted Meg to stay with him. He had never spoken to his father before, and knowing that he was a god made him a little scared "To be honest, I was drunk when I found out how, so I don't know if it will work or not," he pulled the medallion out from his pocket, and put in on the coffee table in front of them "If it doesn't, then you will need to do it for me," he put his arm around her shoulders and held her close to him as a way to protect her. Considering that Zeus was both his father and a god, then he had no doubt in his mind that he would be furious at Hades, and that also meant there was a small chance he would want to destroy Hades's life. Meg shouldn't be a part of that, and his father shouldn't kill the only man who can truly make her happy "Close your eyes, Meg."

After she did, Hercules did as well, and started chanting while focusing all of his thoughts on his father's medallion. His chanting got louder and louder as his entire house started shaking, but he just continued to hold Meg close, so they could at least know that they were safe together. Suddenly, everything stopped and a loud crack of thunder could be heard as the head of Zeus appeared out from the medallion "Son?" he asked, having to stare at the man before him before his lips formed into a huge smile "Hercules!" now Zeus started forming right in front of them until he was as real as real could be, and hugged Hercules "It really is you! Your mother and I have been so worried that we would never see you again!"

His hug was rather tight, and it was nearly choking Hercules "F-Fat-Father...choking," Zeus laughed and let go of Hercules before turning his attention towards Meg "And who is this lovely lady? Have you found yourself a woman, my son?" the question made Hercules sigh, and shake his head "No, but she does relate to why I called you here," he quickly wrapped both his arms around Meg, and gave Zeus a stern look "And no matter how angry you get, I do not want you to hurt this woman in any way! She means everything to me, and you are not my father if you hurt her," Zeus was rather dumbfounded by his son's statement, but would respect his wish "I promise that she will not be harmed. Now what do you want to talk about?"

Hercules looked at Meg to ask for permission, but continued to hold her as he spoke "Her name is Meg, and she is the girlfriend of your brother, Hades. Twenty five years ago, on my first birthday, Hades had his two imps, Pain and Panic, kidnap me in the middle of the night, and got me to drink a serum which turned me into a mortal. I wasn't able to finish it though because a married couple hiking in the woods scared them away, and I was crying when they found me. Pain and Panic came back to try and kill them, but I had still retained my strength, and threw the imps away with my strength. I was raised as their child ever since then, and I have met Meg only recently. I fell in love with her, but her heart already belonged to Hades as they have been together ever since the ancient times since he made her immortal. I tried to make her love me instead, but it didn't work, and Hades found out that I was still alive, and what I was trying to do with Meg. He attacked me yesterday, and very nearly killed me again."

Zeus listened to Hercules every word, and each word got him more and more angry. When his son finally finished, the rage could clearly be seen in his eyes, and another loud crack of thunder erupted as the powerful god screamed out his brother's name at the top of his lungs, and got up to go attack, but Hercules reacted quickly and stopped his father from going too far "You can attack Hades all you want, but don't you dare kill him. Meg loves him and vice versa. He is the one man who can make her truly happy, and I will disown you, my mother, and all the other gods if you kill him, and ruin Meg's chance at being happy," he let that sink into his father's head before letting go, and sitting back down with Meg "How about you stay with me for a while? I don't think it will be safe for you to be around Hades right now," Hercules hugged her and held her tight to let her cry if she wanted, and to just make sure she felt safe with him.


Hades knew he would incur Zeus's wrath because he knew that Hercules was calling him. He could see that he was through Meg's eyes, and had simply teleported out into a field in the middle of nowhere, so they hurt wouldn't anyone, or break anything in their house. He just simply waited, and took everything Zeus gave to him when his brother found him, and didn't even try to fight back. He deserved everything, and was only doing this to show Meg that he was really going to change for real this time. The next day, Hades was a broken mess, and his own natural healing abilities were having one hell of a time trying to heal everything that Zeus had done to him. He allowed Meg to spend the night with Hercules, but limped to his phone as he called Meg, and told her that she could come back. He had some good news for her, and couldn't wait to tell her it.
Zeus was going to kill Hades. She knew it she could feel it. She wanted to follow him but there was no telling where they could have went. She couldn't sit still, she kept biting her nails and bottom lip. Hercules tried to get her to sit down and she did for about ten seconds before she was up and pacing again. She couldn't sleep when the time came. Hercules tried to stay up with her but he ended up passing out. She did what she always did when she was nervous and cleaned his apartment. She couldn't vacuum because Hercules was sleeping but she did his dishes and cleaned his rooms and dusted. She even made him a full breakfast the next morning and watched him eat it. She couldn't eat because she was too nervous about Hades. He didn't call her last night, he could be dead in the middle of the field. She would never see him again. A whole range of thoughts were swimming through her head. She felt nauseous.

When she got his call she was ecstatic. Her heart soared, knowing that he was still alive. He sounded like he was in pain but at least he was still alive. The only good news she really cared about was the fact that he was still alive. She had no idea what he was going to tell her. She was running on adrenaline and nerves. She gave Hercules a big hug and told him the good news, that Hades was still alive. She put what she was wearing yesterday back on and gave Hercules the shirt he gave her to sleep in back. "Thank you. You could have easily killed him and gotten him out of the way but you saved him for me. You have no idea how much that means to me." She gave him a tight hug and rubbed his back. "If you ever need anything I'm just a phone call away. Anything at all, I'll be there. Oh and you got a call from the Police Department. Training starts next week. I wrote it down on a sticky note over there."

She smiled at Hercules and left his apartment. She hopped into her car and drove home. When she got there and saw Hades she wrapped her arms around him. She knew that would probably hurt from the way he was walking but she didn't care. "I love you." She said softly and kissed him passionately before he could say anything back. She let him go and took a step back, "So, what's the good news?"
Having her hug him so tightly really did hurt, but he ignored the pain as best he could, and returned Meg's kiss. Hades was happy to know that she still loved him, and still cared about him now. He thought for sure that he was going to drive her away, but this good news would hopefully solve all of that. When she finally pulled away, and asked what the good news was, Hades just simply chuckled, and motioned for her to follow him into their bedroom. He sat down on the bed, and waited until she joined him before speaking "As you can see, Zeus did a number on me, and I am hurting like you wouldn't believe. My healing abilities are trying to help, but they aren't exactly built for an attack from a god. Anyway, he beat me, and I swore that I was going to die, and never see you again, but he just suddenly stopped. My brother told me everything that Hercules had said to him, and asked me personally why I tired to kill his son, and my nephew. So I just told him, and even told him why I had attacked Hercules two days ago. Then he did something that I will never forget."

Hades looked into Meg's eyes with the brightest smile "He gave me all my powers back," he didn't care that he was in pain at the moment, and just pulled Meg close to him as he hugged her now "Meg, we can finally have the family we always dreamed of! I have made my sperm fertile again, and I am willing to have as many kids as you want. My quest for power shall be no more, and everything I do will have our family's best interest first," he pulled away, and kissed her passionately yet again, and stayed for a while before pulling away again "I love you more than anything else in this entire world, Meg. I always have since I first laid eyes on you, and I always will."

But that wasn't all he had for good news. For years he had held off from doing this because he didn't like the idea of it, nor think that it was even necessary for them, but no more. Hades slowly slid off the bed, and got down on knee while giving a groan of pain. He reached slowly into his pocket, and pulled out a simple black box "Megara," the box was opened to reveal a beautiful engagement ring "Will you marry me?"
Her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide at the ring, she let him slide it on her finger and she gave him another hug and kiss. She stared at the ring and then finally said it, "Yes of course." She helped him back up on the bed and smiled at him. "We have a wedding plan and then kids to have." She smiled at Hades and kissed him softly. "But we aren't have kids until after the wedding. How about something simple? My family's dead, they have been for a long time. Just you and me, some where pretty. Hawaii maybe. Just a simple white dress and a nice causal suit for you. That's what I wanted all along. You just never gave me a chance to explain what I wanted for a wedding." She rubbed his cheek and poked the tip of his nose.

"And it looks like you have to apologize and thank Hercules. This beating is nothing compared to what could have happened." She put her hand over his heart and then put her head on his chest. The lack of sleep was starting to get to her but she didn't want to sleep. "How long is it going to take you to heal?" She asked as she yawned and rubbed his side with her thumb. She ended up falling asleep listening to his heart beating in his chest.

She was in some type of wide open field, in her dream, she looked around and recognized it as the field Hades took her to many many times back when they first got together. She walked over to the big apple tree to get out of the shade. She plucked an apple and took a bite of it. She walked around the tree and did a completely circle around it. She noticed the edge of a table and she completed the circle. A woman was sitting on the other side with a soft smile on her face. She wasn't her mother, Meg knew that much. She had no idea who the woman was.

"Sit please." The woman said softly. She poured Meg a cup of whatever she was drinking and handed the cup to her. "You are a beautiful woman. I hear you captured the heart of Hades. That's hard task to do."

Meg smiled a little and took a sip of the drink. "He's captured my heart as well. Who are you?"

"Don't worry about it." The woman said with a smile and watched Meg take another sip of her drink. "You know it's funny how men can forgive things so easily, sometimes. Like how Zeus forgave Hades for taking his son away. I guess, it's because he didn't have the connection to Hercules that I did. Zeus didn't carry Hercules in his stomach for nine months. He defiantly didn't spend as much time with him as I did." The woman's smile slowly turned into a straight line. "But you would think that the father of your child would put up a bigger fight. Would kill the man that took his son, his only son with his wife."

"Hera?" Meg asked softly and the woman nodded her head.

"And I can't forgive him that easily. I can't. He took my world away. I was forced to watch another woman, take care of my son. She patched his wounds, she tucked him in at night. That was my job! And Hades took that away from me." Meg felt something happening to her body and she put the cup down. "Hades doesn't know what it's like to lose something he loves. I'm doing what Zeus should have. I hope you realize that. I hope you told Hades all he needs to know. Because for you, there will be no tomorrow." Hera said and disappeared from the table.

Meg felt something happening to her body but she didn't know what it was. It had to be the drink, she looked down at her hands and saw them slowly starting to age. She tried to wake up but she was stuck in the dream. She wanted to wake up, she tried everything she could. She noticed the more she tried to wake up the faster her body started to age. She stopped trying to wake up and she screamed for Hades. Holding in some way he could feel her in distress in her dream.

Her real body was laying in the bed motionless, she looked like she was in a relaxed sleeping state. No one would know that she was slowing dying. Hera smiled down at Meg's body and rubbed her cheeks. She heard Hades walking back into the room and she teleported back to her house. Leaving Meg to die and Hades to break and mourn like she did.
Before Meg fell asleep, Hades answered her question "Not quite sure really. I do have healing abilities way beyond that of a humans, so it might take a week at the most," after that, he just stayed in bed with his fiancee, and gently ran his fingers through her hair until she fell asleep on his chest. He was careful after that to not wake her as he moved off the bed, and let her sleep in peace. She told him that he needed to apologize and thank Hercules, but Hades wasn't quite ready to do that yet. He was going to need Meg with him, so he knew not to attack him again as he feared that he would if she wasn't with him. So he simply headed into the bathroom, so he could take a hot shower. That always relaxed his muscles, and sometimes helped him heal. He was going to need one because of Zeus, but he still couldn't blame his brother. Any father would of reacted the same way after hearing what he was told by his own son. Hades just hoped that none of the other gods tried the same thing on him with his own children as he had learned his lesson, and was above that now.

His shower lasted as long as Meg's meeting with Hera did, and something felt wrong again as Hades got out of the shower. Not like last time when she was with Hercules, but this was fear. Fear like something was happening to her, and he dressed him quickly before rushing into their room. As soon as he entered the room, he was blasted with a near ear-piercing scream that was Meg calling for him, yet she was still asleep. He knew just from looking at her, and hearing the scream what was happening to her "Meg!" he rushed towards her, and held her in his arms as he checked for some kind of pulse. One was there, but it was slowly, and that met she was dying "No! Don't die, Meg!" he couldn't understand why she was dying though. Zeus had told him that he forgave him for what he did, and that he could live his life with Meg happily. Besides, she was immortal thanks to him, so it...then it hit him. The only thing that can kill an immortal is another immortal. No one broke into his house, and poisoned Meg because he would have felt it even if the person was a god as well. So whoever killed her had done so in Meg's dream, and Hercules was immediately out of the question because he had learned he was a god only yesterday, and couldn't have the knowledge to pull that level of godly power yet.

Zeus had given him his word that Meg wouldn't be harmed because he didn't want his son to disown him, Hera, or any of the other gods. So he knew it couldn't be him either. Hades was baffled as to who it could be, and he began trying everything to save Meg. Blasting her with healing magic, slapping her, yelling in her ear, and even tried making her immortal again, but nothing was working. He broke down right there, and cried harder than he ever thought possible "No! No! No! No!! You can't die on me, Meg! I need you!" he held her close to him as he cried on her motionless body, and tried blasting her with healing magic constantly. Not wanting to believe that he couldn't save her.

He stopped trying to heal her after two hours of nothing, and could only do one thing now. Hades hated having to do it, but what choice did he have "Zeus! Brother! Please, I need your help!"

It was something that he thought he would never hear in his life, but that was definitely Hades calling to him for help, and his voice sounded like he had been crying for quite sometime. In all the years they have been alive, Zeus never saw or heard his brother cry before, and immediately teleported to his side "Whats wr-" he saw why he had called him, and couldn't stop staring. Meg was dying, or possibly already dead with Hades crying over her. Hades explained everything that he knew to the best of his ability since his voice was strewn with hiccups because of his crying, and hoarse from all the yelling he did. Zeus had stuck to his word of not harming Meg, or killing Hades, so he didn't understand why she was dead; however, the more he thought about it. The more the answer started to reveal itself to him. He just didn't understand why she did it "Don't worry, Hades. I know how to get her back," he patted his brother's back before going back to Olympus.

"Hera!" he called for his wife once there "You did that, didn't you? You killed Meg! Why!? Do you even understand what is going to happen now!? I spared her and Hades because Hercules himself told me to! Hera, he was going to disown us as his parents if I didn't, and you know that I would want nothing more to kill Hades, and destroy everything he has ever loved in his entire life, but I wanted our son back more! Do you want Hercules to find out, and hate us!? Is that what you want!?"
"He doesn't even know us as his parents. He has his parents on earth now. Do you really think he would have called you dad with out feeling guilty to the man who raised him? As far as he is concerned, his fear is the one that raised him. You and I just made him, they raised him. He was supposed to be mine and Hades took that away from me. And I took it away from him, I did the one thing you couldn't do. And now, you are the most powerful being there is. Hades will be broken and forced to stay in the underworld. He won't have the strength to retaliate. You will never have to worry about your position." She tried convincing him this was for the better.


Hercules was sitting on his couch flipping through the channels went he felt something wrong. He didn't know how he knew, he just knew something was wrong. He tried to brush the feeling off but he just couldn't do it. He grabbed his keys and ran out the door. He hopped in his car and just drove. He didn't realize where he was driving until he was staring at Meg's house. He turned off the car and got out and ran to the door. He knocked and yelled and when no one answered he burst in the room. He called Meg's name, thinking Hades had hurt her in some way. He was getting angrier the more he called her name. He ran through the house and looked for her and saw Hades over her body. He was seeing red, Meg's body was on the bed motionless with Hades over her. He ripped Hades off of her body and felt Meg for a pulse. He didn't feel anything. He pulled her off the bed and put her on the floor and started to do CPR to get her heart started. He blew into her mouth and heard Hades growl, "I'll kill you!" Hercules yelled at him and kept working on Meg.


Zeus forced Hera to go Meg and Hades room. They watched Hercules try to do CPR on her. Hera hated seek her son, desperately trying save a plain woman but out of fear of Zeus she moved Hercules out of the way and poured something into Meg's mouth. She told Hercules to put her on the bed. Everyone crowded around the bed and watched and waited. Hades took her and Hercules took the other. Both squeezing her hand and begging to have her back.


Meg was laying in the grass waiting for death to come and take her away. Her arms were already arms of an old woman and it was only a matter of time before her whole body was that of an old woman. She was whispering her good byes with tears running down her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered closed and she was in the dark.

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She saw the outline of people around her and then after blinking a few times she saw Hercules and Hades. She looked down by her feet and saw Hera and Zeus. She backed into the head board and clutched Hades and Hercules's hands tighter. Her breathing was heavy, like she was trying to catch up with the breaths she lost.

Hercules looked at his mother with a fire in his eyes. In a flash he had her up against the wall by his neck. His father made no move to stop him, she deserved it for she did. "What you did, after he promised me is unforgivable. You had no right! She was innocent and my friend and you almost took her away. You re not my mother and you never will be. Get out of my sight. He let Hera go and she tried to say something but Hercules wouldn't listen to her, so she left the room.

Hercules looked at Zeus and nodded in his direction, as a thank you and then looked at Meg and Hades. He moved towards Meg and scooped her up in a bear hug. "You do that again and I will kill you. And I'm sure, Hades will too." He said softly and looked up at hades. He put her down and noticed the ring on her finger. He gave her a genuine and heart smile, "I'm happy for you. I truly am. And I realized, when I was bringing you back, that I don't love you as a wife or a girlfriend. But as a brother loves his sister. I will always protect you and I will always love you." He rubbed her cheek and looked at Hades, "And if you hurt her, you will have hell to pay."
Hades was too broken to even make the slightest of moves against Hercules when he came bursting into their house. He could only growl in anger as he watched Hercules try CPR on him, but that wasn't going to work. It wasn't a death that had stopped her breathing, and CPR would only waste his own breath. He hadn't even noticed Zeus and Hera until he saw someone else approaching Meg, and pouring something down her throat. He hated Hera for trying to kill her as he now finally understood who had tried to taken his entire world from him, and was never going to forgive her for this. He wished nothing but the worse for the woman, and moved to Meg's side as he grabbed hold of her hand. Waiting for any sign that the liquid poured down her throat would save her from death. Then came her breath.

Hades's eyes opened wide, and his smile was bigger than his own face. He squeezed Meg's hand even tighter as she opened her eyes and looked at him. When Hercules told her that he didn't love her like he used too, but more like a brother loves his sister. Hades still didn't quite like him for trying to take Meg away from him in another fashion, but responded to him as he told Hades that he would have hell to pay if he hurt her "Wouldn't even dream about it, pretty boy...and...thank you," Hades wanted to be alone with Meg now, and dismissed everyone, so they could be alone. He shifted positions, and held Meg tightly in his arms "I can't believe that I almost lost you, Meg. When I couldn't wake you up, I felt more fear than I ever wanted to feel in my life. I tried everything, but nothing worked," he kissed her, and moved on top of her "Now I know this is a terrible time for this, but I need you. I need to know if this is real, and that I'm not dreaming. That I haven't passed out from crying over your lifeless body, and that everything than happened isn't just a dream. Please, for my own sanity, I want to make love to you."
"Don't be such a drama queen." Meg teased and rubbed Hades cheek. She pulled him down on top of her. She wanted to feel the same thing, she wanted to be reassured that this was real between them and not a trick by another God. She kissed him softly but the kiss grew into more and more until they were practically trying to eat each others faces. They were humping each other with their clothes on, making no move to take them off. They were taking their time and jut enjoying being in each others arms.

She unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his body and slid up her shirt and tossed it away from the bed. Their lips went back to each other and they resumed kissing. She took off her bra and unbuttoned their pants. He got their clothes off with a snap and she giggled a little. She forgot he could do that after every that was going on. She reached down between them and grasped his shaft and pumped it a few times. Normally they would go all out but right now there was an urgency and a need that they both shared.

She got him as hard as he could possibly be and then she slid his head inside of her. The kiss broke and she arched her body up against his. His entire cock slid inside of her and she held him there. It felt too real to be a dream. She raised her hips to meet his deep and slow thrusts. Her nails went down his back to his ass and she squeezed his glutes as he thrust forward into her. She could feel their connection coming back. The fight they had and everything else didn't matter as long as at the end of the day they had this. She kissed Hades with a kiss that was full of love and passion, with a need that no one else could fill.
Hades was glad to find that she wanted the same thing, and didn't even try to stop her as Meg pulled him closer to them. Their lips connected, and started out slow at first, but slowly turned into more. Their kiss became more passionate, and lustful until they were sucking face almost, but neither of them minded. She unbuttoned his shirt, and he helped her get it off of his body because he thought that she wanted to take this slow. Besides, she normally too his top off anyway since Meg had always liked feeling his muscles beneath her hands when he got them. When she started taking off her bra though, Hades just chuckled into her mouth, and snapped his fingers. They were now both completely naked, and he felt her smile before her hand wrapped around his length. He had grown somewhat erect from just kissing her, but feeling her stroking him was now getting him hard. There was a need for him to feel her entire body, and to know this wasn't some kind of sick joke by Hera. Hades kissed a trail starting from her jaw, and all the way down to her breasts. He took one of her nipples into his mouth as her hand pumped his cock, and they both stopped once he was hard enough to really start things between them.

Hades didn't even need her to tell him as he pushed himself inside her, and now he knew for sure that this wasn't a dream. It felt way too real to be a dream, and not even the god of dreams, Morpheus, could make it seem as real as it did. His thrusts were slow and deep at first, but as he nails dug into his skin, they got faster, harder, and much deeper. They continued to do so as the connection between them was starting to come back. Meg kissed him with a kiss that held all of her love and passion for me, and he returned all of that back to her. He would do anything for this woman, and now that woman would be his forever. She had the ring around her finger to prove it.

Hades broke their kiss, and stared down at her with the same amount of love that he had given with the kiss. One last thrust, and he buried himself deep inside her to fill her up with his sperm. Sperm that was completely fertile, and had a chance to get her pregnant every time they had sex. He stopped thrusting, but didn't pull out of her "I have two little questions for you, Meg. First, our little sexy time has gotten me all aroused now, so I hope you don't mind if we go again, right? And second, what shall we choose as our last name? I never had one, and you never told me yours."
She squeezed around his shaft and she felt him start to pump his cum into her. She didn't care because it meant they were a step closer to have the child she wanted so much. "Another round sounds magnificent. Cum any anytime you want." She kissed happily and rubbed his back. "My last name?" He was going to laugh at her, she remembered everything but she couldn't remember her part name. "I don't know. I have never needed it. I have never used it. My drivers license says Megara Hellfire. We should go with that, Hades and Megara Hellfire." She kissed him softly and had a very big smile on her face at the thought of getting married. "Now my darling fiancé, I have two questions for you. One, doesn't a puppy sound like a nice addition to our expanding family? And two, why haven't you started fucking me yet?" She gave his ass a spank and kissed him again.

She pulled his shaft out of her and she turned around so she was laying on the bed. She slid him back inside of her and manned when he started going again. She raised her hips off the bed to meet his thrusts and take him deeper. She held on to the comforter on the bed and put her head down against the bed. She felt his hands holding her hips and shook her ass from left to right taunting him. He slipped out of her and she shook her ass some more, moving it around so he couldn't slip inside of her. She finally stopped when she felt his hand hit her ass sharply. She looked over her shoulder and moaned, ooh. She loved it when he got dominant and rough. They went back tofu king and she started pushing back on his shaft. She got up on all fours but kept her head down against the bed. She kept her muscles loose so he could direct her body how he wanted it.
Hades had never thought about getting a pet before, but did agree that it would be nice to have one. He remembered reading about something that having a pet reduces stress in your life, and he could easily make the puppy immortal if they so chose, so it would always be with them "A puppy does sound like a good idea, and I haven't began fucking you because neither of us would be able to concentrate on our questions if I was pounding you into this bed," he groaned as Meg spanked him, and chuckled at her after she kissed him "But I think we can start now," he let her move around on the bed after pulling away from him, and grabbed her hips as he pushed himself inside her again. He kept thrusting, but Meg was teasing him by shaking her ass, and he fell out because of it. He tried going back inside her, but he knew exactly what she wanted. His hand slapped her ass harshly, and that moan that came from her lips was so good "Naughty girl. I hope you understand the god of wrath I am going to unleash on you."

Now Hades pulled out of her, but pulled her ass close to him "Naughty girls like you need to be punished sometimes," his hand slapped her ass once more, and squeezed it afterwards "Now, are you going to apologize for making me have to spank you to stop you from moving, or am I going to have to spank the apology out of you?" his hand slapped her ass yet again, and another squeeze of her cheek. Another spank, another squeeze, and the pattern continued as he switched off cheeks. Hades was making her ass red, but he knew she liked it this way. Meg loved being spanked, and he loved spanking her. She had an ass that just begged to be spanked, and always made a nice jiggle with each spank.
She moaned with each spank and felt her arousal go up a notch every time his hand connected to her ass. Her grip on the comforter got tighter and tighter but she still wasn't apologizing. He lifted his hand and she spread her legs so the next time he spanked her, his fingers dipped into her wet crevice and he could see, how much she wanted him right now. Her moans got louder the harder he spanked. And he spanked her harder the more she resisted him. She was more than ready for him when she finally decided they have teased each other enough. She could feel his erection and she wanted it inside of her. Her ass was a bright candle apple red color.

After another hard spanking she finally caved, "Okay. I'm sorry I moved my hips and caused your cock to slip out of me." She licked her lips and moved on top of him. Her ass was burning but it felt amazing. "I'm sorry baby." She whispered against his lips and rubbed her slit against his shaft. "Can I have you now? I'll be a good girl. I'll do as you say." She whispered. Their lips were so close touching very very softly, she looked down at his lips and then back into his eyes. "Don't you want me baby?" She asked and raised her hips until his head was at her opening. She could easily slide down his shaft and have him inside of her but she got off of his lap and stood up beside him. She bent over the bed, poking her ass out, and smiled Hades. She shook her ass again, telling in she is ready and blew him a kiss. "If you don't do it ill do it myself." She sucked her middle finger and then out her hand between her legs. She slid her middle finger inside of her dripping wet hole and started to fuck herself with it. It wasn't as good as he would feel inside of her but she still made over dramatic moans to antagonize him.
God, Hades loved how much of a tease Meg could be sometimes, and he just had to lay back as he watched her finger herself while waiting for him. He knew that her moans were over dramatic, and slightly fake, but he enjoyed that if anything "Don't you ever stop being a tease, Meg," he moved to grab her ass, and press his shaft against her slit "Or I will kill you if you do," he gave her one last spank before ramming himself inside her. As always, she was tight around him, and yet his cock could still slide easily inside her, and so deep. He loved the feeling, and could never have sex with any other woman. First because he would never cheat on Meg, and second because it would never feel the same, and he would get bored of it rather quickly. His own nails were digging deep into her hips as he thrusted rapidly inside her. Not the kind of speed that he could go without his filter, but as fast as a mortal could go. He did have a power that could allow Meg to not feel pain, and that would suppress any pain she would feel afterwards, but she didn't like his use of powers on her; however, this time was a special time, and he had to ask.

Of course, he wouldn't sacrifice his speed for his own question, and instead one of his hands grabbed a handful of her hair, and pulled back so he had her attention "I just got a great idea, babe. I know you don't like me using my powers on you, but you love it when I fuck you like the powerful god I am, right? Then would you mind if I used one of my powers to nullify any and all pain you feel both during and after sex? Then, I can fuck you without my filter, and we can make this even better experience for the both of us," Hades really wanted her to agree to it for just this one time. Their week long lovemaking was usually reserved for special occasions or vacations, but surely this would fall under a special occasion, and he was more than willing to fuck her for an entire week. Using all kinds of kinks and positions that they both love, and he would love it even more if he could be a god, and fuck her without a filter.
"Since you asked so nice and I have a new ring that I will never take off. I guess you an fuck me with out the filter. But don't take away all the pain. I like it when you spank me and thrust inside of me hard. And not until after I cum with out it. I'm close I promise." She reached back and rubbed his cheek. She bent back over. He fucked her at the fast as a human could fuck her pace and she met his thrusts. She wanted him to fuck her like a god, now that the thought was swimming through her mind so she wanted to make this quick. She felt her orgasm coming and she reach down and toyed wi her clit until she was a quivering mess and cumming his Hades shaft. It wasn't the biggest orgasm she has had but she figured it would be made up for tonight.

She crawled on the bed and tugged Hades onto the bed with her while he turned his filter off. This was going to be a no holds barred fuck feet and she knew it. It was a good things was numbing her to the pain, she couldn't walk straight after a week of sex with Hades. She rubbed his chest and got herself mentally prepared for what was about to happen. He was going to turn into this all powerful dominant being that most likely wouldn't take no for an answer. She remember the safe word if she needed it, "lets do it baby." She said excited and leaned forward to kiss him. She tugged his bottom lip with her teeth and let it pop into place.
Hades didn't mind waiting until after she came before turning off his filter, and using his powers on her to nullify most of the pain. She didn't need to tell him that she loved a bit of pain from the harsh fucking, and the spanks. For the time being, he just continued to thrust normally until Meg came on his cock, and he filled her up with another load of cum. She pulled away from him, and crawled on the bed while pulling him with her. Hades removed his filter completely, and his muscles bulged slightly to show how powerful of a god he was. Meg was on top of him for now, and he was using his last bit of control to keep himself from being too hasty "You know the safe word, Meg, so just enjoy yourself, and I will do the same," he grabbed hold of her cheeks once she kissed him, and shot her with a blast of his powers. Everything, but the pain from being spanked and his harsh thrusts would be nullified, and Meg wouldn't feel any pain after they were done "I love you, Megara," that was the last thing he said to her before letting go, and becoming a real god.

His strength increased tenfold like this, and he easily pushed Meg off his body, and quickly slammed her against the wall "I hope you are ready to have the living daylight fucked out of you, Meg," he pressed her down on his cock, but pulled her forward until the head was pressed against her ass. Hades wasted no time in ramming himself inside her, and beating back her intestine from trying to force him out. His thrusts were that of a gods, and no mortal on earth could ever much his force and speed. Any other woman would of been split in two, but Meg wasn't just another woman. Since his strength was beyond even his normal limits now, Hades didn't really need the wall, and showed that by taking her away from it, and holding her without trouble just with one arm; Despite his thrusts being so fast and hard. His other hand went straight to her ass as he resumed his spanking "God, I love fucking you like this. It feels so fucking good, but it feels even better knowing I can hear you moaning like a wonton whore. So be louder, Meg. Be my little whore, and scream like one," he said, giving her an extremely harsh spank that would hurt like hell had he not nullified her pain slightly.
Meg was surprised that he just went for her ass. She could feel it but it didn't hurt, it just felt like it she was expanding to fit him and to push him out. She out her arms around him when he just pulled her away from the wall. He started to really give it to her and she out her hands on his shoulders. She closed her eyes and moaned loudly as she spanked. She gasped when he spanked her again, harder this time. She screamed for him and held on top him tighter as he really started to pounded into her. "Give it to me." She moaned and started to bounce to take him deeper. Everything was bouncing on her, her hair and breast. She tugged his hair back and kissed him hard. Her nails dug into his shoulders.

He pressed her into the wall again and pressed his chest into hers. His hips were still moving at a speed that was unbelievable. All she could feel was the pleasure of his cock stretching her out and the stinging feeling in her ass from his spanking. She grabbed her breast and pinched her nipple. "Fuck." She screamed and arched her back against his chest. Her head was the only thing on the wall. She pushed him back a little and held on to hook on the wall that were put there just for this occasion. She held on to the hooks and relaxed her lower body so she could just destroy her holes. "Don't stop, don't stop." She moaned out.
With Meg now holding onto the hooks, and relaxing her lower body. Hades had complete power over her, and he was going to use every bit of it. He was going to destroy her ass, and would of made it so she couldn't sit right for a week if she didn't have his magic helping her. There was a pressure building up inside his loins, and his entire shaft was throbbing to let her know that he was about to cum. A part of him wanted to fill her ass with his cum, but he wanted to get a head-start on her pregnancy. She did say that she wanted to wait until after their marriage before he got her pregnant, but Hades just couldn't help himself. Right before he came, he pulled out of her ass, and pushed himself inside her wet tunnel before thrusting only a couple more times, and shooting his seed inside her yet again. If she didn't get pregnant from their week-long sex, then he didn't know what would get her pregnant.

He pulled out of her after that, and set her on the ground "You know, I haven't gotten a proper blowjob from you in a long time, nor have I eaten you out in a long time either," he pulled her onto the bed with him, and snapped his fingers to clean off his cock of everything "So how about we do so sixty-nine, and we both cum together?" he chuckled, and easily shifted her so her pussy was in his face, and his cock in hers. Hades didn't wait for Meg to begin, and immediately pulled her hips down as his tongue licked her entire slit. It repeated after that, but he would mix it up by licking and suckling on her clit, and pushing his tongue inside her, so he could lick her walls. She always tasted so sweet, and this time was no different.
She moaned as he started to eat her out. She took a minute to enjoy what he was doing to her before she started to work on him. She looked down at his monstrous cock licked up and down the shaft a few times. She sucked on the sides and twirled her tongue around his head. She cupped his balls and pulled them up so she could lick and suck on those.

She sucked the skin around his balls and then she sucked a ball while massaging the other. She traded ad sucked the other one in her mouth. Then she sucked both of them in her mouth and got them nice and wet. She let them go back to their natural state and she massaged them.

She moved back up to his cock and sucked on his head. She took her time with it, like she always did. She enjoyed his cock and the way it felt in her mouth. She sucked his head hard and squeezed his shaft with her free hand. She felt his precum coat her tongue and she lapped more of it out.

She started to bob her head and take more of his shaft into her mouth until his head was in her throat Nashe could take him all. They both knew she could, sometimes he would shove it down and other times she would take her sweet time and torture him. The way he was lapping at her slit made her want to jut give it to him so she pushed down and took the rest of his shaft until her nose was against his balls. She moaned softly and made her throat vibrate around him.

She pulled him and did it again and again until she was fucking him with her face. She moaned at random times to set him off. She let go of his balls and just moved her head. She held onto his legs and sucked. Feeling more and more precum ooze out of him.
Meg was so fucking good with her mouth. He remembered when they first had sex together, and while she wasn't the greatest at it. Even then she could still pull of a good blowjob, but this was far beyond that. After all, she has had a lot of practice both from doing, and whenever they watch porn together to learn new things. Every little thing that she did sent a shiver of pleasure down Hades's spine, and his pre had already started oozing out the minute she started sucking the skin of his balls. Even the way she moaned as his tongue worked her over made his pleasure increase even more.

Hades could never really last too long with Meg's mouth since she had a lot more control over that unlike her tight hole, and the throbbing came back. He could tell that she was close as well, and kept up with his ministrations until his dam broke, and he came inside her mouth. Once Meg came, he was quick to lap up all her juices, and groaned in pleasure at the sweet taste of her. He shifted her yet again, so she was facing him now, and smiled up at her "I love you so much, Meg," he pushed their lips back together, and brought her into a passionate kiss as he directed her hips towards his cock, so she could ride him.


The years passed by, and the now married couple of Meg and Hades slowly got their dream family. Her second pregnancy had gone off without a hitch, and both of them were extremely happy to find out that it was a little baby boy inside her. He was their first true child, and his name was Caiden. A couple months later, and she was pregnant yet again with their second child, Micah. Then came their third, Andrew, and the fourth and final boy, Alyx. Meg wanted to hold on the kids for a little while after Alyx was born, and she was content to just have four boys who loved their mother, and would always try to pamper her whenever they could. Hades got to be the father he always dreamed of being, and spoiled his kinds by giving them almost everything they wanted, but drilled it into their heads that being a snob was something that they should never be. Every night, he would tuck them into bed, and read them all a bedtime story. Sometimes even falling asleep himself if he was really tired that day. They were all happy, but then Meg got pregnant yet again.

This time, it was a little girl growing inside her. Their dream family was very nearly complete, and Hades and Meg were sitting on their couch together while he had his arm wrapped around her shoulders "So, what do you think we should name our little girl, hun?" he asked, and kissed her softly before bending down. He placed his ear against her stomach, and listened to his little girl breathing inside Meg, and even felt a kick from her. It made the god chuckle, and he laid gently on Meg's stomach as he looked up at her "So, is this that dream of yours you always had coming true, or is there something missing?" he asked, smiling up at her.
Meg rubbed her stomach and felt her kick her hand, "How about Eliza?" Their puppy, who was now a full grown dog jumped up on the bed and curled up next to Meg. She rubbed the great Dane's head and smiled at Hades, "I think our family is perfect. We have everything we need. And everything I ever wanted. Our little Demi gods might drive me off a cliff though." She smiled at Hades and gave him a kiss. Her stomach was about ready to pop but they still had a few weeks left. "We should go to the park and let them run all their energy out. We can invite Hercules and his wife." It didn't take long for Hercules to find his real true love. She was a beautiful girl, and demigod, that he met at some bar. She could tell they were going to get married after she first met her. It seemed like now that Hercules had a wife, Hades seemed to like him more but she was never quite sure.

"How about a bigger house? All of our room are filling up faster than I thought they would. Four boys, a girl on the way and us. We need at least two more rooms, that way if we ever have guests they don't have to sleep on the couch." She ran her fingers through his hair, knowing they would probably never have guests for them but the kids are growing up and might want to have friends over eventually. "Annoying you want to add to our happy family?" She asked and moved back so he could get on the bed.
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