Light at The End of A Dark Tunnel(Retsu & JassyJasB)

"I think I'm going to sit this one out. You go ahead and take your shower, I think I'm hungry." She said softly and when he walked to the bathroom she walked to the kitchen. When she heard the shower turn on she went to her private room. It was supposed to be an office but she had hades make it a private get away instead. She found the safe hidden away in the corner of the room and she entered her code. When the door opened she found the wooden rattle, it still looked like she bought it yesterday. She didn't know if it was because she took such good care of it or if Hades put some type of spell on it.

She sat in the corner of her closet and rubbed it softly and thought it over. She was immortal now. Hades is immortal. Immortal plus immortal makes an immortal baby. If they tried again then the baby wouldn't succumb to the same fate at the first one. They would be able to be parents and be a happy family. It would be something they both wanted. She always wanted a family, whether it was small, with one child, or big, with four of them running around. They had more than enough space in the house. She could finally decorate a baby room.

She stripped out of her clothes and put the rattle on the bed in their room. She walked into the bathroom where hades was taking his shower and she walked in the massive shower behind him. She kissed the middle of his back and wrapped her arms around. "You always give me what I want. I may not need it but you always give me what I want." She said softly and turned him so the water was hitting his back. She looked into his tender eyes, full of love and affection. "I want to try again. It's been forever. With medicine the way it is now we would be a lot safer to have a baby. If we had any problems we could go to the best doctor and save it. You know I've always wanted a family. We are both immortal, that means an immortal baby right? You know more about this stuff than I do. I'm ready to try again. I want to try again."
Hades was in the shower like he said he would, but wasn't in there to shower. Remembering that time from his past got him to start thinking again. It was something he had kept from Meg even since she had a miscarriage, and she would kill him if she ever found. She never seemed to notice that no matter how many times he came inside her, she never got pregnant again. It wasn't just because some kind of miracle that she didn't get pregnant, and wind up hurting her again, but because Hades couldn't bear the thought of not having her speak to him for a month. It hurt him dearly to see her like that because he used to always see Meg as a happy-go-lucky woman who just wanted to be shown that she mattered instead of having men run off on her. So he did something to himself that he hid away so deep inside his mind that even he forgot about it until now. A week after her miscarriage happened, Hades made his sperm sterile,and anything that touched her womb would die upon contact. It wasn't because he didn't want to have a child with her, and he knew that medical science has gone a long way since their time, so it would be easier to take care of the child, and make sure it didn't suffer the same fate, but that just scared him.

What would happen if Meg lost another child? Would she think that she just couldn't bear children? Would she find someway to take her own life? Would she think it was his fault and leave him? Whatever it was, he didn't want anything to happen to her. Meg was what kept him going everyday, and he has told her that millions of times. He couldn't lose her, but knew that he had to tell the truth now. It made him start to hurt again, but that was the only thing that he could think of that would make the most sense. After all, she had a right to know what he did to himself to protect her. He sighed, and was about to step out of the shower when he felt a kiss on his back, and arms around his body.

Meg had gotten in the shower with him, but not to have a little fun in the shower. Instead, she started talking about how she wanted to try again, and get pregnant again. Hades hid it the best he could, but a look of fear appeared on his face. This wasn't how he wanted to tell her. He wanted her to still feel uncomfortable trying for a baby again, so perhaps she would understand why he did what he did. That was impossible now, and she was sure to be angry at him now. Hades didn't want that, but he couldn't lie to Meg, and just let her think that they were just unlucky, or she couldn't bear a child. He had never given her a lie that big before, and had a small mental battle with himself until he finally broke down. A sigh left his lips, and it was time to face the music "Meg...I...I have something that we need to talk about..." his voice trailed off as he turned the shower off, stepped out, dried himself off, and got dressed before heading into their room.

The baby rattle from all those years ago was sitting on their bed in the same kind of condition it was back then. Hades remembered putting a spell on it that froze it in time. The rattle couldn't rattle anymore, but it would probably shatter if he took the spell off it because it was so old and fragile. Once Meg joined him in their room, he gently took hold of her hands, and for the second time in his life. Tears were welling up in his eyes "Meg...we..." he couldn't bring himself to say it, but had to force himself instead "We can't have a...a...a child," fear and sadness ran through his body because things were only going to get worse from here on out, but it was time that Meg learned the truth. As a tear rolled down his cheek, Hades took a deep breath before continuing "When you found out that our child had died due to a miscarriage, and stared out our window for a month. Not even talking to acknowledging my presence. I did something because I didn't want the same thing to happen again. I feared loosing you, so I..." and now came the hardest part of all "I...I made my sperm sterile. I did it to protect you because I was afraid of what you might do to yourself if we had another child, and that one died as well. Also, this is the part you really aren't going to like. The process is reversible, but...I can't do it anymore."

Hades squeezed Meg's hands before continuing "When I gave you immortality, I lost a lot of my godly powers because of it, and one of those was control over my sperm production. The only way to get it back is to take away your immortality, but you will die as soon as I do. I mean, I could bring you back, but only as a spirit, and only I could see you," the truth was hard to tell, but maybe just maybe, Meg wouldn't be too mad at him and all he would get was her bitching him out for doing such a thing to himself, attacking him, and a couple weeks on the couch again.
She wiped his tears and her heart beat picked up. She felt sick, nothing made him cry like this. Nothing did so what ever he was about to tell her was going to be shattering. She knew it. She wanted a child and he started to cry. She had a feeling of what it was but she didn't want to believe it. She could feel her heart best start to slow down as he told her they couldn't have kids. "I never wanted immortality." She said softly. Tears in her eyes and one rolling down the side of her cheek. She hit his hand away when he tried to wipe it. She wiped it angrily her self. "I never wanted this. I did this for you. Hoping that one day you would see past trying to get all of this power and you would give me what I really wanted."

She took a step back. She couldn't believe it. She was pissed but she was sad, she would never have his child because he did something completely irrational. "I told you I wanted a family. I told you I wanted kids one day and you go and do that. You were only thinking of yourself. You're always only thinking of yourself. I could careless about the cars, or the jewelry." She took a deep breath and left the room. She couldn't be in the same room with him without saying some thing really bad. She just needed time to herself. Time to get away.

She went to her closet and put on jeans, a tshirt and a pair of toms. She grabbed her bag and car keys and left. She only took the car because they live in a remote location and she would need to drive to get to where she wanted. She ended up driving to he beach and watching the waves come in and crash along the shore. Her phone was off and if Hades teleported him self next to her she would drive her car off a cliff. She hated him but she loved him. It was no fair that he could do that to himself with no consideration for her.

She started to cry again, harder than she has before. Today was just as bad as the day she found out she lost the baby. She just let the tears fall she didn't really care who saw her. She looked in the glove box for tissues and wiped her eyes when she was all cried out. She wanted some one to talk too but most women in this age didn't like her; they were either intimidated or jealous. Men were afraid to get close to her because of Hades. He was all she could really talk too but she couldn't talk to him now. He wouldn't understand how she felt.
Hades watched as Meg backed away from him, and started to run. He tried stopping her, but was unable to. He never felt so horrible in his entire life, and fell to his knees when he heard her car starting, and pulling out of the driveway. The tears were now wetting his cheeks like a waterfall, and he couldn't believe that he had lost Meg now. He knew she wanted a family, and he knew she wanted to have a child. He wanted that as well, but his own selfish fear clouded his judgement. He started to realize how true her words were, and started getting angry at himself. The thought to teleport to wherever she was came to his mind, but thought against it. Meg was pissed at him, and nothing he would say or do would stop her until she just calmed down by herself. So he just kept getting angry at himself until he burst in anger, and punched a hole in the wall; however, he actually destroyed the wall since his filter wasn't working properly thanks to his anger. He didn't even care though that their wasn't a wall anymore separating their bedroom, and her private get away room.

Something compelled him to look behind him, and at the rattle that was still sitting neatly on the bed. He pushed himself off the floor and slowly walked towards the rattle. He gently took hold of it in his hands, and all he could see was the memory of Meg's bright smile as she told him the good news, then the look of devastation on her face when she found out the bad news. The same look she gave when he told her that they couldn't have a family anymore. Hades started to cry again, and held the rattle close to him because it was keeping him from getting too angry again "I'm so sorry, Meg. So sorry. So fucking sorry," there was only one thing that he could do to right his wrong, but feared what Meg might think when she eventually returned. He had to do it though because it was own his selfish fear that ruined Meg's chances at having a family. So, he put the rattle back in her safe to keep it safe, and he started sinking into the floor right after. In order to fix this all, he needed to get his powers back. One way would require Meg to die, but there was one other way to do it; however, he would be gone for a week because of it.

There was one last thing that he had to do, and a simple snap of his fingers granted his request. On their bed would be a piece of paper explaining that he would be gone for a week while he went back down to the underworld to get his powers back. In order to do that, he needed to take the energy from the souls of the dead, and it was going to take at least a week for him to have all his godly powers back. On the piece of paper was a picture of Hades, Meg, and a little baby in her arms all smiling happily at each other. Under the picture was a caption in his own handwriting that said 'I promise to change for the better, Meg. We are going to have the family you always dreamed of, and I will let you have as many children as you want.'

The beach was always so peaceful. The sound the waves made when the crashed on the shore could calm anyone down. Many people came and went to the little beach, but no one came to it as often as Hercules. Whenever the stress of being an intern got him, he would drive his 1973 Impala down to the beach, and just relax there. Most of the time, he was alone on the beach, but sometimes another person did get there before him, and Hercules was more than willing to talk to them if the person was willing. Ever since he could first remember, Hercules had been a very gentle and kind loving man. He would always be the one who others came to vent their problems to, and would be more than willing to help someone when they came to him. So when he got the beach, he wasn't surprised to see a woman there, but what surprised him the most was to see who it was. Hellfire record's CEO, Hades, really was infamous in this city, and scared a lot of people, but Meg suffered the most from that. Women wouldn't talk to her much because of him, and men were too afraid to suffer Hades's wrath if they did something that he didn't like.

If he was any other guy, then chances are he would get right back in his car, and drive away. To be honest, he would of done just that, but something didn't look right. It looked like she was crying, and he understood women enough that sometimes they just need someone to talk to when they are feeling down. Hercules couldn't see if Hades's was in the car with her, but surely something must of happened because the two were almost never apart from each other. His gut kept telling him that this was a bad idea, and that Hades's would have his head if he found out, but the kind and gentle person inside him just couldn't let this poor girl be all alone when she just needed a friend.

So he walked up to her car, headed over to the driver side window, and knocked gently "Ma'am? Are you okay?" he asked.
Meg wiped her eyes and nose and looked up. She thought it was Hades when she was some one else brushed him off with a quick I'm fine. She shook her head and looked at her steering, "no I'm not." She said softly. She wanted someone to talk too. He seemed like he was willing to listen to her. If she did talk to him, she couldn't let on that she is immortal. It didn't seem right for her to sit in her car and have him stand and listen to her talk. She wanted to get her story out, she might as well get her feet wet while she was at the beach.

She got out of her car and locked it up. She looked at him and remembered him from somewhere. It took a minute but she realized he worked for Hades. "Her...Hercules? Right?" She asked and nodded when he nodded before he could ask she said, "Your boss sends me the resume and a picture of everyone that works for Hades. I remember names and faces well. I'm Megara. My friends call me Meg." They shook hands and she started to walk to the beach. She ad a tissue in her hand for the tears that were bound to start falling again.

"As you probably know, Hades and I have been together since the beginning of his company. We grew up together, saved each others lives multiple times. We aren't married, we are together though. I have always wanted a family. And we have tried before but it didn't work well. We decided to work on us for a few years. I'm ready to have a family, I want a family but he can't have kids. When I thought of my future family, it was always with him and to find out that he can't...that we can't have that. It's devastating."

It felt a little better to get the story out there. To talk to some one other than Hades. She wiped her tears away. "I don't want a family with any one else. He has given me everything. He's my reason for living. But he is selfish and the only thing he wants is power. I know I shouldn't be angry, he only did it for me. To protect me but I can't not be angry."
Hercules was rather surprised to find that Meg even knew him, but felt a little disappointed when he found out the reason why. Still, that wasn't going to deter him from being the friend that she needed. His gut still wasn't shutting up about this being a bad thing, but he just ignored it now as he nodded to him being the man she recognized from his resume and picture "It's nice to meet you, Megara," the name sounded so familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Nevertheless, when she got out of the car, Hercules couldn't help, but notice how beautiful she was. He had only seen her in pictures or from afar, but seeing her up close made him realize just how beautiful she was. Her face was covered in tear streaks, but she seemed happy to know that someone was willing to talk to her. He followed her down to the beach, and they found a nice spot before she started venting to him.

Never once did Hercules ever feign interest because her story was too boring, and listened with intent on what Meg was saying. He wasn't thinking about having sex of her, but there was a wish in his head that she wasn't Hades's girlfriend as he would love to date her, but even that wasn't his main focus. When she finally stopped speaking, Hercules just smiled at her "I see," he looked away from Meg and towards the ocean to think what he should responded with, and looked back at her soon afterwards "I don't know what was going through his head at the time, but it sounds like he was just scared. I remember that my grandma nearly died when she was giving birth to my mother, and that scared my grandfather because he didn't want to lose his wife. I can't say this for all men, but when faced with a situation that makes us think we might lose the one we love. It clouds our judgment, and makes us do things that we will regret later."

He scooted closer to her, and wrapped her in a hug "Hades must of been scared by the thought of you going through something like that again, and truly did it to protect you, but that doesn't make it selfish. Think about it, do you think he would do whatever he did, so you wouldn't get pregnant if he wasn't scared of it happening again? He didn't want to risk loosing you like he did your first child," it felt weird defending Hades like that, but he was already scared of him enough. If he ever found out that he was with Meg like this, then Hades would have his head brought to him on a sliver platter.
"I know he was afraid. I was too. I didn't get my tubes tied. I sat through it and...closed myself off." She thought about it and thought about how she would feel if Hades closed himself off for a month. She didn't know what he did after he found out. She just remembered being angry at him, he was the god of the under world and he couldn't bring he baby back to her. "You're supposed to be on my side." She said softly, jut trying to make a joke. It was nice to hear his side with out having to listen to Hades say it. "I'm sorry. I'm rambling about my life. Go and do whatever you came here to do. I'll be fine here."

She wiped her eyes and watch the waves come up just enough to get her toes wet and then go back into the ocean. She didn't realize she was in his arms. She didn't object to it, which was weird for her. She wasn't used to make contact that want from Hades but something felt right in Hercules's arms. If Hades caught them, she was sure to get an earful and Hercules was sure to die a painful death. "Thank you, Hercules." She said softly and put her head on his shoulder. "I certainly hope you aren't with your girlfriend. She won't like this."

She patted the hand that was around her shoulder and stood up. She wiped the sand off her butt and smiled at Hercules. "I don't want to go home. I don't want to face him right now. I will later but right now, I just want to get my mind off of him and do something fun. I know this is out of blue and completely irrational of me because I don't know who you really are but there's a diner down the street. They have the best milkshakes and burgers. It's 24 hours. You want to go with me? I'd rather spend time with a stranger than be alone with my thoughts." She mentally looked over his résumé, "And a high school wrestler/football player wouldn't let a girl be all alone in the middle of the night, now would he?"
Hercules just chuckled at her joke, and smiled when she said that he was free to do as he pleased now, but she didn't seem to realize yet that he had her in his arms "It's fine. You looked liked you needed someone to talk to, and I couldn't just leave you alone like that," when she did finally realize that she was in his arms, Meg put her head on his shoulder, and a soft blush appeared on his face. His ex-girlfriend had done the same thing hundreds of times when they were still together, but her beauty didn't come close to Meg's. That wish that she wasn't Hades's girlfriend came back, and now it was just making him depressed because nothing would ever happen between the two "I'm single actually. I broke up with my girlfriend two months ago because things just didn't work out between us. I used to think she would be the one, but now I just think that was because she was my first girlfriend," he didn't think that was an odd thing because of his body. He knew that most women were attracted to his body, but his ex girlfriend was the only one who cared more about him than the fact that he could protect her if need be. As much as Hercules would be glad to protect her, he hated violence, and tried to avoid it as much as he could.

When the offer came to go with her to a diner, and she made another joke regarding his past. He just couldn't refuse her, and nor could his stomach as he hadn't ate yet, and a low rumble could be heard "I'd like that, Megara," they just met, so he didn't feel comfortable calling her Meg "But...uh..." he motioned over towards their cars "I'm not too keen on the idea of leaving my car here even if it is a junker, so how about I just follow you?" he smiled at her and let go as he got back into his car. Soon enough, both of them were at the diner "This doesn't really seem like the kind of place an all powerful business man would take his girlfriend to. Is he actually a sweet guy once you get to know him, or have you been this mad at him before?" he asked once they got out of their cars, and started heading inside.
She thought about it, after all of their years together she had never been this upset with him. She never just left him before. She left the room but she never ran away from him. Forgetting birthdays and anniversaries were nothing compared to how she felt now. "I've never been this mad at him before." She said softly and walked with him to the booth. "This is one of the original diners in the state. When it first opened, the owner came to him and asked for a loan. He helped pay for this place. When we first ate here it was amazing so part of the clause is they can't change the recipes at all. Everything has to be fresh and organic and the shakes have to made with real ice cream. You'll see when you bite into a burger." She smiled at him and looked over the menu. In the logo it said the Busters Burgers founded in 1947. She hoped he would over look that small detail and be more focused on the food.

"How about, we don't talk about Hades and I? It seems more fair. You don't have a girlfriend and I don't want to swamp you with my problems. We can talk about us. What we want out life and stuff." She ordered a Reese's peanut butter cup shake with a bacon cheeseburger and fries and waited for Hercules to order. When he was done the waitress, who was dressed a 1950's waitress with the skates and everything, rolled away and gave their order to the chef. "So what do you want to do in the future? Do you want to grow in the company or run your own one day? Or are you one of those signers who thinks working for the company will get them a record deal faster? I'm sorry to say that doesn't work." She smiled at him and looked at his hand above the table.

She always held Hades hand while they were eating. She knew he wasn't Hades but it felt like holding hands helped them connect. She reached out slowly and traced the lines on his palm. She looked up at him for permission and continued to play with it.
Since he didn't know the truth about Hades and Meg, Hercules didn't really pay that much attention to details. He just thought that it was an interesting little story, and a funny little thing about Hades. As he still couldn't imagine a ruthless business man like Hades eating at a diner like this, and requesting that everything be made the same way it was when they first started. Hell, even the clothing they had to wear stayed the same it seemed. The waitress came to them in a 1950s style outfit, and even had roller skates on. Hercules thought it was a little weird that they wore it inside, but didn't really care much "I'll take the southwest burger, and give me a blueberry shake as well," Hades and Hercules did have one thing they shared in common. What he just ordered was the same thing that Hades loved to order here as well, and Hercules didn't come here much, but he loved spicy burgers only to wash them down with a cold blueberry milkshake. The same reason why Hades did it so often.

His attention was turned back to her as she asked him what he wanted to do in the future, and chuckled at her when she said that being a singer who thinks working for the company will get him a record faster doesn't work "Actually, I'm only working there because it gives me something to do. Though, you needn't worry about me trying to get a record deal. I can't sing at all, but I can play guitar pretty well. What I really want to do is become a police officer. I like the idea of being able to help people, and I have all the right traits to be a cop, but I just can't bring myself to go and become one. Not that I am scared about getting shot at and what not. I just c-" his words were cut off by something she did, and something he wanted to return, but was oh so afraid to.

Meg's fingers were tracing his palm, and she looked up at with from permission. Hercules could tell that she wanted to hold his hands, but all the stories he heard about Hades made him afraid to even think about it. It was bad enough that he had spoken to Meg and even hugged her, but what would Hades do if he saw them together like this holding hands? A part of him told him to just run, and never look back, but he couldn't do that to her. All he could do was hope that Hades never found out, or that she never told him. A huge gulp of air went down his throat as he took hold of Meg's hand, and just blushed again. Waiting for her next question.
"It's a force of habit." She said pointing to their hands. "You don't have too if you don't want too." She would would put her hands back in her lap if he pulled away. She would need both her hands for the burger they were going to consume anyways. But for now she held his hand in a friendly way. "So a cop. You have the build. I'm sure you'd look great in a uniform. I can see you now, all decked out. You look pretty good in my head." She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. "Don't let whatever is hold you back, hold you back. If you want to be a cop then go out there and do it. You never want to live with regrets. They are no fun, they are actually a major buzz kill." Her only regret was selling her soul for her then boyfriends soul. But she grew with hades that regret went away. If she hadn't sold her soul she never would have been where she was now.

"At least you have an idea of what you want to do. I always thought I'd be a housewife. Tending to my husband and all of our kids. I'm a secretary and I guess, in a way, I do tend one really big kid. I just have to look at my situation the right way. You on the other hand are in the completely wrong field." She said turning the conversation back on him so they wouldn't end up talking about Hades again. "You should get out to the local police department and sign up. I haven't gotten one bad letter about, in fact I have gotten the exact opposite. You always help people, you are a hard worker. I do know if you need one but if you need a recommendation letter I can have the big guy sign one. I'll write and just give it to him to sign. He has a lot of power in various places. A recommendation letter from him is a guaranteed spot on the police force. Think about it." She smiled at him and their food came.

Her mouth watered at the sight of her burger but she went for the shake first. She always did name used the spoon and took a bite, then ate a French fry. "Any questions for me? Lets play that one game where we just ask each other questions. That's always fun. That's what people do right?"
It was good to hear Megara telling him that he shouldn't hold back. He still didn't know why he was, but decided that he was finally going to put his four years college to work instead of wasting them on being a intern for which he is overqualified for "Thanks, Megara. Hearing you say that was rather refreshing after most of the women I met are more concerned with getting the "perfect" man that you see how movies and television," he had never really thought about it, but Hercules was actually like someone had taken the "perfect" man stereotype, and turned it real. Sure, he hated violence, but has had his fair share of fights when it was necessary, and even got his fifteen minutes of fame on the news because he saved a couple from getting mugged at gunpoint, and held the mugger on the ground until the place came to arrest him.

Meg started speaking again about always wanting to become a housewife, and it was a lot easier to see her as a housewife rather than a secretary. The only thing different in his head was that she was his wife instead. Megara was becoming the subject of his thoughts more and more, and not just because she was talking and he was listening. The more he looked at her, the more he started to fall for her. Hercules is a firm believer in love at first sight, but knew Megara didn't feel the same way as him. She must of loved Hades to stay with him for so long, and he could tell that she wasn't a gold digger since those kind of women are usually complete bitches to anyone unless they had money. So his dreams of her being his wife were just that. Dreams "Well, you don't need a recommendation letter to become a police officer, but I don't think I could ask you to do something like that. I'm sure it would be a guaranteed spot on the force, but I'd rather not run the risk of him finding out why you asked him to sign it."

Their food came soon after he finished speaking, and he took a sip of his shake, and was supposed at how good it was. The burger was sure to be the same, but Meg asked if he had any questions for her. At the moment, he could only think of one thing, but surely it could expand into so much more "Let's start out simple. Got any hobbies?" small talk could be boring to some, but he always found that small talk could lead into something bigger if done right.

Something didn't feel right...something kept gnawing at Hades, and made him want to go back to earth, and find Meg. It had only been an hour since he started, and none of his powers had come back yet. It was the same kind of jealous feeling that he got whenever she was with another man, but surely she didn't hate him that much. So he ignored it from the time being, and just dismissed it as him already missing Meg.
"There will always be that perfect guy archetype. You fit in well with it but I know there's more to a person than looks. Especially men. Most people don't think they have feelings and they are just these hard shells. I like to go deeper than the shells and get to know the real guy. It's amazing how deep and creative men can actually be." She ate a fry and smiled at him. "Sometimes you really have to dig to find the not so tough guy but when you do the things your find are amazing."

She took a bite of her burger while he talked about the recommendation letter. She shrugged her shoulder, "If you want it just ask. Don't worry about Hades. I'll take care of him. He's not as bad as he seems. He's just protective. Don't listen to the rumors about guys getting their heads chopped off. They aren't true. He likes skinning them alive more than chopping heads off." She said with an oddly straight face. After watching Hercules reaction, she smiled and shook her head, "I'm kidding. He's a nice guy. He just doesn't make the right choices most of the time."

"Hobbies?" She asked and took a bite of her burger. She did go to NYU's dance academy when it first opened. She also did a little burlesque in the 20's. She finished what was in her mouth and looked up at Hercules, "Dancing. I love dancing. Ballet mainly. I know a few other styles but I am best at ballet. Have Hades tell you and he will say I am the best dancer ever. I think I can be better though." She smiled at Hercules, "When I was little I would always be bouncing around. My mother would tie me to the chair and make me eat dinner. I don't know how many times I threw up because I would always just dance around the house right after dinner."

She was having a nice time with Hercules but she wondered what Hades was doing. She should probably call him or at lest text him and tell him she is fine. She normally felt him, his presence at least but she couldn't feel him now. She tried not to think anything of it, he was probably just shutting her out to give her space but something didn't feel right. She chalked that feeling up to just not having him around. She sold her soul to him, she would always feel him like he had a hand print on her soul.
Hercules wasn't surprised to find that she loved dancing as she clearly had the body for it "Heh, I don't think I am going to be asking Hades if you are a good dancer, but I will take your word for it. You have a dancer's body, and I only know that because my ex-girlfriend's sister did ballet too. Not sure if you were in the same class as her, but her name was Jessikah. Long black hair, small frame, and chocolate eyes. She is actually the reason why I wanted to become a police officer," he figured this would be a good way of finally venting something that had been hurting about himself for a very long. Meg vented her own problems to him, and just had to do the same "Besides my ex, she was the only woman who cared more about meeting the man underneath my shell rather than the shell itself. We quickly became friends, and hung out if Monica, my ex, wasn't feeling well, or was at work. We never did anything though since she was a lesbian, so please don't think that I was cheating on my ex. Anyway, we were hanging out like usual at the park near Turner street, and suddenly two men jumped out from the alley armed with guns. I had lots of experience with guns in my past, and knew that I could easily take them...but."

It was so going to hurt to tell this part, but they were alone in the diner since it was so late, so he wasn't afraid to let himself hurt "They said that they would kill her if I tried anything, and I didn't want to hurt her. I thought that they were just going to mug us, and I could take them down after they were finished, but something else was on their mind," he felt tears welling up in his eyes as he remembered about that horrible day, and was so glad that he wasn't too hungry, so he didn't have to finish his burger "I watched as those fuckers raped her over and over, and I couldn't do a thing about it because she would die otherwise," tears started flowing down his cheeks like a waterfall, and they were a mix of sad and angry tears. Hercules wanted to punch something, but knew what would happen if he did, and he wasn't about to pay for breaking the diner's stuff "Once they were finished, I thought that would be it, and she would be safe. Again, they weren't done yet. I reacted, and was able to get the gun away from the first guy, but his partner shot at me when I did. It grazed my side, but hit Jessikah in the stomach."

This wasn't something that Meg needed to know about his past, but it felt so good to get his feelings out as he hadn't even told Monica the story about what happened. So it had been bottled up inside him until now "Those guys ran after seeing that they had actually shot her, and I quickly called the nine one one. They told me what I should do to help stop the bleeding, but it didn't work in the end. Jessikah died in my arms, and I still remembered what she said with her dying breath...Herc, don't let this happen again. Follow your dream," he sniffled, and explained what that meant afterwards "I told her that I always wanted to become a cop, and her dying breath was telling me that she didn't want someone else to wind up like her. Sometimes, I think back to that day, and wonder why I only got off with a scar on my side, and she lost her life. Jessikah was the sweetest and nicest woman that I ever met in my life, and it doesn't seem fair that she died and I didn't."

Hercules sighed, and calmed himself down "Thanks for listening to me, Megara. You are the first person that I ever told that to, and I am glad it was you," he kinda wished that he could get a hug from her, but wasn't going to ask, and didn't care much if she did hug him.
"No one calls me by my full name. If you don't start calling me Meg soon I think I will punch you." She said softly and moved to his side of the booth. He was there when she needed him and she would be there for him. She put her arms around his massive frame and tugged him down so his head was against her chest. This way she could actually wrap her hands around him. She rubbed his arm, "You have to become a cop. For her and to follow your dream. That's what she wanted, Herc. And it's what you want. Working at the record company isn't going to give you what you want."

She let him go and looked into his eyes, "tomorrow I want you to go the local police department and sign up to become a cop. I know you will get the job. I haven't known you long but you are a sweet and honest guy and I feel completely safe with you. Come on. I'm not really hungry. I had dinner earlier. I will be taking the shake though. There's a bar down the street. Lets get a drink and drink our problems away." She said. She paid for the food and took Hercules's hand. They walked along the beach first and then went to go and get a drink.

It was really late by the time she decided she should head home. They walked back to their cars and sat on the hood of her Ferrari, "do you have a phone? This was really nice. And I would like to do it again. Before you came I was wishing I had a friend and I would like it very much if we could be friends. Some one we could talk about anything too." She put her number in his phone, called herself with it and handed it back to his phone. She saved his number in hers. She kissed his cheek, "thank you for a wonderful night. I look forward to seeing you again. You have to go sign up and become a cop. You have too."
Hercules felt better when Meg hugged, and felt even better knowing that Jessikah's story had been told. Now she could finally have the rest she deserved knowing that he was out there to protect people from suffering the same fate that she did.

Soon enough, both Meg and Hercules were at a bar; drinking and having fun together. Normally, he didn't like to drink too often as he didn't quite like what he became when he was drunk, but was sure that he could keep himself under control around Meg. He would definitely follow Meg's advice to go to the police station tomorrow; however, he would definitely have to wait until his hangover started calming down, and would have to deal with something terrible on his conscience. Once they had gotten outside, both had taken a seat on her Ferrari "Hades has some damn good taste in cars, Meg. This Ferrari may not be the most expensive model out there, but they clearly wanted to go for quality considering it was named after the creator of the Ferrari, Mister Enzo Ferrari," she told him that he was glad that he came by, and Hercules just smiled back at her "You are welcome, Meg," he said, taking back his phone and putting it in his pocket "The thought of knowing that you were Hades's girlfriend scared me at first, but I couldn't just leave you sitting in your car. You clearly needed someone to talk to, and I guess that someone was me."

Normally, if she had kissed his cheek, Herc wouldn't care much and just blush, but he was drunk. When Hercules got drunk, he became extremely bold, and would do things that he always regretted the next morning. He usually apologized to person afterwards, and did something to make it up to them, but this was going to be his boldest yet. Without any kind of warning, Hercules pulled Meg close to him, and pressed their lips together. He stayed there for quite a while before pulling away "Meg, I am a firm believer in love at first sight, and I once thought that I had already found my one and only love, but now I know that I was wrong about that. I love you, Meg," he kissed her again, and put his arms around her to keep her closer to him "I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, and to let you have the family that Hades prevented you from getting," the not drunk part of him knew that he was going to pay for this, but the drunk didn't care. The only thing it cared about was letting Meg know how he felt about her.
She was surprised to be pulled back into his embrace. She was absolutely stunned when he kissed her. It took her a second but she started to kiss him back. She rubbed his cheek and felt love coming from him while they kissed. Half of her was screaming to drive away and to never see him again but the other half wanted her to kiss him back. She still felt his lips on hers when he pulled back. She looked into his eyes and listened to his soft voice tell her he loved her. She only knew him for a couple hours but she felt his love. Why is it when she is crying a handsome stranger comes and charms her. She closed her eyes and put her head on his chest.

"Hercules, I haven't kissed another guy in years. I have put had a conversation this long with another guy in years. You don't know how much Hades has done for me. I can't do this to him. It isn't fair to him. He made a mistake and I know it was a big mistake but he and I could make it better. We could adopt or something." She should get out of his arms. She should walk away from him but her body was making her stay. She wasn't sure what she should do. She wasn't sure what Hades would do if and when he found out about this. She couldn't lie to him, she sucked at keep secrets from him.

She looked up in to Hercules eyes again, she didn't want to see him get hurt. She knew Hades would hurt him if they were caught in an embrace like this. If they were caught looking at each other with more than friendship in their eyes. She had to admit that she felt something. Some type of tug that told her she should go with Hercules. She just wasn't drunk enough to follow those feelings. She rubbed his cheek and kissed him softly, very softly. "I'm sorry." She said softly and walked to her car.
Remember what I said about Hercules being bold? Well he thought that everything was going to be perfect for him, and that he would finally have the chance to be with the girl of his dreams. Meg didn't pull away from their kiss when he did so, nor did she try to pull away from his embrace when he confessed his love to her. Surely that meant he was going to be able to take her away from Hades, and honestly didn't care what Hades tried to do with him, but Meg walked away from him. He felt so terrible, but didn't want her to leave. He couldn't allow her to leave, and did something that only him and Jessikah knew that he could do. Before Meg had a chance to start her car, and drive away. Hercules lifted it off the ground. Ever since he was a baby, Hercules had godlike strength, but got afraid of himself as he started to get older. He realized that the people around him didn't have his same amount of strength, so he always faked like he would struggle with certain things, and accept help when offered. In reality, he could lift whatever he wanted, and not even have it phase him.

Hercules tilted her car slightly so he could still speak to Meg "Please, Meg. I know you love Hercules, but even you said that what he did to you was a selfish reason. I would never do something like that to you, and would love to raise a family with you. I have always dreamed what it was like to have a beautiful wife, a house with a white picket fence, and two little kids running around the house. Please, don't go." this was going to need one hell of an apology tomorrow, but the not drunk part of him just hoped that they could stay friends, and that there was something he could do to make it up to her, but he would do whatever to make sure she didn't hate him for this.
Most people would be scared to see such a feat of strength but Meg was used to Hades picked things up for her all the time. It wasn't for a few more seconds until it hit her. Her eyes snapped to his and then down at the ground. "You're a god?! In Hades's city. How are you here with out him knowing?" She asked him. "How long have you been here?"her mind was going a million miles a second. She couldn't think straight. Was he here to watch her? Did hades send him to talk to her? No Hades wouldn't do that. Defiantly not, Hercules was declaring his love for her, Hades wouldn't let that happen.

It was all happening again. She was crying and a handsome stranger comes to court her and make her feel better. "I need to go home. I need to talk to Hades. I want to see you again though no want to talk to you. Hercules I swear I will talk to you tomorrow. I will call you and we can go to the park but right now I need to go home." She told him, slightly begging him to put her car down. The people watching were grabbing their phones trying to get pictures of them. She wasn't afraid of him, she was just shocked that he was a god.

When he finally put her car down, she thanked him and told him she would call him tomorrow. She went home and called for Hades, she wouldn't tell him what she was doing with Hercules but she would ask him if he knew about Hercules being around. She called his name again and then started to look for him. She found their bedroom and her private area was now one huge room. The wall was completely gone, like it was broken by a bulldozer. She rubbed the edges of wall where the wall once was and shook her head. She could be angry about that later she needed to talk to him.

It took her a few minutes to realize she was alone and that Hades wasn't just ignoring her. She went back into their room and found the not he left and the picture of them and a baby in her arms looking happier than ever. She read his note and felt a pang of guilt in her heart for kissing Hercules. She had to set him straight tomorrow. She couldn't let him get his hopes up. But there was something about him that called to her on more than an emotional level, it was almost like what she felt with Hades, all she would have to do is open up to him. She was torn in two, she didn't know what to do.
Hercules didn't care about her questions of him being a god and whatnot. He was too drunk to even notice them, and only wanted to hear her return his feelings. He didn't care that people were snapping pictures of them, but her words were able to calm him down slightly, and he finally put her car on the ground. Hercules felt the need to punch something again, and needed to go straight home as well, so that something wasn't his own car, or some kind of innocent person; however, even drunk he understood that he shouldn't drive, and instead picked up his car as he just started walking home. It took him a while to get there, and he sobered up a tad when he was finally home. His thoughts were clearer now, and he set his car down in his garage before heading inside "Every fucking time," he said, plopping down on his couch "Every time I get drunk, I do something that I regret the day after," now he was thinking more about how he would apologize to Meg for his actions, but that only started another thought in his head. He normally did apologize to whoever he scared, but something felt different with Meg.

He really did love her, and it started to seem like Hades only cared about his power. He probably didn't show the kind of love to her that Hercules would do everyday. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to instead follow up on his feelings tomorrow. Meg deserved to be treated like a queen, and not some kind of arm candy like Hades probably thought her as. So he decided that he would first become a cop like he had been neglecting, and then show Meg the god of life she could have with him. For the first time, Hercules actually went to bed with happy thoughts after he got drunk instead of thoughts about how he was going to fix things tomorrow.


"She read the note. Good," Hades smiled as he felt Meg reading the note, and taking a look at the picture. He knew because the note was linked to the underworld, and he could feel her presence because of it. He wished that he could talk to her through it, but that couldn't happen until three days of being down here "I wish there was a faster way to do this, Meg, but I don't want you to die. I love you."


The next morning, Hercules woke up with a hangover just like he knew he would, and groaned in pain as he sat up "Fuck least this one isn't as bad as that time I went drinking with Darren," nevertheless, he got up out of bed, and headed into his bathroom to take some headache reliever medicine. It would take a while to kick in, so he went about his morning. Taking a shower, eating his breakfast, brushing his teeth, and getting dressed somewhat nice so he could go become a cop, but not look overly nice when he went to the park with Meg. Speaking of Meg, he decided that even sober like this that he would indeed show Meg how much better he could be that Hades. He would show her that power and being loved only for being a hot girlfriend was nothing compared to being loved by someone who would cherish her like the most precious thing in the world to them, and that he would be more than glad to do whatever he could to make her smile and be happy.

With his morning taken care of, Hercules remembered that she had put her number in his phone, and vice versa. So he texted her to tell her his plans 'Good morning, Meg. Sorry about lifting your car up and whatnot, but I want to talk to you about something else. How about we meet up at the park like you said, and I will be there as soon as I get my name on the waiting list for becoming a police officer. See ya soon!' he sent the text, and headed out. The police station was the easy part, but as he found a parking spot near the park, and sat on a bench to wait for Meg. Hercules started to get a little nervous about things. He had no idea how she would react to what he wanted to tell her, but just hoped that they could still stay friends at the very least.
Meg hated sleeping alone. She used it as punishment for Hades but she hated it as much as he did. She was never able to really get to sleep with out pulling her into his body and making her uncork fable hot under the covers. She didn't wear pajamas because he was always making her way too hot. She looked at the picture he left of them and the baby in their arms. She kissed the picture and went to take a shower. She used the closest thing to Hades that she had, one of his T-shirts, and tried to sleep.

The next morning she laid in bed and looked at the picture. She wondered what Hades was doing. She hasn't visited the underworld before she died once but hades brought her right back and out her body. She didn't remember much about the under world, just that it was dark and protected by a three headed dog. She heard her phone going off and she quickly got out of bed and saw she had a message. She was slightly disappointed when it wasn't from hades. She listened and smiled when she heard Hercules's voice. She had to set him straight today, no matter how cute he was, she could no lead him on. It wasn't right.

She went to her closet and found a pair of Capri pants and a razorback tank top to wear. She went to the park where she told him she would meet up with him and saw him sitting on the bench. She smiled at him and walked over. "How was your morning?" She asked and sat down next to him. She knew he would be getting a call from the police department soon. He told her not too but Hercules was too good of a guy to be put on a wait list. She easily got his named bumped up, she had to forge Hades signature on the recommendation letter she wrote but she has been with hades for centuries. They knew each others signature and could sign as perfectly as the other could. "Congratulations of following your dreams. I'm looking at a future cop." She bumped into him playfully.
Hercules chuckled and blushed as she complimented him "Thanks. I woke up with a hangover this morning, but this future cop is just glad that he will soon indeed become one," he chuckled again, and thought back to the words she had said to him when he picked up her car, and figured that he should explain "I was pretty drunk when it happened, but I picked up your car last night, right? I remember you saying something about me being a god, but I can assure you that I am not a god. To be honest, even I haven't figured out how or why I have so much strength. My parents told me that ever since they first found me crying in forest all alone as a baby that I had immense strength. They told me that two snakes approached me, and that I just beat them up with a smile on my face, and babbling like a baby would do when they were excited. After a few bad experiences though, I started faking my own strength, and pretend to struggle with things that would be considered heavy. As you can probably guess, they aren't actually heavy to me," he chuckled once more.

He didn't catch on to what Meg had said about Hades not knowing how he was in the city, so Hercules was still in the dark about him actually being a god "But thats not what I wanted to talk to you about," he turned slightly on the bench, and gently took hold of her hands once again "I know you are Hades's girlfriend, and I know that you love him, but how many times has he treated you like a queen? How many times has he offered to spend time with you rather than having you just around for some arm candy? Meg, when I said that I loved you, I really did mean it. I want nothing more than to show you what Hades's could never give you. Love isn't about expensive material items like Hades's must shower you with, but love is about spending your days with the one that you care for, and love with all your heart. I can give you so much more than Hades could ever hope for, and you can be more than some arm candy for him to show off whenever he wants. At least give me a chance to show you what your life should really be like."

All he could hope was that Meg took his offer, and allowed him to show her an actual good time. If Hades wanted to come after him for taking his girl, then so be it. Hercules would gladly fight him if need be, and wouldn't give up until Meg was safe in his arms without the fear of Hades reclaiming her.
" have no idea who you are?" She asked and looked down in her lap. She didn't know what to say to that. Was it possible for a god to not know that they were a god. She wished Hades was here so she could ask him these things. Hercules was a walking piece of confusion. She just wanted to figure him out. "Strength like yours is going to come in handy when you are out there saving people's lives. But hiding your strength is probably really smart. If they find out you are this super human with super strength then they will start performing tests on you and it won't be pretty. You should only use it when you really need it." She smiled at him and stood up so they could walk around the park.

"You make him sound so bad when you put it like that. Hades isn't a bad guy. He's a nice guy, he's just complicated. I understand his quest for power. I know he needs it to feel complete. I also know how loves but I don't know if he loves power or me more." She paused and bit her lip, "I believe he does love me. And I can't hurt him. I'm afraid too and I love him too. I don't want to see him hurt." She looked up at Hercules and then quickly looked away, "Fine. Fine. Fine. Okay, alright fine. But I'm not promising you anything. Show me what you think love is like, just know that I love him dearly and this is just a trial with you. I hate being alone and he...has business to take care of in Africa. Urgent business that called his attention. He has the week away and I have to work on the week days but this weekend and after work, we can hang out and do what ever. You can show me love." She rubbed his cheek and kept walking forward. She hated seeing people upset,the heartbreak in his eyes when she almost told him no was too much. She couldn't handle it. Hades was going to kill them both if they found out.

She has been with Hades so long she didn't know any more. Hercules was like a breath of fresh air. She has only been with Hades sexually. He was her first everything. She wanted a family and a wedding. They have had neither. She figured it was because if they got married they would need to eventually fake their deaths and move away like they always did. Would he give her a wedding with the child she desperately wanted to have? She took Hercules's hand as they walked and forced herself to stop thinking about Hades. She was with Hercules, he said he would show her real love and she wanted to see if what she felt with Hades was really love or if it was just lust and his imprint on her soul. "So any plans for today? Maybe a water balloon fight? We can go to the dollar store and just have some good old fashioned fun."
Hercules already knew that his strength would come in handy when saving lives, but that he needed to keep it a secret; however, it was rather nice to hear Meg say that, but that feeling started to go away as he listened to Meg speak. It seemed that she really did love Hades, but he couldn't understand why. Clearly the man loved being in control more than he loved her, and yet Meg seemed to think that both were equal with him. It annoyed him, and he was about to just brush Meg away and forget about her when she looked back at him. The next words filled him with joy, and she agreed to let him show her what love was really like "Thank you, Meg. I promise that you won't regret a thing," a part of him wanted to kiss her again, but things needed to be slow between two potential lovers. He obviously had no idea when their first kiss was, but he hoped that Hades didn't rush her into it.

After Meg took hold of his hands, he did the same, and wasn't afraid knowing that Hades was off in Africa. The notion of having some good old fashioned fun was quite the idea "Sure. I haven't been in a water balloon fight since I was six. Though, tell me if I am throwing too hard. I can easily fake my own strength, but its kinda hard for me to do when I am throwing things. I promise though that I will try my best not to hurt you," with that, he walked hand in hand with her to the dollar store "You know, I just remembered something. We never got to finish that question game last night at the diner," Hercules entered the dollar store with her, and headed into the toy section of the store since that is where they kept the water balloons "My story about Jessikah kinda ruined your chance to ask me something in return. So how about we resume it?" it was so nice to finally be able to feel good okay with talking about Jessikah again without hurting.

Hercules took a quick peek at his wallet, and he had about twenty dollars on him. Water balloons came in packs of five hundred, so they would probably only need one, but he decided to just play it safe and buy two packs. Besides, they could probably have other people join them after seeing how much fun the two were having.
While Hercules got the water balloons, she got a bucket for them to put them in. They found a house where they could fill them. Since she could tie knots faster than he could. She filled them up while he kept watch for the home owners. When she was done they took the bucket to a huge open field and she picked one up and popped it on his chest. The fight had officially begun. She smiled at him and they out down the bucket. Now that they weren't busy filling up water balloons she could think of a question to ask him. "What are your favorite things to do and what's your favorite color?"

She threw balloons at him and then he threw some at her. People were watching them have fun, they didn't really care. A couple kids came over and asked if they could play and they happily let them join in. They only time they didn't throw balloons at each other were when they were at the bucket to collect more. She was having fun, fun she hadn't had in a long time. "I don't remember the last time I came here to have fun. Hades is always busy with work. I only come here to run and stay in shape. Now every time I come here I will think of the fun we are having." She smiled at him and picked up a balloon and popped it over his head.

She laughed and rubbed their wet noses together giving him an Eskimo kiss. "It was an opportune time. I couldn't pass it up I'm sorry." She ran her fingers back through his hair spiking it up. "Why aren't you afraid of him?" She asked softly, "Oh wait, it's your turn to ask a question. Don't answer that, that's my next question."
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