Light at The End of A Dark Tunnel(Retsu & JassyJasB)

It made Hercules feel rather childish to be having a water balloon fight with Meg, but he didn't care. As soon as that balloon was popped over his chest, their fight finally begun. He couldn't believe that he could have as much fun as he was now, but had a question that needed answering "My favorite things to do and favorite color?" he thought about his answer for a little before speaking up "I know this may sound a little weird, but I love things like this," he said, refering to their water balloon fight "I may look like some rough and tumble guy, but I have always been a kid at heart, and hope that I never grow out of it. You can have fun in ways that most people my age would never even think. As for my favorite color, I'd have to say it'd be blue."

Their fight continued after that as it was a little hard to ask questions now, and it got even better once a couple kids came over to join them. He was extremely thankful that he had thought to purchase two packs of five hundred because he thought that something like this would happen. At first, it was just the two of them, but now there was five people having fun throwing water balloons at each other. Meg found some time to speak though, and told him about how Hades was always too busy with work to have fun with her like this "See? That is what I am talking about. I am sure that he could be a good guy sometimes, but sometimes you just need to take a break from your work, and have with the one you love."

Somehow, they were right next to each other, and Meg popped a balloon over his head. He laughed with her, and felt her nose against his in an Eskimo kiss "Don't be. I liked it," She asked him another question about why he wasn't afraid of Hades, but quickly told him not to answer that "Why? I'll just pay you back by asking you two questions," he chuckled, and answered anyway "I wouldn't say that I am not afraid of him, but I feel better knowing that he can't see us doing this. I mean, if he wasn't gone for a week like you said he was, then I might be a little scared to be with you, but I wouldn't ignore you."

Oh how wrong he was. Yes, Hades couldn't see him, nor did he have any idea that Meg was with someone, but that accursed feeling kept eating away at him. He trusted Meg not to cheat on him even if he did do something stupid like that, but something just didn't feel right with him. He tried using the ability to see through her eyes, but found that was one of his powers that went away as well. If he remembered right though, he should have that power back in two days. He just hoped that what he saw wouldn't be heartbreaking for him.

"Now then, I get to ask you two questions," Hercules thought of what he wanted to ask her before telling them to her "What is your favorite food, and what is your favorite animal?"
"Sometimes it feels like he is always watching. Not in a bad way or anything. But I can always feel him. It's weird not having around, you know? You get so used to having some one right there next to you and then they're just gone one day, especially after a fight, it doesn't feel right. I feel like I should have said something to him before I left. Instead of just leave him." She shrugged her shoulder and looked at all the people who were now in a water balloon fight. "I can tell why you like being a kid so much. This is really fun. You know what would be really fun? An amusement park. We could go to six flags sometime. I think we have fast passes some where in the house so we can skip over the lines and just ride the roller coasters and have fun."

She smiled at him and thought of what her favorite food was. "I like burritos. You can out anything in a burrito and its portable. So you can eat it on the go. They come in all sizes. I love burritos. I think my favorite is a California burrito. It has steak, French fries, sour cream, beans, rice and salsa. All wrapped up in a mucho deliciouso flour tortilla. I can talk about a California burrito forever, that's how good they are. They just aren't very good for you." She looked down at his six pack. She reached out and rubbed it softly, "These would be gone in no time if you ate too many of them."

"Bad day to wear a white shirt for you. You might as well just take it off, I mean I don't want you to get sick because of a wet shirt. You would dry off faster if you took it off and you have a body sculpted by Michelangelo. Share it with the world." She gave him a big cheeky smile and shrugged her shoulder. "My favorite animal is the maltese tiger. It's blue and very rare but it is oh so beautiful. I have only seen two in my entire life and both times it was just a amazing experience." The experience was probably a hundreds of years ago before she was immortal but it still stayed with her. Some how Hades tapped into the animals mind and she was able to pet it with out the fear of getting hurt by it.

"What should we do next? The balloons are almost gone and we are soaked. Tomorrow you should come over to my place so we can go to Six Flags. I just have to find the tickets and the Fast Passes. Maybe you can help me out."
Hercules perked up when she said that she would like to go to Six Flags with him tomorrow as he had never been there before. He always wanted to, but felt that going alone to an amusement park just wasn't right "I'd love to go to Six Flags with you! I've never been there before, but I have always wanted to go," he looked back over their battlefield, and a small group of people were finishing up the last bit of water balloons. He didn't feel her hand on his six pack at first, but blushed faintly when she started making a comment about how it was a bad day to wear a white shirt, and that she should take it off "Nah, I'll be fine. I'll thank you for the compliment, but I'd feel like I was showing off if I took off my shirt."

Herc thought about what they should do next, but his phone started ringing before he got a chance to say anything. He didn't think it would be the police station, but he pulled his phone out of his pocket regardless, and answered it. His eyes widened in surprise as he heard the voice on the other side telling him to come over to the station, so they could test him "Right away, sir!" he hung up after that, but gave Meg a dirty yet joking look "You have something to do with the reason why the police station called me so soon, don't you?" he continued staring at her, but chuckled it away, and embraced her in a hug "I know I said that I didn't want you to help me like that, but thanks," he was finally going to become what he always dreamed of, and truly could not thank Meg enough for giving him the will to do so.

After their hug was over, he grabbed her hand, and started walking with her towards the station "It may not be the most fun thing in the world, but how about you accompany me there? I'm sure that the officers there wouldn't mind considering Hades scares them all, and wouldn't want to mess with him. Besides, it would be nice to have a little bit of encouragement there with me," he smiled at her "And, if it isn't too late when I am done, perhaps we could watch the stars together?"
Meg smiled guiltily and hugged him back, "You deserve it. I had to do some thing and I know it would take for ever since you were wait listed so I wrote a letter and made a few calls. I want you to be happy and follow your dreams." She squeezed him a little tighter, truly happy for him. "We are all wet. Shouldn't we at least go dry off? On second though I have a change of clothes in my car. I picked up the dry cleaning so I have one of Hades suits in my car. You seem about his size, it might be a little tight around your muscles but it should fit." She tugged him towards her car and pulled out the suit from the trunk and handed it to him. She walked with him to a restaurant where he could change and she helped him with the tie when he came out. "You look very handsome." She smiled at him and walked with him to the police station.

Meg waited for him while he did the interview. She smiled at the police officers and they smiled back but they all kept their distance because they knew who she was. She ended up playing with her phone until it died because she knew she wouldn't have any one to talk too until Hercules came back. When she saw the door to the interviewers office open up she perked up and smiled at Hercules. She stood up and said hello to the Captain before they walked out of the office. They went to her car and grabbed a blanket so they could lay out in the grass and watch the stars. "So how did it go? When do you start training? I'm am soo happy for you, Hercules. Just know that I put you would be a great worker and that you are honest and a hard worker. And that if they were smart they would and should boost you up the list so you can be out there helping the city. Other than that, everything is all you."

They walked out to a dry spot where they could see all the stars clearly. Tonight was the perfect night to stargaze since it was a big full yellow moon and the sky was twinkling with millions of stars.
When they finally got to the police station, Hercules felt kinda bad that Meg was forced to wait outside, and would no doubt have little to no company. Hades really made other people afraid of her, and he could definitely see why. No man would ever want to get close to her because they were all afraid of Hades thinking that they were trying to hit on her, and kill them. Nevertheless, he wasn't going to let such fears cloud his mind, and he felt like he was almost giving Hades a slap in the face since he was wearing one of his suits. It was a bit tight around his chest like Meg said it would be, but it wasn't too bad.

The interview went rather smoothly, and Hercules could just tell that the interviewer was quite impressed with him. Whether that be because of what Hercules said, Meg, or a combination of both was unknown. It was obvious that he would get the job soon enough, and would have to go into training. He just hoped that the training portion of the job still allowed him time to spend with Meg, but he had no reason to believe why it wouldn't. He exited the interview room to see meg smiling at him, and he smiled right back. Their hands joined together as they walked out of the police station, and he would be lying if he said he couldn't feel the stares of confusion be directed towards them "I think it went great. I don't if it was because what I said, what you did, or both, but the Sergeant seemed rather pleased with me. As for when my training starts, he said that I should get a call within the next day or so."

Hercules sat down on the blanket, and gently helped Meg down as well before laying down. He stretched his body in a way that would allow Meg to rest her head on his chest, or arm if she so chose, and stared up at the sky. It was a perfect way to end the day, and he was so glad that he could share it with her "So, how was your first day of being with me like? Better than Hades, or do I still have a lot of work to do?"
"You are both very different people, you each have your strong points." She said, not giving him a real answer. She put her head in the crook of his arm and torso so they were very close. She looked up and pointed a few different constellations. The only other god she has ever met was name Astraios. He owed Hades a favor and he taught her all about the stars and constellations. Her even made her a star. A light purple star, that only glittered for her and the other gods. Humans just saw another star but every one with godly powers could see it had a purple tint to it. She didn't bother pointing it out to Hercules because he wanted to see if he could see. If he could then he was truly a god and some how didn't know and not just some type of mutant human.

"What do you see in your future? Ten years from now, how do you see your life?" She asked softly and rolled over so she was on her stomach. She smiled down at him and played with big hand. She traced the lines on his palm, like she often did with Hades when she was thinking. "I think in ten years, I'll be happy. I will have a house in the suburbs with enough space for me, my husband and our three or four kids. Each one would be a year or two apart and maybe I'll have a small bump growing, the surprise child." She smiled and bit her lip. "And I'll be loved and cherished. Surrounded by boys, my boys. But the one growing inside of me would be a little girl, that looks just like me. She'll be perfect. And mine."

She looked over at Hercules and smiled, "that's my simple sappy future. Lets hear yours."
Hercules chuckled at her future ten years from now because it seemed like the typical American dream that many people wanted "You certainly have got you whole life planned out, haven't you?" he said, chuckling once more "I haven't thought out my life ten years from now too much, but I do see myself the same as you. Living in a nice house, with a beautiful wife, and two little kids. A brother and a sister," he smiled at his own thoughts, and didn't want to say it aloud, but Meg was that beautiful wife of his in his thoughts. She probably saw Hades as her husband in her own dream of the future, and it made him sigh internally. He was going to have a long way to go before she started thinking of her own romantic life with him, and could tell by the way she never gave a real answer to his question. She still thought of Hades as her dream man, and that probably wouldn't change for quite some time.

Not much was said between the two until he decided to ask her about a certain star. Ever since he was a teenager, he would always see a bright purple star when the night sky was as clear as today. It seemed that no one, but him could see it, and not even Jessikah could either. He was pretty sure that it was probably just his eyes playing tricks on him, and a part of him told him that it would just be a waste of breath to even ask, but he didn't want to remain completely silent during this entire time "Hey Meg, do you see that star right there?" he asked, pointing towards the purple star "Ever since I was a teenager, that star has been shining a bright purple, but no one sees the same thing when I ask them about it. Not even Jessikah could, and she used to think that I was crazy for it. Am I really crazy, or do you see the purple star as well?"
"You can see that star?" She knew it! Either he was keeping secrets or he really didn't know. She sat up on her knees and frowned at him a little. She didn't want to go all out and just ask him. If he did know there was probably no way he would tell her and if he didn't know then he would just think she was crazy. But now she was sure, absolutely sure. Hercules is a god. "I can see the star, Hades can see the star and I know of a few other people no can see that star. It a very rare, and I mean ultra rare, club that can see the particular star. There are no other star like it and you can see it as well?" She looked at Hercules, her face was clearly confused.

"Who are you parents?" She asked softly and crossed her legs. "You said you were found in the forest by your foster parents but do you know anything else? Have you tried to find out who your real parents may be?" Se knew it might be a touchy subject and she didn't want to upset him. She enjoyed her time with him and being with him. It felt like they have known each other, there was a connection between them. She laid back down and put her head back where it was. "I only ask because its a genetic thing. Only people from your blood line can see that star." That was a bad lie and she knew but it was kind of true. Only gods could see it, they were from the same bloodline, some what. She was a bad lier and she hated lying but right now she had to, so that Hercules didn't ask too many questions she didn't have the answer too. He needed a god to show him who he really was, she was just immortal. Maybe if Hades didn't hate him after he got back, he could help him out.
Meg's reaction to his question scared him a little bit, and she began telling him about how the star was ultra rare, asking who is parents really were, and that only people from a certain bloodline, his bloodline, could see it. It worried and scared Hercules as he thought that the poor girl had gone crazy at the question. Though he didn't understand why that would even be the case "I don't know who my real parents are. I'll admit, I have tired to look for them, and even hired a private investigator once to try and find them, but there is just nothing that points to who they really are. It's like I just dropped from the heavens above as a baby, and wound up in the care of my foster parents," suddenly, after explaining that part of his life, he remembered something that his parents had given him when he moved out. He never went anywhere without it as it was his good luck charm, and helped him get through Jessikah's death. He pulled a gold medallion from his pocket that had a thunderbolt engraved on it "Also, they said that this was around my neck when they found me. I like to think that it is my good luck charm, and that it brings me safety whenever I need it."

He let her get a good luck at it before putting it back in his pocket "I learned that the symbol on it is Zeus's thunderbolt, but I assume that is most likely because whoever my parents are thought me to be as strong as Zeus himself," the man really did not know his past besides what his foster parents had told him. He would probably never believe Meg if she told him that he was a god, and just thought he was some kind of freak who had strength like a god. He looked back at the star, and started thinking more about what it meant. If only a certain group of people could see it, then he wondered if his parents saw it as well, and if they were wondering where he was as well. Hercules would certainly like to meet them as well, but had already figured that would never become a reality.

Then something came to his mind. If it was only seen by a certain bloodline, then how did Meg see it "Wait, how can you see it, Meg? You said it could only be seen by a certain bloodline, so that would have to me that you, Hades, and me are related. Is there something you aren't telling me?"
She looked at the Medallion and knew who's it was. She frowned and shook her head, if he was Zeus's son she would know. Hades would have said something or she would have seen him at one point but no one ever mentioned him. There was a party once about twenty five years ago but that was just a reunion. It couldn't have been. She looked into Hercules eyes and guessed his age was about twenty five or at least in that time range. Hades lied to her, it finally dawned on her. All the puzzle pieces were clicking together but that didn't solve the problem about him not knowing who he was. Why would Zeus just leave him in the middle of a forest.

"That's not what I meant by that. We are not related." Well, Hades was Zeus brother which would make Hercules his nephew. She would be his aunt if they got married. She did not want that floating through her head right now. She shook her head and looked up at the star, "I can't really explain it very well. Maybe some where deep down, and a long long time ago some where way back when we could possibly be." She was confusing herself she didn't know what to say. "It's complicated. Just know that we," she moved her finger back and forth between them, "are not closely related." That was a better way to put it. She left out Hades because technically they were related. "I can see it by a very rare happenstance."

"I'm sorry. I probably look weird right now. Like I'm crazy or something. I think I'm tired." She said and rubbed her face. She needed to talk to Hades. She wanted too but she could only get in touch with him two ways. She was too far to go to the river Styx and see him that way but she could summon his image in the mirror and talk to him that way. If he wasn't too busy he would talk to her. She didn't want to leave Hercules on a low note though. That wouldn't be very nice of her. "We have a busy day tomorrow anyways. We are going to Six Flags. It's going to be so much fun. Just bring the suit with you tomorrow when you come over and we can take the Range Rover to the park. You can put your car in the garage so nothing bad happens to it." She smiled at him and rubbed his cheek.

They both got up and he helped her fold up the blanket and put it in her trunk. She gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek and drove home. When she got home she cleared off a counter that was infront of a mirror and set up candles. She lit them all and said the words that would summon his image. She held the picture he left her, knowing that it would be tied to him some how. "Please Hades. Come through. If only for a minute come through." She begged softly. She put her hand on the mirror and kept watching it, hoping to see a faint view of him.
Meg was really starting to confuse him now, and began thinking that he should of never of brought up the purple star. That was the reason she was acting this way in the first place, but he didn't get a chance to apologize as she tried shuffling him off. It started with her fumbling with her words, and trying to explain to him that they were related, but not related at the same time, and that she could see the star because of seen weird coincidence. It all just confused the hell out of him, and it didn't even register that their date was over until he was in his car; still wearing Hades's suit. The headache from his hangover was starting to hurt again most likely due to what Meg had said. So he drove home with that headache, and took some more pills before just laying down. He was going to need a long nap after all that, and a good nights rest for tomorrow. Hercules hoped that they could just forget all about that stargazing that they did, and things could just go back to normal tomorrow. Only time would tell though if that was going to come true or not.


For whatever reason, Hades started to feel more and more worried about Meg as time went on. He could hardly stand it anymore, and it was making him go crazy because of it; however, the feeling started dying down once she was in her car, and driving back home. So when he was just about to go back to earth to figure out what that feeling was telling him about. He stopped, and calmed down instead. Then he started hearing Meg's voice, chanting. She was calling him from their mirror, and instantly perked up as he hadn't had a chance to apologize to her yet. He checked his own powers, and was relieved to find that he had enough for at least an hours worth of time with her. Hades moved to his throne, and took a seat as his face appeared in her mirror "Meg! You have no idea how much I have missed you," he saw the note in her hand, and gave a small frown at it "So you read my note, huh? Are you still mad at me?"
"No I'm not angry." She smiled at him and looked down at her hands. She looked back, "I've missed you too. You look like yourself now. Bigger, stronger a slightly red tint around you." She stayed, suddenly nervous about what she was about to ask him. He was gone for two days and she has been hanging out with a male the entire time. How would any guy take that after they got into a fight with their girlfriend. It wouldn't be easy to explain, that's for sure. "I love you and thank you for doing this for me and our future together." She looked down at the picture and stroked his cheek through the picture.

"I was just wondering if it was possible for a god to not know that they are a god? And why did you lie to me twenty five years ago? Zeus and Hera had a son and you didn't tell me. They had a party for that some and you didn't tell me? Why, what's the point of that?" She didn't want to start another fight. She just wanted answers but to get those answers, he would have to be truthful. She also didn't want to do this through a mirror but she had no other option. "Hades, I don't care that you lied at this point I just want to know why? I met someone and he lifted my car up come poetry off the ground and held it there for minutes. He saw my star and you know what that means. But he was found in the forest when he was a baby with Zeus's medallion round his neck. He's Zeus's son but he has no idea who he is. How is that possible?"
Hades felt so relieved to hear that she wasn't angry with him anymore, and felt her stroke his cheek through the picture. He wanted nothing more than to have her in his arms, and talk to her that way, but he had promised her through that note that she would get her dream of having a family, and that was exactly what he was going to do "I love you too, Meg. I always have and always will," he wished he could kiss her, but even kissing the picture would be able to grant that wish. And then came the question. The question that he thought he had solved years ago.

He listened to her as she asked why he had lied to her twenty five years ago. That Zeus and Hera that a son, and he didn't tell her. The more she questioned, the more his face grew embarrassed with a hint of anger. Not at her, but at two certain imp helpers, but Meg was another source of his anger. Why would she even question him about Hercules if he was even alive in the first place? Pain and Panic were told to kill him, and had told him that they did the job when they returned to the underworld. If such was not the case then not only did Meg meet him, but she apparently got close enough to him for her to learn the truth. He didn't want to be angry with her, but couldn't help himself as he spoke to her " did you find out about that?" he always got jealous when she was with another man, but this jealously was much worse. She had done it right their fight, and that pissed him off to no end. He was holding back his rage as much as he could, but slight twitches could be seen as his fire would turn from blue to red "You didn't go behind my back, did you?"
"Go behind your back and do what?" She asked confused to why he was getting so angry. It was a simple question and he was turning into a big deal. "I met him at the beach. I helped him get a job at the police department." She could see the fire around him turning red and she looked into his eyes, "what is the matter with you? You have no reason to be angry. We are just friends and just spending friendly time together. That's all, you know I love you. He was there at the beach, he saw me crying and he made me feel better. I wanted to do something to help him and then we just became friends."

Her mind was racing thinking he knew. He knew and he was going to kill her and Hercules. She kept a straight face and looked down at the picture. She really had no idea why he would be so angry. Sure a little jealous but his jealousy was never like this. Maybe it was because he was so far away and he couldn't be the over protective guy he normally is when he got jealous. "How does he not know that he is a god? That is all I want to know. You came from the under world and you know, Astraios knew and he came Olympus. Hercules was found in the forest and raised by humans, that doesn't make any sense. Zeus loves kids, he wouldn't just give his up."
It was hard not to kill Meg at this point. His mind kept screaming at him to do just that, but he was able to keep him calm enough not to. He truly did love Meg, and even if she had just cheated on him, he didn't want to harm her in anyway "I don't know," he said through clenched teeth, and trying not to think about the fact that she was with another man "Perhaps something happened to him, and he doesn't remember," Hades was trying to focus more on two little imps that had told him that Hercules was dead twenty five years ago, and he was going to burst out in anger if he continued thinking about it "I'm sorry, Meg. Something just came up, and I must attend to it," he didn't even say that he loved her before disconnecting from her, and twitching a tad more. His anger built until his flames became a bright red, and screamed in pure anger "Pain! Panic!" the two imps came bumbling towards him, and stood at attention despite seeing how angry he was

"Yes, your eviliness?" Pain asked.

Hades looked down at them with the anger displayed clearly in his eyes, yet his voice was calm "Remember when I told you to kill that little brat, Hercules?" they both nodded, and backed away slightly in fear "You told me that you had killed, right?" they nodded once more, and backed away even further. Hades just stared at them for before continuing "Then would you mind telling me why the love of my life," he burst out in anger once more "Just said that she fucking met him on the beach!? That little shit is going to ruin my fucking plans for ruling Olympus, and you two couldn't do one simple little job!?"

Pain and Panic turned into worms as they groveled in fear before Hades, and explained why Hercules was still alive, but that didn't help Hades's anger lessen even in the slightest. If anything, it made him more angry because he would have to kill Hercules himself now "I should give you both to Cerberus, so they can have a new chew toy, but you still have purpose to me right now. Go to earth, and make sure that Meg and Hercules always get their dates ruined, but don't you dare harm her. She may of cheated on me, but I have known her long enough to know how to get her back."
"Well good bye to you too." She said after he disappeared. "You can be such an Asshole." She muttered under her breath and blew out the candles. She stomped into their bedroom and took a shower. When she got out she put on his shirt to sleep in and got in bed. She checked the weather and saw that it was going to be nice and sunny with a breeze, so it was the perfect weather for an amusement park.


Pain and Panic smiled at each other and nodded their heads, they could do that easily. They would have to do it perfectly to make up for messing up the Hercules thing.

"I told you would find out." Pain said to Panic.

Panic rubbed his hands together and thought, "We'll make it up to him. If we can kill him now, Hades won't be mad at us."

"How are we supposed to kill him if he doesn't want us to hurt Meg?"

"She'll just have to move out of the way quickly." They both laughed evilly and disappeared. They went to Hades and Meg's house and waited out side.


The next morning Meg got up and looked for the ticket to the amusement park. Every where she looked she couldn't find them. She remembered exactly where she put them but they weren't there. It was like they just disappeared all of a sudden. She looked at the clock and saw that she was running late. She was in just a t-shirt and Hercules would be here at any second. She went to the back to change and that's when the door bell rang.

She walked to the front and smiled when she saw Hercules, "I'm sorry, I was looking for the tickets but I can't find them. They were in that drawer, I know they were but they just aren't there. It doesn't matter. The weather is nice and I can just buy the tickets at the front. I'm going to go change. Make yourself at home." She smiled at him and walked to her closet to find some thing to wear.

She heard a crash of thunder but shook her head, that was impossible. It is supposed to be sunny today. She kept getting dressed until she heard it again. She quickly put on her shirt and walked out to the front and looked out the window. "How is that even possible?" She asked herself and saw dark storm clouds and lightning. There was no way anything would stay open for something that looked like this.

She turned to Hercules, "We can stay in and watch a movie instead. I swear the weather report said sunny today but I guess the weather has a mind of its own. We have popcorn and a big tv downstairs. A butt load of movies, we might as well do something until the weather clears up, right?"
While Pain and Panic were not gods, they did have the ability to make certain things happen. They misplaced Meg's tickets for her, or more like were just holding onto them, which forced her to be late for her meeting with Hercules.


Hercules was a tad nervous to meet Meg again because of what happened last night, but he was willing to just put everything behind them, and act like that part of the night had never happened. When he arrived at her house, which he had to admit was pretty big, he didn't expect her to be dressed in nothing, but a t-shirt that was too big for her. He assumed that she either just had oversized shirts to sleep in, or she missed Hades so much that she was wearing one of his shirts to help her fall asleep. It saddened him a little because that was another part of her that he would have to undo, but that would be much later in relationship. He just smiled at her when she said that she must of lost the tickets "No worries. I'm just happy to go with you," he entered her home, but merely stayed in the foyer as he didn't want impose too much.


They hadn't thought about that, but it was no use. The imps summoned a raincloud to rain and thunder over her house only, but it would look like everyone else on the block was being rained on as well. Now they were finally inside her food, and could put step two into action whenever they pleased.


Hercules had noticed the rain as well, and disappointment had washed over him. He really wanted to go to Six Flags with Meg as he had never be able to go before, and thought that it would be one of the best days of his life. Nevertheless, with that now ruined, he headed further into her house, and came in just in time because Meg was finally dressed "That does sound rather fun. Kinda sucks that our trip to Six Flags got rained out, but maybe we can do it tomorrow?" he surely hoped so, and gladly accepted her offer of a movie "You know this place a little better than I do, so how about you go make us some popcorn, and I'll see if you have any movies that I think would be good," he smiled at her once again, and headed off to find their TV. When he finally did find it, he was both impressed by the size, and how accurate a butt load of movies really were. One of them had to be a big-time mover collector as it looked like they had movies all the way from the beginning of time. It baffled him, but he wasn't going to question it.

Instead, he started from the movies that were made in the eighties, and was so glad that they were all organized by year made. He continued to look until Meg came with the popcorn, and he picked out one of his favorite movies Twins which they had on DVD, and put it inside. He sat down on the couch, and made space for her to rest inside his arm, and have the popcorn between them "This was my favorite movie as a teenager, and I am rather glad that you have it."
"I love movies. It took me forever to find the really old ones but it was a fun search. My favorite is the original Marie Antoinette move. When they remaster it and make it in color I will have go get it. Everything about it is just lavish and spectacular. That was a good period of time back then. I mean, it seemed liked it. With the dresses and jewelry and such." She smiled at Hercules and after setting up the movie she sat down next to him and snuggled into him.

"I talked to Hades yesterday." She said softly as the movie went through the previews. "I told him about you and I and how we have been hanging out. He doesn't seem very happy about it. I think he's jealous because he's so far away and you're so close. And I don't care that's he's angry. For the first time in a long time, I think he just needs to get over it. You are the first guy who has talked to me out in public, freely. I don't want to lose that."

"If this week doesn't work the way you want it too, can we please stay friends?" She asked him and sat up. She paused the movie so it wouldn't start to play while they were talking. "I don't want to lose this. I can talk to you bout anything and you aren't afraid of Hades. I don't want friends that will just tell me what I want to hear. I need a friend." She put her head back where it was and grabbed some pop corn. She pressed play again and went through the previews.
Hercules couldn't help, but feel even more love for this woman as she told him that she didn't care of Hades was mad at her. Meg wanted him to hang out with her, and he was more than happy to do so. Still, the notion of just remaining friends if it didn't work out between them was somewhat saddening as he had no intention of things not working out. Nevertheless, he couldn't just say that to her "Of course, Meg. There is nothing that Hades will ever say or do that will stop me from being your friend," he got a little bold, and gently kissed her cheek. He smiled warmly at her before going back to watching the film with her.


First, Pain and Panic wanted to try and kill Meg without putting her in the least bit of danger, so Panic waited until Hercules went to grab a couple pieces of popcorn, and turned himself into one as he placed himself in his hand. Hercules swallowed all of the piece, but him because Panic had accidentally fallen off, and into the couch. He had to crawl out in the form of a worm, and had to be careful not to be seen. Pain tried the exact same plan, but put himself in the middle, so he couldn't fall. Hercules ate Pain, and he expanded inside his throat to make him choke.


After eating a couple pieces of popcorn, Hercules was quite impressed with it. Most likely, it was probably just from a store bought bag, but whatever kind of topping she put on it enhanced the flavor. He couldn't help himself as he would grab a couple pieces of popcorn at a time; however, it seemed his own body didn't like that. After one certain handful, a piece of popcorn must of gotten lodged inside his throat that he didn't chew all the way because he started choking. He tried coughing it out, but the popcorn wouldn't come out. He looked towards Meg for help, but couldn't speak what was wrong. All he could do was hold his throat, and cough in an attempt to make it piece dislodge itself.
Meg laughed a little when he first coughed, "I won't eat it all. Chew Hercules and slow down." She said teasing but his coughing got worst. She used the remote to turn the lights back on and hit his back trying to get it out. She got behind him and tried the wrapped her arms around him and tried to get it out that way but it wasn't strong enough. She couldn't lose him, from a piece of pop corn. His was turning blue from asphyxiation and tears pooled in her eyes.

"Please don't." She begged softly and put him on the floor on his back. She rubbed his cheek and then clasped her hands together and hit his chest once really hard. Miraculously, the piece of popcorn flew out of his mouth and she wrapped her arms around him. She squeezed him tight and cried into his neck. "Scare me like that again and I will save you just to kill you myself."

Before he could say anything she kissed him. 'The kiss of life' so to speak. She didn't want to lose him. She just met him and she loved him. Not the same way he loved her but as a friend. A best friend and she didn't want to lose that. She needed that too much to lose him. "Don't do that again." She said softly and kissed him again. She hugged him again and then sat up and wiped her eyes. She went to the kitchen and got him a glass of water. She brought it to him and rubbed his back while he drank it.
Hercules and Meg had thought two completely different things when they kissed. Meg was just doing it because she didn't want to lose her best friend, but he thought it was because she was scared of loosing him, and declared her love for him. He drank the water down, and took a couple of deep breaths before finally speaking "Thank you...Meg," he could of swore that he chewed all the pieces of popcorn, and surely not a tiny little piece that he had swallowed would be even remotely big enough to choke him, but he assumed that he just thought wrong, and perhaps didn't realize.


"Damn it!" Pain and Panic cursed after seeing that their plan to kill Hercules had failed. They were oh so close, but Meg came in and saved him before he croaked. Now they knew for sure that she had to be out of the way before they could kill Hercules. They just had to figure out how to separate the two.


After finally calming down, and getting his breath back. Hercules sat back up, and gave a sigh of relief "Today really has not been mu lucky day. Just this morning I nearly fell down my stairs, but was able to save myself by grabbing hold of the railing. Then when I was making myself a quick breakfast all my pots and pans nearly fell on top of me when I opened my cupboard. Again, I was able to save myself by quickly shutting the doors, and then slowly opening them while I gently lowered everything. Hell, even on the way here a squirrel ran out in front of me, and I must of clipped it's leg or something because it was limping. I had to help the poor guy, but some idiot nearly ran us both over. I was able to jump out of the way, but still," considering that he had no idea of Hades or that he was a god. Hercules didn't even consider, nor even know that all those attempts on his life were done by Pain and Panic "I'm not superstitious, but I certainly don't remember doing anything that would cause me that much bad luck."

Still, his movie experience was slightly ruined because he didn't want to eat the popcorn anymore after what happened "Hey Meg, would you mind if I just had something to drink? What do you have in your fridge to drink?"
"Now what do we do?" Pain asked Panic.

Panic hit pain over the head, "I'm fresh out of ideas. We tried everything. The only thing I know will kill him is Hades." Panic's face had an aha moment of a look and he smiled at Pain. "I know what to do."


Meg listened to all the things that happened in Hercules day. It sounded like so,etching Hades would do but if Hades wanted some one dead he would just have to snap his fingers. Hercules was still alive in front of her. Unless, of course, he couldn't kill a god. Then Hercules was safe for the moment.

She never thought Hades would stoop so low and try to kill her best friend. Did he do this often with people she just met or just with Hercules because he is not human?

"Yeah, there's beer in the fridge and there's a bar in the kitchen. Help yourself." She smiled at Hercules and watched him walk out of the room.


Pain and panic followed Hercules to the kitchen. Pain cleared his throat and tested out his voice. Using his best Meg imitation he said, "Hey Hercules, almost losing you made me realize how much I am wasting my life away. I think I love you and I haven't had a good time in over a week and my body is driving me crazy. I think we should take the next step."

Panic hit Pain over the head, "What the hell was that? She doesn't even sound like that. He would never fall for someone so stupid." They disappeared when they heard footsteps coming.

Meg walked into the kitchen and smiled at Hercules. She walked to fridge and pulled out a Sprite to drink. "Today hasn't been our lucky day at all, has it?" She asked and leaned against the counter.

"Now if we timed this right and I called Hades while you were being Meg. He should be watching or at least tune in when Hercules makes his move." Panic stated, filling Pain in on the plan.

"You mean IF Hercules makes his move." Panic hit pain over the head and watched the show.
Hercules didn't really want to get drunk again, and do something stupid like the day he met her, but he got up anyway, and found his way into the kitchen. He started rummaging through the fridge, and had just put his hands on a diet coke when he heard Meg's voice, or at least what he thought to her voice. "She" told him that almost loosing him made "her" realize how much she was wasting her life away, and that she wanted to take their relationship to the next level. Her voice did sound slightly more husky, but he dismissed it as her having a frog in her throat, and not realizing it. It probably wouldn't of worked on him had Pain not said that "her" body was driving her crazy because she didn't have sex in over a week. He knew it was wrong, but dreaming about her being his beautiful wife with children made him think about how the children were made. It clouded his mind, and he started thinking with his sex drive now.

As she took the sprite from the fridge, Hercules just gave her a sultry smile "You know, you could of just told me while you were kissing me," he shut the fridge door, and wrapped both his arms around her waist as he pulled her close "I'm normally not this bold when it comes to things like this, but I love you too, Meg," before she even had a chance to question him, Hercules pulled her even closer, and pressed their lips together.


Hades had been in the underworld for two days now, and most of his powers had been returned to him thanks to the souls of the dead. While he didn't trust his idiotic lackeys to do the job, he knew that it would distract Hercules and Meg, so they didn't try anything behind his back. He had calmed down since yesterday, and kept thinking about ways to apologize to her over how he acted. The more he thought about that though, the more he started thinking about Meg "I guess one little peek won't hurt."


After a while of just kissing her normally, Hercules got even more bolder as he forced his tongue inside her mouth, and that was the catalyst.


Hades saw the world through Meg's eyes, and wondered at first if she just had her eyes closed for some reason, but then suddenly there was movement. Not her blinking or opening her eyes, but instead that of a person moving closer to her. He was worried, but shifted his magic towards Pain only to see Meg and Hercules kissing. Needless to say, he broke. His fire was as red hot as could be as Hades flung up from the ground, grabbed Hercules by the throat, and rushed forward as he slammed him into the wall. He didn't even care about using his filter at the moment, and had destroyed the wall in the kitchen. Letting all the bugs and any animal who wanted in, in "Why aren't you fucking dead!?" he was able to catch Hercules off guard, and the enraged god punched him in the stomach as hard as he could before throwing him to the ground "For twenty five years, I have thought you to be dead courtesy of Pain and Panic, but now it seemed those little shits couldn't kill a helpless little mortal child! This is my world, and I won't let a pretty boy like you ruin my chance to rule everything!"

His gloating had bought Hercules enough time to recover, and he was able to block Hades's punch "No wonder she wanted to be with me. You are a-" he was cut off as Hades punched him with his other hand directly to the cheek "You shut the fuck up," he lifted Herc with ease, and his hand starting choking him once more "First, I am going to fuck your fucking legs, then I am going to break your fucking arms. After that, I will turn your ribs into paste, and if you are lucky, I might just snap your fucking neck instead of forcing you to watch as I rip out your internal organs one by fucking one!" he threw Hercules to the ground, and instantly started wailing on him like there was no tomorrow.
She felt his lips against her before she could say anything. She out her hands on his chest to push him back but he was pulled away before she put force on her hands. She opened her eyes when she heard a body slam against the wall. Her eyes widened as she watch Hades getting physical with Hercules. "Hades!" She yelled trying to get his attention and then listened to what he was saying. She saw something moving out of the corner of her eyes and she looked over. Two little creatures were standing there, giggling to each other. "Hades." She screamed again and he still ignored her.

She looked around for something to throw to get his attention. She threw a knife at him but it went into the wall next to him instead of towards hades. A knife wouldn't kill him anyways. She grabbed a frying pan and tossed that at him. It hit him in the head and that got his attention, "Stop. What is your problem?! He is my friend and he made a mistake. You're being an asshole. You told me you would trust me and love me and right now, you aren't showing me that you are doing either." She walked closer to him, "Power. That's all you care about. That's all you ever care about. You never cared about me, I was just an easy lay to you. I have given you everything I have ever had these past centuries and you have given me material things. I should have died a long time ago. You should have just let me go, and then I wouldn't be a big spoiler in your quest for power. You want your power back take it. Kill me, take your power back." She pushed at his chest and burned her hands from the flames.

"I'm done it this. With everything. The lies, the immortality. You don't want what I want. You never did, did you?" She wiper her eyes quickly and looked down at Hercules, "I'm sorry but I can't be with you either. I went from bad guy to another and I don't want to have to go through it again." She backed away from the both of them, "I want you to heal him and leave him alone and then I never want to see you again. Your no better than Marius was. You used me the same way."
In his fit of rage, Hades hadn't even considered who had thrown the frying pan at him, and he turned around to attack the person; only to stop when he realized that Meg was the person. He listened to her every word, and felt more and more terrible as time went on. Her words only had a certain aspect of truth to him, but it would definitely seem like the truth considering how he was acting, and what he had said to Hercules. Hades didn't regret anything he had done to him, but he couldn't stand to give up Meg. He was nothing without her, and would become like all the other gods trying to have a life in the modern world. Hellfire records would go down the drain, his life would be nothing but boredom, he would lose his house, lose his money, and lose everything without her. She wanted him to take away her immortality, and to let her finally die, but he couldn't do that.

Hades stepped off Hercules, and dropped to Meg's feet "Please, don't leave me, Meg," Hades was a proud god, and he would rather die a horrible death than grovel before anyone, but Meg was the one person who could make him grovel. He had only done it once before when she wouldn't talk to him after her miscarriage, and he was doing it again after all those many many years "I know what I said made you think all that, but it is bullshit. Yes, I do desire power, but what god doesn't? I used to be a near worthless god because Zeus held most of the power, but you helped me through everything. Whenever the other gods ridiculed me, I knew that I couldn't strike them down as my brother would punish me, and banish me permanently to the underworld. I may rule it with an iron fist, but even you know what it is like down there. No one would want to make it their home unless they are a dead soul, and have no choice, but you got me through those times. Seeing the smile on her face, watching your every movement, listening to your sweet voice, and hearing your gentle words calmed me, and allowed me to continue on through my day."

He hated having to resort to this in front of Hercules, but didn't care in the slightest right now "You are my everything, and I would throw away all of my money, all of my power, and everything that made me a god if it meant that I could be with you forever. When I made you immortal, it wasn't because I had grown used to having sex with you, but because I couldn't bear the thought of loosing my one true treasure. Without you, I would of never become what I am today, and would probably still be the punching bag of the gods had you died. Even now, the thought of you leaving me terrifies me to no end. I have never feared anything in my life before, and I didn't even know what fear was until our first attempt at a child failed. You didn't talk to me for a whole month, and I thought that you were going to leave me for it. I found out what fear was that day, and it was a terrible feeling. I never want to feel it again, yet now it has come back in full blast."

Hades got up to his knees as he stared up into Meg's eyes, and tears were rolling down his cheek now. These were not fake tears to make himself look and sound believable, but real tears that he didn't care who saw "Please, don't leave me, Meg. I promised you that I would change for the better, and that we could have our family. Don't you remember how happy I was to discover that you were pregnant? It was the best day of my life because I had always dreamed of being a father. I still do, and want to give you as many kids as you desire. I want to spoil them, and give them everything they want without turning them into a snob. I want to tuck them in before they go to bed, and read them a story. I want both of those and so much more, but none of that is possible without you," he grabbed hold of her hands, and held them against his forehead "I will give up my continuous thirst for power, and be content with what I do have. Just don't leave me," he said, tear streaked cheeks, and red eyes looking up at her. A god reduced to tears by a single woman.
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