Light at The End of A Dark Tunnel(Retsu & JassyJasB)


May 30, 2012
Being a God has so many perks. You are immortal to everything in the world, you have abilities that mortals could only dream of, you never need to worry about the woes of the world, and you can keep those that you love alive for as long as you want. Being a god has so many perks.

However, sometimes it takes gods some time to get into the modern world, and sometimes it takes them only a second to fit right in. He always knew he was destined for power, and Hades never failed in his quest for such power. Being the CEO of a certain little record company Hellfire records gave him the power he oh so wanted. He had tons of money, and tons of corrupt politicians in his pocket to make sure he was what really held the power over the nation. It was such a glorious life, but there was one thing that truly made it all worthwhile. It was in the ancient Greek times that he met her, and just knew he had to have her. Meg was frightened by him at first, considering he was the god of the underworld, but Hades eventually courted her, and began dating her. It wasn't long before he unlocked the secrets of her mind, and entering a new kind of relationship with her. The concept of master and slave weren't a new thing back then, and that was exactly what they had going on; however, she was free to deny him if she didn't like something, and had a say in what they do.

She was fifty years old when he gave her back her youth, and made her immortal like him because he couldn't bear the thought of losing the only women in his life. Now they are living in modern times, and Hades could give her a lot more than he ever could before "Meg, babe, would you bring your sexy little ass in here, and tell me my schedule for the day?" not only was she his lover/pet, but she was also his secretary. That way, he could keep an eye on her all times, and have free access to her anytime he wanted to.
Meg came into Hades's office and set down the papers he would need for the day. She sat on the edge of his desk and looked over her iPhone for his schedule. "You have a lunch meeting with Senator Davis and the marketing team wants you to listen to a few new artists and see if you like any of them." She crossed her legs and straightened his tie. She looked into his eyes and ran her fingers through his hair.

She remembered the first time they met. She sold her soul to him for a man that walked out on her. It took her while to recover and not be so frightened of him but Hades was with her all the time. He helped her heal and gave her, her soul back. At first she felt in debt to him but now she just loved him. She knew he wouldn't hurt her, too bad. Any pain he did inflict she loved, she craved his rough hands against her skin.

She was wearing a red top with a black pencil skirt that hugged her ass and hips. Her top showed her ample bosom enough to get Hades's interest. That's all the interest she ever cared about, he gave her what she wanted when she wanted, she didn't need any on else in her life. She felt the stares of other men on her when she walked by she didn't pay it any attention. Her ring finger nails were silver with red polka dots and the rest of her nails where the same red color.

"We also have dinner plans and if you are late, I will find a way to kill you. I am getting all dress up and you are taking me to fancy restaurant that's really hard to get into. I know you just made the call and got our reservation pushed up but let's act like you aren't this all powerful god of the underworld. Okay? Don't be late or you will be sleeping alone." She knew that last part would get his attention. She also knew it was only the morning so they had time, she just wanted to remind him.
Despite being together for centuries, Meg never ceased to amaze Hades. He has seen her in so many outfits throughout their life together, and everything seemed to be better than the last. Wearing nail polish was a relatively new thing she was doing after he took notice of it from a character in a movie that they watched together. He liked it, and got her to start wearing such for him. Soon enough, she had nearly bags worth of nail polish, and Hades loved it "Yeah yeah yeah, I am a freaking god, Meg. It is kinda hard for me to forget things," a lie as he had often forgetting many others in regards to her. In 1847, he forgot their anniversary, in 1902, he forgot her birthday, and about seven months ago he forgot about their anniversary again; however, he always found a way to make it up to her either by fucking her until the break of dawn, or taking her out somewhere fancy, and letting her burn a hole in his wallet before taking her back home, and fucking her until the break of dawn.

All the while, his eyes were focusing on and off of those breasts of hers. She always knew how to grab his attention, and now was no exception. Especially with the clothing of the modern world that allowed her to dress much more revealing that what she had to wear in the 1800s "New artists, eh? Did the marketing team tell you what kind of music they play? Because I am not going to sit through another hour of listening to someone who thinks they can rap. It was bad enough that I had to do it last time, but I am not doing it again," Hellfire records was a record label that produced all kinds of different genres of music. Everything from electronica to heavy metal, and they even got some big name artists on their label as well. Course, they may of been "convinced" to join, but that is a different story.

Those breasts of hers were back on his mind again, and he couldn't help himself for much longer "Damn it, you just know how to tease me, don't you?" he said, pointing to her outfit "Now, you can either sit on my lap, and we can get straight to a little fun, or you can remind me why I paid for your dancing lessons first."
She rolled her eyes at his retort, they both knew he forgot things. She on the other hand always remembered, his birthday, anniversary, even the first time they said I love to each other. The only thing he probably remembered was what they did after they said their 'I love you's'. She remembered that pretty well too actually. It was amazing how long a god could last in bed. Things have only gotten better since their first night together. The years have brought on many different toys and positions. She was pretty sure they have tried every thing the world had to offer.

"It's not a rapper, I made sure of that." She bounced off his desk and went to her desk outside of his office. She got the demo tape and handed it to Hades. A male on the cover with out a shirt, fit as possible, his well defined six pack a little sweat or just wet and he was in a pair of low ride jeans. She may not flirt with other men but that didn't mean she didn't appreciate a finely sculpted body. It was clear the image on the cover was projected to her, most guys at the company knew if she liked something a lot she could get Hades to give it to her. She went goo-goo eyed at the picture and smiled at Hades. "He has a beautiful voice too. I like him. A voice that can sing you to sleep. When was the last time you did that for me?" She teased.

She noticed where his eyes were focusing and she looked down and opened her shirt a little more. She bent forward so he could see more, "No, to both. If we start going now you will be late. Once you start, you don't know how to stop. Remember what happened last time?" Just a week ago they were in the same position. He had a few meeting that he didn't get too because they were trapped in the office going round after round of mind blowing sex. While she loved it, they were in his office for the entire work day. It wasn't good for his image to be just skip out on meetings.

She tilted his head up and kissed his lips softly, "If you make it to dinner on time, I will give you a very special treat. I used the stick of plastic you gave me to buy lingerie and more clothes. And shoes."
Hades looked over the cover that Meg handed him, and rolled his eyes in disgust. He always hated men who flaunted their muscles just to make the women of the world drool over them, and sometimes abused his power a little to make sure a few men like that got same nasty surprises. A small smile came to his lips as he remembered about a certain Sean O'pry, a male model, whom Hades ruined his life and career. Considering that he was the god of the dead and the underworld, he didn't care much to find that the newspapers were soon having the headline of Sean committing suicide. If anything, he just chalked that up as another point for him, and felt another poor soul enter his domain.

Meg's voice asking him why he didn't sing for her brought him back to reality "Oh hardy har har. You all of people should know that I can mimic any voice in the world. Hell, I bet I could sing a lot better than he could ever dream to," Hades knew about the men who got Meg's attention, and tried to use her in an attempt to get to him, and while he knew she would never flirt with them, or go behind his back. He hated the fact that so many men were doing it, and remembered another time in their past that he killed someone for hitting on her. Still, he had to keep up appearances, and would sit through these artists even though they would probably suck. More artists did mean more money, and more money meant more power.

"Besides," a simple snap of his fingers, and his shirt came off to reveal his own sculpted body "He probably used steroids to get that body. While I am all natural," Twas true, he had noticed Meg's love for such muscled bodies in 1995 when he saw her going all goo-goo eyed over a magazine with a guy like that on the cover. Needless to say, he decided to do the same for thing, and improve his own body. At first, Hades thought about using magic to do it, but figured she would enjoy it more if it was done without using magic.

Then she denied him a bit of fun, and he just sighed in annoyance; however, hearing he would get a special treat if he made it to dinner on time was just the incentive he needed to be able to do so "Alright, but this treat better be good, or I will take my anger out on pretty boy there," he said, pointing to the male on the CD cover. So he would be a good boy for now, and be the CEO he was supposed to be, but that didn't stop him from remembering what had happened last time he had asked for sex in the office, and it was amazing like always.

Soon enough, it was time for that meeting with senator Davis. Those excited Hades much more than listening to some new artists for an hour because he oh so enjoyed watching the guilt on their face as they corrupted to his own demands "Meg, keep things running here until I get back. I am thinking of getting Davis in my pocket, and making sure that tax cut to big business doesn't go through again," he spoke over the intercom before snapping his fingers to teleport himself to their meeting place. As always, it took a simple bit of magic to make the old senator to become as corrupted as the rest of them, and he agreed to help Hades out in keeping his record company from loosing any money "Thank you, Harold. You have my word that your pay will see a little raise in the near future," waiting until he left, Hades teleported himself back to his office.

It seemed Meg dropped off more papers that he had to do, and he groaned in displeasure. He hated having to do paperwork because it was so boring. He knew he had to do it, or their business would start loosing money, and that would mean they would start loosing power, but that didn't stop him from complaining about it every chance he got "Please tell me this is all of my paperwork for the day. I am trying to keep myself under control here, but I might need a small taste of your treat if I have to do another batch of this fucking paperwork."

Thankfully, this batch didn't take as long as the last one, but that meant he now had to listen to pretty boy sing for me. Another groan came from his lips as he once again snapped his fingers to teleport himself to the recording booth. It took a while, but this new artist was in the recording booth, and singing a pop song. Hades loved being a god because he could easily fake being awake, and no one would notice. The only one who could was Meg, but she wasn't around here to find him sleeping. Only when the pretty pop singer stopped singing did he awake, and knew he had to give his verdict "You were great, kid, how would you like a recording deal?" he hated having to say that, but was so glad to have that over, and could listen to some good music. Despite being the god of the underworld, he loved a good techno song, and was so happy that one of the artists was just that. He immediately signed the guy on, and told him that he would be the biggest thing since Skrillex. Which could easily happen with a bit of push from Hades.

Returning back to his office, he felt like he needed a nap. Most of the time, he would nap only to miss something important, but found out something about himself. He hated rap with a passion, and found that he couldn't sleep when rap was played because it annoyed him to no end. So, he bought himself an iPod filled with only rap songs to use whenever took a nap at the office. He set the alarm to on iPod to go off an hour before dinner to make sure he didn't miss a thing, and got his treat at the end.
She smiled when she saw his body and rubbed the ridges between his six pack. "Yes, yes. You are all natural and sexy and I can't get enough of you." She gave him a kiss and listened to him talk about the treat, "You will like the treat. Don't take it on Mr. Abs, if you want some one to take it out on, my ass is always open." She watched him disappear to go to his lunch meeting and she stayed for a while longer. She went through paper work to find anything Hades might not like. If she found something suspicious she marked it for him to look over. Most of the time all he had to do was look over to get the confusion fixed or just sign where the X's were.

When he left to listen the artist perform, she left to go and get her hair and make up done. She could do it herself but there was no fun in that. She was being made up to be a princess this way, she liked the feeling. The make up artist gave her a smoky eye shadow, a light pink blush on her cheeks and a bright orange not glossy lipstick. The hair stylist curled her chocolate brown hair to make it looks like a Victoria's Secret models hair.

When they were done she went home to change into his treat. It was hidden under a dress that would knock his socks off. She put on some designer orange shoes that matched her lip stick and matched it with gold accessories. She hoped this wasn't all in vain. She was serious when she told him he would be sleeping alone. She wouldn't stand for being stood up or made to wait again. No sex for a week would teach him to remember things.

She hopped in the car that he bought her, an outrageously priced hunk of metal that was expensive because there was a horse logo on the hood. She grew up riding real horses and now she drove a machine that dealt in horse power. She would never truly under stand modern machinery. Things were much easier in her time but she always wondered about the future. Now she would be able to not only see it but live it. She wondered what the world be like in 100 years from now. She might be driving a machine that runs on clouds by then.

She got to the restaurant and once she pulled up all eyes were on her. She figured it was because of the car but even as she walked past, towards the entrance, she felt eyes on her. She was about to walk inside the restaurant when she remembered the present on the passenger seat. She walked back to the car and grabbed the neatly wrapped box. She went back on her way into the restaurant and was taken to her seat. The escort seemed surprised that Hades was there, like he didn't remember escorting him to the table. Meg frowned at Hades and thanked the escort as he went out if his way to pull out her chair and put her napkin down on her lap.

She barely had time to say hello before the server came to take their order. She went with a simple salad. After Hades ordered, she finally had time to be with him she laced her fingers with his above the table and smiled at him, "What is today?" She asked. She watched him go through his mental calendar to figure out what he had forgotten. Her smile grew bigger and bigger. "How about your birthday?"

"I swear for a man who knows almost everything, you suck at remembering the smallest things. It's the small things that helped you get where you are right now." She handed him the box she brought with her and sat back in her chair. She watched him slowly open it. It was a small cloth, nothing special unless you knew the story behind it. She wondered if he would even remember this. This small item that she held on to after her heart was shattered.

"A girl who thought she had nothing to live for, crying by a fountain, was greeted by a handsome stranger. A stranger that promised her she would never hurt like that again. All she had to do was take his hand and let him show her what happiness was. He stood her up and handed her a cloth (the one he was holding now) and told her to dry her eyes and take his hand. She did and she never looked back." Her light purple eyes met his and smile gave him a small smile.

"And I don't regret that day for a moment. I think if you hold on to that, you won't be late as much. You might remember a little more." She watched him open the cloth and he saw dates embroidered in one of the corners, her birthday, his birthday, and their anniversary. "You better not forget at least."
Hades was having a rather peaceful time sleeping, and one could tell because he only snored when he comfortable, and enjoying his sleep. All good things come to an end though, and the sound of rap started being played in his dreams. He ignored it for a little while, but it wasn't long until he woke up. Thankfully, his ignoring in favor over more sleep didn't put a damper on his dinner plans with Meg. Hades sighed in relief because of that because he knew that Meg wasn't joking that he would be sleeping alone tonight if he missed their date. This wasn't the first time she threatened him with it, and there were plenty of times where he thought she was bluffing only to find himself sleeping on the couch for a week. Needless to say, he didn't want to sleep on the couch tonight, nor did he want to go without sex for a week.

Hades was already wearing a suit when at work, but he had tons of different suits for different occasions. This suit he had on was one for work, and a snap of his fingers brought them to their home. It was a rather big house, but having too many rooms confused Hades, so he made sure they had enough room for their shit, and either extended the rooms to fit into others, or removed the rooms all together; however, that wasn't his concern at the moment, and instead he focused on getting changed, and making himself nice for his dinner with Meg. First putting on one of his favorite silver suits, and making sure to iron out the creases with his own flames. Next came a little spurt of cologne, but only one or two, or he would give himself a headache. For the final step, he fixed his messy hair, but only to a point since he enjoyed the look on him. Hades took a quick look at himself in the mirror to make sure he didn't forget anything before snapping his fingers again to teleport him to their table.

No one really seemed to remembered that they had escorted him to the table, but no one was going to say a word to him. Hades's name was quite famous for being the CEO of Hellfire records, and they had all heard the stories of him destroying someone's life because they angered him, and no one dared to risk finding out if the stories were true or not.

He was starting to get a little bored until he heard the familiar sound of the 2011 Ferrari Enzo that he bought for Meg. It cost him three million dollars, but that was pocket change for him, and it was quickly replaced within the week after he bought for her. Both of them were so used to riding horses, but nowadays horses were reserved for special occasions, or simply located on farms to use for various things. The only horse they rode now was 660 HP, and possibly even more if he felt like modding it, and Meg wanted him to.

Then he saw her, and holy hell did she look beautiful. Obviously, he couldn't see what was underneath her dress, but just that was delicious in itself. It fit her slender body perfectly, and showed off just the right amount of skin without making her look like a whore. He did watch as the escort brought her to the table, pulled out her chair, and placed her napkin on her lap. The sight made Hades give a silent growl in anger before he made the fucker pay for touching his girl by making him trip on nothing, and fall right into the bosom of someone's date. He smirked in delight at his deed before turning his attention to Meg. She still never ceased to amaze him, and surprise with how beautiful she could become. Her hair was curled in the way that he liked, her eyes adjourned with some smoky eyeshadow, a light pink blush on her cheeks, and to top it all off was the bright orange lipstick. Ever since it was first invented, Meg was wearing lipstick, but it wasn't until they started making more than red that Hades got truly interested in it. Just like the nail polish, they had bags of them in their room for her to wear, but he knew that this was from a stylist. Not like it mattered though.

Meg opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by the serve coming to take their order. Hades let her order first, and spoke his order when she was first "I'll take a sirloin steak, well-done," once they were finally alone, he felt their fingers being laced together, and he looked back at Meg to see a smile on her face. He returned it, but was soon replaced by a look of confusion as she asked what day it was It definitely isn't our anniversary...yeah, because I remember taking her out to another fancy restaurant, going to see a movie with her, and then getting home for some great sex. It isn't her birthday either because I know it isn't May. So...what could it be? he continued to ponder over what day it was before she freed him from thinking, and told him that it was his birthday. Hades wanted to smack himself for forgetting something like that, but she wasn't lying when he often forgot the small things. He knew that he did, but he felt like he had a valid excuse for that as his work sometimes kept him busy. Without Hellfire records, they wouldn't have any power in the world, and they wouldn't have anything that they have today.

"Need I break out my excuse for those times? You know that us gods desire power, and you wouldn't have nearly the amount of things that you have today if it wasn't for my continuous thirst for power," nevertheless, he opened his present to find the one thing that started this all. Meg seemed to think he was an idiot who couldn't remembered what it was. She explained it, and told him that it would perhaps help him remember somethings if he just kept him " could you think I forgot about this?" he asked, holding up the cloth "Yes, I know that I do forget about a lot of things, and I always give you an excuse as to why, but I will never forget the story behind this cloth. Without it, I would of never met the love of my life, would of never gotten to the modern world, and would still be spending all my time in that putrid place called the underworld," he squeezed Meg's hand gently, and held it up to kiss "I love you, Meg. Never forget that, and perhaps give me the benefit of the doubt when it comes to things like this. Trust me, I remember a lot more than you think I do. Just to prove that, our first 'I love you' was spoken by me first in the forest just outside of the city. We were having a picnic that day, but the rain forced us to seek shelter. We were both soaking wet by the time we found something, laughed at each other, and I said that I loved you; afraid that you would reject me."

He smiled sweetly at her in hopes that his remembering of that time would put her at ease, so they could enjoy their dinner date. Thankfully, it seemed to do the trick, and it wasn't long before their food came "Oh, I forgot to say this since I got a little...distracted, but you look beautiful, Meg. I still wonder how your beauty can improve with every new generation," he chuckled, and got to eating his steak. They weren't ignoring each other while eating, and random conversations were the main thing to keep them entertained. They both had their friends in each new era that they lived in, and would always share stories about what happened with them and their friends. Sometimes they would get a tangent about something one of them hated, and it gave the person a chance to rant to someone who would actually listen to them. Hades and Meg may of been together for millions of years now, but new times brought new things to talk about, and new things to do.

Hades finished his steak, and washed it down with the last swig of his wine before leaning forward on his chair "So, have I been a good boy today, Meg?"
"You have been busy lately. When you're busy, you either radiate heat or you forget things. I love you too and from now on, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I can't promise you I won't be angry for a couple days. I know your quest for power is a hunger like non other." She smiled at the story, ecstatic that he remembered. "You have always done right by me in the end. You may forget some things but you always make it up." She squeezed his hand lightly and started to eat.

When he complimented her, she blushed. After all of these years, he still a managed to make her blush. "Thank you. Maybe it's because it's becoming more and more socially acceptable for women to wear less clothing. Although France in the eighteenth century was fun. The fifties too, bikinis covered much more back then. And such beautiful dresses." As far as Meg and fashion went, this was probably as much skin as she dared to show in public. She grew up in a time where women didn't show their legs unless they were whores. After all of these years she couldn't bring her self to wear super short shorts or mini skirts. She had bikinis that Hades bought for them but she only wore them to his island where it was just the two of them, and the house staff. Around the house she would show more skin, to excite or tease Hades but she still had trouble doing it in public. She stuck with pencil skirts and blouses or shirts, most of the time.

She took a sip of wine and nodded her head, "You, sir, have been a very good boy. I will be happy to take you home and give you your treat." She asked for the bill and it was passed to Hades. Since it was his birthday she took the slip of paper from him and used her credit card. It was all from the same account in the end, but still she couldn't let him pay on his birthday. After signing the paper, they walked to her car. She did love it, she really loved testing the engine. She found an empty street and smiled at Hades. They were sitting at a red light but once it turned green she slammed her foot down and they sped the rest of the way home. They were either going to fast for cops or Hades turned their attention else where while she was driving. They got home and she parked him where got him, in the five car garage next to the others.

She might not understand a car but she did love how they fast they went and some were very pretty. She knew they were all safe thanks to Hades. She wondered what would have happened if she didn't accept the gift of immortality and she died. Would he have just brought her back or would he put her soul in some type of vase and put her on a shelf or something. She snapped out of her thoughts when she saw him walking to the door. She zipped past him and got to the door knob first; she gave him a taste of what he was about to get, by pressing her butt on his crotch before walking inside. She let him inside and gave him a kiss to wet his appetite. "Bedroom." She said between kisses and he transported them to the bed room.

"Get comfortable baby. I'm going to go slip out of my dress." She gave him one more kiss and went into her closet. She was already in the bra and panties. She had to add the enhancements and put on some black heels. She put on a short black silk robe to cover her up and walked out to where he was sitting. She used a remote to turn on a soft song and she did a little dance for him. She rubbed her body against his, paying extra attention to his crotch area. With her back to his chest she moved her hips in small circles against him and put her head on his shoulder. "Are you ready for your treat?" She asked softly and kissed along his jaw line. "I don't think you are yet."

She turned and got on his lap. She pushed him back so he was laying down and kissed him passionately once more. She rubbed herself against them, getting them both in the mood. She felt him straining against his pants and she loved it. She sat up straight and tall and played with the ribbons to her robe. She picked up his big hands and let him unwrap his treat.
Hades grinned upon hearing that he done good today, and was going to get his birthday treat. He always loved to see what she would do for him on his birthdays, and couldn't wait like always. So they traveled out to her car, and Hades had his arm around her waist to show the men who stared at her that she was his girl. He really did like showing her off sometimes as she was what would be considered a trophy wife; even she isn't his wife. He did sometimes think about proposing to her one day, but he always found himself wondering what marriage would even do. They are both immortal, and have been together for ages, and marrying her wouldn't serve any purpose besides putting a ring on her finger. She did seem to love jewelery, but she already has enough rings that all outdo the beauty of a wedding ring.

He helped her into her car before climbing into the passenger's side. This was her car after all, and he has only driven it once when he first got it to bring it to her. Hades's had his own car back home, but much preferred his own teleportation powers than car. The only reason he didn't teleport them home was because he wanted to show her off to all the guys first, and so he could let her drive as he knew how much she loved to test the limits of the cars he bought. Such was evident when she started speeding home when a red light turned green. Of course, she was safe knowing that Hades's kept the cops occupied with a serial killer that didn't exist that killed a family which didn't exist. After all, it would be a pity if they were stopped by a police officer for spending, and had to wait before getting to the good part of today.

When they got home, it seemed Meg was deep in thought about something. She looked peaceful, so Hades left her alone to start heading inside; however, she must of snapped out of her thoughts, and had actually beaten him to the door knob. He chuckled at her, but loved how she pushed her ass against his crotch. She was teasing him again, and doing a fantastic job at it. As soon as that door was closed, and no one could see them, their fun started. Meg was kissing him to warm him up, and he returned all of her little kisses before teleporting them to the bedroom as per her request.

Hades got to work removing his clothing since she was going to get herself ready for his birthday treat, and was soon sitting only in the silver dress pants he was wearing at their dinner date. Already a small bulge could be seen in his pants, and it was only getting bigger as he wondered what she was doing behind closed doors. He didn't have to wonder for too much longer because meg came out of the closet with a silk robe on and black heels. It was nearly torture to him to have to watch her walk with that sexy sway of her hips towards, and then begin dancing for him. Those dancing lessons he paid for really did pay off, and he gave a short chuckle at the fact that he had his own personal stripper whenever he wanted it. It sent a shiver down his spine, and the bulge grew even bigger.

Her dance continued, and it was ended as she sat with her back towards him on his lap, and grinded her body against his crotch. He definitely was ready for Meg, but it just wouldn't be her if she didn't keep teasing him. Soon enough, he was on his back with her on top of them. Their bodies moving together, and a passionate kiss being shared between them. When it finally came time to unwrap his treat, he was aroused beyond belief, and knew that seeing what she had on underneath her silk robe would only increase that. He wasn't disappointed.

As soon as he un-tied her robe, Hades felt his jaw drop at what she was wearing. He was at a pure loss for words, and could only stammer his opinion "I...You...It's...Fuck," his eyes couldn't stop staring at her, and couldn't stop looking at her entire body. The lingerie she wore in the past at his birthdays were sexy, but this one just took the cake. It was like she had double wrapped herself, and now it was his job to un-wrap this new wrapping "Dear lord, Meg, please tell me what I am seeing is not a dream. If it is, then you are going to have to wait until I wake up because I am going to be fucking this sexy little vixen for a long time," one last shiver went through his body before he turned him around so she was on top now. Immediately, he pushed their lips back together, and wasted no time in forcing his tongue into her mouth.

Hades was more aroused than her at this point, but Meg had enough arousal for him to start skipping ahead a little. Whilst kissing, his hands were roaming her body to explore as they always did, but they were inching ever so close to her breasts which each passing until both were in his hands. Squeezing them, and making them mold into the shape of his hands. Hades was going to enjoy this birthday, and he was going to make sure Meg felt the same way.
"You like it?" She giggled and rubbed his cheek. "You are definitely not dreaming. This feels too good to be a dream." She kissed him back with the same fervor. Her tongue met his and they danced in each others mouthes. She moaned into his mouth when his hand squeezed her small breast. It was big enough to fit in his hand and she wouldn't have it any other way. Her hands held his cheeks and then slipped down to his waist. Her fingers played with the edge of his pants until they reached the front. They undid his button and zipper and she tugged down with her feet.

She didn't want to wait until she was undressed to have him. He wanted her, she could feel it pressing into her thigh, pulsing with need. She felt her self getting wet, her clit pulsing with the same need and want. Her legs wrapped around him and her hand found his shaft. While they kissed, she pumped his cock slowly. She broke the kiss and kissed down his chest and got between his thighs. She kissed his inner thighs and rubbed the top of his thighs with her hands. She looked up and him and then down at his cock. She sucked his balls, one at a time. She tugged them back and let them snap back into place then she moved to the other balls and did the same thing. She sucked just the skin covering his testicles and pulled back. She blew on them softly, making them cold and then took them back in her mouth making them nice and toasty.

She moved over so their bodies made a T formation. She wanted him to see her body in her skimpy red lingerie while she worked him over. She flicked her tongue over his shaft and blew on it gently. She licked her way up to his head and sucked it into her mouth. She slowly took more and more of him into her mouth until he was all the way inside of her. Her nose was pressed against his pelvic area, she moaned vibrating around his shaft. She swallowed tighten ing her throat and then she came up and started sucking him again. Her soft hand came up to play with his balls while she sucked him.

She sucked for a solid ten minutes, tugging his balls down and away from his body when he got close to orgasm so it would subside. She didn't want to spend the time to take off her lingerie, she wanted him now and she liked the ah he looked at her while she was in it. She got on top of him again. A dark red wet spot showing him how much she enjoyed pleasing him. She pulled the thong over to the side and rubbed her slit against his shaft. She went up to his head and slid down his pole until it was deep inside of her. She out her hands on his chest and moved her hips slowly up and down his shaft. Her hips started to move a little faster until she was bouncing up and down his shaft.
Honestly, he wouldn't mind much to find out it was a dream. Most likely, the sexy unknown vixen in his dream would secretly be Meg who was trying to fuck him awake again like she would sometimes do on special occasions, or if she was really in the mood for sex that morning, and couldn't wait for him to wake up normally. Still, he was glad to find out that wasn't the case, and could enjoy himself fully now with the love of his life in such sexy lingerie.

It seemed Meg was a little more aroused than he thought she was. He knew she would want to take off his pants, and just kept on kissing her, but Meg had grown to become quite a little tease. One of the things she liked to do was make him think he was going to get some sort of relief only to find out she just wanted him to be pants-less. He thought the same thing was going to happen again, but it was the complete opposite. Soon enough, her hand was down his pants and stroking his cock slowly. From being so confined, his cock was actually starting to hurt a little, but now that he was getting a handjob, and was free from his pants helped that; however, that didn't last long.

Their kiss was broken, but her lips didn't stop kissing him. She began kissing a trail from his chest all the way down to his thighs. Hades thought she was going to give him a blowjob so soon, and was almost about to ask why when he felt what she was really doing down there. As soon as his balls entered her mouth and he felt that suction. His eight inches worth of flesh twitched in delight, and he let a groan of pleasure. It was in 1957 that she discovered he enjoyed having her take his testes into her mouth, and she has only added that to her list of things to tease and arouse him with. At first, it was simply just sucking them and letting them bounce back, but blowing on them to make them cold was something she liked to do as well, and that caused another twitch of his cock.

All this teasing was starting to get to him, and his cock got right back to hurting again. He was going to need something more than her teasing him, but he didn't even have to have her to move on, or wait for much longer. She did go the extra mile and let him stare at her body all he wanted by making a T with their bodies, and he took every chance that he go. Whenever his eyes were closed from her mouth feeling good around his cock, those eyes were staring at her gift-wrapped body. Most of the women he saw today had huge breasts, and the men of today seemed to prefer women who did, but Hades came from a time when plastic surgery wasn't even thought of let alone doable. So he loved Meg's breast just the way they are, and some of his employees and artists would often forget they were together, and say if she had some bigger breasts that she would look ever sexier. Needless to say, they didn't have a life after an hour.

For ten minutes her blowjob continued, but she stopped him from having an orgasm thanks to her mouth by tugging his balls away from his body, and that always made him stop. He never understood why, but hated that Meg found out about it as it was torture to him. Nevertheless, she always had some kind of reason why she did something, and this reason was valid, and quite welcome.

Meg pulled away from him, and got back on top of him once again. He looked down to find her red thong wet with her own arousal, and had a feeling about what was coming next. The feeling was right, and since his shaft was slick with her saliva, his cock slid right inside her as he got into position to ride him. With her hands on his chest, which he enjoyed since he got to see her nails, Meg started moving slowly at first, but she was soon bouncing and moaning because of his rod inside her. Her own moans were being met by his groans, and his hands grabbed hold of her hips so he could thrust upwards each time she came down on him to get himself deeper inside her.

Meg could have her time of dominance for now, but Hades was the true dom in the relationship, and once he came inside her and she had a mind-blowing orgasm, she was going to have another with him pounding from her behind, and another with him plowing her, and possibly another, if she was a good girl, up against the wall and having Hades fuck her while he was standing.
Meg kept bouncing on him, enjoying her moment of romance she rarely got it and when she did she used it to her advantage. She would ride him hard and fast and then she would slow down and let him feel every ridge inside of her. Her nails dug into his chest when she went slow, it was torturous for the both of them. She couldn't stand going slow, so she only lasted a minute before she was speeding up again.

She felt her orgasm building up and she groaned slightly. She didn't want it to end but she knew that Hades had the whole night planned out for them so she would be cumming multiple times tonight. She bent over so she was leaning over him. She kissed him again and rubbed his cheek. Her hips still moving at a fast pace but only half of his shaft was going in and out of her. She sat back up and moaned. She put her hands behind her on the bed to hold her up and she raised and lowered her hips so he could see what she was doing.

It felt like she was hyper. She couldn't stay in one spot for very long. She wanted everything he had to offer. She grabbed his hands and made them rub her body. She put his hand down lower and used his fingers to rub her clit. Within seconds she was screaming his name and writhing on top of him. She legs locked where they were and she fell on top of him. Her hips still moving on top of him. Her nails digging into his chest. Her body was shaking from the power of her orgasm.

She wasn't surprised when she didn't last long, she never did when it came to him. She came fast but they always went multiple rounds. Free all of the years they have been together her stamina was amazing. She could go forever and she has proved it multiple times with Hades. It started out as just once a night, then a few times. Then it start to grow to all night. They could go for a whole week, they have before but they saved that for special vacations.

She wanted to talk to him. Now wasn't the time, not while they were sharing a magical moment but possibly when the escapade was over they could get serious. Plus they would be sexually sated and he might be able to focus on something other than her body. It was like a two for one.
Hades never minded letting her do this once in a while, but he preferred having control over her more, and was the reason why she didn't get much chances to let her have it instead. Again, he didn't mind it, and sometimes rather enjoyed being at her mercy, but only because it meant he got to feel her tightening up around him when she went slow. Another thing that he enjoyed about these moments was when her nails dug into his chest. A bit of pain during sex was something he enjoyed as well, and the feeling made another groan of pleasure to come from his lips. The groan was cut off though when Meg bent over to kiss him.

He returned her kiss, and was more than happy to look when she sat back up to let him get a good view of his entire shaft being gobbled up by her wet tunnel. A sultry smile was on his lips the entire time, and he soon felt his hands being grabbed and made to rub her body and clit. Once again, he didn't mind letting her have control, and would have done this anyway. One hand moved up to her breasts, and quickly got annoyed by her bra. So it made quick work of that to join her dress, her robe, and all of his clothing. With her breasts now exposed completely to him, he could see just how hard her nipples were, and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of them "I love you so much, Meg," his hands groped her breasts, but his fingers rolled, tweaked, and pinched her nipples.

The hand she moved to his clit immediately began rubbing her clit just like she wanted him to, and he could now feel a pressure starting to rise up in his loins. Being alive for thousands of years makes it so you don't take long to figure what things about your body that you used to wonder about. Hades's cock was throbbing like mind inside Meg, and both knew that meant he was about to cum. For all the mortal men, this would be it for them, but that was just another perk of being a god. Hades could go as long as he wanted to, and Meg could do the same if they wanted to. As they would sometimes spend entire weeks doing nothing, but having sex together, and only stopping to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

She always screamed out his name when she came because of him, and he came a second later by filling her with a load of cum that has been saved up for this moment. Because of that, it was rather big, and he had gave her a creampie. Even when she had just orgasmed, and was coming down from her high her hips were still moving, and her nails were starting to indent his skin. Hades knew how to fix her though. A harsh spank to the ass was all she needed to get her out of her trance "Fuck, you are a damn good cowgirl, Meg, but now it is my time," he chuckled, and gave her a soft kiss before pulling out of her, and moving them both so she was on all fours, and he was behind her ready to pound her into a state of bliss.

However, her thong had to come off first, and that was done quickly as well. Now they were both completely, and Hades had unwrapped her final wrapping. It was a gift that he never hoped that he lost, and would do whatever it took to make sure that he didn't. His thoughts were interrupted by Meg getting antsy, and he couldn't just leave her hanging. His hips thrusted forward until he was buried deep inside her, and couldn't help, but returning her teasing with some of his own. Instead of getting straight to the pounding, Hades grabbed a handful of her curly chocolate brown hair, and pulled back so he had her attention "Before I even think about giving you a good pounding, I have a question for you," he pulled her hair again "Who is my little bitch, Meg?" outside of sex, that would most likely get a slap from her and being forced to sleep on the couch for three days. During sex though, they had both agreed that it was okay for him to refer to her in such ways.
She smiled up at him and spread her legs when he got behind. She normally put her head down so her ass was arched up but he tugged her hair back and asked who his bitch was, "Is it me?" She asked teasingly and tried to move her hips to get him to start moving. "I'm your bitch. Your whore, your slut. I'm anything you want me to be. Just fuck me, please!" She begged and pushed back on him. She shook her hips when he let her hair go and really started to pound into her how she liked it.

She held on to the sheets and moaned into the pillows. Her toes were curled and body was still going through the after effects of her previous orgasm. She loved the feel of him stretch her out. And the way his skin slapped against hers and made her skin red. She turned her head so she wasn't moaning into the pillows and let him hear how good he made her feel.

She got back on all fours and pushed back to take him deeper and harder inside of her. They were moving faster now, faster than the average human could move. His balls would swing forward and hit against her clit, making the pleasure flow through out her body every time. She reached between her thighs and caught his balls and massaged them. She arm was rubbing against her clit as she did so they both got pleasure.

Her hair was bouncing and floating from the force. Her ass was jiggling with every thrusts. Her breasts were swinging back and forth. Her moans got louder and louder the faster they went. The way his hands gripped her hips and tightened into her when he pulled her back to him. She laid down on the bed an she moved with her so he was drilling her into the bed. She screamed in pleasure.
Her words made him smirk, and let go of her hair "Good girl. Now how about this little slut of mine gets her ass back in the air, so I give her the fucking she earned?" he chuckled, and didn't waste anytime by going slow to tease her further. They had done enough teasing for the day, and Hades got straight to pounding her just the way she liked it. His thrusts were as hard and as fast as his godly hips could go, and most women would of been in massive pain if he had sex with someone besides Meg. Because she was immortal, she got used to the pain of being fucked so roughly, and now just enjoyed it. In fact, he once tested what she felt when he was going only as hard and as fast a a mortal could, but found that Meg didn't like it much after six hundred years of being on the receiving end of his godly hips.

Because of his hips, the sound of their fucking could clearly be heard between the two. The contact of skin upon skin made a rather loud slapping sound, but his balls were just missing her clit by mere inches. It took Meg to get her face out of the pillow to let him hear her delicious moans to go above and beyond his own hips. Being a god has so many perks, and one was the ability to push oneself harder than your body was made for him. With this new kind of rough fucking, the sound of their flesh became louder, and his balls were slapping against her clit with each thrust forward. That only made her scream louder, and he was starting to become really thankful that he spent the extra money to get their room sound-proofed. There was many times that the police had been called to their house because of a noise disturbance thanks to Meg screaming a little too loud from how good he was fucking her. It always ruined the mood for her, and that made Hades have to try and go to sleep with a massive hard-on, and nothing to get rid of it.

Now, she could be as loud as she wanted to, and the only person who would hear her was the one making her scream so loudly. He loved it every time, and it wasn't long before he felt that familiar throbbing starting up again. By now, she had moved so she was on her back, and he had moved with her as well. This was going to throw a wrench in his plans because he wanted to first pound her, then plow her, and end it with fucking her up against the wall, but Hades wasn't the kind to give up so easily. He quickly thought of something else that could do together, and he just had to hope that Meg had enough energy for it after he was done with her.

Not long after he deciding what he was going to do to make up for her having to re-think this day out. Another load of cum was shot inside her, and now he finally pulled out, but definitely wasn't done with her just yet. Instead, he grabbed her off the bed, and slammed her against the wall with his own body. His hand grabbed her throat, but not to choke her. He was just simply asserting his dominance over her, and he let his free hand drop down so it could play with her clit "Did my naught little slut enjoying her pounding? What would you say about being fucked up against this wall, hm?"
Meg nodded her head, her brain fuzzy from the last two rounds of sex. But she couldn't pass up sex against a wall it was her weakness and he was using it against her. "I think I need to think of a new thing I like. You use this one against me too much." she rubbed his cheek and moved up he could slide into her when he was ready. She felt his head go to her used hole and she moved her body to get him away from it. She looked into his eyes and raised her eyebrow, trying to see if he could read her like he always seemed too. She reached down and pushed him back some, so his head was pushing at the back door.

She smiled at him when he seemed to understand what she wanted. She laughed a little and kissed him, "You're so pretty." She teased and pushed down so his head was in her ass. She frowned slightly and moved her hips to get used to the feeling of having him in there again. They didn't try this very often but it wasn't completely foreign to them. They have done it before, they just haven't done it in a while. "Still the same as it was fifty years ago. Odd but good." She kissed his lips softly and ran her fingers through his hair again.

"Now be a dear and fuck me into this wall like there is no tomorrow." She smiled at him and leaned forward. She nibbled on his bottom lip and then sucked into her mouth. Her tongue lightly ran over his upper lip before invading his mouth to give him a real kiss. Since Hades was an all powerful god whose strength was immeasurable, Meg felt very light in his arms. When he started getting fit and working out, she did the same thing. Not to lose weight but to get some definition. She was naturally skinny and working out just toned out her stomach and arms. She liked looking good as much he did.

When he started to move she relaxed her muscles so it didn't hurt. She put her head against the wall opening her neck to him and showing him her submission. Her body shuttered slightly and she got goosebumps. She moved her hair over to one side so it didn't get pulled when he really started to give it to her. She put her arms on his shoulders and linked her hands behind his head. She leaned forward and gave him a kiss of love. "Give it to me like a god?" She asked when she out her forehead against his.
There was only one thing that Hades couldn't read about her, and that was why she liked so many modern TV shows when he thought they were all crap. The last time he watched TV was when the 90s, but everything just started getting crappy after that. Sex was the one thing he knew for sure that he could read her like an open book, and it only took a movement of her eyebrow for him to tell she wanted to do anal again. It was something they haven't done for fifty years, but both of them had quite the time when they tried it for the first time "You aren't the only one. I never did get used to how different it felt from your pussy, but it still felt amazing nonetheless," he smiled at her as he felt her orange lips brush softly against his lips, and her fingers in his hair.

What kind of man would he be to resist such a request like that? It made a sultry and cocky smirk come to his lips "Be careful, babe. You might just get what you want," and he probably could fuck her into the wall if he wasn't careful. Another perk of being a god was that his strength would always be unmatched, and Meg felt like a feather in his arms. He was reminded of an incident two weeks ago when she lost a pair of her favorite earrings, and he was coaxed into searching the entire house, and lifting everything to make sure her earrings weren't under anything. He even had to lift up their entertainment center, and was afraid that something would accidentally slip, and make him spend money to replace it; however, it was all worth it when his reward for helping her was being able to fuck her for the rest of the day, and they still had a lot of day leftover at that time.

Since he learned from the last time they did this that going fast right off the bat hurt her, Hades went slow at first so she could get used to it. He helped Meg out a little by kissing along her neck when she tilted it both so he could do just that, and to show her submission to him. Before he pulled away though, he gave her a little mark in the form of a hickey. He loved putting his mark on her whether it be a simple hickey, and shooting his cum all over her face and body. Eventually, he was going to work up the courage to ask if she would get a clit hood piercing for him, or at least a tattoo of his name on her inner thigh, but he was much too afraid that she would reject him if he did try that.

It wasn't until she asked when to give it to her like a god, but his response wasn't a smirk "Alright, but you remember how to stop me if it becomes too much for you, right? Just incase, you have to slap me, and accuse me of forgetting our anniversary again," it was a weird stop word, but Hades didn't respond to pain because it felt good, and hearing Meg speak would only make him think she was trying to say how much she loved it. With that now taken care of, Hades pushed her further into the wall, grabbed her hips tighter, made sure her legs and arms were wrapped securely around him, and now gave her that smirk of his before fucking her into the wall like only a god such as Hades could do.
She let out a yelp when he first started, she forgot how powerful he could be when he didn't filter himself. She kept her legs locked around his worst as he fucked her. One time she didn't keep her legs tight enough and started to slip down. It got her a deep throaty growl and a bite mark on her neck. Now that she thought about it, it was fun but he was apologetic after he saw what he did. When he was like this, he didn't snap out of it easily. She knew what she had to do and say to make him stop.

She put her head against the wall and arched her back against him. He plowed into her. It felt like he was ripping her a new one but it felt amazing at the same time. She moaned out loudly. She didn't hold back now that he was in her ass, she didn't think she could hold back if she tried. Her hands moved to his shoulder and held on to him. Her nails digging into his shoulders seemed to encourage him to go harder. He was drilling into her, she would feel it tomorrow she knew she would. It would be a miracle if she could walk properly after this.

Her hands went above her, palms against the wall and she scratched down the wall. Her entire body felt on fire. Her breasts were bouncing and jiggling with his thrusts. Her hands went back down and scratched down his back, opening small marks but they quickly faded since he was a fast healer. "Don't stop, don't stop." She moaned and bit her bottom lip. He was lucky he wasn't human because if he was he would have a backs covered in open wounds. The closer she got, the deeper her nails dug. She felt like she would lose him if she didn't hold on to him.

She felt another orgasm building up. This one bigger than the others. His pelvic area kept slapping against her clit, giving her nonstop pleasure. She catches his back one last time and let out a loud scream. It bounced off the walls in what sounded like echos. Her grip got tighter, her legs locked around him. Her ass clenched down on him and she felt her orgasm go through her body. She visibly shook. She bit down on his neck, 'marking' him. She couldn't help herself. She didn't know why she did it, she just like it was right.
The pain from her nails digging into his skin, and scratching his body only made this a hell of a lot better than it should be. His mind wasn't focusing on anything but the pleasure coursing through his body, but it would definitely thank the fact that he was a fast healer and loved pain during sex. Otherwise, half the things she did to him would hurt like hell, and just mark up his body with scars. As much as scar could sometimes add a story to someone, Hades didn't think telling people who asked that it was because his girlfriend dug her nails into his skin, and scratched him during sex would make for a very good story. Unless it was to some pervert who went home, and jacked off to a fantasy of what Hades had described, but that person would most likely be dead within a week once Hades found out that happened.

Hearing her loud scream of pleasure echo off the walls, and feeling her ass clench his cock snapped him out of his trance, and reminded him that he had his own urge to cum. That didn't take long to do though, and he buried himself inside her ass as he shot another load of cum inside that hole as well. He didn't let Meg go though, and kept her propped up against the wall as there was still one thing he wanted to do with her, and it was his most favorite thing to do. The only thing stopping him from doing it would be if Meg felt like doing it or not, but he thought that since today was still his birthday that she would allow him to fuck her there as well.

The pain of the bite mark on his neck was starting to get to him now, but that wasn't going to distract him from requesting a special birthday wish "Meg, this has been a fantastic birthday, and I loved every second of it, but I have a request to make," for some reason, it always made him blush to ask for this "Think you could go one more round in the changing room stall at Victoria's secrets?" the only reason he asked to go there wasn't because he liked looking at the different kinds of bras, thongs, and lingerie they had there, but because that was the only changing room he knew of that was like a very small room. It had a door that shut all the way, a roof, and it was big enough for them to have sex in this same position.
She listened to his request half dazed. She perked up when he mentioned where he wanted sex. She rubbed is cheek, "I can't walk." She said softly and he looked discouraged. She out her finger against his lips before he spoke, "But if you teleport us there was can have one round of sex. I don't think I can last more than one. I'm not used to be fucked with out your filter." She said softly and kissed his nose. She was sore and tired but she would do anything for Hades. She loved him more than anything in the world. A simple request like sex at Victoria's Secret was no big deal to her. And her doing this for him might put him in. A better mood for what she had to ask him later.

"And teleport our clothes there. So we can do some shopping when we are done. You can get some lingerie for me and tomorrow I can show it off for you. And I'm sure you owe me underwear." Hades had a tendency to rip her panties off her body when he was in desperate need to have her, which was quite a lot. She started to think he just liked ripping them off of her body. There were only one pair that he was absolutely not allowed to rip and those were her batman panties. When the batman comic came out she didn't think much of it until she read. Then she just had to have every single batman comic that came out. She had all the originals, all in mint condition. She loved batman.

"Can we to a jewelry store too? I know it's your birthday. You can get a watch and I can find a pretty ring to slip on my fingers." Her purple eyes glittered in the dim light and she rubbed his neck where she bit him. She kissed that spot softly and looked back into his eyes, "Lets go to VS. You're cute when you blush. No one thinks a man as powerful as you would blush. I'm glad I'm the only one that's gets to see the soft side of you."
Hades chuckled at her when she told him that she wasn't used to having him fuck her without his filter "Well, you were the reason it happened, but don't act like you didn't enjoy it," he chuckled again before pulling her off the wall to spank her ass. Everything she requested he agreed to, and was more than happy to spend some quality time with Meg. As much as he loved the sex, he loved just knowing that he was with Meg, and would do anything for her as long as it meant he got to spend time with her "Alright, but let's not try to burn a hole in my wallet like the last time we went to a jewelry store. You know how much I hate loosing that much money, and I really don't think it was necessary to purchase two million dollars worth of jewelry," the only reason he would spend so much money on Meg was something he would treasure forever. He loved seeing her smile when she was getting something shiny to put on her body, and would pay all the money he had to make her smile if need be.

Hades felt the soft kiss on his bite mark, and smiled at her both because she did that, and commented on how he was cute when he blushed "Thats because no one else cares to meet my soft side. If it wasn't for you, then I would hate my life with a fucking passion. Do you know how how boring those old fucks can be? I may be thousands of years old," he had stopped count his real age once he hit seven hundred years, and instead made both Meg and him look to be thirty years old, so they were old enough to look mature, but young enough to still be able to whatever the hell they wanted to do "But I am the youngest looking of them all, and I know they aren't even my real friends. The only reason I don't kill them is because I need them to keep the money flowing into my wallet," most women would probably stop being in the mood for sex after a guy ranted about his work and how much they hated it, but those women never had a god. It was easy to get Meg in the mood again after something like that.

He was getting antsy though, and teleported them and their clothes into the changing room stall at Victoria's secret "I know you don't like it, but," another snap of his fingers, and a special gag that muffled her screams of pleasure was inserted into her mouth "We can't take the chance of almost getting caught again because miss yeah-I-can-keep-my-voice-down is a liar," he pulled his cock out of her ass, and instead rammed it inside her wet hole once more "Now then, you just enjoy yourself," making sure his filter was in place again, his hips got straight to trying drilling her into the wall.

Hades loved having sex with Meg in public because of the thrill he got from knowing that people were surrounding them, could hear them, or discover them fucking was so good. He never understood why, but would do this every chance that he got. There were a couple of times they nearly got caught, but once the danger passed, Hades would always feel even more aroused, and go at Meg even harder than before. Since he couldn't kiss her with the gag in her mouth, he did the next best thing. His lips went straight for her breasts, and took the hardened bud of her nipple into his mouth. Suckling, licking, and nipping at them to stimulate her body further.
"I'll try to remember that but I can't promise anything." She said about the jewelry. "And you only want the money because it gives you power. You have money from the sixteenth century hidden away some where. Money you have touched in ages. Two million is chump change." She looked around the changing stall and back at him when he mentioned some thing she didn't like. She instantly knew what it was but it was in place before she could say anything. She frowned at him but didn't take it out. She knew better than to take it out but that didn't stop her from fumbling with it to make it more comfortable around her head.

The gag was soon forgotten when he started to fuck her again. She moaned but it was effectively muffled by the gag. His back was already healed so she could make more marks with no problems. She put her head back against the wall of the changing room and closed her eyes. The fact that they were doing this was so taboo but it felt so good. A small piece of her was aware of her surroundings but the rest of her was flooded wight he sensation of having him inside of her wet hole again.

His mouth on nipple got her attention. She looked down at him and watched him play with it. If her mouth wasn't gagged she would be biting her bottom lip and moaning very loudly. Maybe he was right to put the gag in. He was right about most things. She rolled her eyes. And moved her body like a wave to meet his thrusts. She felt every inch of him fill her up and her clit got stimulation. She rubbed his ribs where her hands were and moaned. Her orgasm was building again, her body was screaming at her to make it end and to give her more. She was torn between the two feelings. Next time they save Hades's unfiltered mode for the last round of sex. She couldn't handle it when it was in the middle.
He didn't like forcing her to wear a gag either because it meant he couldn't enjoy her moans properly, nor would he get the pleasure from hearing her scream his name when she came all over his cock. Still, the thrill of the public aspect of the sex was what he enjoyed the second most out of all of this. As nothing would ever come close to the kind of pleasure that he got from having sex with Meg. Today seemed to be a slow day because he didn't hear that many sounds coming from the outside. It made him wonder if the mall was closed, but didn't think the light in the changing room would be on if that was case. If anything, it might be just because it really was just a slow day, and while that wasn't as fun as knowing a lot of people are outside who could possibly hear you fucking the love of your life into oblivion. He still got a nice thrill from it.

An orgasm of his own was fast approaching as well, and now he was started to pick up on the effects of what going without his filter could do to Meg. Centuries of having only one woman in your life allowed one to easily be able to tell certain things about that person, and his was enhanced due to him being a god, but he knew that Meg's body wasn't quite agreeing with her. A frown appeared on his lips since he knew she couldn't see him, and was too busy with his thrusts to notice anyway. It was hard enough to convince Meg to let him make her immortal, and to be with him forever, but it was even harder to convince her to let him use any of his powers besides his teleportation powers on her. He was probably going to be sleeping alone for this, but he shot a magical painkiller through her body that only served to remove and heal all the wounds on someone's body. It was the same thing that his own body used, but hers was something that would only last for that one time.

All he had to do was hope she was too drunk on pleasure to notice, or that he could make it up to her by letting her go all out tonight with his money. It would pain him to lose so much, but sleeping alone on the couch was something he hated more than anything. It took him hours to go to sleep unless Meg was snuggled up against him, and that damn cactus dream would always wake him up whenever he slept on the couch.

Finally, Hades have her one last thrust before filling her with his final load of cum. He waited until she would be done screaming before removing her gag, and teleporting it away. He was scared to know if she realized what he did, but just simply focused on putting his suit back on until then.
She felt it, it felt so much better. Like it was their first round sex. She didn't let's much longer after that and ended up cumming with him. He could hear her moans but he was the only one that could. She held on top him as their orgasm took over their bodies together. She rubbed his back and hit it softly. One for the gag and two for the magic. He snapped the gaga away and she rolled her jaw. She kissed Hades passionately, "Happy birthday baby." She said softly and pressed their foreheads together. "And thank you. I needed that boost." She gave him an Eskimo kiss and he let her down. "I need one more thing though." She said and pointed down, with another snap she felt like she had just gotten out of the shower. She didn't approve of using magic but she hated being dirty. She only used it when she absolutely needed him to use it on her.

They got dressed and walked out of the dressing room. She held up things she thought he might like and they filled up a few bags worth of just underwear and another bag of lounge wear from Pink section of the store. They walked over to Tiffany's and she looked around. She found a couple rings. One with a five figure price tag and the other had a six figure price tag. She some now wandered to the other side of the store and saw a baby rattle. It brought up memories she hadn't thought of since...ancient times.

A store clerk came over and saw that she was looking at the sterling silver rattle. She pulled it out and handed it to Meg. Meg slowly took it and it was like she was transported to another time.

They were together at least two years by now. They were happy, couldn't get enough of each other. They were always together, he protected her and showed her what true love was. She was late, she was happier than normal. She wanted a special way to tell him so she went to the market and bought a baby rattle. She told him that night and he seemed happy too. Just two weeks later she lost it. It devastated her completely. She sat and stared out of a window for a month. She couldn't bring herself to talk or to face hades. She was heart broken again.

She felt a tear run down her cheek and realized the clerk was talking to her. She wiped her cheek quickly and put on a happy face.

"...Is it a gift or are you pregnant? You do seem to have a slight glow about you."

Meg shook her head and handed the rattle, "I was just looking." She said softly and walked away. She didn't want hades to see her upset. She knew it was nearly I possible to hide anything from him but she tried her hardest. She found him over by the watches and rubbed his back. She put her head against him and looked at the watch he was looking at. "It's nice. But I think that one would suit you better." She pointed a classic simple Rolex in the display window. It wasn't below in the display case, it had its own area against the wall. Normally that screamed expensive and don't touch but the store clerk pulled it out for them to look at.
Hades didn't mind getting hit for the gag and the magic he used on her. Meg didn't seem to be mad at him for doing so, and it seemed he would get his wish of sleeping with her instead of waking up because of that blasted cactus dream again; however, he still had to pay for using his magic on her to take away her pain. Whether or not it was intentional, she was doing it again and making him spend millions on her. Their first bags were filled with lingerie for her to wear tomorrow, and lounge wear from Victoria's secret, and next came Tiffany's. That costed him him eleven thousands dollars in total thanks to the price of her rings, but it was all worth it when he saw the smile on her face. Meg soon left him, and he was alone to look at the watches since he needed a new one anyway. His last watch got broken on a particularly bad day of his. It all started when Meg got her period. From over hearing some of his employees, he knew that women sometimes got really angry when they got on their period, but they obviously never lived with Meg.

Whenever she got on her period, the smallest of things set her off. Hades made a comment about her needing to calm down, and was rewarded with three weeks on the couch. Even when her period was over, it was like she stayed angry because of it as he was actually forced to sleep on the couch for three weeks. Needless to say, taking three hours each night just to fall asleep only to wake up because a damn cactus kept singing rap, and slamming it's prickly body against your ass would piss anyone off.

Hades was that anyone, and those three weeks were the worst three weeks he ever had. The littlest thing pissed him off, and innocent people got their life ruined because something they did or said set him off, and sometimes it wasn't even directed towards him. Even his watch pissed him off, and it started beeping at him, but it wasn't beeping for long. The watch felt the reason why you should never annoy a god when he was pissed, and forced him to lose a birthday gift from Meg as well as money to replace the four holes he put through the walls of his building.

Remembering back to that day, he never fully understood why she is always so angry when she starts having her girl problems; however, it finally dawned on him. Hades was too angry to remember it at the time, but it was two years into their relationship when it happened. He found out she was pregnant because she bought a baby rattle, and brought him home with her. Hades never thought he would be a father no matter how old he got, and was more than happy to find out that he was going to be a father, but everything came crashing down two weeks later. Since he was the god of the underworld, he knew the difference between life and death. Even though she didn't have a baby bump yet, he always dreamed of what it would be like to be a father, and one of the things he wanted to do was talk to his child inside her womb; however, something didn't feel right. At first, he thought that the child was sleeping, but the more he felt, the more worried he got. Their child had died inside her. Meg was devastated, and nothing Hades did to cheer her up worked.

A sigh came to his lips as that sad memory came back into his head, and was about to go pay for his watch when Meg came back, and rubbed his back. He knew she had been crying because the tear streaks were still on her face, and he could tell she had the same memory. He didn't know what had triggered it, but was just glad to know to she wasn't yelling at him, and making him sleep on the couch for three weeks again. The watch she picked out did fit him better, and that was the final item he bought before Hades took them to a secluded spot, and teleported them back home.

He wanted to ask if she wanted to talk about what happened all those years ago, but didn't want to upset her "I am going to take a quick shower. You are free to join me if you want, but I am not using that shampoo you bought to wash my hair if you do. Stuff makes my head itch like crazy, and you know it does," he was trying to act normal because he hoped it would mean he didn't have to tell her his dirty little secret, and risk breaking her heart again, loosing her, or both.
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