Reborn (HP)-Lady Moon

he was reading a book on transfiguration as he settled into bed. "i'm... adjusting." Tom admitted as he set the book down and looked at her. "the emotional part is alright. the diary sucks up most of the more traumatic ones... which i guess that's what it's supposed to do. i made it in a traumatic moment so it feeds on my trauma i guess... but it's... hard, realizing that i'm me, and i'm also someone else. it's... disturbing." he admitted softly. "it's... like i have no privacy in my own head." he admitted with a small scowl. "like there's another person inside of me who simply doesn't talk or have an opinion on things." he admitted with a small shudder. "it's almost like i've been possessed by myself, it's highly... awkward." he admitted. "and my sudden change in... speech patterns is.... well it's just plain weird!" he admitted, shaking his head.
Loki sighed softly resting her head on his chest, looking nervous but relaxing at his words. “Good. I am glad. I was so worried about telling you…”She muttered absently playing with the edge of his shirt before smiling a little,”It will be for awhile I’m sure. Though I am sure also that you will get used to it. You only found out today.”She reassured nuzzling her face against his chest with a smile.
he chuckled a little and kissed her forehead. "it has only been a day." he agreed. "it still feels like a lifetime though. as if..." he paused. "well i suppose it kind of has been." he mused with a small chuckle. "i love you Loki, you know that right? i always did, and i always will." he promised her, stroking her ears gently, his head tilted a little. "does Brax know about being Arthur?" he asked softly. "and Elizabeth is Guinevere... i was always a bit worried that they would hate me for..." he fell silent and then. "i was so stupid. i never should have mocked Merlin... i'm sure that's why he had his revenge on us..." silly Lancelot still didn't understand that Merlin simply wanted the power of the throne for himself and had used him to get it.
“I know.I love you to.”She muttered relaxing even more, smiling a little as she stroked her ears, she’d always enjoyed having her ears stroked. Sighing softly as she swallowed hard before nodding. “Yes, he knows. AT least he knows he is, though I’m not sure how much he actually remembers.”She muttered before sighing shaking her head as she sat up to look down at him.”that wasn’t the problem…merlin wanted power, for the sake of power. You mocking him, just gave him a weapon to shape to his own ends.”
he smiled a little at her, still rubbing her ears, his head tilted curiously. "well good." he muttered, pondering something. "Dumbledore is Merlin." he mused, scowling suddenly. "we're going to have to do something about that... he nearly ruined my life all over again the bastard." he grumbled before shuddering. "i suppose your right." he whispered. "i still..." here he paused. "i feel so badly, about... about what i did to you, the things i said..." he admitted softly, wrapping his arms tightly around her, holding her close. "promise me... if i ever attack you again... promise me you'll stop me this time. i know you can."
“We’ll take care of Dumbledore.”She muttered sighing softly before tensing a little as he hugged her. Swallowing hard as she pressed her face against his chest.”I can’t…I cant hurt you tom. I wont.”she muttered flushing a little, embarrassed to admit that lancelot had caught her off guard enough that she hadn’t even considered defending herself.
he smiled a little. "if i go mad my darling... you might not have a choice. i would rather you kill me, than i to harm innocents." he admitted softly, slipping back into his formal speech he had used as Lancelot without even realizing it. "i would not become a monster again. please, promise me that if i would to become insane again, that you would stop me 'fore i did something irreparable... you don't have to kill me... restrain me. cast out my magic, anything to make me harmless to you and others."
Loki swallowed hard, tensing a little at the words, because they were so much like lancelot that it was painful to hear. Shuddering a little as she started to cry, not even wanting to consider hurting him before she nodded, burying her face against his chest.”I will.Gods help me, but if I have to, I will.”She said hugging him tightly.
Tom smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "thank you." he mumbled softly. "now then. lets do something a little more pleasant shall we?" he asked with a grin. "i'm going to teach you how to play pranks on Brax." he stated with a nod. downstairs Elizabeth glanced at Abraxas. "i'd be careful today." she warned before returning to the paper and her lunch. making Brax paranoid would only make the first 'prank' all the more amusing. it was only later, when Brax walked down the hall and tripped a wire that dumped cold water on him, that Elizabeth realized she may very well have given leave to start a massive prank war... oh well, she'd worry about it later, she was too busy laughing at Brax.
“Tommm!what the bloody hell!?”Brax snarled as he twisted to look back up the stairs he’d fallen down to look at the two laughing at him uproarsily before glaring at his girlfriend.”And what are you laughing about?”He growled.

Loki giggled a little as she hid her face against tom’s shoulder, hiding behind him,”Should I be worried about what he’s going to do?”She muttered snickering, amused at the sight of brax dripping cold water everywhere.
Tom snickered a little as he watched Brax with a delightfully wicked look on his face as Elizabeth giggled some more. "your... your hair!" she cried out, realizing that the water had a color changing component to it. where the water had touched his hair it was bright pink. the water on his skin had turned green, and the water on his clothes had remained the same. Tom had practically collapsed he was laughing so hard and he grinned at Loki. "oh yes. we should be afraid. very very afraid!" this behavior was new. Lancelot and Arthur had never pranked one another. they had joked, and teased each other relentlessly but they'd never played jokes on each other like that. it was going to be, a very long week. particularly since the Auror's would be back within the next few days to get the memory of the 'meeting' from Tom since Dumbledore was being a pain in the ass and no one thought that the defeater of Grindelwald could do such thing so 'obviously' Tom had to be the one who was lying.
Brax let out a screech of rage that sounded like one of the sidhe having a fit of some kind before setting out to plan his next move.

A few days later loki stirred from where she was laying in tom’s lap, her head in his lap raising her eyebrows at brax as the blond walked in. While he had managed to get his skin back to normal, the bright pink of the malfoy’s hair was definitely a sore spot for the man.”Tom, these two gentlemen-“Brax cut a glance towards the aurors following him in, making the word sound like it wasn’t definitely not what he wanted to call them.”want to talk to you.”
Tom was sporting a fake tail, courtesy of Abraxas, and Elizabeth had actually transfigured tiny wings to his head that Tom was struggling to remove when the Auror's walked in. "good morning Gentlemen." Tom stated, his face screwed up in concentration. "give me just a second? a Horrible horrible woman has made a mockery of me and i'm finding it... difficult to remove them..." the two auror's had to snicker at that as they watched the bat wings flap and smack Tom in the face, making the Slytherin Heir glare at his reflection. "in any case, how may i assist you?" "we where hoping for the memory of the.. incident." "...ah.." Tom muttered softly, sobering immidiatly. he moved over to his dresser and opened the drawer, revealing a massive Penseive. "i imagine you will have a specialist looking at it?" he asked as he pulled out a glass vial and shutting the drawer and moving back over to them. "i will have you remove the memory, if you please. then there can be no tampering with the memory." the two Aurors nodded and the one set his wand to Tom's temple, amazed at the level of... trust, that Tom was showing. from what Dumbledore had said... he had expected Tom to be insane, paranoid, and everything else... had Dumbledore's plan worked, Tom would have been. they removed the memory, bottled it, thanked them for their time and left, fighting back giggles as Tom's hair turned into a full sized bat right before their eyes.
Loki to looked nervous at the sight of the wand pressing against tom’s temple, hands tightening into fists as she resisted the urge to pull them away. Brax glanced at her, shaking his head a little.”Loki. Go for a walk. Now.”He ordered turning his head to watch her walk out of the room and watch her go before looking at tom as his turned into a bat, shaking his head a little.”Tom,she’s losing it.Somethings wrong….at least she’s worrying about something. Did something happen?”Brax muttered looking at his friend.
Tom glanced at Brax and then nodded. "i... we had a.. conversation that she didn't particularly like." he admitted. "i made her promise to stop me if i ever... lost control of myself." he admitted before shrieking as he realized his head was bald because the Bat had flown off. "ELIZABETH MARIA ADELIE!" Elizabeth's shrieks of laughter could be heard from across the manor. "YOU PUT MY HAIR BACK RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Tom roared, racing out in the hall in an attempt to hunt Elizabeth down and make her reverse the 'curse'. Tom was such a ponce. he paused as he glanced where Loki had vanished to and then sighed, heading after his missing Lover, slipping into the room with her. "Love? do you want to talk about it?... stop staring at my baldness!"
Loki stopped turning to look at the man as he stepped in their room, opening her mouth to snarl a obscenity before stopping, eyes widening as she looked at the man’s hair. Swallowing hard she rubbed a hand over his face.”You…you’re bald.”She said swallowing to keep from laughing, not wanting to laugh. Just wanting to stay angry with him,even if she knew logically it wasn’t his fault he’d asked her to take care of him if he went wrong, but she hated the idea, and needed someone to be mad with.
Tom scowled at her. "Yes i'm bald! oh go ahead and laugh!" he complained, sulking like the petulant two year old he was. "and in any case... you do know that your not the only person i made promise don't you?" he asked softly. "i made Brax promise too." he admitted softly. "you won't be alone Loki, and i don't intend to lose my mind." he promised her, taking her hand. "i love you... i only want what's best for the both of us... if i'm stopped, early, before i do damage, then you can fix me again." he admitted with a smile at her, looking sad. "i have no doubt that Dumbledore will try again. he'll try his damnedest to drive me insane again and your the only one who can bring my sanity back." he admitted, stroking her face. "i want to be with you forever, crazy or not... your the only person i've ever truly loved."
Loki smiled, starting to giggle a little before she started to calm. Sighing softly as she looked at him,curling her fingers around his. “Good.I’ll let brax take care of you.”she muttered stepping closer, pressing her cheek into his chest, sighing softly as she hugged him. “We should go see Dumbledore. Surely if he sees how normal you still are…and that you defeated his spell, he’d let it go.”She muttered though she knew that it wasn’t going to happen, she could hope logic would get through to Dumbledore."I love you to."She muttered the tight knot in her chest relaxing at the other's words
he smiled at her as he wrapped his arms around her tightly, closing his eyes. "Dumbledore will never leave me alone." he whispered softly. "he is afraid of me because i have more magic and power than him." he admitted softly. "i love you too my Moonlily." he whispered softly. this was a new nickname, but Tom thought it fit. she was like a pale lily in the moon, fragile and beautiful but oh so tough. Moon lilies where exceptionally powerful magical flowers that could do incredibly powerful things. "Now... help me make Elizabeth put my hair back." he ordered, sulking as he rubbed his bald head. "the horrible, horrible woman!"
“Well, we should still go see him. Maybe we can frighten him into being nice.”She muttered snuggling into him, laughing softly at his nickname, finding comfort in it. Hopefully he was right and she was tough enough to do whatever he needed from her. “Hmmm, I kinda like it.”She teased looking up at him before stepping back, slipping her hand into his as she headed for the door. Having every intention of making Elizabeth give him his hair back
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "no. i'd rather stay as FAR away from him as i can at the moment. i need to train. i might have more magic than him, but he has many more skills." Tom admitted softly before he scowled. "but what i don't understand... his Phoenix... they are only supposed to be attracted to the souls of good people right? so... why does he have a Phoenix?"
“Oh, that’s true.”she swallowed hard thinking about it, “we should go to Avalon. With Brax. If…if he’s there, we might be able to convince mother to open the doors to the unseelie courts, and if we have that….we could have one of the best magical teachers, if she’s still alive. And mother’s swordmaster.”She muttered looking thoughtful before frowning, looking up at tom.”I…I do not know…but merlin had one to….”
Tom blinked a little. "...will you be alright going back there?" he asked softly. "will we be able to come back once we're let in? your mother did seal off the Realms after all. i don't think she'd unseal them for just anyone..." he paused. "then again... those journals of hers. she hated Merlin more than anyone else... she might open the gates if it meant helping us in destroying him once and for all..." he mused softly. "i sort of remember how to handle a sword from my... previous memories." he admitted, licking his lips nervously. "the Phoenix is either a fake.. or the information about Phoenix's are fake." he mused softly. "i wonder... if maybe... could he simply have placed the Phoenix under a spell to make it obey him?"
“I’ll be fine going back.”Loki assured him, though she wasn’t sure about it at all before smirking. “We will be able to get back.She can let anyone through when she wants, and how she wants to.”She smirked a little shaking her head thoughtfully.”And mother might hate you, but she hates merlin more. We’ll be able to convince her to help.”Hopefully. “Maybe…I don’t know. I didn’t know a lot of phoenixes, and merlin’s disliked me enough to not get close….so I don’t know what could affect a phoenix…”
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