Reborn (HP)-Lady Moon

Loki gasped as the water hit her in the face, sitting up and moving away from him looking startled and frightened as she blinked wide watery eyes at the man in front of her.”What…what…”She gasped trying to figure out what to say or what was going on. Swallowing as she shuddered rubbing her arms, feeling out of sorts.
he pulled her into a hug. "sorry, sorry you where sobbing in your sleep. i couldn't get you to wake up!" poor Tom sounded a little panicked. "are you alright? do you need to talk about it? do you need me to get you anything? hot Cocoa? Dreamless Sleep? Chloroform? i'm not sure what that last one is but Brax says it works great for making people sleep. i could go ask him for some?" Brax really needed to stop telling poor Tom tall tails.
Loki sniffled looking confused because she couldn’t remember what she was dreaming about, but she could guess. Sighing softly as she rested her head against his chest she shuddered.”I’m fine. Just dreaming about bad things.”She muttered because she wasn’t about to tell him what it was, even if she knew that lancelot would have a idea about it. Shuddering a little as she snickered waterly.”I think Brax was making fun you you.”She smiled looking amused before shaking her head.”Just stay with me.”She muttered
he nodded, pulling her into a tight hug, simply holding her. "well. perhaps we will have to give you good dreams to think about?" he offered with a smile as he gave her a very soft kiss. "i'm gonna kill brax." he grumbled as he simply held her. "i won't leave you." and indeed he didn't. he stayed with her all night, waking her if she had any more nightmares. as such he was tired in the morning and he glared at Brax when the blond stepped into he kitchen. Tom always got overly grouchy when he was tired. "you LIED to me!" Tom complained. "Chloroform isn't what you said it was you bastard!"
“hmm I do like that.Good dreams.”She muttered looking amused as she kissed him back, curling up with him, content to just be with the man.In the morning she was indeed sleeping well, and tired enough she didn’t even notice tom leaving. Brax raised his eyebrows as he looked at the man over the edge of his book as he ate, he smirked.”I did not. I said it was something good to put people to sleep. And it does. Just its usually for kidnappers and the like.”he said snickering a little.
Tom glared at Brax even more and stuck his tongue out at the man, looking as sour as a lemon as he took a sip of his overly sweet tea. "yeah well, i looked like a damn idiot when i offered to get Loki some last night to help her sleep!" Tom snapped, annoyed as he laid out on the table. "she had nightmares last night... she was sobbing..." Tom admitted, swallowing thickly. "and i..." he swallowed thickly again. "i've been having these strange moments where i... where i REMEMBER something... like teasing Loki, i remembered that she always felt better when waiting to get her revenge on me, but why would i remember that when i've never experianced it?... i think something is tryiong to possess me or something, maybe Loki's previous Lover Lancelot.. i mean..." here he paused again and scowled. "...i don't remember her telling me that..." poor, poor deluded tom.
Brax smirked a little.”Oh, well I’m sure that made her laugh like hell.”He snorted looking amused before sighing softly. Wincing because it didn’t surprise him that loki had dreamed, and it was even worse to see tom starting to remember. Running his fingers through his hair he leaned back in his chair he sighed softly.”You do realize you just remembered something she never told you right?That she’s gone out of her way to not mention anything about lancelot and her.”he pointed out sighing quietly.”You are lancelot’s descendant, tom…and more then that. You are lancelot reborn, as I am Arthur, and Elizabeth is geniuvere. We were brought back to try again.”
Tom glared at the others joke before he paused, his head tilted. "well... yes actually i've been doing that a lot." he admitted, scowling. "i'm beginning to think my theory..." here he paused and stared at Brax and his eyes widened in shock and right before Brax's eyes something seamed to break in Tom's eyes and you could almost see every memory barrier fall and he began to tremble, swallowing thickly he stood up, walked over to the garbage can, and started to heave. he was sick for more than a little while and when Elizabeth walked in she winced in sympathy. the life of Tom riddle had been harsh, cruel, filled with pain and disappointment and Lancelot's hadn't been much better until he'd been taken in with Arthur. to have to relive an entire lifetime of pain, agony, betrayal and terror would be too much for anyone. "i'll go warn Loki." she murmured softly to Brax before heading up to Tom and Loki's room, stepping inside and laying a hand on Loki's shoulder. "...Tom remembers... he remembers everything Loki." she warned softly. "he's downstairs being sick right now." maybe she'd be more concerned about Tom being sick then Tom remembering.
Loki looked at the woman, sleepy panic showing in her face. Not because she’d registered that tom had remembered, but that he was sick. Concern and worry filling her eyes as she bolted downstairs, “Tom?Whats wrong?Tom?”She said her voice going slightly panicky as she walked into the room. “I thought you were going to tell her.”Brax muttered glancing up at Elizabeth as he moved to let loki get to tom, looking worried for them both.
she shook her head at Brax. "i did, she just focused on the one thing and ignored everything else." she muttered, biting her finger nervously, a bit of terror in her eyes. this was going to end badly. "Stay Back!" Tom ordered, scrambling away from her. "i can't hurt you again! i won't!" he pleaded. "i tried to kill you! i'm not safe!" Tom pleaded, trying to scramble backwards on his hands and butt until he hit a wall, dizzy, disoriented, lost in memories. "so much blood. god i killed you!" he wailed, bursting into wracking sobs. "i killed my Loki!" Elizabeth winced. "Brax... go get some dreamless sleep." she ordered softly. "he needs time to work through the memories." Tom had curled up into a little ball and was shaking so badly he looked almost like he had Hypothermia. trying to protect himself, and others.

(XDD here's an awesome little one shot for you! it's HILARIOUS! Link
Loki looked confused then pained as tom scrambled away from her, looking disoriented herself. Brax winced nodding a little as he walked out of the room,having a bad feeling what was going to happen and by the time he got back it proved true,both were gibbering messes as him and Elizabeth fed them the dreamless sleep, knowing they both needed it.

Hours later Brax rested his feet up on the bed, looking at tom over the edge of his book, raising his eyebrows. Glad to see the man awake,having separated tom and loki into different rooms until they’d calmed down.”Are you back in your right mind now?”He said sounding vaguely amused,but the amusement was just hiding a world’s worth of worry.
Tonm struggled against the potion as he always did but finally fell asleep to rest and recuperate his mind. he blinked at Brax, looking confused for a moment. "You doth..." he shook his head hard. "no... hold on..." he muttered, looking dazed and disoriented as he sorted through the last bits of 'him' and 'himself' before he snorted. "i know how to fight with a sword." he stated suddenly, blinking at Brax. "you taught me... er, Arther taught me.. i mean, Arther taught Him, Lancelot... Merlin it's all scrambled up in my head." he complained, scrubbing at his eyes. "i.. i mean He... good gods he was a miserable man... and so much fear..." well, Tom was certainly adjusting better than Elizabeth had been concerned about. "it's going to be confusing for a bit but i think i'm going to be alright now... He tried to kill Loki, right there in Avalon... it's no wonder Mab cursed the living hell out of me." he bit his lip. "granted... i.. he was pretty insane at that point, between what Merlin did to him and the sudden realization that magic was real..." he shook his head. "how is Loki? is she ok? i should apologize to her... i yelled at her i think, downstairs i mean. i thought i was going to hurt her..."
“Yes, I did. Well, Arthur did.And I’m pretty sure I could do so again if you want.”Brax said looking amused that tom was adjusting better to this. Amazed that tom was accepting that loki was still loki in the same body and everything so well. And the fact that he’d tried to kill her. “Good. Cause Loki’s worried about you…”He said before wincing a little.”And he did get a little insane there towards the end.”he agreed before swallowing hard nodding.”She’ s….out. We put her to sleep to because once she realized you remembered and she wasn’t focusing on you getting sick, she got so upset that she was on this side of scaring herself to death.Figured it was better she slept until you could convince her you were okay.”
Tom smiled a little. "i'm just a little bit rusty that's all." he stated simply, sitting up slowly, carefully. "more than a little Brax." he stated with a shudder. "i can remember it... gods above he was madder than a hatter..." he admitted softly. "he didn't even see reality by the time he left for the crusades..." Tom admitted softly. "all he saw where monsters and demons." he admitted before nodding as he swung his feet over the side of the bed and stood. he walked differently. he was more assured of himself. granted he now had a collective fifty plus years under his belt of you combined both his lifetimes. he had, in essence, combined his two lifetimes, instead of trying to separate them, which was probobly why he was coping so well. he had patience and understanding from Lancelot that he hadn't had before. he moved over tot he wall and took down a painting and with a hiss, a panel popped open and Tom removed a very familiar black book. Brax would know exactly what it was. Tom's Diary... his first horcrux. he glanced at Brax, smiled and then headed out to Loki, holding her hand until she woke.
“No wonder he went insane.Seeing nothing but that, then finding out about loki?No wonder.”He muttere realizing just how bad merlin had twisted them all up. Frowning slightly as he watched the man go he looked bemused and curious about why the man was doing so well,but glad that he was. And wondering just what he was going to do with his horcrux.

Loki stirred after awhile, blinking sleepily at the man holding her hand.”Whats wrong?You look serious.”She muttered, so sleepy, still drugged enough that she wasn’t remembering why she had been drugged.
Tom nodded a little. "yes. i don't know if it was potions, curses, or my own mental instability that did it though." Tom admitted before scowling. "i mean him..." he sighed. "this is going to get old." he grumbled before he left to find Loki. he smiled at her, his head tilted a little as she woke. "i'm just... pondering." he admitted softly. "there are a great many things that are... painful to remember." he admitted, fire flashing in his eyes as he looked at her. "i wish to bring you a proper apology for... for the things that He did to you." he admitted softly, stroking her knuckles as he set his Horcrux on her lap. "now you will always hold my soul." he whispered to her with a smile. "you will always control a part of me..." and he was giving her the opportunity, if it ever came up, to kill him. "i am so Sorry Loki, for the things i said, the things that i did to you. i.. He was mad, so insane he saw no true reality... it never should have come to what it did, but it did, and i can only promise you, that we will make Merlin, and Dumbledore suffer for their crimes against us."
Loki smiled a little, looking startled at him before her eyes widened with fear as she shifted back, swallowing hard as she considered what he was giving her. Panic giving away to calmness as he kissed her knucles. Swallowing as she wrapped her fingers around the book as she blushed a little. Swallowing a little as she nodded,”I knew….even…even in avalon, I knew something was wrong….I just couldn’t…figure out what. And it hurt to much to stay awake….mother hated me for making the choice of going to sleep, but I had to. I knew I wouldn’t live staying awake.”She muttered before shifting moving, climbing into his lap. Needing the comfort.
Tom watched her carefully, worried about her before he smiled, relaxing as she calmed. "i don't know exactly what went wrong but after the potion... after i... copulated with Gwen.. i mean when HE... oh forget it..." he grumbled. "after that something in my mind broke and all i could see was demons, devils... monsters. when you told me what you where i... all i saw was another monster out to kill me." he admitted softly, shuddering. "Your mother too, will know the folly of her decisions... not much of a mother was she, simply abandoning you when she needed you most." he growled, his fingers tightening on hers before he held her tightly. "My Flower." he murmered softly. "my love... i will never leave you again, i promise." he whispered softly. "i'll find immortality for you... something a little less... bad, than a Horcrux... perhapse if i could find a way to meet with Nicholas Flamel..." he muttered softly.
She swallowed tensing a little at the thought of what he was saying, tensing as she considered just how painful those months had been when lancelot had gone to gwen.Shuddering she sighed softly, “You cant apply any maternal thoughts to the sidhe. They raise their children, but they are not…..parents.”She said trying to think of a way to describe it before giving up, resting her head against his chest with a sigh, “We’ll figure out something.”she muttered rubbing her cheek against his shoulder trying to relax.
he blinked a little and then nodded. "i suppose i understand." he mused. "it's still a thing that needs to be punished." he stated with a scowl. "i shall have her... tickled to death." he decided. "with the feathers of a goose." an old joke from Lancelot, who always said such ridiculous things to make Loki smile, and he grinned impishly down at her. "and then i shall slather her in honey and make the Queen Bee think she is a worker." he decided with a nod as he rubbed her back. "and of course we simply HAVE to have her soundly licked! by a slobbering mastiff." "i can get the Mastiff!" Elizabeth chirped happily as she skipped in with tea. "Brax told me how well your handling things Tom... are you... wearing a mask?" Tom paused and then shook his head. "no. when the memories where torn down the... well i..." he flushed. "my Horcrux sort of... sucked it all up..." Elizabeth jerked, shocked and spilled tea all over the place. she knew he'd done something horrid but THAT!? "y...yes that would do it. the Horcrux you made, in close proximity would suck up any lingering madness from your past life..." she agreed and Tom nodded. "it will make it much harder later on however, having it. i never should have created it but..." he shook his head. "i wasn't exactly in my right mind when i did it in the first place."
“Hmmm well, I am sure I would like you to do that to her.”She said giggling a little at his words, pressing her face tighter against his chest looking amused at the idea of brax getting covered in honey. Looking up at Elizabeth she bristled a little at her reaction, preparing to defend him.

Brax smirked as he walked in after Elizabeth,eyeing the other couple in vague amusement before looking at Elizabeth.”I’d tone down the reaction darling, loki looks ready to get annoyed with you.”He muttered looking at the two, glad that tom indeed was reacting better then they had thought he would.
he chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "of course i'll do that to her! and i'll dip her in an egg bath, batter her in flour, and turn her into the worlds biggest Crisp!" he purred happily as Elizabeth smiled. "i'm sorry, i was just surprised." she admitted. "i was certain all those horrible books had been burned." "they had... but Merlin and Mab's diaries remained. i have them now. that's where i learned of the Horcrux. i guess because of Mab's curse, i had just enough of her residual magic to open them." Tom admitted. "i'm turning them both over to Loki before i consider that using more of those nasty spells might be a good idea." he admitted with a shudder. "their in my room right now. they where hidden in my room with my Horcux." he admitted simply.
A pained smile curled loki’s lips.”I don’t want them….they’ll be….painful.But I’ll hide them.Maybe I can convince mother to open the doors long enough to take them back.”She said a small frown on her face as she considered what it meant, mentally exhausted even if she had just woken up. Brax smirked a little looking amused for a moment before growing serious.”You two hungry?” “Yea…..can we get some food?”Loki said after a moment perking up at the idea of getting something to eat.Now that he mentioned it, she was starving
Tom smiled a little and nodded. "for now, perhaps i will simply keep them hidden then?" he offered with a smile. "i'm fairly starved too... can we have those little desserts? the ones with the Caramel sauce on top?" "Flan?" Elizabeth asked curiously and he nodded eagerly and she snickered. "strange... as i recall, Lancelot hated pudding and custard.." "well, he was an idiot." Tom stated with a sniff. "i am much more refined." Elizabeth snorted at that and Tom pouted at her. "well lets go to the kitchens then." he muttered with a sigh. "i'm starving. remembering things takes a lot out of a man."
“Yes, lets leave them where they are.”Loki muttered sighing softly before grinning at the mention of the kitchens and food.”lets.”She smiled pleased.

In a few hours loki sighed softly as she settled down on the bed next to tom as he read, brax having sent them to bed to calm and rest, before gently running her fingers through his hair.”Are you sure your okay?”She muttered, a slight flinching around his eyes, as if she wasn’t sure what he was feeling but feeling nervous about it.Even if he was being so calm, so different from lancelot, she’d been to badly hurt to believe that it would be this easy.
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