Reborn (HP)-Lady Moon

Elizabeth smiled at her a little. "do not concern yourself so. Tom has the same mental issue as Lancelot, but now instead of trying to hide it, he is very aware of it. you can control him now. as Brax does." she pointed out. "you have heard the stories of Tom loosing his temper. they are rare, but also very short. he won't hurt you again." she promised the Sidhe before turning her attention to the door as Tom came back out, fully dressed. "try not to piss yourself this time, ok Brax?" Tom taunted Abraxas with a smirk as he looked at the ladies. "shall we get going? we're going to the same place as our first date. do you remember it?" he asked Loki, wondering if she remembered how to get there. "i'll take Brax and you take Elizabeth." he waited until he had left first and then Tom took Brax's arm and followed. Tom had taken Brax to this place only once, when Tom had first found it, but it had since then moved, as things in the Forbidden forest tended to do. still they all landed safely in the right place and Tom smiled. "are we close enough to find the entrance?" Elizabeth smiled. "it's over there." she stated, indicating the rubble that had once been Camelot. and just as promised, a hissed bout of Parseltongue later and a door appeared which could be taken to the Chamber of secretes. and it was big enough to allow Sersia to come out, finally. "...crap! where am i going to keep her?!" Tom asked, looking mortified. he didn't have the space to keep a seventy foot basilisk.
Loki studied the woman before nodding a little. Relaxing as she considered that snickering as brax sputtered. “I did not piss myself!”He scowled looking annoyed. Loki nodded a little slipping her arms through tom’s and letting him apparate them before looking around, looking pleased even if a little sad as she did so. Looking startled at the idea before she bit her lip, looking nervous.”There is one place…I…I do not know if it still exists here…but it might…”She said frowning slightly her face scrunching up as she thought, trying to sense the connection with the land, but she’d been gone to long, and she couldn’t do it, not like she once had.
Tom snickered a little. "you so did." he stated with a grin. "you squealed like a little girl, pissed yourself, and then passed out." he stated loftily. "i bet the girls won't even be scared you little coward." Elizabeth giggled and shook her head at the good natured 'fighting' Godric and Salzar had been the same way, as had Lancelot and Arthur, well, before Lancelot's temper got too large and the love and lust potions drove him mad. "don't strain yourself." Tom muttered softly, setting his hands on her shoulders. "let me help." and then something happened that simply shouldn't have been possible. Tom shared his magic with her, letting her reach even farther than she ever had before. it was the strangest sensation, like a little Tom kitten had slipped right into her chest and had curled up and gone to sleep. it was unnerving, but also comforting and Tom didn't seam to understand int he least that this wasn't normal. he had done this for Brax many times after all, and Brax had never commented on it being unnatural.
Brax frowned slightly looking vaguely disturbed that tom was still able to do that. He had really thought he’d outgrow it or something, so he’d never said anything different about it. “Oh!Thats weird.”Loki mttered shivering as she leaned back into him, sighing softly before closing her eyes.Finding the smallish home, the gate between here and there….”The gate to Avalon is still here…if you want to hide her there. It’s a small island, but its hidden from the mortal world, and its under the protection of the lady of the lake.”She muttered flushing a little, because she so wasn’t about to admit who she was right then.
Tom smiled a little. "i know, but it helps doesn't it?" he asked with a grin before he jerked, shocked. "d..did you... just say AVALON!?" Tom asked, his eyes wide in shock. "as in... as in... where Arthur got Excalibur!? as in, the one place where Merlin could never touch, even though every known book on the subject says he was born there? which is of course a load of tripe. no human can be born on Avalon i mean come on." he rolled his eyes. "will i get to meet the Lady of the Lake!?" he asked breathlessly. "they say that she can make wishes! i don't know if i beleive that but if i could make a wish..." here he paused and frowned. if he could make a wish, what would he wish for? he glanced at Loki. yes, he'd wish she would be able to come and go as she pleased once again. to go home and come back whenever she wanted. "Sersia will be excited to live on Avalon i think." he admitted with a grin as he kissed Loki's cheek. "your the BEST!" he admitted, slowly pulling his magic back out of her and heading down into the tunnels, looking shocked when he came out through what appeared to be a false wall. he hissed a greeting and immidiatly the massive green form rose up and approached the group. amazingly enough, the Basilisk was keeping it's eyes closed and it nudged tom rather affectionately as Tom cooed and gushed over the massive head, which was as big as he was, like it was some sort of puppy.
“I did.”She flushed looking embarrassed and confused on how to react before snorting.”I think not. The sidhe would have been killing people if they was ever a human living in Avalon.”She said snickering at the idea before her shoulders went tense, trying to figure out how to tell him and looking so very confused and backing away from him but not answering anything.”Well, lets go get her then.”she said looking amused at tom’s reaction to being in Avalon, smiling slightly at the sight of the baslisk.

Brax frowned as he followed, looking down at Elizabeth as he wrapped a arm around her shoulders as they walked,”She’s hiding something.”he muttered at her looking worried for both his friend and loki.
Tom grinned as he gushed over Sersia, the Snake hissing happily. the thing was shockingly tame, and even nuzzled Loki affectionatly and tasted her with it's tongue to see who or what she was. Elizabeth just smiled up at Brax. "we all have secretes. but Loki's secretes very nearly got her killed and she is frightened. she will tell us when she is ready and not a moment before." she stated simply as Tom headed off to gather about three dozen books, journals, and other such things from a hidden compartment int he statue of Salzar Slytherin. "... Sally was always a bit egotistical." Elizabeth stated with a small sigh.
Loki laughed amused as the snake nudged her, absently petting her head before smiling at tom.”Don’t forget the sword.”She said as she stayed with the snake as tom got his things.Brax frowned slightly at elizabeth’s words, studying the woman leaning against the snake, wondering what was going on.”Well,okay.”He muttered looking worried before sighing softly, snickering.”Well, considering who his descendant is, and how very egotisical tom can be, its not really surprising.”He mused.
Tom nodded and moved over to the far wall where a dusty, rusty sword was sitting. when he tried to pull it off the wall he found he couldn't and he scowled a little as he yanked, and tugged, and jerked. apparently the one in the 'hat' was a ceremonial sword, and the one on the wall was the real Excalibur and wouldn't let Tom have it. "damn, it's really stuck on there." Tom complained, shaking his hand where the sword had zapped him. "it doesn't like me i guess." he stated with a sniff. "it must be waiting for someone a little more worthy. legend did say that only someone with good intentions can take it." he grinned impishly. "i guess using it to poke Dumbledore isn't pure intentions." Elizabeth laughed and shoved Brax forward. "you try!" she ordered, glancing at Loki and offering her a wink. she knew what was about to happen. as soon as Brax touched it, it would flash and resume it's proper form once more, instead of looking like a crappy old rust bucket.
Loki laughed looking amused that tom couldn’t get the sword down, “Well, no. I don’t think the sword would approve of killing Dumbledore.”she said looking amused before smirking at Elizabeth. “okay okay.”Brax said looking unsure about this but walking forward and curling his fingers around the sword and yanking hard because he didn’t think that it would come out, making him stumble when it did indeed come out into his sword, the sword gleaming and sharp in his hand and for those who could see it, the sidhe magic was still strong despite the centuries past.
Tom shrugged. "it's a noble goal to have in life." he complained, pouting a little before looking amazed as Brax pulled down the sword. "well.. according to that tapestry he IS the closest living blood relative of King Arthur, it makes sense." he admitted with a smile. "try not to stab yourself with it Brax." he teased, shaking his head a little as he shrunk all of his things and placed them in his pockets. "at least now we always have a way in and out of the castle if we ever need it." he admitted with an impish grin as he hummed and headed for the doorway, hissing at his pet who seamed very excited to be gone of the dank plumbing system.
“No its not.”Loki said snickering a little looking amused. “Well, that’s true. And he does look dashing with it.”She added snickering as brax transfigured a stick into a sheath for the sword and buckling it to his belt before scowling at tom.”I am perfectly capable of not stabbing myself, moron.Now walk.”he said scowling a little.

When they got outside Loki swallowed hard as they made their way through the ruins of Camelot, looking more anxious with every step as she got closer to the place she’d once called home.”here it is.”She said smiling as she petted sersia’s side and opened the magical gate, sighing softly as she stepped into the magical choked and amazing palce that was Avalon.
"it is too!" Tom protested, sulking a little before grinning. "and don't call Brax Dashing, he'll get a bloated head." he stated simply, Elizabeth giggling as she hugged Brax, tom snickering as he led Sersia out of the tunnels and into the fresh open air. the poor basilisk was so excited to feel fresh air and grass again that it rolled in the grass like a dog. rolling around and wriggling in utter joy and Tom was beaming, so happy that he had finally gotten his darling pet out of that miserable place. Tom gasped as he stepped into Avalon and he looked around with amazed eyes. "wow! can you feel all that power!? this is amazing! think of all the amazing animals and plants that live here!" he breathed in amazement. Tom had always loved to discover and learn new things. "How long can we stay?" he asked Loki curiously, delighted as Elizabeth stepped into Avalon too. she had never been here before, not even as Guinevere. Brax, as Arthur had been though, to receive the legendary Excalibur, which thrummed in response to it's native magic. "i feel like... like..." Tom muttered, spreading his arms out as Sersia slid by him on the hunt for food and a sunny patch to lay in. "like... it's almost as good as when i kiss Loki!" Elizabeth laughed and grinned at Loki. "just wait until he has sex." Tom choked at that and flashed a rather horrified look at Elizabeth, turning as red as a tomato.
“You’re reacting like a puppy. Calm down.”Brax said snickering a little looking amused that tom was so excited, sighing softly. “I can. And as long as we want. This was the private dwellings of the one who ruled here, not even the sidhe queens will come without invitation.”She said shivering a little even as her shoulders hunched a little, feeling a little sick as she watched the others wandered around happy. Even brax was looking in love with the place. She flushed glancing over at Elizabeth,”Well…there is that…”She muttered blushing as she considered the sex idea.
Tom chuckled a little and smiled happily at loki, taking her hand and dragging her off. "come help me find rare exotic animals to study!" he ordered, running off with her before the others got too far into the 'sex' discussion and Elizabeth, cruel as she was, yelled after him. "Don't forget Contraceptive spells!" she yelled, making Tom nearly fall on his face in horror. "I don't know any!... what's contraceptive?" he asked, looking rather baffled as he looked at Loki, still flushed. he was certain it had something to do with sex. "in any case... thank you for bringing me here, this is one of the most amazing places i've ever seen!" he admitted with a smile as he looked at the Lake. "it's so peaceful here... i wonder if we could live here someday? just you and me. we could be all alone and no one could ever bother us... save Brax since he's annoying and would find a way to pop in no matter what we did to the entrance."
Loki laughed looking amused as she was dragged off, flushing as Elizabeth teased them.”Things to stop pregnancy and stuff.”She muttered at his question blushed. Smiling as she looked around she swallowed hard, trying to be brave, needing to be. But there was a flinching there in her eyes, that even if she knew tom, trusted him more then she had ever trusted lancelot, standing there on the ground that lancelot’d spilled her blood on, she couldn’t. And she hated herself for being a coward.”I am sure it is possible. Espiically since sersia is so happy here.”

Brax smiled as he watched the other two run off, before looking at Elizabeth, raising his eyebrows a little.”She’s the lady of the lake isn’t she?”He muttered after a moment.Enough of arthur’s memories starting to come through to recognize that the woman hadn’t changed in so many centuries. That despite looking young, she wasn’t.
Tom went bright red and then. " know, i understand that having sex makes girls pregnant but i never received the finer points of things." he admitted. "so if we get that far... you will do the contraceptive things right? or teach me how to do it?" he hessitated. "i mean, i've always wanted children but it's a bit soon for that sort of thing..." he admitted before frowning at her. "Loki? what's wrong?"

Elizabeth nodded. "Yes, and she nearly died here. her love, Lancelot lost his mind when he realized that she was not human. he feared magic so deeply after what merlin did to him, that he turned on her, and very nearly killed her." she admitted simply. "she is wary, because Tom and Lancelot are so very similar. they even have the same temper." Elizabeth admitted. "she is so terrified to tell him that he is the reincarnation of her ancient love. and even more terrified to tell him what she is." Elizabeth admitted. "and i cannot blame her in the least. could you stand in the place where you where attacked, with the one you where attacked by?" she asked, looking up at Abraxas, her head tilted. "she, and he will need a great deal of support when he begins to remember what he tried to do to her."
“Ah, well I’m sure Brax has a book on sex or something.”She muttered blushing a little before nodding.”I will do that. Though I don’t think it’ll matter. I was…hurt…before, I don’t know if I can have kids.”She muttered looking so defeated by the idea of him wanting them that it hurt to consider she might not be able to. Shaking her head as she swallowed hard, shaking her head.”Nothing, just thinking to hard. This is the last gate to the sidhe courts…its home…without being home.”She muttered shrugging, true and not true.

Brax sighed softly watching the trees before nodding.”I can’t blame her for that.”He said though he wished she would tell tom, because he knew tom would be angry when he found out, he knew that there was nothing to say about it.”We’ll deal with it when she does tell him. They’ll be fine.”He said sounding very sure on that.
Tom grimaced. "i REALLY don't want to ask Brax for tips on sex.. i REALLY don't..." he grumbled before blinking at her in surprise before nodding. "that's alright. we'll adopt!" he promised with a smile. "or find a surrogate." he promised her. "i was actually planning that anyway considering i never expected to find anyone who i actually liked enough to touch." he admitted wit a small chuckle before looking worried as he gently pulled her into a hug. "do you need me to take you out of here? Sersia's settled just fine now, we can go if this is too much for you."

Elizabeth nodded. "he will be upset, and angry... but he will be even more upset and angry when he remembers what happened." she admitted softly. "you are already starting to remember, aren't you?" she asked softly, looking at him. "you are beginning to remember who you once where."
“Well, I’m sure that he’ll give tips whether you want to hear it or not.”She said laughing a little before flushing slightly. “Well, we’ll just have to see.”She muttered still looking anxious at the idea because it pained her badly, because she wanted a small family of her own, wanted to see tom’s eyes in someone else’s face. Yelping a little as he hugged her she shuddered a little, leaning into him.”No, you like it here. I’ll be okay. We’ll just go in awhile.”She muttered resting her head on his chest.

Brax nodded slightly.”But it wasn’t him, and despite their similarities. Tom and lancelot are very different people. Which loki knows, its just making it harder for her.”He muttered before smirking a little at Elizabeth nodding.”I am. I was always the quicker of us to at doing things.”He said looking amused
he smiled a little and shook his head. "i do like it here. but i like you more, and your not happy here." he muttered softly, sighing a little. "come on, lets go back to Brax's. maybe there's a book in the library i can find out about sex from." he mused. "after all, if we ever get that far, i want you to like it too." he admitted with a nod. "i'll have to study the theory extensively." he decided. "Brax says that muggles have this thing called 'Porn'. it tells men all about how to make love to women, i think he has a collection of it. i'll plunder it later." Tom decided, wondering when she'd catch onto the fact that NO ONE was that dense... especially not at HIS age.

Elizabeth nodded. "but he will still feel guilty and angry at himself for it." she pointed out. "you know he will." she admitted with a smile. "and Tom is remembering a few things. just not very big things." she admitted. "he remembers Loki's favorite foods after all." she admitted with a small chuckle as she leaned into him. "i love you." she admitted with a happy smile.
“Well, then we’ll go back.”She said offering him a small relieved smile that he was going to go even if she said it was okay that they stayed. Flushing a little as she looked at him.”I do not know what porn is….surely wizards have something like that?”she said, poor poor loki, after sleeping so long she was a little dense. Before her eyes widened she looked up at the man standing next to her.”Are you teasing me?”

Brax sighed nodding.”I know, but its not fair he should. Its not his fault. And it wasn’t him.”He muttered before smirking.”He’s been remembering things about her this whole time.”He muttered pressing a kiss to her head before smiling in pleasure.”Love you to….it looks like we’re getting ready to go.”he said nodding towards the two walking back towards them.
he smiled at her as he wrapped his arm around her waist before he winked at her and skipped off laughing, well aware that she was going to hunt him down and have her revenge before the sun had set. this wasn't the first time Lancelot had done such a thing, and he always payed for it in the end... even if he never did seam to learn his lesson. like the time Loki glued his feet to the bathroom floor. or the time she dumped a bucket of slugs on him, or the time she had somehow dipped him in a vat of clothing dye and made him bright strawberry red, and then pink for over a month.

she smiled a little. "he's teasing her again." Elizabeth stated with an impish grin as she watched Tom burst into laughter and flee, skipping past them. there was nothing that made Loki feel better than planning revenge against her lover, so Tom had no doubt done it on purpose to make Loki feel better.
Loki growled looking after the man as she shook her head.”I’m going to get you back!”Loki yelled after him shaking her head as took off after him. “Good. She needs teasing.”Brax muttered looking amused as the two got closer, and after a goodbye with sersia looked amused as they stepped back to the real world.

That night loki snuggled down into the blankets, curled up against tom’s side even as she cried in her sleep. Not the gentle tears that usually came when you were asleep, but the great wracking sobs of someone in pain.She wouldn’t remember anything when she woke, but for the moment she was trapped in a memory. Brought on by the visit home, she was trapped in the moment where lancelot had turned on her.
Tom just laughed again, well aware she was going to get him good for that, thankfully she'd forgivin him by the time bedtime rolled around... even if he had gone bald for a few hours... NOT, a good look for him. he had his arms wrapped around her in their sleep and blinked sluggishly as the sobbing woke him, unsure as to what had woken him he blinked stupidly for several minutes before he started shaking Loki's shoulder. "Loki... LOKI, wake up!" he whispered, trying frantically to wake her before resorting to pouring cold water across her face, hoping that would be enough of a shock to jerk her awake.
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