Reborn (HP)-Lady Moon

Brax frowned at that, ebfore nodding.”we’re still going to Egypt. And we’ll have to see about getting someone to spy on Dumbledore. He should have known better then to try that.Surely he knew we were somewhere on campus, the wards would have told him.”Brax said frowning, smirking a little as loki allowed tom to move but just shifted closer, snuggling as tight against her boyfriend as she could. “And you called loki a mudblood,and me inbred, but we’re okay with that.”Brax said teasing him a little because he had a feeling loki was more upset then she was letting on,but not wanting to bring it up when it was obvious tom just needed to rest.
Tom nodded a little feeling sluggish and sleepy again now that he had a full cup of calming drought and cocoa in his belly. "yeah.. spy on Dumbledore." he agreed sluggishly. Tom was so goofy when h was drugged sometimes. he looked at Loki, confused as to why she was snuggling up to him like that before gasping, his eyes flying wide in horror. "i did WHAT!? i mean, we all know y0uor inbred Brax but how could i say... THAT word!?" he couldn't even bring himself to say it now. "i'm so sorry Loki!" he whispered, pulling her into a tight hug. "i am SO sorry!" even though he didn't remember it, he had still done it and for that he felt utterly terrible. "by the way.. i really liked that kiss." he admitted softly into her ear, smiling a little. what a thing to remember!... still he HAD remembered it obviously and that was certainly a good sign of his love for her.
Brax scowled a little.”What!Hey. where’s my apology?Elizabeth!Tell him to say he’s sorry.”The Malfoy heir demanded as he walked out of the room to find his girlfriend, leaving the two to themselves. Loki yelped startled, having been spacing out as she cuddled him, shivering a little as she snuggled into him.”Oh…well it wasn’t that great of a kiss…”She muttered flushing as she rested her head on his chest
Elizabeth just laughed as she led Abraxas away and Tom snickered a little. "he gets no apology because he KNOWS he's inbred." he explained with a smug little smile as he gently pressed a kiss to her neck. "it was the best kiss i've ever had." he promised her with a smile. "how did you know that kissing me would stop me?" he asked curiously before flushing a little. " you know what i was going to do?" he was starting to recall some of it now... the deep urge to... to... Merlin above how could he ever have done such a thing? doing it once had been gods aweful as it was... he couldn't imagine how horrible it would have been to do it AGAIN.
L:eek:ki smiled a little as she snuggled into him, shivering at the touch of his lips on her skin.”Elizabeth told me to.I think it was the shock of being kissed….”She muttered shrugging before shaking her head, looking at him concerned as she sat up on her elbows to look at him,gently stroking his hair out of his face..”No.What?”
he smiled a little and nodded. "she's good in panic situations i guess." he muttered before shuddering violently as he wondered if he could tell her. "i'm a monster you know." Tom stated softly as he closed his eyes. "so if you don't want anything to do with me after this... i understand." he promised her, so he explained how he had accidentally killed Myrtle, how he had been tormented by his 'family' and how he had killed them too. how they had hurt him and hurt his mother and how they had punished him for it. he told her how he'd split his soul, fearful of dying before he had a chance to do any good with his life. he told her how GOOD it had felt, and how awful, like he was constantly missing something now, even with Loki there it was like he was missing something. she helped fill that deep crevasse of pain, but it wasn't enough for her soul to fill the spot she was supposed to be in, and still have a chunk of his soul missing. "it hurts so bad and i was going to do it again!" Tom whispered, a few tears dripping onto the bed as he stared at nothing, afraid of Loki's reaction. "it felt so good to kill those bastards and i'm... i'm afraid i might kill someone else..." he shuddered and wrapped his arms around himself, as if trying to comfort himself. "i'm loosing everything i ever thought i believed in..."
Loki frowned down at him as she sat up to look down at him,gently stroking his hair. “I wont let you do it again. I wont let you hurt them again.”She muttered shifting to cuddle him, trying to offer him comfort before swallowing hard, burying her face against his shoulder.”The sidhe have always taken joy in killing things….I hadn’t thought you would retain that part of mother’s rage…”She muttered mostly to herself, because it hadn’t occurred to her that mab’s curse would last through the years, the woman had cursed all wizards for her daughter’s treatment, and cursed them to feel so good, so amazing at doing dark arts, that it would drive them to destroy themselves.
Tom shuddered a little. the Lancelot line had been thrice cursed because of his betrayal of Loki, so he felt the dire even more strongly than most people did. "the Sidhe?" Tom asked softly, giving her a bsffled look. "you mean like Queen Mab, the winter and Summer courts?" he asked before he went very, very still as he stared at her. "your... i can't beleive i didn't see it! your Unseelie Sidhe!" he gasped, looking both awestruck and amazed. "i used to read all about the Fey when i was a child. i thought they where the most interesting things i've ever seen in my life!" he admitted, blinking at the woman next to him. "do you know the Lady of the Lake? and Queen Mab? and Queen Titianna?" he asked, leaning into her comfort. "what's it like in the Fey realms? is it true that if you eat something there, your trapped there for all of eternity?" he asked, blinking up at the woman, his head tilted a little. there was no horror, or disgust in his eyes as there had been with Lancelot, who had been terrified of the Sidhe and their powers over men. Tom was just insatiably curious. "i wonder whatever happened to Excalibur?" Tom muttered, his head tilted. Excalibur, one wouldn't know it. but Excalibur was Godric Gryffindor's Sword. both Godric and Salzar descended from Arthur, and from Lancelot. so in a way, Tom and Brax really where related... they where like, 454'th cousins. well, maybe that was bad math.
“Yes like that.”She muttered quietly tensing up as he went stil, her shoulders hunching up a little as if expecting the blow. Lancelot had hit her, had tried to kill her the first time he’d realized what she was, instead of just a mortal who’d taken the name lady of the lake. He hadn’t known she had been sidhe, at least not till the bitter end. Swallowing as she pulled away from him, looking lost and worried at his questions, having no idea how to answer, before answering the simpliest.”Yes, it is true. At least for muggles. Wizards are part sidhe, and as cousins to us, we let you leave our realms if you want.”She muttered swallowing hard, before smirking a little.”Excalibur is Gryffindor’s sword, its hanging in Hogwarts.”She muttered, even without seeing it, she had sensed the sidhe crafted sword on the grounds, and as its guardian, she had been able to find it where ever it was. Only her long sleep had allowed the wizards to claim it, as she had left it in gryffindor’s keeping before she’d slept.
he blinked at her as she hunched up, looking confused before realizing that she had probobly been mocked, or hurt for being inhuman. "so i could go to the Sidhe realms? pretty cool... i think i'll wait on that though." he admitted, taking her hand and moving his fingers into hers, simply holding her hand before jerking and choking as he realized that Godric Gryffindor had held Excalibur. "you... you... you're JOKING right!?" he asked, his eyes wide in utter horror. Guinevere had given birth to two son's after all, not that Tom knew it. the first had been Godric, the second Salzar. as the first born, Godric inherited Excalibur. Hogwarts had been built just off of Camelot, so that the brothers could be close to their homeland. "we can't let WIZARDS have control of Excalibur! Excalibur is supposed to be in the hands of Mortal Men!" he paused and then frowned. "...why that is i don't know but it's true right?" not exactly. Excalibur was only supposed to go to those who faught for freedom, justice, and equality just like Arthur had... and just like Tom and Brax where trying to do now. Brax would probobly be able to claim Excalibur if he wanted to, but what use did a wizard have for a sword? Tom sighed and laid back into bed again. "Merlin above i'm tired..." he admitted softly. "i wish i knew what Dumbledore did to me... Loki?" he asked softly. "thanks for... thanks for not leaving me..."
Loki swallowed hard, relaxing a little as he held her hand, relaxing as he didn’t react as violently as lancelot had. Nodding slightly at his words she sighed softly.”probably a good idea. Mab closed the gates after….after Camelot fell.”She said looking away, it was obvious she was hiding something, but as equally obvious that it would cause pain to talk about. Laughing a little at his words she shook her head.”No. Its in the chamber of secrets, hidden by Salazar after his brother died.I think…”She said swallowing hard.”I was asleep when it happened, so I don’t know.”She muttered admitting that she was old, far older then he thought before blushing at his words, looking down.”You’re welcome tom.”
Tom blinked a little. "Closed the gates?... so you... you can't go home then..." he whispered softly. "you can't... oh Loki, i'm so sorry." he whispered, pulling her down into a tight hug. "we'll get you back into your Court again, no matter what it takes." he promised her softly. "i'll see that you get to go home again even if it takes me a lifetime." he murmured before going tense. " the Chamber of Secretes?" he asked softly, swallowing thickly. "i... i know where the sword is. gods above i've seen it a thousand times and never realized what it was!" he admitted, blinking at her. "did you just say brother?! Godric and Slytherin where.... where BROTHERS?! i don't feel so well all of a sudden..." Tom grumbled, shaking his head before he smiled at her and carefully pressed his lips to hers. "i love you Loki."
“No….I can’t.”Loki shuddered, for it was the first time since she’d woken, that she’d allowed herself to realize that she was alone, that there were no other sidhe here, that besides the wizards, she had no one. Shuddering as she snuggled into him, pressing her face against his chest she nodded.”Yea. I think. At least the tug I felt from the sword was somewhere below where I was.”She muttered before nodding,”They were. Arthur’s twins, or lancelot’s. Never really sure who the father was actually.”She said though in truth it was one of those magical screw ups where Arthur had been the father to one, and lancelot the other. More of merlin’s meddling in that. Kissing him back she swallowed hard.”Love you to.”She muttered blushing as she tried to relax, snuggling into his chest
he nodded a little, holding her tightly. "good lord... that's some pretty messed up history there." he mumbled. "i bet we could tell whose was whose if we looked at the Tapestry that Elizabeth has hanging in her room." he muttered softly, pulling her in close for a tight hug as the dozed off to sleep. in the morning there was loud banging on the front door, again and Tom groaned and tried to ignore the sounds. fortunately Brax was an early riser, and no doubt he would get the door... maybe. at the door where three Aurors who where looking for Tom riddle, who was a suspect in a murder investigation involving Headmaster Dippett... Headmaster Dippett was dead, hours after talking with Tom Riddle, and he was their only lead. damn that Dumbledore, he had set all of this up!
Brax tilted his head at the aurors as he walked down, instead of looking like he’d been dragged out of bed, despite being up early, he’d been reading. Looking every bit like the man he would become, cold and distant, so like Lucius. “He is here. But he has had a few…problems since he spoke to Dumbledore yesterday. I wont let you upset him or his girlfriend with ridiculous questioning.”Brax said looking disturbed at the news. So this was what had been planned for his friend.
the Aurors glared at him. "problems? how could he have spoken to Dumbledore? Dumbledore wasn't at the castle last night." one of the Aurors complained, stepping inside to speak to Tom, who was more than happy to answer their questions. their looks of annoyance changed as Tom admitted to having been talking to Dumbledore before everything went a little blank, and under Veritaserum too! "that can't be right though!" one of the younger aurors cried out. "Dumbledore wasn't at the castle last night! he was at a ministry ball all night, no one ever saw Dumbledore leave but for that few minutes to use the Loo!" Tom just shrugged. "maybe it was someone glamored to look like him, i don't know." Tom admitted. "i was never very good at catching polyjuice or befuddling charms like glamors and confundus hexes. i'm sure it was Dumbledore but that could be the befuddlement talking." Tom admitted, well aware they weren't going to be able to catch Dumbledore at this. "all i know is that i hurt my freinds because i was going to... do... something." Tom stated scrunching his face up in thought. "something bad... i can't remember..." and that was the tip that Loki needed to know that Tom, and probobly Brax too, was immune to Veritaserum. the Aurors gave him the antidote, thanked him for his time and left after Tom was examined for lingering hexes. there where three, slow acting suspicion hexes that would have made him start thinking his freinds where out to kill him. they where removed and documented as 'evidence' in case they found out who had done this to Tom.
Loki was quiet and withdrawn as she watched the aurors question him,though she could tell it was annoying brax to have to sit through this. Moving to stand next to tom, she looked at him worriedly, wrapping her arms around him, pressing her cheek into his shoulder.”You okay?”She muttered looking worried about him, and wondering if the aurors would be back. She couldn’t stand the idea that now that she had him again, that he could be taken away. And Dumbledore scared her to.
Tom smiled a little as he nodded. "i'm fine." he mumbled, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "how do you think that old bastard did it? two places at one time? it seams impossible..." he complained with a small scowl as he shook his head. "i doubt the Auror's will leave me alone. their going to be back when they can't figure out who spelled me... but at least we know i'm definitely not a suspect anymore. the evidence of a seriously dark spell, and those hexes are proof of that." Tom admitted, shaking his head. "why does Dumbledore hate me so much?" Tom complained, scowling darkly as he glanced at Brax. Loki and Elizabeth wouldn't see it, but Brax would. there was fear in Tom's eyes.
Loki sighed softly leaning into him, resting her cheek on his shoulder before bullying him into sitting down before leaning against him as she got some of the house elves to bring them food.”I only know sidhe magic, sidhe could have argued black into being white, this would have been a grand game to them…this…I do not know how it was done.’she said feeling pained because she couldn’t help. “Well, you are smarter then the old bastard.”Brax said teasing a little because he knew the other was afraid and he had no idea what to do, except figure out how to help tom.
Tom smiled as he sat down where she ordered and Brax chuckled a little as he shook his head. "your a Sidhe?" he asked curiously. "i bet that tickled Tom pink, he has this horrible obsession about them." "i do not! i'm just curious!" Tom complained before grimacing. "you think maybe the Sidhe are watching all of this and taking bets?... i feel suddenly very exposed." he admitted, wondering if the reason why he felt like he was being watched all the time was because he WAS being watched all the time. "and i AM smarter than that old bastard!" Tom grumbled. "i AM!" he stated before digging into the chicken leg a house elf had given him. he was starving and feeling a great deal better after a nice nights sleep. "i think we should go to Romania first, instead of Egypt." Tom decided. "maybe i'll try to apply at Durmstrang instead, i certainly don't want to teach at the same school as Dumbledore..." he scowled. "i do have things i have to get out of the Chamber of Secretes though, the most important being Sersia. i can't leave her in there for eternity, she'll never survive alone that many years..."
Loki nodded a little, “I am.”She said blushing a little before snickering slightly at the idea. Because she really couldn’t put it past her relatives to be doing it. “Unseelie sidhe, yea definitely I could see that.Seelie sidhe wouldn’t consider it.”she said sounding thoughtful before running her fingers through her hair before glancing at the other, nodding a little.”We’ll go this afternoon, get in the chamber then get ready to leave.”She decided.
Tom snorted a little and shook his head a little. "See Brax! i'm NOT Paranoid! people ARE watching me!" Tom complained before shaking his head. "we can't get into the chamber." Tom stated softly. "not with Dumbledore there. and he won't leave the castle with Dippett murderered. not to mention he has to find a new transfiguration, and a new DADA teacher." he pointed out. "how do you suppose we get in there?" of course Tom wouldn't know about the secrete tunnel from the Chamber to what had once been Camelot... but Elizabeth was smirking. she knew about it. she had helped her son's create it. "i know how to get into the chamber, though i can't speak the required Parseltongue." she admitted, Tom gaping at her in astonishment. "you DO!?" "i AM a seer." she pointed out. Tom frowned, somehow he knew that was a lie but... he just shrugged. "if you can help me get Sersia out of there, then i'm all for it."
Loki nodded a little, tilting her head.”And the gate opens for both sidhe, and parseltongue. Even if you don’t feel like going, I can get in there.”She said looking worried at tom, worried about him going back to Hogwarts. Brax rolled his eyes a little before looking at Elizabeth in curiousity before shrugging it off before sighing.”Give it up loki, you’ll never convince him that he shouldn’t go with you.”
Tom blinked, looking stunned before he shook his head. "i have to go, Sersia will attack you if i'm not with you." he pointed out looking amused. "i'm going to go get dressed." Tom stated, giving Loki a small kiss before wandering off and Elizabeth gave Loki a pleased look. "so you finally told him. good. aren't you glad you did?" she asked, well aware that Tom still didn't know that he was Lancelot, but he would find that out on his own as the memory barriers started to crumble. Brax's where already starting to fall. they wouldn't fall enough for Lancelot to be alive again, but Tom would be able to access most of Lancelot's memories, if not his personality... not that the two where very different. "Dumbledore is Merlin." she stated simply. "but i don't think he knows it yet."
Loki smiled watching him go as Brax followed him out to get ready to before looking at Elizabeth.”I do.Some.”She said though she still looked nervous because she just knew that tom was going to change. And it scared her badly to consider how much of the old lancelot would come through. As much as she had loved him, he had been violent, and when he’d learned who and what she was, he had damn near killed her. Only the fact that she was mostly immortal, had saved her. Shuddering a little as she looked at Elizabeth, nodding.”I think you are right. And we are lucky he does not know it ye.t”
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