Reborn (HP)-Lady Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Loki smiled al ittle nodding."That is a wise thing to say. And a good decision."she muttered nuzzling his chest, cuddling against him. Glad that he'd come to the decision on his own, because she would have tried to make the connection between him and earth all the time, but it would have drained even a near immortal sidhe to do so. but she would have done it, for him. Smiling a little she sighed, not able to stop fussing."Well you would be good at teaching."She said smiling a little thinking about how he'd once teached. Wondering how she could come out and tell him about his past life. Sighing quietly she smiled."Not to sick.And I'll see how I feel in the morning. If I feel better, I'll go with you.If not then you can go on your own."

Brax grinned looking amused as they headed towards the kitchen."I did. And because...well, I had been raised that I was better then anyone. I hated most everyone until I grew up enough to realize that I didn't want to be like my mother, and started figuring out how to make friends."he said grinning a little before nodding."we'll go to gringhotts today, and see that you have everything safely stored."He smirked a little before glancing at her, a smirk curling his lips."Oh, are you counting me as one of the sticky fingered politicans?"He teased.

Moon: Tom nodded a little as he closed his eyes. "not really, I just don't like the loss of control over myself if I become too dependent on something." he admitted with a smile. no doubt that aversion was both from his time in the orphanage, and an echo of loosing himself to a love potion and falling to Guinevere. anyone would have an aversion to a loss of control after that. "you should sleep then." he muttered softly. "the more you sleep the better you'll feel in the morning." he mumbled softly, yawning a little. "go to sleep now, i'm exhausted, putting bitchy purebloods in their places wears me out." he admitted rather sluggishly.

she pondered that for a moment and then nodded. "he was lying, wasn't he, when he said all they did was lock him in a closet for a few days." she would be right. they had locked him in for a full six days and no one in Hogwarts, aside from the Slytherin house had noticed his absence. and those that noticed hadn't cared. he had been beaten before they'd shoved him into the closet. Tom had been terrified of confined spaces ever since. she giggled at the mention of Gringotts and leaned against him. "oh no, you have all the money you could ever need for a hundred lifetimes. why would you ever need to steal anything?" she teased with a smug little grin. "Tom is a Klepto though isn't he?" not anymore, though he'd used to be. never anything expensive really, but small things like ribbons, little things that wouldn't be noticed that Tom could claim as his own, something just his. he still had his 'treasure' box.
Loki giggled sleepily, amused as she yawned and settled down to sleep.

"Of course he was lying."Brax said his eyes frosting over, giving a glimpse at the man he had been, and the man who could become. There had been a reasn Abraxus Malfoy had been feared as a death eater,so feared in fact that his son had still gained favors not through his own skill, but fear of Abraxus. Smirking a little he dipped his head a little, pressing a kiss to her heair."That's true.But stealing from people who have to much, is amusing. Or like taking from your mother, that was fun."He sighed before shrugging a little."Not so much anymore. Not now that he can have the things he wants and doesn't have to steal."He srhugged a little.

In the morning loki yawned sighing a little as she stretched, snuggling into the man next to her. "Do you really have to go?"She grumbled. Though she felt amazing, she didn't want to go see dumbledore, or the school. Sometihing about the thought bothered her badly. [/quote]

Moon: Elizabeth sighed a little and shook her head. “i will never understand how such pain and misery can make such good people, like Tom.” she admitted, frowning a little. “i don't understand how people can hurt such little children.” she smiled up at him at the kiss to her hair before leaning against him. “i took nothing from my mother. I only took what was mine and she perceived that they where hers. She was wrong.” Elizabeth stated with a sniff. “i would never steal.” she flashed Abraxas a grin and handed him his ring back with a chirpy little giggle before sobering a little. “the problem is Brax, he can't have everything he wants...” she pointed out. “yes you might buy him everything he needs or desires but money can't buy the control over himself that he seeks. It can't buy him the affection and love that he craves.” she shook her head. “i cannot help but feel badly for Tom. I was wondering though, hasn't he ever talked to the Goblins? He can speak Parseltongue can he not? Why hasn't he had an inheritance test to prove he is Slytherin's Heir? That would get him the money, and the power he needs to achieve his goals.” Heritage tests where common to the pure-bloods, but anyone not raised by an old pure-blood family, wouldn't know about them, so Tom would never have had access to the vaults that rightly belonged to him.

Tom grunted a little and wrapped his harms around her, enjoying the close comfort of having someone pressed against him. It felt so nice that he really just didn't want to leave. “yes.” he murmured finally. “have to go. Want to teach.” he murmured sleepily, though he made no motion of getting up. “Professor Dippet is a good Headmaster. He'll give me a good chance. I'm a bit young, but I know I could be a good teacher if just given the chance.” not many people would know it, but Tom's greatest ambition was to be a teacher. He wanted to help the students the way he had not been. He wanted to make Hogwarts great again. “i need to get up.” he mumbled, frowning a little. “i really do... thrice curse you for being so warm, and cuddly, and nice.” he mumbled, snuggling into her even tighter. At least he had an hour or so to get ready.
“Hm, but she perceived it as stealing, and it amuses me greatly to consider stealing from her.”Brax smirked looking amused before frowning slightly. “I think he will find what he is seeking, at least I hope so. I have never seen him like this with anyone, the way he is with Loki.”He muttered hoping before leaning back to look down at the woman in his arms, looking confused. Because he was Brax Malfoy, undeniably the Malfoy heir, he had never had to worry about proof of family spells or the like, so even if it was common knowledge, he had never needed to know it so…”What are you talking about?”He frowned looking at the woman.

Loki whined softly as she shifted, turning her head into his chest, relaxing.”You will be.”She muttered sleepily, really really not wanting to get up. Not liking the tight feeling of her stomach that engulfed her every time she considered tom going to the school, but knowing that he needed to get up. Sighing softly as she sat up she laughed a little at his words, “Come on tom, we have to get going. And I’m going with you.”She decided leaning down to kiss him,knowing if they hurried, she might be able to convince him into sharing a shower.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "sometimes, pure-bloods are so stupid." she complained with a small chuckle. "it's for illegitimate heirs, or for people who don't know their lineage. people like Tom who grew up in the muggle world. you know your lineage because it is passed down from father to son and so forth. "i'll set him up an appointment." she decided with a smile. "and before you ask, i know this because i took one when i was sixteen when my brother died. Mother was never really sure if i was my fathers or not, and had to be sure before she could start arranging my marriage. she practically cried in relief when it turned out i was really papa's." she admitted before pausing. "thank Merlin i didn't turn out like her." she shuddered and then continued walking. "it is very nice to see him smile so warmly." she admitted. "when people spoke of him, it was almost as if they where afraid of him. he was supposed to be this unreachable cold thing that no one wanted anything to do with, but i suppose anyone who has suffered as much as him deserves to be as cold as they want."

he chuckled a little and stroked her hair, whining as she sat up. "you took away my warm, cuddly, niceness." he complained before slowly sitting up and letting her drag him to the shower. it took him ten minutes to realize that they where naked, in the shower, together and he yelped and covered his eyes. "i'm sorry!" he yipped, flushing so red one might have thought his head was going to explode. then he paused and peeked through his fingers, realizing she wasn't in the least bit angry that they where naked, together, in the shower and he dropped his hands, still flushing furiously as he examined her slowly, wary of making her angry but too attracted and curious not to look. he had seen plenty of naked women of course, he'd done his experimenting while at school, but he'd never seen a woman so perfect before.
“Heyyyy!I’m not stupid. I’m quite brilliant actually.”Brax whined looking annoyed with the woman before sulking. “Good. And…you’re mother is seriously weird. I think I should be allowed to do something more then pretend steal from her.”He decided looking at her with a hopeful look as if he could really convince her to allow him to do something. Smiling a little he nodded, “It is very good indeed. Maybe we should take loki with us, she would do well knowing what family she is from to.”Poor deluded brax, who still hadn’t guessed just what was wrong with loki.

Loki paused in the middle of washing her hair, looking startled at his reaction before smirking.”For what?I told you to get in the shower with me, remember?”She teased raising her eyebrows looking amused as she looked at her flushing…boyfriend?Lover? looking thoughtful as she considered what they could be to each other before looking amused.”Have you never seen a naked woman before, tom?”She teased a little.
Elizabeth giggled a little. "you cannot physically harm her in any way." she ordered, all too willing to let Brax have his revenge so long as he didn't kill or maim the woman in any way. "i am quite certain that Loki is fully aware of her lineage." she admitted simply. "Tom is going to that School today right? to try out for a teaching position?" she asked curiously, wondering what that sinking sensation in her gut was. "in any case, we certainly know that Tom is an ancestor of Lancelot, the knight of Arthur. and you are descended from Arthur yourself." she admitted with a bright smile at him. "it is as if History is repeating." she admitted, well aware that History WAS repeating. but this time with far greater results.

Tom flushed at her. "no i don't remember that." he complained. "i was sleeping!" he complained some more before blinking at her. "i've seen a few i guess. no more than any other horny sixteen year old hoping to loose his virginity before everyone else... but never someone so... beautiful." he admitted, blinking at her. "it's like your perfection. or maybe a goddess... are you a goddess? because if you are, i have some people i'd like you to smite." he teased, smiling a little at her. "can i..." he flushed again and he tucked his hands behind his back, ashamed that he had very nearly asked if he could touch her.
“Hmm, what I’ll do to her will only be harming to her mind.”he smirked a little before tilting his head a little. Looking curious on how Elizabeth could be so sure about what loki knew before nodding slightly.”He is. I think he’s taking loki with him to.”he said before frowning again, “Really?and how do you know that?”He asked sounding baffled, wondering what in the world she was babbling about.

Loki smiled a little looking amused that the man was blushing.’Hm, well, I will just have to wake you up more then next time.”she teased before sighing quietly, finishing washing out her hair, “Ohhh you wanted to beat everyone to losing it?”She snickered at the idea even if her shoulders drew up a little, memories of lancelot and genuivere pounding at her mind, even as she worked to shove it away. Flushing at his praise she shook her head,”Definitely not a goddess.”She muttered because she was in a way a goddess,but even with elizabeth’s reassurance of this was what needed to be done, she stil couldn’t tell tom who she was, or who he was.
she chuckled a little and nodded. "good... Loki should go with him." but she still felt uneasy. very uneasy. she looked at him and laughed. "the Tapestry of course!" she admitted with a smile. "the one i 'stole' from my mother?" she asked with a smile. "that's right, i only got a chance to show Loki." she mused, taking Brax's hand and leading him to the tapestry and letting him see the details of how they where all related directly to ancient figures of lore.

Tom smiled a little. "what sixteen year old boy doesn't want to be the first? it's like the ultimate action to the 'cool kids club'. just once i wanted to beat Brax to his own game... of course being the slut he was he lost it at like, fourteen the slut." Tom admitted with a laugh before he studied her, his head tilted. "i know your not human." he admitted suddenly, reaching forward and gently stroking her face. "do you not trust me?" he asked softly. "or are you afraid?" he bit his lip. "i have other inhuman freinds you know. no matter what you are... i will always love you Loki." he promised before looking panicked and clapped a hand to his mouth, shocked at what he'd just admitted out loud and fearful she'd hate him now for it.
“Would you feel better if we went with them to?”He asked after a moment as he studied her face, looking concerned. He didn’t like the look she was wearing. Eyes widening a little as he let her pull him along, he stared as he watched the tapestry, reading a little before frowning. “There is no loki here.”he said looking annoyed.

“Ahhh, that it is.”Loki said looking amused because she remembered this game, both Arthur and lancelot had both been eager to beat each other all the time. “A slut is he?”She snickered a little jumping a little as he touched her face, staring down at the floor turning her face into his hand.”I know you do…”She muttered before her eyes darted to his face, eyes wide and shocked, and so very hurt. Because unlike him, she had a history books worth of hearing those words, and still being abandoned. Not only by lancelot who had loved her but not enough to break merlin’s spell, but her mother, family…she’d always been left behind. Stumbling back a step she turned away as she got out and started drying off, having every intention of fleeing his company.
she chuckled a little and nodded. "i know Loki isn't on here." she admitted simply. "Loki is... a new player in this tale i think." she lied, her head tilted. "or a recycled character." she glanced at Abraxas with a smile. "do you want to know the hardest part about my life? it isn't being my mothers daughter, it isn't being foreign... it's being a Seer, and being unable to tell anyone but you about it." she admitted simply. "Guinevere was a Seer as well, but even she could not foresee what Merlin would do to her in his quest for power." she admitted, her eyes glowing slightly. "you, the reincarnation of Arthur... you will make many changes in this world. some for good, some for bad... but all will be done..." she admitted before blinking and swaying slightly. "i'm sorry i think i dozed out there for a moment... as i was saying, i don't think Loki is closely related enough to the main characters of Lore to be on this tapestry." she continued, well aware that Abraxas would be freaked out enough.

Tom smiled a little and nodded. "you have no idea how much of a man whore he really is... to be honest, Elizabeth is the first girl i've ever seen him actually serious about." he admitted simply before flushing as he realized she had known and he gently took her wrist. "i'm sorry i just... i've never told anyone i loved them before." he admitted softly. "i just... i was worried i'd scared you." he admitted softly. "your the only person i've ever really... really loved." he admitted. "i mean, i love Brax, he's my best freind, practically my brother but it's... it's different with you... i've only known you a few days but it's already so hard to imagine life without you..." he admitted softly. "i want to be with you forever and ever and..." he flushed and looked away. "i'm not explaining this right... now i sound like a creepy pervert don't i?"
“Ah, well sometimes new blood is needed, to change the past.”Arthur’s voice said, through the words of brax Malfoy, because Arthur had once said something frighteningly similar about loki. Tilting his head a little he watched her, looking startled at her announcement, swallowing hard as he gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him.”You okay?”He muttered before nodding a little.”Well then, it is a good thing tom found her. He doesn’t need to go repeating lancelot’s mistakes.”He muttered.

Loki stopped, wincing a little as he stopped her, clutching the towel against her body, feeling embarrassed and lost, for once disturbed at being naked around someone she loved. Trembling a little as she stared at the floor, trying to push past the memories. She’d heard something similar before, before merlin had destroyed the small amount of happiness the lady of the lake had managed to make for herself. Trembling harder she laughed quietly at his words.”Just a little.”She muttered sounding choked up and upset and hating herself a little bit because she knew this wasn't his fault for making her react like this
she smiled at him, nearly cringing at the repitition of her once love. "yes, i'm fine, i just tend to get dizzy now and again." she admitted with a smile. she would tell him the truth soon, but it was too early. she knew that it was Guinevere who had been talking to him just now, but she could remember it clearly. that was what being a Seer for her was. she had access to all of her previous lives, not that there had been many. "He might make the same mistake again anyway." she admitted. "Lancelot had no defense against the love spells and potions." she admitted. "Guinevere couldn't fight against Merlin's might." she looked at Brax. "Tom might very well be forced into a very similar situation, because while we are all reborn... so has Merlin, and he will do anything to keep the power he has claimed."

he quickly wrapped his arms around her, trembling himself. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you." he whispered. "but i don't regret what i said.. i don't. because it's true. i love you and the only thing i want is for you to be happy." he muttered softly, closing his eyes. "i know that... some time, in some lifetime we where destined to be together... and maybe we're destined to be together again, but i know that i will do anything, just to see you smile." he paused. "i suppose us getting dressed might make you feel a bit better." he stuttered, flushing bright red.
Brax frowned at that, pressing a kiss to her hair wrapping his arms around her more firmly. “Well, he probably was not expecting it last time. Forewarned is forearmed. We’ll just make sure he knows he might have to deal with it, it would give him a edge.”Brax said, his voice going all growly and protective as he considered his friend losing again to another curse.

Loki shuddered leaning into him, swallowing hard.”I…I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to upset you to.”She swallowed before nodding, stepping away from him, her face cloudy with emotion, as she struggled to do what Elizabeth said, and tell him.But she couldn’t. She had watched Lancelot reject her once he realized what she was, she couldn’t live with herself if tom walked away from her. The immortal was truly, deathly afraid of tom, not because he’d hurt her physically, but because she had no gauge on how things would go.Moving away from him she started dressing.”We should get to school…we’ve probably taken all the extra time you had…”
she shook her head a little. "from what i understand, Lancelot was completely muggle, he thought Merlin was an old fraud. didn't beleive in magic in the slightest." she admitted with a shake of her head. "which made it all too easy to trick him, to trap him." she admitted with a small sigh. "we will have to watch Tom closely, he has been experimenting in Magic he should not be." she admitted simply.

he gently stroked her face and hesitated before glancing at the door. "wait here." he ordered softly, leaving the room and coming back with a box in his hands. it was a tiny box, a jewelry box and he held it out to her. "it's... it was my mothers." he explained softly, letting Loki open it. it was nothing she would recognize thankfully. the large golden locket with the emerald S. "it was Slytherin's, my mother intended for me to keep it, but when she died the orphanage sold it... i tracked it down and Brax got it from the storekeeper for me." that, of course, was the truth. not the fabricated lie that Dumbledore would later tell Harry Potter. "i want you to have it... so that you know that your the most important thing in my life... and so that you know i won't ever leave you... if... if you'll have it that is."
Brax sighed nodding a little.”Well then, at least tom will have a leg up, in that he knows magic exists.”he muttered before frowning a little harder, nodding.”So he has. We will.”He sighed quietly before heading for the door.”Come, we better catch them before they leave to go to school.”He said feeling uneasy to now that she had said something.

Loki looked confused as he walked away, finishing dressing as she took the box.Her mouth falling open a little, recognizing it not only because it was his, but she’d given him this for genivere, when she’d realized that the man was in love with the queen, who had been part of slytherin’s bloodline, along with gryffindor’s. IT had broken her heart to part with the last part of slytherin she had had,but she’d given it to his grandson for the woman he loved. And she’d long thought ti’d gone missing with the fall of Camelot. But it seemed, that genivere’s bloodline had kept ahold of it, that the slytherin line hadn’t forgotten who they were. “I…I would.”She smiled a little as he picked it up and put it on.
she nodded a little. "yes, we should go to Hogwarts with him." she muttered, a part of the terror in her belly easing at that. whatever it was, it was going to happen, and it was going to be bad, but she had a feeling that Brax would catch onto it early, and stop it before it got too bad. she practically ran to the bedroom and was relieved to hear Tom speaking.

Tom beamed at her as she gaped at it. "i know, impressive isn't it? i don't think it really does anything, but i tried not to mess with it too much." he admitted with a smile. "i'm glad you like it." he admitted as he gently took it from her and slid it around her neck and clasped it into place, kissing her cheek before nearly jumping out of his skin when Brax knocked on the door. "I'M HAVING AN EMOTIONAL MOMENT! GO AWAY!" Tom roared at the door before beaming at Loki. "that should send him away..." "it didn't work! we're still here!" Loki called, Tom sighing as he cursed. "damn... i better get dressed before she barges in here... i don't think i could handle it if she saw me nude." he admitted, going bright red at the thought and he grabbed his clothes and fled tot he bathroom. it was kind of cute, Lancelot had never been that shy. in fact he often walked the halls of Camelot nude just to piss off arthur and freak out the ladies... well, before he met Loki anyway. she'd civilized him a little bit.
Brax snickered at tom’s words.”Ah, but the emotional moments are to rare to go away. I need to see.”Brax said laughing as loki opened the door after dressing, eyes widening slightly at the sight of her wearing tom’s necklace. Well, it seemed they were indeed having a emotional moment. Loki swallowed hard looking amused that tom had fled, looking thoughtful because lancelot had gone nude a lot just to be annoying. The woman was at a loss for words.

Brax frowned a little at the sight of the overwhelmed looking woman hugging her gently, shooing both women towards the floo before stepping into tom’s bedroom.”Tom?They’re both gone if you want to come out and get dressed.”
Tom huffed a little as he fled, annoyed at Brax and his rotten horrible timing, the utter bastard. he glared at Brax as he came back out wearing his pants and was buttoning up his shirt. "your a dick." he complained with a sulk. "i was about to get a kiss!" he whined, shaking his head. "does this shirt look alright? i want to impress the Headmaster..." he admitted, biting his lip a little as he frowned, his head tilted. "no this shirt won't do." he grumbled, tearing it off and throwing it to the side before grabbing a new one and pulling it on instead, smiling as he examined himself in the mirror. "yes, this one will do better." he decided as he pulled on his jacket and tie. "there." he muttered as he tucked in his shirt and paused to kick Brax very gently in the shin. "jerk." he complained before leaving to the fireplace where the girls where waiting. he waited in a small sitting room just off to the side of the Headmasters Staircase and fidgeted nervously in his seat until the gargoyle called his name. "wish me luck!" Tom gasped, striding into the room, looking every bit the confident man that he was not. when he came back down an hour later, it was clear that something was wrong. he had a scowl on his face and his eyes... there was something very wrong with his eyes. he muttered to himself, passing by the door as if he had forgotten that the others even existed, let alone was waiting for him and Elizabeth gasped, clutching at Abraxas, feeling sick and dizzy. "stop him! he's... he's going to do it again!" she cried, not certain exactly what 'it' was, but somehow she knew Abraxas would understand. Tom was going to split his soul again.
Brax jerked his head around looking startled when tom came back down, but before he could respond loki took off after tom, grabbing the man around the waist and making him stop, looking so very frightened for him.”Tom?”She said looking anxious and scared, the fae magic practically making the air vibrate between them.

Brax topped looking startled for a moment, making sure Elizabeth was fine.”Can you walk?We need to go see about those two.”He said sounding anxious.
Tom jerked as she grabbed him and his arm whipped around and shoved her away from him. he hissed at her, his eyes flashing red, the buzzing sound of his magic filling the air... his magic and something... other, it was as if his Magic was... was fighting something, was struggling against something. it was clear he wasn't all gone as he hadn't shoved her hard enough to hurt her, but it was clear that there was something wrong. "Stay away! filthy mudblood." he hissed at her, jerking back towords the door. never in Tom's history had he EVER said the word Mudblood. in fact he'd punched the last person who'd dared say it in front of him. Brax would have caught up just in time to hear the word uttered, keying him into the fact that there was something very wrong as well.

Elizabeth shook her head. "no, i need a moment to rest. i'll be fine, go after Tom! hurry before he does something irreparable!" she demanded, shoving Brax for the door, panting and trembling. she knew Brax would go for Tom, he was the one in the most danger, and she knew no man would dare hurt her. not even Dumbledore.
Loki stumbled looking confused and hurt. Because she was a mudblood, not that her mother had ever told her, but she wasn’t pure unseelie sidhe, and among the racists of court, she had been left out because her father was one of the seelie sidhe. Shuddering a ltitle as she looked confused as she stumbled, sitting on the floor looking confused.

“Tom!Whatever is going on!”Brax snarled as he caught up, wrapping his hand around tom’s arm, setting his feet, and refusing to be budged. Needing to know what was going on, and what he could do for his friend.
Tom snarled as Brax caught up to them and he struggled against the much stronger grip, lashing out at the man's face. "Get off me you inbred bastard!" Tom snarled, trying to claw Brax's hand off his arm. "Let me GO!" he tried to grab for his wand, but Elizabeth had managed to catch up and summoned it away from him. "Loki! do something! he doesn't know who we are!" Elizabeth gasped, trembling. "...Kiss him!" she demanded, Tom snarling as he tried to blast at Abraxas with his wandless magic. the first sign that something really was wrong. if Tom had really been that angry, Brax would have been blasted into the wall by now. "Get off! Get Off! GET OFF!!!!" Tom screamed, fighting against Brax, who wasn't letting go. "Loki! i mean it! look at him! someone's done something to him! he doesn't recognize you! he's not himself, you have to stop him, FIX HIM!"
Brax snarled back, tightening his grip, knowing he was going to leave brusies, but not about to let him go.”Shut up you annoying little twat.”He growled more to make tom want to fight him then anything else, figuring if he was pissed he wouldn’t be going anywhere. Loki stumbled to her feet her body following through with elizabeth’s demand even if her mind was still scrambling to figure out what was going on. Grabbing tom’s face in her hands she drew him into a hard kiss, pressing sidhe magic into it, hoping to figure out what was wrong.
Tom snarled at Brax and tried to lash out at him again before he froze at the feeling of lips on his and for a moment the buzzing got louder and Tom's magic swirled wildly around them before something seamed to shatter and the red faded from Tom's eyes and the buzzing eased to a stop as Tom returned the kiss eagerly, his breath hitching. "mmm, Loki." he mumbled, blinking stupidly as the kiss ended. "... i feel... strangely..." Tom muttered before he sagged, collapsing then and there, Elizabeth moaning as she sagged too, though she managed to stay conscious. "it's ok... it's ok now..." she whispered, her eyes closing. "he needs to rest, he poured almost all of his magic into that, he's drained." she admitted softly. "Loki... come help me stand up... i think my legs have given out." she admitted breathlessly. it took several moments for Elizabeth to gain her feet and she told Abraxas to carry Tom home, who was as limp as a rag doll. he woke an hour later and blinked sluggishly, frowning stupidly. "ugh... what happened?"
Loki looked frantic, despite the reassurances from the other two that things would be fine, she was still panicky the longer he stayed out. Nearly collapsing in relief when she saw he was awake she climbed up on the bed next to him, curling up against him, to worried to talk.

Brax rolled his eyes a little,”You attacked us after you saw the dear professors. What in the world happened up there?”He said looking annoyed and worried.
Tom frowned, looking confused and he spoke sluggishly. "i attacked you? i don't... i don't remember that. i went up.. Professor Dippet was happy to see me, he always liked me... he said i was a little too young, and told me i had to get some 'real world experience' first. i told him i was planning on traveling to Egypt with Brax, learn some curse breaking and such. Dippet was pretty pleased to hear that, said i would learn a lot about curse breaking and dark arts and the like there. he left to tend to... something and i was left alone with Dumbledore. never liked Dumbledore. he asked me how i was doing and i... and..." here Tom scowled and then shook his head. "i don't remember... Merlin above that old Bastard did something to me!" Tom sounded panicked now and he tried to sit up. "what did he do to me!?" "Lay back down Tom." Elizabeth ordered as she walked in with a tray of steaming mugs of Hot Chocolate. one with the tint of a calming drought in it. this one she handed to Tom who took it with shaking hands. "did i hurt anyone?" "Brax has a few scratches, but only you where hurt. you'll have some nasty bruises, and you hit your head when you collapsed which is why you have the headache, but you'll be fine with some rest." Elizabeth promised, Tom sagging in relief before he finally took a sip of his laced hot chocolate.
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