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Adventures in Barsaive

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"Yup, see you tomorrow" I mention as I wave after the conveniently departing windling. Was he really tired or just gracefully departing to allow me leeway with whatever I am up to? It is hard to tell with him. Either way, my choices are wide open now.

And so I get up from my chair as well, reaching for my items - my sword mostly - as I reply to Corrin "I can't think of somewhere more private and currently available than your place, so let's go there." while doing my best to keep any innuendo out of my voice.

Poor Bartrend...
Corrin smiles, "Very well. Follow me if you would my lady." He states before leading you out of the market square and back onto the streets of Bartertown. It doesn't take too long for the two of you to reach his residence. He opens the door and lets you walk in first. The home isn't overly big, but is of general comfortable size. A kitchen that is combined with the "living room" to form most of the actual space of the home. In the back there sits an average sized wooden door that can only be the door to his bedroom. "Well, if you like you can sit and get a bit more comfortable in a chair, or we can go to the bedroom and accomplish the same task. Either way is fine for me, and whatever is more comfortable for you."
Lying down sounds more comfortable by far, so the choice is an easy one. Playfully tapping Corrin on the nose I therefore grin back at him and comment "It is definitely more relaxing when I can lie down while you work me over, so the bedroom it is." And with that I am already moving into the indicated direction, not without adding "Just give me some time to prepare, and only follow me once I call you, will you?"

Not waiting for a reply I press the door handle, open the bedroom door and get a first look inside, intent to get undressed and lie down on whatever bed awaits me. That is unless Corrin chooses to interfere, or the room reveals itself to be a veritable hellhole.
It isn't hard to notice a small blush on Corrin's face as your finger rests upon his nose. If it weren't for your command, he would have probably followed you to the ends of the Earth, and something tells you he just might anyway. He does make a decent show of restraining himself though, staying still as you walk towards the bedroom.

As you cross the threshold a feeling of... Quaintness swarms your senses. A modest queen sized bed sits at the center of the room itself. A small nightstand rests at the right side of the bed, a small writers desk and wooden chair rests against the far right wall, and a decent sized dresser sits on the opposite side. Other than that there is little else within the room itself, save for a few well placed lights. You can nearly hear Corrin waiting on the other side of the threshold.
One hand resting on the doorpost i turn towards him one last time, smiling and telling him "I should be ready in a minute" before I enter the bedroom and pull the door almost shut behind me. A small gap remains, enough so he can her what I say but so narrow that any line of sight to whatever I might be doing is blocked.

Once that arrangement is complete I get to work immediatel. The chair is immediately put to good use as after leaning Grove Cutter against the wall near the bed I immediately begin to pile my clothing neatly folded onto the piece of furniture until I am standing in front of the bed stark naked. Thankfully the dresser yields a decent sized piece of cloth, likely a towel, in any case perfect for what I havein mind. Once I have acquired it I quickly reach out to pull the cover to the side and then lie down onto the revealed bed sheets, resting flat onto my stomach. After a bit of fumbling the towel piece is covering my two firm upturned buttocks and some part of my hip section.

Finally I settle down comfortably, arms draped loosely along my upper body, my right cheek resting on the pillow. I can feel some of the supple roundness of my breasts well out to both sides of my torso as they are squeezed between my chest and the bed. Just a hint, though, enough to excite Corrin but still the bigger part is concealed.

"I am ready, come in" I finally call out.
You hear the sounds of the creaking door as Corrin steps in. Though his face is fully obscured from your field of vision, it is not hard to believe that a thick and heavy smile is playing across his face. You hear a slight popping sound, of what can only be his knuckles. "Well, you don't waste any time at all." He says before chuckling. You hear the distinct sound of flesh rubbing against flesh for a moment, as Corrin inches ever closer.

You hear him take a deep breath for a moment, alomst as if he is being a bit too careful as he rests his knees onto the bed. Then, as if that moment hadn't existed, he lets his bare hands rest on the small of your back. His hands feel surprisingly firm, yet also gentle. You begin to feel his hands rub against the flesh of your back, his hands trailing up towards your shoulders. The palms of his hands kneading any knot that is present in your back. His hands aren't overly skilled, but you can't particularly say that it is bad either. A very decent start in many respects. His hands continue to roam and massage your back for a while, moving to gently rub and stroke your shoulders afterwards.
That feels good. I haven't hat such a treatment in quite a while, and I could not care less about whether he is an amateur or a professional, there is just something genuinely pleasant about a pair of warm hands getnly caressing and kneading my bare flesh.

So I do nothing to disturb him in the least. Instead I just lie there staying silent, except for the occasional satisfied sigh slipping past my slightly parted lips.
Corrin continues to let his hands do all the talking. Taking any sigh you release as a sign of enjoyment. His hands continue to rub, and knead over the flesh of your back and shoulders. For a moment you feel as if his touch reaches all along the full surface of your back. After a few more moments he begins the slow and careful trip towards the outside of your arms, before once again rubbing over your shoulder blades.
I just lie there for several long minutes enjoying his ministrations with half closed eyes. Bartrends remark becomes prominent again, that Corrin would not be a man of action. Or maybe he is just going at it slowly? I will find out, and until then...

"If you want to, you can also pay some attention to my legs."
You hear Corrin laugh a little for a moment, "Oh believe me. I fully intend to, just getting warmed up a bit." He said, the devious smile on his face was more than obvious even for your inability to see it first hand. His hands, dip down. His hands beginning to massage your feet for a few moments, before his attention turns to your ankles. His gentle, and insistant rubbing continues for a few moments longer. Then he slips both hands to each leg, his thicker hands gently beginning to work their way up your outer thighs, every few moments he moves dangerously higher and higher. After another another few moments, he switches his attention to your inner thighs. His hands almost greedily rubbing at your flesh, once again getting dangerously higher and higher.
Even though my eys are almost fully closed at this point I have no problem tracking Corrin's movement by merely following the tactile impressions his hands leave on my skin, and the higher his fingers slip the bigger my anticipation grows. I am quite thrilled and eager to find out just how far he will go, and in my excitement any sort of witty retort eludes me.

Any second now those probind digits will brush against the seam of the improvised towel draped over my two upturned buttocks, and they will be a mere inch away from the sweet spot where my legs meet. How far will Corrin go indeed?
Corrins fingers seem to grow ever more greedy. His consistant, and never ending ministrations against your body seem to drive his motions onward, and there is no indication that he is stopping any time soon. Though something tells him you wouldn't stop him just yet, though stranger things have probably happened before.

Regardless you feel his hands craddle around each of your thighs. Massaging the flesh in full earnest. Though obviously not a man of overt fast action, he seems to be willing to take some risks. After a few more minutes of caressing your upper thighs, his hands gently move up and under that thin towel that forms one of the most flimsiest barriers between you, and begins to rub at your rear end before going back to your thighs once again, the towel coming back down against your skin every time he moves back downwards.
That daring foray brings a bemused smile to my face as his fingers for the first time dig into the two firm and round halves of my rear. It seems we are getting somewhere. To further encourage the man I inform him.

"You can remove that towel if you want, should make it easier to knead my butt."

Makes one wonder why is is customary to have such a cover in first place, quite impractical that thing.
Without evern so much as a second thought, and partially through your statement, you feel the towel slip free from your behind. The open air only had a fleeting second though, as Corrin's hands begin to knead once again. This time without as much physical restraint as he was showing before. His fingers nearly digging wantingly into the flesh of your rear as he takes a fair bit of time to massage you.

Whether by accident, or by grand design, you feel a finger brush over the folds of your pussy lips. The action is brief, but not short to not be obvious. However he seems to wait a moment to get a reaction of some sort, as he goes back to kneading at your rear end and hips again.
My eyelids briefly flutter and my eyebrows raise as I feel the single digit go where it is not supposed to go to ... yet. Not that Corrin should be able to see that from his position behind me. And to keep up the tension I sinmply display no reaction at all, except for a faint smile as my head settles back comfortably ito the cushion.
Corrin continues his consistant hand movements. His hands working over a much larger area of your body. His hands seem as if they traverse a large amount of space in a short period of time: your lower back, your rear, thighs. All of these locations and more seem to be targets of extreme interest to his wanting fingers. As your relaxation continues, you can nearly hear Corrin's breathing increase a bit. Regardless of that fact though, he doesn't seem to let up all that easy as he continues to explore your body.
Apparently his attempt at my nether folds was a one time affair, even though the man seemingly can not get enough of feeling my body with his hands. Is that the end of his courage and does he need an explicit prompt to go further? That can be helped, but let's try something a bit less direct first.

"You are doing this often, Corrin?" I therefore ask "Have a lot of girls who like to be massaged by you?"
"Well, I have done this a few times yes. Though not with a large group in a general sense. Though honestly, as of right now, so long as your enjoying it I am rather happy." He states, continuing to run his hands and fingers over the small of your back. His digits beginning to knead into your flesh just a little more. His hands dip back down to grab at your rear end. "Though you know...I wouldn't mind doing a little bit more."
My head turns and my upper body slightly lifts in an attempt to face Corrin as I issue my reply with a sly grin.

"Oh, do you? What special massage technique do you have in mind?"
"Well, I'm not sure in way of full techniques per se. However, I can only imagine that with those, might I say, quite amazing breasts of yours, you would be carrying a little extra weight that may create a decent amount of tension. If you would like, I can help try to relieve some of that. Or I can continue as is with no complaint from me." His words seemed almost cautious in some way, though as he spoke there was no stopping his hands from roaming over your skin.
"That sounds interesting" I reply immediately and honestly, not shifting my position just yet although I have a certain inkling where this is leading to "I have never heard about such a thing before, though. So what would I have to do?"
"Well, in order to get the full effect you would have to be willing to rest on your back, and face me. I can understand if you aren't comfortable with that though." He says carefully, seeming to attempt to tred the line between ambitious and cautious. "I will start with the front of your shoulders, and work my way towards your neck. Then trail my hands downwards after that. Would that sound like a reasonable course of action? We don't want you to keep too much tension in your body afterall." He finishes with a little grin.
"If you think that will work..."

Whether or not it does, he will get to see and grope my breasts, but then wasn't that what I had been expecting all the time anyways. And finally he has gotten to the point of going for it, fine by me. So with a slight push I turn fully and settle down, my shoulder blades sinking into the mattress as I grin up at Corrin.

My massive breasts are on full display now, forming a nice mound on my chest even now that gravity is trying to flatten then, and the thick nipples are standing proudly upright. If that is not enouhg of a sight for the man, there is also the hairless cleft between my legs that he now can inspect without any visibility obstructions.
Corrin slides back just a bit to make ite asier for you to adjust yourself. He tries his best to hide that almost proud grin on his face considering the fact that you can in fact see him this time around. He rubsh is hands together for a moment, getting back into position. Carefully he places his hands onto your shoulders, carefully using his palms to caress for a few moments. After awhile his hands begin the subtle drift across your upper chest, and he begins slowly neading around the area where your neck and shoulders meet. He takes an almost visible breath of air, and then trails his hands downwards, before bringing them back upwards. His hands touch the underside of each breast, his fingers almost groping at every inch of available skin. Not even an instant later his hands begin to grope at your massive bust, his hands massaging into the skin, grabbing for large handfuls as he maneuvers the mounds around in a circular pattern. "Feeling any less tension yet?" He asks with that familiar grin, as if sure he is getting more pelasure out of this than you are.
The good man apparently is underestimating the pleasure I feel, especially after going dry for about a whole week. His initial touch had send small but enticing jolts through my mammaries, which by now were replaced by a near constant languorous warmth. Just like before it feels nice to have my massive pair groped and fondled. The one thing it does not achieve, not that it matter much, is to lessen any tension, though....

"Actually, not really. Same as before. It still feeels good, though."
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