A Pokemon Journey With A Twist (Lenora (me) & BassEXE)

"Mmm!" Ebony moaned again and then lifted her head away from his cock. "Jake... I'm ready." She said panting from her excitement. "I want you inside me. Fuck me hard master." She turned around and smiled, waiting for his to react.
Jake's eyes widened at the use of the vulgar word. But coming from her lips...it was sexy. He blushed. "S-Show me.."
She smiled and blushed. "Will do master." She lined herself as best as possible and slowly started to push down onto Jake's cock. It was hard and hot as it pushed past her lips.
Ebony slid further down onto the cock until it hit her back wall. It felt amazing. She waited for a minute as she adjusted and then started to thrust slowly.
"That's it Jake. Get into it. Follow your instinct and gut feelings." She thrust into him deeper and kept a constant pace.
"Ahh!" Ebony cried out as she felt her trainer's finger penetrate her ass. "Oh Jake..." She moaned lightly and blushed. She continued to thrust down with swift and brisk movements.
"I'm getting close too Jake. Do it inside." She pumped down onto him with all her might, getting closer and closer.
"Oh master!" Ebony called out loud and came with Jake. It was magical. Just the way she always wanted it to be. Pulling off on her, she laid down at his side and kissed his cheek. "This was a nice surprise wasn't it?"
Ebony kissed him back and smiles. "I'm glad. The other's can do that for you too when ever you want."
Jake blushed. "Really?" He asked.

(I was thinking one of them, like Cynder or Ember, could have a dirty mind and mouth.)
(That would work. I could bring Ember in next.)

"Yeah. You are our trainer... Our master. We want nothing but to please you and keep you happy." Ebony smiled and kissed his cheek, blushing.
Lenora said:
(That would work. I could bring Ember in next.)

"Yeah. You are our trainer... Our master. We want nothing but to please you and keep you happy." Ebony smiled and kissed his cheek, blushing.

Jake blushed and rubbed her ass slowly before drifting off to sleep.

Ebony slowly got up from her sleeping master's side and transformed back into her pokemon state. She curled up next to him and rested.
Jake sighed happily and slept peacefully, having lost his virginity to his most beloved partner.

An hour later, he woke up.
Ebony still slept as Jake awoke next to her. Sugar and Grace were sitting by a tree not too far off. They had gotten back from their adventuring about a half hour ago and were now looking over the stones and items they had found and collected. Off in the distance, Ember and Cynder could be heard. They two had awoken not too long ago and were now practicing their skills and moves with random wild pokemon they had stumbled upon.
Jake smiled and stroked Ebony's back gently. He wondered about the events of an hour ago. How tight and warm her pussy was....
Ebony sighed in her sleep and smiled. Her dreams were of how life could be so open now that their secret was out. Her breathing was steady and relaxed. Her fur warm yet cool from her body heat and the shade of the tree. Ember sighed finishing off a random move she tried out. It didn't go over too well but it wasn't a main move so she didn't worry. Trotting off towards Jake and sleeping Ebony, she had a big smile on her face and wondered what her beloved trainer was up to. Her nine tails were held high and her fur blew in the wind making her beauty glow with each stride.
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