After The War [A Naruto RP (Yuna & Yajirobe's 1x1)]

Sakura nodded slowly. "From .. what I remember even back in the Academy, they could never find one. Even when Shizune helped me do my blood enhancement surgery, she had my file from then." She inwardly cursed, wishing she had bothered to peek at her own information. But it was fair to assume one usually knew everything about oneself. This hadn't only dawned on her until now, the fact she had no chakra type and how many ways it was easily both good and bad. Her knees finally gave in as she fell upon them, her arms still holding herself as a weak smile managed to cross her face. "I just .. feel ... so very disgusted, sick ... like a damn marionette even almost."

Shikamaru and the others were one of the few factors reminding Sakura this wasn't the case just yet. She was forced like a puppet, yes. But far from it. Puppets didn't have minds or souls; she at least had those even if she didn't feel like it always. "Aside from that? Just really, really exhausted; physically and mentally. I suppose I'm not exactly fond of Tsunade's execution or having to retrieve Kabuto either ... though nothing else is immediately coming to mind." Her right hand shakily moved away and unwrapped from around her midsection, moving pink strands out of the way of her Magenkyos and behind an ear.

"I just .. want a damn break. But that's not gonna happen for ... a while." She finally confessed, sighing softly as she let herself fall on her back and rest upon the grass, glancing up at the sky like Shikamaru loved to do so often. Peace ... where had it gone so swiftly? And why, why in the hell had the Elders agreed to let Orochimaru take over? Did they really forget whom exactly he was? Had he forced them? The Sannin had insisted no but ... no sane person would just let this happen. Right? It felt like her and all of Konoha's world had abruptly been flipped upside down and the sensations were less than pleasant.

The steps towards Shikamaru's place seemed brief enough. Then again, Ino had used a good majority of her chakra with all the switching around. Time estimations were likely not as easy for her to determine as usual. Soon enough, she found herself in his place and upon a couch. She sat up to sip the water, setting the files shakily down on a table across from her. The very stoic expression upon her comrade's face suggested he'd gone into his 'thinking mode' and was trying to figure something out. Setting the glass of water down on the table, her head fell against one of the pillows on the couch as she tried to help him.

First thing was first ... and that was to relay the unfortunate facts. Her head shook no slowly as she went onto explain. "Our telepathy and mind control - switching, whichever you want to call it - is specifically known only to the Yamanakas. We don't teach anyone else those. He ... " She bit on her lower lip as a shiver trailed down her back. The blonde didn't want to finish the sentence but damnit, she had to. "He'll likely need me first before that can even be successfully attempted at all. Seiryuu .... isn't that a significant name from myths or something? It rings a bit of a bell, honestly though that may be irrelevant."

Her eyes closed as she rested upon the couch, still quickly thinking. Even without looking at him, Ino could feel his uneasiness and anxieties, especially on making a move. "Make a clone and relay the information to someone else in ANBU would be the best thing that comes to my mind. That way, you wouldn't be leaving but still getting information. But the only person who is or was even in ANBU and still alive are Sai and Kakashi ... unless I'm forgetting someone else who's alive and we can rely upon."

Yeah yeah, Sai was in ROOT but still ... it's close enough, yes? The point would get across, if nothing else. Shikamaru would understand what she meant regardless of how it was or wasn't worded.
Shikamaru nodded as he thought about the dragon in legend, he wondered if there was any connection between that and the person, "perhaps there is, it could reference his style of fighting or his importance, if we knew the other names we might be able to figure it out, for that legend talks of four creatures if my memory serves me correctly," Shikamaru said as he created the clone and looked at the clone for a moment before the clone took off and left.

"I would agree, but Sai has to watch out for Anko, I think it best we send the clone to Kakashi, then he might run into Sakura and inform her on what happens to be going down as well," he said as he rubbed his chin just a bit thinking for a moment, "I wonder if this ghost Uchiha person is using the hideout Akatsuki that are still unknown out there or if he is using Uchiha hide outs, maybe he found a map of them, and got some gear from them, Orochimaru would know where the Ataksuki hide outs are, and he didn't seem to show any movement towards them, so I guess he isn't thinking of that as a possiblity, or he knows it isn't the case."

"We know why he wanted to experiment on you know too, at least we have some answer, and some clues to go alone with the loads of questions that are still in the air," he mused. Something was bugging him, something felt like this group if they were against them, would use the situation more in their favor, which they were not, they were playing a different game he figured, but what was it.

Kakashi listened to his former student letting her get out what she had to say, he hoped that it would help and that it would help be a destresser to some degree. He nodded his head, "that I can understand, but sadly our work is hardly ever done, part of the job, I figure." he said pausing for a moment, "especially when someday you have students to watch out after, but it is something that a teacher takes pride in too," he mused."You are doing well, given the situation, far better then you are giving yourself credit, when this is all over, maybe you can talk the villages into having a big meeting somewhere tropical," he added in as he knew someone had arrived.

"Good," the clone Shikamaru commented as he looked at the pair of them, "I have some information that I need to tell you, Kakashi, and it is good your hear as well," Shikamaru said as he walked up and then took a deep breath. He went about telling the both of them, what he had been up too, what information that he had been able to come across indirectly, the information about the attack and Seiryuu, and the Ghost Uchiha as well as in formation on the mind control jutsu too. He looked at the both of them as he finished giving the information, waiting for a reaction, noticing that Kakashi has a serious look, or what he figured was one on his face.

"Okay, hmm, so that was what I heard this morning, interesting, a new rouge group already formed, one wonders if it is a Madara copycat group wanting to use the name to strike up fear and thus an advantage over any possible enemies," Kakashi mused after hearing the information.

Ino gave a slow nod, glad he'd confirmed her own thoughts. It had sounded very similar to a name regarding a mythical creature and to hear him say just that all but clarified it. Maybe not perfectly but enough to make a head start for themselves. Sitting carefully up, she began going through each of the two files regarding this Seiryuu person. She double, even triple, checked each before her head shook no. "Either the others haven't been found or don't exist. It's all hard to figure out." A still slightly shaking hand laid the files down, her mind trying to think of any and everything but what she'd just finished doing. Still, she couldn't help but wonder just how much time she had left before the Sannin would send others over. By now, would he even want to experiment on her? Or would he just outright kill her for stealing the files?

It was all enough to make her gaze to them, biting on her lower lip for a few moments before glancing over to Shikamaru. "Burn them? Somehow ... get rid of them?" She suggested, hoping to make it even just a bit easier on herself. It was incredibly selfish, she knew. They'd all been taught to face each and every challenge head on, not run from them. But this was no doubt one where Ino wouldn't mind trying to break the rules. Whether it'd succeed or not .. that was a different matter. But if it could be attempted and at least have a chance at saving her life, would it not be worth doing?

Her head throbbed slightly as she massaged it, trying to calm her racing mind and heart. Letting it fall back on the pillow, she began taking steady breaths in and out through her mouth and nose respectively. Don't think about it ... And yet, the task was easier said than done. It made a small smile cross her lips as she managed to go to Sakura. Oi, hope you're having much better luck and less stress than me. You'll likely need it.

The sounds of footsteps made Sakura tense up but as the chakra signature got stronger, she exhaled in relief. "Hey Shik ... " She murmured softly, inwardly cursing at having been found in a weak-looking position so easily. Ah well, better by him than someone else. She gave Kakashi a quick nod to suggest she heard him clearly and understood all that had been said to her. It translated into a simple concept, just not one she enjoyed. He'd said nothing less than the unfortunate truth. The thought of being a teacher made her inwardly chuckle. It was odd but between having children or students, the latter seemed more difficult to her somehow. Besides, with her forte being in medical ninjutsu, it seemed easier to remain at the hospital.

As she gazed up to look at Shikamaru, he'd see the change had finished and even skipped the first step, having gone immediately to the Magenkyos instead. Regardless, the same green hues were no longer there. She frowned upon hearing the name of this supposed ... group? "... Uchiha ghosts?" She'd been ready to ask Kakashi if this was some stupid joke. But if anything, he only proved that it was very real, as apparently their existence had been brought up within ANBU.

" ... So ... this is for real?" She didn't want to be! Damnit, they'd just finished a war against Madara. If these people were anything like him ... it made a shiver trail down her spine. Those who had lived had barely done so. Enough people had been lost in the last war as it was. She didn't want to begin thinking on what very well could and would happen to any and everyone living in Konoha should her thoughts be correct. The knot in her stomach tightened even more. Things truly had seemed to go from bad to worse. They never used to .. not until Orochimaru showed up.

She'd never been so close to genuinely hating someone before. But here Sakura was, ready to give into that exact temptation. Perhaps one of the few things keeping her held back was recalling what it did to Sasuke. Disgust, annoyance, despair, anger ... the emotions all began going through a mental washing machine, going through the spinning and repeating cycles.
"Most likely the others have not been found yet, the odds are, that this group as just been recently found, and it is much larger then we thing, normally groups don't just comprise of one person," he said as he looked at the file, he took the second file and put it on a desk and then took a deep breath as he sat down and focused his mind thinking back to the past, using his skilled mind and great memory to try to recall something he saw from Yamato the time they battled together against Akatasuki together.

"Wood release, wooden crate jutsu," he said as he focused his mind around the basic handseals that seemed to given the wood user control over his jutsu. As soon as it was done a box formed quite quickly, building itself from the ground itself as a average sized create was formed and he put the two sets of folders into it and sealed the box with a seal that his father used for important things and documents that the family was to keep hidden. His father had to read though many important papers from the council meetings, and he had seen how to make that type of seal once or twice.

"This will work, if we had burned them, then if we have to show people, our allies why they are helping us, we can't, this is so, that we can show the world the dangerous that are facing them as well, maybe we can work to bring back some type of alliance again, between us, at some point," he said looking over at Ino, "I have a feeling this threat doesn't only face us, but will face the other villages too, especially if it is anything like last time."

Shikamaru listened to Kakashi's statement as he moved over closer to Sakura, maybe it was out of some unknown desire to be closer to her, or just the need to comfort the pink haired woman, that he had now.He looked at her and smiled, "well at least, you have some skills down, I bet," he said softly, "I also started using the wood release today," he said as he looked at her, he was a wood clone, not a normal shadow clone."

"So he attacked this morning, that would mean that he was trying to get attention, if he just came and attacked and left, which it seems like, then it was to send a message, an announcement of the arrival of a new player on the worlds stage, or that is how I would take it, otherwise they would either of come in force, or attacked in force," Shikamaru mused outloud as he looked at the two of them. "One has to wonder if similar attacks have or haven't happened in the other villages," he added in as he let out a sigh.

"Most likely they have," Kakashi commented as he looked at the file, "I can tell, this has caught Orochimaru off guard, cause normally the snakes has near perfect information on everything. The mind control jutsu, that seems up his alley though. What this means for support from other villages might not be so good though, if they were attacked, they might not want to go and help others while they need to defend themselves," he mused out loud.

An eyebrow lightly raised as Ino watched Shikamaru work on the jutsu. A smile crossed her face as she nodded lightly to him. "Heh, not bad. That's actually pretty good." It made her think back to the useless ice chakra which had been forced into her body. Maybe there could be another use for it? It'd likely involve more medical procedures. But if she broke down the ice ... making it effectively just water and wind chakras, she'd have three types. She could expand on her ninjutsu. It made her grin widen more. That .. actually doesn't sound too bad. Yay, me! But she couldn't do it just yet. She'd already used far too much chakra up as it was. Maybe tomorrow ... assuming she wouldn't be sought after for the unwanted experiments now.

And then another realization dawned on her, one that made Ino's eyes widen as she sat right up. "Son of a bitch, that's it, isn't it?! The additional chakras ... he gave them ... that's why he wants to learn the Mind Control. Obtaining that will get rid of any and all drawbacks from giving us the additional DNA ... " A frustrated groan passed her lips as her blonde locks fell back upon the pillow, her hands covering her face quickly to muffle a not-so-typically heard array of curses pass her lips. She was frustrated, angry. How had she not seen this sooner?! True, it was Shikamaru who was the genius but the motives had all but been spelled out as far as Ino was concerned.

Her hands slowly moved away from her face, shaking as she looked down to them. Was there really no way to stop this? Her eyes went upon the seal that Shikamaru had put upon the crate ... and then back down to herself. " .. If we could make a more selective version of a chakra seal ... maybe ... it could do something. 'Selective' meaning only I can allow my chakra to function when I choose for it to --- or not. Like a mental command of sorts. Otherwise ... forbidding techniques and of the like to be stolen from me. But .... " Her head shook.

"I'm not exactly sure how to go about executing that. Putting an actual seal would spell out what we did. Something more discreet .... as if from a shot, something that can't be directly seen ... " Her sentence trailed off as she looked slowly up to him. He was much better at this fast-thinking than herself. Hopefully he could figure something out, especially with having been given ideas.

Damnit, Shik. You're making this hard. I'm trying to be somewhat subtle here. But none of those showed in her eyes or tone. If anything, she welcomed the approach, albeit it was incredibly difficult to avoid blushing in front of Kakashi. Then again, with all the books he read, this display probably spelled it out for him. If it didn't ... well .... that was his loss. But his intelligence was about on par with Shikamaru's. Kakashi was a difficult man to fool, much like the Nara.

"It's ... a work in progress but I'm getting there." Her arms slowly unwrapped from around her midsection, blinking at the news he'd adjusted to the new chakra so soon. "Oh? Have you? How's it been working for you? No bad side effects I'm guessing since you're here, correct?" It appeared to be the case which made her smile slightly. It was funny how now the simplest things could make her go from the more typical Sakura everyone knew of to more along the lines of a nurse. Having heard about this development, though, had been one. She'd never been able to check that nothing bad hadn't happened from the experiments so this was one way to do just that.

As Kakashi spoke up, his words echoed a few times over in her head.

"I can tell, this has caught Orochimaru off guard .. "

Was that the only reason he hadn't pestered her to do something by now? Well maybe not only but a good one. He likely knew she was trying to work on her eyes and learn any and all possible skills before the next two days arrived. She'd need enough so that when she went to retrieve Kabuto, she'd be at least strong enough to break him out of the ... state he was apparently in. Her mind began heeding the words from both Kakashi and Shikamaru as her voice lowered slightly.

"Sai .. maybe when he headed out, he noticed something from Suna? It ... could also possibly be the reason the others haven't yet returned .. if something within Kumo is going on ... " They had at least one source available to ask about this; Sai himself. But she had wondered especially on Konohamaru's team and why they seemed to be taking longer than usual. Even at a young age, they'd shown to be able to handle themselves rather well. And yet they were suddenly .. slowed? Not much more made sense. Though she hadn't known Shikamaru's mom as a kunoichi, she doubted the woman took her time when a task such as this was given to her. It'd seem silly ... something like this needed to be done faster than usual.

But with a proper incentive, she'd be forced to slow a bit, yes? Hopefully they were all at least fine otherwise.
Shikamaru listened to Ino and she made some really good points, he sat there, and took the stance, that he was known to use when he was thinking hard on a problem or issue that was in front of himself. How to limit one persons abilities, to seal them away so that only they could use them. He thought on this hard, it wasn't something that was easy at all. It was to a large degree medical in nature, the seal that would have to be done.

Shikamaru thought about others whom had seals, on themselves, there was the seals that Orochimaru had used on people to given them new powers, and a bit of his dna, and then their were the tailed beast seals. He blinked as he thought about that, remembering that the tailed beast in Naruto hadn't been a complete seal and was able to keep the demon chakra outside of his own, for a long time.

"Maybe, it might be possible to do a specialized seal, almost like one that Naruto had but instead of withholding the nine tails chakra, it would without your kekkai genkai," he mused outloud as he thought on the issue more, "such a seal will be hard, and I am sure has never been tried before, but if we can do it, it would have the impact of what you were talking about," he said as he looked over at her, "Maybe it would work on Sakura and myself as well, it could limit the new DNA and enable ot to accessed only when it was needed, a kind of control over these new powers so they don't become overwhelming to us," he mused, "but I think Sakura and Shizune would be the only ones to have even a clue how to do this."

Shikamaru knew the possibility that the others were under attack, it was not something he liked to think about, but he had sent his mother to find Team Ebisu for a reason, and he had faith in Naruto 2.0 aka Konohamaru to be able to watch out for the group with Ebisu's help. He knew the young man would make a flashy entrance when he returned, with support if he did, it was just to much in his style not to do so. He knew that the young man was just like how Naruto had been when he was that age. It was one of the things which gave him some degree of hope for the future.

"Well, we can't help them, or any of the other village till we figure a way to deal with Orochimaru, he is our first problem, after that, it doesn't look like things are going to get any easier, in fact, I have a feeling that this might be the far easier of our problems that we have to deal with," he said letting out a soft sigh as he thought over all the problems that were facing them at that moment, it could be overwhelming. "Still talking to Sai, is a good idea, I will meet you there, the real me," he said with a nod of his head before turning to Kakashi, "Kakashi sensei, please keep a look out of anything strange, any notes on anyone going by Suzaku, Byakko, and Genbu, they might be related to this new issue we have on our hands."

Kakashi had nodded his head, he had noted how the two were acting around each other, and though it was so tempting to make light of it, in some way, this sadly wasn't the time to do so, he would remember to do so in some future moment when things were less tense.

Shikamaru's clone then turned into a piece of wood sending all the information it had learned to the real Shikamaru whom looked at Ino, "I am heading to meet Sai, if your up for you, you can come with me, if not I will tell you what I find someway as soon as possible," he said as he looked at his old friend before turning to head out to meet up with Sakura.

"Shizune's our best bet. Sakura has her hands full as it is. Besides, asking her to do the procedure would be pushing our luck ... and simultaneously raising even more suspicion around her. If worst comes to worst, she can lie and say we had delayed side effects on our files .. something of the like. I would have a clone do it myself .. but we're both likely to be unconscious during the process. Once that happens, my clone will vanish and it won't get finished up." Just the possibility of it being able to be done was honestly a good thing to hear. Any start was much better than none.

Her head shook no as she remained on the couch. "I don't know if I could easily get up. More than that, I probably need to regain a bit more chakra and composure. Once I get both, I can see about trying to get a hold of Shizune and speaking to her on the seal." She thought her own words over, nodding after a moment. It was a sound plan. The last thing anyone in Konohagakure would need was to all be turned into mindless puppets. If used incorrectly - which in the case of Orochimaru, was very likely - would be the end result.

A light nod left Sakura's head. "I'll be there as soon as possible." It was a risky course of action. Like Kakashi had said, Orochimaru was distracted at worst. But there was no guarantee he wouldn't ask for a favor from her. And if he traced her to Sai's place - let alone with an alive Anko - yeah that wouldn't go well for her at all. Her gaze shifted over to Kakashi, waiting for Shikamaru to have left first before speaking up once again. "Was there anything else you wanted to discuss with me before I head off for a bit?" She asked, getting up to her feet but not yet heading out.

The past days had passed and though they'd gone smoothly enough, it was ... incredibly annoying for the Special Jounin to force herself to remain inside. But Sai had updated her on everything and thus she knew why it would or wouldn't be smart to step foot out. Of all things she was doing at the moment, Anko was - amazingly - posing for Sai. It wasn't anything too risque but it was ... interesting. She'd only agreed probably because of the fact she could remain decent in front of the former ROOT member. Well, not only but it was a good reason for sure. Both her hands were over her right knee, which was crossed over her leg.

The typical attire for Anko was in the midst of being washed and with few alternatives, she was forcing herself to maintain clothed via the Henge no Jutsu technique. By a first glance, she appeared the same. In reality, though, she was completely nude. Thankfully, she could have immensely good concentration when it was needed, like now. Her voice was calm but still very much hinting she was beginning to get slightly weary of waiting so long. "So? How's it coming along?" She asked.

"Almost. Really, I mean it this time." He added, continuing to make careful, delicate strokes with his sketching pencil. His eyes always went and used peripheral vision every now and again, a habit he'd had suggested to him from Danzo. It was better to be somewhat paranoid than not at all and now was definitely one of those times. Konoha had been thrust into it's own version of Hell ... and the only people he knew for sure he could trust were the familiar faces. Or, in Anko's case, those he knew to be affiliated and devoted to Konoha. Otherwise, he was cautious on speaking to any other person.

A light hum passed the artist's lips as he continued to work, finishing and handing the pad over. "See? Decent as promised."

A smile of approval crossed Anko's lips as she nodded. "You're right, it is. I ... I'm sorry I just ... " She sighed softly. It was so odd, being so close and yet so far from her former mentor. The only thing that had kept her safe was a chakra seal she'd forced herself to wear over the past days, hiding her chakra signature away from him.

A nod left Sai's head as he held a hand up. "No need to add more. I ... think I understand. It'd be odd if Danzo-san did the same thing to me and came back into my life." He began to get up to his feet but Anko beat him, shaking her head gently to him.

"I can get something made. Besides, I'm not meant to be seen .. not by any unfriendly faces. This way, you can keep your eyes open for others who may be showing up." Not allowing for any arguing, she took confident and fast steps into the kitchen, wasting little more time in beginning to cook. Soon, the aroma of food could be detected as it lingered in the air.
Kakashi looked at his former student as she asked him the question, and paused for a moment as he thought about it. There was such a large degree of her life that was connect to his own life, she was his student one of the more important things in his life, and he was always proud of each of his students as their teacher.He shook his head as he looked at her, "no, your a grown woman, you can make your own choose when it comes together, just remember to see what you do though the end, and that it is better to be a ninja whom doesn't follow the rules then one whom abandons their friend, which I am sure you already know both of those things already," he said calmly, "then go ahead, I will be working to see what I can do on my end of things dealing our issues."

Shikamaru nodded his head as he agreed with her, they were putting to much on Sakura's plate, and they had to know it wasn't good for the young woman to deal with so many things, plus her connections made it more likely they would be found out then if she had no connect to the things going on sometimes. He nodded at her statement, "Well then, get some rest, and do what you need to, I will see you later, or we will communicate in someway," he said before walking out the door giving Ino a wave of his hand before heading to where he knew Sai and Anko happened to be.

Shikamaru walked to the door and looked around for a moment before he knocked and waited for a reply by the pale former root shinobi. He figured that now Anko would be up and about and would be able perhaps to given them another prospective on things, which could hurt given the fact that in general they needed all the help they could get at that time. He figured the more input the better output as it were. He looked around as we wanted to see if Sakura was nearby as well.
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