After The War [A Naruto RP (Yuna & Yajirobe's 1x1)]

Ino stayed silent the entire time Shikamaru spoke. It was brief but not so much the message didn't get put out to all within Konoha. She gave her comrade a soft smile, as if to silently say she was proud of him and knew her dad was as well. They may be about to follow in their father's footsteps soon ... with the same result being a huge possibility. It terrified Ino definitely. But at the same time, she would have no regrets. If it could even begin to make some progress ... that would be a good start. Sakura had already been experimented upon once. She didn't want to begin to think of how long this may be able to go on if Orochimaru remained in power.

Only when Shikamaru was done did her hand slowly leave his forehead. There was no doubt one of the most serious expressions within her blue eyes that he would note as she looked right into his. "Where do you want me to be when this all begins? Just say it ... and I'll be prepared." She reassured, swallowing softly after. Even with the continued strong front before the Nara, it wouldn't begin to make her feelings completely fade away. Any sane person would be even slightly, if not very, scared of what was about to happen. It was just human instinct. Her eyes couldn't help but go more towards the hospital. She paused before adding softly, "... Is ... Sakura there by chance?"
Snakes slipped into the hospital, Orochimaru knew just where Sakura would be, and what she was going to be going though. He figured that it would be the most logical place for her to be, and as he walked in, he found her asleep bye herself. He walked up and looked at the young woman, and activated a genjutsu he had put on her, to gather the information that had happened while she was under his experiments. He smirked as he saw the kiss and heard the words that had been said, he sat down and waited for the young woman to wake up. He had noticed the aid to the former hokage was asleep too, which meant an operation, which meant that the odds his experiment worked were going to be high, he felt good to know that, to know that he had gotten help from a unlikely place.

He gave her a simple charge of chakra in her foot, to act as a shocking agent to wake up the young woman. She wouldn't be in any condition to go against him, but there were people in the village whom would be dangerous to go against, this young Nara seemed like he could be one of these people, and he knew that the Nara had feelings for this woman, and this woman had feelings back for her as well.He knew where the Nara was as well, he knew that she was with the one of his former teammates, he figured he would have to do something about the trouble, but he would have to do something quite and keeping things in order.

He had a plan, it was simple, use Sakura to keep the village in line, and also give out a punishment to show the village that he couldn't and shouldn't be messed with. He couldn't give that punishment out to the Nara, that would embolden the young woman, to challenge him, a dangerous thing with her gathering new unknown powers, how he would go about that, he wasn't sure of yet, but he would think of something good in time. He looked at the young woman as she stirred, knowing that she would wake up soon, and knowing that she was now his key to control, that the the relationship she had created a key to keeping possible trouble makers in check in his new village.

Even before the chakra went to her foot, Sakura began to stir. She didn't understand why but her mind was all but screaming for her to wake up. And she soon easily heard the argument on being weary still, that she didn't want to just yet. Multiple inward curses and scoffs were heard in her mind as she kept trying to convince herself. The chakra in her foot finally did it, a low groan mingled in with a whimper. Her body stayed still for a bit, as if she were trying to block it out perhaps. Finally though, her arms moved from her sides and rubbed her eyes gently, getting the sleep out of them. "... What?" She murmured, clearly annoyed that she hadn't gotten nearly as much rest as she should have. Especially after the procedure she'd endured.

Her tone quickly changed as her still green eyes looked up to the amber ones beside her, her heart stopping for a few seconds. "Oh .... sorry. I just ... didn't expect to be needed again so soon." It was a true enough statement though more than not being sought out by the Sannin, she hadn't expected to be forced from her slumber. Ah well, that didn't matter now, she knew. Slowly pushing herself up to a sitting position, her heart quickened more. She didn't want to ask ... but the medical kunoichi knew that hadn't just been done for a cruel joke. No, he had an actual motive behind waking her up so abruptly. And despite not wanting to know, she'd find out regardless of whether she asked or not.

"... Yes?" She asked softly. "What is it?" Dear gods, she'd never hated speaking so much like now. Sakura would give anything to avoid asking such questions. They were making her more anxious than they should be, more afraid. All she could hope for was that sooner rather than later, Sai would return. Yes, she'd sent him out on one hell of a trip but any assistance he would end up getting was so badly needed. Her eyes wanted to go towards the window, as if hoping to feel his chakra signature but they remained firmly upon the Sannin's, refusing to move away.
Orochimaru looked at the young pink haired woman who was in the bed. She had no idea what you discovered and what he knew about her that she didn't want him to know at all. "It seems that someone is the village is causing a lot of trouble recently, I had to order a lockdown of the entire village," he said as he stood up and walked over to the window looking out it calmly. His tone was calm too, far to calm for the given situation that he just explained to Sakura.

"When I did the operation I need a picture you under one of my special jutsu. This jutsu allows me to see every single thing you gave done when I choose to look. It seems you have a new boyfriend in your life. The very one who started all the trouble they cost a lot everything down. So, should I behead him in the square tomorrow," he said pausing as he looked over at her with a smirk on his face. He wanted her to squirm at this knowledge.

He turned and looked back at the young woman,"Well now I don't have to actually do the punishment, it will require you to be more loyal to me. If you do everything I ask you to do, I won't kill him, or have my men kill him in front of you. Everything, I want you to ask how high if I tell you to jump,@ he mused knowing he had something big on her now. "Now I am sure you are improving and the experiment is successful. Now we can make these more...widespread."

"Of course tomorrow there will be a punishment handed down you can try to over throw me and not expect a demonstration in public. Don't worry it isn't you punished tomorrow," he said with a smirk,"you are to important for such a public thing to happen to you but you will be there to do what I tell you understand?" He commented as he came up with an idea in his mind as he grinned at Sakura.

Lockdown? Trouble? Dear gods, how long had she been out? It hadn't been long in actuality, but it felt much more. And then, as if the Sannin had slapped her, it dawned on the pink-haired kunoichi. He'd found out about Shikamaru's plan. Her heart sunk as panic swept over her. Her gaze slowly followed Orochimaru as he walked to the window and as he went on to talk, she felt sick once again. Not only had he found out of Shikamaru's plan but of them! Her mouth opened to explain, speak up, do something ... but nothing was even beginning to come to her mind.

Only when the thread of public execution was brought up did she finally seem to find her voice once again. "No! Wait .. don't." Any attempt at trying to convince him all he'd seen was false had gone out that window; literally and metaphorically. "Leave him be, please." Her body tensed and she could hear herself screaming at the next reply that would leave her lips. But it didn't make her regret them or change her mind.

"Let me take his stead, please. I should have stopped him when he visited anyways." In truth, she had no idea if there would be any damn way to endure more punishment. But hell if she wouldn't try to keep Shikamaru safe. He'd likely scold her for this ... but that was fine. Right now, the mere thoughts of him being wounded or killed were worse than anything he could begin to say. "I will be able to endure it. Please. You've already seen so far I'm not just saying words for the hell of it. I can back them up. But please, let the others be. I'll take their stead .... "

She wasn't denying her loyalty to him .. but all the same, Sakura wanted to see if any form of negotiation was possible. Compared to being forced to watch and comply with an act - one likely against Shikamaru - she'd rather be the example, not see it. Her body lightly shuddered as she kept contact with the amber eyes, repeatedly sending up prayers to some ... god that might be watching. But if he wouldn't accept this ... no. She didn't want to think about that.

He would agree ... wouldn't he? Gods she hoped so.
Orichinaru's eyes focused on Sakura as he heard her statements. Your surprise that he admitted to the fax so openly that he expected for her to keep it secret and deny everything as long as possible. Found most interesting that she was going to take his possible punishment without knowing if he was Going to be the one punished or not. He wondered just how strong these feelings were and how much he could use them against her.

"I am not going to punish you," he said coldly,"You are far too important for my plans and in the plans of the future of this village for me to harm you. I will also not punish him, if you do everything I tell you to do. If you don't I will," he said as he walked over and looked at the chart on the desk. "You and Shizune will be the ones to apply the DNA markers from now on. I need to make sure as many of my future warriors live. You will gather the people I tell you together and bring them to me when I tell you to bring them to me. If you do not do this you're boyfriend will suffer something far worse than death."

He have her a somewhat naturally creepy look like he was so good at giving out. "Now why you're laying there just suggest you agree to this or I will change my mind if you don't and all your friends will be dead before the sun rises in the morning," he added in as he walked to the door and stopped at the door and turned."It is your choose now and what will it be," he asked calmly as he waited for her reply.

Her hands slid under the sheets as Sakura clenched her fists. To say she was infuriated he hadn't accepted was an understatement. Even if only a bit of relief, there was still some to hear that Shikamaru wouldn't be the one enduring the punishment. But then ... whom? Her head bowed as she glanced down. Never once did she believe anyone could make her go on such an emotional rollercoaster ride of sorts. Even Sasuke hadn't made her feel anything like this; and he'd actually nearly killed her once. A low sigh passed her lips and finally, she gave an affirmative nod.

"No ... no need to kill anyone. I'll .... do whatever you want from me tomorrow." As her eyes went back to glance at the amber ones, they snuck a glance at a nearby mirror in front of her. They were still green ... for now. But how much longer would that last even? Swallowing softly, Sakura found the ability to muster up enough courage to speak again. "Please ... I really am tired. May I get more rest again, especially to be able to focus on whatever you want from me?"

Her stomach twisted and tied itself in knots, making her wince lightly. She hated herself by this point. How could Shikamaru even begin to deal with her? Hell, how could anyone in Konoha look at her without glaring angrily at her? Kakashi ... he'd say something along the lines of being disappointed, having believed he taught her so much better. Or so she was certain, though she wouldn't blame her sensei. He'd be right; he had done all of that. But she'd become so weak, so vulnerable somehow. Sai ... when he returned ... what would he say?

Her fists remained under the sheets as she awaited consent, knowing he'd gotten the reply he wanted. Maybe she could wake up and find out this had been a horrible genjutsu or nightmare of some sort? It'd be a hell of a miracle, but one she wouldn't mind waking up to.
Orochimaru knew who was the best example to punish. It wasn't younger group of shinobi, that wouldn't show very much that he had power. No… Start at least one big you someone who would draw attention of all the villagers and maybe the other villages. It was easy to pick this target out for she was weak already. His target wasn't someone normal but what's the former leader of the village Tsunade.

Tsunade was an extremely easy target go after. She was down depressed and she had lost her way. Yet, she still very much was a symbol of things before the war. And everyone would know what he done when he had punished her. He sent his loyal guard that morning to find where she happened to be. Finding her wasn't that hard actually. When he had found her, he send his ex-teammate to the center of town to the stocks. He placed her in the stocks publicly without any clothes as anyone could see the weak former leader of the village in all her glory.

The villagers gathered slowly at the Center of town. There were guards everywhere as they gathered keeping an eye on everything prepared to take down anyone. Shikamaru was with them he was shocked when he was found out so fast and locked in with Ino, his plan having failed. He looked on as he was forced to gather with the others. He had a horrible feeling about this and what was going down. He had a feeling some was wrong and couldn't be changed easily.

He watched hoping Sakura was alright not able to see her as he looked around at the crowd around himself.

Otpchimaru sent a summons for her to come to the gathering spot as he wanted to see the consequences if going against him as seen used o. Her own mentor.

While Sakura had the ability to do so, she embraced and took the chance to get as much rest as possible. If one could begin to call it that, of course. The poor kunoichi had practically cried herself to sleep, terrified and disgusted at herself. Her mood only got worse when she woke up and found this was still all very much real, a low whimper passing her lips as her head shook no slowly. "No ... why?!" She murmured, shivering as she held herself. Shakily, she pushed herself out of bed and glanced into the mirror, covering her orbs quickly.

They weren't fully done changing .... but more like half and half. But there was definitely hints of onyx, the suggestion that the experiment had indeed worked. At rate it was going, she had by tomorrow or the day after. Another whimper passed her lips and as Sakura caught sight of the summon, she damn well jumped. Upon following the summon, she soon found herself in the square of Konoha, a place she hadn't been at in years. And of course, the damn thing led her beside Orochimaru. Her steps were so very reluctant ... but she forced herself to comply silently.

No sooner than she went through with it did her gaze lower. Not only from shame but she didn't want anyone seeing what was going on with her eyes. All who hadn't known what she'd been forced to do, that she was helping and allowing so much of Orochimaru's plans to work out ... it would all now be revealed. Kakashi, any other friends of hers ... they now knew. Her fists wanted to clench but they didn't. Instead she quickly held them behind her back tightly, still keeping her eyes down. She'd give anything to hide, die, run... in fact, it almost felt like she was indeed the one being shown off as an example.

But .... that was the odd thing. She didn't note anyone for that just yet so ... whom? She managed to lock onto Shikamaru's signature in the crowd even without glancing at him and felt both amazed but simultaneously glad. Orochimaru didn't seem like the type to keep promises. Maybe he did, but he just had a warped sense of justice and such? Probably.

So ...if Shikamaru's here then ... ??
Orochimaru notced that the pink haired woman was in the group."Well my new little psychic is made it here isn't this great," he said loud enough so that everyone could hear her statement even the mostly out of it naked former hokage who was stuck in the stockade with her eyes glazed over from perhaps drugs to her system. "I am sure you know who this failure is don't you my little agent," he said as he motioned his hand to her teacher.

Orochimaru walked up behind Tsunade and slapped her butt hard. He smirked as he pointed to a table with various things. "Minion get me the large vibrator, and apply it correctly to the prisoner," he said with a smirk on his face as he looked at her. She was being punished just not in the way she had expected that she would most likely.

He looked around his key people were in the crowd they would spread word on things cause rumors on things to spread. Control the news, the rumors and controlling the people could be so much easier then.

Shikamaru was so angry as he watched the scene unfold. As he did he heard horrible false rumors to what the former homage really was up to while she abandoned her people and they were horrible and so untrue. He looked at Sakura, he had been told if he did anything again she would suffer horribly. He couldn't have that happen. He couldn't let her be harmed more. Yet from what he had been told, her life might even be in danger. He had to find away to help without being noticed. Yet, for now there was nothing that could be done at all.

He hated himself for not being able to help.For all of those great mental skills that he had, he had nothing and Sakura was suffering and that bothered him more then anything else. He sighed softly as hated himself for failing in his attempt to win back the village.

The sound of Orochimaru's voice reluctantly made her turn to face him, her eyes soon finding Tsunade. A trembling hand covered her mouth to muffle a shocked gasp. She'd never been forced to see her own mentor in a state like this before. The Sannin had definitely done his homework, indeed. She was being pushed. Even being asked to have whipped or physically harmed Tsunade would have been much more merciful. This ... she didn't know if she could. Even with the threat of death towards others, this was too much. Her body stayed still as she swallowed, wanting nothing more than to be able to vanish.

Shikamaru wasn't the only one infuriated. Beside him was an angry and terrified Ino; not just for Sakura but at the sight and task being forced upon her. A simple command would soon echo in his ears and he would definitely be able to comprehend what it meant easily enough. "Be ready to catch me. She's going to get herself killed standing there like an idiot."

Hopefully this would be able to merely pass off as her fainting. She waited for Orochimaru's attention to be away from the crowd before making the 'seal', a circle created by her hands as it went over Sakura's body. "Shintenshin no Jutsu .... " She murmured weakly, her body collapsing forward.

Sakura gasped as she felt an all-too familiar sensation; just not one that had been sensed in years. Since the Chuunin Exams to be more precise.

I...Ino?! What ... what are you ... ??

Saving you, duh. You have to, you know that ...

Soon, Sakura felt her hand grasp the handle of the vibrator as she moved behind Tsunade. Although even Ino wished she could make Sakura shut her eyes, that wouldn't do any good. She needed, unfortunately, her sight to complete this task. As she made Sakura guide the toy inside Tsunade, she'd hear her speak again.

Think of it this way .... I'm the one making your hands dirty, per se. This isn't you doing it .. not in actuality of a sense. Oi ... your eyes. What ....

Later ... I ... don't want to .... think or talk of it ...

It almost felt inhumanly possible to even cry as much as Sakura had in the past several days. But she could feel the urge to do so, even with Ino guiding and controlling her. By now, the pink-haired kunoichi had no idea what was the worst; doing the act in front of everyone or risking having Orochimaru figure out she wouldn't have been able to do this without Ino's assistance. It made her tremble but for once, she didn't try to force Ino to leave. The second she did ... it'd only get worse.

She'd just have to wait, continue to comply until he allowed her to stop.
Orochimaru knew he had won a great victory over this woman she would remember it for a long time. "That is enough minion," he said as tsunade started to get wet from the effects of the toy, which would only demean her memory and justify to some the rumors about her being nothing but a slut whom had used the village for her personal advantage and to get cash as legit.

As shikamaru held ino he figured this out too. Something was also being used to keep Sakura from acting out too. He had a bad feeling it was something really bad if this was going on. He had to think of something a way out of this nightmare. He looked at ino and felt bad for her having to act in the way she had too. He looked on in shock as he heard the next comments by the snake.

"Three days from now, the hag will stoned to death. Till then she is free game for anyone wanting to enjoy these curves," he announced to the crowd as he looked at Sakura. "Now come with me our work for today is just getting started. Much more important things to do at the lab."

Shikamaru felt the eyes of guards on him as he looked to see them with threatening looks."come along now. Bring the woman too, The Lord needs you both in his layer now," he commented as he left shikamaru little choose as he followed the large guards still holding Ino in his arms.

To Sakura, she felt as if time had slowed. Then again, this was the Sannin. He likely had such a capability and thus she wouldn't put it past him that somehow, he'd done this to further torment her. Finally though, he allowed her to stop. Her hand eagerly let go, both from her own whims and Ino's internal command. The next part was too much ... and finally she did break down. Even after complying with the act, Tsunade was going to die. Her legs trembled and were it not for the command of Sakura being asked to follow him to the lab, she'd fall on her knees then and there.

Not yet, Sakura.

How?! How can you be so calm?! You and Shik both ...

There was a pause before Ino gently replied. That's but an act. Neither of us are. Simultaneously, allowing ourselves to panic then and there, in the view of him ... what good will it do either of us? None; if anything, that's what he wants. I'm not saying by any means this is easy ... far from it. Even I don't know if I could have immediately obeyed that order myself. But damnit, don't just toss your life away. We've lost enough as it is ....

But we're going to lose Tsunade in three days!

An inward sigh echoed in Sakura's head. Ino could definitely see her view and why this all seemed so helpless. Still, she hadn't made Sakura cease moving behind Orochimaru; if anything, she made damn well certain to avoid falling too far behind. Another pause and finally, Ino replied once again. Look ... just keep hanging on. No one's against you despite how everything is going. No one in their sane mind would have agreed to be Kabuto's replacement without some coercion. Shik told me your alternative choices. I appreciate that, by the way; thinking of me and Hinata's sanity. No matter what happens, me and Shikamaru will be there for you. The latter at least if not myself. But don't allow yourself to fall completely in despair, okay?

... Alright. Thank you. I ... I think I'm fine for now.

And that was all Ino needed to hear. As her eyes opened and she returned to her own body, a low groan passed her lips. Though the technique was simple to execute, it always took a lot out of her. After a few blinks, she noted herself still in Shikamaru's arms but heading ... with ... Sakura? Wait ... what was going on? Despite all she'd just told Sakura, Ino couldn't help but feel herself panic slightly herself. It didn't show in the blue eyes ... but the quickening of her pulse was an easy enough sign. And with her so close to Shikamaru, he'd know without her having to say anything aloud.

As Sakura walked into the lab, a shiver couldn't help but trail down her spine. She hated this place, with a passion. But she'd just finished making a promise to Ino --- and technically Shikamaru also at the same time. She wouldn't break it, even if she herself would be broken. Wiping the tears away from her half and half eyes, she exhaled deeply, sitting upon a table as she glanced slowly up to the Sannin. "... Yes?" She inquired softly, allowing him to see for himself the changes that were steadily proving the experiment had worked. Or was making progress in doing it's job at least.
Shikamaru could but help notice that Ino was nervous. Because interface that he known her long enough to be able to pick up when she was nervous and he could tell she was at this moment. He could feel her heart beating fast as he held her so close to himself as they walked to the nightmarish place that they were being lead too. He was nervous too, he had no clue what was going to happen in this horrid place but it couldn't be good.

"Sakura, was injected with someone else's DNA. See happen to be injected with the DNA of an uchia clan member," he told ino. He knew ino would be able to put the rest of it together as what was happening to her friend. Something else greatly worried young man, the sharifian reached its final limits by killing the one most important to you. Was that why tsunade was going to die to cause the change. If that was the case it meant ino was in danger if it failed, she and Sakura had such a long history together.

As he walk into the place he couldn't help but notice the smell. It was horrible something unreel the sciences Smouse they just were nasty. As he was stunned one of the guards slipped up on him and gave home a shot causing him to black out before grabbing Ino from his arms and giving her a shot to knock her out too.

At the same time orochimaru was leading Sakura around as they looked at various charts. "However give you a little bit a test here to see if you're really worthy of being my assistant," he said with a grin on his lips as he looked at her."I am sure that you want to do your very best in this situation, causes a failure causes lot of issues for you. As well as the two you will be adjusting."

He lead her two a room, Ino and Shikamaru were out cold on tables as they were under medications. "Now for the test, you are to mix the blonde's DNA with that of the yuri clan giving her some nice ice abilities which should be interesting. The boy, well I think some work at creating another artificial senju will work with him. With you skills you should be able to handle this easily," he said with a smirk.

"If you don't think you can handle it I'll do it Balastrol very good at this and you know the outcome may not be so good," he said as he knew this had to be very hard for her but that made it all the more fun for him.

So .. her eyes were slowly becoming Sharingans? Ino's teeth found her lower lip. "This isn't fucking right .. " She murmured. Normally, the flower shop owner didn't bother resorting to cursing, but this all was truly getting out of hand. Her eyes widened and before she could warn Shikamaru on the guard behind him, she watched him slip into unconsciousness, falling on her ass in the process. " .. Oi! What are you -- ??" That was as far as she got before she followed suit, a low gasp barely passing her lips before she lost her consciousness fully.

Sakura quickly glanced up. Had she just heard Ino's voice? She almost swore the answer had been yes. But what really made her feel worse was picking up on Shikamaru's chakra signature. Her head shook no in disbelief. He's not here ... is he?! But after a few minutes of being guided from room to room, she found herself glancing at an unconscious Ino and Shikamaru. Her body shook more as she stared down, switching between her new lover and best friend before finally to herself. Swallowing softly, her head shook no slowly.

"..N-no. I can do it. But ... I'm going to need time and the respective DNA samples you want me to add in ... along with doing a test upon myself." They would at least be unconscious for this; a luxury she hadn't had. But the same procedure that Shizune had given her yesterday would have to be given to both in order for them to have a chance. In the midst of the procedure being completed on Sakura, she now had created a fifth blood type. AB and O combined somehow, allowing her to get and give blood cells.

She'd at least need to give the AB portions to them both. But .. did either of them already have that? "... If possible, I also need to see their files for the blood types. If either already have AB, I don't need to go through with the idea in my mind for them. They can .. can just be given the new DNA with no real issue." None involving blood complications, at least. And sometimes, those were the worst and most severe types of things that could go wrong in any medical experiment and procedure.

Now hopefully he'd allow all of this. After all, Kabuto had likely had to do all of this before when he used to serve. Why shouldn't she be given all the same ..... privileges? That was one of the better words she could think of even in the grim situation.
The files are handed over right away as he had them set aside knowing what he was going to do the day before. He was not surprised she wanted the files or that she was going to do the action either. He knew this would be interesting and helpful, so helpful for his future plans for his village.

Orochimaru handed the information on the people whom the samples came from too. He wanted this to work as well as use it as a way to keep Sakura in line as well. " Do this, you may use whatever things you need for the operation, their lives are in your hands and you may die whatever you need to create two more successful experiments."

He walked over to the guards and talked to them in private as he then turned and looked at Sakura."I will leave this to you, I have a village to run and will be in the hokage's office working. You may come find me when you are finished her or just remain with these two experiments if you want. The guards will give you anything you need within reason."

He turned and walked out of the door heading to his new office.

A sigh of relief passed Sakura's lips ... but only when the Sannin had left. Before he was out of sight, she'd give him a quick bow of her head. Her hands were shaking so fast and hard that it took nothing but willpower to keep from dropping the files. Shakily going to their vital statistics and information, she saw Shikamaru already had AB. Ino though ... she would need to do the surgery upon her to make this work. And that single factor made her want to get Ino's done and over with first. Hers would take longer, much more than Shikamaru's.

Her head shook as she glanced between the two one last time, standing beside Ino. "I'm so sorry you two ... " She murmured, letting her hands rest gently upon Ino's chest. After a deep exhale, she began focusing her chakra the same way Shizune had yesterday with herself. Hopefully whatever medicine had knocked them out would keep her asleep during this. It'd be bad enough she'd be sore when it was all done; she didn't want her to be conscious like Shizune had made her.

And if Sakura had the opportunity, she would have gladly begged to be put under. It'd hurt like a motherfucker, every damn second of it.

As she finished, Sakura first checked to ensure Ino's pulse was there. Weak ... but existing. "Thank gods ... " She murmured, turning to the table and grabbing two small vials and two different scalpels. Sharing the same needles wouldn't be a good idea, after all, and there were reasons it was never done in medical practice. Dragging the tool across her finger, she let her blood fall in first, enough to be able to compare Ino's. Slipping the top upon her vial, she repeated the same procedure with Ino, giving each of their index fingers an easy healing.

Setting the two vials side by side, Sakura then glanced into the glass containers carefully, nodding slowly. The colors were the same .. the surgery had worked. Good, that had been the most difficult part. Her eyes scanned Ino's file again .. .and quickly frowned as she grasped the syringe for the Yuki DNA.

" ... Baka, this is impossible ... " She murmured, her head bowing. Ice needed at least Water or Wind chakra, preferably both, to make it begin to work. Ino's ... was Earth. In a way though, she supposed this might be good. All she'd have to do was pull out of the procedure and Orochimaru couldn't use her for his own means. Moving strands of blonde hair away, she softly spoke to her rival and friend, not minding or caring she was still unconscious for now. "You better not die on me. Wake up from this ... got it?"

Sakura had to practically force her hand to remain steady as she injected her, bandaging the wound quickly up as the last drops finished entering her system. Her eyes closed as she gave herself a small mental break. And somewhere in between thoughts, a new one came to her. In the end, wasn't all this DNA testing merely helping them out more than anything? Assuming, of course, it all worked. Still though, she used herself as an example. Soon, the Sharingans would be finished and if the Uzumaki DNA had already mixed in as well, it meant a longer life for her. Those two combined made her a good ten times stronger than what she'd been before. With all this power ... wasn't Orochimaru merely setting himself up to wind up being defeated?

Though that was what it seemed like, she knew he never did things without reason. Well ... at least Ino would remain safe, hopefully. She'd be exempt from being used by the Sannin.

Slowly, she moved beside Shikamaru. A trembling hand rested upon his cheek as she glanced down. Leaning down, she snuck a soft kiss upon his lips before moving quietly to his file to check on his own chakra type. Her heart sank again. Unlike Ino, he did have at least half of the chakra type needed to make the possibility of being able to accept the Senju DNA. He'd soon likely be able to use Wood jutsus as his file showed that he, too, had Earth chakra. Her head shook as she clenched her fists angrily.

"... I'm so sorry." She whispered, grabbing the second syringe. Moving his sleeve up to get access to his shoulder, she added gently. "I love you ... " before pushing down and forcing the liquid within the syringe to enter his system.

Now ... Sakura had to play the waiting game out. A hand trailed down upon Shikamaru's wrist as she kept her index and middle fingers there, ensuring his pulse remained there. Her eyes slowly closed as she waited to hear suggestions that one of them were beginning to come to and regain consciousness.
Yes I'm really strange dreams after he been put under you can put a finger what they were he just knew that the restringing really strange and different for me than before. Shikamaru of course had no clue what was going in but he just odd off even in his dream as if he was being invaded my something and unable to change it at all.

After a while the young man woke up. He right away felt the pain of what it happened and it did not feel good at all. His eyes scanned the area around himself as he figured out where he was. He was in orochimaru's layer and he was in a bed with Ino not far away. His head hurt a good bit as he saw Sakura he blinked looking at her.

"What happened, what went down, what happened to me? Where is the snake at right now," he asked as he looked at the pink haired woman.

He didn't feel like getting up, just laying there seemed the best thing possible to help get rid of the overwhelming pain in his head. He had a feeling something had happened along the lines of what happened to Sakura which worried him a great deal as he waited for her to notice him up and her explanation.

Orochimaru had gathered up the scrolls that were forbidden. He was looking for a certain one one that would give him power over his experiments one that would in short work like a mind control jutsu allowing him to use them to take over the other villages which would enable him to take over. He knew that it would prevent any danger from them too. Yet, so far he hadn't found any jutsu. Yet, there were so many forbidden jutsu he hadn't read through yet.

As Sakura's eyes opened, Shikamaru would better note they had already begun to change. "... I'm so sorry ... " She repeated, grasping a hand gently. Her mouth had opened to begin answering all his questions before a throat clearing behind her made her stop. "What he said. But eesh you two. Get a room." She managed to tease, the blonde having noted Sakura taking Shikamaru's hand.

A weak smile crossed her face as she turned around and stuck her tongue out. Childish? Maybe. But it was something she hadn't been able to do in years. And right now, she needed some way to keep her spirits up somehow. "Just hush and listen, damn pig ... " She murmured, exhaling softly. Her left index finger lightly tapped upon her jaw as she figured how to explain this ... before slowly letting go of Shikamaru's hand as she held up the now empty vials, ensuring they could see the respective labels nearby.

" ... Yuki? Huh? What of snow?"

"Just as I have Uchiha and Uzumaki DNA ... you do too. Though I doubt any actual changes will work. Your chakra's not compatible with half the components needed to make Ice techniques since you're Earth and at least Water or Wind is required. At worst you might get a bit --- " But she never got to finish as soon Ino felt what the word was going to be.

Her head and body ached but not so much she wouldn't heed the internal urge. And right now, it said to run and find a bucket. Sakura sighed as she heard Ino begin puking, nodding slowly. "Yep, sick because you're going to be rejecting the DNA due to lack of the ability to properly mix. But ... the pain should be a lot lessened since .... I had to tamper with your blood type."

After a few gasps and pants, Ino managed to regain enough composure to weakly ask. "..What .. do you mean? Gods .... "

Taking another deep breath, Sakura walked slowly behind Ino. While her friend did tend to have her hair held back in a ponytail, it was reassurance all the same as she kept it held back and helped her make sure it didn't fall forward and get caught in her own illness. After hearing a weak "Thank you .. ", Sakura gave her a nod and began to relay what they hadn't seen happen yesterday in the hospital.

"Your idea for an adapter with my chakra ... Shizune figured only one way to make it work, Shik. I ... well .... more or less have AB and O. So .. ABO. Some new blood type. I had to force yours, Ino, to be ABB ... accept the AB though basically to ensure this would even work at all. Otherwise .... " Her voice trailed off, not wanting to finish off the rest. Besides, they both could have.

"...So my normal blood type plus now the ability to be given any blood type all at the same time?" She asked as she slowly stood up, feeling most of the urges to puke go away now.

"Basically, yeah. Whether the AB just ends up over-riding the B or not .. I'll have to check later. It may but I doubt. How are you feeling now?"

Now it was Ino's turn to manage a small smile. "I've had worse. Really. I can probably take a few pain killers and get a warm bath to help me forget about the headache. I'll go do that now, actually. A bath especially sounds damn good." Tilting Sakura's head up to get a better look at her, especially the eyes, she sighed softly before pulling her in a sisterly-like embrace. "Don't push yourself too much. In the midst of sparing me and Hinata's sanity, you took a hell of a chore up. I do still appreciate it .. but don't think I won't worry about you. You need to stay somewhat sane, too, you know? You are needed ... and goddamnit, you haven't failed anyone. Neji, Naruto, Sasuke ...."

The surprised look from Sakura made a light smirk cross her lips. "Oh come now. You didn't think I was only making you go through with the task, did you? I skimmed a few of your thoughts, recent ones especially. None of that or what's going on is your fault though, okay?" The feeling of Sakura nodding slowly made Ino pull gently away. "Okay, I'm holding you to that then. You take care of him for me, will ya? I gotta go deal with myself for now." After giving Sakura a teasing wink, she made her way somewhat shakily out, heading eagerly back to her apartment.

Sakura's head shook. She'd noted the wink but direly tried to ignore it. Her attention went back to Shikamaru as she sat beside him, re-holding his hand. "The concept is similar, just not DNA. Yours ... is from the Senju clan and given their specialties plus your chakra .... you're ... likely to feel odd over the next few days. I don't know how or anything ... I .... gods I'm so sorry. Orochimaru's in hi -- the office."

While he might consider it his, she wouldn't agree with the Sannin on that. It was hers, damnit! Someone much more worthy than himself at least.

"... I'm so sorry... " She repeated again, her hand trembling. Sai, it seemed, truly was one of the best bets for Konoha to begin getting back to normal once again. Hopefully he'd be back later tonight or tomorrow. Regardless of that, though, she would remain by Shikamaru. Aside from her dislike for the Sannin, it was standard procedure to remain with patients after they'd undergone a major procedure. And knowing his would likely have a result but not Ino's ... she would need to ensure Shikamaru's vitals remained stable.
He hurt like crazy as laid there. There was pain in his whole body from his feet to his head and every single bit was so annoying and painful. He hasn't felt like this in a long time since he was a lonely gennin fighting to advance in ranks against a number tough foes. He wanted to just curl up into a ball and fade away but his training helped him deal with the pain throughout his body. He couldn't focus on the talk between the you females but he hoped Ino would get better then she was at the moment.

He watched as she walked over to him and gave her a squeeze of the hand as she started to give apologies to him. "I am fine, or I will be in time. We have to survive no matter what it takes to rebuild this village back to where it happened to be, before of all this happened to us," he said as he focused on her eyes as he saw the change so easily in her eyes."I think I am going to miss your emerald eyes but onyx doesn't look bad on you either."

He figured that keeping things light would help them out."so senju, I am guessing it isn't tobirama then but hasirama if they did that. I guess if I need to build a house or want to spend time in a forest either one shouldn't have any issues."

"The pieces are on the table he can see what you do right, which is how he saw my plan but we still have hope remember we just have to survive. When it is over then we can fix things," he said weakly pulling Sakura into a kiss.

Though Sakura couldn't sense Shikamaru's pain and feel it, she could detect his chakra already working and changing. It made her inwardly frown, not just with how efficient the experiment appeared to be but how Orochimaru seemed to be getting everything he wanted. In fact, she wouldn't put it past him that all had been done on purpose since he found out they were a couple now. The files .. they'd been so conveniently ready to be handed over. Between the time she fell back asleep to now, he easily could have taken them, noted the chakra types and purposely chosen Ice DNA for Ino and Senju's for Shikamaru, knowing it'd work for the Nara. Yeah, that sounded like the cocky and sneaky bastard.

"But how?! He's made it clear he's not messing around. I had to beg for him not to execute you once already. It feels like we've hit checkmate or damn close to it." Though Sakura had never actually played shogi, she knew Shikamaru used to a lot and did at least know basic terminology. The easiest method seemed to be waiting for them both to complete the DNA changes. Senju were some of the first and most powerful clans Konoha had from the beginning. That plus her own Uchiha and Uzumaki ... maybe then they would have a chance. Until then, they'd have to tolerate everything, something she wouldn't look forward to.

Moments like the one she soon found herself in, however, were a different story. As she felt Shikamaru guide her down, she leaned into the kiss. It wasn't at all her preference on where she'd be for such an intimate gesture. But she was beyond caring ... well ... mostly. There were still guards, unfortunately, so the option of going to either of their residences was likely out of the question. It'd been bad enough the Sannin found out she was Shikamaru's lover; he didn't need to know more. Soft sighs passed her lips as she gently lied beside him, being careful to not force him off the table as her arms slowly wrapped around him, pulling their bodies closer.

Her head gently rested against his chest as she pulled slowly away from the kiss, her hands still shaking. "... I'm holding you to that, then. At least physically, I'll survive." The mental aspect wouldn't be as easy but still doable all the same. "So you too ... be careful. No more reckless plans like that." The chances of her being able to beg for Shikamaru to be spared would steadily dwindle with each time Orochimaru's patience got tested. And both knew after a certain point, he'd be beyond caring and just do it.

And that was something Sakura didn't even begin to want.
Shikmaru knew that Sakura was worred, and that he had to protect her, protecting her meant more then protecting her mentally, but also physically as well. He knew that the later he couldn't do very well at the moment, whom knew how long it would take for help to get there, they would have to organize it and then come over the desert or across the land. Still he had to hold out as long as he could and support Sakura as best as he could as well. He held her in his arms tightly as he knew that the guards were there to keep an eye on them. He knew that things would be changing and honestly he didn't feel so well at the moment, but that wasn't what mattered, helping and protecting Sakura was the most important part. Yet, in his state, he was just content with laying there for the moment.

"No more reckless plans, promise, I will do my best to keep down low and out of trouble, I am sure you need to do the same as well," he said as he looked at Sakura with a weak smile, he was for sure still not feeling his best but he knew that in the moment, he had to show the strongest side possible. He knew that things were not going to get better, he just would try to hold out till at least help came in some form or fashion.

The guards watched them as they said nothing didn't move or anything else, they were like stones, which was crazy as he looked up. It was a odd thing about this place, he had no idea how fast time moved in it, maybe cause there was no way of seeing out side, but whatever it was, it was kind of creepy, which generally fit with the whole place.

Orochimaru came back a bit later with a smirk on his face happy, he hadn't found the jutsu he wanted but he got some great news though. "Well now, it is good too see you again, seems Sakura you and I will be getting some help in the coming days, I have been able to locate, my old assistant, he was stuck in a cave of all places, go figure, he will be back her and back to his old self in a couple of days, so I guess you will have more help in your experiments for me, make sure to pass him along all the information that you have, when he gets here."

"Thank you ... " She murmured, relieved to hear he'd start being more careful now. She sighed and nodded slowly, resting her head upon his chest as the kiss ceased. Even just to remain by his side, she was more than content with that. Going further .. she wasn't confident with herself in attempting just yet. But more than that, the guards definitely didn't need to see anything they did beyond kissing. The fact they'd seen the brief but still intimate display was bad enough; they could relay that to Orochimaru already. And he had more than enough information to use against them both. No sense in giving him even more advantages, especially with all he did currently obtain.

Sooner than she would have liked, the Sannin walked in. Her cheeks flushed furiously but she didn't make any move to push herself away or off of Shikamaru. She had no regrets and had stood her ground thus far. She wouldn't begin to back down now. As he spoke, she swallowed softly. Kabuto .. was alive? But perhaps worse than that, he'd be beside her soon. To say she was less than content was an understatement. But there was no point in protesting. Kabuto had been Orochimaru's right hand man for many reasons. It wasn't too amazing to hear that once he'd been found, the snake would eagerly allow and re-invite him back to his side. She'd just hoped it meant she could have stopped her role.

But of course, it wouldn't have been that simple. No, he had to make this even more difficult. Her fists stayed behind Shikamaru's back as she continued to hold him. Soon, he'd feel them clench, gently pressing against his spine. Still, her half and half eyes gazed up to the amber ones, knowing better than to seem as if she were daring to ignore him. " ... Very well. Does he have enough chakra to heal himself up should it be needed? Or will that need to be something he'll require assistance with?"
Orochimaru looked at Sakura ignoring the Nara for the moment, as he needed her for something, and he had something as a bargaining chip to use. He moved up closer to her as he waved his hand. The two guards that were in the room slipped away into the hall or someplace else as he didn't need them or want them around at that moment in time. He then focused on Sakura, and narrowed his eyes as he looked at her eyes, it was coming along, it would be a matter of time, but by then he hoped everything would be lined up just how he was hoping for, and he could advance his own vision of the future of the village.

"No, he can't do anything, he is catatonic at the moment, and is completely still, he can't do much of anything, I will need you to bring him back from gone to this world. I am sure he is under some genjutsu, one that was put on him by Itachi Uchiha, one which can only broken by someone with a sharingan, which you will have by the time he gets her. Here is what will happen, he will come, you with your new skills will change him, help him and in turn, maybe I can do something for you," he said pausing letting Sakura thing, knowing she was smart enough to say nothing. "I will make you a deal, and I will let your teacher live, and I will let you look into a way of reversing her condition as well though my books, and jutsu, this is a two part deal, and I will require something from you as well in addition if you wish to make the deal, actually more from your friend over there," he said pointing to Shikamaru, "but I figured it is something you would have to agree to anyhow, so I should put it to both of you."

Shikamaru turned on the bed as he saw the Sannin, he didn't say anything, he just remained there quietly as he knew that he couldn't show his dislike for the snake at the moment. His mind of course tying to think of some way out, some way to save the situation, but still unable to, they were just in a spot where they had no power at all, and couldn't do anything to fix what was going down. "Okay, what is the second part of the deal?"

"Hold on, Nara, this woman has to tell me if she wants to hear it, I am sure she knows I have more books on jutsu then anyone, and a good chance is that one there might save Tsunade, so I want to hear her thoughts first before I tell you?" Orochimaru said as he remained focused on Sakura the whole time.

The sight of the Sannin's eyes narrowing made Sakura a tad anxious. She hadn't done anything wrong to her knowledge .. but such a gesture was usually what it meant. Thankfully though, any slaps or jutsus being used upon her that she'd feared didn't happen. Instead he went to explain on Kabuto's state and how she could help him out. It was slightly interesting that he seemed to be certain it was Itachi as opposed to Sasuke. Though as she thought more upon it, Sakura supposed her former teammate had never been one for genjutsus much, even with the Sharingans. So .. it probably was his elder brother and likely one of his last moves before being forced back to undeath via the Edo Tensei.

"I'll - I will .. " She murmured. It was tempting to have said 'I'll try' .. but that wouldn't at all appeal to the Sannin. Hopefully though, she could figure out the new eyes when they arrived and soon enough. That task would definitely be easier said than done though. There were now officially no living Uchihas alive for her to ask. None she knew of, anyways. So no one could guide her --- wait. Kakashi, that might be her only and best hope. He wasn't an Uchiha but he did have one Sharingan. And he'd learned how to activate the eye, use the abilities .. yes. Going to her first mentor would be the best course of action. An inward sigh of relief passed her lips. Slowly but surely, the pink-haired kunoichi could feel her spirits lifting.

And they only did so more upon hearing a way to possibly save Tsunade. But ... why would he need Shikamaru also? That was the only portion which made her uneasy about agreeing. But once Shikamaru spoke up and showed how he'd have no qualms with helping out, it made her feel less guilty on saying 'yes'. If he really did feel that way ... a firm nod left her head. "... Yes. Go on with the second part." Her pulse quickened as she agreed, knowing this didn't only seal her fate but her lover's as well. Hopefully this would be a lot more merciful than what she'd had to do earlier that day to Tsunade.
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