After The War [A Naruto RP (Yuna & Yajirobe's 1x1)]

He looked at Sakura so determined, so focused on her goals and aims, so determined to do what she saw as right, he could see why Tsunade had her as a student, and wanted her to watch over the village for her. She had a great bit that made her special, oddly, it wasn't till the last few days that he had even noticed any of that, but he could see what drew people to her, and made people like Lee, and Naruto like her so much, she had her own type of charisma to herself.

"Killing yourself won't help, and not following the law is the same as killing yourself, then he will get someone else and they will do the same thing," he said as he looked over at her, knowing that he would do just such a thing as that, "I think that we are going to have to deal with this, figure a way to deal with it, or it will kill us all off, and we won't be able to life to see another great hokage."

His mind thought about several things at once as he listened to her, and trying to think of a way out of the mess they were in, people to be rounded up, people acting against the hokage would be crushed, no doubt that would mean no chance to rebel, any such chance to organize would be destroyed before it could start. He had to think of a way to get rid of Orochimaru and get things back to a better situation.

"First, we still have prisons don't we, this is bad, but perhaps, you get your people from their or from the graves, only places I can think would do the least amount of harm, though sadly, I think the prisons might do the least given his knowledge of bring people back from the dead," he commented pausing for a moment as he thought of something, "Anko, that is the key to everything."

"Give a mission to Sai, he can keep quiet better then anyone, have him search for Anko, he won't really search for Anko though, since she is missing and chances are she won't be found," he said pausing for a moment to explain, "he will instead go to Suna, and tell Gaara of the horrible situation, Gaara can mobilize, maybe cloud might help as well and they can attack us from the outside, which will draw Orochimaru's focus away from the village and then we rebel from the inside defeating him, risky yes, but the best move open to us."

So ... Shikamaru was encouraging her to go through with the plans? She was astounded and amazed. Still, she managed a nod, continuing to rid herself of her tears. A slow nod left as she took a long, deep breath. "The closest thing to a prison that comes to my mind is anyone in ANBU custody. There aren't many but hopefully ... it'll be enough. I'm pretty sure he wants living and breathing individuals though. So .... I'll see what can be done regarding that."

Her heart sunk slightly upon hearing the idea regarding Sai. She understood where Shikamaru was going with the concept but ... he was right. It would be incredibly risky. And yet, with how well Sai was at being silent, he might indeed be the best chance to get help from other nations. Her head looked up as she thought more on the idea. A defeated sigh left as she looked back to the Nara and nodded slowly, "If he leaves fast enough, he may be able to stay unnoticed by Orochimaru I suppose. I .... I hate asking the only other teammate of mine to do this but ... I don't see many others still alive who could go through with this." Neji could have ... but he was deceased, buried with his uncle. And with him having been one of the few others Sakura could see completing such a mission, Sai truly was the best option.

A slow nod left as she ran a gloved hand through her hair. "I .... alright. I don't like this .. any of it. My stomach feels like it's twisting around, really but ... if all of this can buy us some time to get things back to normal .... I'll do it." She didn't yet want to leave the Nara, his presence was greatly helping her calm down. But she knew she had wasted enough time as it was and with each passing second, more and more opportunities were flying by. Reluctantly but steadily, the pink-haired kunoichi pushed herself off of the table, now inches away from Shikamaru.

"I .... I'm sorry if this seems out of place but .... " She pulled him in a gentle embrace, her eyes closing. She'd give anything at this point to make time stop ... or at least pause to better enjoy it. But alas, there was no jutsu that she knew of. And even if there were, it was probably as forbidden as many Orochimaru knew. The urge to sneak in a kiss was trying to dominate her ... though she restrained herself. She wanted there to be something genuine, not just instincts. It'd be a mix if she went through with it now. Moreover, she didn't want to take aback or make Shikamaru annoyed with her.

It was hard to do, but certainly not impossible. He could have a temper ... and when it showed, it as pretty severe. She doubted a kiss would do that but ... she still didn't want to take those risks. She slowly pulled away, another soft smile crossing her lips. "Thanks ... for everything. You ... really are quite the lifesaver." As far as she was noting, him and the others within Konoha were the main source to keep her own self sane and calm enough. "I don't want to .. but I probably should go."

And with that, she gently took the paper Orochimaru had given her from him, heading out through the front door. Her pace was fast but avoiding looking as if she were in too much of a hurry. First thing was first .... the ANBU office. Everyone gave her odd looks upon the request of having most of the prisoners suddenly transferred to a barely known location; but the showing of the rules and paper quickly changed all of that. They didn't fight or hesitate anymore, instead swearing and insisting on ensuring it would get done. She could hear some of the members whispering among themselves as she left, asking how anything involving Orochimaru was happening. Her head bowed slightly as she knew the answers .. but didn't have it in her to say it aloud.

Soon, Sakura found herself glancing at Sai's door once again. Her hand raised, ready to knock but hesitated. Gods help her, she didn't want to. But she had to! Before she could go through with the action, however, the door opened. Soon, she found Sai's eyes once again looking into hers, his usual smile across his face. "Hey, Sakura-chan." As he noticed her tear-stained face, though, concern for his comrade instantly took over. "What is it?"

She nodded over his shoulder, silently suggesting this would need to be discussed inside. It took several minutes for her to explain exactly what Shikamaru suggested along with what was now going on. Sai remained silent the entire time before finally nodding. "Alright then. I'll do it."

"But ... are you sure you want to? Neither of us will push you for it if you -- "

His head shook no insistently. "Like you pointed out, if I leave soon enough, my lack of a presence won't be noticed." He rested a light-skinned hand upon her cheek gently. "It'll be okay ... I promise. However, I need to start getting ready. You can use my apartment to remain here though, if you wish." And with that, he got up and left to what Sakura assumed to be his room, gathering a few necessary items, before giving her a hug. He kept silent even as he left, working now on sneaking out of Konohagakure.

Sakura remained still and quiet herself, astonished at everything. First Orochimaru being Hokage to Shikamaru encouraging her to comply with him and now ... Sai agreeing to go out and get help from Gaara and other nations. It was all for Konoha, she knew, but it didn't make the guilt fade away. She took up Sai's offer, feeling too sick to her stomach to head back to her own place. If anyone wanted to try to visit her, they could find her here ... somehow. Still shaking slightly from all the revelations, Sakura got up and headed into the kitchen, beginning to make herself some lunch. Maybe some food would help her out.
Shikamaru was more then a bit surprised when Sakura hugged him, and the feelings he felt when she hugged him were just as surprising as the fact she had done so. He didn't find it so much troublesome at all. He didn't actually mind it, it felt pleasant, and not out of place in the least. He knew that Sakura was going though some hard stuff, they all were, but she was the focal point of the troublesome things. He felt for her, having to deal with that, it was insane, he didn't show that, he figured that he had to be calm and collect to help the young woman.

He had seen a side to Sakura that not many had seen, something that could cause him to see why she had so many suitors over the years. He hoped she was successful, that Sai could be able to get this done. He had to think up a back up plan, putting your eggs in one basket was to dangerous, and with this they were doing so. He walked inside the living room and turned and looked at his mother glaring at him.

"Hmm, idiot," she said glaring at him just a bit, "you say your so smart, but you miss out a whole lot, just like your father," she mused looking at him, she had seen him and Sakura together, and she was a pretty good judge of such things, but she wouldn't spell his mistake out for him. "So your going to ask me for a favor, cause your dear old mother was once a shinobi, isn't on the record book, and knows the woods well enough to escape out of the village," she mused, knowing father and son well caused her to figure them out pretty well, even if she wasn't as smart as either of them.

"Yes, I was going to see if y0ou could find Konohamaru's gennin team, they are out of the village and haven't returned, find them and tell them to go to Kumo for aid, go with them, don't return here," he said to her as he looked at his mother, the look told that the seriousness of the situation by itself, and caused his mother to nod her head in reply before she took leave of the area.

Orochimaru waited for Sakura in his lap, he was curious if she would or wouldn't do what he told her, he didn't care, his reactions would change, but the overall picture wouldn't change that much. He looked at his lab, he had spent the whole night working, getting it set up, he had to get it up fast. He figured maybe one or two people might slip out, from his lack of focus on other things but if he got it up fast, then he could get to work on his experiments faster, and get his needed results that much faster as well. He had plans for the village, to make it how he had always thought it should be.

By the time the next day arrived, Sakura almost didn't want to wake up. She was so very exhausted ... mentally and physically. But she also knew that she was being waited for. And right at the moment, she didn't feel like testing out the Sannin's patience. She began to change before remembering .. she had 'borrowed' Sai's residence. She wouldn't find any of her own clothing here. A low "Damn .. " passed her lips and then a soft chuckle. It'd be ... interesting to actually be in shorts and a midriff top; but it likely wouldn't suit her. No, she preferred her own outfit fine, thanks. After re-folding the blanket up that she had used to cover herself while sleeping on the couch, she then headed to the bathroom. Before she faced Orochimaru as his new 'assistant', she would become more presentable first. If she'd gotten up at a better time, she would have done her laundry .. but as it was, poor Sakura was already pressed for time. So she would have to rush and go against her preferences.

Her stomach turned and twisted inside as she remembered why Sai wasn't here to greet her along with what she'd requested from some of the ANBU members. Hopefully they'd gone through with the task --- and another part of her prayed no one knew it had been her which asked for any inmates to possibly - likely - end up walking towards their deaths. Or to something that would cause them to beg for it. Even if they were prisoners, she doubted they deserved whatever plans Orochimaru had in mind for them.

And then it only got worse when she remembered the new rules ... and that they would be announced soon. Gods would he reveal her new role? Just that alone made the foreign temptation of wanting to pass out try to overtake her body. But her head shook no quickly as she regained her composure and thought well enough. And yet ... a faint smile couldn't help but cross her face. That must have been how Hinata had always felt when she'd been around Naruto; the sensation was ... interesting to note. Another chuckle passed her lips and with that, she set her clothes upon the counter of the sink and stepped into the shower.

The warm water definitely began to help Sakura wake fully up and relax .. while she could. A soft sigh left as she tilted her head slightly back, allowing the water better access to even areas such as her neck and the more difficult places to reach. After finishing cleaning herself up, she dried herself off swiftly and then got back into her clothes. Brushing her hair quickly over, she then looked herself up and down. Good enough; not at all perfect by any means though she knew the Sannin wouldn't mind and right now, she hardly did as much as usual.

Her hands went over her stomach as she forced her ankle and feet muscles to go towards the supposed destination that the inmates had been sent to. And once she stepped foot in, the same dizzy and near-fainting sensation tried to overwhelm the kunoichi again. The prisoners were, indeed, there -- but all around them was what could only be described as a living hell to endure. Her body couldn't help but lightly tremble at all the sights and instruments around the place. It was very unnerving .... but she slowly guided herself upon an empty medical table.

In Sakura's green eyes, she felt as if she deserved to be here ... not these men - and some - women. Her hands found her head as it began to feel as if it were swimming, a low groan leaving. Exhaling deeply, she forced herself to glance up and wait for her new mentor of sorts - though worse than that - Hokage.
Orochimaru found the numbers matched up as the people were all put into different cages and isolation cells, they would be good guinea pigs for him to work out experiments, but there was one that he needed more then any other. He wanted to do it first before he even thought about working again on so many different combinations of things he could use, when they worked they would make powerful shinobi that could be able to be used for his own wishes. He figured these were not important people now, but those whom lived would someday be.

Orochimaru walked looking at each of the in kind, thinking about what experiments would be best for which one, making mental notes about each of them, what they were capable of and what additions would be best for them to be able to be of any use at all. He noticed a couple of them, they were older, he knew they were former song shinobi, which meant most likely all of them were prisoners from the village, interesting, but it mattered not, a body was a body if a ninja or a criminal.

Still there was one that he needed more then the others, and she was standing by a table, he needed her for a rather simple reason, she had connections to Sasuke Uchiha. She would understand the abilities of the Uchiha better then any other alive. He looked at her as he walked up from behind her silently not saying a single word as he approached. His eyes picking up on the dread, the worry and the feat perhaps, that she had inside of her at that moment in time.

He walked up to the table around her and then looked at her, "good, you got the numbers right, perhaps you are not so useless as I first thought you would be. They look like they will be good test subjects, so did you get all the prisoners already, I know, some of them used to work for me after all," he said with a smirk on his lips as he looked at Sakura, she would know he knew that she had done that. "It matters not, they will work out just fine for what I have planned for them, and you will work out fine for what I need you for."

He walked around the table and cleaned it up a good bit, "You remember your old team don't you, Sasuke, and Naruto, both long gone now, but what if I told you, I was able to save enough DNA to have a bit of fun with a good old experiment. You are the test subject, you see, this test is far more important then the others, I worked for a long time to combine the bits of DNA of the Uchiha and the Uzumaki clan, the longevity of the Uzumaki and the power of the Sharingan, it isn't perfect, cause I need a host to combine these powers into, a vessel as it were," he mused as he knew she would understand quickly where he was going.

"the operation is simple, you will be out for a good while, a whole day more then likely, the results assuming that you live, are unknown, it is very possible it may do nothing and be a waist, it may be possible that you will in fact have a bit of your former teammates in you, and their natural gifts as well. It will be most interesting to find out what happens, on the table, I can find someone else to try this with if you don't want to do so. I had thought about the Hyuuga, that would be rather interesting too, given combining eye jutsus together."

Sakura's head quickly glanced up as the voice of the Sannin caught her ears. The praise disgusted her ... this wasn't what she wanted to be told she'd been 'good' for! But she didn't regret keeping Ino or Hinata safe from being put into this position. No ... neither of them deserved it. Well to be more accurate, no one did honestly. But push had come to shove ... and she stepped forward and took one of the most deadliest wounds to herself and especially her pride --- for both her comrades and Konoha. Her heart raced as she nodded slowly. Her eyes left for a moment to gaze upon the prisoners and once her green hues re-met the amber ones, her hand tilted slightly in midair.

"They're as prepared as possible. I had - and still do have - a clone out in the midst of seeking out Mitarashi Anko. That, alone though, is taking up quite a bit of my chakra so the delivery of the men here was ... slightly rushed. But done all the same." Hopefully the Sannin would buy the lie for now. If even the slightest bit of treason was detected ... gods she didn't want to think of what would happen. A faint shiver trailed down her spine though not nearly as obvious as it could have been.

Her heart raced more as he went on, the simple but very powerful phrase catching her ears.

"...and you will work out fine for what I need you for ...

Oh gods, there was more than merely being his assistant?! She hadn't dared think this could possibly get any worse ... but those words quickly proved her wrong. There was no way this could begin to be good. It was tempting to give up the strong front in front of the man and conceal her face with her hands. A whimper had been ready to pass her lips but as he went on to explain what he wanted, she blinked, looking right into his eyes.

"....Wait, what?" When had this happened? And how?! At least how with Naruto; Sasuke she could easily understand and figure. He had been with Orochimaru for a hell of a while. But ... Naruto? The teammate whom had always been against Orochimaru? Her gaze looked down ... and she remembered the time that the kunoichi witnessed him alter into his Kyuubi form for the first time with her own eyes.

So ... back then?! It was the only thing that began to make sense. Regardless, it didn't seem to matter; she wouldn't dare question he'd managed to get these somehow. When Orochimaru wanted something, the man made damn well certain he got what he desired. She alone was current proof of that. True, a bit of manipulation had been needed but when all was said and done to her, it didn't matter. She was still serving him, replacing Kabuto for him.

And yet despite how wrong it seemed and felt to be offered the DNA of her fallen teammates ... maybe she should accept. Though definitely not for her own desires, hell no. If this worked .... she'd be even stronger. She could be good not only at taijutsu and medical ninjutsu ... but elemental as well. Her skills with fighting against genjutsus may even enhance. There were so many pros; about as many as cons with this. And if it could buy herself and Konoha enough time .... she along with all the assistance others were getting to correct the order which had been ruined would set things back. Everything could go back to normal. The more the idea echoed in her mind, the more appealing it sounded.

Stll, the very real possibility of death being a risk was enough to make her swallow softly. Her head quickly and adamantly shook no upon hearing him think of Hinata being the test subject for this. "N-no. It... it's fine."

You fucking idiot, no it isn't!

Still, more words continued to pass her lips. "I'll do it. I already gave my allegiance to you; no sense in you needing to find others for this."

But you could die!!

Her inner self -- other half, per se - was practically bitching and screaming at her. It was all justified, no doubt. But she had stayed silent for as long as she had to think carefully on this. And right now, she saw more good possibilities than bad ones.

Besides ... she would likely have a better chance than surviving this for one simple reason. Among any of the other shinobi and kunoichi in Konoha, hardly any others knew medical ninjutsu. She had been told at several points in time by Tsunade that medical ninjas had a better tendency to survive even the most desperate situations. With any luck ... she would pull through and live through the surgery. If nothing else, she had to .... for Shikamaru and all of Konoha's sakes as well as to buy everyone else who needed it time.
Orochimaru wondered if there would be any trouble with this, if she would try something or if it would be a problem, but it turned out it wasn't which was of course a good and somewhat pleasant surprise as well. He motioned her onto the table and he had a IV prepared fo the treatment of the young woman. He had other assistants he found in the village prepare the solution into the IV treatment to give the young woman. He walked around and watched carefully.

He had lied, the Uzumaki DNA wasn't from Naruto, it was from Karen, but she didn't need to know that, they were from the same clan, and it was much easier to get it from her, it would have the same basic effects though on her increased longevity. He had the IV hook up correctly and then a needle went into the arm of the young woman, he watched her carefully, as the IV dripped with the solution, and paused as he waited. He figured in a few hours he would know if it worked or if it didn't work.

While he waited, Orochimaru went about the other experiments setting them up, making sure they were in their correct state. He knew that the IV would keep Sakura out of it, he wondered if combining the DNA would cause her to have odd dreams, it seemed possible, that she would have such things, but he wasn't sure about that fact, it would be interesting to see what reaction if any it had on the pink haired woman. He needed an Uchiha, and if he couldn't find one anymore, he might as well create one.

The other experiments were going just fine, each of them progressing well, only a couple of the test subjects had died, their bodies disappearing quickly into the junk, as he made notes about each experiment he tried, some were going slowly, some were more simple and would by their nature move along faster. He noticed more people arrived, they were people from sound, whom were his subject then too, they were kept in cages as well so they could be worked on. He figured that things were looking very much up at this point, that no one could match his genius and he was safe and good.

He walked back into the area where Sakura was, to check on her, and find out the results of what had happened, his curiosity was peeked at finding out, it would be most interesting to see what effect the combination had, and if successful could effect what he could do with other experiements, it would open a new door in experimentation for himself.

By the time she followed Orochimaru to the table he wanted her to be upon, her heart was pounding so fast and loud she'd be amazed if he didn't hear her pulse. A shiver from both the cold surface reaching her back and anticipation trailed down her spine was she lied upon her back. Was this seriously going to work as smoothly as he'd assumed? Well ... with the risk of death being there, maybe it wasn't as simple as she'd thought. Her heart seemed to race faster and then sink as she realized he wasn't putting her under. Not yet at least. He wouldn't force her to remain conscious for the part with the Uchiha DNA, would he?! She had a relatively high threshold of pain and all ... but being forced to feel eye surgery? That ... might be a bit too much even for her.

She swallowed softly, glancing to the IV. She doubted it was something like poison or a trick liquid, per se, but Sakura couldn't be too sure. Among many other things, Orochimaru was known for his fascination and affiliation with snakes, which symbolized liars more often than not. Her head slowly shook no as she tried desperately to convince herself he needed her alive. If she died, it wouldn't be from the IV but something else. Gods what a depressing thought.

It hadn't been until Orochimaru began to head back and check on her that something was happening -- but not at all what she'd thought or expected. Her fists quickly clenched though remained still as her eyes shut. Even then, the abrupt pain didn't go away. If anything, it got worse the closer Orochimaru was to her. But no tails tried to grow from her ... and that was when it dawned upon her.

First off, this was not Naruto's like he'd said. It made her a bit relieved though; it meant he hadn't been able to tamper and desecrate her fallen comrade's body and DNA. But .... what was this? She stayed silent, only making the sounds of struggled breathing through her nose. And then, the second revelation began to make sense to her. To be more exact, she was sensing not just Orochimaru's chakra signature but all within this hell hole.

"Th...this .... is .... not Naruto's. This ... this is that .... that one girl's who followed Sasuke around for so long .... isn't it? Because your signature is stronger by at least .... ten fold .... " Likely more, but she didn't want to admit that aloud. Her pants continued to pass through her lips, her body adjusting to the DNA changes --- likely where the pain was coming from at all. For now, at any rate. She paused and while Sakura knew this would be a bit of a risky move, she wanted to know the genuine truth this time and not some bullshit lie. "You ... don't really have Sasuke-kun's DNA .... do you?" She finally asked.

It'd be ironic and rather hilarious. But it was hard to imagine he had only gotten one of their DNA samples. Orochimaru would have wanted both at the same time. And now that he all but spelled out he'd failed to obtain Naruto's, why should he have Sasuke's? Even with him having stayed by him as long as he had ... wouldn't experimenting upon the Uchiha be risky? Moreso with his Seal having been on him for so long? But if all of that was true ... then what would he do? There were no living Uchihas ..... right?

No names were immediately coming to her mind. Simultaneously, the possibilities on things he could do made her poor heart race even more.
Orochimaru looked at the young woman, smarter then he first had guessed she was, she figured his lies both out rather quickly. He shrugged his shoulder, "of course I don't have Sasuke's DNA, that would be hard to get given, I don't even know where his body is at the moment, and the violent manner of his death as well," Orochimaru commented, "Though there is a bit of it in their, it is from a long dead Uchiha, that it comes from," he said calmly as though it didn't really matter if she knew or not.

He looked around and was surprised that it had worked to that degree, it was a success, far more then he had hoped. He figured that it would be most interesting to see how the rest of the experiement worked. Yet, it held promise, if she could sense people, then that skill had transferred quiet well. "I am sure you remember Danzo, right, he was almost Hokage here after all, if my memory is correct," Orochimaru commented as he looked at her, "Well, didn't you know that he had a number of Sharingan implanted into his arm and his other eye, the ones that were hidden by bandages? Who do you think implanted them into him," he said with a grin.

"I had a number of Uchiha bodies at one time that I could use to make the DNA, in truth it is a bit of a mixture, and a bit of Sasuke is in it too, you just need a bit of blood to figure out the DNA structure. The one whom it is mostly should worry you far more then that though, but you don't know him, Itachi killed him around the time you were born," Orochimaru commented in a matter of fact type of fashion.

"You may go, if you have anything else to ask do so now, and if there is any developments keep me appraised, I will be here working with the others whom you sent here so kindly, and my old subject," he added as he paused for a moment having walked away from Sakura, "I suggest you get some rest, I don't want anything bad happening to you, you are a most interesting experiment yourself," he said as he stood by the door for a moment longer to see if the pink haired woman had anything to say, nor worried if she did or didn't. "If this works, I will need members of your villages important clans to visit this place, to give examples of their dna too."

Another wave of relief, even if mingled in with the immense pain, rushed through Sakura to hear Sasuke's DNA hadn't been obtained either. Good, she felt a lot less ... like a thief, for lack of a better wording. She had a retort in her head but kept it there, terrified of pushing her luck too much with the Sannin. She didn't expect him to endure much back talking before he'd finally retaliate and even if she could likely heal anything done to her, she would use up so much chakra in the midst of keeping herself alive. And if she drained herself too quickly .. it'd be bad for her. So the pink-haired kunoichi stayed silent, listening to his hints and all the information he was telling her.

A low scoff was his reply upon hearing if she'd heard of Danzo. Oh yes, she not only heard of him but had never felt good on the man. He was as creepy and unnatural as the Sannin in her opinion. She was glad when the news of his death had reached her and the rest of Konoha. Her head slowly shook no though. What few times she had seen him, Sakura couldn't honestly admit that she had taken the best notes of his appearance. Though now she wished she had, making her inwardly curse at herself. Her stomach clenched and twisted as the last hint on whom gave all the Sharingans to Danzo was revealed.

It only got worse as he revealed that some of Sasuke's was in the mixture. "Gods ... " She half-whimpered and half-groaned, shakily pushing herself up. This was becoming almost too much for her mind. It felt ready to break and snap at all that was being hinted and suggested to her. It hadn't overly helped she was still trying to mourn for the two whose DNA was now in her.

Maybe it was due to all the mixing and mingling within her, but Sakura had damn well nearly laughed at his suggestion to leave. Like this? Yes because it's easy to just get up to my feet and focus on where to go with all this pain. Fucking idiot ... How had Kabuto been able to stand the Sannin? Then again, his story was so much more different compared to her own. But then a thought crossed her mind .... how likely would this even succeed?

She wouldn't find out by staying here, unfortunately. She had to get up, no matter how much it hurt her to do so. Managing a weak nod, she finished pushing herself up. Deftly and simultaneously firmly, she pulled the IV out, her fingers covering the wound seconds after the needle was removed from her skin. She needed to get to her work ... and quickly. Despite Sakura being off today - or rather, she was meant to be - she would call herself in for today. She'd need it ... and the access to medical files. Not just her own though that was indeed one of them.

Keeping her left hand pressed firmly over the area where the IV had been, another shudder trailed down her spine as she barely managed to catch another phrase from the Sannin.

"If this works, I'll need members of your village's important clans to visit this place ... "

That would definitely mean Hinata, Ino, Shikamaru even. And she didn't want any of them being forced into this. More to acknowledge she heard his words than anything, she gave another weak nod before beginning to stumble out of the lab and towards the hospital.

Any and all stares were ignored. She was too hell bent on getting to her work, her destination. It'd been something that either Orochimaru hadn't thought of or had but didn't bring up. But blood types mattered ... greatly. And if you mixed incorrect ones together, it could go very badly. Her fears only seemed to intensify as the pain continued to get worse ... and she wasn't anywhere near Orochimaru anywhere.

"Fuck ... " She whimpered lowly, panting as she forced herself to break into a run. She didn't want to pass out despite the urge trying to dominate her. Not yet. Even if only for a bit longer, she had to remain conscious. With a weak shove from her right shoulder, she forced the doors open and began heading towards the file room. Again, all stares, gasps, and other hints which suggested she'd been suggested were ignored for her mind.

Her mind was quickly switching, wondering between the new information she'd just thought of and for a reason she couldn't pinpoint ... Shikamaru. Her head turned slightly, as if trying to sense his chakra signature alone. But there were too many around her; it was easier said than done, especially since she hadn't controlled this new ability yet. A low cry of agony and anguish passed her lips as her shaky legs continued guiding her, seemingly on their own, towards the file room.
Shizune had been as worried as anyone else whom knew the truth behind what had happened, the number of people whom knew of course grew rather a great deal larger that day when the new rules were announced in the city. She was worried for her village, she was at the hospital doing what she could to help those there when she noticed Sakura of all people looking really weak and almost pale too. This of course caught the woman's attention, and cause her to worry about the younger woman.

Shizune wasn't as strong as either Sakura or Tsunade, but she wasn't extremely weak either, and she managed put pull semi lift Sakura and take her into the nearest room where she started to run test on the young woman. She started treatments to hopefully help stablize her as fast as possible. She had no clue what was wrong, so she had no idea what was causing the issues with her body. It was strange to see something like this, she had never seen reactions like she was seeing before. It was hard to help in such a situation where you didn't know what was wrong, all she could do was to give general aid to the issues and hope it was good enough till she could figure out what the root cause of the issue was.

Shikamaru had gone to see if he could find Sakura, he knew that it was going to be a hard one for her, hard for anyone in her situation, but he figured that she would hopefully not be in Orochimaru's layer, he first checked in her office and found it empty. He hoped that didn't meant that she was still in his layer, so he checked the next most likely place to find her, which was the Hosptial, it was there when she saw one of the doors open and had a feeling that he needed to go and check it out.

He did and walked in to see Shizune working on Sakura. He blinked as he looked for a moment bewildered for a moment as to what had happened. He was worried, very much so, he had a bad feeling about it, could Orochimaru had done something. He didn't get in the way of Shizune though, he knew she knew her stuff and it best to not interupt a doctor when they were working on a patient. He moved over to the side of the room and thought about what could be up, similar to how Shizune was at that moment, but he despite his genius couldn't think of anything, even if it was an experiment it could be almost anything. He watched worried, hoping that Sakura would somehow pull though.

Shikamaru was angry at himself, for not having foreseen Orochimaru's actions before he came too. He should of seen them, he was a genius, he should of been able to see the coming danger and warned the village, or at least people important to him, before it went down. He was suppose to be the great intellect but he could prevent what had happened. It was something that rather annoyed him, and made him feel he had not grown all that much since he had not been able to prevent the death of Asuma. Which in all honesty was a very troubling thought for the young man.

A gasp and whimper mingled in as she felt herself lifted up. Thankfully, her green eyes turned to see a friendlier face; Shizune. Compared to anyone else it could have been, that was merciful to some degree. By now, though, her logic and thinking wasn't as good as normal and her head shook no pleadingly. "File room ... let .... let me go there ... please." She pleaded, wincing and breathing heavily every now and again. Her body trembled as it was set upon the nearest bed. Her hands moved to the edges of the bed and once her left moved away, Shizune - and when he was in view, Shikamaru - would see that she'd had an IV in her recently.

She had finished mentally counting down from five in her head before Sakura's head quickly turned. A new signature had barely registered in her mind ... and after a few blinks of making sure she wasn't seeing things, the figure of Shikamaru came to her. " ... Shik .... " She murmured softly, the name barely above a whisper as she broke contact with him. Even if he didn't hate her, she still loathed herself for everything thus far. She'd failed too many people ... and now the possible results of how the experiment may or may not go would wind up possibly endangering him and so many of the others in Konoha.

Hopefully Sai would be fast enough. It was one of the few things keeping her from giving into falling completely to despair and misery. The latter, though, still remained -- though the pain wasn't exactly helping either. A shudder, wince, and then sigh - all in that order - passed her lips. Her head stayed turned away ... but finally she began to speak up. With her being a medical kunoichi herself, Sakura knew an unwritten rule of thumb. No one could begin to help a patient out unless they knew what to look for.

And with this being anything but a typical condition, she didn't expect Shizune to understand what was working on her body. She was skilled, no doubt; but she wouldn't be able to do any good without an explanation. ".... Onegai ... Shizune. Look ... look up .... Sasuke and Karin's blood types for me along with my own. I .... don't think they're compatible ..... and with the experiment he just finished ... it's fighting against everything .... trying to at least."

Her teeth found her lower lip before she softly confessed. "... If he gets his results though .... I'll be somewhat like Kakashi due to the Uchiha DNA ... " She added, a nervous chuckle leaving soon after the words did. Even if Shizune didn't understand, she had a feeling Shikamaru would soon enough. "But ... the chakra signatures ... they're so much more .... noticeable, stronger. It fucking hurts ... I can feel everyone's .... "

Speaking of ... where was Karin anyways? Damnit all! The only person who could even begin to help her get this new ability under control was likely hidden away or dead ... much like Anko. It made her whimper and tremble softly, her fists clenching for a few moments before she grabbed at her head, concealing her face away. A muffled scream of agony passed her lips and while she couldn't keep Shikamaru from hearing that, she would at least keep her pained expression hidden from him as best as she could.

She already felt pathetic enough as it was; the last thing Sakura wanted was to be seen in such a state. Then again, she hardly knew exactly what she wanted. But there was one thing that was a definite given; Shikamaru to stay nearby. His presence had been greatly aiding her out so much in the past few days. It had helped her stay sane enough ... and with all her body was trying to endure, she would need it ... maybe even the Nara himself.

But gods help her, she did not want to be alone. Hell and no!
Shikamaru looked at the woman whom was in the bed, she was in a great deal of pain, and that bothered him a great deal, he moved toward her without even thinking about it. He looked at her and he looked at her and then blinked for a moment as he just heard his name being spoken by her, he stood there reaching down and taking her hand in his own, as he did so, he noticed the IV mark on her arm, and motioned Shizune to come and look at the mark, which she did quietly before Sakura had made the comment about the files.

Shizune nodded her head as she and Shikamaru heard the comments, and blinked, she had heard stories of this type of experimentation by Orochimaru. She was worried for the younger woman. She looked at her for a moment quietly, "I will get the notes," she announced as she looked at the young woman, she then headed out to a place where she kept extras of her notes in case Tsunade wouldn't remember what she needed. She hoped that she would be able to figure out the problem, but her mind was already working on possiblities of what she could do to help out Sakura.

Shikamaru didn't leave with Shizune, he took the continued to hold Sakura's hand as he looked at her. He tried to think of a way that he could help her. "You feel and sense everyone, I am guessing it is overload of your senses. Here this might help a bit," he said softly as he continued to hold her hand, "focus completely on just one, let your mind just focus on one of the signatures, so that you can drawn out the other outside ones, and just zone in completely to that one, keep it simple, just focus on some on one thing. It is what Ino use to tell me she did when she used her skills to talk to a large group of people. I might help you a little bit," he said to her as he continued to hold her hand.

He felt bad for her, he really wished he had the answer to save the village in the moment, but he didn't have that knowledge sadly, despite what he might want. He took a deep breath as he looked at her, "I will stay here, I am not going to leave here Sakura, we will find a way to get you back to being better," he added in quietly as he looked at her.

"AB," Shizune said as she walked back into the room, walking over and looking at the two of them and pausing for a moment, before looking at Sakura, this seemed to help her at least some, which was a really good thing. "Okay, so we need to way to help this new dna adjust to your body," he said as she sighed not knowing how to do what she said.

"So basically, you need an adapter somehow, something that will cause her body's natural dna to adapt to her new dna, like how people have adapter plugs when they use two different fittings on a outlet in a home," Shikamaru said as he looked at the two of them and had no idea at all what he could do or what they could do to actually do that.

"Thank you ... " Sakura whined weakly to Shizune as she finally headed off to check the blood types. Her teeth gripped her lower lip tighter as Shikamaru began to speak, even took her hand. How was the urge to cry even possible by this point? Hell if she knew; but she didn't want to break down in front of him. Not again. But between the physical, mental, and emotional pain rushing through her ... it was so very tempting to anyways. Another soft chuckle left her lips as her right hand slowly moved away from her face which had gotten rid of most facial hints of agony the experiment had caused her.

"... How the hell do you do it? So calm ... so collected. I'd give anything to have that sort of composure and not panic like a pathetic child." She murmured softly, squeezing slightly around his hand as she took steady, deep breaths. Her head still throbbed slightly but sure enough, the pain was lessening in a manner of minutes as she focused solely upon Shikamaru's signature. She knew keeping the focus would work long enough; but certainly not forever.

She allowed a bit of a pause to linger in the air between them, contemplating on whether to add on the parts she hadn't yet revealed to anyone just yet. And the kunoichi couldn't find a reason to not speak up. She'd been a double agent for Konoha, Shikamaru especially, since the get-go. No point in ceasing. Nodding slowly to reassure herself, her head glanced out towards the window to ensure no one was nearby; no one who didn't need to hear the next revelation she was about to give the Nara anyways.

"He ... he intends to do more DNA experiments if ... if I somehow get the Sharingan, regardless of whether it's only one or both. But .... " Her hand squeezed the slightest bit more, letting the rest trail off. That was definitely easy to finish putting together, about as much as adding two and two. That was probably another good reason she was fighting her damnedest against this and a secondary source of pain. And if that was true ... she was fighting against the Uchiha DNA, against the Sharingan.

.... So she'd likely have a new eye color soon enough. The thought alone made a shiver trail down her spine.

Her gaze went from the window and up to the dark eyes of Shikamaru. "... Thanks by the way though ... I thought you figured we - women that is - were too troublesome to deal with. Changing your mind finally?" She teased, managing a weak smile. It had, on a serious note, intrigued her that he even attempted to be half as decently kind to her as he'd been thus far. She wouldn't begin to complain ... but she was curious as to why. More often than not, Sakura had caused so much trouble to him and a lot of the other men. It'd been especially bad when they all went out to try to get Sasuke back from Orochimaru and ran into the Sound Five.

She'd only tried to get in the way, thought of practically nothing but Sasuke. Even the factor that all of them had damn well nearly died never crossed her mind up until that very moment. And it made her feel even more unworthy that he was remaining here; and yet the same comforting feeling also remained.

But still ... why? As he'd likely say it himself, Sakura could truly be quite the 'troublesome woman' -- to most of Konoha if not just himself. So why the change of heart?

And then, Shizune finally walked in and with the simple answer, her heart sank more. If she'd been giving her blood or DNA to either of those whom she'd been forced to accept ... this would be going so much more smoother. But no ... it was the other way around. She could only receive from others with O blood. And especially with both having been AB ... there was no attempt at trying to balance this all out. The constant punishment and pain her body felt was more than proof enough of that.

Her head gave a slow, defeated nod. "The idea's good but .... going about it on an actual body is much easier said than done. I ... don't know .... " She paused and after feeling her heart sink more, let out a weak sigh. ".... I don't think there's a way to apply that to a body, Shik. I'm .... just going to have to grin and bear it, endure it. That's what Sasuke had to do with his Seal .... and it hurts about as much."

She'd not only seen him have the mark forced upon him, but perfectly recalled his reaction - screams especially - after it branded itself firmly into his flesh.

And if her body hadn't been panicking enough, her heart stopped as she couldn't help but wonder. If she did get the Sharingans ... gods would she wind up with a Seal herself?!

That was only making her fight against breaking down and crying get weaker and weaker. Tears definitely formed at the thought but barely remained in her eyes. They were so close to falling and escaping ... but she wouldn't let them. Not yet.
He looked at her and took a deep breath as he thought about it. It was troublesome, this situation, they needed help and they needed it as soon as possible, he wasn't sure when help would come, or what he could do. Really at this point, there wasn't that much he could do at all, really. He looked at her as he let out a deep breath and then looked at Shizune for a moment and then back to Sakura.

Shizune looked at her fellow pupil and smiled sadly, "Well, I will get to work reading though Tsunade's medical files, you never know, it might be possible that she has to deal with something similar in the past, she has done a whole lot of different stuff during her life," Shizne said trying her very best to sound up beat and positive in a way that was natural to the woman, as she decided that it would be best for the moment to work and leave these two alone , to let Shikamaru help her as best as he could.

Shikamaru looked at her as he shook his head, 'it is an illusion actually, the calmness and all is at the surface, I am quite worried, about you, and my friends and my family and this situation, it troubles me greatly, I want to find some way to stop it, and trust me, I have tried to think my way out of the situation so many times already. I am mad at myself, disappointed in myself as well, far from calm under the surface,' he wanted to say, but didn't, he just smiled, "Well cause it is what is needed at the moment, it is what I must do, and the most logical way to approach this situation," he said with a smile.

"You...are right, I am changing my mind, in some ways, you women are still a lot of trouble, don't think otherwise," he said giving her a smile still, "It just so happens that some women are worth the trouble. I think I finally understand what my father was getting at when he told me that when I was younger. Always thought he was off his rocker and just wrong, well I did till recently honestly. I got to actually know a really troublesome young woman, whom I think it worth all the trouble, she might put me though," he said as he gave her hand a little squeeze. He looked at the window from her for a moment pausing.

"I am sorry for all of what has happened," he said honestly as he let out a sigh, "It is my fault as much as anyone maybe more," he added in as he then turned his gaze slowly back to her, "I should of seen it coming, I am the genius whom can think so many steps ahead, but I didn't see this happening, and I should of. I knew that Orochimaru was out there, and that the village was run by incompetent elders, my father told me about the all the time. Yet, I did nothing to help prepare the village, and I did to little to help the village it was far to late to really matter if I did anything at all. If I had been on my game, working as I should to help you, to help the village, you wouldn't of ever had to go though all of this, and for that I am very much sorry," he said with a sad tone as he looked down at her.

"Maybe we can find some way to help, but I will be here as I said to help you however I can," he said finishing up his little comment as he stood there looking at her, for a moment, he worked his way around her onto her bed, and slipped his arms arms around her to hold her, "if you need to cry, it is okay, I have done so many time too."

Sakura gave Shizune an appreciative nod though it was clear that even as the elder medical kunoichi left, her attention was much more upon Shikamaru than anything else by then. Just as the Nara had taken the time to heed each and every word she'd said, the same respect was given back. Also, she didn't want to risk missing anything that left his own lips. She wanted to get rid of any chance of misunderstanding him; though this was Shikamaru. He was blunt and to the point more often than not ... so while the possibility of that was low, it was still existing.

"Well it isn't all our faults, you know? Whatever kami made us didn't do the best job. We're horrible at certain things, especially handling delicate and emotional situations like .... this wreck going on now with him taking over Konoha. Our first instincts is often to panic and have a fit." Speaking of fits and tempers ... oh the one Anko would have if she knew her former mentor and sensei had actually done this. In a way, she almost hoped Sai did run into her and inform her.

But no one had seen or heard of her since she self-gave herself the mission to follow behind Kabuto from afar. And he'd been, last she heard, fused with Orochimaru at that time. No one had heard from her since. And even during the war, not a trace or hint of her was noted. That alone made her worry more for her.

She was one of the few women who could easily break the stereotype she'd just mentioned to Shikamaru. Even if it cost Anko her life - which was a damn good possibility - she'd fight for Konoha. Hands down, no second thoughts. And for that, she admired her.

In fact, she never understood why so many thought the Special Jounin survival expert to be so creepy. She was a respectable woman, damnit. Ah well, the hell with what people thought.

She was pulled away from her thoughts, though, as Shikamaru hinted ... wait. Had she heard that right? ".... Hold up. You .... you mean that? You ... but no! Too much is relying on me as it is. With how my body's reacting .... I'm pretty sure my eyes will change. And when they do and he finds out .... "

Her head shook no as her body trembled lightly. "Just as you have your own reputation of sorts, I kinda do too. Maybe not for being a genius -- but of my team, I was. I could fight against almost anything the best, genjutsu wise especially. I should have expected this and now .... even at the expense of trying to keep you, Hinata, Ino ... everyone safe .... I still may fail .... "

All it'd take was for her green eyes to become onyx with the crimson hints ... and she knew everyone with the most powerful and significant bloodlines would be forced into that damn lab. Worse off, it'd be her fault ... all because she'd failed to fight this. But it was hurting like hell to keep this up. All she could hope for was time -- that there would be enough in between her body giving in and Sai returning.

It took almost no time than the offer for her to go on and cry to leave Shikamaru's lips before she snapped and the tears began to stream down her face. "I'm tired of having lost so many already! I can't ... don't want to! I'm barely staying intact as it is! I .... I don't know what to do, save the obvious few choices. But even with continuing to fight against this ... try to get the new ability under control ... I'm horrified none of it's going to matter in the end, that it'll be for nothing."

Her hand trembled, her body following suit as she sat carefully up. Green tear-stricken eyes looked right into Shikamaru's before another weak chuckle left her lips as a thought came to her. "Won't Temari kick my ass by the way if she found out all you've hinted and said to me? She seems ..... fond of you, for lack of a better wording."

The still very persistent feeling of being so unworthy of Shikamaru was definitely continuing to pest Sakura. Then again, so was a new command she couldn't quite understand and also fighting against. But with how close they were and how both seemed to feel of one another ... it almost felt like a sin to not give in and lock lips with Shikamaru.

But in her mind and eyes, she didn't deserve that. Not unless he could persuade her. And that was a much easier said than done task.
Shikamaru listened to the worries of the young woman whom was next to him now on the hosptial bed, and could understand just feel this worry and the sadness coming from her as she let herself let go of her tears. To do so, was most likely something that would be good for her, to pent up all that emotion couldn't be a good thing, and in fact, most likely was part of what problems she was facing at the moment. He pulled her closer as he looked at her before hearing her light laugh and her comment about Temari.

"Temari, huh, well, people always read way to much into that then there is, we are friends, but trust me that is all we are, we have two different lives, her's in Suna and mine here. We are not the close pair everyone things, we are just friends, in fact, I am pretty sure she has someone back in her homeland, but I think you are safe from her wrath," he said with a smile on his lips as he made the comment, "Plus, it is my choose whom I am interested in too, just cause someone may or may not like you, doesn't mean you have to be with them, as I am sure you understand," he added in. He had always been for some reason miss connected to many females, Temari, Ino, Shiho for example.

He thought about something for a moment, "you know what, what would he do in this situation you think. Naruto, you think he would go right up to Orochimaru and challenge him right away, cause I have a feeling that is just what he would do," Shikamaru though as he tried to envision Naruto doing just that. "It is to bad he isn't here, I am sure he would of figured something out, maybe idiotic, that somehow would of worked by now, it just one of his better qualities, or was really."

Shikamaru wondered what he should do, what would be the best way to counter this move. They had only so long before things got worse, and they would get worse. It was a two day trip to Suna, and that meant, two and a half more days till something happened. He knew that this was a tense situation, but he had to do something, seeing Sakura suffering as she was, and knowing that others were in a similar situation was something he didn't want to see. "Kakashi, I think I need to go find him or Gai as soon as we are done here, or really I need to find Ino. I think I have an idea, maybe we can retake the village."

Sakura knew it was the best course of action; to cry rather than not. But goddamn she was annoyed at how often she appeared to do it. Simultaneously, Shikamaru didn't seem to mind which was ... different to note in a man. Most would probably scoff or encourage her to go on. But Shikamaru ... he didn't judge her. Even now with her taking the position as Kabuto's replacement to save most of the other females .... he didn't scold her. Hell, he encouraged her to play along in this game. Her hands slowly rested upon his shoulders, keeping contact with his eyes.

How long would hers stay the typical green anyways? Hopefully more than three days at the minimum.

Then he went on about Temari ... and even admitted he was only friends with the Sand kunoichi. To some people, location and distance wouldn't matter. But he was making it more and more clear that Temari was definitely another comrade ... but nothing more. She still didn't feel worthy of his verdict. Simultaneously, she could feel the desire to kiss him getting even stronger.

Do it, you fucking moron! DO IT!

The order was practically screaming in her head. Was it only because she felt unworthy that the kunoichi was so adamant on fighting against it? Hell no. But it was definitely one incentive. If the Sannin found out they were more than comrades .... that alone made another shiver trail down her spine. He would be cold enough to use that knowledge against her ... and she couldn't imagine any way would be even slightly merciful. Her forehead rested against his as she sighed.

"How ... how long do you think you'll stay here?" She asked softly, partly for her knowledge and the other just simply to know how many more seconds, minutes, whatever she had to contemplate whether to do the action her mind was begging to go through with or not.
Shikamaru looked at Sakura, "not to much longer actually, only a short while before I must find Ino, and get everything set up, you should find out by the time you wake up tomorrow morning what has happened," he said to her softly, leaving his plan, what he was thinking about doing and what natural danger their was in his plans out of the statement that he gave to her. He looked at her, he knew that if things kept on the pace they didn't, it wouldn't matter if the village was found by Gaara or Killer Bee in three days, then, Orochimaru would destroy everything if he thought he might lose. That would surely include Sakura, it was a thought that rang out to him, he knew it was so true, and that it would happen.

He would have to use his genius, and he would have to rally the people, raise up against Orochimaru, it was the only way, true, their would be violence, and death, maybe a friend would die, maybe he would die, maybe they would lose and then the village would really be Orochimaru's but it had to be done. He had to do something rather bold and had to challenge the snake. It was what Naruto would do if he were here at this moment, it was what Asuma would do, it was what anyone would do. He had to take the risk and he had to go for it. He didn't want to worry Sakura more then she was already, and thus he didn't want to tell her about the plan, he hoped she would find out after the fact.

He caressed her cheek as he laid there, "the most important thing that you can do is to get better, you need to focus on that, even if your eyes change your the same person, even if the worse happens, there is always at least a bit of hope," he said looking at her, "Well, I think it is best I get going, the more time I am here, the more challenging it is to leave this place," he said in a jesting fashion as he looked at her for a moment longer, before he did something bold, the first of what most likely would be a night of bold actions. He grabbed hold of Sakura tightly and he kissed her on the lips for a good moment before he slipped out of the bed.

"Now, wish me luck, trust me, tonight I am going to need plenty of it," he said with a grin as he slipped out of the room, and walked past Shizune and headed to find Ino, to get the plans for that night ready, and to get everything about what he had to do, done. It would be his stand against Orochimaru, it would be the village's stand, he just hoped that he could pull this off somehow.

"... Wake up?" A nervous chuckle left her lips. "If I sleep at all, it'll likely be just from pain. And even then, I doubt it'll be long. I ..... I'm too scared. I really don't want to lose anyone more. I already feel bad enough sending Sai out as it is .... " How was he anyways? And where at? She'd give anything to know the answers, to have a slither of hope she hadn't just sent her friend off to his death. If that did end up happening .... she had no idea what to do with herself. It made her tremble and weakly whimper.

The lack of an actual reply or hint on what Shikamaru intended to do only made her more scared. He'd had no qualms before being blunt ... so why was he refusing to say any actual words now? ".... Shik? What ... what do you intend to --- ??" That was as far as she got before he either read her mind or followed his own instincts. But soon he took initiative and began the kiss she'd struggled to start. Her arms eagerly but gently wrapped around his neck as she leaned into it, sighing lightly as a shiver trailed down her spine. A bit of the weight that had been forced upon her shoulders lifted to feel and know she wouldn't have been selfish if she'd done the action sooner.

"Now, wish me luck .... "

Even those words merely convinced her whatever his plan was, it was dangerous. And likely the reason he was refusing to say anything. "No .... wait!" A still trembling hand had reached out to grab his arm before he could get too far. But in her state, Shikamaru was definitely faster than the not-so-stable Sakura. Her face then went to Shizune and it was taking the last bits of her willpower to keep her voice able to be understood. "Please ... tell me you have something, anything to make this hurry up. I can't just be stuck in this bed. I .... I can't lose anyone else. Neji, Naruto, Sasuke .... I already failed to save any of them. Please .... no more ..... " She pleaded, her tears streaming faster down her face.

The hell with the supposed 'curfew' that was supposed to be in effect. "What nonsense ... " The blonde flower shop owner murmured, sighing softly. As she finished closing the shop up, she held in her hands three de-thorned roses. "We're not children .... " She added, clearly annoyed at being treated as such. Quite a few rumors had been going around and some had involved Sakura. All were rather disturbing either ... and the fact she'd failed to be able to find her childhood friend/rival only made her fear they were more true than she wanted to believe.

Had she really been forced to serve that snake bastard like Kabuto used to? Her hand shook in anger at the thought. Why hadn't she told her? Probably to protect her but it still didn't take away how infuriated the guess had made her. Her head bowed slightly as her feet guided her to the graves, the reasons for the roses being in her hands. Two were for the same people Sakura would have placed them before while the third was for Asuma. In that sense, she was going on her own, Sakura, Kurenai, Shikamaru and even Chouji's behalves with the last three being mainly for Asuma. She knew they all would have if there were a less tense atmosphere surrounding Konoha now.

Everyone was practically on edge and she couldn't blame them. One wrong move ... and it was sworn people would be used as examples. And without knowing what a 'wrong move' exactly was, any sane person would be terrified by now. Her right hand slid through her blonde locks as she kneeled before all of the graves, her eyes immediately upon Asuma's.

He'd beg them to fight back; there was no question on it. He'd all but forced them all to do so when he'd been brought back to life via the Edo Tensei. Poor Chouji had a hell of a time going through with it at first; it'd taken the efforts of their fallen sensei, herself, and Shikamaru to make him realize he couldn't just stand back. They all had to fight even if none liked it. And now ... that seemed to be the logical route to take even now. But ... this was one of the three Sannin!

Realistically, no one in the village would really be able to stand against the man. Even if it was everyone against him ... so many would die in the process. An annoyed sigh passed her lips as another dawning crossed her mind. "If no one fights back, people will still die ... " She murmured lowly, groaning in annoyance. This was a complicated situation ... one that felt very much like a lose-lose and - worse of all - nightmare. But it'd never end if steps weren't taken.

And yet ... wouldn't Asuma want them to try to live on? Not join him so soon in the afterlife? That only added onto the torment and uncertainty of what to do. Her hand rested against her own forehead as she massaged it. "Urgh! Where's the genius when you need him the most?" She mused softly, her own soft laugh passing her lips. Shik would definitely know more exactly what to do than herself.
Shizune had noticed that Shikamaru had left the room, and the short haired woman had a good idea what was up. She walked into the room, and saw Sakura in tears and walked over and listened to her fellow pupil, they were both pupils of the same person, though she knew that Sakura was far better and closer to Tsunade in many way then she would ever be. She still enjoyed her friendship, as she did with her own students. She looked at her as she made her statement.

"Yes, there is a possibility, I found it in one of Tsunade's old books, I think I can pull it off, but I must give you the warnings first," Shizune commented as she looked at the teary eyed young woman. "I am going to use medical chakra and your own chakra as a kind of adapter, your body will hurt beyond what you have ever felt before in your whole entire life. I can't put you under for the operation either, though it will be somewhat fast, it will be extremely painful. It will though if successful cut the time of your recovery from days to perhaps even a hour. There is also the chance it will kill you, if Tsunade was doing this I would say 10 percent chance, but with me, 20 percent chance it will do so," she informed the young woman as she looked at her.

Shizune knew the choose was up to Sakura, and that choose was not going to be an easy one. "Well, we all have lost these people, not just you, it isn't your responsibility to take all their loses onto your shoulder. I am sure Lady Tsunade has told you, how it hurt her when she did such a thing, when her little brother and Dan died," Shizune said with a short chuckle, "Jiraya used to say, Tsunade got her rack cause it was filled with greef," she added in, remembering over hearing that remark a time or two. "Anyhow, we are all here to make the best chooses possible, it is a imperfect world, and there is only so much one person can do."

Shikamaru knew where to find Ino, he had a idea that he would have to move fast, he walked quickly across town, moving in the shadows avoiding notice as he made his way to her home. He saw the door was locked and the store closed, but he knew how to get past that, and used his key to slip into the store. He looked at the blonde whom was standing in the store and blinked, as he overheard himself reference, and almost laughed.

"Well now, I guess I better show up here, if you are really needing to talk to me," he said looking at his longtime friend and teammate, "I am afraid things are far worse then you even know," he said as he walked up to her, "perhaps, we should head to your house," he commented knowing that it was connected, "I need to talk to you, Ino, I think I have a plan to at least give us a shot to get out of this nightmare," he commented as he walked with her.

"Sakura, has gone a experiment herself, it apparently is something rather cruel, forcing dna of others into her, without regard for what type of blood they have," he commented as he walked, "apparently, this is the test cause and if it works, we all can be looking forward to such adjustments to our bodies as well as having our secrets take out of our dna in most likely not the most fun or pleasant manner," he added as he wanted to stress the importance of the moment to her, before he went on.

More additional chakra? It made Sakura shiver. She had no idea if she could handle it. No ... she had to endure a bit more. Even with the risks and pain ... if she didn't then more than only Konoha would be lost. It was ... nerve-wracking, for a lack of a better word, at how many things were being given to Sakura as an option with the possibility of death. But she'd already overcome one procedure and resisted Death; and that one had been from someone who easily could have made it fail on purpose to kill her. At least with Shizune, that fear would be gone. She wouldn't have to worry about her trying to make her die too soon. And among other things, that was one incentive that made her want to agree.

A deep sigh passed her lips as Sakura let her head fall back upon the pillow behind her. "Go on then. I already had a procedure not long ago --- and from someone even less likely to trust. Death was a possibility from that too." A faint smile crossed her face. "I'm already likely to be forced to become an Uchiha in some aspects. Even if there weren't any pain from this procedure ... there would be once the eyes alter. It's ... a lose-lose for me like that. But I'm more than willing to endure more."

Not because she enjoyed pain or the sensations that came from it. No no ... far from it. But for too long, the pink-haired kunoichi truly had relied too much upon her teammates. And now that especially both were dead and gone .. she could no longer do that. There was no longer anyone to aid her out in that manner, no one to take any finishing blows for her. She had to defend and fight for herself and hell if she'd allow Shikamaru to easily sacrifice himself for her. She had no qualms with him wanting to set things right for her and Konoha's sake; but she was now officially hell bent and determined to not lose him to Death.

"I'm sure, yes." She reassured Shizune. It would, no doubt, be the next question. Her body trembled lightly. The worst part of this surgery would definitely be the fact she'd be conscious during this entire procedure. The pain .... would have likely been inevitable, even with anesthesia. But now to hear the chances had faded completely away to 0% only added and increased the fears and anxieties within her. But the one keeping her from pushing herself off the bed and having a panic attack were the thoughts of Shikamaru, the kiss they'd just had, and knowing she didn't want it to be the last one they had.

The sound of Shikamaru's voice made Ino turn. A weak but content smile crossed her face. With the new atmosphere that had practically been set upon Konoha, the usually cheerful mood was all but dead. So she'd never really gotten to check on even her comrades. It was, therefore, a relief to see Shikamaru alive and well. Her smile slowly disappeared as he went on to hint the rumors weren't only those but a living hell and nightmare. But it'd been at the worst point when Sakura was brought up. The news hit her, as if a harsn punch landed upon her gut.

"... DNA? Do .... do I want to know which one?" Part of her knew that even if he didn't mention it, Ino would find out one way or another. But mentally ... would she be able to handle it? It'd be difficult but not by any means impossible, thankfully. After all, she was one of Konoha's strongest genjutsu users. Already, it meant she had a better capacity to handle things that would normally threaten to make someone go insane. The truth, all the same, wouldn't get rid of any pain that Ino would feel from hearing it.

Her pace in how fast she walked increased as she nodded. Her house .... they had to get there. It was heartbreaking to remain inside alone at times. She'd been raised by her dad for so long before her own gave his life up in the war along with Shikamaru's and, as far as she knew, Chouji's as well. They'd all sacrificed themselves to end the war and while the cause had definitely been noble ... a selfish part of her sometimes wished it hadn't happened. Not like that.

Blue eyes glanced around them before she pulled a new set of keys out, opening the front door to a small house. It wasn't nearly as big as the Hyuuga estates or what used to be the Uchiha residents; but it was enough for her and a small family. And that was all Ino really needed. Waiting for Shikamaru to enter first, she followed suit and walked in behind him. "So, Shikamaru, go on with the rest .... "

When she had said his full name rather than the nickname of just 'Shika' ... that alone made it obvious how nervous the news had actually made her. She was keeping a strong front for the most part, though her lightly trembling fists hinted what her eyes refused to. Ino was furious with how things were going --- though no sane person would be enjoying the damn Sannin of all people taking over.
Shizune looked down at the pink haired girl and gave her a smile as she looked at her. "Well, lets get this going, I want to get it done, so that you can get the pain over with, Sakura," she commented before she went over and washed her hands and then looked at them for a moment going over the process in her mind, making sure she knew just what she was going to do with this operation.

Shizune slipped over and looked down at Sakura, "Well, remember focus on something positive, something hopeful, I hear that is the best way to deal with the pain," she said as she took a rag, and put it in the mouth of Sakura, "this is so that you don't bite your own tongue off by mistake," Shizune said as she then put her hands on the stomach of the young woman, whom she was to opperate on.

Shizune then pressed her chakra into the young woman, the blood was easy to find, it was pressed outward, the conflict between the two were easy to notice too. She pressed her chakra on high, using it to invade Sakura's body and pull her chakra out using the two chakra's to press and force the adaption of her blood and that of the AB blood together, working it as it were some mix, it would be hell for Sakura, and she knew it, mixing the blood and the chakra would turn her into something other then O or AB blood type when it was done, it was not the worry, but it would force her to adapt. Of course she knew if Orochimaru won, she would be forced to do this to others, a thought that worried her to no end, and made her want to help win this fight too, but she wouldn't be able to, she would be to worn out to do anything after this.

She went along, charging her whole body over the period of ten minutes, everything she had she put into the oppuration, it was something that had to be done right and fast actually. If she slowed down, the operation would fail, and Sakura would die. She finished around the nine minute mark, done with the last things he needed to do to adjust and fix her blood types to fit together, she moved back and looked At Sakura, to see if she was still alive.

Shikamaru looked at her and shook his head to her question, she didn't want to know, she wouldn't take the knowledge that Sakura had some of her first love inside of her really well, it wasn't needed at that moment. "Lets just say it isn't good at all," he said with a sigh as he looked at the young woman for a moment. "Okay, we need to focus on winning, losing will mean a bad end for us all," he commented openly to her.

"I need your skills, I need you to contact everyone that you can, that you know will be friendly, all of our old friends, our old sensei, that are alive, jounin and chunnin that you know might be helpful. I want you to tell them a message. I want you to have all of them except for Kakashi, Gai, Lee and Chouji to start a massive riot just outside of town, this should get the attention away from the target and should give us the chance to be able to go after Orochimaru, we will depend on Kakashi and Gai to defeat Orochimaru, we will be his support in the situation and will join in defeating anyone helping him," he commented as he looked at his old friend.

He looked around, "you can do this right, I am depending on you big time for this," he said looking at her double checking that she could still handle such a thing as this, it was hard and big mission to handle, it was a big and risky operation too, things would have to go well though and he knew this was the only shot they would have while Orochimaru didn't have complete control yet.

"So do I ... " Sakura murmured softly in agreement. Her body only seemed to shake more as the cloth was handed over to her. Shizune hadn't needed to explain; she'd put two and two together given she knew there would be no way to be put under during this process. All the same, Sakura knew it'd definitely be needed too. Her mouth opened as she took the cloth and bit down on it. Though no scalpel was used to cut her open - a blessing she was no doubt grateful for - Shizune hadn't been kidding. The pain was horrid and it only made her tears stream quicker down her face, muffled screams passing her lips.

A few times she felt her body give in and she blacked out from it all, taking what one could call 'small naps' lasting no more than a minute before her eyes shot open. Each time, she breathed heavily through her nose, blinked a few times, and passed out again not but moments after regaining her consciousness. And even with that, her mind continued to remind Sakura of the kiss her and Shikamaru had .. why she had agreed to this in the first place. It helped out, especially the few times her heart had slowed, damn well nearly completely stopped even. But the hell bent kunoichi was determined to stay alive, no matter how much or little by the end of the operation.

By the time Shizune did finish up, she would see Sakura still with her eyes shut, her entire body shaking violently, though some of the worst areas were her clenched fists. Green eyes slowly glanced up at her mentor's niece as she managed a weak smile. "Th...thank .... " That was as far as poor Sakura got before her eyes closed again. The steady rising and falling of her chest hinted she truly was asleep by now --- and likely would be out for a while, as Shizune had suggested.

Her pulse would be there if she checked. Weak ... but still existing all the same. And that would likely be what mattered most.

Ino's head shook as she chuckled softly. "Oi oi Shik ... have you already forgotten one thing my clan can do? Our Telepathy technique. Otou-san taught it to me before ...." She bit her lip before another soft laugh passed her lips. "Really though, sometimes you act like the blonde and me the genius. But yeah, I can handle it. We both can ... " She added.

Exhaling softly, Ino then rested a hand gently upon Shikamaru's forehead. "Focus on all whom you want to connect to and with ... you'll feel when it's ready." She didn't get to count past five in her head before she, too, felt the proper cue. Giving Shikamaru a nod of her head, she encouraged him gently, "You know what you want to say so ... you do this. I'll ensure no one tries to break the connection and ruin this and find out of it ... or worse.... "
Shikamaru focused his mind as he felt that it was time to give the message, how to put it, that was key whom to address first was also key, "friends, we have come to a very dangerous moment in our village's history, Orochimaru has taken over, this I am sure you know. I am sure you feel like that you can't do anything to change what is happening. This isn't the case, it is our responsibility to rise up and create a change for the good of the village, to rise up and to show that we are still relevant and willing to fight for ideas that we held in the past," he sent the thought into people's minds as a first thought.

"I need you too, go and start this rebellion, meet at the gate, and turn, show the goons of Orochimaru your righteous furry, and cause as much of a distraction as possible, this will enable the plan to take hold. It may not seem like much, but this is the key, if you can draw Orochimaru's attention to you, then the plan might work, we might be able to take back the village for ourselves, and return order to things," he commented as he focused his mind on what he needed to express, "remember you are shinobi, and you are capable of more then a average person, meet in 2 hours when it gets dark, and start, I and the whole village are dependent upon you."

Shikamaru then focused on the selected people he would need for the mission, "I need you 4 to meet at the center of town after you see and hear the start for the rights and the actions from the village gate, I will be there, and we will slip around Orochimaru's group and hit his headquarters, they won't be ready, and we should have an degree of surprise on our hands, we have to do this, we have to not let the village fall to the snakes."

He was done, he knew that things were set up to go down, and that it was only a matter of time before they did, it would only be the challenge of doing everything, and having it work out, that would be the hard part now, and he knew that it was going to be very hard, but it was something that truly had to be done, for the future of the village they had to take a chance, they had to try to save themselves, and advance the dreams of Naruto now on their own.
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