After The War [A Naruto RP (Yuna & Yajirobe's 1x1)]

Orochimaru knew that Kakashi was around and that he would possibly help his student, if it worked it would help him a lot, if not, nothing lost, now the second part, the reason for something else would become much more clear when she heard the second part of the agreement. "Well now, I bet you were wondering why I gave Ino genes that she couldn't use," he said looking at Sakura for a moment tilting his head and then looking at Shikamaru behind her for the first time, as he remained somewhat serious looking the whole time he looked between them.

"Your boyfriend has sex with the Ino woman, the one that had the operation that you performed on, if he does that, then, well I will give you the books you need to save your teacher, and the former hokage's life," he said flatly as he looked at her. Shikamaru was about to jump out of the bed if he could, he wasn't a bit happy as he looked at Orochimaru.

"So, Nara, it is partly up to you, you can have sex with your former teammate and have your former hokage recover perhaps, or you can just toss away the life of the hokage, as if it didn't matter and keep yourself there for this pink haired woman, your choose and her choose," he said with a twisted smirk on his face as he knew that this was something that he or she hadn't predicted or prepared for. He was having fun messing with the two of them, and this would be the best way possible that he could think of to do so.

Shikamaru froze for a moment as he wanted to yell out no,but he knew how much it meant to Sakura to have her mentor, and to others. His face showed how ready he was to say no, but he took a deep breath remembering that he promised to not do anything bold, and let out a long sigh. "I will do it, if you keep your part of the deal, and if it is okay with Sakura, and Ino, if either of them disagrees, then I disagree, both of them are important to me after all," he said trying to gain a sense of stoicness but somewhat failing in his his attempt.

"And there we have it, just like I though we would," Orochimaru said looking back at Sakura for her reply to what was going down or could be going down. It was interesting to see her reactions, they told him much about her and the way she thought. He was learning more about this woman every moment.

Any and all control was gone the second Sakura heard the offer. She sat up quickly, not even trying to hide the glare she shot him. "Now that is pushing it! Even if I said yes, Ino wouldn't want it either. Not when she knows I'm with her teammate. She's better than that." It had been true that for years, they fought over Sasuke. But neither would have resorted to tactics that low if the other got to the Uchiha first. No, the loser would have accepted defeat and gracefully backed away, finding another way to move on. Even during her pause, her mind was racing as fast as her heart. And a few things came to mind.

There was always the possibility of trying to seek out the proper jutsus and techniques on her own, even with the risks it brought. But the most dominant one was what passed her lips soon enough. "Executing Tsunade will not get rid of the Will of Fire that's existed for years. If anything, it'll strengthen it. Neji's sacrifice and others before it are all proof of that .. otherwise the nation would have fallen and crumbled much sooner. I won't begin to say it's in perfect shape, especially not now. But in the long run, it won't give out the desired effect you're originally thinking. Mourning will naturally happen, of course. But those who've had resolve to make changes ... it'll only get stronger."

The words, even if they may sound like it, weren't threats. Just facts, and both the Sannin and Shikamaru knew them to be the truth. Each and every one had been. By now, her heart was racing quickly, still clearly infuriated he'd dared to suggest such a plan. "I'll still help with Kabuto. But ... no. That last one is pushing it." She finally added, at least reassuring him that despite her temper, she hadn't nor would forget all of what he'd said or begin to go back on the promises she had made. But clearly, she wouldn't just stand and watch anymore happen, not if it could be controlled.

It was odd but for the first time in her life, she'd finally found the initiative and shove to stand up on her own. No one was beside her, only behind for once rather than her being in the back of other men. No, finally she was firmly setting herself in the front, keeping Shikamaru secured and guarded. If Orochimaru wanted to physically harm her right then and there ... she was ready for it. It would only prove her points on strengthening the resolves of people.
He looked at her and noticed the look in her eyes, she had some strength he hadn't predicted on seeing, he hadn't expected her to stand up to him on anything that he had asked of her. He figured she would back down, but she hadn't, this was most interesting, but perhaps pointless once he had his jutsu researched and figured out, he could get them to do anything he wanted. He looked at her for a moment testing her resolve, seeing if it was something real or if it was something fake.

He shook his head, "then fine, the Hokage shall stay in the state she is in now, but alive, you shall do what I asked, and it will work as I explained," he said coldly relenting on the point, figuring he could win the point anyhow at some later time and in some different fashion, there was always more then one way to handle a issue. He slipped off soon after heading out of the room to do some research and to keep track with his other experiments as they were being worked on. He had better things to do then to deal with Sakura at the moment, but he could see why she was Tsunade's student at least now.

Shikamaru was proud of Sakura, she stood up for herself, for Ino and him as well. He would of gotten out of bed and hugged her as soon as possible, if he could of done such a thing. He smiled as he reached out and grabbed her hand, "see, you are much stronger then you know, I can see why Tsunade trusted the village in your hands, Sakura," he said softly to her as he looked up at her, with a proud smile on his face as he did so. "It might be a tiny victory, but at this point, that is better then anything else we have had so far, and it tells us we can win."'

He figured that such wins would help keep hope alive for them, show them it was possible to win, and to advance and survive to see a day when Orochimaru wasn't around and they were free to do what they so choose. He had ideas that if things worked out well, his life would have a lot more of this used to be troublesome pink haired woman in it, at all times of the day most likely.

The silence mentally killed Sakura, even if she didn't admit it aloud. Her fists trembled and while the main incentive was still anger, there was definitely hints of fear and anxiety. All she'd just said and done finally registered in her mind and she was terrified. Her eyes closed, half-expecting to feel some source of pain for a few brief moments before breathing her last breath. But none of that happened. Somehow, she'd lived and been spared. By the time he did speak, the tone was cold -- though that was no surprise. It'd be more of one if it wasn't. Never once had she tried to budge from her spot or dodge anything he would have given. So whether the Sannin had liked the results or not, it had all been very real.

When he finally left, her body stumbled forward as she shakily held Shikamaru. A very anxious chuckle passed her lips, pink bangs gently moving from side to side. "Oh dear gods. I can't believe I really just said that ... and lived. And right now, Ino would remind you that I'm in my more 'stubborn mode' than strong one." She teased lightly. Mixed eyes slowly closed as her head fell lightly against a shoulder, her left hand moving from around Shikamaru's back as it felt the diamond upon her forehead.

At least that had gone undiscovered so far. During the war, Tsunade had entrusted most of her abilities and powers to her. She hadn't expected them to be so easily given and transferred .. but her sensei had been persistent that it had to be her. She'd also hinted her natural life span was close to completely dwindling, even before giving her powers over. What better person to give it to than her own student? Her finger subconsciously traced over the shape lightly before going back and re-wrapping over Shikamaru, gently pulling his body closer.

"No more victories can occur unless we're both in decent shape, physically and mentally. Get rest. You'll definitely need it. With any luck, Sai will be back in the morning ... and preferably with good news. Until then, I'll remain nearby to check on your vitals, ensure they remain more ... normal and don't try to go abnormal or anything." Her head gently nuzzled against his shoulder lightly as her body began trying to relax. This wouldn't be her preference by any means, but the past several days had made sleeping easy enough to accomplish. Today had definitely been no exception, not with having been forced to degrade Tsunade in public.

She'd tried so hard to forget the memory but it was practically etched into her mind. It pained and saddened her. But she wouldn't give the Sannin that knowledge or advantage by allowing him to realize it. Knowing she only had a bit less than 72 hours to live didn't make it any easier for her, even if it seemed otherwise. But everyone, Sakura had learned the hard way, had to die at some point in time. Some just had the misfortune of doing so sooner than they deserved. But Tsunade .. if she were in her right mind, she would have embraced Death by herself rather than be humiliated. It was one of her ways, her nindos.

Just like how Sakura's was being done with forcing others to do everything for her. She was ready to grow fully up, take more responsibilities regardless of how easy or difficult they were. The final thoughts helped her swiftly drift off to sleep, still holding gently onto Shikamaru.
Orochimaru had it almost figured out, the jutsu, it was starting to make more and more sense to him. He would have it down, then that woman would do whatever he wanted, and whomever he wanted. He would have complete control over the whole of the village and he could get away with about anything. He figured that cracking the code would be hard, which was why he was putting so much of his focus, it wasn't like anyone would challenge him now, he was on the right path to complete control over all jutsu, and in time the ninja world as well. He looked over the scroll, and thought about what he could attempt on his experiments to come, so many possibilities.

Orochimaru sat there when he heard the sounds of his alarms going off. He put the scroll into a sealed box and hide it in another sealed area of the office to make it doubly safe. He wondered what was going on, if someone had started a revolt, the trouble makers were next to each other asleep it seemed. That meant that the threat might be coming from the outside and that could mean it could be anyone from Suna to Iwa, to some rogue ninja that was at his doorstep ready to challenge his powers. He stood there as he saw a man appear, a man was saying to much. This person was a mindless drone whom would do whatever he said. He reported that a man had appeared and was causing serious problems in the north.

Orochimaru sighed as he nodded his head, he was not amused by what was going down. He would have to go out and deal with the issue himself, and handle it. It could be a challenge, but he was ready to face it, he could send more experiment trouble after this person to attack in kind. He wasn't sure if it would work, but it was the best option open to him in the moment. He figured that a direct strike would work its way out the best. He locked up everything and head down the main street in the general direction of where the problem was known to be located at.

He arrived a bit later to see a man whom looked like a Bishonen to the eyes of Orochimaru, but he wasn't someone he knew, that was odd. That a unknown could do so much damage. He focused his eyes on him as he sent his snakes at him, fast, figuring it was luck or that he wasn't the main threat to him. The man whom stood taller then Orochimaru, with cyan hair, that was held into a high ponytail and long banes in the front as well, just side steped the snakes and dispatched them with a odd looking long sword which he put away as he looked at Orochimaru.

"Well, the snake is as overrated as I have been told, you are nothing, you will be killed as well all villages be eliminated soon, the age of the village is past, a new day is coming, you best wake up before it arrives. The ghost of the Uchiha shall cleanse the land from its old ways and usher in a grand new world far better then anything before, trust me, I Seiryuu am his first herald," he announced his voice as cold as ice as it came out, he smirked as he could tell Orochimaru was preparing for something of a bigger attack, and that time was up. He then was gone as fast as he had shown up not trace but evidence of a scroll remains for a long distance fast movement jutsu remained.

Orochimaru returned to work, his mind worried now, for he didn't know whom the new player was, and the term ghost of the uchiha, worried him a great deal. That could mean one person whom he thought had been killed someone whom he had trained himself. He knew it best to not tell those who knew him about this factor, not that would be far to dangerous. As the morning sun rose, he worked now on something new that his mind was on, a mystery that he was going to need to figure out, or he would find himself in a great deal of trouble.

During the night whilst Sakura and Shikamaru slept, another figure slipped over towards Konoha. Sure enough, the pink-haired shinobi had been correct on her guess. It was Sai, whom had returned. He was alive but clearly tired and were anyone else nearby, the answer as to why would be easily revealed. He was carrying a barely conscious and alive Anko, whom he had found in an abandoned cave on the way back from Konoha via sensing a weak chakra signature. At the moment, the special jounin was borrowing one of his shoulders, a few low curses and winces passing her lips. But otherwise, she was staying silent like he'd asked her to do the walk back thus far. Onyx eyes glanced over to the pupiless ones, slight hints of concern within them. "You okay, Anko-san?" He asked gently, his own voice barely above a whisper as they arrived at Konoha's gates.

"I .. have been better. All the same ... I've been worse. But .. thanks for ... for the effort all the same .... " The sight of a pale finger in front of her lips made her go silent as Sai spoke once again.

"We're almost to my place. You can eat and rest there; you'll need it." When he saw the shaky but affirmative nod from the elder kunoichi, his focus went back to in front of them both. And no sooner than both had slipped through the gates and back into Konohagakure did the two almost instantly feel an abrupt and new emotion. The atmosphere didn't have the typical, calm feelings. No .. it was so very tense. They looked to one another ... and knew something was incredibly amiss.

Still, Sai managed his own nod, though his head moved from side to side. Now wouldn't be the time to let emotions take over and the shaking hand over his shoulder hinted that if he didn't try to keep Anko calm, that would be exactly what would happen. "Later. You're not going to be able to do much in your current state." He gently reminded her, quickly opening and closing the door to his residence. After locking it, he helped Anko sit upon the couch. "Please .. just remain here for now. Things will be done and dealt with. But right now the only thing you should be doing is regaining your strength."

Anko's fists clenched, not bothering to hide the fact she was clearly annoyed. Still, the defeated sigh which passed her lips told Sai for now, he had won this small debate. "Very well. You've got many good points, somewhat unfortunately. Thank you again. I know you don't have to be doing this."

"Have to? No. But I did promise Sakura-chan to keep my eye out for you." Onyx eyes glanced up to watch the woman head for the kitchen as he himself went to his bedroom. Upon finding it empty, Sai deduced the pink-haired kunoichi wasn't here at the moment. Hopefully, she was still safe. But he wanted to know for damn well sure on this. Grabbing a nearby pad and quill, he began to draw upon it. Three ink-outlined mice soon popped out from the piece of paper and to life.

A weary but genuine smile crossed his face as he gazed down to them. "Go find Sakura-chan and let me know that she's at least safe ... please." And after a few weak squeaks, they ran off, sneaking under the door to his apartment and out into the streets of Konoha. They were smarter than usual and kept to more secluded and shadowed areas, ensuring to remain hidden away.

Within mere moments, two returned and Sai had seen through their eyes that she was indeed secure -- and with Shikamaru. The knowledge made him feel a lot more confident. She was one of the few teammates he still had left -- no, the only one. And he didn't want to lose her, not if it could be helped.

The mouse which hadn't come back stayed upon Sakura's chest, right below her breasts. And it would be one of the first things she would note upon waking up.

In fact, it damn well nearly made her scream. But she noticed the ink and smiled, a soft sigh passing her lips. "...Good. He is back then. I'll try to rendezvous with him later. Until then, I hope he can wait for me." She murmured softly. Normally, Sakura would feel incredibly odd to even speak to an animal. But she knew this was a special case. No sooner than it seemed to hear her words did the small rodent disappear in a puff of smoke and ink combined.

Even as the mouse disappeared, Sakura's smile remained. With any luck, he'd been able to get a hold of most of the other nations and see about obtaining assistance. Both herself and Shikamaru had put so much faith into him .. and it was rare for him to fail assignments. Not without damn good reason, at least. Hopefully, he had avoided such scenarios.

Her arms remained gently around Shikamaru, continuing to keep him held as her mixed eyes glanced over his still sleeping form. He appeared to be adjusting from the DNA experiment well .. but she would make damn well certain of that. Her head fell gently upon his chest, using her ears to monitor his heart. It was at a normal and relaxed pace, a good sign. Now hopefully the outward signs he was showing matched him internally. She wouldn't want to hear she'd forced him to endure pain similar to what she'd felt. However, if she had, she would eagerly remedy that and work on getting rid of each and every ounce.

After all, they'd both need to have as much strength as possible.
Shikamaru was pretty swore when he woke up, his body still hurt a bit from the whole operation, but not nearly as badly as he thought it would look, and not nearly as bad as Sakura had looked when she had been done with her own operation not that long before. He slipped an arm around Sakura seeing that she was up before him, which really didn't surprise the young man in the slightest. He ran his finger over her cheek cressing it softly as he looked down at her.

"So, good morning," he said as he leaned down as much as he could to give her a good morning kiss. "Well any sign of any trouble this morning, seen the snake around yet," he asked curiously, wondering if he had missed anything while he had been asleep. He sorta stretched his arms for a moment removing them from her before replacing them back to where they happened to be moments before.

He knew that the senju gene was going to be hard to control, he knew that it caused problems for others, and the one person whom could really help in this matter was not around anymore. He figured he would have to be careful with this wood style ninjutsu, that it was very powerful as he had seen in the last fight, but he still couldn't picture himself doing anything like it to be frank. "So I didn't shot out any weeds or small branches while I slept right?" he asked in jest as he figured something to lighten the mood would be good at that moment in time.

Across town, Orochimaru was looking up though every file for any information about the person that he had ran into anything at all. He had to figure out whom he was against, and what info about their skills was on file. Yet, nothing was, this guy he battled was like a ghost someone who was completely off the record with skills which were quite impressive. He wasn't sure what to think, a danger he did pose, but it was the man he served he had a feeling whom was the true danger. He had to figure out what to do, and thus he would search on, most likely for the whole of the day to gather more information.

Sakura's head shook no quickly. "No. Something else has been keeping him occupied enough that he has yet to arrive." Hopefully, this was a good thing too and not something .. well, to quote Shikamaru, 'troublesome'. But with him having taken the position of Hokage, it was hard to begin to guess. Her eyes closed as her cheek moved gently, enjoying the feel of his hand against her skin. It may not have been an overly complex gesture, but it had a sweet and sensual emotion behind it. Even during this living hell, she could feel and better understand that all Sakura would endure wouldn't be done completely alone. And it helped keep her sane and willing to survive and endure everything that had occurred and would do so in the future.

"I did, though, see hints of someone else who arrived -- probably while we were asleep. Sai-san, he's back ... " An idea came to her mind as she glanced up for a few minutes. "If you feel well enough ... do you think you could meet up with him and ask how things went? I'm never going to be able to, not with my new ... job." That in itself annoyed her greatly. But Orochimaru wouldn't pester for Shikamaru to be by his side like he was all but demanding for herself. This would, therefore, be one of the few ways to keep in touch with Sai without seeming like she was plotting behind the Sannin's back.

Her head shook no again, a low chuckle passing her lips. "I'm pretty sure you didn't, no. I'd likely have some splinters, cuts, signs you otherwise had done so but seeing as I'm fine ... I'm pretty sure you didn't either. Your own body will probably take a few days itself to fully adjust." A low sigh passed her lips and only due to the reflection in both Shikamaru's eyes and the surface of the medical table, Sakura noted her own was working more towards finishing up. Instead of the fifty-fifty ratio, it was more along the lines of eighty-twenty, with her green being the lesser percent.

"... I guess I'm going to have to see Kakashi-sensei sooner than I wanted to." She added, her head going back upon Shikamaru's chest. Until he had to leave, she wanted to be with him for as long as possible. But before then, Sakura didn't overly like the idea of being alone.
He looked at her as he noticed the change in the eyes, it would be soon till her green ones were gone and her new oynx eyes were all that would be there. He listened to her idea, it was sound, going and seeing Sai and seeing what he knew was the best way to communicate, though, that too would have to be carefully done. He thought about the possibilities, and there were so many on how his trip went, and he wasn't at all sure how it had turned out. He was also curious to find out about this himself. He wanted to know how things were progressing, and knowing first would be a way to somewhat protect Sakura if things didn't turn out the way they wanted them to turn out.

"Deal, it seems like we are going to have to be busy today, you do as you said need to go see Kakashi, I am sure he can help you or give you tips to practice work with your eyes, and I will go see Sai," he said softly in agreement with her own statement, "I feel well enough to handle important business and that is important, it is just to bad Captain Yamato isn't around anymore, or I might be able to get a head start on my own skills," he sad as he then kissed Sakura softly on her lips, pressing his own lips against her lips for a good long moment, a kind of wake up kiss to relax himself if nothing else.

"So, we just need a time to meet back up here, I am guessing that if something comes up, you will know about it before me, and most likely I will be summoned here by the snake, sound about right?" he commented as he thought the situation over in his mind for a moment, "I will try to keep the meeting down to as little as much time to be on the safe side, and then we can think about what we should do next once we have all the information that is possible in our possession."

He paused, "moments like this thought, are why it is hard not to be at least a bit lazy though," he said referring to the chance to be snuggled up with Sakura as they were at that moment.

"Mhm though to be fair, I doubt there will be few days I won't be somewhat occupied. Hopefully, however, the day where it'll be in more favorable terms will return soon. There's about a million other things I'd rather be working on or beside than him." The number was clearly an understatement but not the rest of the sentence. The longer Sakura had been forced to be Kabuto's temporarily replacement, the worse things had gotten. And knowing she would have to recover and help out said ninja in a few more days ... it was an unpleasant thought. She'd encountered him several times and neither had turned out the best. Though the first was likely the more merciful encounter, given she'd been able to fight off his Temple of Nirvana technique, something almost no one else had been able to do that day.

After a bit of a pause - and the morning kiss - Sakura looked down to Shikamaru. "Maybe you can find some scrolls hidden away regarding them? In the current state, I doubt they'd deny you the ability to view them. But more importantly, better you find them than the Sannin first. That'd be what I'd tell whomever is even supposed to be keeping them hidden away." She distinctly recalled the time Naruto had gotten quite a bit of nerve and managed to steal one himself .. but was failing to remember if anyone had even guarded them and if so, whom. It'd seemed easy enough to think that maybe the answer was no one .. but that had also been done years ago. Time never stood still for anyone so there could be someone keeping the scrolls under closer watch now.

The main reason the answer could still be no truly was with how weakened and vulnerable Konoha was at the moment. Besides, the last thing on most of the other's minds, she imagined, was ensuring certain pieces of paper didn't get stolen away. Lives and safety were all at stake.

"... Hm, time? I'm not sure if I can promise one. But I'll definitely see about making myself available by sunset. It all depends on what Orochimaru has for today, really. Until then though ... I'll head to Kakashi-sensei once you go rendezvous up with Sai-san." Before then though, she really did want to remain beside him. Her smile widened slightly as her cheek moved gently along his hand at the comment of wanting to be lazy. "So do I. Look what you're doing; rubbing off on me like this. Shame on you." She teasingly scolded him, pressing another soft but passionate kiss on his lips.

"That's okay though ... " She whispered softly in his ear upon pulling away and finishing the kiss. "Even whilst I tried to chase Sasuke down and Naruto did the same with me ... I've never been quite this happy before. Thank you, Shikamaru." She murmured, her head going back upon his chest gently.
"I am very glad that you are happy, I know that I am happy with you as well, you are worth all the troublesome possible, for all the happiness you provide," he said with a smile as he looked at Sakura. Shikamaru could remember his father's words to him about women, and they seemed to ring true when dealing with Sakura. He held her for a moment longer, but he knew that he couldn't hold her all day, that they would have things to do and people to go and see as well.

He slipped out from the bed slowly giving Sakura time to move as well and made his way to his feet, he felt good enough to get around, which was good cause he was going to have to go and find Sai and Anko and have a talk with them. He smiled as he looked over at Sakura, "I will meet you when I meet you I guess," he said with a smile as he leaned over and kissed her one last time, before calling out to the guards and having them show him the way out of the place so that he might be able to go and find whom he needed to talk to that day.

Kakashi was sitting reading over something around the same time, he wasn't busy or anything, just had nothing else to do, and he happened to be avoiding another contest with Gai, which would be something he figured would happen, when he rain into the green clad shinobi. He just knew the basics and had been working to figure out what other things were going on and talking to others about their ideas and options to the problem at hand. He hadn't figured out anything, and thus he was sitting reading as he waited for nothing at all. He figured sooner or later Gai would find him and challenge him to something. That or he would go out and have lunch before visiting the graves that day.

For a few moments, Sakura could almost swear she heard the seconds and minutes ticking away. But alas, when Shikamaru began standing up, she knew he was going to meet up with Sai for her. The fact they had a plan of action was still nice and it made her smile. It annoyed her she couldn't join him but knew it would be far too risky to attempt such a thing. Orochimaru would put two and two together and she would be in dire trouble with him. Swallowing softly, she snuck two fingers upon his wrist, doing a quick check-up on his vitals before he got out of reach and noted them. Stable ... thank gods ... After giving him one last soft smile, she slid off the table that had been a makeshift bed and got to her feet.

Her heart raced slightly. Sakura hadn't been near Kakashi much even during the war. The last time she could honestly say she'd been around him for a long amount of time had been ... the last time she saw Sasuke, before he tried to kill her. Both Naruto and Kakashi were the only reasons back then she was still here, alive and breathing. She couldn't say it was by any stretch one of her happier moments; if anything it'd been an eye-opening one. But it was annoying to just give up on Sasuke .. at least back then. Now ... it didn't matter.

Her feet seemed to hesitate, having two main places in mind. When the more dominant one suggested heading to the training center, where she'd been included officially in Team Seven first, her feet began to guide her there. Sure enough he was reading .. though for once, it didn't appear to be his "Icha Icha Paradise" book. That was new for her. "Finally got tired of the books eh, Kakashi-sensei?" She lightly teased, managing a small smile.

Worse than Shikamaru hating her for Sakura sacrificing herself for the other women, Kakashi was probably the other main individual high up on her list. But with how he always went on about people who abandoned comrades were trash .. hopefully he wouldn't be mad at her. Her new 'job' had easily been revealed to everyone during the display to Tsunade; so she knew that Kakashi had put two and two together on that. But with her gaze averted, she doubted he had noticed all the DNA experiments and how they were turning out upon her.

"... I .... I need help ... " When he looked away from the book, he'd see exactly what she was referring to. And already, Sakura was trying to mentally prepare herself for an explanation.

Back at Sai's residence, he was helping ensure Anko took it easy, never doing anything too overly-strenuous and regaining her chakra. With ROOT disabled, there was no need for him to rush out and about. Hopefully his absence hadn't even been noticed while he was gone ... not by Orochimaru anyways. Rumors had swept into his ears when he returned with the Special Jounin. Things truly were bad, no worse, than Sakura had been able to hint. And for once ... no no, the second time, in his life .. Sai was genuinely worried.

Now that he thought back, the first was when Sasuke had just abruptly returned to the battlefield, claiming to be on Konoha's side once again. But it hadn't felt ... right. And it appeared his guess had been correct. He was glad in a way and not. In the long run, he knew the pain of losing him would be especially bad for Sakura. But at the same time, anymore future betrayals were now gone.

At the moment, Anko was now asleep. He himself was sitting in a chair, tapping a quill lightly against a pad of paper. He wanted to draw ... but what exactly? A low sigh left his lips. He would try Anko .. but didn't want to creep her out and thus decided against that. So he decided to forgo that idea, instead letting his hands rest upon the back of his head as his eyes closed gently. Simultaneously, he kept his ears very alert. He had to be on high alert; no one on Orochimaru's side was supposed to know of Anko. That was what common sense was hinting .. and it'd likely get him killed, but he'd do his best to keep her hidden away until she was stronger.
Kakashi heard Sakura arrive, he didn't look up when she came into the room, but focused still on the book knowing whom it was and that most likely if she needed him, she would bring up the topic, which he was sure also that she would do as well. Kakashi knew his student pretty well, and knew that in the situation they were in and after what had happened to her the day before, she would be there asking him for her help, he just wasn't sure what she would ask him to help with or her condition either.

"There is only so many times you can read the same books sadly," he mused as he looked up at her from the books, his eyes catching her eyes, and knowing right away what she was there for. He didn't again push the issue, just to make sure it was what he thought it was, and not jumping the gun at all in the situation.After he heard the request though, he slipped the book gently on the counter and nodded his head.

"How far along are they are you noticing any effects yet," he asked as looked at her, he figured not cause they were not really formed yet, "It shouldn't be to much of a issue to help you with this, given your natural talent at picking up things, it should really easy for you to pick up on the jutsu, genjutsu connected, though that being said all eyes can have different abilities," he commented calmly as he looked at her.

Shikamaru carefully slipped into the house and looked around for a bit as he looked at Sai, "Well now, I figure you have a moment to talk about daily stuff going on correct," he said as he looked over at the former Root member, "I think there some funny new stories being written up in the paper," he said giving a nondescript reason for meeting with the young man, and entering the house. He figured that Sai would catch up, that it was incase other eyes were on them.

He walked inside and waited for Sai for a moment making sure the place was secure, which he was sure it was given the fact that Sai was good at that sort of thing. He wondered what the news was, and he knew that he would have to keep the news for Sakura and update her on everything that had gone down the next time that he could.

Her smile widened slightly as Kakashi replied to her joke. Finally, his gaze went up and to her eyes and she swallowed softly. When the question came up on noting anything, Sakura's head glanced up. Aside from the physical changes ... not really. And there was only one reason that she could begin to think of. Her head slowly shook no before she glanced down to Kakashi. He'd have to know the whole story, enough to understand her reply. "I don't just have an Uchiha's, Kakashi. He kept a bit of DNA from Karin ... and I don't know if she revealed it to you or even knew herself, but she was an Uzumaki. So respectively and ironically ... I have my own former comrade's DNA. A lot of adjustments had to be made as it was, including Shizune intervening and altering my DNA to better accept theirs as it wasn't compatible at first."

She paused, nodding to herself to re-think on her guesses and ensure they all made sense. "I'm not sure if one's been neutralized due to all the work that's been done, if it's just taking a while because of all the work or what. But only the physical changes have been noted, nothing more." A weary sigh passed her lips as she sat down across from Kakashi, her head bowing. How in the hell was she supposed to have these ready in two more days? It felt impossible, especially imagining just how much she had to learn regarding what exactly could be done with the new eyes.

Hopefully Sai was having a much easier time.

His head quickly nodded as two fingers went upon his own lips, giving a slight nod to the sleeping Anko. "She was barely alive when I found her. Yes, go on and sit down." Before he joined the Nara in that concept, he first locked his front door and pulled any curtains in front of the windows. He didn't want anyone working for Orochimaru seeing or hearing them and all they were going to talk about. After a quick glance around, Sai took a seat upon the floor.

"Sakura-chan ... is she well enough? She seemed ... desperate for me to head out and didn't really get to fill me in much before I left. But going off the rumors I've heard since arriving, it's clear that Konoha's definitely been much better." And then it hit him .. he'd just been asked to report back, making him inwardly smile and chuckle at himself. He'd nearly missed the request due to his concerns. A light nod passed his head before he went on to return the favor.

"They all need time, unfortunately. After us, Suna took the most and worst amount of damage --- physical, emotional, mental and financial. They all have said about seeing what can be done but can't make any promises it'll be within a week. It's pushing more along the lines of a month and that's minimum. They did, though, give me days to head out and rendezvous with a shinobi from them and be given an update and hint as to when they can get over and help out." He knew it wasn't the best reply but it was definitely a step in the right direction.
Kakashi thought about her situation, a interesting mix, he figured he could understand the idea behind the combination at least, "emotions, that is what brings out the sharingan, your strong emotions and connection to others, worry, anger, the need to protect something, that can cause the first level of the sharingan to take hold and open up. You most likely won't have it when it changes," he said as he looked at her for a moment longer, "it is like a child whom has a sharingan, they don't have it at first either. Yet, you aren't a child, if you need to force it into happening perhaps focus on the feelings of lose, losing Naruto, losing Sasuke, and other such feelings," he advised her.

"The greatest problem I have had with the Sharingan is stamina, it can drain the stamina right out of you very quickly, it will take practice to get use to the drain it has, before you can do things like like copy moves or genjutsu with the sharingan," he informed her, "yet, I am sure with your chakra control, you will advance in this area faster then normal," he said looking back towards the bar he was sitting at. "Sakura is there anything else I can do to help you, besides train you, I know things are bad, so if you need help do not be afraid to call on me, I am not bad with this whole ninja thing afterall."

"Sakura is doing well enough, she has gone thought a lot since you left, she nearly has complete Uchiha eyes, and her sensing skills are picking up really quickly, She has had a busy couple of days, and the experimentation by Orochimaru has increase, Ino and my self have both been experimented on as well, the former Hokage has been publicly embarrassed and I think that might be the least of our worries," Shikamaru commented with a softly sigh following his comment.

"You see now, Orochimaru has been around us for the last few days straight, but today he hasn't been around, I ahve a bad feeling like when you can smell a storm on the horizon that will come at some point," he said as he shook his head, "I think a month will have to do, we will have to figure out a way to get though this month, I don't know what Orochimaru will do, but most likely the experimentation will increase in scale, and things will continue to get worse. Still there is hope in that we have a time at least for how long we have to hold out."

Shikamaru thought about this new challenge, Sakura wasn't going to be happy, but it was what they had to deal with, "Did you see Konohamaru's team while you were out, they were on their way to Kumo to get aid from them, along with my mother," he informed him, it was his card he was playing in a back up plan, but it would take much longer to get to Kumo then it would to take to get to Suna. He figured that either way a month was about how long they would have to wait at the least.

So .. have another crying fit? It did seem like the easiest way from what he was hinting. But she'd done that ever since their loss, though she supposed that was also before Orochimaru had ever waltzed into Konoha. It annoyed the hell out of her to some extents. Hadn't she done this so much over the past few days? And even during the time she'd been forced to take the two sets of DNA? Gods, is it really not working?! Panic instantly overwhelmed Sakura, her teeth gripping her lower lip as her head bowed and fists clenched.

It was true that she was trying to take better initiative and be in front more as opposed to having someone guard her. But now really was the time she wished someone could at least be at her side, if nothing else. And the lack of Naruto or Sasuke made her heart ache; then again, neither would be able to behave around one another more likely than not. Her eyes finally managed to look up as a weak smile crossed her face.

"I'm glad you have so much faith in me .. but I honestly have no clue. All I've really been able to do is tag along ... play his cards. I don't know if I can, knowing what he wants this for is to get Kabuto out of a comatose state." It made her sick and disgusted, even more than when she had to publicly humiliate Tsunade. True, she'd had help --- but no one needed to know that, especially not the Sannin. And yet it was when her mind went to Tsunade that she realized, that would be the third day. So by the time she headed out to retrieve Kabuto, Tsunade would likely have her execution done.

"What am I doing?!" She murmured, falling to her knees as she hid her face. "It probably wouldn't be good to see her in the current state before ... but .... still .... " Her voice and body were shaking and even with her face hidden, a few tears slipped from in between her fingers. "Don't .. don't join Naruto and Sasuke please. You nor Sai. If all of Team Seven ... because of me ... me failing to be able to have done anything .... I ... I don't ... "

A whimper passed her lips and her hands covered her face tighter, a scream soon leaving. "It hurts! Ngh ... " The push she'd needed seemed to have finally come, though she could literally feel the change actually happening now. It was like her eyes were being lightly etched and carved in order to have the proper alterations done ... and goddamn it hurt like a bitch. Her left hand stayed in front of her face, a bit of blood mingling in with the tears as her right outstretched, trying to feel for a hand. Once she found it, she moved herself closer beside her sensei and squeezed on his hand, shuddering and shaking as the pain continued.

Sai remained silent the entire time, unsure how to react. He was normally stoic and yet the news was actually making him angry, even annoyed. He'd left Sakura at no doubt the worst time and hadn't been able to do much. But if even Shikamaru and Ino had been experimented on, it seemed as if this had been bound to happen regardless of whether he'd been in Konoha or not. Finally, he gave a slow nod in agreement. When the hints on experimentation becoming more frequent caught his ears, he gazed down at himself, wondering if he'd be exempt.

His bloodline wasn't quite as strong as anyone elses's ... not from a first evaluation. But the ability to draw something and make it somewhat real could be devastating if thought about carefully. "Well .. until she's better, I'm going to see about keeping her hidden. She damn well nearly had a fit upon hearing Orochimaru's name; it took an amount of convincing to get her to behave. I'm also going to assume that my absence wasn't noticed and use that to my advantage."

When the question regarding Konohamaru's team or even his mom was brought up, he had to recall. His head shook no after a few moments. "I think, though, Kumogakure is in the opposite direction as Suna, isn't it? I wouldn't have run into them and the distance is longer anyways. But if they headed out the same time as me, they should be back in a few more days if not sooner." He replied, hoping to reassure the Nara. Though Sai had always been alone, he knew that hadn't been the case with Shikamaru. He'd had a father before the war had begun .. the thought of his mother being added in wouldn't be, he guessed, a pleasant one to consider.
Kakashi held her hand tightly as she went under the transformation, he was sure it was a pain in the butt for her, something that she would rather not have to go though as well. He held the hand comforting as he noticed the change, it was a sad state that the village was in, but the best he could do now was just help his former student, and make sure that she was alright, and do the most he could for her.

He could tell the stress in her voice, as well as the seeing it with his eyes, or eye given that one was closed at the moment. He looked at her and gave her a calm, collected look as he looked at her, before he hugged his student. He knew her well, he knew her strength and that she was stronger then she knew. He just hugged her for a moment, he was sure she would need the hug, and that the hug was something that could help as much or more then words. He let her release some of that stress as he hugged his student for that moment.

"Sakura, you are one of my students, you were all capable, you are no less capable then Naruto or Sasuke," he said with a soft smile as he looked at her, he put his hand on her shoulder as he looked around, "I think that you are handling this far better then Naruto would of, or Sasuke, I think they would of both lost their cool and we would be in a state of war against ourselves by now," he said with a smile as he thought about adding something in as well. "You know they never found Sasuke's body, and Naruto's body isn't in his grave either," he said as he looked at the young woman. He wasn't sure she had ever been given that information, and it was high level information, but given the situation, he figured it best to share with her. "Still, I have no plan of going the way of the dodo, I am pretty good at this job, and I will be careful, you are the one whom needs to watch out right now, Sakura, keep your eyes open, and I am sure you will think of something to get us out of this fix."

Shikamaru nodded his head, "Well then, that should be most interesting, and I hope helpful in someway as well, I figure that we will need a good vit of force to retake the village, and we will find a way to get by for this month," he said nodding as het hought it over, it was going to be hard to get by another month, but it was something that was going to be needed. He looked at Sai for a second more. "Now, I will get ahold of you if anything comes up, and I will make sure that Sakura hears what you have told me, tell Anko good day for me when you can, I need to go and visit my former teammate, it was good seeing you, and take care of yourself," he said politely to Sai as he knew what he needed to know, and figure it would be best to slip out, which he did shortly after.

He walked over to Ino's shop and home and knew how to get it, he had been there so many times before. He hoped the door and slipped in, looking around, he figured that Ino was still worn down from the day before. He looked up the stairs, "Ino, are you home, if you are, I am here to visit and to check up on you," he called out as he looked in the direction of her room, the place he figured was the most likely for her to be at that moment.

For what felt like forever, Sakura had no idea on how to speak up, only whimper shudder or tremble. But then the rather disturbing news on Naruto and Sasuke's bodies caught her ears and her head slowly moved off of Kakashi's chest and she began to open her eyes. "... Wait ... what? So .. neither are ... dead? Is that what you're ... suggesting?" It was a very odd slither of hope, especially to think that Sasuke may be out there, somewhere. But it seemed impossible. She'd watched the two battle, watched them die and kill each other. How ... ? Wouldn't she have noted or felt if a genjutsu had been used against her? Her lower lip bit and by the time Sakura had begun to get a grip on herself, Kakashi would see a good reason why she'd been in so much agony. The process had seemed to skip a step but her eyes weren't just Sharingans --- they'd gone almost instantly to Magenkyos.

It seemed his advice on focusing upon emotions had been heeded very well, to say the least. Not only had it made the change hurry up but go to one of the most powerful phases.

Sakura's mouth opened to ask herself what happened, but got an easier idea. Her hand slowly pulled a kunai out and used it as a makeshift mirror. After a few blinks, she found herself staring at her new eyes and felt her pulse quicken slightly. True, it did explain why she'd been in so much pain, but she hadn't thought that it would be quite that effective. Swallowing softly, she slipped the kunai away, wiping away any remaining drops of blood upon her face. "... N-now what?" She asked softly.

Shikamaru would see Sai bow his head before he got too far out of range. The weary artist took another glance at Anko and decided she had a smart idea and crawled into his own bed, deciding that rest would likely aid him out with being able to get inspiration easier.

At the flower shop, the bell to signal a person entering or leaving would gently echo in Shikamaru's ear. No reply seemed to immediately come up until a few moments later. An exhausted but otherwise Ino walked out from the back, giving Shikamaru a bow of head of acknowledgement, concealing her mouth to hide a yawn. "Morning ... afternoon ... whatever time it is." A genuine smile crossed her face as she managed to catch his motive for stopping in and nodded slowly. "I am, yeah. Just feeling a tad drained .. but not nearly as bad as I could be, actually. Which .. given all the work Sakura said she had to do is .. a bit unusual though I won't complain. Maybe being unconscious helped out in it's own way though ... "

She mused on the last sentence before waving her hand, deciding it didn't matter at the moment. A small sigh left her lips as she recalled the recent events, mainly when she'd let Shikamaru speak to everyone .. and their plan had failed. How was beyond her too, she'd ensured to select only minds whom she and Shikamaru wanted to know on the sabotage. And yet, it'd still gone wrong somehow ... which slightly infuriated her. Her eyes softened slightly as she asked gently, ".... Now what? Do we really just live like nothing's happened?" After they'd both been experimented on, it was clear things would definitely get better before worse. The idea wasn't her best preference. However ... if it was something that would have to be done, she'd do so. It'd be a bit reluctant but otherwise followed through.
Kakashi looked at the young woman's eyes for a moment and paused as he could tell that they had advanced very quickly, they had the three rings that were assosicated with someone having the upperlimits of a sharingan, impressive, but it made sense when one thought about it, she had a lot of experience in battle, and she had gone though so much agony though her whole life, her life wasn't easy, and that was most likely why her eye had adapted and changed.

"I do not know if they are alive or dead, it is very possible, that someone in the village moved them somewhere different, once they figured their graves would be targets, it is also possible that they were stolen, and the village has been hiding the fact, and it is also possible they are alive, it is unknown to me what happened to them, but I think it might be a good idea at some point to figure out just what is going on," Kakashi replied to her statement before her eyes really started to advance themselves.

"First you need to learn to use the eyes, a figure that a bar is a horrible place to train them, you will need to get used to the vision, and I figure I should train with you to help you adapt, to help you leaern how it feels to copy someone else moves, most of it should come naturally, it actually wasn't that hard to learn, but getting used to the feeling of having it could be a challenge for you as it is different to be able to do so.," he advised as he stood up and put his book away and turned towards the door. "best we get heading towards a training ground, but even having thoughs eyes doesn't mean you can heal your target, each sharingan can have different unique skills such as Itachi's eyes and Obito's eyes had different skills, but we will figure out what yours can do while we train."

Shikamaru was glad that his former teammates was doing okay, he knew that it had not been easy for either of them and that things were changing, not just cause of Orochimaru, but cause he was in a relationship with her best friend. He smile as he thought about her statement, he had a plan, not one to take over the village that would be foolish at this point, best figure out where all the pieces were before making another bold move that could be risky and dangerous all at the same time. It was best to do something else.

"We have to sadly endure, one month, but I have a feeling something is up, and we need to know more about what is going on from Orochimaru, we need to be in the know and the only way to do that is to spy on him," he said as he looked at Ino, "that way, we don't get so badly caught by surprises anymore, to do this we need to figure a way near the snake, so that we can keep watch," he said as his eyes focused on her, "your skills make you perhaps the best choose in the matter, you can gather information from various sources and use people and birds and animals to keep watch over Orochimaru, which could work best to keep track as to what he happens to be up to at any moment in time," he said with a confident tone, he knew that Ino could pull this off, and he knew that it was very much needed as well.

Just the thought of the bodies having possibly been moved almost instantly disgusted Sakura. Even if that was the case, didn't people still need consent for such things? All the same, Kakashi was right. The best thing to focus upon at that moment wasn't yet the possibility that her comrades might be alive and hiding away somewhere but the training with her new eyes. It felt so odd .. having seen for herself and knowing it'd worked, though that was an understatement really. It'd gone practically perfectly, maybe even exactly how the Sannin wanted. And that alone made a shiver trail down her spine.

Her head shook no in understanding as the warning about having Sharingans didn't mean she'd be able to heal someone well enough. "That ... that's fine. I'd rather use actual medical ninjutsu for that anyways, not risk trying something that isn't likely to work." Her feet and body shook, still clearly taken aback at all that'd happened. And it hadn't even been a full week yet ... or had it? It was damn close, that much was for sure. Her gaze went towards the ground as the idea of her having a unique skill was hinted. She'd been incredibly stupid and naive but had seriously thought all Uchihas had the same abilities. So to know there may very well be something else, something even Orochimaru had never seen before ... she wasn't certain whether to be more excited or terrified at that.

It'd likely give her an advantage in the long run. Simultaneously, it'd mean experiments upon her would only increase, especially after she helped Kabuto get back into Konoha. Her stomach clenched to think that after today's training was over, she'd have to report to Orochimaru and show him the changes were done. There were, thankfully, at least 48 more hours until she had to head out to get his first right-hand man ... but that didn't mean by any stretch of her mind this new training would be easy. In fact, it'd probably be more annoying than Kakashi's "bell test".

By the time her gaze went back up, Sakura's feet ceased moving as she saw they'd arrived. A small smile couldn't help but cross her face. This location definitely brought many, many memories back. They were good and bad .. though a bit more on the positive side for once. Exhaling softly, she glanced up to Kakashi. All of a sudden, she felt like a Genin once again. "Alright then ... so .... what's part one exactly?" She asked, holding her wrists behind her back as the pink-haired kunoichi tried her best to at least mentally ready herself for the new lessons.

"... One month?! We'll be lucky he doesn't just massacre the whole village by then!" Color had likely drained slightly from her face to even imagine living with him as Hokage for that long. One week would be preferable but ... beggars couldn't be choosers. Her right index finger caught a few strands of her blonde hair as she began lightly twirling it, a nervous habit of hers she did at times. A sly smirk couldn't help but cross her lips upon the new idea her teammate appeared to have.

"Spy upon the man who had one of his own as his right-hand man? If I didn't know you, I'd swear you were beginning to go just a bit insane, Shika. But ... hm .... " Her finger ceased as she rested her arms upon the counter in front of her, closing her blue eyes as she held up a hand to silently hint for him to wait a bit. She gave a nod as they opened within a few minutes, swallowing softly. "There are several guards with him. And while it is true I could do it ... all of the possible techniques are short-range. Meaning we're going to have to risk getting close ... like outside the Hokage's office or something. And my only issue with that is not knowing if he's taken any precautions since the past few days. If he has, there'd be no way I can even begin to try to spy on him."

Her fingers tapped gently, nodding as she re-thought on his suggestion about using animals instead. And it made her snap a finger, shaking her head at herself. "Never mind ... even better. Alright .... " Another teasing smirk crossed her face. "You'll have to convince Sakura I don't keep swooning or trying to steal you though; wouldn't want her getting the wrong idea. Especially now that she's essentially taken over Tsunade's place .. and I don't feel like enduring one of her insanely strong punches." To many, the statement may have seemed out of place. But if she just let a more depressing mindset take over her, that wouldn't do her any good. So she tried to lighten the mood slightly, even if only a bit.

It'd be slightly risky to do the Mind Body Switch Technique from this far ... but it just meant focusing more on the thing she wanted to do it with instead. Pushing herself away from the counter, she glanced out the window and towards the Hokage's Office, getting it into the best possible view from her shop. Making the circle, she closed her eyes to focus again. After one last deep exhale, Ino's body collapsed backwards towards Shikamaru.

If he focused, the Nara would sense she'd put herself into one of Orochimaru's snakes. Thankfully, it was one he hadn't sent out of the office and thus wouldn't seem out of place if she remained. It was nerve-wracking, even in an animal's body, to be so close to the man. But to an extent, this was indeed easier. Humans could more easily give away that they weren't in their right minds, literally. Animals .. did no such thing, not really. She remained coiled up, hating having to be this close but more terrified of doing something out of place. One wrong move was all it ever took, especially after doing this technique.

At most, her head began to slowly move around, mentally noting the number of guards, where exactly they were, things of the like. All the while, she waited ... knowing that soon, the voice of the Sannin would echo in the room and her ears.
"Part one is simple, just watch, and observe, your eyes should be able to pick up on my movements and you should be able to memorize them really quickly, I will do the hand seals for the jutsu really slowly to help you pick up on them the first time, after I am done, I want you to give it a shot, if it works or not is not the key, the key is seeing if you can pick up the physical hand seals," Kakashi instructed Sakura as he looked at her looking towards another direction, but at a angle in which she could easily pick up the hand seals he was going to do. He as he told Sakura did each of the hand seals for the jutsu slower then normal so that it would be easier for her to pick them up with her eyes.

"Water Release, Water bullet jutsu," Kakashi announced as he shot a basic level ranged water jutsu at one of the targets before turning towards Sakura and looking at her, for a moment, "So were you able to pick up on the hand seals that were used in the jutsu," he asked calmly as he looked at her, he felt there was a good chance she did, but how she would feel about this almost cheating ability she now had, that would be interesting to see as well.

Shikamaru held Ino in his arms as she fell towards him, he knew that this was important, to spy on Orochimaru was key, so they would be able to see what he was up to, and he had faith in his teammate, she had a lot of skills and abilities, she was the only one whom could pull off such a thing and have a hope of getting away with it.

Orochimaru wondered back into the office, he was very vexed as he walked in, slamming another folder on the desk hard, as he opened i t, it was a lits of missing shinobi, it was a old report too, before the war, actually over a year before the war, it was the last place he could look, it was thick and had much more information the the bingo book did. As he read, he was so focused on finding the blue haired trouble maker from earlier that day, he didn't notice the snakes at all. His eyes scanned though each of the pages as he looked at the faces of the people, he had to find the person somewhere, they couldn't be some kind of ghost.

He stopped as he looked at the picture of the youngster, it was dated 3 years before the war, the young man in it fit the describition of what he saw though perfectly. Orochimaru looked at the file for a moment longer, "Well now, I have found you, Seiryuu Yugama, missing shinobi of the Waterfall Village," he said to himself as he then ordered an assistant to come into the room, and then ordered the man to go to waterfall and gather as much information about the troublemaker. As he left he sat down and sighed, "the ghost of the Uchiha, hmm, I wonder if they are just using that name for cover, whatever that must be it," he convinced himself as he then slipped out of the room and head to go work on his experiments more.

To any other set of eyes, the hand seals would have looked impossible to follow. It was one of Kakashi's specialties; he'd purposely made his hand seals faster than usual over the years to better and quicker execute moves. But to her astonishment, they seemed to be in slow motion as she watched them. The seals continued to replay in her head even after her sensei was finished. A slow nod left her head before looked silently to one of the targets. The 'replay' had stopped one last time but not before she allowed herself to be able to remember the appropriate sequence. Even as she performed them, her own hands seemed so much faster on their own naturally. She swallowed softly, watching the same Water technique happen -- but now from her own hands.

It looked as if the effects were as devastating and powerful as they'd appeared, both before and during having the Magenkyos. "I ... I did it would seem." She managed to reply, smiling softly as she set her hands down in front of her, feeling them tremble slightly. "I .. see what you mean on needing to get used to this though. It really does feel weird as hell. N-not in a bad way but still .... "

She exhaled softly, getting a mental grip on herself as Sakura nodded after a while. "A-alright ... I guess I'm ready again ... " She added, her eyes ready to look upon the target once again and mentally note another new technique to use .. or whatever exactly Kakashi intended to show her.

'Ino's' head tilted up slightly as the footsteps were heard. She had to almost slither away with how close the bastard had stepped on her. The first thing she noted save an unusually serious expression in his eyes was the folder he was carrying. She inwardly cursed and even after the Sannin left, Ino knew what she had to do. It was incredibly risky but if it was done at practically the perfect time, this would be worth the double usage of her jutsu. Once Orochimaru was out of view, she mentally noted the direction he headed off to ... and shuddered. Ugh, those damn labs again ...

Thankfully, she didn't have to immediately go there just yet.

First thing was first ... she switched back to her normal body, panting and breathing softly. She said nothing aloud and the signal of her making the circle once again would be all Shikamaru would need to see to know what was going to happen. A low groan passed her lips before she moved again, this time to one of the guards in the room. She felt the body almost instantly tense and even try to shove her out. But his willpower still wasn't enough and finally, she subdued him enough to make the next move.

She remained silent as her fingers pressed firmly into the side of the other guard's neck, watching him collapse. Even without the Hyuugas, everyone had been taught some basic anatomy and pressure point knowledge, thankfully. So she did know a few things that Neji would have known all of. It'd be incredibly risky .. but she'd known this from the get-go. Closing the folder, she tucked it away ... and then returned back again to her body.

"Goddamnit ... " She murmured, blue eyes weakly opening as she set the folder down, her panting and breathing having increased quite a bit by now. "I .. forgot ... how exhausting this is. Though I've never really had to use it multiple times either. Hm ... " Her eyes closed once again, now focusing on where Orochimaru's labs were. It was easy enough to pick up chakra signatures and not just because it was one of her specialties. She'd been there before, so she knew exactly where to sense for.

It'd been like she'd expected; guards outside the lab. "Hopefully this should be the last time for a while. Read over that and figure why him trying to seek this 'Seiryuu' down mattered so much. There may be something I didn't get to find." And with that, she went silent once again.

Soon, she reappeared in one of the guards outside the lab. The face she'd taken over looked as serious and calm as it had been .. but deep down, poor Ino was nervous as hell. And with her in a very weakened state - but at least not wounded - one wrong move would truly be the worst thing to happen to her right now. If it weren't for the fact there was another one so close beside her, Ino would have gladly made a telepathic link with Shikamaru to better keep in touch with him. But she couldn't .. not yet. Besides, that would likely be pushing her limits regarding how much chakra she'd used. And she didn't want to deplete herself completely; she'd still need some left over.

The guised guard remained quiet, hearing nothing save her pulse as she waited for a better hint on what he was trying out now.
Kakashi looked over as he noticed Sakura's eyes, they were at the final stage, which meant that he hoped it wouldn't have the draw backs, due to not being natural, which he figured was the case, but one never knew given Orochimaru and what his plans might be or what they might not be. He figured that they would have to figure out something on how to deal with him, but there was so much wrong with the world at that moment. They needed Naruto more then ever, and sadly he was no where around.

"Yes, it is different from what you have ever done before, so thus, it is odd, and yet, it takes time to adjust to it, there is one thing you should be aware of, even though you can copy a move it doesn't mean you can just copy it. This basically means taijutsu, I am sure you remember way back when we first meet Rock Lee, he challenged Sasuke and defeated him, Sasuke could see Lee's attacks and copied them, but at that time, he wasn't able to do them cause he wasn't physically able to do them, thus you will have the same limits," he said as he looked over at Sakura before he refocused on the target that was ahead of himself, using the same basic hand seals before he shot off another water bullet jutsu at the targets.

Shikamaru watched as Ino came back and left again, she was pushing herself, and while he was naturally a bit worried for his teammate, remembering the feeling of almost being killed from lack of chakra once during the final fight with Obito, he knew she had come a heck of a long ways, and her skills were rather amazing, and she could handle herself. He watched her carefully having moved into an more isolated area of the store, so that no prying eyes would be upon them as she did her work. He felt the connection the second time, he knew that whatever she found had to be extremely important, and valuable to the village.

The guards were moving back and forth, the other one was quiet not saying a word standing like a statue as he looked out before he noticed something, that looked like a mouse or something small, which got his attention, it ran off fast, and something told him, that it was something he needed to look into, He turned to the guard that Ino was controlling, "I will be back in a couple, I need to double check that wasn't so type of trouble," he said referring to the mouse like thing he thought he saw move by himself so quickly moments before.

Inside was a file that Orochimaru was keeping on this new group, the only files being that of Seiryuu, and the other being on the ghost Uchiha, no information on the ghost Uchiha, but plenty on Seiryuu, well what was to be found, his home village, and his gennin rankings as well as the jutsu type he used when taking down guards to get into the city,The front had a marker of priority on it, he needed to know more about this person. The last paper was on the group and the information that the group wanted to destroy all villages, the basic stuff he had heard from Seiryuu that day. Under the folder was one other one, that had the plans for the mind control jutsu inside of it, as well as some of his plans for whom to use for what experiments and the experimental crossing of dna plans inside of it as well.

A small nod of acknowledgement left Sakura's head as she paid heed to all Kakashi was saying, subconsciously running a hair through her pink locks. Even though it was short in length, she felt as if it were much longer, similar to back when she was younger in age. The memories made her smile slightly. Maybe she should let her hair regrow again? She had liked it longer and was an annoying sacrifice to have made. But now that herself and Ino were done fighting over Sasuke .. it seemed silly. It was time to do certain things for herself once again, that could easily be one, yes? She saw no reason why she couldn't.

It was quiet but the sounds of hands moving still got her attention all the same. Sakura's glance moved over in time to see Kakashi doing another water technique. No sooner than her eyes copied it did Sakura begin to copy the movements. But then, a realization made her panic about half-way, yet she still proceeded with the seals all the same. Oi, baka, wait! You don't have a chakra type! But maybe it was because of that sole fact ... that it worked ... anyways? She blinked, slightly confused as she looked down at herself for a moment before back to Kakashi.

"...W-wait. Since I don't have wind like Naruto or any already designated element ... does this mean jutsus will be easier actually?" After all, the worry about the 'chakra opposites tree' was now gone in such a body like hers. There was no opposite, no worries on what was 'wrong' or 'right' to cast from her. Sakura suddenly felt her stomach clench tightly, making her arms go across it, her knees shaking so hard they threatened to cause her to fall and sink to them soon.

Dear gods, all of this was thought out so far. He knew all this from the get-go ... didn't he? He's likely planned it all even before setting foot here, ne?

Then again, that first set of Ninja cards that Kabuto stole during the Chuunin exams years ago ... they were never retrieved, were they? Her face drained slightly of color as she remembered the answer to be no. Age, height, weight could change throughout the years. But one thing that never did was chakra types or lack of ... not lest they were forced to via experiments anyways.

Ino made the guard do nothing save give a simple nod, terrified of speaking the wrong words or anything else. When she was alone, her eyes peeked slowly in the labs. He's ... gone? Odd. I saw him head here. To some degree, this made everything easier for her and more difficult simultaneously. She wouldn't have to worry about being interrupted -- not at the time, anyways. But she'd have to be faster than usual, not knowing a definite time frame on when the Sannin would or wouldn't return here. And she definitely would not want to be caught red handed doing all she was in this body. It'd make alarms go off -- maybe in a very literal sense.

Her eyes first caught sight of that 'Seiryuu' figure once again. Her eyes narrowed as she read the name 'Uchiha' in it. Tch, please. What Uchihas? They're all gone ... All 'natural' ones were, at least. The new and forced Sakura was becoming one in a sense and some could call Kakashi one, albeit he was also forced like Sakura. But not nearly in the same aspects or degrees .. his eye had been an offer, a gift. Poor Sakura had little to no say in the matter and she felt her heart sink for her friend. Tucking the file away under her arms, her body froze as she read up on the second file regarding the mind-control jutsu.

Bu...but ... that ... requires ... She didn't want to finish her thoughts, shakily and hastily grabbing it. Don't panic, don't panic .... It was even harder to get Ino to such points like this than Sakura. But right then and there, she couldn't help it. She'd never admitted to Sakura or Shikamaru she hadn't been overly fond of the first set of experiments. But she'd tolerated it well enough for a few reasons. For one, it'd been Sakura who'd done it and thus mercy was given to her. Two ... with the element of mercy came the ability to be put into a state of unconsciousness. Pain wasn't an issue and even with being slightly sore, that wasn't nearly as bad as it very well could have been.

Three ... wait, which was that? She felt like there was one but her heart and mind were racing too fast to recall. Her head shook as she made her feet move once again. Regardless, the concept wasn't one that she overly enjoyed just from thinking about. Hell and no! This was supposed to be something unique to her clan alone! Not to some bastard like Orochimaru. The mix of fear and anger were surging through her as she returned to her post. Sneaking a glance around to ensure she was alone, Ino made damn well certain that she was alone before returning to her own body and Shikamaru.

Three files in a matter of minutes was more than good enough. More than that, she didn't know if she could handle leaning much more, honestly. "Either get me to your place ... or close this one and quickly, please." She murmured, a few struggled coughs and gasps leaving, shaking hands clasping the two new files to herself closely. It wouldn't take a genius to realize sabotage had been performed against Orochimaru once the files were found missing. And when they were, there'd be a search, a manhunt. Knowing she was now already wanted for another experiment was bad enough. She dreaded thinking of herself as a prisoner --- or likely, worse. A to-be-executed kunoichi with her luck and 'crimes' against the new 'Hokage'.
Kakashi blinked and thought about her question for a moment, it was a good question to have for him, and he thought seriously about the ramifications. "Well, someone whom isn't naturally attuned to one element might have a easier time to pick up on more then one, though, I do find it odd you are not attuned naturally to one, have you ever been tested to see if you were?" he asked curiously, it was possible she had never been tested to see what she was attuned too, heck naruto didn't know till he was 16, and she had gone into learning medical jutsu which would mean ninjutsu wouldn't be important to her till now.

He looked at her, "you just need to relax, you are improving learning a new skill takes time, and one as complicated as the sharingan has to take more time, at least that is my logic. Even people whom are attuned to a element can learn multiple, such as myself or sasuke, it is nothing to be worried about, now, is there anything else bothering you besides this trouble with Orochimaru we are having right now," he added in curious, as he could tell she had been under a lot of stress and the best way sometimes to deal with such things was to come out and say what was bugging you.

Shikamaru could tell that this jutsu for Ino was not something easy and was challenging her limits. He knew the best way to get to his own home. He nodded as he continued to carry Ino, slipping from her house, he looked both ways, and walked into down the street a short ways before he slipped into the woods that were around his family's home. He walked though them quietly, knowing that it was the best way to approach his home, and that it would be the least troublesome route. As he walked, he hoped that Sakura was having success at working with Kakashi at the same time.

Shikamaru slipped into his home and carried her to the living room, laying her down on the couch gently, as he walked over to the kitchen and got a glass of water and carried it and put it on the table next to the couch, so that Ino could have the water, knowing she had to be worn down from all the work she had done that day. He sat down in a chair across from where she was laying and looked in her direction.

"So, it seems like we are going to have a lot more problems then I first though," he mused as he looked towards one of the windows, the connection had worked and he had seen what she had, it wasn't good news at all. "We have two large problems, and they might or might not be related, thought I doubt it, unless this person, is whom Orochimaru plans to try out his mind control jutsu on first," he mused not knowing that the two things were completely unrelated to one and another. It seemed to him they might be given that the two files were stacked up on each other. Still, figuring out whom this person was, might be very helpful, but he had no idea how to do that, he couldn't leave, nor could Ino, or Sakura, they couldn't get Sai to leave when he was taking care of Anko, either.
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