Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Bingo~" The sound of furniture moving across the floor could be heard. Izaya had started to rearrange the entire living room, even setting cups in random spots on the floor. "I want you to make it to the kitchen, using only your senses- well, except for touch that is." He said, moving to sit at his desk. If you bump into anything or knock anything over I'm going to rearrange the furniture and you'll start again. Your mother is at your aunts, so take as long as you want. If you want to pee, get out without knocking anything over, if you get hungry, don't bump into anything, and if you get tired, well, you get the idea..~"

((Huehuehue~ If Ayane found out about this she'd be pissed~))

Masashi scowled heavily. How was he supposed to use his sense of hearing and smell to navigate around the room? "This is stupid."
"It may be, but you have to do it." He said, shrugging. "Get going, I'll be here to watch your progress..~"
One of Izaya's switch blades flew through the air and landed blade first in between Masashi's feet. "You're absolutely right, but how else are you going to dodge these other wise?"
Izaya sighed and chuckled. "You got your mothers stubbornness.." He said. "You don't want to have to stumble around for the rest of you life, do you?"
"Kaa-san will eventually come home and beat you senseless, you know." He hissed. He nudged the blade gently before kneeling down and picking it up. "Sonar..." He muttered. He clicked his tongue and listen for the sound to bounce off something. And it did; Izaya was on the northeastern side of the room with hardly anything obscuring his path to his father. Masashi slowly moved toward his father, holding the blade gingerly
Izaya smirked, watching his son with a proud glint in his eyes, not saying anything so Masashi could focus.
Masashi made it towards Izaya's desk but missed the step and fell forward, only to catch himself on the desk, "Shimatta." Masashi scolded himself
Izaya used a single finger to push Masashi back up, taking the knife. "Let's start again." He said, standing and moving over, changing the positions of the furniture and leading Masashi back to the other side of the room.
Masashi scowled, "That isn't fair! I didn't know there was an elevated floor!" His cheeks flushed with his rage, "I'm telling Kaa-san!" He said and moved to where he knew his room was, not caring if his bumped into anything as he went to grab his phone
Izaya followed after Masashi, slamming his hand against the wall next to Masashi's face before he entered the room. "Are you really going to quit this easily? Is that how you were raised?"
"Because I...!" Masashi stopped and frowned, "Because I can't do anything for myself...I need help all the time...I give up because...because I'm weak, Tou-san..."
Izaya put a hand on Masashi's head and ruffled his hair. "I don't know about weak, I've seen you lug this heavy head of yours around with no problem." He said, grinning crookedly. "You aren't weak, Masa." He said.
(("..out this heavy head.."? ImsosorryitsbuggingmesobadIllstopifyouwant!!))

"I-I'm not...?" He lifted his head to where he heard his father's voice
((*grumbles and fixes* I'm really sorry, my phone is shit and I'm tired. *rolls into a fire*))

Izaya grinned. "Of course not! You have my genes, there is no way you could be weak~"
((No it's okay!!))

Izaya shrugged. "Maybe so, but you still have to complete the course." He said, giving him a small nudge. "Now get going."
(( ;n; So no drowning in jello?))

Masashi nodded and made his way back to where he was, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he focused

Izaya stood there, waiting and watching silently, wanting to see what his son could do.

Masashi took a deep breath and relaxed. He clicked his tongue and listened for the sound waves to return so he could paint a picture of the room in his mind. To the North: a chair and end table. To the Northeast: Izaya's desk but the couch was in his way this time. East: coffee table with Izaya's "chess board". Southwest: empty, as well as West and Northwest. Masashi slowly moved Northwest, keeping a good distance from him and the chair as he moved around it and to Izaya's desk. He stopped a couple feet away from the desk and clicked his tongue again. He slowly took a long stride and stepped over the elevated floor and placed his hand on Izaya's desk, "Checkmate. Knight takes the King."
Izaya smirked, a proud glint in his eyes. "Well done, I suppose you've earned dinner." He teased, heading towards the kitchen.
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