Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)


Izaya peered around the corner, watching Masashi with a small grin. As quietly as he could, he slunk into the kitchen, stepping carefully as he tried to sneak around to Masashi's back side.
Masashi stopped reading his braile, muscles tensing slightly. He sat very still; listening. The floor behind him barely creaked or strained under the weight being placed on it, slow and deliberate steps were being made. "Tou-san, what are you doing?" He asked curiously
Izaya smirked. "I guess you caught me~ Oh well, that's not important, I have something I want to teach you while your mother is out."
Izaya chuckled. "What can I say? Your mother can't resist me. Now put down your book and follow me, I want to teach you something."
Masashi sighed softly and closed his book, standing and turning, "What is it?" He asked, holding out his hand so he knew exactly where Izaya was as he walked slowly
Izaya took his son by the wrist and carefully led him around the table to the living room, stopping Masashi in the middle where there were no obstacles in the way. "I'm going to teach you some things I know." He said.
Izaya poked him between the eyes, one hand on his hip. "The first thing I'm going to teach you is how to see."
Izaya poked him again, right between the eyes, a bit harder this time. "There are more ways to see than one." He said. "You can use your other senses to see."
"Yes, you can hear, but that's only one sense you're using." Izaya instructed. "What other senses can you use to your advantage?"
"Ah yes, but forget their eyes. Eyes are only weakness, something to get in the way of your other senses. What other animal do you know that uses sonar?" He asked.
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