Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Koishi giggled and stood up, taking his hand. "You're silly." She said. "Let's get lunch, I'm hungry." She said, leading him back to Ayane and Makise.
Koishi held onto her bento box and led Masashi to the benches, helping Masashi sit down before sitting down herself.
Koishi was already eating, though she had to lean her umbrella against her shoulder so it wouldn't fall, which made eating a little awkward.
Koishi nodded, handling her chopsticks like they were made of glass. "I just don't wanna break my chopsticks like last time.." She whispered.
"That doesn't change that you're awesome." She said, smiling at him. "And if you ask me, your eyes are really cool."
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