Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise whined softly. "Yeah ow... This really hurts.." She said as they made their way outside.
Once Makise was carted off and put into a room, the nurse came in to see how far along she was. "Okay, you aren't fully dilated yet Ms. Orihara." She groaned at the name, and because she was hit with a contraction.
"My boyfriend... C-Can my boyfriend come in?" Makise asked one of the nurses, who looked at another nurse, who gave a small nod. "But only him." She said as another nurse went to get Shizuo. "Mr. Heiwajima?"
"Yes, she's fine, but she wants you to be there with her." She said, motioning him towards the room.
Makise looked up at Shizuo and grinned through the pain. "Hey, glad they let you in." She winced again.
Makise gave his hand a small squeeze, then she groaned in pain again as she was hit with another contraction.
((Teeny skip~))

After hours of screaming and crying, Makise finally gave birth to a health baby girl, except one thing was off. Her skin was pale, abnormally pale and her eyes, which could her seen when she opened them briefly, were pink.
As the doctor handed Makise her baby, she looked to Shizuo, and as if readying his mind she laughed softly and shook her head. "No, she isn't sick, as far as we can tell, she's perfectly healthy, but we'll take her back for complete testing in a while." She said before leaving the room to the two new parents. "She's so small..." Makise breathed, gently holding the newborn.
Makise smiled and nodded. "She's perfect.." She kissed the baby's head, who squirmed. "What should we name her?"
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