Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Namie scowled. "It can't be removed once it's in, it isn't a microchip. Not unless I drained him of all his blood."
Ayane's aura seemed to flow heavier, "I'm going to drain you of all your filthy," She stepped forward, "Narcissistic," She gripped the table to keep from falling over, "superior blood and make it seem like you had an accident!!"
"Sh-Shut up!" Ayane snapped. The room was spinning hard and she could see two Namies at this point, "Sh-Shimatta..." She muttered under her breath
Namie moved toward Ayane, stopping in front of her and putting her pointer finger on her forehead, giving her a hard poke and knocking her over. "All bark and no bite."
"You're such a waste of space." She said, scowling, clenching the hand with the scalpel in it and raising it, ready to bring it down into Ayane's chest but a hand grabbed her wrist. "We can't have that, now can we~"
Izaya stood behind a very angry looking Namie, grinning from ear to ear. "I've come to save the princess~" He said. "Now how about dropping the scalpel~?" Namie hissed and let go as directed, not looking at all happy.
Shizuo finally stepped in, covered in blood - and not his own, mostly - and picked up Ayane, who was a noodle in his arms, "Nooo...I'll ooze everywhere..." She whined. Shizuo scowled, "She's bad, Izaya, we need to leave, grab the kid and let's go."
Izaya nodded and released Namie, gently picking up Masashi and hurrying out the door. "We'll take them both to a hospital."
Izaya hurried out onto the street and to the hospital, once there he called for assistance and both Masashi and Ayane were carted away.
"Noooooo....I'm oozing everywhere....you're making a horrible mess of me...." Ayane whined as they carted her off. Shizuo sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair, "I'm going to call Makise..."
"If you want to, brat...but I wouldn't advise it...just stay there and keep the door locked in case they try to come and kidnap you again." He told her
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