Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shizuo followed him, walking with purpose.

Ayane groaned, trying to lift her head only to have it loll to the side numbly. The room spun and she felt numb and unfocused. "Why...am I so heavy...? Am I melting...?" She mumbled to herself. She made a noise and doubled over, the straps that bound her arms and legs to the chair the only things keeping her seated.
Namie sat in her office, Ayane's phone on her desk. "Izaya will be consign soon no doubt. Close the front gate, no one leaves or enters." She said to a guard she had called in.
Namie stood up and left her office, down the hall, but she stopped when the wailing of a baby tore through her like nails against a chalk board. "Tch." She frowned and opened the door were Masashi laid on a cold metal table. "Annoying.." She muttered, going to a table that had many vials, bottle and needles, picking up a needle and a small bottle of cloudy liquid, drawing some into the needle and moving over to Masashi, scowling down at him.

Namie took Masashi's arm, pushing the needle into his flesh a bit roughly and injecting the liquid into his bloodstream.
Masashi screamed louder and Ayane dug her nails into the arms of the chair, "Don't..." She tugged hard at the straps binding her, "Hurt..." The leather began to whine and strain, "My...!" The straps snapped and Ayane broke free, breaking the straps binding her legs and she threw open the door, "Baby!!"

Shizuo suddenly froze, getting a chill, "I gotta bad feeling..."
Namie had just removed the needle from Masashi when the door slammed open, dearly putting a crack in the wooden door. She turned, eyes widening slightly. "How did you get out, what idiot let you out..!?"

Izaya looked over at Shizuo, raising a eyebrow. "A bad feeling?"
A familiar dark aura radiated off of Ayane as she leaned against the broken door. She looked up, glaring death, "You're dead." She said lowly.

"We need to hurry." Shizuo said and ran off to Yagiri pharmaceuticals
"Someone get her out of here!" Namie looked nervous, backing away from Ayane.

Izaya followed quickly after Shizuo, frowning when he felt the heavy pressure in the air.
Ayane took a shaky step forward, "You kidnapped...Maki...and because Izaya...needed you around...I didn't kill you..." She took another step closer, "But then...you made the mistake...of kidnapping me and my son...and using us both as guinea pigs..." She stumbled and gripped a nearby table, "So now...I'm going...to kill you."
Namie clenched her jaw and grabbed a scalpel off a table. "Just be a good girl and go sit down."
"What did you inject into my son?" Ayane hissed. She still felt like she would melt into a puddle of goo if she didn't keep herself stable, but that didn't stop her from turning into a protective mama bear
"You wouldn't understand even if I expos fed in great detail, so it doesn't matter." She said, looking more and more nervous by the second.

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